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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Weird Election
Written By: LyricBoy on 10/27/10 at 6:31 pm
Wow the Dems are definitely running scared here in the great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania:
Congressional candidate Mark Critz (running to fill John Murtha's seat permanently) is running an ad that brags that he "voted with the Republican leadership 60% of the time". He's also shouting from the rooftops that he is "pro gun and pro life".
Congressional candidate Jason Altmire is running ads about how he opposed Pelosi and O'bamacare
Senatorial Candidate Joe Sestak is running ads talking about how he told the Democratic leadership to go pack sand, and ran against Arlen "One Bullet" Spectre anyway (and won)
'Tis going to be an interesting election night...
Subject: Re: Weird Election
Written By: Macphisto on 10/28/10 at 7:09 pm
It's part of the caveat of being a "big tent" party.
Even though the GOP has been hijacked by psychos, they at least stay on message for their party.
With the Democrats, it's just become a mess of conflicting interest groups.
Granted, America is a center right country. Running as a liberal only works in certain areas of the country, and the system already undervalues urban areas while overvaluing rural ones. It's a system designed to favor conservatism in that respect.
Subject: Re: Weird Election
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/29/10 at 9:01 pm
Granted, America is a center right country.
Says who?
Subject: Re: Weird Election
Written By: Macphisto on 10/29/10 at 9:46 pm
Says who?
Says history... We're much more conservative than most of the developed world on most topics. One of the few things we're actually more liberal about is immigration.
Subject: Re: Weird Election
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/30/10 at 12:26 am
Says history... We're much more conservative than most of the developed world on most topics. One of the few things we're actually more liberal about is immigration.
What defines the center?
Subject: Re: Weird Election
Written By: Don Carlos on 10/30/10 at 10:33 am
What defines the center?
In Nixon Agonisties Garry Wills kept saying "the center cannot hold"
Subject: Re: Weird Election
Written By: CatwomanofV on 10/30/10 at 12:37 pm
Granted, America is a center right country.
This country isn't as right as most people think. It only SEEMS to be to the right because of the manipulation by the powers that be that puts fear into the masses. This has been going on for ALL of the 20th century. You had the Red Scare, McCarthyism, Jim Crow, etc. It is that "Us vs Them" attitude that the powers that be use to get their agenda through. "These people are different, they are going to take away what you have." Part of that agenda is keeping people ignorant. If people are educated, they will learn history. These people don't want the masses to learn history because the public will be able to see the manipulation and not buy what they are selling.
Subject: Re: Weird Election
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/30/10 at 1:12 pm
^ Great points, Cat & Carlos.
My point is the word "center" is meaningless in American politics.
"Center" implies a Goldilocks analogy -- not too hot, not too cold, just right. Soooo...when the pundits say "center right" instead of "right," they are implying a tempering sanity. In fact, the pundits I hear calling American "center right" support those who I call "batsh*t crazy wingnuts"!
I mean, there's no perspective. From my POV, Bill Clinton is "center right," George W. Bush is "far right," and Dick Armey is extreme right. Whereas, the rightist pundits called Clinton "far left" when he was president. Now that Obama is president, they're calling Clinton centrist. Clinton aided the corporate fascists with their agenda. He didn't just compromise. He was the kid with the drum. They want the same out of Obama, and they will get it. The fascists have the power and they won't give quarter until the whole system collapses under its own weight.
Subject: Re: Weird Election
Written By: Foo Bar on 10/30/10 at 11:37 pm
Right? Left? Middle? And now there's center and far (and probably "slightly") variations for all three? Enough!
- From the Washtington Mall: Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear, 10/30/10.
- Johnny Cash, The One On The Right Is On The Left , yes, 1966
And the one on the right was on the left,
And the one in the middle was on the right,
And the one on the left was in the middle,
And the guy in the rear...
...just pwn3d Washington, DC almost 45 years later.
