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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: Mushroom on 04/21/09 at 2:42 pm
Has anybody else been paying attention to this?
Apparently during the recent Miss USA contest, Miss California was asked her views on gay marriage. By a judge who was openly gay.
And when she said she was against it, she was openly blasted. And many people think it may have cost her the crown.
My issue with this, is what in the hell does a person's political beliefs have to do with a beauty contest? I think the judges question should have not been allowed. After all, it is a contest for Miss USA, not Miss Politically Correct Liberal. And it was obvious from the question that only one answer would have been acceptable.
And to berate her publically for her own beliefs is most wrong. And I would be just as offended if the question had come from a Conservative who asked a contestant her beliefs of abortion, and blasted her because she supported it.
Mr. Hilton tries to spin it one way. He stated "A very simple way she could have answered it is, 'as a future Miss USA, it is my job not to be a politician, but to be someone who represents and inspires the women and the troops, and I think it's great that the states get to decide for themselves.'
"Something like that, she would not have had to insert her own personal politics into it," he said. "And I'm not saying it's bad to insert your own personal politics. But you have to answer the question as Miss USA, not as Carrie Prejean."
However, the best way would have been to not ask such an inflamitory question in the first place.
I give points to Miss Prejean for sticking by her beliefs. And a big bronx cheer to Mr. Hilton for trying to bring politics into a forum where it should not have been in the first place.
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: CatwomanofV on 04/21/09 at 2:56 pm
Personally, I don't think it was her views on the issue but HOW she answered the question. For one thing, since Prop 8, people in her "country" of California cannot choose to marry someone of the same sex, nor can they in 46 states.
It reminds me of this classic:
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: Tia on 04/21/09 at 2:59 pm
she didn't really seem to get "blasted." seemed like as many people cheered as booed.
personally i think there's something ironically PC in wanting to keep political questions out of the process. why censor the judges' questions? that said, i thought her answer was fine. she had a legitimate opinion and she voiced it. thinking she lost the crown because of her answer is very speculative; she could just as well have gotten points for expressing her opinion without trying to shrug the question off or say something vague.
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: SoulAsylum on 04/21/09 at 3:48 pm
Personally I'm against the Miss USA pagent altogether, as I believe it exploits the ugliness of our society in a rewarding fashion.
However, what in the hell does anything other than a big bust, skinny body and beautiful smile have to do with winning a contest that is and was constructed solely on looks?
I suppose the one thing that does make me happy about Miss USA is it does slap into our face the reality of the world. We preach to young girls on a daily basis, "Work hard, earn degrees, believe in yourself, be dedicated" in effort vallants to get them to follow their dreams with all their hearts. Yet, they don't have to look to far to find a girl who just because she was good looking got to marry into money and have everything handed to her.
The Irony of this story makes me laugh though, I will say that. Infact I can't seem to wipe the smile away from my face. Normally being beautiful saves a girl from the consequences of being lazy, apathetic, uncaring or incompetent but this one time, strangely enough when it's supposed to be based on beauty, it doesn't save her. Unbelievable.
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: Macphisto on 04/21/09 at 4:04 pm
Personally, I don't think it was her views on the issue but HOW she answered the question. For one thing, since Prop 8, people in her "country" of California cannot choose to marry someone of the same sex, nor can they in 46 states.
It reminds me of this classic:
Karma for the Miss South Carolina reference... lol...
I do find it odd that these pageants involve political questions. I mean, c'mon folks... we're not dealing with rocket scientists here. These are people competing for vanity's sake.
Hell, they should give extra points to contestants for admitting to plastic surgery, gastric bypasses, eating disorders, and drug habits. After all, it's like any other competition. It's about how bad you want to win.
They should call it the Miss Narcissism contest.
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: Tia on 04/21/09 at 4:07 pm
this perez hilton clown apparently called her a "bitch" and even a C-word. totally makes me change my mind about the whole thing.
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: Red Ant on 04/21/09 at 4:15 pm
Perez Hilton is an ass. Why a gay man would want to judge a breast fest anyway is beyond me.
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: thereshegoes on 04/21/09 at 4:15 pm
I think political questions should be asked, don't they ask about what will she do to make the world a better place? Same difference. She answered it quite nicely, this is such a non issue.
What always strikes me as strange is how most of these girls who are ALL college students sound like dumb teenagers when answering questions about anything but their beauty routine.
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: Jessica on 04/21/09 at 4:35 pm
Perez Hilton is an ass. Why a gay man would want to judge a breast fest anyway is beyond me.
