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Subject: Tupac Shakur Makes Appearance At Coachella

Written By: gumbypiz on 04/16/12 at 12:13 pm

Yes, he is deadl...or is he?  ???

Seems he made an appearance with Dr. Dre at the Coachella Festival.

Check it out here.

I wonder if this is the start of a trend, are we going to be seeing old dead pop/rock/rap stars showing up on stage?...

Subject: Re: Tupac Shakur Makes Appearance At Coachella

Written By: whistledog on 04/16/12 at 12:26 pm

Elvis runs a bait and tackle shop in Ohio.  Dead celebrities have been around for years

Subject: Re: Tupac Shakur Makes Appearance At Coachella

Written By: Howard on 04/16/12 at 1:47 pm

You know Gumby I'm guessing that's some sort of fake computer software thing they use to make it look like it's him on stage.

Subject: Re: Tupac Shakur Makes Appearance At Coachella

Written By: kairosan on 04/16/12 at 3:58 pm

Its a hologram of him. This iss the future of concerts

Subject: Re: Tupac Shakur Makes Appearance At Coachella

Written By: gumbypiz on 04/16/12 at 4:26 pm

You know Gumby I'm guessing that's some sort of fake computer software thing they use to make it look like it's him on stage.

You're right, just a hologram...for now.

But as technology for holograms gets better (and it will get better) what does that say about the future of concerts and concert performers? Will we have multiple concerts at multiple venues at the same time by the same performer in the future?
Do we really need to have live performances by real living or alive performers at concerts anymore?

This opens up a whole new kettle of possiblities.

Can you imagine seeing living (and dead) rock stars on stage at a hologram concert stage near you? Just as realistic looking as if they were alive, with real time reactions and movements. Would there be a need for live performances anymore?

Imagine (for lack of a bad pun) seeing John Lennon play Madison Square Garden & at the same time, just as if he were actually alive.
I bet it will happen...soon enough.

Subject: Re: Tupac Shakur Makes Appearance At Coachella

Written By: Ashkicksass on 04/16/12 at 5:27 pm

Don't get me wrong - the technology is incredible - but I think it's creepy as hell. 

Subject: Re: Tupac Shakur Makes Appearance At Coachella

Written By: LyricBoy on 04/16/12 at 6:01 pm

With this technology, they could start to "film" porn flicks with computer-generated versions of the classic porn stars like Linda Lovelace, Marilyn Chambers, and Johnny Wadd.  :P

Subject: Re: Tupac Shakur Makes Appearance At Coachella

Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 04/16/12 at 6:30 pm

You're right, just a hologram...for now.

But as technology for holograms gets better (and it will get better) what does that say about the future of concerts and concert performers? Will we have multiple concerts at multiple venues at the same time by the same performer in the future?
Do we really need to have live performances by real living or alive performers at concerts anymore?

This opens up a whole new kettle of possiblities.

Can you imagine seeing living (and dead) rock stars on stage at a hologram concert stage near you? Just as realistic looking as if they were alive, with real time reactions and movements. Would there be a need for live performances anymore?

Imagine (for lack of a bad pun) seeing John Lennon play Madison Square Garden & at the same time, just as if he were actually alive.
I bet it will happen...soon enough.

You're right, the possibilities are mindblowing.

What they ought to do is make holographic images of all the dead US presidents and animate them and then, using educated guesses, program them to where their physical strength and toughness matches up with their personalities (kind of like they did in Rocky 5 or 6 or whichever one they did that in). Once this is done, they would alll be put in a mixed martial arts tournament (using a bracket system like the NCAA basketball tournament) and then just let them go at it until 2 are left standing.

My money would be on Teddy Roosevelt.  ;)

Subject: Re: Tupac Shakur Makes Appearance At Coachella

Written By: Jessica on 04/16/12 at 7:36 pm

Don't get me wrong - the technology is incredible - but I think it's creepy as hell. 


Subject: Re: Tupac Shakur Makes Appearance At Coachella

Written By: snozberries on 04/16/12 at 11:05 pm

Elvis and Celine (poor Elvis) singing at American Idol charity something or other a couple years ago...

Natalie Cole's "duet" with her dead daddy

Janet with Michael at the VMA's after he died..... this is the closet I came to crying for that bastard....actually I shed about 4 tears....all for janet...

Subject: Re: Tupac Shakur Makes Appearance At Coachella

Written By: Howard on 04/17/12 at 6:40 am

Its a hologram of him. This iss the future of concerts

I think it's cool, makes you think that the person is there.

Subject: Re: Tupac Shakur Makes Appearance At Coachella

Written By: Howard on 04/17/12 at 6:42 am

Imagine (for lack of a bad pun) seeing John Lennon play Madison Square Garden & at the same time, just as if he were actually alive.
I bet it will happen...soon enough.

You know that could very well happen, all the old school fans who grew up listening to John Lennon would enjoy it.

Subject: Re: Tupac Shakur Makes Appearance At Coachella

Written By: Howard on 04/17/12 at 6:43 am

With this technology, they could start to "film" porn flicks with computer-generated versions of the classic porn stars like Linda Lovelace, Marilyn Chambers, and Johnny Wadd.  :P

I'd pay to see that.

Subject: Re: Tupac Shakur Makes Appearance At Coachella

Written By: Howard on 04/17/12 at 6:48 am

Wow superstar holograms are interesting but man it's so creepy to be thinking that person is there but they're not. :o

Subject: Re: Tupac Shakur Makes Appearance At Coachella

Written By: Jessica on 04/17/12 at 1:39 pm

I love the internet.

