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Subject: Transition between the early 2010's and the mid 2010's

Written By: Tyrannosaurus Rex on 04/10/17 at 3:26 pm

Which things did you think finally brought us to the mid 2010's?

Events for reference
Pope Francis becoming pope
Boston Marathon Bombing
Inception of Black Lives Matter
Crimean Crisis
Ebola epidemic
Rise of ISIS
Malaysian Airlines incident
Elliot Rodger's Rampage
Hillary Clinton's e-mail
Charleston Church Shooting/Confederate Flag Controversy
Gay Marriage Legalization

Subject: Re: Transition between the early 2010's and the mid 2010's

Written By: Baltimoreian on 04/10/17 at 3:30 pm

All of those you mentioned are how we got into the mid 2010s.

Subject: Re: Transition between the early 2010's and the mid 2010's

Written By: Tyrannosaurus Rex on 04/10/17 at 3:34 pm

All of those you mentioned are how we got into the mid 2010s.

What I was trying to say is "which event brought the most impact when it came to the early/mid 2010's transition".

Subject: Re: Transition between the early 2010's and the mid 2010's

Written By: Zelek3 on 04/10/17 at 3:38 pm


Subject: Re: Transition between the early 2010's and the mid 2010's

Written By: TheReignMan99 on 04/10/17 at 3:51 pm

Which things did you think finally brought us to the mid 2010's?

Events for reference
Pope Francis becoming pope
Boston Marathon Bombing
Inception of Black Lives Matter
Crimean Crisis
Ebola epidemic
Rise of ISIS
Malaysian Airlines incident
Elliot Rodger's Rampage
Hillary Clinton's e-mail
Charleston Church Shooting/Confederate Flag Controversy
Gay Marriage Legalization

I feel that the Boston Marathon Bombing officially brought us into the mid 2010s even though I generally consider years ending with a "3" to be apart of the early years of a decade.

Subject: Re: Transition between the early 2010's and the mid 2010's

Written By: Baltimoreian on 04/10/17 at 3:52 pm

What I was trying to say is "which event brought the most impact when it came to the early/mid 2010's transition".

Well, the most important things you mentioned were the rise of ISIS and the inception of Black Lives Matter.

Subject: Re: Transition between the early 2010's and the mid 2010's

Written By: wixness on 04/10/17 at 4:03 pm

The death of emo, really the end of emo being something cool to aspire for, marked the start of the mid 2010s.

Subject: Re: Transition between the early 2010's and the mid 2010's

Written By: Baltimoreian on 04/10/17 at 4:04 pm

The death of emo, really the end of emo being something cool to aspire for, marked the start of the mid 2010s.

But I don't think emo was that relevant when the early 2010s started. Emo was last relevant around 2008/2009.

Subject: Re: Transition between the early 2010's and the mid 2010's

Written By: 2001 on 04/10/17 at 4:32 pm

Da da da DA DA DA DA Do the Harlem Shake!!

Either that or Wrecking Ball.

Subject: Re: Transition between the early 2010's and the mid 2010's

Written By: ArcticFox on 04/10/17 at 4:57 pm

Politically speaking, the rise of ISIS without a doubt.

Subject: Re: Transition between the early 2010's and the mid 2010's

Written By: Emman on 04/10/17 at 6:38 pm

Politically speaking, the rise of ISIS without a doubt.

And the migrant crisis.

Subject: Re: Transition between the early 2010's and the mid 2010's

Written By: #Infinity on 04/10/17 at 6:44 pm

* George Zimmerman Decision
* College Rape Culture Controversies (everybody began talking about this in spring 2013)
* Netflix Originals debut with iconic shows like Orange Is the New Black and House of Cards, beginning the shift towards studio-produced subscription service shows as the dominant form of people's pastimes
* Gay Marriage triumphs in the United States Supreme Court (June 26, 2013)
* Frozen hits theaters
* Singers like Ariana Grande and Lorde become popular
* Trap starts to gradually displace uptempo dance music (this transition wouldn't be complete until about the beginning of 2016)
* The unemployment rate is no longer horrible, albeit not perfect, either
* The start of the eighth generation of gaming, in full force with the launches of the PS4 and XBOX One
* Undercuts and side buzzes give 2010s a more obvious fashion style

The transition took place mainly during the year 2013, perhaps expanding both slightly before and beyond.

