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Subject: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: bchris02 on 08/10/10 at 1:13 pm

The '50s had Elvis, the '60s had the Beatles, the '80s had Madonna, the '00s had Eminem...and the '10s have Lady Gaga?  I seriously question whether Lady Gaga will have lasting cultural influence or whether she will be remembered as simply a gay icon.  She is by far most popular in the gay community, far moreso than the population at large.  What do people think?  Will her influence be lasting as the aforementioned artists or will she fall into the category of Cyndi Lauper and Cher...big in their own rights but far more remembered for their contribution to the gay community than any cultural influences they may have had.

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: 80sfan on 08/10/10 at 1:30 pm

The '50s had Elvis, the '60s had the Beatles, the '80s had Madonna, the '00s had Eminem...and the '10s have Lady Gaga?  I seriously question whether Lady Gaga will have lasting cultural influence or whether she will be remembered as simply a gay icon.  She is by far most popular in the gay community, far moreso than the population at large.  What do people think?  Will her influence be lasting as the aforementioned artists or will she fall into the category of Cyndi Lauper and Cher...big in their own rights but far more remembered for their contribution to the gay community than any cultural influences they may have had.

There are straight males out there who are fans of Lady Gaga. She is currently at her 'hey day' so even straight males will buy her records; though I think it still is kept on the downlow  ;D .

For example; I think in the 80's and early 90's Madonna's records were bought not just by preteen and teenage girls, but also by straight males. But I think by Madonna's 'Erotica' album and onward was when most of her record buyers were mostly from the gay community and females (young and old).

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: Emman on 08/10/10 at 1:59 pm

The '50s had Elvis, the '60s had the Beatles, the '80s had Madonna, the '00s had Eminem...and the '10s have Lady Gaga?  I seriously question whether Lady Gaga will have lasting cultural influence or whether she will be remembered as simply a gay icon.  She is by far most popular in the gay community, far moreso than the population at large.  What do people think?  Will her influence be lasting as the aforementioned artists or will she fall into the category of Cyndi Lauper and Cher...big in their own rights but far more remembered for their contribution to the gay community than any cultural influences they may have had.

Hey, hey, the 70's had Barry Manilow. ;D

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: Howard on 08/10/10 at 2:57 pm

Hey, hey, the 70's had Barry Manilow. ;D

and the 80's had Prince,Michael Jackson and Madonna.

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: 2015 on 08/10/10 at 7:38 pm

I don't think so. I just don't think she's original enough tbh. She screams "Fad" to me. But then again i know for a fact people said that about all the others you listed the first couple years they were out, so i could be proven wrong.

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: Brian06 on 08/10/10 at 7:49 pm

I love GaGa though I don't know how long she'll last, you never really know. She just got big a year and a half ago.

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: Brian06 on 08/10/10 at 8:00 pm

Anybody listen to her remix album yet? It's pretty awesome. I like this one of Bad Romance:

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: joeman on 08/10/10 at 8:36 pm

I think Lady Gaga makes good music and is very talented.  She also knows how to play the piano.  I am not that into her music, but I hope she does last for a while, as she does deserve her spotlight.

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: JTCool on 08/10/10 at 10:28 pm

The '50s had Elvis, the '60s had the Beatles, the '80s had Madonna, the '00s had Eminem...and the '10s have Lady Gaga? 

Then what'd the 90s have? haha  :D

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: Emman on 08/10/10 at 10:42 pm

Then what'd the 90s have? haha  :D

The Spice Girls ;D.

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: Howard on 08/11/10 at 6:45 am

Then what'd the 90s have? haha  :D

Michael Jackson's Dangerous CD?

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: Starde on 08/11/10 at 1:55 pm

I don't think so. I just don't think she's original enough tbh. She screams "Fad" to me. But then again i know for a fact people said that about all the others you listed the first couple years they were out, so i could be proven wrong.

I feel the same. I'm currently just not that impressed by her. Do I think she's talented? Yes. But original? Absolutely not.

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: Brian06 on 08/11/10 at 1:57 pm

I don't think so. I just don't think she's original enough tbh. She screams "Fad" to me. But then again i know for a fact people said that about all the others you listed the first couple years they were out, so i could be proven wrong.

Yeah Owl City ain't exactly original either.  ::)

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: joeman on 08/11/10 at 2:06 pm

The 90's had Boyz 2 Men.

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 08/11/10 at 2:21 pm

Yeah Owl City ain't exactly original either.  ::)

Bowel City!

