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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: thereshegoes on 09/25/08 at 1:55 pm
So we know most religions condemn homosexuality and gay marriage.
But are non-religious against it too? Why do some view gay marriage as a threat to the family values when they seem to be the only ones left who still believe in marriage?
What's your point of view?
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Mr Tumnus on 09/25/08 at 2:02 pm
Gay marriage - NO
the above term is a contradiction in terms, as gay people cannot be married legally, civil ceremonies being a substitute in this country (same bleedin' difference) ::)
I can't stand seeing women/women and men/men 'tying the knot' - then snogging, it almost makes me want to retch
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/25/08 at 2:14 pm
Yes. I see no reason why two people who love each other-even if they are the same gender, be denied the same rights that Carlos & I have. As I have said many times, I am looking forward to dancing at my niece & her partner's wedding the same way they danced at ours. (They did get civil unioned this year and next month their parents are throwing them a reception-and yes, we are going to be dancing there.)
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 09/25/08 at 2:17 pm
Marriage is a religious institution, therefore in the U.S. no form of marriage should be recognized by the state if you adhere to the "Establishment Clause". Being since this is a pet topic of the "Religious Right" I'd be more inclined to rely on the clause.
As for Babooska observation, it's nice to see her willing to admit she's slightly homophobic. Most people would lie about being one.
So, Gay Marriage NO, Civil Unions if you want a union recognized by the government.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: karen on 09/25/08 at 2:18 pm
As far as I can see it is just a name for something that is already happening. If someone can explain the difference between a marriage and a civil union then I might be able to form an opinion.
At the moment I would say yes, because I think the civil union is a good thing
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: SemperYoda on 09/25/08 at 4:35 pm
Until someone can come up with a legit reason why it shouldn't, then my vote will be yes.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Red Ant on 09/25/08 at 4:45 pm
So we know most religions condemn homosexuality and gay marriage.
But are non-religious against it too? Why do some view gay marriage as a threat to the family values when they seem to be the only ones left who still believe in marriage?
What's your point of view?
I'm for it. Gay people should have the right to be as miserable as the straight and married. ;D
Religious views aside, marriage/civil unions are really about benefits (cha-ching!) It's kinda messed up that my sister has been living with the same man for nine years (not married) and her employer won't cover him for insurance, but if they were a same-sex couple they could both have coverage.
When the divorce rate is below 55%, we can talk family values.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Macphisto on 09/25/08 at 5:01 pm
I support gay marriage, but I think a better solution would be to remove marriage from the government, replace all legal recognition of marriage with civil unions, and then create gay civil unions. Then, churches could bicker over whether or not each of them would allow gay marriages.
This way, the religious aren't offended, and gay people still get equal rights to heterosexuals. Also, it further separates religion and state.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Rice_Cube on 09/25/08 at 5:22 pm
Yes, because legislating against it is a waste of my money :P
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: danootaandme on 09/25/08 at 5:46 pm
We've had it here in Massachusetts for a couple of years, my life, the life of my friends, neighbors, co-workers, enemies, etc., haven't changed. What's the big deal?
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: LyricBoy on 09/25/08 at 6:45 pm
As for Babooska observation, it's nice to see her willing to admit she's slightly homophobic. Most people would lie about being one.
What makes you think that Babooshka is afraid of homosexuals? ???
I do not like tomatos. I'm not a tomatophobe.
I am not a big fan of Obama, but I am not an Obamophobe.
I don't like Kia automobiles. I am not a Kiaphobe.
More PC claptrap. if somebody does not like something about the homosexual agenda, call them a "homophobe"...
No doubt there are some people who are afraid of homosexuals and that would make them homophobes. But I did not see anything in Baboosh's post that implied fear.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Macphisto on 09/25/08 at 7:00 pm
What makes you think that Babooshka is afraid of homosexuals? ???
I do not like tomatos. I'm not a tomatophobe.
I am not a big fan of Obama, but I am not an Obamophobe.
I don't like Kia automobiles. I am not a Kiaphobe.
More PC claptrap. if somebody does not like something about the homosexual agenda, call them a "homophobe"...
No doubt there are some people who are afraid of homosexuals and that would make them homophobes. But I did not see anything in Baboosh's post that implied fear.
Maybe mishomothrope would be a better term...
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: midnite on 09/25/08 at 7:03 pm
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 09/25/08 at 8:35 pm
What makes you think that Babooshka is afraid of homosexuals? ???
I do not like tomatos. I'm not a tomatophobe.
I am not a big fan of Obama, but I am not an Obamophobe.
I don't like Kia automobiles. I am not a Kiaphobe.
