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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: School Apologizes After Students Pray to Allah on Field Trip to Mosque
Written By: JamieMcBain on 09/17/10 at 5:38 pm
A Massachusetts school district has apologized to parents after a group of schoolchildren participated in midday Muslim prayers during a field trip to a Boston-area mosque.
The incident occurred in May when a social studies class from Wellesley Middle School toured the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center, one of the largest mosques in the Northeast.
Subject: Re: School Apologizes After Students Pray to Allah on Field Trip to Mosque
Written By: JamieMcBain on 09/17/10 at 5:40 pm
Subject: Re: School Apologizes After Students Pray to Allah on Field Trip to Mosque
Written By: Macphisto on 09/17/10 at 8:17 pm
Oh what trouble brews when conflicts arise between people's imaginary friends...
Subject: Re: School Apologizes After Students Pray to Allah on Field Trip to Mosque
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/17/10 at 11:49 pm
It's in frikkin' Wellesley Massachusetts. I see frightfully little consequence to anything here.
Subject: Re: School Apologizes After Students Pray to Allah on Field Trip to Mosque
Written By: JamieMcBain on 09/18/10 at 11:59 am
It's in frikkin' Wellesley Massachusetts. I see frightfully little consequence to anything here.
Tell that to Glenn Beck and Fox News, they will play connect the dots with this one, all week long.
Subject: Re: School Apologizes After Students Pray to Allah on Field Trip to Mosque
Written By: Macphisto on 09/18/10 at 12:27 pm
It's in frikkin' Wellesley Massachusetts. I see frightfully little consequence to anything here.
Well, imagine the uproar of having Muslim students attend a Christian service with the preacher pushing his religion on them.
CAIR would have a heart attack.
Subject: Re: School Apologizes After Students Pray to Allah on Field Trip to Mosque
Written By: Don Carlos on 09/18/10 at 8:34 pm
We need a constitutional amendment prohibiting proselytizing, regardless of of who is doing it. I hare those Mormons who bother me at my door, and don;t want to take no for an answer. Go away boy, ya bother me
Subject: Re: School Apologizes After Students Pray to Allah on Field Trip to Mosque
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/18/10 at 11:41 pm
Well, imagine the uproar of having Muslim students attend a Christian service with the preacher pushing his religion on them.
CAIR would have a heart attack.
Is that the organization with that guy Ibraham Hooper?
Subject: Re: School Apologizes After Students Pray to Allah on Field Trip to Mosque
Written By: MrCleveland on 09/19/10 at 7:41 am
We need a constitutional amendment prohibiting proselytizing, regardless of of who is doing it. I hare those Mormons who bother me at my door, and don;t want to take no for an answer. Go away boy, ya bother me
Just answer the door naked.
I just don't like how students were pushed to pray to Allah. 8-P
Public schools DON'T do that...at least with Christianity!
Subject: Re: School Apologizes After Students Pray to Allah on Field Trip to Mosque
Written By: ChuckyG on 09/19/10 at 8:30 am
Just answer the door naked.
I just don't like how students were pushed to pray to Allah. 8-P
Public schools DON'T do that...at least with Christianity!
yeah... public schools totally don't have prayers before sports events or graduations. that would be awful
Subject: Re: School Apologizes After Students Pray to Allah on Field Trip to Mosque
Written By: LyricBoy on 09/19/10 at 8:40 am
We need a constitutional amendment prohibiting proselytizing, regardless of of who is doing it. I hare those Mormons who bother me at my door, and don;t want to take no for an answer. Go away boy, ya bother me
My opinion there is no place for sectarian prayer in public school events. That said if a student while accepting an award stops to thank God, Allah, Buddha, or whoever, that's fine with me.
As to the Mormon missionaries, any time they have called on my house they have been quite polite. But since I come from a dual-religion household (Presby and Roamin' Catholic) I tell them what my Dad used to tell them nicely... "Hey maybe I can sell you some religion, I got an extra one here myself..." ;D
So as long as they are nice and respectful like the ones who have showed up at my doorstep, I am OK with that and respect it. But if they start hurling fire and brimstone my way, there's gonna be hell to pay...