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: Howard on 08/11/10 at 7:03 pm

I feel the same. I'm currently just not that impressed by her. Do I think she's talented? Yes. But original? Absolutely not.

Madonna was original and talented.

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: gibbo on 08/11/10 at 11:47 pm

Her influence will equal zero.   She hasn't got a musical style to influence budding musical artists. She does write catchy pop tunes though...but no real musical style of her own. She has to rely on gimmicks to set her apart from the other young sleazes pop singers.

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: Todd Pettingzoo on 08/12/10 at 6:11 am

The 90's had Nirvana and Mariah Carey.

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: Howard on 08/12/10 at 6:38 am

The 90's had Nirvana and Mariah Carey.

And gangsta rap.

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: tv on 08/12/10 at 8:14 am

The 90's had Nirvana and Mariah Carey.
Thank you todd!

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: tv on 08/12/10 at 8:41 am

The '50s had Elvis, the '60s had the Beatles, the '80s had Madonna, the '00s had Eminem...and the '10s have Lady Gaga?  I seriously question whether Lady Gaga will have lasting cultural influence or whether she will be remembered as simply a gay icon.  She is by far most popular in the gay community, far moreso than the population at large.  What do people think?  Will her influence be lasting as the aforementioned artists or will she fall into the category of Cyndi Lauper and Cher...big in their own rights but far more remembered for their contribution to the gay community than any cultural influences they may have had.
I respesct Lady GaGa's music and I am not gay. I like that song "Bad Romance" by her. As for the Cyndi Lauper comparison yes Lady GaGa could have a short run musically like Cyndi did(1983-1986/1987) or should could be like Mariah Carey and be popular for like a decade and a half.

BTW, interestingly enough Lady GaGa and Cyndi  are actually pretty close friends!

As for Cher thats different Cher had hit songs in like 4 consecutive musical decades I think so her string of popularity is different than Mariah, Madonna, or Cyndi Lauper.

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: Two Lost Souls on 09/01/10 at 9:14 pm

I feel the same. I'm currently just not that impressed by her. Do I think she's talented? Yes. But original? Absolutely not.

That's how I feel.  It's not really original when you're just Madonna 2.0, or how many other versions of Madonna there have been since the 80's.    Personally, I don't get the appeal of Lady Gaga at all.  All her songs just sound the same to me, no substance.  I'd be surprised if she's still around in 10 or 15 years.  I just don't see her getting to the icon/legend status.  There have been several people over the years who've had the success and attention she's currently recieving and those people are no longer around. 

But, of course, this is all my opinion.

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: joeman on 09/01/10 at 10:00 pm

I think she will be around for a while, but by default.  Clear Channel pretty much killed mainstream rock and rap, and here in Florida there are more and more electronic music being played.  Even if Gaga herself fades into obscurity, you have a bunch of young artists that are pretty much making the same music like Kesha, Adam Lambret, Brianna, etc..

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: 80sfan on 09/01/10 at 11:27 pm

Even though Madonna came out in 1982 with her first song "Everybody", she wasn't famous really until about Borderline or Lucky Star in 1984.

Gaga came out and became famous..... FAST!! I hope she doesn't burn out and fade away soon because I really like her!  :-\\

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/02/10 at 12:29 am

What is Donna Reed's cultural influence?

What is Lesley Gore's cultural influence?

I don't think she will be of great consequence!

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: Howard on 09/02/10 at 6:45 am

And this is supposed to be cultural influence?  ::)

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: tv on 09/02/10 at 9:39 am

And this is supposed to be cultural influence?  ::)
I think thats what they said about Madonna in 1983 or 1984!

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: Howard on 09/02/10 at 6:35 pm

I think thats what they said about Madonna in 1983 or 1984!

But Lady Gaga never starred in films.

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: bookmistress4ever on 09/02/10 at 6:49 pm

But Lady Gaga never starred in films.

Yet.  And her videos are kinda like mini-movies.

She's gonna be in my town tomorrow night.  Tickets sold out in like 20 minutes (and it's a freakin' hockey arena).  She's scheduled to come back thru town in February.  Again sold out quickly. 

I like some of her stuff, but she's a little too "out there" (odd/advente-garde) for my adoration.  Although my hubby and I did travel 500 miles (one way) too see her concrt in Illinois (which she cancel after the opening acts had already performed.)  >:(

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/02/10 at 10:41 pm

She's putting on a young girl burlesque act.  Those routines start looking funny after age 35.  Sorry folks, cute wears off. 

