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Subject: Let's predict what the late 10's early 20's will be like?

Written By: kairosan on 09/18/12 at 9:27 am

I'm curious to wonder what will be big or hip in the late 2010's or early 2020's? I mean I believe it will indeed be a very different time for all of us.

Music of late 2010-early 2020's

Maybe by 2020 Korean/j-pop style music will be popular. You may have 20 girls in one group for music in the west...she- males and women- hes could be the new sex idols of entertainment. But there will also be a more dark undertone to entertainment due to people starving in the streets and daily riots and suicides.

Daily lives

Life around this time could be scary. Nations will be living under the U.N and there will be checkpoints at malls, bus stations and in neighborhoods like in Iraq only in Eroupe and In The states.
In America, everyone could have social health care of some kind invoulteerly and will have an RFID as a National ID to determine if ur a world citizen or if ur a domestic terrorist. No one will go to church either.

Millions of people will disappear and several families will be confused and wonder why. It will be all over the news. Also America will be call the North American Union after that terrible economic collapse mid part of the decade.

This is my interpretation of course. What do u think will happen?

Subject: Re: Let's predict what the late 10's early 20's will be like?

Written By: ExtremeMan8 on 09/19/12 at 9:25 pm

Late 10's/early 20s will be VERY different from now. Every decade there are more changes and improvements in technologies and it's rapidly changing. I actually believe music by then will all be electronic, robotic and artificial. Instead of J-Pop, I think Vocoder will hit the U.S. and become the dominant, mainstream type of music. There will be holographic artists as well. Hastune Mika will make a big impact in the U.S. by the mid/late 10's even I believe. Classical Hip Hop will also make a comeback. 2000s will be very nostalgic at that time and '00 kids in their 20s will be wishing to go back. 90s will be retro. 80s will be OLD. Windows 10 will be on majority of PC's. Everything ill be much more technological and the Internet will grow even more rapidly.

Subject: Re: Let's predict what the late 10's early 20's will be like?

Written By: belmont22 on 09/19/12 at 10:27 pm

I take it you listen to Alex Jones?

Subject: Re: Let's predict what the late 10's early 20's will be like?

Written By: thenewtattoo on 09/20/12 at 12:45 am

I take it you listen to Alex Jones?


Subject: Re: Let's predict what the late 10's early 20's will be like?

Written By: batfan2005 on 09/20/12 at 1:49 am

I predict that we will have a GOP extremist president elected in 2016 (since people want the opposite after 8 years of Obama). He will use lies and scare tactics, and promise freedom to get elected, only to turn America into a police state.

Subject: Re: Let's predict what the late 10's early 20's will be like?

Written By: Jquar on 09/20/12 at 2:53 am

I predict that we will have a GOP extremist president elected in 2016 (since people want the opposite after 8 years of Obama). He will use lies and scare tactics, and promise freedom to get elected, only to turn America into a police state.

Not to get all political, but I would say Obama has done a good job of turning our country into a police state already. Bush definitely helped too.

Subject: Re: Let's predict what the late 10's early 20's will be like?

Written By: Howard on 09/20/12 at 7:07 am

I predict Mayor Bloomberg will leave office cause people are tired of his "nanny government".

The music scene will be dominated by Carly Ray Jepsen, Lady Gaga, Nicki Minaj and Katy Perry.

more reality televison will continue to dominate the tubes.

Subject: Re: Let's predict what the late 10's early 20's will be like?

Written By: ExtremeMan8 on 09/20/12 at 3:08 pm

The music scene will be dominated by Carly Ray Jepsen, Lady Gaga, Nicki Minaj and Katy Perry.

I highly doubt they will still be around the late 10's. They will be in their late 30's by then.....

Subject: Re: Let's predict what the late 10's early 20's will be like?

Written By: Howard on 09/20/12 at 3:31 pm

I wonder what the weather will be like?

Subject: Re: Let's predict what the late 10's early 20's will be like?

Written By: ExtremeMan8 on 09/21/12 at 12:13 am

I wonder what the weather will be like?

Weather will be the same. Maybe increase by half a degree overall but the global temperature will naturally get warmer as we move into the future.

Subject: Re: Let's predict what the late 10's early 20's will be like?

Written By: Inlandsvägen1986 on 09/21/12 at 2:23 am

I will be in my 30's.

Subject: Re: Let's predict what the late 10's early 20's will be like?