I used to read Perez Hilton's site until he turned into a big queen about everything. Now I just read Dlisted, which is WAY funnier and the guy that writes it doesn't spare anyone.
I don't see what the big deal is. It probably wouldn't have even been such big news (because who really pays attention to beauty pageants anymore?) if ol' Perezito hadn't opened his fat bleached blonde mondo ass.
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 04/21/09 at 5:39 pm
She was damned if she did and damned if she didn't. What I didn't like was the way she answered it. It wasn't even a logical answer in my opinion. "Not to offend anyone" was a cop-out, she knew someone was going to be offended. Interesting how later on she invokes God and her Gay activist sister. As for Perez he's a pansy bitch with no class. Had the question been asked by someone who wasn't aiming to verbally and mentally beat the crap out of someone it might have gone different. She handled it the best way she could.
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 04/21/09 at 5:42 pm
Perez Hilton is an ass. Why a gay man would want to judge a breast fest anyway is beyond me.
It didn't occur to you some of them fellers who judge the beauty pageants might, you know, like that?
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 04/21/09 at 5:51 pm
Has anybody else been paying attention to this?
Apparently during the recent Miss USA contest, Miss California was asked her views on gay marriage. By a judge who was openly gay.
And when she said she was against it, she was openly blasted. And many people think it may have cost her the crown.
My issue with this, is what in the hell does a person's political beliefs have to do with a beauty contest? I think the judges question should have not been allowed. After all, it is a contest for Miss USA, not Miss Politically Correct Liberal.
You mean Ms. Politically Correct Liberal.
What was the problem with her answer? She said, in her own pageant-y way, she is in favor of the freedom for gays to get married, but she personally thinks marriage should be between a man and a woman.
Who exactly is it that thinks her answer cost her the crown?
If it did, that's bogus. Those contests are about hot young bods and everybody knows it.
"I want to be a veterinarian because I love children!"
--Julie Brown
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: CatwomanofV on 04/21/09 at 6:19 pm
You mean Ms. Politically Correct Liberal.
What was the problem with her answer? She said, in her own pageant-y way, she is in favor of the freedom for gays to get married, but she personally thinks marriage should be between a man and a woman.
Who exactly is it that thinks her answer cost her the crown?
If it did, that's bogus. Those contests are about hot young bods and everybody knows it.
"I want to be a veterinarian because I love children!"
--Julie Brown
I thought it was, "I don't eat meat because I'm a veterinarian."
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 04/21/09 at 6:24 pm
I thought it was, "I don't eat meat because I'm a veterinarian."
I'm like against war 'coz it's bad and stuff!
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: SoulAsylum on 04/21/09 at 9:59 pm
I'm like against war 'coz it's bad and stuff!
oh wait...I'm not correcting my WWI Sophomore history exams, I'm on a message board.
You had me fooled for a minute Mr. Smart!
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: gibbo on 04/21/09 at 10:14 pm
Hey if you don't want an honest answer...don't ask the loaded question! Otherwise, the contestants should all be given the questions AND the 'correct' answers prior to the segment.
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: Davester on 04/22/09 at 12:49 am
Perez Hilton is an ass. Why a gay man would want to judge a breast fest anyway is beyond me.
Who could be more objective, eh..? :P
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: Red Ant on 04/22/09 at 1:41 am
Who could be more objective, eh..? :P
True, very true. I dunno, I get the feeling that having a gay man (with an agenda) judge a Miss America contest is like asking a vegan (who is also a member of PETA) to work as a butcher in a grocery store. Sorta the last place you'd want to be really.
To be blunt, I think he (Perez) would have been pissed even if she answered with "it's a state issue and should be left up to the states" since, as Catwoman mentioned, 46 of the 50 states are against "gay marriage". I feel there was no correct way for her to honestly answer the question posed without it pissing off a lot of people. That her answer got him all butthurt and may have cost her the win casts some serious doubts over the validity of MA pageants.
He might as well asked her views on abortion - that's always a losing battle too.
It didn't occur to you some of them fellers who judge the beauty pageants might, you know, like that?
Like T&A instead of Q&A? Sure they do. But let's not pretend that these beauty pageants are about anything other than "beauty" - an extremely narrow view at that.
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: snozberries on 04/22/09 at 12:43 pm
Personally, I don't think it was her views on the issue but HOW she answered the question. For one thing, since Prop 8, people in her "country" of California cannot choose to marry someone of the same sex, nor can they in 46 states.
