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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Veterans Demand Apology from GOP and FOX for Lies About VA
Written By: ChuckyG on 08/29/09 at 10:23 am
Here is the full text of Steele's comments:
"If you want an example of bad public policy, let's look at this situation with our veterans where you have a manual out there, telling our veterans stuff like, ‘Are you really a value to your community?' and, you know, encouraging them to commit suicide. This is crazy coming from the government, and this is exactly what concerns people, what puts them in fear of what government controlled health care, of health care, will look like."
Subject: Re: Veterans Demand Apology from GOP and FOX for Lies About VA
Written By: Don Carlos on 08/29/09 at 10:54 am
These guys will stop at nothing. this just shows how desperate they are.
Subject: Re: Veterans Demand Apology from GOP and FOX for Lies About VA
Written By: JamieMcBain on 08/29/09 at 1:55 pm
FOX News, what a bunch of *******.
Subject: Re: Veterans Demand Apology from GOP and FOX for Lies About VA
Written By: danootaandme on 08/29/09 at 6:51 pm
:o WTF
Subject: Re: Veterans Demand Apology from GOP and FOX for Lies About VA
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 08/29/09 at 7:11 pm
Well, FOX will just dig in there heels and say Vets for Common Sense aren't REAL vets, they're a commie pinko front.
Steele is another matter. The GOP ought to require him to step down. The guy is too big of an assclown to represent the Republican Party...or is he, eh, GOP?
Subject: Re: Veterans Demand Apology from GOP and FOX for Lies About VA
Written By: Mushroom on 08/30/09 at 2:05 am
Well, I simply find this hard to believe, because I know the VA.
For them to encourage people to kill themselves, that would be far to much care then they are normally known to give. They are much more likely to just tell you it is not their problem, and to go away.
The funny thing, the more and more I have contact with the VA, and try to get them to provide me with the things I am supposed to get from them, the more I am told to get lost, that I am not eligable, or not qualified, or some other crap.
Subject: Re: Veterans Demand Apology from GOP and FOX for Lies About VA
Written By: Don Carlos on 08/30/09 at 11:03 am
Well, I simply find this hard to believe, because I know the VA.
For them to encourage people to kill themselves, that would be far to much care then they are normally known to give. They are much more likely to just tell you it is not their problem, and to go away.
The funny thing, the more and more I have contact with the VA, and try to get them to provide me with the things I am supposed to get from them, the more I am told to get lost, that I am not eligable, or not qualified, or some other crap.
You keep on saying this, but never explain what, why, when. Cat has had a few problems, as she has indicated, but they were all snafus - paperwork not delivered etc. And with just a little effort always got what was due her. So maybe you aren't eligible or qualified. You wouldn't .want something you're not entitled to would you? Or maybe you are going about it wrong.
Subject: Re: Veterans Demand Apology from GOP and FOX for Lies About VA
Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/30/09 at 12:48 pm
You keep on saying this, but never explain what, why, when. Cat has had a few problems, as she has indicated, but they were all snafus - paperwork not delivered etc. And with just a little effort always got what was due her. So maybe you aren't eligible or qualified. You wouldn't .want something you're not entitled to would you? Or maybe you are going about it wrong.
You beat me to it, Honey. :-*
Yeah, the VA has some problems (what program doesn't?) But overall, I have had good care. Usually, I only use the VA for my annual pap smear. Since it is an hour and half one way to the VA hospital, they have opened an liaison clinic in our county. I go the local hospital to get my mammogram that the VA pays for. I could use it for my eye care (which it is time I need to get my eyes check) but I would have to go to the VA hospital for that. (It is easier to have Carlos' insurance pay for that as well as dental & chiropractic care). I did use the VA several years ago when I had to have a lumpectomy (was benign). I received great care. They even took extra care to make sure that my scar is hardly noticeable. (Of course-besides when I have my annual, there only two people who see it-me & Carlos. ;) )
Subject: Re: Veterans Demand Apology from GOP and FOX for Lies About VA
Written By: danootaandme on 08/30/09 at 3:35 pm
Well, I simply find this hard to believe, because I know the VA.
