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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Are there any liberals or Democrats on this forum?
Written By: Ryan112390 on 12/11/10 at 5:28 pm
It seems to be generally conservative leaning....
Subject: Re: Are there any liberals or Democrats on this forum?
Written By: LyricBoy on 12/11/10 at 5:52 pm
It seems to be generally conservative leaning....
Oh yes, I could certainly agree with you.
I've always thought that this board was nothing more than a Ronald Reagan fan club. ;)
Subject: Re: Are there any liberals or Democrats on this forum?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/11/10 at 9:53 pm
Maxwell started the first official Sarah Palin fanclub!
I'm neither liberal nor Democrat. In the past 24 months I have been converting to Christianity...but not the kind Pat Robertson likes. I'm the dreaded Catholic Left.
I guess you could count me as "liberal" in the sense that I am very tolerant of ideas and art of all kinds being vital to the survival of a democratic republic. I would not have found my own faith if the government was telling me what to believe. Two words that single-handedly delayed my interest in re-establishing my Christian roots: Billy Graham. The bad press the Christian Right gave religion was enough to turn any kid off to God so long as they got to define who God is and what God wants from us. The Christian Right thinks you can be a dirty rotten prick and as long as you accept the Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, you get to go to heaven. Convenient for guys like George W. Bush, who's not in heaven yet! "Good works" dispensed with, dirty deeds done dirt cheap!
I used to be a Democrat, but they betrayed both the liberal class and the working man, so I can't vote for them in good conscience.
One needs to draw a distinction among the Democratic Party (a band of castrated bribe-takers), lifestyle liberals (as in David Brooks' "Bobo's in Paradise), the labor union man, and a few weirdos like me who think the Sermon on the Mount is more important than John of Patmos, the one who had the bummer trip revelation about the end of times!
You wanted to parse "liberal" and "left" because they're not the same thing. Gandhi and Malcolm X where economically "left," were not liberals. The kind of economic change Louis Farrakhan or Ralph Nader was enacted, you would see less hunger, less homelessness, better housing, better job security for workers. In Farrakhan's case (or Mr. X) you would see a great repression of women and an anti-white agenda (let's face it, that was gonna be in the cards). You would not see, even in the case of Nader, more social permissiveness, which is considered a hallmark of present day liberalism, would not be present. Key difference, Nader would have legalized pot, while Farrakhan would have made it a capital crime!
In the UK, "liberal and "democrat " and Liberal Democrat also have different meanings from the term "liberal" and "democrat" applies in the U.S. today.
I would have to say I am more socially conservative than my parents and their peers when it comes to organized religion, marital fidelity, and just being decent to other people. See, some of the hippies got recruited into EST, Scientology, and Ayn Rand. The question of "is it right or wrong?" is subjugated to "personal fulfillment." I can't say to an exact year when it invaded the counterculture. Perhaps it was Watergate. The Boomers were just kids. They didn't know any better. People my parents' age who got into the Human Growth Potential" Movement should have known better. They misread Janov and Perls to postulate if you feel like saying "f**k you" to someobody, you should say "f**k you!" It's not good for us to topdog our emotions. It's also not good to get thrown of restaurants or denied promotions at work!
Subject: Re: Are there any liberals or Democrats on this forum?
Written By: Ryan112390 on 12/11/10 at 10:02 pm
Well, under the terms you suggested, what would you call FDR, LBJ?
That's what I mean when I say Liberal.
Subject: Re: Are there any liberals or Democrats on this forum?
Written By: Foo Bar on 12/11/10 at 10:05 pm
OK, all kidding aside, sure there are.
About the only segment that's left out are the social conservatives (which is kind of a bummer; I wouldn't mind debating some of 'em, as I don't encounter many in my day-to-day life either). Much like Objectivists, sociocons don't take irreverent humor very well, so I suppose it's our collective fault.
I actually enjoy our little political backwater of the web: it's a place where a guy with a Che Guevara icon and a guy who used "Scrooge McDuck swimming in a bin of money" as a Christmas icon... can actually be on speaking terms. Yes, we have our disagreements, but they're philosophical, not personal. That's incredibly rare.