Subject: Re: School Apologizes After Students Pray to Allah on Field Trip to Mosque
Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/19/10 at 8:54 am
I have a friend who lives in Wellesley. I can't remember how old her son is but he COULD be middle school age. I should ask her about this and find out the REAL story.
Subject: Re: School Apologizes After Students Pray to Allah on Field Trip to Mosque
Written By: danootaandme on 09/19/10 at 4:15 pm
O.K. A little sanity here. The kids were absolutely not pushed to pray to Allah. The Imam said anyone wishing to join could, a couple of the boys did, just a couple, most did not. That was it. The field trip happened in May, so much for outrage, it took the mother who filmed it 4 months to decide if it upset her or not. The field trips have been conducted for a couple of years as part of a social studies class on different faiths and cultures and they visit a synagogue, Catholic church, and attend a recital of a gospel choir. This whole thing is such a non issue, and it makes me sick listening to people whine about it.
Subject: Re: School Apologizes After Students Pray to Allah on Field Trip to Mosque
Written By: MrCleveland on 09/19/10 at 4:43 pm
O.K. A little sanity here. The kids were absolutely not pushed to pray to Allah. The Imam said anyone wishing to join could, a couple of the boys did, just a couple, most did not. That was it. The field trip happened in May, so much for outrage, it took the mother who filmed it 4 months to decide if it upset her or not. The field trips have been conducted for a couple of years as part of a social studies class on different faiths and cultures and they visit a synagogue, Catholic church, and attend a recital of a gospel choir. This whole thing is such a non issue, and it makes me sick listening to people whine about it.
Did these kids visit a Kingdom Hall and a Buddhist Temple? Then it would be complete.
I visit Catholic Churches once in awhile, and those places are very beautiful!
Subject: Re: School Apologizes After Students Pray to Allah on Field Trip to Mosque
Written By: Don Carlos on 09/19/10 at 6:34 pm
O.K. A little sanity here. The kids were absolutely not pushed to pray to Allah. The Imam said anyone wishing to join could, a couple of the boys did, just a couple, most did not. That was it. The field trip happened in May, so much for outrage, it took the mother who filmed it 4 months to decide if it upset her or not. The field trips have been conducted for a couple of years as part of a social studies class on different faiths and cultures and they visit a synagogue, Catholic church, and attend a recital of a gospel choir. This whole thing is such a non issue, and it makes me sick listening to people whine about it.
Figures. As a teen I attended religious services of other faiths (I was raised Catholic) because my family was invited for whatever reason, and we all followed the behavior of the congregation (kneeling, bowing, whatever) out of respect. My word, I was so effected that I became an agnostic. Those preaches, and my priests were sooo effective. Big wooos
Subject: Re: School Apologizes After Students Pray to Allah on Field Trip to Mosque
Written By: Foo Bar on 09/19/10 at 10:57 pm
We need a constitutional amendment prohibiting proselytizing, regardless of of who is doing it. I hate those Mormons who bother me at my door, and don;t want to take no for an answer. Go away boy, ya bother me
I hate the interruption too, and while it could be repealed by means of a subsequent amendment, it's for precisely this reason that we made it the First Amendment.
(Yeah, I know you're speaking out of frustration here, and I sympathize, but... no. Look at any government that tried it if you want proof that the cure is worse than the disease. Just... no.)
Just answer the door naked.
MrCleveland might be earning himself a spot on the sex offenders' list (I'd suggest a towel and the audio from a porno playing in the background), but he's got the right idea.
It doesn't matter whether it's Mormons beating down your door, Illinois Nazis (I hate Illinois Nazis), editorial cartoonists drawing pictures of Mohammed, or fundies burning Korans. The cure for those forms of speech that annoy you isn't less free speech, it's more free speech.