For them to encourage people to kill themselves, that would be far to much care then they are normally known to give. They are much more likely to just tell you it is not their problem, and to go away.
The funny thing, the more and more I have contact with the VA, and try to get them to provide me with the things I am supposed to get from them, the more I am told to get lost, that I am not eligable, or not qualified, or some other crap.
Too bad you don't live in the dreaded Massachusetts. I know veterans that have had a few problems, just a few, and they always felt comfortable in calling either the office of John Kerry or Ted Kennedy knowing that the problem would be taken care of. It always was.
Subject: Re: Veterans Demand Apology from GOP and FOX for Lies About VA
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 08/31/09 at 12:32 am
Too bad you don't live in the dreaded Massachusetts. I know veterans that have had a few problems, just a few, and they always felt comfortable in calling either the office of John Kerry or Ted Kennedy knowing that the problem would be taken care of. It always was.
I see a lot of homeless vets around here. Though, it turns out, a lot of 'em are just drunks claiming to be vets...
Subject: Re: Veterans Demand Apology from GOP and FOX for Lies About VA
Written By: danootaandme on 09/01/09 at 6:02 am
I see a lot of homeless vets around here. Though, it turns out, a lot of 'em are just drunks claiming to be vets...
I worked in Boston. There are lots of them, even more now. The vets I am talking about are guys who have stable lives, but have had medical issues stemming from the service years(like shrapnel that is still present and sometimes debilitating), or trying to cut through the post service educational and social benefits red tape.
Subject: Re: Veterans Demand Apology from GOP and FOX for Lies About VA
Written By: Mushroom on 09/02/09 at 10:53 am
You keep on saying this, but never explain what, why, when.
OK, let me try and run down the list.
In 1993, I was discharged with a medical condition (10% Disability). I reported in at the VA within 90 days of release, as required. After looking at my knee for 5 minutes, the doctor told me there was nothing wrong with me. He then submitted paperwork suggesting that my disability be reduced to 0%.
I requested Vocational Training in 1993, based on my injury, and my lack of useable job skills from the military (10 years Infantry). I was told I was not qualified, since I could use my Infantry training in the Security field.
I requested follow-up treatment when I had a flare-up of knee pain in 1997. After waiting 2 months, was told that it was not bad enough for them to trear.
In 1999, I requested assistance when I was homeless. I was told that it was not available, unless I was comming out of prison. Again requested treatment for my knee, denied.
In 2000, I was a full-time student. According to VA Policy, full time students are eligable for full treatment irreguardless of disability status. I was having problems with wisdom teeth, and wanted them removed. They told me I was not really a student (I was doing 48 hours a week), that the school was not acceptable (It was, I was even attending under a PEL grant), and that the service was not available (it was). Finally after 6 months, I get this nice letter. I was eligable for medical care, but because I had finished school the month before I was no longer a student, so was no longer eligable.
In 2002, I went to the VA again because I wanted to get a new knee brace, motrin, and a handicapped plaque. I had to wait almost 4 months for the appointment, got a 3 month non-refillable prescription for Motrin, and the doctor would not sign the paperwork for a plaque. He told me he only signed them after he had seen a patient 2 or 3 times.
In 2003, I was in a motor vehicle accident and had no medical insurance. This is another time the VA is supposed to treat you without questions. Once again they told me I was not eligable.
In 2005, I started to request my paperwork from the VA so I could join the military. After over a year of nothing, I finally got my congressman to write them a letter. A week later I got illegibale copies of my medical records (military and VA), and my DD-214. After almost 2 years of requests though, I have yet to see my Service Record and Training Records (which is costing me promotion points).
From my experience, the only time you get the treatment you deserve from the VA is if you are retired, 30%+ disabled, or get some politician involved. And to me, that is unacceptable.