More PC claptrap. if somebody does not like something about the homosexual agenda, call them a "homophobe"...
No doubt there are some people who are afraid of homosexuals and that would make them homophobes. But I did not see anything in Baboosh's post that implied fear.
There is no such thing as a homosexual agenda, that term is often used as a fear tactic by folks like James Dobson. Funny how if anyone said about black people or the handicap they're demonized yet it's perfectly acceptable to "retch" at the thought of homosexuality. I believe people feed the same kind of response to people were for civil rights, same B.S.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Red Ant on 09/25/08 at 8:41 pm
Maybe mishomothrope would be a better term...
Is that like a lesbian werewolf?
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: greenjello74 on 09/25/08 at 8:49 pm
Why not? Gay is not a choice you are either born that way or not. Who you marry of( legal age appropriate ) should not be once again by government regulations. Don't we have enough problems in this world than to worry about this issue. Disintegration of the family indeed.
What a bunch of horsesh!t.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: GoodRedShirt on 09/25/08 at 9:02 pm
And it's funny all the crap people were spewing, religious groups denouncing it etc say it was the downfall of civilisation, etc when we (New Zealand) made it legal about 4 years ago.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/25/08 at 10:13 pm
We've had it here in Massachusetts for a couple of years, my life, the life of my friends, neighbors, co-workers, enemies, etc., haven't changed. What's the big deal?
Oh just admit it, life has gone straight down the commode in the Bay State since 2005! We're little more than debased savage animals! It's anarchy! There's dope, guns, and f**king in the streets...in Stockbridge! The Massachusetts quarter has Barney Frank on it! If only we kept the homo-sexuals from imposing their disgusting and demoralizing lifestyle on the rest of us, life would be just like a Norman Rockwell painting!
Now, from a scientific standpoint, I'm all in favor of gay marriage. Why? They can't make babies. Once we've burned through all the cheap fossil fuel, we'll only be able to sustain about 1.5 billion people on the entire planet, so less reproduction is better. Big G. is revising "Ye shall be fruitful and multiply" to "Ye shall be fruity!"
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Foo Bar on 09/25/08 at 11:26 pm
I can't stand seeing women/women and men/men 'tying the knot' - then snogging, it almost makes me want to retch
(Fixed that for me.)
I have no dog in this fight, for I have no plans to get married to a woman or a dude. We bachelors and spinsters (damn, can someone come up with a better word for "unmarried woman" than "spinster"? The Industrial Revolution's over, spinning wheels are obsolete) get no financial or legal benefits from having roommates of either the same or opposite sex. Why should anyone (straight or gay) get benefits just because they happen to be farking their roommate? (In my case, she was pretty damn hot, she was and still is a friend, but she never showed the slightest interest in me, but that shouldn't surprise anyone here, on account of my personality's so abrasive I can barely put up with myself!)
If marriage is a religious ceremony, the government should get out of the marriage business altogether. It has no right to sanction, condemn, nor even fiddle with the tax rates of its citizens based on whether or not they decide to get married.
You wanna get married in a church that only marries straight people? Go for it.
You wanna get married in a church that marries people who swing for either team? Go for it.
You got a problem with either kind of church? Go for it. Hang out at your kinda church, and don't go to that other kinda church.
You wanna pass a law? Screw off. To borrow a phrase from a Canuckistani politician with marital problems of his own, the government has o place in the bedrooms of the nation. Reason over passion.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Macphisto on 09/25/08 at 11:33 pm
Is that like a lesbian werewolf?
LOL... nice ;D
Oh yeah, and Foo Bar... I wish you were running for prez... Reason over passion indeed.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Tam on 09/25/08 at 11:52 pm
I said NO
Those who know me, know my faith, and I personally believe it is wrong.
Flipside - those of you who know me, and those who don't will now know that my sister is a Lesbian.
Have I told her my viewpoint? Yes.
Do I judge her because of her choice? No. Who am I to judge?!
Flipback - Who am I to judge?
I am not judging anything, I am stating my viewpoint and my belief.
carry on.....
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Macphisto on 09/25/08 at 11:55 pm
I said NO
Those who know me, know my faith, and I personally believe it is wrong.
Flipside - those of you who know me, and those who don't will now know that my sister is a Lesbian.
Have I told her my viewpoint? Yes.
Do I judge her because of her choice? No. Who am I to judge?!
Flipback - Who am I to judge?
I am not judging anything, I am stating my viewpoint and my belief.
carry on.....
Would you support gay civil unions?
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/26/08 at 2:41 am
LOL... nice ;D
Oh yeah, and Foo Bar... I wish you were running for prez... Reason over passion indeed.