Subject: Re: Transition between the early 2010's and the mid 2010's

Written By: TheReignMan99 on 04/10/17 at 6:49 pm

* George Zimmerman Decision
* College Rape Culture Controversies (everybody began talking about this in spring 2013)
* Netflix Originals debut with iconic shows like Orange Is the New Black and House of Cards, beginning the shift towards studio-produced subscription service shows as the dominant form of people's pastimes
* Gay Marriage triumphs in the United States Supreme Court (June 26, 2013)
* Frozen hits theaters
* Singers like Ariana Grande and Lorde become popular
* Trap starts to gradually displace uptempo dance music (this transition wouldn't be complete until about the beginning of 2016)
* The unemployment rate is no longer horrible, albeit not perfect, either
* The start of the eighth generation of gaming, in full force with the launches of the PS4 and XBOX One
* Undercuts and side buzzes give 2010s a more obvious fashion style

The transition took place mainly during the year 2013, perhaps expanding both slightly before and beyond.

I wouldn't say the 8th gen of video games were in full force in 2013....more like 2015 and 2016. However, everything else you said was solid. 2013 was the year where the early 2010s transitioned into the mid 2010s.

Subject: Re: Transition between the early 2010's and the mid 2010's

Written By: ZeldaFan20 on 04/10/17 at 10:03 pm

Pretty much around Fall of 2013 was when we were starting to transition into the mid 2010's. By then you already had the controversial Zimmerman verdict & BLM was incepted, the release of the first hit Netflix show Orange Is The New Black which helped pave a way to a new form of entertainment, the launch of the 8th generation consoles like PS4 & Xbox One, the release of Frozen igniting the 'Frozenmania' trend of the mid 10's, the popularization of EDM with songs like 'Turn Down For What' & modern Teen Pop with songs like 'Royals', etc.

Anecdotal, but I notice fashion also started to change where I lived in the North East during this time. During my freshman-junior years of high school (the epitome of the early 10's) I remember name brands (while declining from their 2000's zeitgeist) were still relatively popular. Various subcultures like scene (to a lesser extent emo), skater, punk, indie, 2000's era Prep, Urban, etc. were still relevant. Neon colors were big, be it T-Shirts or jeans, and of course those gaudy Ed Hardy shirts. However, around senior year the fashion suddenly changed and everybody all started to dress rather homogeneously.
There were little to no sub cultures anymore in high school and it seemed people were either imitating the hipster trend or the modern trap rap style Urban trend, or heck even a mixture of both.

This has kind of been the status quo for fashion for the last few years now, just now is that the more gaudy 90's throwback styles are starting to fade away.

Anyways, sorry on going off a tangent but I'd say 2013 sounds about right (especially the Late part).

Subject: Re: Transition between the early 2010's and the mid 2010's

Written By: 2001 on 04/10/17 at 10:10 pm

And the migrant crisis.

That was mid-2015 though. Unless you're talking about the Lampedusa one, I think that was late 2011?

God, the migrant crisis makes my head hurt just thinking about it.

It's the elephant in the room for Europe. I hope it gets resolved soon.

I'll just say the issue of retrograde cultures mingling with modern culture is far more complex than either the alt-right or liberals have made it out to be. I'll stop there before I invoke flame wars. :-X

"Retrograde"... Wow. You know, you may make crocodile tears posts about "racial and political tensions" and how "everyone on the Internet is so mean" every now and then, but I've seen enough of your Trumpophile, "anti-SJW" and "cuck" posts to see your true colours, Zelek. Turn off 4chan, and pick up a book.

Subject: Re: Transition between the early 2010's and the mid 2010's

Written By: BornIn86 on 04/10/17 at 10:43 pm

Which things did you think finally brought us to the mid 2010's?

Events for reference

Pope Francis becoming pope: I'm positive the sexual abuse scandal had near everything to do with his ascent. The church took quite a beating. Half of American Catholics left the Church and young people aren't warming up to them.

Inception of Black Lives Matter: The George Zimmerman and Darren Wilson verdicts.

Ebola epidemic: Bad meat

Rise of ISIS: The U.S. invasion of Iraq.

Elliot Rodger's Rampage: Mental illness and toxic masculinity culture

Hillary Clinton's e-mail: I'm not super familiar with this controversy but from what I understand, while Hillary won the battle against the Benghazi hearings, the Benghazi hearings won the war. Basically, every Secretary of State from Colin Powell to Hillary Clinton did the wrong thing...Hillary is just the first to get in trouble for it.