There are other events I did not list, mostly because they were repeats of earlier ones. I requested Vocational Rehabilitation on at least 5 occasions, and had them refused each time. I requested oral surgery several times (the issue with the wisdom teeth were recorded when I was in the service), but was always denied. I requested a check on my hearing several times (also service connected - my last duty was on the Rifle Range). It was always denied, and now have had tinitus since 2003.
And for while, I lived in a Private Non-Profit Veterans Home known as US Vets. Supposidly they had an agreement to take care of the vets living there free of charge. The only thing I got my 19 months living there was the mandatory TB test. They refused to look at the abnormal mole on my arm, the wisdom teeth, the knee pain, the hearing issues, the pneumonia I got that winter, or anything else. My suite-mate was also refused treatment for the abdominal pain, which got worse over a period of 2 months. Finally he was taken to an emergency room with bleeding of the bowels.
He was diagnosed with prostate cancer. He was waiting the 2 months until they would admit him to the hospital for treatment, his medicine for pain provided by donations because they would not cover them unless he was admitted. He died less then a month after he was finally admitted.
Yes, myself and several others I know have had dealings with the VA. All bad, unless the issue was forced by a politician. Or such force was threatened (as was the case of my friend with cancer). I am still waiting for them to send me my training records, and I first made the requests in July 2007, before I entered the Army. Still no answer.
Subject: Re: Veterans Demand Apology from GOP and FOX for Lies About VA
Written By: Mushroom on 09/02/09 at 11:01 am
I see a lot of homeless vets around here. Though, it turns out, a lot of 'em are just drunks claiming to be vets...
That is all to often the case. When I was homeless in LA, I ran into them all the time. I even used to carry US Vets cards with me, to hand out to people who claimed to be homeless veterans. And of the 200 or so I handed out I never saw a single one at the center seeking help.
When I was home on leave in April, I saw one guy holding a sign claiming to be a Vietnam Vet. His sign also stated that he was a Green Beret, and suffered from Agent Orange. He looked to be around my age, so I rolled down my window and asked how old he was. He said he was 47.
47, that means he was born in 1962. He was 13 when South Vietnam fell. He was not even eligable to enter the military until 1981.
And people were giving him money! I guess people's ignorance of history was good for him. I simply called him a liar, and rolled up my window.
Subject: Re: Veterans Demand Apology from GOP and FOX for Lies About VA
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/02/09 at 8:15 pm
OK, let me try and run down the list.
In 1993, I was discharged with a medical condition (10% Disability). I reported in at the VA within 90 days of release, as required. After looking at my knee for 5 minutes, the doctor told me there was nothing wrong with me. He then submitted paperwork suggesting that my disability be reduced to 0%.
I requested Vocational Training in 1993, based on my injury, and my lack of useable job skills from the military (10 years Infantry). I was told I was not qualified, since I could use my Infantry training in the Security field.
I requested follow-up treatment when I had a flare-up of knee pain in 1997. After waiting 2 months, was told that it was not bad enough for them to trear.
In 1999, I requested assistance when I was homeless. I was told that it was not available, unless I was comming out of prison. Again requested treatment for my knee, denied.
In 2000, I was a full-time student. According to VA Policy, full time students are eligable for full treatment irreguardless of disability status. I was having problems with wisdom teeth, and wanted them removed. They told me I was not really a student (I was doing 48 hours a week), that the school was not acceptable (It was, I was even attending under a PEL grant), and that the service was not available (it was). Finally after 6 months, I get this nice letter. I was eligable for medical care, but because I had finished school the month before I was no longer a student, so was no longer eligable.
In 2002, I went to the VA again because I wanted to get a new knee brace, motrin, and a handicapped plaque. I had to wait almost 4 months for the appointment, got a 3 month non-refillable prescription for Motrin, and the doctor would not sign the paperwork for a plaque. He told me he only signed them after he had seen a patient 2 or 3 times.
In 2003, I was in a motor vehicle accident and had no medical insurance. This is another time the VA is supposed to treat you without questions. Once again they told me I was not eligable.
