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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Right Winger's hate for Obama
Written By: Ryan112390 on 06/03/09 at 2:51 pm
I go in the chatrooms, and on message boards of right-wing sites etc, and I've seen hundreds of comments calling for the impeachment of Obama. along with other derogatory comments. Just some examples:
And of course Hannity's forums (no big surprise there, though the amount of vitrol is astonishing to me):
Many people on Hannity's forums refer to him as a ""an imported socialist quasi-american Kenyan/indonesian John Kerry-clone U.N. pandering suckwad." or other such terms
A stickied, thread of the month sort of post refers to him as "an unworthy American", unworthy to be president/
Subject: Re: Right Winger's hate for Obama
Written By: CatwomanofV on 06/03/09 at 3:51 pm
What I would like to know what "High Crimes and Misdemeanors" he supposedly committed and being black does not count.
Subject: Re: Right Winger's hate for Obama
Written By: EthanM on 06/03/09 at 4:19 pm
I was surprised to see a site called "the moderatevoice" saying this and it turns out they're not serious about impeachment at all
Subject: Re: Right Winger's hate for Obama
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/03/09 at 6:18 pm
Well, yeah, I hope you're going to Hannity's forum only to observe psychopathology, or just for sh*ts and giggles.
The same was true of Dubya. I hated Dubya as much as one can hate the president and not get investigated by the Secret Service; however, I would go to some far-left conspiracy forums and they'd be talking about how to shoot Karl Rove and how the Bush family are Illuminati who can shape-shift into dinosaurs! No thanks, I'm outta here!
Subject: Re: Right Winger's hate for Obama
Written By: SoulAsylum on 06/03/09 at 8:14 pm
When it's all said and done I believe President Obama will go down as a very liked and admired President by the educated and liberated United States of America. Those who are in favor of the change that our country needs will be fans of his, once he is able to get past all of the bullsh*t that Bush has put up into his way. While of course Obama can't please everybody on every scale, including me and you, I believe overall he'll be a great president. Then again, with his most recent competition being George W Bush, how could he not be?
Take that little joke aside, I honestly believe that if he can carry through in his ideals, then my prediction will hold true.
With that said, having Barak Obama as the President, helps to illustrate the reality of just how racist and discriminatory our nation still is. We praise ourselves as a society that has grown and learned from it's history, but yet, we don't do a very good job of prooving those statements on a day to day basis. Those who are against Obama, probably aren't against him because they have read into his political agenda and disagree with it. They're probably just white supremeist with religious prepositions, who think conformity and God is the answer to everything.
Where did this world go wrong?
Subject: Re: Right Winger's hate for Obama
Written By: Red Ant on 06/03/09 at 8:30 pm
Where did this world go wrong?
When was it ever right?
Subject: Re: Right Winger's hate for Obama
Written By: SoulAsylum on 06/03/09 at 8:38 pm
When was it ever right?
It probably never was, but it's always nice to imagine. John Lennon, where are you?
Subject: Re: Right Winger's hate for Obama
Written By: Red Ant on 06/03/09 at 10:00 pm
It probably never was, but it's always nice to imagine. John Lennon, where are you?
"Instant karma" for that.
Subject: Re: Right Winger's hate for Obama
Written By: SoulAsylum on 06/03/09 at 10:07 pm
"Instant karma" for that.
thank you, but that doesn't bring back John Lennon, :(
Subject: Re: Right Winger's hate for Obama
Written By: tv on 06/04/09 at 11:37 am
You know I'm like Lou Dobbs and I call myself and "independent voter". I mean the positive about Obama is I like his speeches, leadership and his love for sports(I'm a big sports nut like Obama is.) I couldn;t get into Bill Clinton's speeches like I do Obama's speeches and Bush Jr. really couldn;t perform a speech and communicate with the American people. I mean Reagan, George Bush Sr., Bill Clinton and Obama could/can communicate with the American people but Bush Jr. couldn;t communicate with the American people that was the big part of his downfall as president.
The negative about Obama is "cap and trade", stimulus bill(but of course if McCain was president the Republicans would have their own stimulus bill.( I;m totally against stimulus especially when the Fed reserve has to print money.) Obama's Auto Task Force knows nothing about running a car company(GM or Chrysler take your pick.) Obama made Bankruptcy Court Judge Aurthur Gonzalez put the union ahead of the bondholders in GM and Chrysler bankruptcy's.
You know I was for the Government Health Care but now their talking about another tax on things you buy to pay for this health care. I mean depending how big this tax is if its big you won't see some car brands in the US anymore if this tax is big.
I don't like Sean Hannity that much. I listen to Jon King, George Stheponalus(however you spell his name), Lou Dobbs, or Glenn Beck.
Subject: Re: Right Winger's hate for Obama
Written By: Ryan112390 on 06/04/09 at 5:01 pm
I am a American citizen,and obama is not my president in any shape form or fashion. Anyone whom works so hard to distroy this nation has nothing in my support. The oval seat is vacant and a mad man is trying to sit in the chair with out result this far.
100,000 billion of military aid can be obliterated in a second if Iran detonates a nuke there. And Obama is either ignoring or supporting Iranian nuke development. Obama views throwing money at the JOOOSSS as an acceptable price in the undermining of Israel. The "real support" is his tacit approval (by tolerance for) Islamofascism growth in the area. His "reaching out to the Muslim world" is a typical liberal soft approach in turning our back on Israel. The liberal he is, Obama will destroy Israel by doing nothing. it is easy for him. And...it is politics for him. He keeps a hands off approach, Israel gets destroyed. Obama will feign innocence, send aid to the few hundred surviving jews (perhaps even bring them to live in Ghettoes in America) and then celebrate the birth of a new "Palestinian state" built on the ruins of Tel Aviv. Think it won't happen? Think President "Obama" won't let it happen? Anyone who doubts the political expediency and nefarious goals of this "President" are hopelessly niaeve.
If Obama stood by and allowed Israel to be destroyed, it would spark Civil War in this country.
We are in very dangerous times my friends. I’ve never seriously bought into this “anti-Christ” rhetoric….until now.
Obama coddled and bent over and spelled the word "run" to the "muslim world". He doesn't act like an American President. He is a despicable cowardly little marxist anti-Semite. Where do you think the word Palestine comes from? It is a straw country. Those people should be allowed to go back to their home country of Jordan. Peace in the mid east could be achieved in one sentence,"all Jews our of Arab lands and all Arabs out of Jewish land." But the Arabs won't have it, because they want all of it. And it is not theirs to take.
Drudge is reporting (with photo) that Barak Hussein is sporting a thin mustache for his Muslim speech. Can he get any more phony than he already is?
All Hannity forum posters.
Poster on Hannity's forums.
Subject: Re: Right Winger's hate for Obama
Written By: tv on 06/18/09 at 3:05 pm
Now here is one problem with the media's relationship with Obama. Obama hires 16 czars and the media says nothing but Fox News or Lou Dobbs maybe? If George W. Bush had 16 czars working for him Bush(W.) would have gotten totally blasted by the media.
Subject: Re: Right Winger's hate for Obama
Written By: Tia on 06/18/09 at 3:24 pm
All Hannity forum posters.
Poster on Hannity's forums.
to be fair i used to say bush wasn't my president. mainly because of 2000, because i didn't think that election was illegitimate. ater 2004 i stopped saying it for the most part.
Subject: Re: Right Winger's hate for Obama
Written By: Dagwood on 06/18/09 at 4:15 pm
There were left wingers that hated Bush, too, and to the same extent just for different reasons. You find this with every president, it doesn't matter the political party.