It reminds me of this classic:
I agree with Cat.... she answered the question poorly... Perez clearly states that same sex marriage is legal in only four states yet she responds with its great that people can choose to marry who they want in this country...
I dont watch so I don't know but arent the winners chosen on a combination of things like talent, beauty and articulation? Maybe she lost on a combination of these things and not just for the Q&A....plus if she'd said she was for Same-sex marriage and lost we'd be having a similar debate wouldnt we?
Personally this seems better than winning... we don't talk about the Miss Whatevers too often but everyone is talking about her now. She's making the talks show circuits, she'll have a book ghost-written for her and then she'll probably guest star on tv, do a reality show or get a walk on role in a movie or something.... so whats the big deal Does anyone even know who won? I don't....
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: Tia on 04/22/09 at 1:09 pm
I agree with Cat.... she answered the question poorly... Perez clearly states that same sex marriage is legal in only four states yet she responds with its great that people can choose to marry who they want in this country...
I dont watch so I don't know but arent the winners chosen on a combination of things like talent, beauty and articulation? Maybe she lost on a combination of these things and not just for the Q&A....plus if she'd said she was for Same-sex marriage and lost we'd be having a similar debate wouldnt we?
Personally this seems better than winning... we don't talk about the Miss Whatevers too often but everyone is talking about her now. She's making the talks show circuits, she'll have a book ghost-written for her and then she'll probably guest star on tv, do a reality show or get a walk on role in a movie or something.... so whats the big deal Does anyone even know who won? I don't....
i saw somewhere it was miss north carolina. i read that like two days after i heard about miss calif and perez hilton etc. and i still dont know who miss north carolina is or what she looks like. ;D so if the expression goes that you can't win for losing, she pretty much totally lost for winning.
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: snozberries on 04/22/09 at 1:17 pm
i saw somewhere it was miss north carolina. i read that like two days after i heard about miss calif and perez hilton etc. and i still dont know who miss north carolina is or what she looks like. ;D so if the expression goes that you can't win for losing, she pretty much totally lost for winning.
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: LyricBoy on 04/22/09 at 5:52 pm
I'd still party with her... :P
Come to LyricBoy, Miss North Carolina. 8)
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 04/22/09 at 7:01 pm
I'd still party with her... :P
Come to LyricBoy, Miss North Carolina. 8)
Just have her home by 11, son!
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: Don Carlos on 04/23/09 at 9:46 am
Just have her home by 11, son!
Or is it "have her in bed by 11"?
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: CatwomanofV on 04/23/09 at 10:17 am
I'd still party with her... :P
Come to LyricBoy, Miss North Carolina. 8)
Is there ANYONE you wouldn't party with? :D ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 04/23/09 at 11:54 am
Is there ANYONE you wouldn't party with? :D ;D ;D ;D
My guess is he wouldn't party with Hillary Clinton...but I could be wrong about that...
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 04/23/09 at 1:59 pm
I'd still party with her... :P
Come to LyricBoy, Miss North Carolina. 8)
Do you still have the "pick a number, wait in line" system?
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 04/23/09 at 2:01 pm
Is there ANYONE you wouldn't party with? :D ;D ;D ;D
Marilyn Chamber and that's only because she's deceased. Even LyricBoy has limits.
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: Tia on 04/23/09 at 2:24 pm
Marilyn Chamber and that's only because she's deceased. Even LyricBoy has limits.
i'm not sure that would stop him. after all, it hasn't been that long yet. :D
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 04/23/09 at 8:14 pm
i'm not sure that would stop him. after all, it hasn't been that long yet. :D
How looooong has it been?
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: LyricBoy on 04/23/09 at 10:14 pm
Is there ANYONE you wouldn't party with? :D ;D ;D ;D
Well, Bea Arthur and that Scottish singing sensation gal probably would not make my list.
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 04/23/09 at 11:42 pm
Well, Bea Arthur and that Scottish singing sensation gal probably would not make my list.
How 'bout a Bea Arthur and that Scottish singing sensation gal sammich and your the b'loney!
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: Don Carlos on 04/24/09 at 10:12 am
My lord, this thread has wandered far afield - and into more interesting territory if you ask me!
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: Red Ant on 04/24/09 at 10:14 am
My lord, this thread has wandered far afield - and into more interesting territory if you ask me!
Yeah, it went from Miss America and PC to 'would LyricBoy go necro?". Gotta love it!