Written By: Henk on 09/21/12 at 2:57 am

I highly doubt they will still be around the late 10's. They will be in their late 30's by then.....

That never stopped Madonna.

...Although I'm really not looking forward to seeing Nicki Minaj in her 30s. :-\\

Anyway, my predictions..? The only prediction I wager to make is that the future is unpredictable. Which isn't much of a prediction.

Subject: Re: Let's predict what the late 10's early 20's will be like?

Written By: Howard on 09/21/12 at 7:18 am

Weather will be the same. Maybe increase by half a degree overall but the global temperature will naturally get warmer as we move into the future.

Weather all around the world has been very crazy from tornadoes to 3 feet of snow to thunder and lightning and extreme temperatures in the 100's.

Subject: Re: Let's predict what the late 10's early 20's will be like?

Written By: ExtremeMan8 on 09/21/12 at 9:20 pm

Weather all around the world has been very crazy from tornadoes to 3 feet of snow to thunder and lightning and extreme temperatures in the 100's.

Yes, You'd think it's global warming because of human impact, but it's not. The truth is we are actually coming out of an Ice Age. The fact is that CO2 lags behind temperature for 800 years, so human impact is not affecting the temperature. It's really the natural cycle of the earth. The truth is the earth will be getting warmer and warmer these next few years. Unusual weather in general will continue to grow like extreme lightning and tornadoes in the next few years as well.

Subject: Re: Let's predict what the late 10's early 20's will be like?

Written By: belmont22 on 09/21/12 at 11:59 pm

I highly doubt they will still be around the late 10's. They will be in their late 30's by then.....

No they won't. Katy will be 34 and Carly and Gaga will be about 32 in 2018.

Subject: Re: Let's predict what the late 10's early 20's will be like?

Written By: ExtremeMan8 on 09/22/12 at 12:45 am

No they won't. Katy will be 34 and Carly and Gaga will be about 32 in 2018.

By the early 20's Katy will be well into her late 30's. And, most popular pop stars are usually pop artists who are popular are usually in their early to mid 20's. I know they can be popular still, but I just don't see it. They are just a fad in pop culture today. That's it. If we are talking about Britney Spears or Eminem, that's another story because they are "legends." (Not saying Britney fits the category, but she has been the most famous celebrity to date) They will be the ones who are still famous and remembered in the future, even throughout their 50's just like Madonna because they are influential in time and they will be remembered in the future. I don't think you can compare Carly and Katy who are simply fads of today's pop culture and are geared towards teens. Same as Justin Beiber. Remember Aaron Carter? No matter how good you think an artist is or how popular they are today, it does not mean that they will stick around in the future......

Subject: Re: Let's predict what the late 10's early 20's will be like?

Written By: belmont22 on 09/22/12 at 4:27 am

By the early 20's Katy will be well into her late 30's. And, most popular pop stars are usually pop artists who are popular are usually in their early to mid 20's. I know they can be popular still, but I just don't see it. They are just a fad in pop culture today. That's it. If we are talking about Britney Spears or Eminem, that's another story because they are "legends." (Not saying Britney fits the category, but she has been the most famous celebrity to date) They will be the ones who are still famous and remembered in the future, even throughout their 50's just like Madonna because they are influential in time and they will be remembered in the future. I don't think you can compare Carly and Katy who are simply fads of today's pop culture and are geared towards teens. Same as Justin Beiber. Remember Aaron Carter? No matter how good you think an artist is or how popular they are today, it does not mean that they will stick around in the future......

Oh you said late 10's. You're right that by the early 20's, tragically they will be in their late 30s. That's a very scary thought, especially realizing that I won't be too far behind, I'll be pretty much 40 by the time the next decade is over!

Subject: Re: Let's predict what the late 10's early 20's will be like?

Written By: belmont22 on 09/22/12 at 4:29 am

I do think people including myself are getting sick of Katy (never liked her much tbh) but keep in mind "I Kissed A Girl" will be 5 years old next year! I don't think you can call someone who's had many #1 hits over a period of nearly a half decade a 'fad'. Carly Rae I think will probably be successful until about maybe 2016 or so and then will decline, she might be 'old' by today's cultural standard  ::) but she's extremely pretty, I find her a lot prettier than Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez, etc, lmao even they are probably considered 'old' now since they're 20.  ;D

Subject: Re: Let's predict what the late 10's early 20's will be like?