F'rinstance, I used to needle Max on leftist politics almost as hard as he needles me on Rand. Funny thing is that after a few years of this, we've realized our positions aren't as far apart as we might once have thought. In economic policy, just because he he's on the "left" doesn't mean he's hellbent on taking everything I have and giving it to the poor (with a cut for himself as a redistributor of wealth), and just because I'm on the "right", doesn't mean I'm trying to rob the world blind for the Goldman Sachs (with a commission for myself for having provided liquidity).
If we stop talking past each other and start talking to each other... well, that's the sort of thing about the Internet that keeps politicians of every stripe awake at night.
Subject: Re: Are there any liberals or Democrats on this forum?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/12/10 at 12:05 am
That's why the politics and religion got separated. People who just wanted to talk about their favorite Monster Cereal got confronted with threads such as "American liberty is dead" and "Shoot All Extremists." I don't want to think about what it would be like if they dropped the bomb, so the politics have to go to the side, or go altogether. It survived.
Some of you people watched way too much McLaughlin Group when you were kids!
Subject: Re: Are there any liberals or Democrats on this forum?
Written By: Don Carlos on 12/12/10 at 11:36 am
I am, no doubt, further to the left than anyone on this board. I have read Capital from cover to cover, and also "A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy" and find Marx's analysis penetrating. So I am not a liberal. I am a democratic socialist.
Subject: Re: Are there any liberals or Democrats on this forum?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/12/10 at 12:08 pm
When I first started to identify myself politically, I said that I was a liberal. Of course the term "liberal" has many meanings and there is no absolute definition of the word. (I was even a Liberal Arts major in college. :D ;D ;D ;D ) As the years went on and my knowledge of Political Science increase as well as my knowledge about myself, I have to say that I am like Carlos, a Democratic Socialist-even though I am not as left as he is.
Subject: Re: Are there any liberals or Democrats on this forum?
Written By: MrCleveland on 12/12/10 at 12:34 pm
You're saying this is a Republican Forum?! :o
I see it more Liberal than other forum sites I've been to!
Most of the people here are from New England, a highly Liberal region in America. Some people here are from Pennsylvania which is a working-class Liberal state, like Northeast Ohio is, where I live!
I'm more of a Moderate, I can't stand Democrats...and I can't stand Republicans!
Subject: Re: Are there any liberals or Democrats on this forum?
Written By: Mat1991 on 12/12/10 at 1:17 pm
My political views are eclectic, but I lean more to the Left.
Subject: Re: Are there any liberals or Democrats on this forum?
Written By: RG1995 on 12/12/10 at 1:26 pm
I am not a political person at all, but I would definitly say I would be a Democrat IF they actually had some balls and stopped going so far right. Either way, I would consider myself a Progressive just because Theodore Roosevelt is awesome. 8)
Subject: Re: Are there any liberals or Democrats on this forum?
Written By: tv on 12/12/10 at 1:56 pm
You're saying this is a Republican Forum?! :o
I see it more Liberal than other forum sites I've been to!
Most of the people here are from New England, a highly Liberal region in America. Some people here are from Pennsylvania which is a working-class Liberal state, like Northeast Ohio is, where I live!
I'm more of a Moderate, I can't stand Democrats...and I can't stand Republicans!
I feel you Mr. Cleveland! I just vote what I think!
Yeah this site is more liberal(well the "Current Religious & Politics" thread is) too because younger people are on this site(Generation Yers) and they vote democrat mostly besides the people from the New England States on here. I mean I'm from New Jersey which is a huge dem state but I'm not a liberal.
You think Pa is liberal? Lets see they had Rick Santorum in the US Senate and now Pat Toomey soon. PA's House seats in the next 2 years are 12-7 I think in favor of Republicans. They have a Republican Governor and a Republican State House and Stare Senate I think starting next year. PA has been a "purple state" in the last 2 presidential elections.
Subject: Re: Are there any liberals or Democrats on this forum?
Written By: Mat1991 on 12/12/10 at 2:21 pm
I live in one of the most conservative areas in the country (Arlington, TX), and yet I mostly identify as liberal.
Subject: Re: Are there any liberals or Democrats on this forum?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/13/10 at 3:03 am
I like liberalism. I just don't like it when it's dorky and when it's dorky, I'm going to say something. If you really believed the world was going to end, who would you hire?