I hereby nominate the mash-up of Peace Train and Crazy Train, as performed live on the Washington Mall by Mr.-Calling-For-The-Death-Of-Salman-Rushdie Muslim Whackjob formerly known as Cat Stevens, and Mr.-Bites-the-Heads-off-Bats-All-American-Reality-TV-Star-God-Of-Rock Ozzy Osbourne as the worthy 2010 successor to the Johnny Cash original.
Subject: Re: Weird Election
Written By: MrCleveland on 10/31/10 at 8:01 am
Right? Left? Middle? And now there's center and far (and probably "slightly") variations for all three? Enough!
- From the Washtington Mall: Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear, 10/30/10.
I'd vote for these guys!
I'm so damn sick of Democrat and Republican. They try to be competitive, like many sports teams...but they'll play golf with each other and have a drink or two.
Subject: Re: Weird Election
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/01/10 at 8:52 am
--Abbie Hoffman
Subject: Re: Weird Election
Written By: MrCleveland on 11/01/10 at 1:07 pm
How about...SOUP for President?
And not the Children's Book either, I mean this soup....
Andy Warhol would be its veep....
Subject: Re: Weird Election
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/01/10 at 11:11 pm
It's the Weird Election and it's the Weirdo Lection and the legendary toilet our elders always warned us this country was going to go down is about to get FLUUUUUSHED!
November 2nd is All Souls Day but we best pray for our asses when the Teabaggers win the elections!
Subject: Re: Weird Election
Written By: Foo Bar on 11/02/10 at 12:07 am
--Abbie Hoffman
I see your Hoffman, and I raise you this:
Subject: Re: Weird Election
Written By: MrCleveland on 11/02/10 at 5:25 am
It's the Weird Election and it's the Weirdo Lection and the legendary toilet our elders always warned us this country was going to go down is about to get FLUUUUUSHED!
November 2nd is All Souls Day but we best pray for our asses when the Teabaggers win the elections!
It's also my B-Day...I have to find some time to Vote for the people who won't do their job and people STILL won't be happy! :-\\
Subject: Re: Weird Election
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/02/10 at 2:57 pm
I see your Hoffman, and I raise you this:
LOL, Karma dude! Makes me wish I'd started a NOBODY write-in campaign. If NOBODY gets elected, NOBODY will take responsiblity, and we'd have NOBODY to blame!
I voted Green where I could and NO on all binding ballot referendums. Massachusetts can't afford to be New Hampshire!
Subject: Re: Weird Election
Written By: Macphisto on 11/03/10 at 7:46 pm
What defines the center?
That depends... I personally believe it is defined by how the First World views things overall.
On most issues, we are more conservative than most of our economic peers.
Also, when the state of California votes against legalizing pot and for banning gay marriage -- you know the country is conservative overall.
Subject: Re: Weird Election
Written By: Macphisto on 11/03/10 at 7:48 pm
This country isn't as right as most people think. It only SEEMS to be to the right because of the manipulation by the powers that be that puts fear into the masses. This has been going on for ALL of the 20th century. You had the Red Scare, McCarthyism, Jim Crow, etc. It is that "Us vs Them" attitude that the powers that be use to get their agenda through. "These people are different, they are going to take away what you have." Part of that agenda is keeping people ignorant. If people are educated, they will learn history. These people don't want the masses to learn history because the public will be able to see the manipulation and not buy what they are selling.
Well, isn't that still saying we are conservative overall? Don't get me wrong -- I'd love for Americans to be more educated and rational, but I've kind of given up any hope of that. Idiocracy is reality.
Subject: Re: Weird Election
Written By: MrCleveland on 11/03/10 at 8:15 pm
Ironically...America is DEAD Center.
Californians have Liberal Opinions because their grandfathers who came from the south were Democrats (most of them) and the Hispanics have high Liberal Opinions as well as the Asians and Jews who live there.
Ohioans are Liberal because they're working class union people...but Conservative because of Religious Moralities (whatever they are).
Look at Europe...they're Liberal, in censorship.
And Asia...they're conservative, in...censorship.
America is in between!