Charleston Church Shooting/Confederate Flag Controversy: (Trigger Warning for Lost Causers) many in the south are still trying to reconcile their belief in racial equality with their pride in the antebellum south. The antebellum south was merely a racially based, fun house mirror image of European feudalism full of impoverished whites who's most cherished solace was knowing that no matter how unintelligent, poor, or weak they least they are above the Africans. There's a mountain of evidence that proves the slaveholding states went to war in order to protect such society but since the north was so desperate to unite the nation, allowing the south to make up its own reasons behind the war was a concession. Since around the 90s or 00s, the majority of southern whites have accepted, at least on a superficial level, that Africans are equal to Europeans on a biological level but inferior on a cultural level and racism is wrong.

tl;dr: Dylann Roof is a racist PoS murderer who liked his Confederate flags. Plus...he had multiple mental illnesses and a pretty crappy childhood. And he had easy access to guns. The murders reignited black American passions against a flag that at its core represents the belief that blacks are inferior to whites and are better off enslaved. Many people, mostly whites, delude themselves into thinking the flag mostly represents something else.

Gay Marriage Legalization: Prop 8 inspired activism across the nation and led to a domino effect of states striking down their marriage bans and legalizing marriage. Also, federal judges began ruling against DOMA.

Subject: Re: Transition between the early 2010's and the mid 2010's

Written By: bchris02 on 04/10/17 at 11:38 pm

* George Zimmerman Decision
* College Rape Culture Controversies (everybody began talking about this in spring 2013)
* Netflix Originals debut with iconic shows like Orange Is the New Black and House of Cards, beginning the shift towards studio-produced subscription service shows as the dominant form of people's pastimes
* Gay Marriage triumphs in the United States Supreme Court (June 26, 2013)
* Frozen hits theaters
* Singers like Ariana Grande and Lorde become popular
* Trap starts to gradually displace uptempo dance music (this transition wouldn't be complete until about the beginning of 2016)
* The unemployment rate is no longer horrible, albeit not perfect, either
* The start of the eighth generation of gaming, in full force with the launches of the PS4 and XBOX One
* Undercuts and side buzzes give 2010s a more obvious fashion style

The transition took place mainly during the year 2013, perhaps expanding both slightly before and beyond.

I completely agree with this.

The political events of 2013, heavily favoring the left, brought in the SJW and alt-right culture that culminated in Trump's election.  Trump is going to be the late '10s President, but he's a product of the mid '10s.  He ran in 2012 and nobody took him seriously, and that was because the SJW and alt-right divide had not yet reached a boiling point.

Subject: Re: Transition between the early 2010's and the mid 2010's

Written By: Slim95 on 04/10/17 at 11:50 pm

So many gradual changes happened in the mid 2010s that it is difficult to say just one event. All from 2013 - 2017 we've been having slow, gradual, yet significant changes. It started with pop culture in 2013 and the the official start of the mid 2010s pop culturally was late 2013 (release of Frozen, slightly new sound in music, no more bright coloured clothes, etc.) Then socially you've seen changes in the mid 10s come in mid to late 2014 with the Furgason police shooting and the divide between the right and the left started happening. Then economically early 2015 we were officially in a recession. In 2015 the new Star Wars trilogy started. Mid 2015 in my province a brand new government got elected and late 2015 Justin Trudeau got elected as the new PM. So 2015 - 2016 were big years politically along with the campaign and Donald Trump getting elected in 2016, and Brexit happening in 2016 as well. 2016 was also a crazy year for world events as there were so many tragedies from terrorist attacks happening that year and further political division. 2016 also started the dancehall music trend and really popularized EDM thanks to the Chainsmokers. Now we're in 2017 and who knows what is gonna come next, so far its been a very calm and stable year especially compared to the craziness of 2016. So all of these little changes a part of the mid 10s. The mid 10s have been fairly consistent technologically and pop culturally but crazy and unstable politically and socially. I think it's time for the reverse to happen in the late 10s, have many changes technologically and pop culturally and ease down on the political tension.

From my perspective as a Canadian, because many changes happened economically and politically in my country, there are kind of like 2 mid 10s. Part 1 is late 2013 to early 2015, and part 2 is early 2015 to present.

Subject: Re: Transition between the early 2010's and the mid 2010's

Written By: Zelek3 on 04/10/17 at 11:54 pm

"Retrograde"... Wow. You know, you may make crocodile tears posts about "racial and political tensions" and how "everyone on the Internet is so mean" every now and then, but I've seen enough of your Trumpophile, "anti-SJW" and "cuck" posts to see your true colours, Zelek. Turn off 4chan, and pick up a book.

Those were jokes. I may sh*tpost sometimes in the alt-right style, but i assure you I'm not an alt-righter. In fact I hate them quite a bit.

I have removed my post because, I'll admit, it's a touchy subject, and I think I was perhaps insensitive or in the wrong.