Subject: Re: Are there any liberals or Democrats on this forum?
Written By: MrCleveland on 12/13/10 at 5:12 pm
I take that back...
I'm more of a Moderate Libertarian. You're wings can spread, but not too much to overwhelm it!
Subject: Re: Are there any liberals or Democrats on this forum?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/13/10 at 10:22 pm
There are few social conservatives in the forum. Libertarians tend to be socially liberal and fiscally conservative. Fiscal conservatives love to argue and show how you're a Kool-Aid drinker for disagreeing with them. Social conservatives tend to get emotionally perturbed around here. I recall a few Evangelical Christians who got banned from the forum for being downright ornery to folks. Either you are saved or you are damned. If you don't agree with the Christian Right, you are damned, so it's beneath them to argue logic. Faith is not altogether logical. If somebody is not interested in sharing yours, then you have to let it be. The Evangelicals can't do that. They have to "save" you.
Subject: Re: Are there any liberals or Democrats on this forum?
Written By: Ryan112390 on 12/14/10 at 2:22 am
There are few social conservatives in the forum. Libertarians tend to be socially liberal and fiscally conservative. Fiscal conservatives love to argue and show how you're a Kool-Aid drinker for disagreeing with them. Social conservatives tend to get emotionally perturbed around here. I recall a few Evangelical Christians who got banned from the forum for being downright ornery to folks. Either you are saved or you are damned. If you don't agree with the Christian Right, you are damned, so it's beneath them to argue logic. Faith is not altogether logical. If somebody is not interested in sharing yours, then you have to let it be. The Evangelicals can't do that. They have to "save" you.
You've got to accept Jesus as your personal savior, renounce belief in that religion spawned out of Satan's belly called Evolution, and be reborn! Are ye shall meet hellfire!
Just kidding...A friend of mine almost got converted into being a Charismatic, Pentecoastal type. However that went south when he told her she needed to be "cured" of her bisexuality and had to cast aside her friends who were gay or bisexual.
Subject: Re: Are there any liberals or Democrats on this forum?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/14/10 at 8:50 am
You've got to accept Jesus as your personal savior, renounce belief in that religion spawned out of Satan's belly called Evolution, and be reborn! Are ye shall meet hellfire!
Just kidding...A friend of mine almost got converted into being a Charismatic, Pentecoastal type. However that went south when he told her she needed to be "cured" of her bisexuality and had to cast aside her friends who were gay or bisexual.
PRAAAAAISE DA LAAAAWD! We beseech you, cure this lost sheep of his humma-sekshalithe!!!
Subject: Re: Are there any liberals or Democrats on this forum?
Written By: Don Carlos on 12/14/10 at 10:25 am
Seems to me this thread has gone off topic
Subject: Re: Are there any liberals or Democrats on this forum?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/14/10 at 10:57 am
Seems to me this thread has gone off topic
What else is new? Most threads have a tendency of going off topic. ;)
Subject: Re: Are there any liberals or Democrats on this forum?
Written By: danootaandme on 12/14/10 at 11:52 am
I am, no doubt, further to the left than anyone on this board
Almost... 8)
Actually I would say DC and I are pretty much neck and neck on this question.
Subject: Re: Are there any liberals or Democrats on this forum?
Written By: MrCleveland on 12/14/10 at 2:05 pm
Almost... 8)
Actually I would say DC and I are pretty much neck and neck on this question.
I'm going for Carlos as the Liberal, not saying that you're Liberal enough.
And to make things crazier...my boss at church (not my pastor) is a True-Blue Liberal!
Subject: Re: Are there any liberals or Democrats on this forum?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/14/10 at 3:52 pm
Almost... 8)
Actually I would say DC and I are pretty much neck and neck on this question.
I'm so far Left, I fell off the board!
Subject: Re: Are there any liberals or Democrats on this forum?
Written By: DoRitos on 12/14/10 at 4:33 pm
Topic Q: Are there any liberals or Democrats on this forum?
A: Yeah they're here but I wish they were more in the way I like my steaks - RARE.