In a decade people will still love LG the way some people still love Tiffany.  That's where it's headed.

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: bchris02 on 09/04/10 at 7:53 pm

I am liking Lady Gaga less and less with each new single released.  Bad Romance at the end of 2009 was probably her biggest hit.  I really didn't like Telephone.  Alejando was decent but not as good as Just Dance, Poker Face, or Bad Romance.  Since then she has had a few singles that never took off like Teeth, Fashion, and Dance in the Dark.  The more time passes the more I see her fading into obscurity by 2013.

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: tv on 09/05/10 at 8:35 am

I am liking Lady Gaga less and less with each new single released.  Bad Romance at the end of 2009 was probably her biggest hit.  I really didn't like Telephone.  Alejando was decent but not as good as Just Dance, Poker Face, or Bad Romance.   Since then she has had a few singles that never took off like Teeth, Fashion, and Dance in the Dark.  The more time passes the more I see her fading into obscurity by 2013.
Ah an artist usually doesn;t get more than 4 hot singles off an album anyway like in Lady Gaga's case.

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: Mr. Bump on 09/05/10 at 2:10 pm

She's actually quite cute, though if she dresses casually and not dressed like an extra from a Tim Burton film  8)

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: Cory! on 09/05/10 at 4:38 pm

I am liking Lady Gaga less and less with each new single released.  Bad Romance at the end of 2009 was probably her biggest hit.  I really didn't like Telephone.  Alejando was decent but not as good as Just Dance, Poker Face, or Bad Romance.   Since then she has had a few singles that never took off like Teeth, Fashion, and Dance in the Dark.  The more time passes the more I see her fading into obscurity by 2013.

Teeth wasn't released as a single and Dance in The Dark wasn't even released in America. :P

but anyways, I LOVE GaGa and I think if she keeps doing different things she'll be around for a while.

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: Howard on 09/05/10 at 6:34 pm

Ah an artist usually doesn't get more than 4 hot singles off an album anyway like in Lady Gaga's case.

But Madonna on the other hand had a ton of hits off of different albums.

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: Two Lost Souls on 09/05/10 at 9:34 pm

But Madonna on the other hand had a ton of hits off of different albums.

As did Michael Jackson.  I'd say him and Madonna are the two biggest influences of todays generation (todays crop of "artists").

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/06/10 at 1:42 am

Who remembers Amanda Lear?

Don't go look her up, either you know or you don't.

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: Howard on 09/06/10 at 6:37 am

As did Michael Jackson.   I'd say him and Madonna are the two biggest influences of todays generation (todays crop of "artists").

and so was Prince.

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: 80sfan on 09/06/10 at 12:23 pm

Who remembers Amanda Lear?

Don't go look her up, either you know or you don't.

Shame on me, I don't know.  :-[

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: Emman on 09/06/10 at 1:29 pm

Shame on me, I don't know.  :-[

I know who she is, she did a disco-ish cover of "these boots are made for walking", she was pretty popular in the late 70's eurodisco scence.

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: Howard on 09/06/10 at 2:01 pm

Holy Smokes,She looks like a tranny. :o

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/06/10 at 2:27 pm

I know who she is, she did a disco-ish cover of "these boots are made for walking", she was pretty popular in the late 70's eurodisco scence.

That's what she was.  She was a model, a diva, a scenester, and a fashion plate in the sixties and seventies.  Very chic.  She might have ended up as one of Andy Warhol's crew, but she scored way bigger.  She used to diddle Salvador Dalí!  Dalí's wife, Gala, was diddling Jeff Fenholt of Jesus Christ Superstar fame (and later TBN ultra-right evangelist.  He was 55 years Gala's junior!  She gave Fenholt a mansion on Long Island and several Dalí paintings.  Dalí didn't mind.  Polyamory they call it nowadays.  Salvador adored being humiliated by Gala, and besides, if he wanted a piece of strange, he'd just go pluck it off the nearest tree, like he always did -- hence Lear!  There is question about whether she and Dalí were, you know, doing it, but my guess is they did -- or at least tried.  That's the way Dalí operated since the 1920s!

Lear didn't sell as big as Lady Gaga (not in the U.S.) and Lear had a more cosmopolitan persona than LG.  However, I see the cultural significance as about the same.  Thirty years later, the only people who know Amanda Lear are disco aficionados or those who saw her name affiliated with Dalí (such as I).  I don't see LG becoming the muse of a world-famous painter.  She'll probably get hitched to one of her roadies!

