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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: U.S. Senate Repeals "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
Written By: Mat1991 on 12/18/10 at 6:01 pm
The United States Senate voted today (65 to 31, I think) to repeal the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy for the U.S. military.
Subject: Re: U.S. Senate Repeals "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/18/10 at 6:19 pm
Good. That was terrible policy. The military lost a lot of valuable personnel because of it. Obama still has to sign it. This is going to make the homophobes go bananas!
Subject: Re: U.S. Senate Repeals "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
Written By: Mat1991 on 12/18/10 at 6:30 pm
This is going to make the homophobes go bananas!
I look forward to seeing that. ;D
Subject: Re: U.S. Senate Repeals "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/18/10 at 6:38 pm
The homophobes think a gay man taking a shower with other guys is the same thing as a straight man showering with a whole bunch of women (which I wouldn't mind at all!). I had a couple of gay friends in my gym classes. It's not like they cared.
Subject: Re: U.S. Senate Repeals "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
Written By: 80sfan on 12/19/10 at 12:31 am
Good. That was terrible policy. The military lost a lot of valuable personnel because of it. Obama still has to sign it. This is going to make the homophobes go bananas!
I thought it was gonna make the homophobes go sausages! :-X
Subject: Re: U.S. Senate Repeals "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
Written By: Foo Bar on 12/19/10 at 12:52 am
We've all heard the old quote:
"You don't need to be straight to fight and die for your country. You just need to shoot straight."
- Some hippie RINO Barry Goldwater, ca. 1993, but hey, that Republican-In-Name-Only was only the inspiration for that commie pinko Ronald Reagan.
But let's put it in context:
We have the strongest military in the world because our service people respect the chain of command and know how to follow orders. The military
didn't want blacks in integrated units, or women, and now it doesn't want gays. Well, a soldier may not like every order, or every member of his or
her unit, but a good soldier will always follow orders -- and, in time, respect those who get the job done.
What would undermine our readiness would be a compromise policy like "Don't ask, don't tell." That compromise doesn't deal with the issue - it
tries to hide it.
We have wasted enough precious time, money and talent trying to persecute and pretend. It's time to stop burying our heads in the sand and
denying reality for the sake of politics. It's time to deal with this straight on and be done with it. It's time to get on with more important business.
The conservative movement, to which I subscribe, has as one of its basic tenets the belief that government should stay out of people's private
lives. Government governs best when it governs least-and stays out of the impossible task of legislating morality. But legislating someone's version
of morality is exactly what we do by perpetuating discrimination against gays.
We can take polls. We can visit submarines to get opinions on who are the best citizens. But that is not the role of a democratic government in a
free society. Under our Constitution, everyone is guaranteed the right to do as he pleases as long as it does not harm someone else. You don't need
to be "straight" to fight and die for your country. You just need to shoot straight.
Well, Barry, it took another 17 years, but we finally figured it out. Amerca, fark yeah. (OK, so for the rest of the world, it's more like "America: Welcome to the 21st century. So glad you made it", but let's give credit where credit's due.)
I'm a civilian. My co-workers, even the hot chicks, don't have anything to worry about from me. Even if I had to shower with 'em. Because I'm there to get the job done, not to try to nail the hot chicks. I suspect the situation isn't that different in the military.
So America? Sure, we're late to the party... but fark yeah.
Subject: Re: U.S. Senate Repeals "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/19/10 at 12:09 pm
It is about f***ing time. Gays have been serving in the military since the beginning of time. I served with gays myself. In fact at one point my supervisor was and everyone pretty much knew it but could care less.
Subject: Re: U.S. Senate Repeals "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/19/10 at 1:42 pm
We've all heard the old quote:
"You don't need to be straight to fight and die for your country. You just need to shoot straight."
- Some hippie RINO Barry Goldwater, ca. 1993, but hey, that Republican-In-Name-Only was only the inspiration for that commie pinko Ronald Reagan.
But let's put it in context:
Well, Barry, it took another 17 years, but we finally figured it out. Amerca, fark yeah. (OK, so for the rest of the world, it's more like "America: Welcome to the 21st century. So glad you made it", but let's give credit where credit's due.)
I'm a civilian. My co-workers, even the hot chicks, don't have anything to worry about from me. Even if I had to shower with 'em. Because I'm there to get the job done, not to try to nail the hot chicks. I suspect the situation isn't that different in the military.
So America? Sure, we're late to the party... but fark yeah.
BG said "Extremism in the name of liberty is no vice," not extremism in the name of oppression. That's what Clinton and Gingrich forgot. Goldwater did tell Newt and co. not not attach his name to anything they were doing. Nowadays "liberty" and "libertarian" have a common root word but a different mean, like "humility" and "humiliation."
Of course, when BG was of military service age, there was no "don't ask don't tell." If you were a known homosexuality you got dumped in a mental hospital or a jail!
Subject: Re: U.S. Senate Repeals "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
Written By: danootaandme on 12/19/10 at 5:59 pm
Barry Goldwater.....for a minute I was having a 50s flashback and it scared me
Subject: Re: U.S. Senate Repeals "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/20/10 at 1:15 am
Barry Goldwater.....for a minute I was having a 50s flashback and it scared me
AU H20!
Subject: Re: U.S. Senate Repeals "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
Written By: LyricBoy on 12/20/10 at 8:36 pm
Don't Ask Don't Tell ...
is being replaced with...
