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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: OOOO Topic juicy AND POLITICAL for once to take a side!
Written By: saver on 07/27/09 at 11:54 pm
OK for some who thought I am throwing topics out to fight over..here's one I would like to mention and actually GIVE MY VIEW- Political or not.
In L.A. a 17 yr. old girl outon an errand for her mother was killed by (GET THIS)..a transient with a known background for violence, a long rap sheet, and realeased from jail in Feb. and was arrested on an unrelated case and in possession of a crack-pipe, before they even found the girl's 'brutally beaten body'.
Hey LEFTIES who just love sending those types into a 'drug treatment clinic', anger management classes to 'learn' to control themselves and everything will be fine, INSTEAD of building more prisons in which to put them away... I think the STATE AND COUNTRY VOTERS should keep this death in mind when they decide who they will put in office!
Those who subscribe to letting those offenders out are kidding themselves and are CHUMPS!
It's GODAWFUL something like this has to happen! THAT'S WHAT I THINK SHOULD BE DONE...oh, he went to prison? Did they keep him in 'full term?'
Hope many readers feel this way and will be heard.
Subject: Re: OOOO Topic juicy AND POLITICAL for once to take a side!
Written By: philbo on 07/28/09 at 10:38 am
I think you need to learn to think a bit better: you say "LEFTIES who just love sending those types into a 'drug treatment clinic'", yet also mention "a known background for violence, a long rap sheet"
Let me get this straight: you think that because someone thinks that treatment is a better option for drug addicts that they want those with a history of violence on the streets just because they happen to be drug addicts as well as violent?
Treating addicts as criminals just because they've taken drugs is a staggeringly stupid idea, always was and always will be. That doesn't mean that those who commit crimes, especially violent ones, shouldn't be locked up - what it does mean is you're not filling your prisons with a ridiculously large number of people that haven't actually harmed anybody except (and a lot of the time not even) themselves.
Subject: Re: OOOO Topic juicy AND POLITICAL for once to take a side!
Written By: limblifter on 07/28/09 at 10:56 am
OK for some who thought I am throwing topics out to fight over..here's one I would like to mention and actually GIVE MY VIEW- Political or not.
In L.A. a 17 yr. old girl outon an errand for her mother was killed by (GET THIS)..a transient with a known background for violence, a long rap sheet, and realeased from jail in Feb. and was arrested on an unrelated case and in possession of a crack-pipe, before they even found the girl's 'brutally beaten body'.
Hey LEFTIES who just love sending those types into a 'drug treatment clinic', anger management classes to 'learn' to control themselves and everything will be fine, INSTEAD of building more prisons in which to put them away... I think the STATE AND COUNTRY VOTERS should keep this death in mind when they decide who they will put in office!
Those who subscribe to letting those offenders out are kidding themselves and are CHUMPS!
It's GODAWFUL something like this has to happen! THAT'S WHAT I THINK SHOULD BE DONE...oh, he went to prison? Did they keep him in 'full term?'
Hope many readers feel this way and will be heard.
How much time did Rush Limbaugh serve for illegally obtaining prescription drugs for his ADDICTION?
Subject: Re: OOOO Topic juicy AND POLITICAL for once to take a side!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/28/09 at 3:11 pm
From what little sense I can make of your statements, you seem to take glee in making a Left versus Right polemic out of the kidnapping and murder of a young woman. I think that is a sad statement about you and not much else.
Subject: Re: OOOO Topic juicy AND POLITICAL for once to take a side!
Written By: saver on 07/28/09 at 8:07 pm
From what little sense I can make of your statements, you seem to take glee in making a Left versus Right polemic out of the kidnapping and murder of a young woman. I think that is a sad statement about you and not much else.
You know we hear it from the left all the time, let the drug users out to get rehab,they aren't hurting anyone but themselves...well, SOME,(I am not dealing with ABSOLUTES),do.
Theywould rob and KILL to get their fix. Has anyone for this 'treatment' release looked at the recidivsm rate, how good this method works compared to how many have taken responsibility and done something constructive with their life?
Rush is one that didn't hardly seem to be one who would steal from someone to supply his addiction and whatever was said in presentation of his situation, I'm not sure if the recoed is public.
The direction I am looking at is WHY OR HOW does someone like this monster get out as he did..when digging for the answers it goes to the 'compassionates' who reccommend a rehab for WHATEVER actions...whether they claimed he was non-violent and can get 'counselling' or he'll support himself and promise to work through his addictions.
