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Subject: Glenn Beck on John McCain, Hilary Clinton and Obama.

Written By: JamieMcBain on 09/24/09 at 9:46 am

By Garance Franke-Ruta
Katie Couric picked a traffic magnet for her inaugural installment of @katiecouric, a new weekly "Web show" from the CBS Evening News anchor.

Fox News host Glenn Beck, whose ratings and profile have soared this year as he has pummeled the Obama administration and become a rabble-rousing protest organizer, once again demonstrated his flair for creating viral new media moments, if the widely reproduced advance video excerpt from the show is any indication.

"John McCain would have been worse for the country than Barack Obama," Beck told Couric. He also said that he might have cast his vote for Hillary Rodham Clinton rather than McCain if he had been faced with a choice between the two.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, I think I would have much preferred her as president and may have voted for her against John McCain," Beck said, explaining that in his world view "McCain is this weird progressive like Theodore Roosevelt was."

Progressivism is a topic of great interest to Beck and one of the many political ideologies he often criticizes, drawing a line connecting contemporary liberalism to the progressivism of the Republican Roosevelt.


I am just as suprised to hear that, as McCain would be.  Guess who isn't on McCain's Holiday card list, this year?


"John McCain would have been worse for the country than Barack Obama," Beck told Couric. He also said that he might have cast his vote for Hillary Rodham Clinton rather than McCain if he had been faced with a choice between the two.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, I think I would have much preferred her as president and may have voted for her against John McCain," Beck said, explaining that in his world view "McCain is this weird progressive like Theodore Roosevelt was."

Subject: Re: Glenn Beck on John McCain, Hilary Clinton and Obama.

Written By: tv on 09/24/09 at 11:58 am

McCain is hardly a progressive he's a moderate Republican. Hillary is a progressive no doubt. Posters like CAT and Carlos on these threads have convinced me that Obama is not 100% liberal but he's somewhere in between being a moderate democrat and a liberal in my opinion.

Subject: Re: Glenn Beck on John McCain, Hilary Clinton and Obama.

Written By: ChuckyG on 09/25/09 at 8:04 am

What no mention of Beck stuttering when he can't answer what he thinks is "white culture"


if you can't look well composed during softball questioning by Katie Couric... yesh.

Subject: Re: Glenn Beck on John McCain, Hilary Clinton and Obama.

Written By: JamieMcBain on 09/25/09 at 10:08 am

What no mention of Beck stuttering when he can't answer what he thinks is "white culture"


if you can't look well composed during softball questioning by Katie Couric... yesh.

Why to go, Katie, you're my hero! Someone had to ask the turd bucket, that question!

Subject: Re: Glenn Beck on John McCain, Hilary Clinton and Obama.

Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/25/09 at 12:00 pm

What no mention of Beck stuttering when he can't answer what he thinks is "white culture"


if you can't look well composed during softball questioning by Katie Couric... yesh.

He said that America should ask the tough questions but he just won't answer them.  ::)


Subject: Re: Glenn Beck on John McCain, Hilary Clinton and Obama.

Written By: JamieMcBain on 09/25/09 at 12:17 pm

He said that America should ask the tough questions but he just won't answer them.  ::)


I know! The irony of it all!

;D  ::)

Subject: Re: Glenn Beck on John McCain, Hilary Clinton and Obama.

Written By: Macphisto on 09/25/09 at 8:52 pm

Sometimes, I wonder if Beck's sole purpose in life is to suck so much that people like Rush look credible by comparison.

Subject: Re: Glenn Beck on John McCain, Hilary Clinton and Obama.

Written By: Foo Bar on 09/25/09 at 11:59 pm

Why to go, Katie, you're my hero! Someone had to ask the turd bucket, that question!

Hey, we've all seen her colon from the inside, who's better qualhttp://img98.imageshack.us/img98/4005/kanyebeck.jpgified?

He said that America should ask the tough questions but he just won't answer them.  ::)

Sure he has.  He has a book out.  Sorta like that football player dude.


...or did you mean the other tough questions, not the ones about 1990.  Never mind!

Then again, my first reaction upon reading this Subject line was "What is an invocation of Rule 34 that even I don't want to see, Alex?", so do you really want me thinking about this for more than long enough to fire off a few memes in the general direction of the idiocy that passes for post-9/11 American politics?

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