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/06/10 at 2:41 pm

Holy Smokes,She looks like a tranny. :o

She's a tall lady (5' 10") with masculine facial features.  Now, here's where Dalí comes in again.  In the 1960s, Salvador coached her to play up a masculine persona (the way Grace Jones would do in the 1970s).  Rumors persist Lear is a man, but she's just Amanda!

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: Emman on 09/06/10 at 2:41 pm

Thirty years later, the only people who know Amanda Lear are disco aficionados or those who saw her name affiliated with Dalí (such as I).

I have to admit I kind of like her music(mainly the 70s eurodisco stuff), she can't sing well but she worked with what she had and played up on that 70s softcore porn persona.

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/06/10 at 2:48 pm

I have to admit I kind of like her music(mainly the 70s eurodisco stuff), she can't sing well but she worked with what she had and played up on that 70s softcore porn persona.

If you're into dance pop, it's not bad at all.  Her pic on her Wiki page is dated 2010.  If I live to be seventy, I won't look that good, not even if they pancake the makeup as they did for Lear!

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: Howard on 09/06/10 at 2:59 pm

If you're into dance pop, it's not bad at all.  Her pic on her Wiki page is dated 2010.  If I live to be seventy, I won't look that good, not even if they pancake the makeup as they did for Lear!

Oh God that's hideous!  :o :P

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: Starde on 09/06/10 at 4:54 pm

and so was Prince.

Agreed. I like to refer to Prince, Madonna and MJ as the "holy trinity" of 80's music. :P

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/07/10 at 12:56 am

Agreed. I like to refer to Prince, Madonna and MJ as the "holy trinity" of 80's music. :P

What about Jermaine Stewart?

We don't hafta take our clothes off to have a good time...

Oooh yah, baby, that's grooovaay!

Honey, where did I leave the Billy Ocean records?  Honey?  Hon?
She went somewhere?
What does this note say?

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: Howard on 09/07/10 at 6:39 am

Agreed. I like to refer to Prince, Madonna and MJ as the "holy trinity" of 80's music. :P

I think all of them appeared in films but it was more Madonna and Prince.

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: Howard on 09/07/10 at 6:43 am

What about Jermaine Stewart?

We don't hafta take our clothes off to have a good time...

Oooh yah, baby, that's grooovaay!

Honey, where did I leave the Billy Ocean records?  Honey?  Hon?
She went somewhere?
What does this note say?

Jermaine Stewart is not part of the cultural influence. Would you believe it? Today would've been his 53rd birthday.  :o

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: Two Lost Souls on 09/07/10 at 11:27 pm

Jermaine Stewart is not part of the cultural influence. Would you believe it? today would've been his 53rd birthday.  :o

I loved Jermaine Stewart.  It's a shame that he's not remembered as much as he should be. 

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/07/10 at 11:45 pm

I loved Jermaine Stewart.   It's a shame that he's not remembered as much as he should be.   

He was in Shalamar.  He also provided backing vocals on Culture Club's "Colour by Numbers" album.

JS died of AIDS in 1997.

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: Howard on 09/08/10 at 6:19 am

I loved Jermaine Stewart.   It's a shame that he's not remembered as much as he should be.   

He had a few hits such as "We Don't Have To Take Our Clothes Off" and "Set Me Free" in 1989 and I think there was another hit,But it was minor.

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: Howard on 09/08/10 at 6:20 am

He was in Shalamar.  He also provided backing vocals on Culture Club's "Colour by Numbers" album.

JS died of AIDS in 1997.

Wow,I don't remember him being in Shalamar?  ???

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: Bobby on 09/14/10 at 4:55 pm

If you're into dance pop, it's not bad at all.  Her pic on her Wiki page is dated 2010.  If I live to be seventy, I won't look that good, not even if they pancake the makeup as they did for Lear!

I like this picture of Amanda Lear (don't know who she is unfortunately) rather than the other one.

As for Lady Ga Ga, I definitely see the Cyndi Lauper/Madonna influence and, dare I say it, I see a bit of Boy George in her from Culture Club. He loved to shock people too. Lady Ga Ga wore a dress/boots and a purse to an awards ceremony recently made entirely of meat. That must have stunk in the bright lights after a couple of hours.