Subject: Re: Transition between the early 2010's and the mid 2010's

Written By: bchris02 on 04/11/17 at 12:13 am

So many gradual changes happened in the mid 2010s that it is difficult to say just one event. All from 2013 - 2017 we've been having slow, gradual, yet significant changes. It started with pop culture in 2013 and the the official start of the mid 2010s pop culturally was late 2013 (release of Frozen, slightly new sound in music, no more bright coloured clothes, etc.) Then socially you've seen changes in the mid 10s come in mid to late 2014 with the Furgason police shooting and the divide between the right and the left started happening. Then economically early 2015 we were officially in a recession. In 2015 the new Star Wars trilogy started. Mid 2015 in my province a brand new government got elected and late 2015 Justin Trudeau got elected as the new PM. So 2015 - 2016 were big years politically along with the campaign and Donald Trump getting elected in 2016, and Brexit happening in 2016 as well. 2016 was also a crazy year for world events as there were so many tragedies from terrorist attacks happening that year and further political division. 2016 also started the dancehall music trend and really popularized EDM thanks to the Chainsmokers. Now we're in 2017 and who knows what is gonna come next, so far its been a very calm and stable year especially compared to the craziness of 2016. So all of these little changes a part of the mid 10s. The mid 10s have been fairly consistent technologically and pop culturally but crazy and unstable politically and socially. I think it's time for the reverse to happen in the late 10s, have many changes technologically and pop culturally and ease down on the political tension.

From my perspective as a Canadian, because many changes happened economically and politically in my country, there are kind of like 2 mid 10s. Part 1 is late 2013 to early 2015, and part 2 is early 2015 to present.

Yeah.  Pop culturally I agree with most of this stuff, except for the Chainsmokers go back as far as 2014.  However, the U.S. perspective on political and social issues is different.  There wasn't a 2015 recession in the U.S.  In fact, 2015 was the year that first the first time since 2007, the economy actually felt like it wasn't that bad.  Politically, 2013 was the start of the buildup that culminated in Donald Trump's election.  With Trump at the helm, I don't see political tension easing at all in the latter part of the decade.  That's something we may have to wait until the 2020s for.  I think 2020 is the perfect chance in the U.S. for a candidate to run that will unite the left, the center, and the center right, putting an end to the '10s political culture.

Subject: Re: Transition between the early 2010's and the mid 2010's

Written By: Slim95 on 04/11/17 at 12:22 am

Yeah.  Pop culturally I agree with most of this stuff, except for the Chainsmokers go back as far as 2014.

The Selfie song did not begin their constant radio play and popularity. 2016 did with their constant hits, Roses, Don't Let Me Down, Closer, etc. The distinct EDM sound we hear now started last year.

Subject: Re: Transition between the early 2010's and the mid 2010's

Written By: the2001 on 04/11/17 at 10:30 am

So many gradual changes happened in the mid 2010s that it is difficult to say just one event. All from 2013 - 2017 we've been having slow, gradual, yet significant changes. It started with pop culture in 2013 and the the official start of the mid 2010s pop culturally was late 2013 (release of Frozen, slightly new sound in music, no more bright coloured clothes, etc.) Then socially you've seen changes in the mid 10s come in mid to late 2014 with the Furgason police shooting and the divide between the right and the left started happening. Then economically early 2015 we were officially in a recession. In 2015 the new Star Wars trilogy started. Mid 2015 in my province a brand new government got elected and late 2015 Justin Trudeau got elected as the new PM. So 2015 - 2016 were big years politically along with the campaign and Donald Trump getting elected in 2016, and Brexit happening in 2016 as well. 2016 was also a crazy year for world events as there were so many tragedies from terrorist attacks happening that year and further political division. 2016 also started the dancehall music trend and really popularized EDM thanks to the Chainsmokers. Now we're in 2017 and who knows what is gonna come next, so far its been a very calm and stable year especially compared to the craziness of 2016. So all of these little changes a part of the mid 10s. The mid 10s have been fairly consistent technologically and pop culturally but crazy and unstable politically and socially. I think it's time for the reverse to happen in the late 10s, have many changes technologically and pop culturally and ease down on the political tension.

From my perspective as a Canadian, because many changes happened economically and politically in my country, there are kind of like 2 mid 10s. Part 1 is late 2013 to early 2015, and part 2 is early 2015 to present.

that sucks you had a recession in 2015

Subject: Re: Transition between the early 2010's and the mid 2010's

Written By: Slim95 on 04/11/17 at 10:38 am

that sucks you had a recession in 2015

Yeah it does. Here where I live we still feel the effects of it. I'm surprised the falling low prices haven't affected the U.S. and other parts of the world in 2015. I guess here oil is a very important resource.

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