Subject: Re: Tupac Shakur Makes Appearance At Coachella

Written By: Ashkicksass on 04/17/12 at 2:00 pm

With this technology, they could start to "film" porn flicks with computer-generated versions of the classic porn stars like Linda Lovelace, Marilyn Chambers, and Johnny Wadd.  :P

Yes of course that's what you and your Conservative American Values would think of.  ::)

Subject: Re: Tupac Shakur Makes Appearance At Coachella

Written By: Ryan112390 on 04/17/12 at 2:40 pm

To me this is VERY creepy...Almost a defiling of the deceased, having their proverbial corpse 'perform' a concert...A dead image pretending to be real acting in front of an audience. It's creepy in an uncanny valley sort of way.

Think of how you'd feel if your dead relatives were brought back as holograms from old home movies...It'd be eerie.

Subject: Re: Tupac Shakur Makes Appearance At Coachella

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 04/17/12 at 5:51 pm

With this technology, they could start to "film" porn flicks with computer-generated versions of the classic porn stars like Linda Lovelace, Marilyn Chambers, and Johnny Wadd.  :P

With a little startup capital, you've got your ticket to fame and fortune!

Subject: Re: Tupac Shakur Makes Appearance At Coachella

Written By: Ashkicksass on 04/17/12 at 5:57 pm

To me this is VERY creepy...Almost a defiling of the deceased, having their proverbial corpse 'perform' a concert...A dead image pretending to be real acting in front of an audience. It's creepy in an uncanny valley sort of way.

Think of how you'd feel if your dead relatives were brought back as holograms from old home movies...It'd be eerie.


Subject: Re: Tupac Shakur Makes Appearance At Coachella

Written By: Howard on 04/17/12 at 7:12 pm

Yes of course that's what you and your Conservative American Values would think of.  ::)

But it's true.

Subject: Re: Tupac Shakur Makes Appearance At Coachella

Written By: Howard on 04/17/12 at 7:13 pm

To me this is VERY creepy...Almost a defiling of the deceased, having their proverbial corpse 'perform' a concert...A dead image pretending to be real acting in front of an audience. It's creepy in an uncanny valley sort of way.

Think of how you'd feel if your dead relatives were brought back as holograms from old home movies...It'd be eerie.

Yeah I know it would be creepy, problem is they can't talk back to you even if you say something to them.

Subject: Re: Tupac Shakur Makes Appearance At Coachella

Written By: LyricBoy on 04/17/12 at 8:10 pm

Yes of course that's what you and your Conservative American Values would think of.  ::)

Well of course.  We would not want people to see fake porn.

Subject: Re: Tupac Shakur Makes Appearance At Coachella

Written By: Howard on 04/18/12 at 6:49 am

Well of course.  We would not want people to see fake porn.

porn is fo' real fo' shizzle!

Subject: Re: Tupac Shakur Makes Appearance At Coachella

Written By: snozberries on 04/18/12 at 11:54 am

porn is fo' real fo' shizzle!

then why do they use actors and actresses.....scripts.....and editing.  ::)

Subject: Re: Tupac Shakur Makes Appearance At Coachella

Written By: Howard on 04/18/12 at 7:32 pm

then why do they use actors and actresses.....scripts.....and editing.  ::)

that's the porn business for ya!

Subject: Re: Tupac Shakur Makes Appearance At Coachella

Written By: Howard on 04/18/12 at 7:33 pm

I wonder if they can do a Dick Clark hologram for New Year's? ???

Subject: Re: Tupac Shakur Makes Appearance At Coachella

Written By: gumbypiz on 04/18/12 at 8:13 pm

I wonder if they can do a Dick Clark hologram for New Year's? ???

Too soon.

Subject: Re: Tupac Shakur Makes Appearance At Coachella

Written By: Foo Bar on 04/19/12 at 2:18 am

Think of how you'd feel if your dead relatives were brought back as holograms from old home movies...It'd be eerie.

Not just video, you'd need samples of actual conversation, writings, say, based on the deceased's corpus (heh) of emails and Facebook posts.

Carter: "Your relatives can come and have conversations with you... eeyuh."
Bryce: "Now that's where we start to run into some problems, Edison. You need billions of bits of memory, the kind we have here at Network 23, in order to duplicate just one personality."
Carter: "So... talking to your dead relative is like talking to... Teddy Ruxpin."
Bryce: "Yes."

Max Headroom, Deities, already covered it on Sept 25, 1987.

Back when a phrase like "billions of bits" implied thousands of floppy disks, not a 48-minute .mp4 of a 25-year-old TV series downloadable from any pirate source, the ficticious Vu-Age church made a nice call on Islam, Judaism, IBM, Scientology, the Catholics and the 700 Club - all still on the air, a quarter century later.  Blank is beautiful.

Since airing in 1987-1988, the central plot point of every Max Headroom episode has come true.  If you want to go 20 minutes into the future, you need to go 25 years into the past. 

Subject: Re: Tupac Shakur Makes Appearance At Coachella

Written By: LyricBoy on 04/19/12 at 6:53 am

With a little startup capital, you've got your ticket to fame and fortune!


A fellow high school classmate of mine has collected 4 Oscar Awards for computer animated graphics.  With his skills and my ideas, you may have something there Max.  ;D

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