I really liked Jermaine Stewart's music. 'We don't have to take our clothes off' was so typically 80s and 'Say it again' from 1988 is such a catchy tune too. It is a shame Mr Stewart died of AIDS.

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/15/10 at 12:12 pm

I really liked Jermaine Stewart's music. 'We don't have to take our clothes off' was so typically 80s and 'Say it again' from 1988 is such a catchy tune too. It is a shame Mr Stewart died of AIDS.

Especially considering "We Don't Have to Take Our Clothes Off" was adopted as a safe sex anthem back in the day.

Another '80s pop star who died of AIDS is Jimmy McShane (1957-1995) of Baltimora fame.  The follow-up to "Tarzan Boy" was "The Woody Boogie."

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: Howard on 09/15/10 at 1:42 pm

Especially considering "We Don't Have to Take Our Clothes Off" was adopted as a safe sex anthem back in the day.

Another '80s pop star who died of AIDS is Jimmy McShane (1957-1995) of Baltimora fame.  The follow-up to "Tarzan Boy" was "The Woody Boogie."

and don't forget Dan Hartman.

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: Bobby on 09/15/10 at 4:35 pm

Especially considering "We Don't Have to Take Our Clothes Off" was adopted as a safe sex anthem back in the day.

Oh yes, ha ha. Talk about ironic. Maybe he shouldn't have taken his clothes off and concentrated on sipping that cherry wine.

Another '80s pop star who died of AIDS is Jimmy McShane (1957-1995) of Baltimora fame.  The follow-up to "Tarzan Boy" was "The Woody Boogie."

That is very true. I was very sad to hear the news though I was probably more sad to find out Jimmy McShane was the backing vocalist despite lipsynching on the 'Tarzan Boy' video. Keyboardist Maurizio Bassi was the singer.

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/15/10 at 7:51 pm

Oh yes, ha ha. Talk about ironic. Maybe he shouldn't have taken his clothes off and concentrated on sipping that cherry wine.

That is very true. I was very sad to hear the news though I was probably more sad to find out Jimmy McShane was the backing vocalist despite lipsynching on the 'Tarzan Boy' video. Keyboardist Maurizio Bassi was the singer.

Kinda like finding out about Santa Clause, isn't it?  I guess McShane had the looks and charisma, but not quite the voice.

and don't forget Dan Hartman.

That's right.  He died of AIDS back in 1994.  His biggest hit single "I Can Dream About You" was an FM constant in 1984.

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/15/10 at 7:58 pm

The Lady in question...

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: Howard on 09/16/10 at 6:48 am

Kinda like finding out about Santa Clause, isn't it?  I guess McShane had the looks and charisma, but not quite the voice.

That's right.  He died of AIDS back in 1994.  His biggest hit single "I Can Dream About You" was an FM constant in 1984.

and also Instant Replay.

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: Howard on 09/16/10 at 6:49 am

The Lady in question...

One would wonder has she ever posed nude before? ::)

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: GaGa Used 2 B A Good Girl on 09/16/10 at 11:24 am

Wholesome, down-to-earth Stephani G'notta before she transformed into a creepy Tim Burtonesque creature who buys clothes at a butcher shop

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/16/10 at 2:52 pm

One would wonder has she ever posed nude before? ::)

She can stop by my place and make her debut!  Of course, I'll ask her to leave the joke shop fangs at home because...

Uhhh, I don't think I should finish that thought here!

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: tv on 09/16/10 at 5:57 pm

Oh cool Lady Gaga was twittering with US Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D-Nevada) about repealing "Don't Ask Don't Tell"!

I didn't even know Harry twittered!

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: bookmistress4ever on 09/16/10 at 6:25 pm

Let me preface this post by saying...yes, we ARE strange in Pittsburgh. (and proud of it)

Like that trend in the 90s where bored housewives would dress up the concrete geese on the doorstep of their homes, we have a MUCH bigger version here.  The Art Institute of Pittsburgh has a statue of a Tyrannosaurus Rex (it stands about 8 feet tall) in front of their downtown campus.  The poor beast gets dressed in various costume (depending on what's going on in the city.)  Recently Gaga did a concert in the new hockey stadium and Rex, yet again, found himself a cross-dresser for a week or two.

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: Howard on 09/16/10 at 6:47 pm

She can stop by my place and make her debut!  Of course, I'll ask her to leave the joke shop fangs at home because...

Uhhh, I don't think I should finish that thought here!