Subject: Re: Are there any liberals or Democrats on this forum?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/14/10 at 5:24 pm
Topic Q: Are there any liberals or Democrats on this forum?
A: Yeah they're here but I wish they were more in the way I like my steaks - RARE.
Grrrrrrr...Limbaugh City. I like them like lobsters -- when you see a nice red one, boil him alive!
Subject: Re: Are there any liberals or Democrats on this forum?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/14/10 at 5:59 pm
Grrrrrrr...Limbaugh City. I like them like lobsters -- when you see a nice red one, boil him alive!
Actually, lobsters turn red AFTER they are boiled.
Subject: Re: Are there any liberals or Democrats on this forum?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/14/10 at 8:20 pm
Actually, lobsters turn red AFTER they are boiled.
Glenn Beck will tell you the only good red is a dead red, so boil 'em good! Burn the witches and the heretics too!
What is it with certain people who post everything in BLUE?
Subject: Re: Are there any liberals or Democrats on this forum?
Written By: 80s_cheerleader on 12/15/10 at 2:16 am
People like to assume that just because I'm from Illinois, everyone here is a Democrat....what they don't realize is that outside of Cook County, a good majority of the state tends to lean Republican, particularly in the area in which I live. To clarify, I live in the district formerly represented by Dennis Hastert, can't get much more blue than that. I don't know a single person in my town that is NOT a Conservative Republican (including my husband...then again, he's a Cubs fan, too ;))
Subject: Re: Are there any liberals or Democrats on this forum?
Written By: tv on 12/15/10 at 10:01 am
People like to assume that just because I'm from Illinois, everyone here is a Democrat....what they don't realize is that outside of Cook County, a good majority of the state tends to lean Republican, particularly in the area in which I live. To clarify, I live in the district formerly represented by Dennis Hastert, can't get much more blue than that. I don't know a single person in my town that is NOT a Conservative Republican (including my husband...then again, he's a Cubs fan, too ;))
Yeah Illinois US House Delegation is gonna be 11-8 in favor of the Republicans in the 112th US Congress and a Moderate Republican was just elected to the US Senate in Mark Kirk.
Subject: Re: Are there any liberals or Democrats on this forum?
Written By: Don Carlos on 12/15/10 at 10:21 am
I'm going for Carlos as the Liberal, not saying that you're Liberal enough.
And to make things crazier...my boss at church (not my pastor) is a True-Blue Liberal!
As I said above, I'm not a liberal, I'm a democratic socialist - "Go reds, smash state"
Subject: Re: Are there any liberals or Democrats on this forum?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/15/10 at 11:25 am
People like to assume that just because I'm from Illinois, everyone here is a Democrat....what they don't realize is that outside of Cook County, a good majority of the state tends to lean Republican, particularly in the area in which I live. To clarify, I live in the district formerly represented by Dennis Hastert, can't get much more blue than that. I don't know a single person in my town that is NOT a Conservative Republican (including my husband...then again, he's a Cubs fan, too ;))
We live in the "so-called bluest" state, yet our little town is probably the reddest town in the state. Our state rep (Repub) has run unopposed for I don't know how many years. Both Carlos & I REFUSE to vote for him so we write in Carlos' name. :D ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Are there any liberals or Democrats on this forum?
Written By: MrCleveland on 12/15/10 at 1:41 pm
People like to assume that just because I'm from Illinois, everyone here is a Democrat....what they don't realize is that outside of Cook County, a good majority of the state tends to lean Republican, particularly in the area in which I live. To clarify, I live in the district formerly represented by Dennis Hastert, can't get much more blue than that. I don't know a single person in my town that is NOT a Conservative Republican (including my husband...then again, he's a Cubs fan, too ;))
That's how Ohio is divided!
Cuyahoga, Lorain, and Lake Counties are true blue Liberal. But when you leave the Cleveland area it gets redder and redder.
We live in the "so-called bluest" state, yet our little town is probably the reddest town in the state. Our state rep (Repub) has run unopposed for I don't know how many years. Both Carlos & I REFUSE to vote for him so we write in Carlos' name. :D ;D ;D ;D
I apologize for informing Carlos a Liberal, I didn't know that he's a Democratic Socialist. And I may write my own name in the next mayoral Elections because I'm sick of this one-party mayoral elections in Cleveland!