Subject: Re: School Apologizes After Students Pray to Allah on Field Trip to Mosque
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/20/10 at 12:57 am
The problem with people who answer the door nude is they're not the ones you want to see answer the door nude! Jehova's Witness's? Just say, "It rubs the lotion into its skin, it does this whenever it is told..."
Subject: Re: School Apologizes After Students Pray to Allah on Field Trip to Mosque
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/20/10 at 1:01 am
I hate the interruption too, and while it could be repealed by means of a subsequent amendment, it's for precisely this reason that we made it the First Amendment.
(Yeah, I know you're speaking out of frustration here, and I sympathize, but... no. Look at any government that tried it if you want proof that the cure is worse than the disease. Just... no.)
MrCleveland might be earning himself a spot on the sex offenders' list (I'd suggest a towel and the audio from a porno playing in the background), but he's got the right idea.
It doesn't matter whether it's Mormons beating down your door, Illinois Nazis (I hate Illinois Nazis), editorial cartoonists drawing pictures of Mohammed, or fundies burning Korans. The cure for those forms of speech that annoy you isn't less free speech, it's more free speech.
If a guy with a swastika is knocking at my door, I'm gonna make sure it's the last door the mofo ever knocks on!
Subject: Re: School Apologizes After Students Pray to Allah on Field Trip to Mosque
Written By: Frank on 09/20/10 at 1:34 am
O.K. A little sanity here. The kids were absolutely not pushed to pray to Allah. The Imam said anyone wishing to join could, a couple of the boys did, just a couple, most did not. That was it. The field trip happened in May, so much for outrage, it took the mother who filmed it 4 months to decide if it upset her or not. The field trips have been conducted for a couple of years as part of a social studies class on different faiths and cultures and they visit a synagogue, Catholic church, and attend a recital of a gospel choir. This whole thing is such a non issue, and it makes me sick listening to people whine about it.
I agree, it should have been a non issue.
We need a constitutional amendment prohibiting proselytizing, regardless of of who is doing it. I hare those Mormons who bother me at my door, and don;t want to take no for an answer. Go away boy, ya bother me
Interesting thought, a constitutional amendment prohibiting proselytizing...
I don't have a problem with it, unless they don't go away after you have said "no" the first time. The" religious telemarketer" I have problems with, who keep pushing.
Subject: Re: School Apologizes After Students Pray to Allah on Field Trip to Mosque
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/20/10 at 1:44 am
I agree, it should have been a non issue. Interesting thought, a constitutional amendment prohibiting proselytizing...
I don't have a problem with it, unless they don't go away after you have said "no" the first time. The" religious telemarketer" I have problems with, who keep pushing.
If you tell the Joeys, sorry, Jehova's Witnesses, and tell them to take your address off their list, they're supposed to do it, I think....it's just who thinks to do it?
I just say, "God love you, but I flat-out disagree. I've got my own creed. Good day now."
Subject: Re: School Apologizes After Students Pray to Allah on Field Trip to Mosque
Written By: Frank on 09/20/10 at 1:47 am
If you tell the Joeys, sorry, Jehova's Witnesses, and tell them to take your address off their list, they're supposed to do it, I think....it's just who thinks to do it?
I just say, "God love you, but I flat-out disagree. I've got my own creed. Good day now."
From my experience they don't take your name off their list.
Subject: Re: School Apologizes After Students Pray to Allah on Field Trip to Mosque
Written By: MrCleveland on 09/20/10 at 2:37 pm
The problem with people who answer the door nude is they're not the ones you want to see answer the door nude! Jehova's Witness's? Just say, "It rubs the lotion into its skin, it does this whenever it is told..."
Just have the JW's watch this....
PS-I was only joking about the answering the door naked, besides I don't want to be an offender whatsoever! :-\\
Subject: Re: School Apologizes After Students Pray to Allah on Field Trip to Mosque
Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/20/10 at 2:49 pm
I just tell them that I am a practicing witch and give them some Wicca literature. :D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: School Apologizes After Students Pray to Allah on Field Trip to Mosque
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/20/10 at 2:57 pm
From my experience they don't take your name off their list.