In 2005, I started to request my paperwork from the VA so I could join the military. After over a year of nothing, I finally got my congressman to write them a letter. A week later I got illegibale copies of my medical records (military and VA), and my DD-214. After almost 2 years of requests though, I have yet to see my Service Record and Training Records (which is costing me promotion points).
From my experience, the only time you get the treatment you deserve from the VA is if you are retired, 30%+ disabled, or get some politician involved. And to me, that is unacceptable.
There are other events I did not list, mostly because they were repeats of earlier ones. I requested Vocational Rehabilitation on at least 5 occasions, and had them refused each time. I requested oral surgery several times (the issue with the wisdom teeth were recorded when I was in the service), but was always denied. I requested a check on my hearing several times (also service connected - my last duty was on the Rifle Range). It was always denied, and now have had tinitus since 2003.
And for while, I lived in a Private Non-Profit Veterans Home known as US Vets. Supposidly they had an agreement to take care of the vets living there free of charge. The only thing I got my 19 months living there was the mandatory TB test. They refused to look at the abnormal mole on my arm, the wisdom teeth, the knee pain, the hearing issues, the pneumonia I got that winter, or anything else. My suite-mate was also refused treatment for the abdominal pain, which got worse over a period of 2 months. Finally he was taken to an emergency room with bleeding of the bowels.
He was diagnosed with prostate cancer. He was waiting the 2 months until they would admit him to the hospital for treatment, his medicine for pain provided by donations because they would not cover them unless he was admitted. He died less then a month after he was finally admitted.
Yes, myself and several others I know have had dealings with the VA. All bad, unless the issue was forced by a politician. Or such force was threatened (as was the case of my friend with cancer). I am still waiting for them to send me my training records, and I first made the requests in July 2007, before I entered the Army. Still no answer.
Jesus Christ, they should've at least given you the Motrin for the headache, and Prep-H for the pain in the ass!
Your ordeal points to the reason I am discouraged about a "public option." It is not because governments can't do a good job providing health care, it's that I'm afraid the corporate paymasters who control our government do not want OUR government to do a good job providing health care. Thus, if a public option gets through, the wreckers in our government will do their damnedest to sabotage it and strip it to the bone. That way they can say, "See, government-run health care doesn't work."
The copious examples you can provide of the VA's negligence, stinginess, and delays is an example of the same principle. Surely, we, as a society, could run the VA much more efficiently and humanely. However, there's not a lot of profit to be made off of injured vets, so they are not a priority for the corporations. If they are not a priority of the corporations, they are not a priority for our government. Thus, if the VA was turned over to a private corporation, I hardly think your service would improve.
What we need is not just POLICY reform, but VALUES reform.
Subject: Re: Veterans Demand Apology from GOP and FOX for Lies About VA
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/02/09 at 8:21 pm
That is all to often the case. When I was homeless in LA, I ran into them all the time. I even used to carry US Vets cards with me, to hand out to people who claimed to be homeless veterans. And of the 200 or so I handed out I never saw a single one at the center seeking help.
When I was home on leave in April, I saw one guy holding a sign claiming to be a Vietnam Vet. His sign also stated that he was a Green Beret, and suffered from Agent Orange. He looked to be around my age, so I rolled down my window and asked how old he was. He said he was 47.
47, that means he was born in 1962. He was 13 when South Vietnam fell. He was not even eligable to enter the military until 1981.
And people were giving him money! I guess people's ignorance of history was good for him. I simply called him a liar, and rolled up my window.
Yeah, I've seen the same thing. A lot of the guys on the streets in my area have both psychiatric and substance abuse problems, so when you've got a guy who's forty and claiming he's a Vietnam vet, he's probably not too wily in the first place. It is sad to see those guys out there, but I've never found any benefit to either them or me by engaging them. I just walk on by. If you give them a buck or two, chances are they're gonna drink it, and even if they buy a sandwich, panhandling on the street does not get you off the street, so it's not a big favor in the long run. A lot of liberal friends would say that sounds cold. I don't mean it to sound cold, it's just what I've observed over the years.