Yeah,It's best that you don't.  ;)

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/16/10 at 10:26 pm

Let me preface this post by saying...yes, we ARE strange in Pittsburgh. (and proud of it)

Like that trend in the 90s where bored housewives would dress up the concrete geese on the doorstep of their homes, we have a MUCH bigger version here.  The Art Institute of Pittsburgh has a statue of a Tyrannosaurus Rex (it stands about 8 feet tall) in front of their downtown campus.  The poor beast gets dressed in various costume (depending on what's going on in the city.)  Recently Gaga did a concert in the new hockey stadium and Rex, yet again, found himself a cross-dresser for a week or two.

Picksburgh Bored Housewives

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: bookmistress4ever on 09/16/10 at 11:06 pm

Picksburgh Bored Housewives

I wonder if we could make our own reality show... the Bored Housewives of Picksburgh  ;D

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: Howard on 09/17/10 at 6:34 am

Dogs just love New Lady Gaga's Bacon Strips. ;D

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: Bobby on 09/17/10 at 5:53 pm

Kinda like finding out about Santa Clause, isn't it?  I guess McShane had the looks and charisma, but not quite the voice.

That is a very fitting analogy.  ;D

That's right.  He died of AIDS back in 1994.  His biggest hit single "I Can Dream About You" was an FM constant in 1984.

Wow, didn't know that. Good song too, he had a couple of disco numbers in the 70s...'Instant reply' comes to mind.

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/17/10 at 8:10 pm

That is a very fitting analogy.  ;D

Wow, didn't know that. Good song too, he had a couple of disco numbers in the 70s...'Instant reply' comes to mind.

Yeah, I remember "Instant Replay."  That was a bigger dance hit than mainstream.  "I Can Dream About You" used to get stuck in my head and annoy the hell out of me!

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: Howard on 09/18/10 at 6:45 am

Yeah, I remember "Instant Replay."  That was a bigger dance hit than mainstream.  "I Can Dream About You" used to get stuck in my head and annoy the hell out of me!

and all this time I always thought it was a black man singing.

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: Bobby on 09/18/10 at 8:51 pm

Yeah, I remember "Instant Replay."  That was a bigger dance hit than mainstream.  "I Can Dream About You" used to get stuck in my head and annoy the hell out of me!

Hartman has had a couple of hits here in the UK (Instant Replay/This is it/I can dream about you) but I think is only remembered for the latter. In some ways I preferred the song 'Second Nature' which wasn't a hit in the UK.

and all this time I always thought it was a black man singing.

Dare I say it, Howard, I thought the same thing. It was almost as big a shock to me as learning the ex lead singer of UB40 Ali Campbell was white.  ;D

Anyway, what was that about Lady Ga Ga? Lol.

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: gibbo on 09/18/10 at 9:06 pm

Hartman has had a couple of hits here in the UK (Instant Replay/This is it/I can dream about you) but I think is only remembered for the latter. In some ways I preferred the song 'Second Nature' which wasn't a hit in the UK.

Dare I say it, Howard, I thought the same thing. It was almost as big a shock to me as learning the ex lead singer of UB40 Ali Campbell was white.  ;D

Anyway, what was that about Lady Ga Ga? Lol.

I too thought that Dan Hartman was negro. This is because Hartman used different people in his videos. I remember a black singer in that particular video clip...and that formed my understanding of who Dan Hartman was.  I was WRONG!!!  The same went for artists like Sergio Mendes....

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/19/10 at 12:29 am

and all this time I always thought it was a black man singing.

So did I!

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: Howard on 09/19/10 at 6:50 am

Hartman has had a couple of hits here in the UK (Instant Replay/This is it/I can dream about you) but I think is only remembered for the latter. In some ways I preferred the song 'Second Nature' which wasn't a hit in the UK.

Dare I say it, Howard, I thought the same thing. It was almost as big a shock to me as learning the ex lead singer of UB40 Ali Campbell was white.  ;D

Anyway, what was that about Lady Ga Ga? Lol.

I think we went off subject.

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: Step-chan on 09/20/10 at 12:21 am

I'll help get us back on subject....

So happy I could die is stuck in my head.

I can't believe I actually found a song of her's that I really like! :D

Ironically enough, the person used the song in a Pokemon tribute for some reason(which is how I first heard it).

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: 80sfan on 09/20/10 at 1:24 am

I'm crazy for Gaga!  :D

I like 'Just Dance', 'Pokerface', 'Papparazzi', 'Bad Romance', and 'Telephone'.