Americans like passion better than reason. Just today I heard commentary speculating on a how big a disadvantage Obama has versus McCain because Obama's all reasoned, calculated, level-headed, and above-the-fray! WTF? I want that in a president. So would Plato, and he didn't even think clowns like me should get to choose the leaders of state because we're governed by baser passions and irrationality!
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Green Lantern on 09/26/08 at 2:59 am
I'm for it. Gay people should have the right to be as miserable as the straight and married. ;D
Religious views aside, marriage/civil unions are really about benefits (cha-ching!) It's kinda messed up that my sister has been living with the same man for nine years (not married) and her employer won't cover him for insurance, but if they were a same-sex couple they could both have coverage.
When the divorce rate is below 55%, we can talk family values.
Yeah, without knowing too much (admittedly ) about this ..... I suspect the politicians usually don't wanna back it ... cos it means more people eligible for tax breaks ..... who WON'T be producing children ........ potential future cannon fodder for cheap employment :-\\ (poorly paid / long hours) ..... that can keep the rich with the services they will continue to require as they age.
So, I suspect they'd be eligible for some tax breaks / various benefits , less money in the coffers of the government ?
Ideologically though, I've no prob. with them going through the same 'till death do us part' (well it USED to be that way ) B.S. .... that a lot of traditional people feel they need to go through / have society's blessing ... blow a ton of money on the 'big day' / engagement ring ... and probably be divorced in a few years ::) Yes ... you too can be 'respectable' ......... for a while :-X :P ;D
So ........ I'm a 'Yes'. 8)
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Gis on 09/26/08 at 3:26 am
I'm all for it, why not? Personally I have no problem with being a Christian and accepting same sex marriages.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Brian06 on 09/26/08 at 3:41 am
Yes, non issue to me they have it in MA and CA now and it isn't hurting anybody. Religion has no place in government whatsoever, and that's a big reason why I could never vote republican.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: ladybug316 on 09/26/08 at 8:07 am
Yes. I'm all for it.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: ninny on 09/26/08 at 9:18 am
Yes,if your truly in love what does it matter if your the same sex.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Green Lantern on 09/26/08 at 9:25 am
Yes,if your truly in love what does it matter if your the same sex.
And what harm does some b.s. ceremony do ...... if it makes their day ?
Seems some are biologically programmed to like same sex. Hardly THEIR 'sin'. Yeah, let them go down the same rocky path ....... if they're that dumb ??? :-[ commited ! 8)
As we all know ........marriage IS an institution ........ and people that do it ....... they belong in one ! 8)
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Don Carlos on 09/26/08 at 10:22 am
Sure I'm for it, why not?
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: ninny on 09/26/08 at 10:39 am
And what harm does some b.s. ceremony do ...... if it makes their day ?
Seems some are biologically programmed to like same sex. Hardly THEIR 'sin'. Yeah, let them go down the same rocky path ....... if they're that dumb ??? :-[ commited ! 8)
As we all know ........marriage IS an institution ........ and people that do it ....... they belong in one ! 8)
Yes I'm sure same sex marriage have the same results as heterosexual marriages,some probably fight and end up divorced.Some end up adopting or having kids,and staying together for years.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: SemperYoda on 09/26/08 at 10:39 am
How interesting, religion wasn't really a part of marriage until midevil times, where it was blessed by God, ceremony presided by a priest, etc etc. This being a time when most of the advances that the Roman Empire had made in society were forgotten because they were evil and Christianity was good. Early Greeks and Romans had gay marriages. Go figure.
Is it for religious reasons only? Is marriage sacred? As far as I know, it was created for financial reasons .
Most ancient societies needed a secure environment for the perpetuation of the species,a system of rules to handle the granting of property rights, and the protection of bloodlines. The institution of marriage handled these needs. For instance, ancient Hebrew law required a man to become the husband of a deceased brother's widow.
Marriage is an institution in which interpersonal relationships (usually intimate and sexual) are acknowledged by the state or by religious authority. It is often viewed as a contract. Civil marriage is the legal concept of marriage as a governmental institution, in accordance with marriage laws of the jurisdiction. If recognized by the state, by the religion(s) to which the parties belong or by society in general, the act of marriage changes the personal and social status of the individuals who enter into it.
People marry for many reasons, but usually one or more of the following: legal, social, and economic stability; the formation of a family unit; procreation and the education and nurturing of children; legitimizing sexual relations; public declaration of love; or to obtain citizenship.
Marriage may take many forms: for example, a union between one man and one woman as husband and wife is a monogamous heterosexual marriage; polygamy – in which a person takes more than one spouse – is common in many societies. Recently, some jurisdictions and denominations have begun to recognize same-sex marriage, uniting people of the same sex.
