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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: What are your political views?
Written By: Ryan112390 on 09/19/09 at 9:52 pm
What are your political views on issues? For example, I'm:
-In terms of Economics, I follow the "Third Way" as espoused by Bill Clinton and others. I believe decreasing the national debt and the deficit and achieving a Balanced Budget should be a key concern; I believe defense spending should be cut by around 20-30% over a period of 3-7.years. I believe spending on some Welfare programs should be decreased over 5-10 years and that waste should be removed; eligibility to get on Welfare should be made stricter. The money gained from reducing Defense Spending should be used IN PART to enlarge and save Social Security for my generation. I believe individual corporations should be given a tax credit or a tax reduction if they can hire X amount of American workers in X amount of time.
-In terms of Education, I believe more money should be spent on Education, and we should increase grants and whatnot to student loans, grants etc. I would support increases in student loans, grants and scholarships. I would make grants much higher for those students with the intention of getting a degree which involves manufacturing or engineering--We need more students who will become America's manufacturer's and exporters.
-In terms of Healthcare, I generally support Obama's reform of the Private Insurance agencies; I believe in increased consumer protections. I would support a Public Option which would have strict guidelines for eligibility.
-In terms of Foreign Policy, I am a hawk but only when it comes to issues and conflicts that directly effect our interests or safety. I believe foreign aid to nations should be cut or reformed in a way that is revenue positive for us. I believe we shouldn't interfere in issues in the Middle East. I believe we should not be in the business of nation building, nor of overthrowing governments unless such governments are a threat to us. I believe in combating terrorism by financing or influencing coups of governments that support terrorist governments. I also support attacking terrorist groups in a way similar to how the government crippled the Mafia. I would support the creation of military units or intelligence agencies with the sole responsibility of border control.
-In terms of Taxes, I would support a rise in the taxes of older Americans (to pay for Medicare and Social Security), richer Americans and the super-rich and a tax decrease for working men and women without children and a slightly larger tax decrease for working families with children. I would support a five year period of making current illegal immigrants level--And once legal, former illegal immigrants would pay much higher taxes than legal immigrants or American born people. I would support decreasing taxes on companies either existing or starting up in the manufacturing and export industries. I would give a tax decrease or incentive to start manufacturing companies here in the US.
-In terms of Immigration, I'm totally anti illegal immigrants; They should not be given any rights, nor care in hospitals, nor access to any state or federal benefits. I am for an amendment to the Constitution making it that citizenship (only the citizenship of children, the other rules on citizenship would not change) would only be granted to those children born of legal immigrants. Troops would line the border and the fence would remain, along with a 30 feet deep trench lined with razor wire, toxins and mines underneath. I would support watch towers, similar to prison watch towers, along the border armed with machine guns.
I support jailing or severely fining any heads or employees (in a hiring position/ of small businesses found to be knowingly employing illegal immigrants and of the government taking (and redistributing perhaps) a percentage of the profits made by such companies in the period they employed illegal immigrants. For big businesses found to be knowingly employing illegal immigrants, I would support the jailing or severely fining any employees that hired the illegal immigrants or those employees that were aware of the immigrant's legality. I would support increasing the taxes of large corporations found to be employing illegal immigrants. I would support making illegal immigrants legal over a 5 year period in which they would be monitored and subjected to the same tests legal immigrants are subjected to.
-As far as Gun Control and Crime, I support making assault weapons available; however, being able to purchase assault weapons would be VERY limited and the guidelines and tests for considering if an individual should be licensed to own an assault weapon would be INCREDIBLY strict. I support Clinton's "Three Strikes" idea in terms of criminals.
-As far as Social Issues, I am 100% liberal. I support gay marriage, I'm pro-choice, I support federal funding of stem cell research. I also am for legalizing, taxing and regulating Marijuana and for legalizing and regulating Prostitution.
Subject: Re: What are your political views?
Written By: Macphisto on 09/20/09 at 3:09 am
Economics: disband the Fed Reserve, re-establish a public central bank, increase personal income taxes on the rich, and decrease corporate taxes.
Education: create a 2-tier system like Germany's, where students are divided by technical and academic ability at around 8th grade. Socialize collegiate education to the same degree as is done in Canada.
Healthcare: establish a socialized system based around France's design, but end Social Security.
Foreign Policy: avoid war when possible, but don't pull any punches once you commit to a war. Sometimes, obliterating an area is better than trying to occupy and rebuild it. That being said, I lean in the isolationist direction and believe we should withdraw our presence from many countries, like Japan.
Taxes: see the economics section above.
Immigration: enforce immigration laws by prosecuting employers of illegals and giving illegals themselves an ultimatum -- enter the citizenship process or be deported. Those who choose the former will be put at the back of the line. As for immigration policy overall, eligibility for citizenship would be geared toward those with college-level education, high skill levels, and wealth.
Gun Control: the current system works pretty well, although a new element would be added to background checks -- psychological records. Those with mental problems would not be eligible for gun ownership.
Crime: end mandatory drug sentencing and reform the appeals process for death row to make it more efficient and expedient. The death penalty would be administered via hangings and the electric chair, so that no legal issues arise with lethal injection.
Social Issues: remove marriage from government, repeal gay marriage bans, and replace all government recognition of marriage with civil unions (heterosexual and homosexual). Abortion would remain legal in the 1st trimester, illegal except under extenuating circumstances in the 3rd, and a state issue for the 2nd. Legalize pot and decriminalize most softer drugs. Change affirmative action to reflect class rather than race. Legalize euthanasia.
Subject: Re: What are your political views?
Written By: Brian06 on 09/20/09 at 4:44 am
Economics: I take the moderate approach and I believe in a regulated capitalist economy. I support a free market but commonsense regulation is necessary.
Education: I believe in local control, increase student aid.
Healthcare: I support a universal health care system that covers everybody by default, though I believe private insurance should continue to exist for those that are willing to pay for coverage beyond what the public plan offers.
Foreign policy: Stop the unnecessary wars. Creating fake puppet "democracies" is not the answer. On the other hand I believe this country has the right to defend itself if necessary.
Taxes: I think the current levels of taxation are fine.
Immigration: I believe illegal aliens should have the opportunity to become legal citizens, but if they aren't willing to they should be deported. We need to secure our borders.
Gun control: I think the balance is pretty good now. I support the right to bear arms, but again commonsense regulation is needed here.
Crime: Lower drug sentencing, tougher on white collar criminals. I support a constitutional amendment to get rid of the death penalty, the worst crimes should receive life without parole.
Social issues: I'm moderately pro choice, I pretty much believe all abortions post 1st trimester should be illegal with the exception of the mother's life being at risk. Get religion out of the government. Federal funding for stem cell. Legalize smaller amounts of marijuana. Legalize gay marriage under the 14th amendment.
Subject: Re: What are your political views?
Written By: Todd Pettingzoo on 09/24/09 at 1:12 am
I've changed a lot politically over the course of this decade.
I didn't really start taking politics all that seriously until maybe 2002. I started out maybe centre-right. I got got a little less right each year. By 2005, I guess I was a right leaning independent.
I started becoming more left in 2007. Then in 2008, I was really becoming left. I've scaled back a little since. As of right now, I'm a left leaning libertarian. That's where I'll stay. It feels totally right for me now.