I'm not much of a fan of 'Love Game' because the line 'disco stick'  ;D just turns me off to the song. And I'm not a fan of 'Alejandro' because the video reminds me way too much of Madonna's 'Like A Prayer' and 'Vogue'.

I also LOOVE her unreleased songs 'Monster' and 'Brown Eyes'.

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: 80sfan on 09/20/10 at 1:26 am

I hope she doesn't pull a Kanye though, because her ego lately has been pretty big.  :(

I don't think she's a Madonna wannabe at all. I think she did the 'Alejandro' video Madonna-like on purpose to get people, especially Madonna fans, fired up, to get attention.

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/20/10 at 1:51 am

I hope she doesn't pull a Kanye though, because her ego lately has been pretty big.  :(

I don't think she's a Madonna wannabe at all. I think she did the 'Alejandro' video Madonna-like on purpose to get people, especially Madonna fans, fired up, to get attention.

She doesn't have half the personality Madonna does and nowhere near the talent.

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: Howard on 09/20/10 at 6:55 am

She doesn't have half the personality Madonna does and nowhere near the talent.

Plus She's never posed nude in Playboy before. Madonna did and boy that girl needed a razor back then.  :o

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: tv on 09/20/10 at 3:38 pm

Plus She's never posed nude in Playboy before. Madonna did and boy that girl needs a razor back then.  :o
What Madonna has alot of body hair?Well Madonna is italian(her last name is "Siccone") and italians usually have body hair grow fast and have lots of body hair. Take it from this 30 year old italian man! Lady GaGa is italian too!

Funny Madonna, Lady GaGa, and Cyndi Lauper are italian are at least part italian(Cyndi) and all three have NYC connections.

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: tv on 09/20/10 at 3:43 pm

I hope she doesn't pull a Kanye though, because her ego lately has been pretty big.  :(

I don't think she's a Madonna wannabe at all. I think she did the 'Alejandro' video Madonna-like on purpose to get people, especially Madonna fans, fired up, to get attention.
Yeah I think Kanye's ego kinda grew big over a 4-5 year period.

Well I think Lady GaGa is influenced by Madonna and Cyndi Lauper but she has her own sound though.

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: bookmistress4ever on 09/20/10 at 5:37 pm

She doesn't have half the personality Madonna does and nowhere near the talent.

I thought Madonna was a fluff-head in the beginnings of her popularity (even though I liked alot of her music then).  I think Madonna broadened her horizons, had some serious hard-knocks in life and even took some missteps.  I think she might have had better advisors in her career though.  Although look at how gigantic Gaga is even before she's done movies.  I DO think Gaga's musical training and talent are sadly overshadowed by her need for attention and garish fashion sense.

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: Howard on 09/20/10 at 10:22 pm

What Madonna has alot of body hair?Well Madonna is italian(her last name is "Siccone") and italians usually have body hair grow fast and have lots of body hair. Take it from this 30 year old italian man! Lady GaGa is italian too!

Funny Madonna, Lady GaGa, and Cyndi Lauper are italian are at least part italian(Cyndi) and all three have NYC connections.

No,I meant *down there* AHEM!  ::)

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/21/10 at 12:51 am

I thought Madonna was a fluff-head in the beginnings of her popularity (even though I liked alot of her music then).  I think Madonna broadened her horizons, had some serious hard-knocks in life and even took some missteps.  I think she might have had better advisors in her career though.  Although look at how gigantic Gaga is even before she's done movies.  I DO think Gaga's musical training and talent are sadly overshadowed by her need for attention and garish fashion sense.

Madonna didn't achieve national fame until she was 25 or 26.  Lady Gaga just sort of showed up at 16.  Age 16 to 26 is a much more significant decade in maturation than 26 to 36.  Maturity might be something Lady Gaga is missing.  Madonna seemed like she was all woman.  Lady Gaga seems like a nubile teen trying to be a grown up.  On the other, uh, hand, I was 15 when Madonna's records started selling.  Maybe I'm looking at Madonna like I was 15 and Lady Gaga like I was 41.

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: Howard on 09/21/10 at 6:41 am

All of sudden she's political?  ::)

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: Brian06 on 09/21/10 at 8:42 pm

Lady GaGa has some nice songs, has she gotten overrated? certainly. As for Madonna some great stuff especially her '90s songs but definitely overrated for the talent she has.

