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Subject: The Future Of Music...

Written By: Criz on 04/22/10 at 1:39 pm

So over the last 10-15 years, the way in which we consume music has radically changed. We've swapped our CDs for mini-discs and then to mp3s. We've gone from burning to digitally putting our music on our Ipods. We have Spotify and now - you can actually type in a genre to play, or get recommendations based on your own music via the use of the latter. It's incredible how much my consumption of music has changed as 15 years ago I was the girl who used to listen to the Top 40 and record her favourite songs on cassette.

So what's new and interesting out there -  and what do we think is going to happen for music?

Subject: Re: The Future Of Music...

Written By: JamieMcBain on 04/22/10 at 2:08 pm

One song has annoying like there is no tomorrow, Tik Tok by Ke$ha.


Subject: Re: The Future Of Music...

Written By: 80sfan on 04/22/10 at 2:29 pm

One song has annoying like there is no tomorrow, Tik Tok by Ke$ha.


You don't like that song either? I wish I could give you a high five! What an awful song!

Subject: Re: The Future Of Music...

Written By: Starde on 04/22/10 at 6:00 pm

You don't like that song either? I wish I could give you a high five! What an awful song!

That song is absolute dog sh*t! 8-P

Subject: Re: The Future Of Music...

Written By: Howard on 04/22/10 at 6:53 pm

Man,I wish the days of cassette tapes will still be around,It's too bad they're going out of style because people are listening to music via Internet nowadays.

Subject: Re: The Future Of Music...

Written By: whistledog on 04/22/10 at 11:05 pm

Man,I wish the days of cassette tapes will still be around,It's too bad they're going out of style because people are listening to music via Internet nowadays.

What do you mean going out of style?  You can't even buy new cassette anymore.  Even blank ones are becoming scarce.

Subject: Re: The Future Of Music...

Written By: Howard on 04/23/10 at 6:24 am

What do you mean going out of style?  You can't even buy new cassette anymore.  Even blank ones are becoming scarce.

Well you could,there's this place in my area called Breakdown Records and they sell cassettes,vinyls,old 45's,They're trying to keep with the times by being an old vintage store,been in the business for almost 25 years.

Subject: Re: The Future Of Music...

Written By: whistledog on 04/23/10 at 4:37 pm

Well you could,there's this place in my area called Breakdown Records and they sell cassettes,vinyls,old 45's,They're trying to keep with the times by being an old vintage store,been in the business for almost 25 years.

Yeah, but not new ones.  Today's music releases are not even made on cassette because not enough people would buy them to make it worth while

Subject: Re: The Future Of Music...

Written By: Howard on 04/23/10 at 6:46 pm

Yeah, but not new ones.  Today's music releases are not even made on cassette because not enough people would buy them to make it worth while

And cassettes are pretty cheap these days.

Subject: Re: The Future Of Music...

Written By: Criz on 04/24/10 at 1:16 pm

I love cassettes too - however, it always was a hassle to rewind and forward to find your favourite track. Guess it's all music easier nowadays!

Subject: Re: The Future Of Music...

Written By: LyricBoy on 04/24/10 at 2:21 pm

I love cassettes too - however, it always was a hassle to rewind and forward to find your favourite track. Guess it's all music easier nowadays!

Reel-to-reel is really the way to go. One of those Aiwa units with the 10.5" reels.

Subject: Re: The Future Of Music...

Written By: Howard on 04/24/10 at 6:50 pm

I love cassettes too - however, it always was a hassle to rewind and forward to find your favourite track. Guess it's all music easier nowadays!

I remember when the cassette thread would always wind up getting stuck in the machine,Damn those were the days.  ::)

Subject: Re: The Future Of Music...

Written By: apollonia1986 on 04/24/10 at 8:30 pm

The future of music...let's see...

Michael Jackson died last year and this year Justin Beibeir is the hot thing now.

I give music maybe 6 months at best. Yes, it will DIE before theworld  itself (supposedly) ends in 2012.

Subject: Re: The Future Of Music...

Written By: Frank on 04/24/10 at 11:01 pm

The future of music...let's see...

Michael Jackson died last year and this year Justin Beibeir is the hot thing now.

I give music maybe 6 months at best. Yes, it will DIE before theworld  itself (supposedly) ends in 2012.

Music died long before MJ did. It died around 1990. I just don't understand today's music at all. Maybe I'm getting old. :-[

Subject: Re: The Future Of Music...