Pee all over them. They'll take you off their list! You might wind up on a police list, but at least the Joeys won't hassle you anymore!
Subject: Re: School Apologizes After Students Pray to Allah on Field Trip to Mosque
Written By: Don Carlos on 09/20/10 at 5:55 pm
I hate the interruption too, and while it could be repealed by means of a subsequent amendment, it's for precisely this reason that we made it the First Amendment.
(Yeah, I know you're speaking out of frustration here, and I sympathize, but... no. Look at any government that tried it if you want proof that the cure is worse than the disease. Just... no.)
MrCleveland might be earning himself a spot on the sex offenders' list (I'd suggest a towel and the audio from a porno playing in the background), but he's got the right idea.
It doesn't matter whether it's Mormons beating down your door, Illinois Nazis (I hate Illinois Nazis), editorial cartoonists drawing pictures of Mohammed, or fundies burning Korans. The cure for those forms of speech that annoy you isn't less free speech, it's more free speech.
Yeah, of course you're right. Actually in Vermont you can answer the door naked. You can walk down the street naked (just don't scare the horses). You just can't disrobe in public
Subject: Re: School Apologizes After Students Pray to Allah on Field Trip to Mosque
Written By: Foo Bar on 09/20/10 at 9:03 pm
Yeah, of course you're right. Actually in Vermont you can answer the door naked. You can walk down the street naked (just don't scare the horses). You just can't disrobe in public
Hmm, now you've got me thinking... Vermont's probably got it right - you're not in public when you open the door. Anyone who has a problem with you opening the door in your own house shouldn't knock on the door in the first place. I mean, what if it was the fire department, and you heard them bashing on your window while you were in the shower?
As for apologies... Bloom County had this issue nailed before the school sent its class to experience a few random religions, and way before the guy chickened out on burning the Koran, and before the Muslims rioted over cartoons, and before... well, before it was safe to voice a sentiment like this:
Long live the One True Penguin.
Subject: Re: School Apologizes After Students Pray to Allah on Field Trip to Mosque
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/20/10 at 10:52 pm
Yeah, of course you're right. Actually in Vermont you can answer the door naked. You can walk down the street naked (just don't scare the horses). You just can't disrobe in public
I probably shouldn't ask this question...
In Vermont, can you walk past a school naked?
Subject: Re: School Apologizes After Students Pray to Allah on Field Trip to Mosque
Written By: Frank on 09/20/10 at 11:45 pm
In Vermont, can you walk past a school naked?
Any volunteers? ;)
Subject: Re: School Apologizes After Students Pray to Allah on Field Trip to Mosque
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/21/10 at 12:19 am
Any volunteers? ;)
I knew you guys wouldn't be mature enough to handle that! See? That's why nobody brought it up when they were drafting the bill!
Again, the people who would choose to go nude are not the ones you would like to see nude. I don't mean to be a pig about it or nothin'.
If it's up to individual discretion, I would have to say no. OK, call your ACLU lawyer and cry the blues, but if you walk nekkid past the schoolyard at recess you're going to the clink in my town. You might want to learn how to squeal like a piggie and enjoy Sheriff Joe Arpaio pink pajamas. You'll look awful purdy in 'em too!
Subject: Re: School Apologizes After Students Pray to Allah on Field Trip to Mosque
Written By: Don Carlos on 09/21/10 at 6:22 pm
I probably shouldn't ask this question...
In Vermont, can you walk past a school naked?
There is no law in Vermont against public nudity, so yeah, I guess you could, but think of the climate here during the school year - it gets mighty cold, your freeze your nuggies.
During the summer, though, there are several towns - Brattleborough being one, where groups of young people shed their duds. In Montpelier their is an annual naked bike ride. I'm not sure why, maybe just because they can. Like I said, just don't scare the horses.