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 04/24/09 at 11:16 am
Yeah, it went from Miss America and PC to 'would LyricBoy go necro?". Gotta love it!
Then he'd be NecroBoy!
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: LyricBoy on 04/24/09 at 5:20 pm
Then he'd be NecroBoy!
While my standards may be low my tastes are varied and inclusive, I do require a pulse. ;)
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 04/24/09 at 5:37 pm
While my standards may be low my tastes are varied and inclusive, I do require a pulse. ;)
You gotta get 'em fresh. Once the old rigor mortis sets in, it all gets real difficult...
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: LyricBoy on 04/24/09 at 5:41 pm
You gotta get 'em fresh. Once the old rigor mortis sets in, it all gets real difficult...
And you know this how, Max? ???
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: MrCleveland on 04/26/09 at 10:54 am
I was at church when I heard about this. And what was even more shocking was I was the only one who knew who the winner was...Miss North Carolina.
I'm not pro-gay, but I won't preach about Sodomy like Rick Warren. Because God STILL loves the gay, he hates what he does!
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: snozberries on 04/26/09 at 1:02 pm
I was at church when I heard about this. And what was even more shocking was I was the only one who knew who the winner was...Miss North Carolina.
I'm not pro-gay, but I won't preach about Sodomy like Rick Warren. Because God STILL loves the gay, he hates what he does!
wow that's perhaps the most offensive and hateful language I've ever seen you type...
if your god made man in his image and gave them the free will then don't you think homosexuals are doing exactly what your god intended them to do?
Whatever- you are entitled to your beliefs and I am entitled to mine but I am seriously offended by the way you stated them...
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: LyricBoy on 04/26/09 at 1:22 pm
if your god made man in his image and gave them the free will then don't you think homosexuals are doing exactly what your god intended them to do?
One must not confuse the existence of free will with an endorsement of what one does with it.
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: Tia on 04/26/09 at 1:28 pm
wow that's perhaps the most offensive and hateful language I've ever seen you type...
if your god made man in his image and gave them the free will then don't you think homosexuals are doing exactly what your god intended them to do?
Whatever- you are entitled to your beliefs and I am entitled to mine but I am seriously offended by the way you stated them...
not to defend him but i think he was trying, clumsily, to reference one of the signs the westboro church carries around, not trying to drop the F-bomb himself. although i could be wrong.
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: snozberries on 04/26/09 at 1:55 pm
not to defend him but i think he was trying, clumsily, to reference one of the signs the westboro church carries around, not trying to drop the F-bomb himself. although i could be wrong.
the f-bomb is as offensive to me as the n-word.... McC tends to step in it alot but as of today I'm tired of it....
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: MrCleveland on 04/26/09 at 1:56 pm
not to defend him but i think he was trying, clumsily, to reference one of the signs the westboro church carries around, not trying to drop the F-bomb himself. although i could be wrong.
God loves the sinner and people who practice homosexuality is doing a sinful deed, and God hates the sin of the person.
It's just that the Big Wig Evangelist such as Pat Robertson and Rick Warren make it that God hates F**s...and that's wrong as well!
the f-bomb is as offensive to me as the n-word.... McC tends to step in it alot but as of today I'm tired of it....
I apologize for using the F-word. I'm making a statement that all sin...except for blaspheming the Spirit of God...is a forgivable sin.
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: snozberries on 04/26/09 at 2:00 pm
God loves the sinner and people who practice homosexuality is doing a sinful deed, and God hates the sin of the person.
It's just that the Big Wig Evangelist such as Pat Robertson and Rick Warren make it that God hates Fags...and that's wrong as well!
why do the religious zealots always feel the need to point fingers and call what other people do a sin? Oh yeah that's right so no one will notice that they are the ones usually committing far worse sins!
stealing and committing adultery are sins... spouting hate is sinfull... homosexuality is a way of life... there is nothing wrong with two people sharing a love that comes purely from the heart...
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: MrCleveland on 04/26/09 at 2:06 pm
why do the religious zealots always feel the need to point fingers and call what other people do a sin? Oh yeah that's right so no one will notice that they are the ones usually committing far worse sins!
stealing and committing adultery are sins... spouting hate is sinfull... homosexuality is a way of life... there is nothing wrong with two people sharing a love that comes purely from the heart...
Maybe I'm just a little too old-fashioned and conservative in my beliefs...even though I voted Democrat the past 4 years.
It was only Law with man and woman because of Mormonism, not Homosexuality.