The first recorded use of the word "marriage" for the union of same-sex couples also occurs during the Roman Empire. A number of marriages are recorded to have taken place during this period.In the year 342, the Christian emperors Constantius and Constans declared that same-sex marriage to be illegal
Marriage has evolved over time and continues to. Changes are not bad things. However, gay marriage is not new to human society. But the arguments and attacks against it have not changed.
I don't think homosexuality is a choice. I have seen that it is prevalent in the Animal Kingdom, especially amongst animals closely related to Humans, like the Bonobos. It is primarily a social bonding in the group.
If one of the reasons to deny gays the chance to marry is because it makes you want to hurl, can we do the same for heterosexual couples that kiss and make me want to hurl? Why do people think so much about what goes on in the bedroom or about the physical acts?
Would you deny marriage rights to people who won't/can't have children?
I don't think there is anything wrong with gay marriage. Tell me how it will affect the sanctity of marriage. Tell me how it will affect people and their marriages. If gay marriage as a term is what bothers people, fine, just have all government sanctioned marriages as civil unions, but the chance for gays to be happy with their partner and having having the same rights and benefits as straight couples should not be denied from them.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Jessica on 09/26/08 at 10:50 am
Ideologically though, I've no prob. with them going through the same 'till death do us part' (well it USED to be that way ) B.S. .... that a lot of traditional people feel they need to go through / have society's blessing ... blow a ton of money on the 'big day' / engagement ring ... and probably be divorced in a few years ::) Yes ... you too can be 'respectable' ......... for a while :-X :P ;D
So ........ I'm a 'Yes'. 8)
Not everyone has a massive wedding. Mine cost under $100, and most of that was for the license. My friend officiated, and I spent $10 on flowers. Our two other friends were the witnesses. Done. My wedding ring was a $9 plain gold band from Kmart.
We've been married for almost 4 years with no divorce in sight, although God knows I've given him reasons to think twice. :D
I also didn't do it because it was "respectable" or because it would give me benefits. It was just the next logical step because we are so comfortable and happy together, even though we disagree on certain points (how to raise the bratchild, politics, etc.).
Marriage has evolved over time and continues to. Changes are not bad things. However, gay marriage is not new to human society. But the arguments and attacks against it have not changed.
I don't think homosexuality is a choice. I have seen that it is prevalent in the Animal Kingdom, especially amongst animals closely related to Humans, like the Bonobos. It is primarily a social bonding in the group.
If one of the reasons to deny gays the chance to marry is because it makes you want to hurl, can we do the same for heterosexual couples that kiss and make me want to hurl? Why do people think so much about what goes on in the bedroom or about the physical acts?
Would you deny marriage rights to people who won't/can't have children?
I don't think there is anything wrong with gay marriage. Tell me how it will affect the sanctity of marriage. Tell me how it will affect people and their marriages. If gay marriage as a term is what bothers people, fine, just have all government sanctioned marriages as civil unions, but the chance for gays to be happy with their partner and having having the same rights and benefits as straight couples should not be denied from them.
Applause, especially for the bolded part. It makes me want to hurl to see a heterosexual couple practically having sex in the middle of the sidewalk, but no one else bats an eye. The second two guys or two girls kiss in public, even a chaste peck, all hell breaks loose and people start screaming about morality.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Green Lantern on 09/26/08 at 11:11 am
Not everyone has a massive wedding. Mine cost under $100, and most of that was for the license. My friend officiated, and I spent $10 on flowers. Our two other friends were the witnesses. Done. My wedding ring was a $9 plain gold band from Kmart.
Not much money spent on your wedding? ??? :o
Well, I would anticipate that you at least could afford the bouncers ........ to get some .......
'Rice' ..............thrown ? ??? ::)
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Jessica on 09/26/08 at 11:23 am
Not much money spent on your wedding? ??? :o
Well, I would anticipate that you at least could afford the bouncers ........ to get some .......
'Rice' ..............thrown ? ??? ::)
That was so bad it needs karma. ;D
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Green Lantern on 09/26/08 at 11:28 am
That was so bad it needs karma. ;D
Karma ? .... Karma ... karma from YOU ? ??? :o ??? (Pinches self / checks hasn't done drugs ..... ) :-\\
Well my code is ....... reciprocation ....... so ........ (Steels self ) ;)
Right back at ya ! :P
P.S . Yes, that WAS bad :-[ .......... so, no doubt, a 'sympathy karma' 8) ....... that I NEED help (as if we ALL didn't know that :P :D ) .