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: Howard on 09/22/10 at 6:36 am

She looks a little like what Madonna used to look like back in the late 80's.^

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: tv on 09/22/10 at 7:05 pm

She looks a little like what Madonna used to look like back in the late 80's.^
She looks like Annie Lennox in that picture!

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/23/10 at 1:45 am

She's a skinny chick with big sunglasses.  You know what?  People age.  Cute wears off.  I don't mean cute as a natural attribute of affection, but cute as an operating tool for life...especially the goal to be cute to men.

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: Howard on 09/23/10 at 6:53 am

She looks like Annie Lennox in that picture!

Annie Lennox looks better than that.

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/23/10 at 9:27 pm

Annie Lennox looks better than that.

Always has, always will!

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: Howard on 09/24/10 at 6:35 am

Always has, always will!

At least Lady Gaga doesn't color hair orange.

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: Starde on 09/24/10 at 11:14 am

I'm crazy for Gaga!  :D

I like 'Just Dance', 'Pokerface', 'Papparazzi', 'Bad Romance', and 'Telephone'.

I'm not much of a fan of 'Love Game' because the line 'disco stick'  ;D just turns me off to the song. And I'm not a fan of 'Alejandro' because the video reminds me way too much of Madonna's 'Like A Prayer' and 'Vogue'.

I also LOOVE her unreleased songs 'Monster' and 'Brown Eyes'.

Eh. I've already stated that I'm not a fan of hers at all, BUT they only songs that I do like from her are "Just Dance", "Paparazzi", "Eh, Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say)" (like the early 90's Ace of Base sound to it). Sometimes like "Pokerface" and "Love Game". Hate "Bad Romance", "Telephone", "Alejandro" (that music video was basically a mix of Madonna's "Vogue" and Janet Jackson's "Rhythm Nation"). Strongly dislike her whole Lady Gaga image which is a shame because she's a talented singer and musician as shown here:

I prefer Stefani Germanotta than Lady Gaga.

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: 80sfan on 09/24/10 at 1:25 pm

Eh. I've already stated that I'm not a fan of hers at all, BUT they only songs that I do like from her are "Just Dance", "Paparazzi", "Eh, Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say)" (like the early 90's Ace of Base sound to it). Sometimes like "Pokerface" and "Love Game". Hate "Bad Romance", "Telephone", "Alejandro" (that music video was basically a mix of Madonna's "Vogue" and Janet Jackson's "Rhythm Nation"). Strongly dislike her whole Lady Gaga image which is a shame because she's a talented singer and musician as shown here:

I prefer Stefani Germanotta than Lady Gaga.

I actually like the whole Lady Gaga image, it's amusing and 'out there'. I just don't like the arrogance coming out from it.  :-\\
I hope she doesn't ruin herself because of her ego and I agree with you, it IS a shame because unlike some artists today, she actually has the vocal and songwriting abilities.
And oh yeah, the Alejandro video is like Rhthym Nation.  :o

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: Mr. Bump on 09/24/10 at 1:27 pm

She should've ceen called  Stephani G'notta. Sounds cuter

Unfortunately, shock & sleaze sells  :P

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: Howard on 09/24/10 at 2:21 pm

Eh. I've already stated that I'm not a fan of hers at all, BUT they only songs that I do like from her are "Just Dance", "Paparazzi", "Eh, Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say)" (like the early 90's Ace of Base sound to it). Sometimes like "Pokerface" and "Love Game". Hate "Bad Romance", "Telephone", "Alejandro" (that music video was basically a mix of Madonna's "Vogue" and Janet Jackson's "Rhythm Nation"). Strongly dislike her whole Lady Gaga image which is a shame because she's a talented singer and musician as shown here:

I prefer Stefani Germanotta than Lady Gaga.

This is much better than her silly Lady Gaga image.

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/24/10 at 10:05 pm

At least Lady Gaga doesn't color hair orange.

In the beginning it was an orange crew cut.  She went blonde a bit later.  Now I don't know which she prefers above gray.


Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: Howard on 09/25/10 at 6:46 am

In the beginning it was an orange crew cut.  She went blonde a bit later.  Now I don't know which she prefers above gray.


you mean Annie Lennox?

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/25/10 at 9:36 pm

you mean Annie Lennox?

No, Nancy Reagan.

Subject: Re: Lady Gaga's cultural influence...

Written By: Howard on 09/26/10 at 6:42 am

Wow,look what I found? Lady Gaga with orange hair.  :o

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