And is it true that Wisconsion has elected Socialists as Governors?
Glenn Beck will tell you the only good red is a dead red, so boil 'em good! Burn the witches and the heretics too!
What is it with certain people who post everything in BLUE?
Glenn Beck is a bleeding-red Republican as Alec Baldwin is a true-blue Democrat!
Subject: Re: Are there any liberals or Democrats on this forum?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/15/10 at 11:00 pm
Michael Savage (who makes Glenn Beck look like Thomas Hobbes) complained about Republican territory being assigned red on the maps because "red" is a "commie color!"
I would have gone with orange and green instead, but then the Irish would start bellyaching!
Subject: Re: Are there any liberals or Democrats on this forum?
Written By: 80s_cheerleader on 12/16/10 at 11:00 am
Yeah Illinois US House Delegation is gonna be 11-8 in favor of the Republicans in the 112th US Congress and a Moderate Republican was just elected to the US Senate in Mark Kirk.
EXACTLY, but in the past few Presidential elections, there are almost enough votes in Cook County alone (I want to say something like 1.6 million in the '08 election?) to push the state into the "Red"...the rest of the democratic votes are just gravy 8)
Subject: Re: Are there any liberals or Democrats on this forum?
Written By: MrCleveland on 12/16/10 at 12:43 pm
Michael Savage (who makes Glenn Beck look like Thomas Hobbes) complained about Republican territory being assigned red on the maps because "red" is a "commie color!"
I would have gone with orange and green instead, but then the Irish would start bellyaching!
Maybe give the Republicans White, since most of the people who vote for Republicans ARE pasty-white suburbanites!
IMO...Dennis Kucinich is the perfect role model for a Democrat (Cat, Carlos, what's YOUR opinion on Kucinich)?
I myself am Red-Violet...or Violet-Red. And as of my 28th Year in life, I decided to be a Libertarian!
Subject: Re: Are there any liberals or Democrats on this forum?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/16/10 at 10:40 pm
Maybe give the Republicans White, since most of the people who vote for Republicans ARE pasty-white suburbanites!
IMO...Dennis Kucinich is the perfect role model for a Democrat (Cat, Carlos, what's YOUR opinion on Kucinich)?
I myself am Red-Violet...or Violet-Red. And as of my 28th Year in life, I decided to be a Libertarian!
I'm more a lime green peach kinda guy!
Subject: Re: Are there any liberals or Democrats on this forum?
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 01/11/11 at 10:49 am
I am a card carrying member of the Democratic Party. I'm stuck there until someone starts the "I'm too ambivalent to agree with either" Party.
Subject: Re: Are there any liberals or Democrats on this forum?
Written By: tv on 01/11/11 at 2:44 pm
That's how Ohio is divided!
Cuyahoga, Lorain, and Lake Counties are true blue Liberal. But when you leave the Cleveland area it gets redder and redder.
I apologize for informing Carlos a Liberal, I didn't know that he's a Democratic Socialist. And I may write my own name in the next mayoral Elections because I'm sick of this one-party mayoral elections in Cleveland!
And is it true that Wisconsion has elected Socialists as Governors?
Glenn Beck is a bleeding-red Republican as Alec Baldwin is a true-blue Democrat!
quote]No Beck is a libertarian not a republican. I think he used to be a republican though.
Subject: Re: Are there any liberals or Democrats on this forum?
Written By: Don Carlos on 01/12/11 at 8:27 pm
That's how Ohio is divided!
Cuyahoga, Lorain, and Lake Counties are true blue Liberal. But when you leave the Cleveland area it gets redder and redder.
I apologize for informing Carlos a Liberal, I didn't know that he's a Democratic Socialist. And I may write my own name in the next mayoral Elections because I'm sick of this one-party mayoral elections in Cleveland!
And is it true that Wisconsion has elected Socialists as Governors?
Glenn Beck is a bleeding-red Republican as Alec Baldwin is a true-blue Democrat!
quote]No Beck is a libertarian not a republican. I think he used to be a republican though.
If it walks like a repug, and if it talks like a repug, and if it votes like a repug...