Written By: Howard on 04/25/10 at 6:33 am

Music died long before MJ did. It died around 1990. I just don't understand today's music at all. Maybe I'm getting old. :-[

I remember when music was just listening to turntables,cassette tapes and 8 Tracks.

Subject: Re: The Future Of Music...

Written By: Starde on 04/25/10 at 11:36 am

Music died long before MJ did. It died around 1990. I just don't understand today's music at all. Maybe I'm getting old. :-[

Well, in my opinion, music has been riding the sh*t train since 2003.

Subject: Re: The Future Of Music...

Written By: tv on 04/25/10 at 5:06 pm

The future of music...let's see...

Michael Jackson died last year and this year Justin Beibeir is the hot thing now.

I give music maybe 6 months at best. Yes, it will DIE before theworld  itself (supposedly) ends in 2012.
Justin Beiber is just a teen idol for Generation Z. Baby Boomers, Generation X and Y all had their teen-idols too.

Subject: Re: The Future Of Music...

Written By: Howard on 04/25/10 at 6:47 pm

Well, in my opinion, music has been riding the sh*t train since 2003.

Whatever became of the jamminoldies?  ???

Subject: Re: The Future Of Music...

Written By: tnf on 04/26/10 at 8:35 am

Well, in my opinion, music has been riding the sh*t train since 2003.

It has got ups and downs. In my opinion: Up: 1988-1993. Down: 1994-1998 (strangely, that was almost exactly my high school period...). Up: 1999-2005. Down: 2006-now.

And the future? I don't have any idea, but I join the Ke$ha-haters.  8-P

The advantage of the good old cassette taoe era was: Less zapping. In the pre mp3 era, people listened more carefully to the music they owned (in general), because they simpley owned less. In general, music seems to have become more disposable to many people.

Subject: Re: The Future Of Music...

Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 04/26/10 at 9:34 am

On the flip side of things, it should be interesting to see how home recording technology evolves over the next decade. As time goes on and the technology advances, it will become easier and less expensive for amateur musicians to make hi-quality recordings of their music.

Subject: Re: The Future Of Music...

Written By: Howard on 04/26/10 at 2:48 pm

It has got ups and downs. In my opinion: Up: 1988-1993. Down: 1994-1998 (strangely, that was almost exactly my high school period...). Up: 1999-2005. Down: 2006-now.

And the future? I don't have any idea, but I join the Ke$ha-haters.  8-P

The advantage of the good old cassette taoe era was: Less zapping. In the pre mp3 era, people listened more carefully to the music they owned (in general), because they simpley owned less. In general, music seems to have become more disposable to many people.

You also have 1983-1988 era which had cool music,sort of like the electronic era.

Subject: Re: The Future Of Music...

Written By: tnf on 04/26/10 at 10:51 pm

*grins* I don't belong to the 'mid 80s lovers camp', in the same way I don't like many current music styles. There are many similarities, especially the often quite 'cold' and gloomy feel.

Subject: Re: The Future Of Music...

Written By: Howard on 04/27/10 at 5:24 am

I think the future of music will be more of like the rock era.

Subject: Re: The Future Of Music...

Written By: Midas on 04/27/10 at 9:15 am

Whatever became of the jamminoldies?  ???

He changed his name to Howard :D

Subject: Re: The Future Of Music...

Written By: Howard on 04/27/10 at 2:40 pm

He changed his name to Howard :D

I meant music from the disco/funk era, Well I guess you have web sites in which you can tune in to listen to that type of music.

Subject: Re: The Future Of Music...

Written By: Criz on 04/29/10 at 11:23 am

Music died long before MJ did. It died around 1990. I just don't understand today's music at all. Maybe I'm getting old. :-
*grins* I don't belong to the 'mid 80s lovers camp', in the same way I don't like many current music styles. There are many similarities, especially the often quite 'cold' and gloomy feel.

Hmm - see I'm the total opposite. That's what I  love about today's music. :)

Subject: Re: The Future Of Music...

Written By: Howard on 04/29/10 at 6:36 pm

I don't care of The Future of Music,I still listen to the jamminoldies.

Subject: Re: The Future Of Music...

Written By: Starde on 04/29/10 at 10:44 pm

Ok  - there is a mass load of sh***y music out there, but seriously - there are some great artists that just aren't in the mainstream. You just have to search for them. I think the 99-03 era was bad - but since then I think popular music have got progressively better, if you stay away from looking at the charts. You just have to know where to look. And even is the charts - some great music does make it there too. Some!