Are there requirements to 'prove' you will clean up..haven't heard..but when the bleeding hearts claim addicts only hurt themselves and let's send them somewhere to recover, they miss the additional elements..did the perp previously rob or steal from another to support their habit, are they displaying signs that they could be a danger to society..
More news on the alledged teen killer which begs to be answered..he was known for being arrested 3 times with felonies, CA has a 3 strikes law, why wasn't he in for life instead of out on parole?
Now there are many others who are being looked at to be released early in CA who pose non-serious threats, due to the budget cuts...Hope they wake up and look at who they are looking to released in these cases, word was non-violent criminals, not only drug related arrested.
You can get arrested for urinating in public, who was that hurting but until the law is ammended, you pay as accorded.
If you're offended that addicts are imprisoned, I am for keeping a separate institution for them until they complete their rehab. Until laws change, addicts mayor may not do time.
Subject: Re: OOOO Topic juicy AND POLITICAL for once to take a side!
Written By: limblifter on 07/28/09 at 9:26 pm
You know we hear it from the left all the time, let the drug users out to get rehab,they aren't hurting anyone but themselves...well, SOME,(I am not dealing with ABSOLUTES),do.
Theywould rob and KILL to get their fix. Has anyone for this 'treatment' release looked at the recidivsm rate, how good this method works compared to how many have taken responsibility and done something constructive with their life?
Rush is one that didn't hardly seem to be one who would steal from someone to supply his addiction and whatever was said in presentation of his situation, I'm not sure if the recoed is public.
The direction I am looking at is WHY OR HOW does someone like this monster get out as he did..when digging for the answers it goes to the 'compassionates' who reccommend a rehab for WHATEVER actions...whether they claimed he was non-violent and can get 'counselling' or he'll support himself and promise to work through his addictions.
Are there requirements to 'prove' you will clean up..haven't heard..but when the bleeding hearts claim addicts only hurt themselves and let's send them somewhere to recover, they miss the additional elements..did the perp previously rob or steal from another to support their habit, are they displaying signs that they could be a danger to society..
More news on the alledged teen killer which begs to be answered..he was known for being arrested 3 times with felonies, CA has a 3 strikes law, why wasn't he in for life instead of out on parole?
Now there are many others who are being looked at to be released early in CA who pose non-serious threats, due to the budget cuts...Hope they wake up and look at who they are looking to released in these cases, word was non-violent criminals, not only drug related arrested.
You can get arrested for urinating in public, who was that hurting but until the law is ammended, you pay as accorded.
If you're offended that addicts are imprisoned, I am for keeping a separate institution for them until they complete their rehab. Until laws change, addicts mayor may not do time.
Well from your original post you mention that he was released from prison. You might have a case if it had said that he was released from rehab. You basically proved that prison isn't a place to send someone to get over addiction.
And as for his criminal past. That does nothing to prove your case that "lefties" are too compassionate. It just proves that the penal system is flawed.
Subject: Re: OOOO Topic juicy AND POLITICAL for once to take a side!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/28/09 at 10:12 pm
You can get arrested for urinating in public, who was that hurting but until the law is ammended, you pay as accorded.
Would you rather be pissed on or pissed off?
Subject: Re: OOOO Topic juicy AND POLITICAL for once to take a side!
Written By: philbo on 07/29/09 at 4:12 am
You know we hear it from the left all the time, let the drug users out to get rehab,they aren't hurting anyone but themselves...well, SOME,(I am not dealing with ABSOLUTES),do.
Yet you appear to want to treat all addicts as though they are already violent.
OK, here's a simple-sounding question for you: if somebody is addicted, and far and away the cheapest and most cost-effective way of allowing that person to become an integrated, functioning member of society is to prescribe his/her particular poison - why not supply them with it? Putting them in prison doesn't work - that's already obvious.
People addicted to things like heroin & other opiates can and do function normally with a steady supply - so much so that you probably wouldn't know if you were working with an addict. Most of the health problems from addicts come from insanitary conditions, adulterated drugs and the like - these would be solved by prescribing known strengths of pharmaceutical quality; most of the crime problems from addicts stem from having to find ever more money to pay for the drugs - these would be similarly solved, and would have the added benefit that less money would be going to the drug barons.
Subject: Re: OOOO Topic juicy AND POLITICAL for once to take a side!
