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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: What Made Bill Clinton Great?
Written By: MrCleveland on 11/14/09 at 7:44 pm
I heard this from more than one person. Was it because he helped the economy? Was it because he brought peace? There's so much love for the Clinton Family and to be truthful...I don't understand why. :-\\
Subject: Re: What Made Bill Clinton Great?
Written By: LyricBoy on 11/14/09 at 8:22 pm
"He did it for the nooky". Heh heh.
Seriously, he was a superb politician who would do anything to get his agenda furthered. Think about it. He is the darling of the democratic party, all the while having presided over the signing of DOMA, Don't Ask Don't Tell, NAFTA, Welfare limitations, and a whole host of legislation that today's Dems would vilify a Republican for even mentioning.
Heck, he even kicked Hillary to the curb when her health care project became a cluster flop, in order to preserve his political power and perception.
So why was he seen as great? Because he was a consummate deal maker and he'd do whatever he needed to do, and throw whoever he needed to the curb, to get his agenda implemented.
Speaking of NAFTA, I see that President O'bama has stated that he wants the USA to join the ASEAN Free Trade Pact.
Subject: Re: What Made Bill Clinton Great?
Written By: danootaandme on 11/15/09 at 7:23 am
Undefinable charisma
Subject: Re: What Made Bill Clinton Great?
Written By: ninny on 11/15/09 at 10:48 am
Undefinable charisma
Yes very charming :)
Subject: Re: What Made Bill Clinton Great?
Written By: wildcard on 11/15/09 at 11:54 am
The great lier.
Subject: Re: What Made Bill Clinton Great?
Written By: MrCleveland on 11/15/09 at 12:23 pm
The great lier.
Almost every president lies.
Ever heard of an "Honest Politician"?
Subject: Re: What Made Bill Clinton Great?
Written By: Dagwood on 11/15/09 at 2:41 pm
Ever heard of an "Honest Politician"?
That's an oxymoron. ;)
He was definitely charming.
Subject: Re: What Made Bill Clinton Great?
Written By: MrCleveland on 11/15/09 at 4:08 pm
That's an oxymoron. ;)
Exactly! ;)
Subject: Re: What Made Bill Clinton Great?
Written By: Todd Pettingzoo on 11/15/09 at 5:03 pm
I don't he was great, but he a really effective leader.
Subject: Re: What Made Bill Clinton Great?
Written By: wildcard on 11/15/09 at 6:47 pm
Ditto the oxymoron and no Rush Limbauh. Clinton made me feel sick. I'm now thinking of a tape of Clinton parodies my mom had. Paul Shanklin? now I'm going to have to find where I put the remaining tapes I held on to.
Subject: Re: What Made Bill Clinton Great?
Written By: sonikuu on 11/15/09 at 6:54 pm
Bill Clinton had tons of charisma, which really helped him out. He was also, after his two first years, able to compromise effectively. He also had the survival skills of a cockroach in that nothing (Lewinsky, Whitewater, Republicans taking over Congress, etc.) was able to truly kill him. He also had a great deal of luck in coming on the stage when he did, at the time when the Information Age really took off, creating an enormous economic boom. His ability to run up surpluses, due to the boom and the fiscal conservatism that was prominent in his years in office, was also a big plus. Personally, I think Clinton was an above average president, though not great.
It'll be interesting to see if Obama follows a path similar to Clinton. Clinton's first two years in office were easily his most liberal, but after the failure of healthcare reform and Republicans taking control of Congress, Clinton veered towards the center, becoming at times a Republican-lite. Obama could either take a similar path or he may succeed in passing healthcare reform and other programs and become what Clinton's presidency may have been.
Subject: Re: What Made Bill Clinton Great?
Written By: LyricBoy on 11/15/09 at 7:07 pm
The Monica Lewinsky thing never BOTHERED me all that much (despite the fact that it provided endless amusement and cheap jokes).
I mean, before Bill was elected the first time, it had been pretty much established that he was a hoser that would hit anything with a pulse, wife or no wife. SO I figured it as somewhat to be expected, and accepted by those who voted for him (even if I had not). Instead, his prolific debauchery told me more about Hillary's ambitions than it did his. She stuck with this guy, who publically humiliated her on any number of occasions because of his "partying" and yet she pulled a Tammy Wynette.
I used to say back in 1999... if Hilary had walked out on Bill during BlueDressGate, she coulda run for President of the United States in 2000 and won in a landslide. :P
Subject: Re: What Made Bill Clinton Great?
Written By: danootaandme on 11/15/09 at 7:29 pm
The Monica Lewinsky thing never BOTHERED me all that much (despite the fact that it provided endless amusement and cheap jokes).