Look Don't Touch
Subject: Re: U.S. Senate Repeals "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/20/10 at 9:12 pm
I don't see the evidence for McCain's and Kyl's claim that allowing gays in the military will diminish battle readiness. It sounds like they're living in a world of stale stereotypes in which gays are effete sissies.
Do you want to feed on stereotypes? Okay. Gay men go to the gym and work out. Straight men drink beer and watch football. I'd rather fight alongside the gay guy who can bench 400 lbs and run 20 miles than Carl from Aqua Teen!
There is some truth here. The obesity problem in America is disqualifying millions of military service-aged people. I don't know if we're in a position to turn away qualified gays.
I mean, WTF? Meghan McCain is a lesbian, but I guess she doesn't want to join the armed forces so Daddy isn't worried about it!
Subject: Re: U.S. Senate Repeals "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
Written By: Mat1991 on 12/21/10 at 12:45 am
I don't see the evidence for McCain's and Kyl's claim that allowing gays in the military will diminish battle readiness. It sounds like they're living in a world of stale stereotypes in which gays are effete sissies.
There is no longer a single legitimate reason to oppose DADT repeal. The only thing keeping McCain and others from voting in favor of repeal is their own personal prejudice. I can assure you that history won't look too kindly on McCain.
I mean, WTF? Meghan McCain is a lesbian, but I guess she doesn't want to join the armed forces so Daddy isn't worried about it!
Where did you hear that Meghan McCain was a lesbian? Or are you only being sarcastic? ::)
Subject: Re: U.S. Senate Repeals "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/21/10 at 1:45 am
There is no longer a single legitimate reason to oppose DADT repeal. The only thing keeping McCain and others from voting in favor of repeal is their own personal prejudice. I can assure you that history won't look too kindly on McCain.
Where did you hear that Meghan McCain was a lesbian? Or are you only being sarcastic? ::)
Oh, she's not? Maybe I'm thinking of Cheney's kid. I mean, what-ev-errrrr!
Subject: Re: U.S. Senate Repeals "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
Written By: Mat1991 on 12/21/10 at 2:12 am
Oh, she's not? Maybe I'm thinking of Cheney's kid. I mean, what-ev-errrrr!
Yes, Dick Cheney's daughter is a lesbian. She may be who you were thinking of.
Subject: Re: U.S. Senate Repeals "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/21/10 at 12:59 pm
There is no longer a single legitimate reason to oppose DADT repeal. The only thing keeping McCain and others from voting in favor of repeal is their own personal prejudice. I can assure you that history won't look too kindly on McCain.
Where did you hear that Meghan McCain was a lesbian? Or are you only being sarcastic? ::)
McCain's reaction is one of two things (or both), either he is a raging homophobe or he is spewing all of this garbage to appease his backers on the far right.
Subject: Re: U.S. Senate Repeals "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
Written By: LyricBoy on 12/21/10 at 7:55 pm
Yes, Dick Cheney's daughter is a lesbian. She may be who you were thinking of.
She's a lesbian? ???
Now I want her more than ever. ;)
Subject: Re: U.S. Senate Repeals "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
Written By: MrCleveland on 12/21/10 at 9:05 pm
She's a lesbian? ???
Now I want her more than ever. ;)
Sometimes girls practice the art of Lesbianism because of experience.
And Jimmy Carter said to expect a gay President sometime soon.
BTW-Why do straight men like it when lesbians kiss, but women say "meh" when two gay men kiss? And does it seem that gay men hang around women more than their partners and lesbians won't even talk to a man?
Subject: Re: U.S. Senate Repeals "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/21/10 at 10:39 pm
Sometimes girls practice the art of Lesbianism because of experience.
And Jimmy Carter said to expect a gay President sometime soon.
BTW-Why do straight men like it when lesbians kiss, but women say "meh" when two gay men kiss? And does it seem that gay men hang around women more than their partners and lesbians won't even talk to a man?
Why do YOU think?
Subject: Re: U.S. Senate Repeals "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
Written By: Don Carlos on 12/23/10 at 11:44 am
Sometimes girls practice the art of Lesbianism because of experience.
And Jimmy Carter said to expect a gay President sometime soon.
BTW-Why do straight men like it when lesbians kiss, but women say "meh" when two gay men kiss? And does it seem that gay men hang around women more than their partners and lesbians won't even talk to a man?
Cat's mom says that gay men make the best "girlfriends", and I know a number of lesbians who enjoy talking to men.
Subject: Re: U.S. Senate Repeals "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/24/10 at 9:52 am
She's a lesbian? ???
Now I want her more than ever. ;)
I'd go for a Round Robin with her and Meghan McCain so long as I didn't have to meet the dads!
Subject: Re: U.S. Senate Repeals "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
Written By: Foo Bar on 12/24/10 at 9:46 pm
BTW-Why do straight men like it when lesbians kiss, but women say "meh" when two gay men kiss? And does it seem that gay men hang around women more than their partners and lesbians won't even talk to a man?
Two boobs good. Four boobs better!
Subject: Re: U.S. Senate Repeals "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/27/10 at 5:13 pm
Two boobs good. Four boobs better!
I'm sure Hill Crest Farms meant well, but this picture is too...kinda...demented to post:
Subject: Re: U.S. Senate Repeals "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
Written By: 80sfan on 12/28/10 at 12:22 am
Sexuality definitely isn't a choice. I saw my bro get beat up in school for being gay and I thought 'Who would choose to be gay?'.
I'm glad gays are getting the rights they deserve.