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: snozberries on 04/26/09 at 2:14 pm
Maybe I'm just a little too old-fashioned and conservative in my beliefs...even though I voted Democrat the past 4 years.
It was only Law with man and woman because of Mormonism, not Homosexuality.
I just think when you believe these things then you preach hate... I find it hard to believe your god, as loving and caring as your religions describe him, would condone such hatefulness.
whatever to happened to judge not least ye be judged...or whatever it is? Rather than spending all this time and energy on something that can never really affect you personally like homosexuality and the other big issue...why not focus on the real problems of the world like you know. Crime, specifically violent ones... lets work on judging, condemning and trying to end that problem...
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: LyricBoy on 04/26/09 at 2:53 pm
I just think when you believe these things then you preach hate... I find it hard to believe your god, as loving and caring as your religions describe him, would condone such hatefulness.
whatever to happened to judge not least ye be judged...or whatever it is? Rather than spending all this time and energy on something that can never really affect you personally like homosexuality and the other big issue...why not focus on the real problems of the world like you know. Crime, specifically violent ones... lets work on judging, condemning and trying to end that problem...
Why do people who call out certain things (whether you agree with them or not) get called "haters" ? ???
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: snozberries on 04/26/09 at 5:13 pm
Why do people who call out certain things (whether you agree with them or not) get called "haters" ? ???
Its okay you can call me a hater too.. I am intolerant of intolerance and I fully recognize it...
I just don't like it when people use God as an excuse to hate...
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: Rice_Cube on 04/26/09 at 5:51 pm
God = love though.
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 04/26/09 at 6:19 pm
Why do people who call out certain things (whether you agree with them or not) get called "haters" ? ???
Because it usually involves them wanted legislation along with the "calling out".
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: LyricBoy on 04/26/09 at 6:23 pm
Because it usually involves them wanted legislation along with the "calling out".
So why is it called "hating"? I want the local town council to ban people running lawn sprinklers when there is a drought. I don't HATE the sprinkler runners. I prefer that the state legislature ban driving and cell-phoning/texting at the same time. I don't HATE the people who drive and text.
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 04/26/09 at 7:50 pm
So why is it called "hating"? I want the local town council to ban people running lawn sprinklers when there is a drought. I don't HATE the sprinkler runners. I prefer that the state legislature ban driving and cell-phoning/texting at the same time. I don't HATE the people who drive and text.
It's such a politically charge issue that it's either for or against. The same sort of logic happened with the slavery issue, people were very emotional.
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: philbo on 04/27/09 at 5:42 am
For a delightfully non-PC look at Miss World: Jake Thackray on YouTube (can't look at it myself as youtube's not visible from work, but I'm fairly sure it's the right song)
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: Rice_Cube on 04/27/09 at 2:12 pm
Was this thread about something with Miss America? ???
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: Rice_Cube on 04/27/09 at 2:22 pm
So when's the Miss USA thingy? Or did I miss it like I always do? :D
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: Ashkicksass on 04/27/09 at 2:22 pm
So why is it called "hating"? I want the local town council to ban people running lawn sprinklers when there is a drought. I don't HATE the sprinkler runners. I prefer that the state legislature ban driving and cell-phoning/texting at the same time. I don't HATE the people who drive and text.
I hate sprinkler runners AND people that drive and text.
And it doesn't hurt my feelings if somebody calls me a hater for that.
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: Rice_Cube on 04/27/09 at 3:50 pm
I wonder how many Miss USAs would trade in their old clunker for a nice bicycle.
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: CatwomanofV on 04/27/09 at 4:00 pm
You were the apple of the public's eye as you cut the ribbon at the local mall
A mirage for both you and us. How can this be real?
We love your body in that photograph, your home state sure must be proud
The queen of the United States, or have you lost your crown
Well aren't you Miss America
Don't you Miss America
Won't you Miss America
Our love
Well are you really who we think you are
Or does your smile seem to wear you down
Is the girl who you once were screaming to jump out
And the dream that you must live - a disease for which there is no cure
This roller coaster ride you're on won't stop to let you off
Well aren't you Miss America
Don't you Miss America
Won't you Miss America
Our love
Miss America, Miss America, Miss America
Miss America, Miss America, Miss America
Well aren't you Miss America
Don't you Miss America
Won't you Miss America
Our love
Well it's true just take a look - The cover sometimes makes the book
And the judges, do they ever ask to read between your lines
In your cage at the human zoo, they all stop to look at you
Next year, what will you do when you have been forgotten
Well aren't you Miss America
Don't you Miss America
Won't you Miss America
Our love
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: Dagwood on 04/27/09 at 4:45 pm
mmm. suddenly i want fudge.