I mean, before Bill was elected the first time, it had been pretty much established that he was a hoser that would hit anything with a pulse, wife or no wife. SO I figured it as somewhat to be expected, and accepted by those who voted for him (even if I had not). Instead, his prolific debauchery told me more about Hillary's ambitions than it did his. She stuck with this guy, who publically humiliated her on any number of occasions because of his "partying" and yet she pulled a Tammy Wynette.
I used to say back in 1999... if Hilary had walked out on Bill during BlueDressGate, she coulda run for President of the United States in 2000 and won in a landslide. :P
Ditto with the never bothered by Bill. Heck, I kept waiting by the phone for his call. I don't think Hilary would ever have won the Presidency though. Like her or not, she is one tough woman, and there isn't anything the U.S. doesn't like is a woman who is tougher than any guy. I am not a fan of hers, but I do admire that quality.
Subject: Re: What Made Bill Clinton Great?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/16/09 at 2:14 am
Ditto with the never bothered by Bill. Heck, I kept waiting by the phone for his call. I don't think Hilary would ever have won the Presidency though. Like her or not, she is one tough woman, and there isn't anything the U.S. doesn't like is a woman who is tougher than any guy. I am not a fan of hers, but I do admire that quality.
And to think Jimmeh Cawtah got lambasted for saying:
"I've looked on many women with lust. I've committed adultery in my heart many times. God knows I will do this and forgives me."
Well, forgive him for bein' a human bean. Now, Clinton knew how to lust for 'em...in his pants. And he knew what he wanted. That's why these dumb guys couldn't figure out how a man who could get any woman would go for Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky.
Listen, you get one of them dang-old rich drop-dead hotsh*t gorgeous blondes and she's all buy me a 30-carat diamond and introduce me to the king of France or I'll tell you your wife. High-maintenance. Nuisance. Now, a fellow asked Bill Clinton what he and Vernon Jordan talked about on the golf course, and Clinton said, "P*ssy." That asterisk is a substitute for the vowel "U," just to alleviate any confusion. So that's what Clinton wanted, and so he went where he could get it without some kinda big hassle about quid-pro-quo dang-old status-seeking thing. Of course, when he was president, he had to contend with the fact that it just wasn't gonna be as easy as when he was governor Arkansaaawww...
AND Clinton did put just enough of a bumper on Reaganomics to keep the country from going completely down the sh*tter, at least in his eight years, which he won fair-and-square. Can't get much squarer the Bob Dole. Which do you want for president, a guy who needs Viagra or a guy who needs saltpeter? OK, shouldn't have asked the question!
Subject: Re: What Made Bill Clinton Great?
Written By: Macphisto on 11/17/09 at 10:40 pm
What made Clinton great?
He played the Republican game better than Republicans did -- of which they hated him immensely for.
It was only later that the Left has come to hate his corporate legacy.
Subject: Re: What Made Bill Clinton Great?
Written By: LyricBoy on 11/18/09 at 8:25 am
And to think Jimmeh Cawtah got lambasted for saying:
"I've looked on many women with lust. I've committed adultery in my heart many times. God knows I will do this and forgives me."
Well, forgive him for bein' a human bean.
I remember that incident.
I was amused that somehow he felt like he had to apologize for checking out the ladies. ::) What a puss... never shoulda been POTUS, but the blame for that goes to the voters more than on him. I suspect the people in Georgia already knew this, but really wanted a Georgian to be president anyway.
Subject: Re: What Made Bill Clinton Great?
Written By: LyricBoy on 11/18/09 at 8:26 am
What made Clinton great?
He played the Republican game better than Republicans did -- of which they hated him immensely for.
It was only later that the Left has come to hate his corporate legacy.
Yep, I'd agree with that...
Subject: Re: What Made Bill Clinton Great?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/18/09 at 1:53 pm
I remember that incident.
I was amused that somehow he felt like he had to apologize for checking out the ladies. ::) What a puss... never shoulda been POTUS, but the blame for that goes to the voters more than on him. I suspect the people in Georgia already knew this, but really wanted a Georgian to be president anyway.
A Georgian president?
Subject: Re: What Made Bill Clinton Great?
Written By: LyricBoy on 11/18/09 at 5:18 pm
A Georgian president?
Hmmm... President Jimmy Cartershivili.
Has a nice ring to it...
Subject: Re: What Made Bill Clinton Great?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/19/09 at 9:52 pm
Hmmm... President Jimmy Cartershivili.
Has a nice ring to it...
That's General Secretary to you, running dog of imperialism!
Hey, Stalin was partying with a 15-year-old when he was 38! Heck, Chairman Mao liked to fill a swimming pool fulla nekkid teenage girls and jump right in the middle. No Ken Starrs in Peking or Moscow, no sirree!