Written By: Mushroom on 07/29/09 at 4:32 am
More news on the alledged teen killer which begs to be answered..he was known for being arrested 3 times with felonies, CA has a 3 strikes law, why wasn't he in for life instead of out on parole?
If you're offended that addicts are imprisoned, I am for keeping a separate institution for them until they complete their rehab. Until laws change, addicts mayor may not do time.
Yes, California does have a "3 Strikes" law. And because of that, a lot of people that are arrested for felonies go to trial for lesser charges. Grand theft may be tried as petty theft simply because the judge or somebody else does not want to send the person to jail for 25 to life.
To give an idea, this is from the LA Times:
Sources familiar with his criminal past say he has been arrested previously for assault with a deadly weapon, kidnapping and robbery. He has spent several years in state prison. However, his convictions are more limited and include robbery of an inhabited dwelling, burglary and petty theft.
If I were to guess, it sounds like he got caught during a home-invasion style robbery, which included assault. But it was actually convicted (or plead guilty to) "robbery of an inhabited dwelling". And his other convictions were more then likely similar in nature. Arrested for a major crime, convicted of something much lesser.
And he was in a half-way house and drug treatment center at the time. But like Willie Horton, was released on a day pass, where he went on a drug and drinking spree, which sadly included murder.
Subject: Re: OOOO Topic juicy AND POLITICAL for once to take a side!
Written By: Mushroom on 07/29/09 at 12:24 pm
This kind of follows up on what I posted a little while ago.
As some in here may remember, in July 2007 I was assaulted and robbed while I was working as a delivery driver at Domino's. I got a summons to see the DA the week before I was to leave for training, and I spent about 15 minutes talking with the DA in the case.
They were asking me if I was willing to take payment from the Victims Restitution Fund in exchange for a lower sentence of the scumbag that attacked me, and I told them "Hell no!"
Well, it seems I got my wish. The piece of garbage got 21 years. :D
To bad more states don't treat crime as seriously as Alabama does.
Subject: Re: OOOO Topic juicy AND POLITICAL for once to take a side!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/29/09 at 2:30 pm
This kind of follows up on what I posted a little while ago.
As some in here may remember, in July 2007 I was assaulted and robbed while I was working as a delivery driver at Domino's. I got a summons to see the DA the week before I was to leave for training, and I spent about 15 minutes talking with the DA in the case.
They were asking me if I was willing to take payment from the Victims Restitution Fund in exchange for a lower sentence of the scumbag that attacked me, and I told them "Hell no!"
Well, it seems I got my wish. The piece of garbage got 21 years. :D
To bad more states don't treat crime as seriously as Alabama does.
Yeah, I remember you talking about that. Pretty scary stuff. Up here in Mass. at about the same time a kid named Corey Lind was delivering for Domino's when he was murdered by some punk who wanted to steal his car.
Similar circumstances to your case where the guy called an order to a non-existent address in a vacant lot. Lind wasn't as fortunate as you. The perp, Alex Morales, is now serving a life sentence.
Springfield has some serious problems with poverty and violence. That particular shop is in such a high crime area, you'd have to pay me $100 an hour and buy me a giant life insurance policy to work there!
Subject: Re: OOOO Topic juicy AND POLITICAL for once to take a side!
Written By: Mushroom on 07/29/09 at 3:21 pm
Yeah, I remember you talking about that. Pretty scary stuff. Up here in Mass. at about the same time a kid named Corey Lind was delivering for Domino's when he was murdered by some punk who wanted to steal his car.
What bothers me the most about this are things that are not nessicarily mentioned in the article.
For one, the perp was only 16 when this happened. And there was another with him. Of the 2 that actually assaulted me, this is the one that chased me down the road. And this was 1 of 4 or 5 robberies they did. In these, 2 of the victims were sent to the hospital for injuries received.
16 years old, and a violent criminal. Who is now doing 21 years. What a waste.
And the thing is, his aunt owns a business. This all happened in front of the barber shop that his aunt owns. And while this was happening, I remember seeing 3 or 4 people watching this happen from the front window. I thought at the time it was odd that nobody tried to come out at all to help, nor came out once the Police arrived. I thought it was suspicious at the time. The police tried to talk to some of them at the time, but they all denied knowing or seeing anything.
And the next day I found the pizza boxes in the trash right next to this barber shop. If I had not decided to do a little snooping on my own, who knows how many others they might have done this to. I remember when I pulled into the parking lot across the street, one guy tried to confront me and scare me off, but I did not budge. Even though it took 45 minutes for the police to arrive.