Dammit, Tia, you made me laugh so hard it hurt. ;D
On topic:
I bet Miss Arizona is loving the publicity the other way. Her answer to whether universal healthcare should be available in every state was worse. "It is about integrity, no matter what side of the political spectrum you are on" well it was longer but that is the point. I am still trying to figure out that answer. ;D
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: snozberries on 04/27/09 at 5:00 pm
Dammit, Tia, you made me laugh so hard it hurt. ;D
On topic:
I bet Miss Arizona is loving the publicity the other way. Her answer to whether universal healthcare should be available in every state was worse. "It is about integrity, no matter what side of the political spectrum you are on" well it was longer but that is the point. I am still trying to figure out that answer. ;D
Thank God for Joel McHale... he made it the clip of the week on the Soup! ;D The thing is... I think Kenan Mitchell might have actually thought she answered his question... I mean he didn't seem at all confused by her answer (at least I don't think he did)
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: CatwomanofV on 04/27/09 at 5:02 pm
Dammit, Tia, you made me laugh so hard it hurt. ;D
On topic:
I bet Miss Arizona is loving the publicity the other way. Her answer to whether universal healthcare should be available in every state was worse. "It is about integrity, no matter what side of the political spectrum you are on" well it was longer but that is the point. I am still trying to figure out that answer. ;D
I think that was the non-answer she practiced that could be used for whatever question she was asked. :D ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: Dagwood on 04/27/09 at 5:29 pm
Thank God for Joel McHale... he made it the clip of the week on the Soup! ;D The thing is... I think Kenan Mitchell might have actually thought she answered his question... I mean he didn't seem at all confused by her answer (at least I don't think he did)
I know. I wouldn't have known about it if it weren't for the Soup. I think you are right, Keenan either thought she answered it or he just wasn't listening. ;D
I think that was the non-answer she practiced that could be used for whatever question she was asked. :D ;D ;D ;D
Somebody should have mentioned that non-answers sometimes don't make sense. ;D
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: Tam on 04/29/09 at 12:13 pm
Topic split
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 04/29/09 at 12:45 pm
Topic split
Wait . . . what was the topic? :-\\
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: CatwomanofV on 04/29/09 at 12:57 pm
Wait . . . what was the topic? :-\\
Whether Miss USA can do a split or not. :D ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: MrCleveland on 04/29/09 at 2:33 pm
I just think when you believe these things then you preach hate... I find it hard to believe your god, as loving and caring as your religions describe him, would condone such hatefulness.
whatever to happened to judge not least ye be judged...or whatever it is? Rather than spending all this time and energy on something that can never really affect you personally like homosexuality and the other big issue...why not focus on the real problems of the world like you know. Crime, specifically violent ones... lets work on judging, condemning and trying to end that problem...
I'm not a hater, it's just that I get angry and once I cool down, I feel better.
The racial actions pester me more though.
And as for Miss USA...she has opinions like everyone else.
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 04/29/09 at 3:30 pm
Whether Miss USA can do a split or not. :D ;D ;D ;D
Oh yeah, that explains the huge number of post. Imagine the numbers if we were talking about something important. :o
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: snozberries on 04/29/09 at 9:03 pm
Oh yeah, that explains the huge number of post. Imagine the numbers if we were talking about something important. :o
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: philbo on 04/30/09 at 3:56 am
Oh yeah, that explains the huge number of post. Imagine the numbers if we were talking about something important. :o
My mother used to remark on the relative levels of debate in council meetings: motions affecting millions of pounds would be passed on the nod, because (her theory) nobody really understood that kind of money, but trivial matters got debated for hours because councillors all had an opinion to share. ::)
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: Foo Bar on 05/01/09 at 11:54 pm
My mother used to remark on the relative levels of debate in council meetings: motions affecting millions of pounds would be passed on the nod, because (her theory) nobody really understood that kind of money, but trivial matters got debated for hours because councillors all had an opinion to share. ::)
Classic quote from someone in academia:
"The more trivial the stakes, the more intense the debates."
Subject: Re: Miss USA and Political Corectness
Written By: Don Carlos on 05/02/09 at 10:27 am
Classic quote from someone in academia:
"The more trivial the stakes, the more intense the debates."
Especially on the left "a collection of vicious animals trying to devour each other in a rain drop"