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Subject: UK 'least wanted' list published

Written By: Philip Eno on 05/05/09 at 12:36 pm

From BBC News Online

The names of some of the people barred from entering the UK for fostering extremism or hatred have been published for the first time.

Islamic extremists, white supremacists and a US radio host are among the 16 of 22 excluded in the five months to March to have been named by the Home Office.

Since 2005, the UK has been able to ban people who promote hatred, terrorist violence or serious criminal activity.

Home Secretary Jacqui Smith said coming to the UK should be a privilege.

Ms Smith said "the public interest was against naming" the remaining six, for example on the grounds it could reveal the type of information being held about them.

The Muslim Council of Britain says the government should not act against people - whatever their views - unless they have broken the law.

'Against our values'

However, Ms Smith said granting free speech did not provide a licence to preach hatred and that those banned had "clearly overstepped the mark" with the attitudes they had expressed.

" enables people to see the sorts of unacceptable behaviour we are not willing to have in this country.

"Coming to this country is a privilege. We won't allow people into this country who are going to propagate the sort of views... that fundamentally go against our values."

Ms Smith had announced in October the tightening of rules determining who could come to the UK.

A "presumption in favour of exclusion" was introduced that meant it would be up to the individual concerned to prove they would not "stir up tension" after arrival.

On the list of those banned between October and March are Hamas MP Yunis Al-Astal and Jewish extremist Mike Guzovsky.

Also excluded are two leaders of a violent Russian skinhead gang, ex-Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard Stephen 'Don' Black and neo-Nazi Erich Gliebe.

Fred Waldron Phelps Snr, a 79-year-old American Baptist pastor, and his daughter Shirley Phelps-Roper are barred for their anti-gay comments.

Both have picketed the funerals of Aids victims and celebrated the deaths of US soldiers as "punishment" for US tolerance of homosexuality.

Talk show host Michael Savage - real name Michael Weiner - is also excluded. His views on immigration, Islam, rape and autism have caused great offence in America.

Inayat Bunglawala, of the Muslim Council of Britain, told BBC Radio 5 Live that people should be free to enter the country, regardless of their views.

"If they step over the line and break the law, it's at that moment the law should be enacted, not beforehand.

"If people are keeping their odious views to themselves, that's their business. We should not be in the business of policing people's minds."

He added that internet broadcasts meant that speeches could be screened from abroad into UK meetings anyway.

In recent years, individuals from a range of backgrounds have been prevented from entering the UK.

They have included animal rights activists, rap singers such as Snoop Dogg and even a lifestyle "guru" - Martha Stewart.

She was kept out after being jailed in the US for lying to investigators about a share sale.

Subject: Re: UK 'least wanted' list published

Written By: Philip Eno on 05/05/09 at 12:37 pm

The Exclusions:

Abdullah Qadri Al Ahdal
Yunis Al Astal
Samir Al Quntar
Stephen Donald Black
Wadgy Abd El Hamied Mohamed Ghoneim
Erich Gliebe
Mike Guzovsky
Safwat Hijazi
Nasr Javed
Abdul Ali Musa
Fred Waldron Phelps Snr
Shirley Phelps-Roper
Artur Ryno
Amir Siddique
Pavel Skachevsky
Michael Alan Weiner

Subject: Re: UK 'least wanted' list published

Written By: Reynolds1863 on 05/05/09 at 1:13 pm

Doesn't surprise me the British don't want the Phelps family.  America doesn't really want them either. :P

Subject: Re: UK 'least wanted' list published

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/05/09 at 1:35 pm

Doesn't surprise me the British don't want the Phelps family.  America doesn't really want them either. :P

As with Michael Savage, we can't kick them out, they were born here!

Subject: Re: UK 'least wanted' list published

Written By: philbo on 05/05/09 at 2:08 pm

I dunno.. I think it would be kind of funny if the Phelps clan came over - I mean, nobody takes them seriously, do they?  Apart from themselves, that is.

Subject: Re: UK 'least wanted' list published

Written By: Macphisto on 05/05/09 at 7:36 pm

I understand their reasoning, but this is dangerously close to being thought police.

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