Subject: Re: OOOO Topic juicy AND POLITICAL for once to take a side!
Written By: saver on 07/30/09 at 1:00 am
Yet you appear to want to treat all addicts as though they are already violent.
OK, here's a simple-sounding question for you: if somebody is addicted, and far and away the cheapest and most cost-effective way of allowing that person to become an integrated, functioning member of society is to prescribe his/her particular poison - why not supply them with it? Putting them in prison doesn't work - that's already obvious.
People addicted to things like heroin & other opiates can and do function normally with a steady supply - so much so that you probably wouldn't know if you were working with an addict. Most of the health problems from addicts come from insanitary conditions, adulterated drugs and the like - these would be solved by prescribing known strengths of pharmaceutical quality; most of the crime problems from addicts stem from having to find ever more money to pay for the drugs - these would be similarly solved, and would have the added benefit that less money would be going to the drug barons.
If the stats prove that system of a place just to rehab addicts works..then open centers to support helping...I am ENRAGED about this particular case and a few others that seemed to have recently been added to children killed with no one helping because of the failed CA system.
Another child's father is on theloose and the child services had been notified of the 'aniimal father' noless than 12 times..what does it take..
Subject: Re: OOOO Topic juicy AND POLITICAL for once to take a side!
Written By: saver on 07/30/09 at 1:04 am
Yes, California does have a "3 Strikes" law. And because of that, a lot of people that are arrested for felonies go to trial for lesser charges. Grand theft may be tried as petty theft simply because the judge or somebody else does not want to send the person to jail for 25 to life.
To give an idea, this is from the LA Times:
Sources familiar with his criminal past say he has been arrested previously for assault with a deadly weapon, kidnapping and robbery. He has spent several years in state prison. However, his convictions are more limited and include robbery of an inhabited dwelling, burglary and petty theft.
If I were to guess, it sounds like he got caught during a home-invasion style robbery, which included assault. But it was actually convicted (or plead guilty to) "robbery of an inhabited dwelling". And his other convictions were more then likely similar in nature. Arrested for a major crime, convicted of something much lesser.
And he was in a half-way house and drug treatment center at the time. But like Willie Horton, was released on a day pass, where he went on a drug and drinking spree, which sadly included murder.
The again have you everheard talk on the streets when people discuss violent assault crimes 'The guy should have killed the victim, they'd get less time..or how harm an animal,you get more time than some worse human offenses.
Subject: Re: OOOO Topic juicy AND POLITICAL for once to take a side!
Written By: saver on 07/30/09 at 1:15 am
What bothers me the most about this are things that are not nessicarily mentioned in the article.
For one, the perp was only 16 when this happened. And there was another with him. Of the 2 that actually assaulted me, this is the one that chased me down the road. And this was 1 of 4 or 5 robberies they did. In these, 2 of the victims were sent to the hospital for injuries received.
16 years old, and a violent criminal. Who is now doing 21 years. What a waste.
And the thing is, his aunt owns a business. This all happened in front of the barber shop that his aunt owns. And while this was happening, I remember seeing 3 or 4 people watching this happen from the front window. I thought at the time it was odd that nobody tried to come out at all to help, nor came out once the Police arrived. I thought it was suspicious at the time. The police tried to talk to some of them at the time, but they all denied knowing or seeing anything.
And the next day I found the pizza boxes in the trash right next to this barber shop. If I had not decided to do a little snooping on my own, who knows how many others they might have done this to. I remember when I pulled into the parking lot across the street, one guy tried to confront me and scare me off, but I did not budge. Even though it took 45 minutes for the police to arrive.
I hadn't followed your case but would be irate if the law wasn't fully enforced!
Casing stories from various medium sized towns having their share of crime increase..Akron Ohio, had/has a rash of armed pizza delivery driver robberies..you would think immediate action or hard sentences would be applied..from what I heard, police figured they would(from time to time),pose as delivery drivers and eventually catch a few crooks.
Yet,when a pizza store was held up by a guy(19-21) walked in to hold it up, the owner shot and killed the guy but feared for his safety as he got calls, saying basically he didn't have to shoot when the guy walked away and he-the theif got it in the back!
What does one do? Now everyone knows the store packs heat and wouldn't hesitate to shoot!
Just commenting and wish you better days.