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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: So.... How Republican are you?
Written By: JamieMcBain on 11/24/09 at 10:04 pm
Apparently, there is now a bill, on the table to detrimine, just how Republician are you, so way of weeding the true conservatives, from those who are, "just visting".
Because no one alienates, especially of their own, quite like the Republicians.
Subject: Re: So.... How Republican are you?
Written By: Mushroom on 11/24/09 at 11:14 pm
Because no one alienates, especially of their own, quite like the Republicians.
I'm not so sure about that. Democrats have a pretty good reputation of "eating their young" as well. Just ask Tammy Bruce, Bernard Goldberg, and Senator Lieberman about that.
You can pretty much ask the same questions, and use the opposite answer for a "Democrat Litmus Test".
Support the Death Penalty? Oppose abortion? Favor a strong mliitary? Support stong gun control? Well obviously, you can't be a Democrat.
And while I consider myself to be a Republican, I would be against some of those based on how they are written. For example I am against any kind of "blanket amnesty' for illegal immigrants. But I do support the amnesty programs that we had during the Reagan presidency (followed the laws for 5+ years, paid taxes, have a supportable source of income).
And the wording on "Gun Restrictions" is to vague for my taste. I am 100% in favor of any laws to keep guns out of the hands of criminals, the mentally unstable, and support registration and reasonable waiting periods (3-7 days). But I am against the kind of thinking that says "stopping me brom buying an M-60 is violating my Constitutional Rights".
Subject: Re: So.... How Republican are you?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/25/09 at 12:15 am
I'm not so sure about that. Democrats have a pretty good reputation of "eating their young" as well. Just ask Tammy Bruce, Bernard Goldberg, and Senator Lieberman about that.
Tammy Bruce found a market niche as the right's token lesbian. We got so many over here on the Left, well, it's like you're making time with this good-lookin' gal, doin' your conversational best, hoping you don't screw it up, then she says, then she says, "I really gotta go home," and you're all like, to yourself, Goddam, I blew it! Then she says, "Because my partner, Sarah, is waiting for supper and it's my turn to cook this week." And then you feel a big sigh of relief!
Anyway, where was I?
Oh yeah, Tammy Bruce is the Right's token Lesbian, Bernie Goldberg was Glenn Beck's Jedi master, and Joe Lieberman? Young? Last time Joe Lieberman was young, Eleanor Roosevelt was in a training bra!
Anyway, how Republican am I? How cold is Venus in the summer?
Subject: Re: So.... How Republican are you?
Written By: ChuckyG on 11/25/09 at 11:38 am
I'm not so sure about that. Democrats have a pretty good reputation of "eating their young" as well. Just ask Tammy Bruce, Bernard Goldberg, and Senator Lieberman about that.
Lieberman wasn't chased out by his party though, he was chased out by the voters. The Republicans are the ones that re-elected him, and yet he gets to keep all his committee seats just like he was a Dem. Hardly the behavior the Republicans have been showing towards their members, like Lincoln Chafee starting all the way back in 2001. Unlike the recent NY House seat race, the Democrats weren't sending prominent members of their party to campaign against "poor joe".
Subject: Re: So.... How Republican are you?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 11/25/09 at 12:51 pm
So what is more important, party purity or winning elections?
Subject: Re: So.... How Republican are you?
Written By: JamieMcBain on 11/25/09 at 8:03 pm
So what is more important, party purity or winning elections?
Apparently, both.
Subject: Re: So.... How Republican are you?
Written By: MrCleveland on 11/25/09 at 8:58 pm
Oh...I thought this was a quiz.... :(
Subject: Re: So.... How Republican are you?
Written By: Mushroom on 11/25/09 at 9:01 pm
Oh yeah, Tammy Bruce is the Right's token Lesbian, Bernie Goldberg was Glenn Beck's Jedi master, and Joe Lieberman? Young? Last time Joe Lieberman was young, Eleanor Roosevelt was in a training bra!
The funny thing is, I have met Ms. Bruce a few times. I have also talked to her on her radio program many times. And they were always interesting, heated debates. It was back when she still had her weekend radio show on KFI in Los Angeles, between 1993-1998. And back then, she was trying hard to "toe the party line".
On her show, she seemed the stereotypical "Lesbian Liberal". Supported gun control, wanting to see the military abolished, supporting legalization of pot, just about everything else. And even while I opposed her on things like that, I supported her when it came to things like her protests and marches during the OJ Simpson trial.
That was her falling-out with the Left. Censured for calling Simpson a "Wife Beater" (which he was), she soon resigned as President of LA NOW. And over the years, she found herself increasingly attacked when she found herself on a more moderate stance on issues. People often say "A Conservative is a Liberal that has been mugged". In her case, I think it is because she was mugged by people she thought she agreed with.