Subject: Re: School Apologizes After Students Pray to Allah on Field Trip to Mosque
Written By: Macphisto on 09/21/10 at 10:16 pm
In all honesty, most of America is prudish about nudity. Europeans have the right idea about that stuff (and apparently people in Vermont).
Subject: Re: School Apologizes After Students Pray to Allah on Field Trip to Mosque
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/21/10 at 11:37 pm
In all honesty, most of America is prudish about nudity. Europeans have the right idea about that stuff (and apparently people in Vermont).
The problem is Vermont is still very much part of the U.S. and parents don't want a bunch naked FREAKS walking nude in front of junior's recess!
Subject: Re: School Apologizes After Students Pray to Allah on Field Trip to Mosque
Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/22/10 at 8:39 am
When I was in Greece and went to the beach, it was not uncommon to see women topless.
If I had kids, I would rather them see naked bodies than all the violence you see on t.v. and/or video games. But, that is another issue.
Subject: Re: School Apologizes After Students Pray to Allah on Field Trip to Mosque
Written By: Frank on 09/22/10 at 10:13 am
When I was in Greece and went to the beach, it was not uncommon to see women topless.
This might provide Howard the motivation he needs to find a new job, and save uo for a trip to Greece. ;D
Subject: Re: School Apologizes After Students Pray to Allah on Field Trip to Mosque
Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/22/10 at 3:03 pm
This might provide Howard the motivation he needs to find a new job, and save uo for a trip to Greece. ;D
;D ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: School Apologizes After Students Pray to Allah on Field Trip to Mosque
Written By: Don Carlos on 09/22/10 at 7:06 pm
The problem is Vermont is still very much part of the U.S. and parents don't want a bunch naked FREAKS walking nude in front of junior's recess!
Jessssus Max are you such a prude? What makes naked people "freaks"? You may be right that parents wouldn't want their kids to see naked people, but as the sort of old saying goes "parents? parents? I goes by the law.
Subject: Re: School Apologizes After Students Pray to Allah on Field Trip to Mosque
Written By: Don Carlos on 09/22/10 at 7:09 pm
This might provide Howard the motivation he needs to find a new job, and save uo for a trip to Greece. ;D
Vermont is a lot closer, although the incidents of public nudity are few and far between, so maybe Greece is a better choice.
Subject: Re: School Apologizes After Students Pray to Allah on Field Trip to Mosque
Written By: Macphisto on 09/22/10 at 10:36 pm
Vermont is a lot closer, although the incidents of public nudity are few and far between, so maybe Greece is a better choice.
Yeah, but Greece's economy is in shambles.
Subject: Re: School Apologizes After Students Pray to Allah on Field Trip to Mosque
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/23/10 at 12:01 am
Jessssus Max are you such a prude? What makes naked people "freaks"? You may be right that parents wouldn't want their kids to see naked people, but as the sort of old saying goes "parents? parents? I goes by the law.
Hmmm....I guess that's the FIRST time I've ever used sarcasm on inthe00s. Nope, never been sarcastic before, no, sir, not I.
Anyway, it's too chilly in VT to go in the buff, except on summer vacation!
You could do the nude xmas pageant but then you'd understand why Frosty the Snowman had no pecker!
"Hey, there's a really weird naked guy doing yoga by the schoolyard"
""Hey, there's a really weird naked hot chick doing yoga by the schoolyard"
Americans have a bias about nudity in re: who and where!
Subject: Re: School Apologizes After Students Pray to Allah on Field Trip to Mosque
Written By: danootaandme on 09/24/10 at 3:53 pm
Truly speaking, I am all for banning nudity. Have you really ever looked at what is out there on the beaches? It is more than I can stand, all is not Baywatch in the real world.
Subject: Re: School Apologizes After Students Pray to Allah on Field Trip to Mosque
Written By: Don Carlos on 09/24/10 at 6:31 pm
Truly speaking, I am all for banning nudity. Have you really ever looked at what is out there on the beaches? It is more than I can stand, all is not Baywatch in the real world.