Yes that is true. Even though I believe the MAJORITY of music since 2003 has been complete dog sh*t, that doesn't mean that ALL music is. There's still good music out there. You just have to wade through the sh*t to find it.

Subject: Re: The Future Of Music...

Written By: batfan2005 on 04/30/10 at 12:58 am

It has got ups and downs. In my opinion: Up: 1988-1993. Down: 1994-1998 (strangely, that was almost exactly my high school period...). Up: 1999-2005. Down: 2006-now.

And the future? I don't have any idea, but I join the Ke$ha-haters.  8-P

The advantage of the good old cassette taoe era was: Less zapping. In the pre mp3 era, people listened more carefully to the music they owned (in general), because they simpley owned less. In general, music seems to have become more disposable to many people.

I really liked the music of 1988-89, but 1990-91 had a brief down time. After that, I'd say the rest of the 90's was good. 2001-02 was another down time, 2003-05 were good, and pretty much everything since 2006 was bad to mediocre (with the exception of 2008 to mid 2009).

Subject: Re: The Future Of Music...

Written By: Brian06 on 04/30/10 at 3:17 am

Post 2005-2006 is definitely inferior and mostly downhill. Few bright spots here and there but 2010 has been a very dull year so far on the music side.

Subject: Re: The Future Of Music...

Written By: Howard on 04/30/10 at 6:37 am

I really liked the music of 1988-89, but 1990-91 had a brief down time. After that, I'd say the rest of the 90's was good. 2001-02 was another down time, 2003-05 were good, and pretty much everything since 2006 was bad to mediocre (with the exception of 2008 to mid 2009).

Don't forget the sounds of the early 80's,that era had good music too.

Subject: Re: The Future Of Music...

Written By: tv on 05/01/10 at 4:23 pm

I like" La Roux", "MGMT", and "Lady GaGa" and thats basically it of todays mainstream artists. Jennifer Hudson I think she has a nice voice. Her last album didn;t enjoy very much success  because of by very unexpected deaths in her family. I like that "Walkin On The Moon" song by "The Dream" that was put out last year.

Subject: Re: The Future Of Music...

Written By: batfan2005 on 05/01/10 at 11:31 pm

Post 2005-2006 is definitely inferior and mostly downhill. Few bright spots here and there but 2010 has been a very dull year so far on the music side.

Yes, 2010 has been very dull. It is up there with 2006 and 2002 for the worst years in music. It is now May and I only have 12 songs on my playlist for this year, and most of them are mediocre at best. The first few are 2009 holdovers like "Krazy" by Pitbull, "Shots" by LMFAO, and "Imma Be" by B.E.P. Also, 2 songs on that playlist are by Ke$ha, as much as I hate to admit it. The song "Nothing on You" by B.o.B. finally grew on me. Hopefully things will turn around in the summer, but I have a feeling we'll have to wait until 2011 or 12 to hear some good music again. The Billboard charts have been looking like Groundhog Day, the same ranking every week for like 3 months with nothing new added.

Subject: Re: The Future Of Music...

Written By: Criz on 05/03/10 at 3:04 pm

I like" La Roux", "MGMT", and "Lady GaGa" and thats basically it of todays mainstream artists.

When talking of pop music - they're some of the good artists that are out there. Ellie Goulding, Little Boots, Ladyhawke, Laura Marling, Santogold etc... are all pretty good too. Also bands like Editors, Kings of Leon, Maximo Park etc... have had some good stuff out over the last year

Subject: Re: The Future Of Music...

Written By: tv on 05/03/10 at 4:26 pm

When talking of pop music - they're some of the good artists that are out there. Ellie Goulding, Little Boots, Ladyhawke, Laura Marling, Santogold etc... are all pretty good too. Also bands like Editors, Kings of Leon, Maximo Park etc... have had some good stuff out over the last year

I've never heard of any of those artists except for "Kings Of Leon".

Subject: Re: The Future Of Music...

Written By: bchris02 on 05/03/10 at 7:01 pm

Yes, 2010 has been very dull. It is up there with 2006 and 2002 for the worst years in music. It is now May and I only have 12 songs on my playlist for this year, and most of them are mediocre at best. The first few are 2009 holdovers like "Krazy" by Pitbull, "Shots" by LMFAO, and "Imma Be" by B.E.P. Also, 2 songs on that playlist are by Ke$ha, as much as I hate to admit it. The song "Nothing on You" by B.o.B. finally grew on me. Hopefully things will turn around in the summer, but I have a feeling we'll have to wait until 2011 or 12 to hear some good music again. The Billboard charts have been looking like Groundhog Day, the same ranking every week for like 3 months with nothing new added.