Subject: Re: Veterans Demand Apology from GOP and FOX for Lies About VA
Written By: Don Carlos on 09/03/09 at 11:11 am
I read Mushroom's list. All I can say is that Cat was initially at 30% disability and got all that she was entitled to from the VA with little or no hassle. That included regular physicals ( about 2 weeks for an appointment), college tuition, books, and a stipend, and disability pay. I don't know anything about eligibility requirements, but just maybe "Shroom" wasn't eligible and his persistence got him tagged as a potential abuser of the system. Which is not to say that mistakes aren't made.
Subject: Re: Veterans Demand Apology from GOP and FOX for Lies About VA
Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/03/09 at 11:58 am
I read Mushroom's list. All I can say is that Cat was initially at 30% disability and got all that she was entitled to from the VA with little or no hassle. That included regular physicals ( about 2 weeks for an appointment), college tuition, books, and a stipend, and disability pay. I don't know anything about eligibility requirements, but just maybe "Shroom" wasn't eligible and his persistence got him tagged as a potential abuser of the system. Which is not to say that mistakes aren't made.
I was initially evaluated at 70% disabled. I am not evaluated at 100%.
Subject: Re: Veterans Demand Apology from GOP and FOX for Lies About VA
Written By: danootaandme on 09/03/09 at 12:28 pm
I read Mushroom's list. All I can say is that Cat was initially at 30% disability and got all that she was entitled to from the VA with little or no hassle. That included regular physicals ( about 2 weeks for an appointment), college tuition, books, and a stipend, and disability pay. I don't know anything about eligibility requirements, but just maybe "Shroom" wasn't eligible and his persistence got him tagged as a potential abuser of the system. Which is not to say that mistakes aren't made.
Reading over the list I am inclined to agree. 10% disability. If he had gone for a second opinion outside of the veterans to back his claim of it being more than that then he would have a case. Ten years in the infantry and no usuable job skills. Little tweaky there, too. The knee flares up four years later. Lots of things could have happened in that interval to cause problems, as I said before, a second opinion upon discharge would have gone a long way. Just out of curiosity, what was the school? I guess here in godless, commie, pinko, L word(liberal) Massachusetts we make sure the veterans are taken care better than the rest of the country(ain't that a blip)
Subject: Re: Veterans Demand Apology from GOP and FOX for Lies About VA
Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/03/09 at 12:37 pm
Reading over the list I am inclined to agree. 10% disability. If he had gone for a second opinion outside of the veterans to back his claim of it being more than that then he would have a case. Ten years in the infantry and no usuable job skills. Little tweaky there, too. The knee flares up four years later. Lots of things could have happened in that interval to cause problems, as I said before, a second opinion upon discharge would have gone a long way. Just out of curiosity, what was the school? I guess here in godless, commie, pinko, L word(liberal) Massachusetts we make sure the veterans are taken care better than the rest of the country(ain't that a blip)
I went to Castleton State College (where I met Carlos & where we actually got married ;) ). I wasn't the only vet there. There were a handful of us. I majored in History and Early Childhood Ed (K-6). I did try to get the VA to pay for my grad work but no dice. Oh well. I got my undergraduate degree complements of Uncle Sam. I have no complaints.
Subject: Re: Veterans Demand Apology from GOP and FOX for Lies About VA
Written By: danootaandme on 09/03/09 at 2:43 pm
I went to Castleton State College (where I met Carlos & where we actually got married ;) ). I wasn't the only vet there. There were a handful of us. I majored in History and Early Childhood Ed (K-6). I did try to get the VA to pay for my grad work but no dice. Oh well. I got my undergraduate degree complements of Uncle Sam. I have no complaints.
Actually,I am wondering where Mushroom went if he could get a Pell Grant, but was told his VA benefits wouldn't apply.
They told me I was not really a student (I was doing 48 hours a week), that the school was not acceptable (It was, I was even attending under a PEL grant), and that the service was not available (it was).