Subject: Re: What Made Bill Clinton Great?
Written By: MrCleveland on 11/20/09 at 9:17 am
That's General Secretary to you, running dog of imperialism!
Hey, Stalin was partying with a 15-year-old when he was 38! Heck, Chairman Mao liked to fill a swimming pool fulla nekkid teenage girls and jump right in the middle. No Ken Starrs in Peking or Moscow, no sirree!
Yeah, because they'd be...DEAD!
Looks like Communists Leaders were pedophiles. 8-P
Subject: Re: What Made Bill Clinton Great?
Written By: LyricBoy on 11/20/09 at 9:32 am
That's General Secretary to you, running dog of imperialism!
Hey, Stalin was partying with a 15-year-old when he was 38! Heck, Chairman Mao liked to fill a swimming pool fulla nekkid teenage girls and jump right in the middle.
See? Who said that guys like Stalin and Mao were dour commies who did not know how to have a little fun. 8)
No wonder Anita Dunn saw Mao as a role model. Hmm... I wonder in what years she was a teenager. "Hey Anita, did you ever travel to China as a kid?
;D ;D
Subject: Re: What Made Bill Clinton Great?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/21/09 at 12:34 am
Yeah, because they'd be...DEAD!
Looks like Communists Leaders were pedophiles. 8-P
Stalin hated Jews anyway, so Ken Starr, as a Jewish lawyer, woulda gotten a one-way ticket to Siberia no matter how hard he tried to keep his mouth shut. That was life under Uncle Joe.
And a lot of guys would party with teenage girls if nobody could put 'em in jail for it, and that's just the way the mop flops!
See? Who said that guys like Stalin and Mao were dour commies who did not know how to have a little fun. 8)
No wonder Anita Dunn saw Mao as a role model. Hmm... I wonder in what years she was a teenager. "Hey Anita, did you ever travel to China as a kid?
;D ;D
I dunno what Anita Dunn was thinking. They didn't call him Mao Ze Dong for nothing. His POV on sexual prowess and personal hygiene was a total gross-out. I wouldn't even expand on it here
Subject: Re: What Made Bill Clinton Great?
Written By: Red Ant on 11/21/09 at 5:41 am
This thread is most humorous. Thanks all for the laughs!
Subject: Re: What Made Bill Clinton Great?
Written By: danootaandme on 11/21/09 at 7:40 am
I remember that incident.
I was amused that somehow he felt like he had to apologize for checking out the ladies. ::) What a puss...
Lost your sense of humor? He was being "tongue in cheek", but all the chicken littles ran around waving their arms about the immoratlity of Jimmy Carter, something the repugs fed to less than bright followers while they laughed about it with their mistresses and closeted boy toys.
Subject: Re: What Made Bill Clinton Great?
Written By: LyricBoy on 11/21/09 at 9:26 am
They didn't call him Mao Ze Dong for nothing.
;D ;D
Subject: Re: What Made Bill Clinton Great?
Written By: LyricBoy on 11/21/09 at 9:30 am
Lost your sense of humor? He was being "tongue in cheek", but all the chicken littles ran around waving their arms about the immoratlity of Jimmy Carter, something the repugs fed to less than bright followers while they laughed about it with their mistresses and closeted boy toys.
Here's a link to Carter's statement in Playboy, does not sound like he was doing a humor piece...
I don't recall that people at the time thought he was some sort of slut for the comments he made. As I recall most of us (maybe it was just my gang) were simply amused in the way he brought it up.
Subject: Re: What Made Bill Clinton Great?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/21/09 at 1:50 pm
Lost your sense of humor? He was being "tongue in cheek", but all the chicken littles ran around waving their arms about the immoratlity of Jimmy Carter, something the repugs fed to less than bright followers while they laughed about it with their mistresses and closeted boy toys.
You mean "macho man" Jeff Gannon "visiting" the White House 633 times in Dubya's first term? I think that was more for Karl sweetie 'coz Dubya was straight, though maybe he joined the fun after a few boilermakers.
There was a pop group in the 90s called Carter the Unstoppable Sex Machine, which I always thought was funny, but turned out they were English kids, and this "Carter" was just one of their friends. But they were in NYC at the time of the Dem convention and handing out postcards of Jimmeh Cawtah captioned "The Unstoppable Sex Machine"!
I suppose Carter was being tongue-in-cheek, but he really is a born-again Christian...he's just one of those losers who thinks it means you're supposed to do like Jesus said to do, unlike Pat Robertson or Hot Tub Tom DeLay.
Subject: Re: What Made Bill Clinton Great?
Written By: danootaandme on 11/21/09 at 6:50 pm
Am I the only one who seriously doubts Karl Roves heterosexual credentials?