2010 has had plenty of good music, just nothing that has caught on in the Billboard Hot 100.  I do agree that as far as radio hits, its been a very dull year.  Its now May and late-2009 holdovers are just finally starting to seep out of power rotation (this usually happens in February).  The problem is just because a song is good doesn't mean it will ever see the radio airwaves.  It has to have huge financial backing and promotion in order to make it into the Hot 100. 

Subject: Re: The Future Of Music...

Written By: Brian06 on 05/03/10 at 9:19 pm

2010 is generic, cheesy, boring, bland, etc. in the pop sector. About 95% of the good songs are all Lady GaGa. Most of the rest sucks. I really haven't even been paying that much attention this year and I usually follow everything.

Subject: Re: The Future Of Music...

Written By: Howard on 05/04/10 at 5:27 am

2010 is generic, cheesy, boring, bland, etc. in the pop sector. About 95% of the good songs are all Lady GaGa. Most of the rest sucks. I really haven't even been paying that much attention this year and I usually follow everything.

stations should go back to the 1980's.

Subject: Re: The Future Of Music...

Written By: joeman on 05/04/10 at 6:54 am

I've never heard of any of those artists except for "Kings Of Leon".

Same here. 

One new artist I am digging is Cage the Elephant.  I know they have been out for a while but MUSE was finally mainstream at the end of the last decade.  I really hope to hear them put out some good stuff.

Hopefully this decade 'Music' Television videos!  Even if most would be some wierd music kids listen to today like Hanna Montana or Justin Beiber.

Subject: Re: The Future Of Music...

Written By: Howard on 05/04/10 at 2:41 pm

The future of music will be probably mixed in with rock,heavy metal and electronic music.

Subject: Re: The Future Of Music...

Written By: Little Miss Chatterbox on 05/04/10 at 2:46 pm

Same here. 

Hopefully this decade 'Music' Television videos!  Even if most would be some wierd music kids listen to today like Hanna Montana or Justin Beiber.

Disney Channel airs music videos inbetween their shows... where's the Disney programming?  >:(

Subject: Re: The Future Of Music...

Written By: Criz on 05/05/10 at 1:02 pm

2010 is generic, cheesy, boring, bland, etc. in the pop sector. About 95% of the good songs are all Lady GaGa. Most of the rest sucks. I really haven't even been paying that much attention this year and I usually follow everything.

I agree - a lot of the good Pop music is from Lady Gaga.

I've never heard of any of those artists except for "Kings Of Leon".

Same here. 

One new artist I am digging is Cage the Elephant.  I know they have been out for a while but MUSE was finally mainstream at the end of the last decade.  I really hope to hear them put out some good stuff.

You guys should check some of them out - a lot of the artists are British :)

Subject: Re: The Future Of Music...

Written By: Criz on 05/05/10 at 1:03 pm

stations should go back to the 1980's.

And as much as I am being an advocate of new music on this thread at the moment, this would still be awesome :) They 80s were amazing for music :)

Subject: Re: The Future Of Music...

Written By: Howard on 05/05/10 at 6:59 pm

And as much as I am being an advocate of new music on this thread at the moment, this would still be awesome :) They 80s were amazing for music :)

From 1980-1985 was pretty good.

Subject: Re: The Future Of Music...

Written By: Criz on 05/09/10 at 11:44 am

From 1980-1985 was pretty good.

Definitely was a great time for music. But a lot of the styles of the 80s are fairly prominent now in music. White Lies - Farewell To The Fairground  for example is a song that sounds very early 80s/German-esque synthy!

Subject: Re: The Future Of Music...

Written By: Howard on 05/09/10 at 1:30 pm

Definitely was a great time for music. But a lot of the styles of the 80s are fairly prominent now in music. White Lies - Farewell To The Fairground  for example is a song that sounds very early 80s/German-esque synthy!

and you also have some pop/rock that sounds just like the 80's.

Subject: Re: The Future Of Music...

Written By: Criz on 05/11/10 at 2:56 pm

and you also have some pop/rock that sounds just like the 80's.

Yep - there's tonne sof it around. If they're not covering 80s orginals, they're trying out the synthesizers!

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