....and that is Pell Grant as in Claiborne Pell another wealthy, entitled, but well loved, hard working, liberal, commie, pinko, long serving Democrat, God bless them. The Grant was given a boost by Ted Kennedy who was instrumental in raising the amount, you can thank him Mush, for that. Claiborne Pell passed away in January of this year at the age of 90.
Subject: Re: Veterans Demand Apology from GOP and FOX for Lies About VA
Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/03/09 at 6:12 pm
Actually,I am wondering where Mushroom went if he could get a Pell Grant, but was told his VA benefits wouldn't apply.
....and that is Pell Grant as in Claiborne Pell another wealthy, entitled, but well loved, hard working, liberal, commie, pinko, long serving Democrat, God bless them. The Grant was given a boost by Ted Kennedy who was instrumental in raising the amount, you can thank him Mush, for that. Claiborne Pell passed away in January of this year at the age of 90.
Sorry. I thought you were asking me. My mistake. :-[
Subject: Re: Veterans Demand Apology from GOP and FOX for Lies About VA
Written By: Don Carlos on 09/04/09 at 10:02 am
I was initially evaluated at 70% disabled. I am not evaluated at 100%.
You mean "now" - for being legally blind - which got her a free fishing license - and a free hunting license - which will stay in Vermont
Subject: Re: Veterans Demand Apology from GOP and FOX for Lies About VA
Written By: Mushroom on 09/05/09 at 1:42 am
I read Mushroom's list. All I can say is that Cat was initially at 30% disability and got all that she was entitled to from the VA with little or no hassle. That included regular physicals ( about 2 weeks for an appointment), college tuition, books, and a stipend, and disability pay. I don't know anything about eligibility requirements, but just maybe "Shroom" wasn't eligible and his persistence got him tagged as a potential abuser of the system. Which is not to say that mistakes aren't made.
30% is the threshhold where you are considered to be fully under VA care. If you are at the 30% point, they have to take care of everything, service connected or not. You are considered medically retired, and get the same benefits as somebody that did their 20 years and retired.
At 10% and 20%, they are only obligated to cover you for your specific service connected dissability. In my case, my right knee and my hearing. They themselves affirmed the problem with my teeth in 1993 at my post-discharge physical.
ANd when you are attending school full time, you are also supposed to be under 100% care. It is part of their obligation. It is part of the VA Bill going back to World War II. It is part of the VEAP bill (which I fall under), the Montgommery Bill, and now the Post 9-11 bill. and it is one they will deny whenever possible.
Cat is lucky, because at 30%, there is really nothing they can do to deny her. No matter what, her care is guaranteed. It is those of us with 20% and under that have the worst problem. Their only obligation is to the service connected disability, and nothing else under most circumstances.
And I am not alone. 2 years ago when I came back in the service, I talked to others that also got out on disabilities. And almost universally, they dismissed the VA coverage, stating it was either a total joke, or was made unavailable.
And another thing I forgot to mention, I never got my disability pay. Under VA rules, I was entitled to disability pay, which is $123 a month. In the 14 years I was out, I did not see a single dime. Because they would refer back to that 5 minute exam and say I was not eligable.
Reading over the list I am inclined to agree. 10% disability. If he had gone for a second opinion outside of the veterans to back his claim of it being more than that then he would have a case. Ten years in the infantry and no usuable job skills. Little tweaky there, too. The knee flares up four years later. Lots of things could have happened in that interval to cause problems, as I said before, a second opinion upon discharge would have gone a long way. Just out of curiosity, what was the school? I guess here in godless, commie, pinko, L word(liberal) Massachusetts we make sure the veterans are taken care better than the rest of the country(ain't that a blip)
Yes, I could have gotten a second opinion. But fighting the VA requires a lot of time and money. I would have had to pay for the medical exam, and the lawyers out of my own pocket. I basically would have spent tens of thousands of dollars of my own money, which I would never have gotten back. I even had lawyers tell me I had a good case, but they would not take it without at least $5,000 up front.