Written By: Creeder on 09/22/12 at 1:09 pm

I do think people including myself are getting sick of Katy (never liked her much tbh)

But she is the most beautiful woman that ever lived. And her music is so catchy it hurts. :o

Subject: Re: Let's predict what the late 10's early 20's will be like?

Written By: ExtremeMan8 on 09/22/12 at 1:15 pm

I just hope today's pop culture trend doesn't continue. I don't know why but I just can't stand it. I never used to mind pop culture before. In fact, I wish the mid 00's culture came back. All the songs sound the same and fashion is plain. Music this year is not looking promising. It's non-stop electropop and autotune on the radio and it's getting really old. I just hate today's pop culture. Maybe it's because I'm growing up.  :-\\

Subject: Re: Let's predict what the late 10's early 20's will be like?

Written By: Inlandsvägen1986 on 09/22/12 at 1:56 pm

I just hate today's pop culture.

I think we have a pop culture which is at least a bit more distinctive than the previous ones (since the 90's).
And that's quite positive.

Subject: Re: Let's predict what the late 10's early 20's will be like?

Written By: ExtremeMan8 on 09/22/12 at 2:01 pm

I think we have a pop culture which is at least a bit more distinctive than the previous ones (since the 90's).
And that's quite positive.

I still don't like it.  >:(

Subject: Re: Let's predict what the late 10's early 20's will be like?

Written By: Howard on 09/22/12 at 3:43 pm

No they won't. Katy will be 34 and Carly and Gaga will be about 32 in 2018.

probably by that time we'll see them in either Playboy or Penthouse or probably even in a porn film.  ::)

Subject: Re: Let's predict what the late 10's early 20's will be like?

Written By: Howard on 09/22/12 at 3:44 pm

I just hope today's pop culture trend doesn't continue. I don't know why but I just can't stand it. I never used to mind pop culture before. In fact, I wish the mid 00's culture came back. All the songs sound the same and fashion is plain. Music this year is not looking promising. It's non-stop electropop and autotune on the radio and it's getting really old. I just hate today's pop culture. Maybe it's because I'm growing up.  :-\\

Then why don't you listen to the oldies station?  ???

Subject: Re: Let's predict what the late 10's early 20's will be like?

Written By: 80sfan on 09/24/12 at 12:20 am

Katy Perry and Rihanna need to go away at least for 3 years..... NOW!
Seriously, they are soooo overexposed!

Subject: Re: Let's predict what the late 10's early 20's will be like?

Written By: Howard on 09/24/12 at 7:03 am

Katy Perry and Rihanna need to go away at least for 3 years..... NOW!
Seriously, they are soooo overexposed!

and come back in 2015 when they're good and ready.

Subject: Re: Let's predict what the late 10's early 20's will be like?

Written By: Creeder on 09/24/12 at 9:35 am

and come back in 2015 when they're good and ready.

Please just Katy Perry, Rihanna is bad.

Subject: Re: Let's predict what the late 10's early 20's will be like?

Written By: tnf on 09/24/12 at 10:36 am

Then why don't you listen to the oldies station?  ???

Some people have to listen to all that autotunes crap at work.  :-\\

I hate it too, and listen to other music at home. But when you go outside, it's impossible to escape from it.

Subject: Re: Let's predict what the late 10's early 20's will be like?

Written By: thenewtattoo on 09/24/12 at 11:08 pm

Some people have to listen to all that autotunes crap at work.  :-\\

I hate it too, and listen to other music at home. But when you go outside, it's impossible to escape from it.

because dance pop is ending

Subject: Re: Let's predict what the late 10's early 20's will be like?

Written By: ExtremeMan8 on 09/25/12 at 12:08 am

Then why don't you listen to the oldies station?  ???

It's hard to escape. I need music at my work to help keep me going and the only station that works and has a signal is the Mainstream Top 40 radio station.  8-P I listen to other music at home though. 80's oldies aren't my style though.  :P

Subject: Re: Let's predict what the late 10's early 20's will be like?

Written By: Howard on 09/25/12 at 7:01 am

It's hard to escape. I need music at my work to help keep me going and the only station that works and has a signal is the Mainstream Top 40 radio station.  8-P I listen to other music at home though. 80's oldies aren't my style though.  :P

I love the oldies stations that's better than the crap is out today.

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