All I can say is if you don't like the view, don't use your binocs, but lets not revert, not a long trip, to the puritan mentality - And I know, being about 20 lbs overweight, that I'm no longer the Adonis I once was.
Subject: Re: School Apologizes After Students Pray to Allah on Field Trip to Mosque
Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/24/10 at 7:57 pm
All I can say is if you don't like the view, don't use your binocs, but lets not revert, not a long trip, to the puritan mentality - And I know, being about 20 lbs overweight, that I'm no longer the Adonis I once was.
But, I still love you anyway. ;) :-* :-* :-* :-*
Subject: Re: School Apologizes After Students Pray to Allah on Field Trip to Mosque
Written By: danootaandme on 09/25/10 at 5:46 am
All I can say is if you don't like the view, don't use your binocs, but lets not revert, not a long trip, to the puritan mentality - And I know, being about 20 lbs overweight, that I'm no longer the Adonis I once was.
LOL! Because whenever I go I bring the binocs, and like you I am far from what I was.
Subject: Re: School Apologizes After Students Pray to Allah on Field Trip to Mosque
Written By: MrCleveland on 09/25/10 at 2:08 pm
Truly speaking, I am all for banning nudity. Have you really ever looked at what is out there on the beaches? It is more than I can stand, all is not Baywatch in the real world.
There's a Beach in Lake County (in Ohio) where they have (or had) women go topless.
But here...we have fat men so... :-\\
Subject: Re: School Apologizes After Students Pray to Allah on Field Trip to Mosque
Written By: Don Carlos on 09/25/10 at 7:30 pm
There's a Beach in Lake County (in Ohio) where they have (or had) women go topless.
But here...we have fat men so... :-\\
This may sound trite, but seems to me that the human body, in all it;s manifestations, is still awsome, no matter how "unsexy" the particular manifestation. The problem is that you all want nudity to equate to sexual provocation or pornography, which is not the aim of nudity
Subject: Re: School Apologizes After Students Pray to Allah on Field Trip to Mosque
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/25/10 at 7:39 pm
I dunno...what if I got sunburned, you know...down there...
??? :-[
Subject: Re: School Apologizes After Students Pray to Allah on Field Trip to Mosque
Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/26/10 at 8:16 am
I dunno...what if I got sunburned, you know...down there...
??? :-[
When I went to a nude beach many, many, many...(well, you get the idea) moons ago, I did get sunburned on my derriere. I tell ya, every time I moved I felt it and sitting was not easy. OUCH!!! :o
Subject: Re: School Apologizes After Students Pray to Allah on Field Trip to Mosque
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/26/10 at 1:44 pm
When I went to a nude beach many, many, many...(well, you get the idea) moons ago, I did get sunburned on my derriere. I tell ya, every time I moved I felt it and sitting was not easy. OUCH!!! :o
Heh-heh! Many moons ago!
Subject: Re: School Apologizes After Students Pray to Allah on Field Trip to Mosque
Written By: MrCleveland on 09/26/10 at 2:06 pm
This may sound trite, but seems to me that the human body, in all it;s manifestations, is still awsome, no matter how "unsexy" the particular manifestation. The problem is that you all want nudity to equate to sexual provocation or pornography, which is not the aim of nudity
So...am I being weird?
If so...then I apologize.
Maybe I've been watching "Family Guy" too damn much or something.
Subject: Re: School Apologizes After Students Pray to Allah on Field Trip to Mosque
Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/26/10 at 6:41 pm
Heh-heh! Many moons ago!
Ok, I wasn't thinking of THAT kind of moon but it fits. :D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: School Apologizes After Students Pray to Allah on Field Trip to Mosque
Written By: Don Carlos on 09/26/10 at 6:49 pm
I dunno...what if I got sunburned, you know...down there...
Subject: Re: School Apologizes After Students Pray to Allah on Field Trip to Mosque
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/27/10 at 12:22 am
Two Words
Shhhh.....I was concerned about possible side effects concerning...hrrrumph...never mind.