Like most other things with the Government, they do not have to take a second opinion. That only comes into play when you finally drag them into court. And how many people have the money to do that?
Not only that, I already had a second opinion. I had 3 years of them courtesy of the US Navy. My Medical Record had everything from my initial injury, through countless X-rays, bone scans, MRI, and 2 years of phyiscal therapy. As far as the VA is concerned though, that means nothing. A 5 minute exam by an intern without a single X-ray is all they needed to deny my disability.
And tell me, what job skills did I have? Yes, I spent 10 years in the Infantry. And the last time I checked, there are not many jobs out there for that job. I could have become an assassin. Or I guess I could have tried to find work as a mercenary. But with knee issues, that was not to likely.
I even applied for a job with the LAPD. But they took one look at my DD-214 (Discharge papers), which had "VA Physical Disability, Right Knee - 10%" on it and rejected me.
And remember, it is not just disability I am having issues with when it comes to the VA. They are also in charge of my Education Benefits. And they have stacked the deck there too.
I enlisted in 1983, under the old VEAP program. In this, for every $1 you put in for education, they give you an additional $2. And your cap is around $7,000. After that, they went to the Montgomery Program, where you put in $1,200, and they cover you for a full 4 year degree, reguardless of cost.
Now come to the modern day. Even though I came back in under Montgomery, the VA says I am only eligable for VEAP. And I can't even put money into my VEAP, because they say the program is closed. Now this is typical VA bullcrap. You are only eligable for a program that they say no longer exists.
Now come to the final insult. We all know about the wonderful benefits of the new "Post 9-11 GI Bill". Well, read the fine print. It is an addition to the Montgomery GI Bill. If you do not have Montgomery, you do not get Post 9-11. So after serving for 12 years, the VA is still telling me I have no education benefits. Not only that, they will not give me any no matter what.
THIS is the VA. Whenever possible screw the veterans. It is no wonder my wife (who worked at a VA Hospital) says she would never see me treated at one. She would rather see me in a University Hospital treated by interns and medical students then with the VA.
Subject: Re: Veterans Demand Apology from GOP and FOX for Lies About VA
Written By: danootaandme on 09/05/09 at 6:06 am
30% is the threshhold where you are considered to be fully under VA care. If you are at the 30% point, they have to take care of everything, service connected or not. You are considered medically retired, and get the same benefits as somebody that did their 20 years and retired.
At 10% and 20%, they are only obligated to cover you for your specific service connected dissability. In my case, my right knee and my hearing. They themselves affirmed the problem with my teeth in 1993 at my post-discharge physical.
ANd when you are attending school full time, you are also supposed to be under 100% care. It is part of their obligation. It is part of the VA Bill going back to World War II. It is part of the VEAP bill (which I fall under), the Montgommery Bill, and now the Post 9-11 bill. and it is one they will deny whenever possible.
Cat is lucky, because at 30%, there is really nothing they can do to deny her. No matter what, her care is guaranteed. It is those of us with 20% and under that have the worst problem. Their only obligation is to the service connected disability, and nothing else under most circumstances.
And I am not alone. 2 years ago when I came back in the service, I talked to others that also got out on disabilities. And almost universally, they dismissed the VA coverage, stating it was either a total joke, or was made unavailable.
And another thing I forgot to mention, I never got my disability pay. Under VA rules, I was entitled to disability pay, which is $123 a month. In the 14 years I was out, I did not see a single dime. Because they would refer back to that 5 minute exam and say I was not eligable.
Yes, I could have gotten a second opinion. But fighting the VA requires a lot of time and money. I would have had to pay for the medical exam, and the lawyers out of my own pocket. I basically would have spent tens of thousands of dollars of my own money, which I would never have gotten back. I even had lawyers tell me I had a good case, but they would not take it without at least $5,000 up front.
Like most other things with the Government, they do not have to take a second opinion. That only comes into play when you finally drag them into court. And how many people have the money to do that?