Lieberman wasn't chased out by his party though, he was chased out by the voters. The Republicans are the ones that re-elected him, and yet he gets to keep all his committee seats just like he was a Dem. Hardly the behavior the Republicans have been showing towards their members, like Lincoln Chafee starting all the way back in 2001. Unlike the recent NY House seat race, the Democrats weren't sending prominent members of their party to campaign against "poor joe".
Senetar Joe was "Tossed to the wolves" because he supported President Bush in the War Against Terror, and supported the PATRIOT Act. Plain and simple. Hard-liners in the party tried to use him as an example of what would happen if people refused to toe the party line. And yes, he lost the primary. But even as the editor of The New Republic said:
I can't quite root for Lieberman to lose his primary. What's holding me back is that the anti-Lieberman campaign has come to stand for much more than Lieberman's sins. It's a test of strength for the new breed of left-wing activists who are flexing their muscles within the party. These are exactly the sorts of fanatics who tore the party apart in the late 1960s and early 1970s. They think in simple slogans and refuse to tolerate any ideological dissent
And as we all know, he did not loose the election. Strongly Anti-Castro, in favor of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, even castigating President Clinton publically for his affairs. He is very much a "Lone Wolf", who then won when his own party tried to throw him out. His entire career he has been a "Reform Democrat". He may still caucus with the Democrats, but the party now knows that they can't bully him around.
Subject: Re: So.... How Republican are you?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/26/09 at 11:39 am
The funny thing is, I have met Ms. Bruce a few times. I have also talked to her on her radio program many times. And they were always interesting, heated debates. It was back when she still had her weekend radio show on KFI in Los Angeles, between 1993-1998. And back then, she was trying hard to "toe the party line".
That was her falling-out with the Left. Censured for calling Simpson a "Wife Beater" (which he was), she soon resigned as President of LA NOW. And over the years, she found herself increasingly attacked when she found herself on a more moderate stance on issues. People often say "A Conservative is a Liberal that has been mugged". In her case, I think it is because she was mugged by people she thought she agreed with.
On her show, she seemed the stereotypical "Lesbian Liberal". Supported gun control, wanting to see the military abolished, supporting legalization of pot, just about everything else. And even while I opposed her on things like that, I supported her when it came to things like her protests and marches during the OJ Simpson trial.
Well, I knew the OJ trial was a sham. Perhaps payback for Rodney King (which was also a sham jury). As I always say, if OJ Simpson was just Oscar Simpson, a bus driver from South Central, and he killed his white wife and her white friend, he'd be on death row right now. Anyway, what Tammy is demonstrating is that she is a good flim-flam artist. Nothing is more important to the American Libertarian than their money and getting rules that keep them from grabbing more money. In this, they make awesome allies for the corporations, who share the same sentiments. So they wooed her to the Right with even more money. PLUS...corporations are amoral, which American Libertarians at present confuse with respect of individual rights. That's why you get purported "libertarians," such as P.J. O'Rourke and Ann Coulter cheering for the GOP, even though the GOP is in favor of a police state and the ensuing abolition of the First, Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Eighth amendments, the decimation of writ of habeas corpus, and the conviction that all women who become pregnant shall remain pregnant. Corporations, like Libertarians, don't care about any of that as long as they're not the ones being policed and nobody is interfering with their opportunities to snatch more cash.
I think the only liberals who supported OJ were holdovers from the Radical Chic era of the sixties...but I will leave that there.
Senetar Joe was "Tossed to the wolves" because he supported President Bush in the War Against Terror, and supported the PATRIOT Act. Plain and simple. Hard-liners in the party tried to use him as an example of what would happen if people refused to toe the party line. And yes, he lost the primary. But even as the editor of The New Republic said:
I can't quite root for Lieberman to lose his primary. What's holding me back is that the anti-Lieberman campaign has come to stand for much more than Lieberman's sins. It's a test of strength for the new breed of left-wing activists who are flexing their muscles within the party. These are exactly the sorts of fanatics who tore the party apart in the late 1960s and early 1970s. They think in simple slogans and refuse to tolerate any ideological dissent
And as we all know, he did not loose the election. Strongly Anti-Castro, in favor of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, even castigating President Clinton publically for his affairs. He is very much a "Lone Wolf", who then won when his own party tried to throw him out. His entire career he has been a "Reform Democrat". He may still caucus with the Democrats, but the party now knows that they can't bully him around.
Joe Lieberman is a prick. I you vote for him, you vote for a prick. End of story.
Subject: Re: So.... How Republican are you?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/26/09 at 11:43 am
So what is more important, party purity or winning elections?
I saw some GOP common tater, obviously uncomfortable saying so, praising Sarah Palin on FOX the other day. I knew the guy didn't like Sarah, and the guy knew he didn't like Sarah, but if he said he didn't like Sarah, he wouldn't get invited back to FOX. So, I laughed, "Ha ha ha! Now they HAVE TO like Sarah Palin. Boy, they cashed in their chips on this one."