Not only that, I already had a second opinion. I had 3 years of them courtesy of the US Navy. My Medical Record had everything from my initial injury, through countless X-rays, bone scans, MRI, and 2 years of phyiscal therapy. As far as the VA is concerned though, that means nothing. A 5 minute exam by an intern without a single X-ray is all they needed to deny my disability.
And tell me, what job skills did I have? Yes, I spent 10 years in the Infantry. And the last time I checked, there are not many jobs out there for that job. I could have become an assassin. Or I guess I could have tried to find work as a mercenary. But with knee issues, that was not to likely.
I even applied for a job with the LAPD. But they took one look at my DD-214 (Discharge papers), which had "VA Physical Disability, Right Knee - 10%" on it and rejected me.
And remember, it is not just disability I am having issues with when it comes to the VA. They are also in charge of my Education Benefits. And they have stacked the deck there too.
I enlisted in 1983, under the old VEAP program. In this, for every $1 you put in for education, they give you an additional $2. And your cap is around $7,000. After that, they went to the Montgomery Program, where you put in $1,200, and they cover you for a full 4 year degree, reguardless of cost.
Now come to the modern day. Even though I came back in under Montgomery, the VA says I am only eligable for VEAP. And I can't even put money into my VEAP, because they say the program is closed. Now this is typical VA bullcrap. You are only eligable for a program that they say no longer exists.
Now come to the final insult. We all know about the wonderful benefits of the new "Post 9-11 GI Bill". Well, read the fine print. It is an addition to the Montgomery GI Bill. If you do not have Montgomery, you do not get Post 9-11. So after serving for 12 years, the VA is still telling me I have no education benefits. Not only that, they will not give me any no matter what.
THIS is the VA. Whenever possible screw the veterans. It is no wonder my wife (who worked at a VA Hospital) says she would never see me treated at one. She would rather see me in a University Hospital treated by interns and medical students then with the VA.
Well, all I can say, once again, is, too bad you aren't in the commie, pinko, liberal, state of Massachusetts. I have never known any vet being denied educational and/or job benefits. They have veterans liaisons, volunteers as well as paid by the state, who are vets themselves, whose job it is to cut through the red tape and get them everything they are due, and a few things that maybe they aren't. Veterans preference looms large here in all aspects of education and jobs and vets are encouraged to seek this help the moment they separate from the service.
Subject: Re: Veterans Demand Apology from GOP and FOX for Lies About VA
Written By: Don Carlos on 09/05/09 at 11:10 am
Well, all I can say, once again, is, too bad you aren't in the commie, pinko, liberal, state of Massachusetts. I have never known any vet being denied educational and/or job benefits. They have veterans liaisons, volunteers as well as paid by the state, who are vets themselves, whose job it is to cut through the red tape and get them everything they are due, and a few things that maybe they aren't. Veterans preference looms large here in all aspects of education and jobs and vets are encouraged to seek this help the moment they separate from the service.
I would add that a call and a letter to the local member of congress would elicit the help needed without the necessity of a suit. Whenever Cat got caught in a snafu then congressman Bernie Sanders was johnny on the spot to cut through the crap - for free.
Subject: Re: Veterans Demand Apology from GOP and FOX for Lies About VA
Written By: danootaandme on 09/05/09 at 1:29 pm
I would add that a call and a letter to the local member of congress would elicit the help needed without the necessity of a suit. Whenever Cat got caught in a snafu then congressman Bernie Sanders was johnny on the spot to cut through the crap - for free.
That is what counts.
Subject: Re: Veterans Demand Apology from GOP and FOX for Lies About VA
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/05/09 at 8:18 pm
I would add that a call and a letter to the local member of congress would elicit the help needed without the necessity of a suit. Whenever Cat got caught in a snafu then congressman Bernie Sanders was johnny on the spot to cut through the crap - for free.
Well, you said the magic words "Bernie Sanders."
He is I for Independent. He is not tied to the big business parties (D, R), so he can speak up without fear of retaliation from corporate paymasters, and shouldn't that be every senator's right?