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: thereshegoes on 09/26/08 at 12:11 pm
If one of the reasons to deny gays the chance to marry is because it makes you want to hurl, can we do the same for heterosexual couples that kiss and make me want to hurl? Why do people think so much about what goes on in the bedroom or about the physical acts?
Am i the only one that doesn't mind pda from both straight and gay couples???
That makes me a perv,doesn't it? :-[
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/26/08 at 12:19 pm
How interesting, religion wasn't really a part of marriage until midevil times, where it was blessed by God, ceremony presided by a priest, etc etc. This being a time when most of the advances that the Roman Empire had made in society were forgotten because they were evil and Christianity was good. Early Greeks and Romans had gay marriages. Go figure.
Is it for religious reasons only? Is marriage sacred? As far as I know, it was created for financial reasons .
Most ancient societies needed a secure environment for the perpetuation of the species,a system of rules to handle the granting of property rights, and the protection of bloodlines. The institution of marriage handled these needs. For instance, ancient Hebrew law required a man to become the husband of a deceased brother's widow.
Marriage is an institution in which interpersonal relationships (usually intimate and sexual) are acknowledged by the state or by religious authority. It is often viewed as a contract. Civil marriage is the legal concept of marriage as a governmental institution, in accordance with marriage laws of the jurisdiction. If recognized by the state, by the religion(s) to which the parties belong or by society in general, the act of marriage changes the personal and social status of the individuals who enter into it.
People marry for many reasons, but usually one or more of the following: legal, social, and economic stability; the formation of a family unit; procreation and the education and nurturing of children; legitimizing sexual relations; public declaration of love; or to obtain citizenship.
Marriage may take many forms: for example, a union between one man and one woman as husband and wife is a monogamous heterosexual marriage; polygamy – in which a person takes more than one spouse – is common in many societies. Recently, some jurisdictions and denominations have begun to recognize same-sex marriage, uniting people of the same sex.
The first recorded use of the word "marriage" for the union of same-sex couples also occurs during the Roman Empire. A number of marriages are recorded to have taken place during this period.In the year 342, the Christian emperors Constantius and Constans declared that same-sex marriage to be illegal
Marriage has evolved over time and continues to. Changes are not bad things. However, gay marriage is not new to human society. But the arguments and attacks against it have not changed.
I don't think homosexuality is a choice. I have seen that it is prevalent in the Animal Kingdom, especially amongst animals closely related to Humans, like the Bonobos. It is primarily a social bonding in the group.
If one of the reasons to deny gays the chance to marry is because it makes you want to hurl, can we do the same for heterosexual couples that kiss and make me want to hurl? Why do people think so much about what goes on in the bedroom or about the physical acts?
Would you deny marriage rights to people who won't/can't have children?
I don't think there is anything wrong with gay marriage. Tell me how it will affect the sanctity of marriage. Tell me how it will affect people and their marriages. If gay marriage as a term is what bothers people, fine, just have all government sanctioned marriages as civil unions, but the chance for gays to be happy with their partner and having having the same rights and benefits as straight couples should not be denied from them.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Jessica on 09/26/08 at 1:02 pm
Am i the only one that doesn't mind pda from both straight and gay couples???
That makes me a perv,doesn't it? :-[
Depends on what you consider in terms of the PDA.
For me, there is a line. If they're just kissing, I don't give a crap. Hand holding, fine. A discreet butt grab, I won't bat an eye. Hugs, it's all good. Dry humping, fondling boobs, out and out grabbing of naughty bits, choking each other with tongues, yeah, that's kind of bleh. This goes for EVERYONE. If you're at home though, then it is no one else's business.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: thereshegoes on 09/26/08 at 1:33 pm
Depends on what you consider in terms of the PDA.
For me, there is a line. If they're just kissing, I don't give a crap. Hand holding, fine. A discreet butt grab, I won't bat an eye. Hugs, it's all good. Dry humping, fondling boobs, out and out grabbing of naughty bits, choking each other with tongues, yeah, that's kind of bleh. This goes for EVERYONE. If you're at home though, then it is no one else's business.
Oh...i am a pervert then :(
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: SemperYoda on 09/26/08 at 1:41 pm
Oh...i am a pervert then :(
No sad face, I still love ya. ;)
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Jessica on 09/26/08 at 1:43 pm
Oh...i am a pervert then :(
I wouldn't worry about it. :D Some people think I'm a pervert because I watch the pr0n and visit porn stores and have naughty stuff.
Could be also that I was raised in the US and you know how we are about the secks. ;)
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: bookmistress4ever on 09/26/08 at 1:45 pm
I'm for it.
Doesn't affect me and I'm in support of helping one another. I gotta warn ya though, if you wanna get married, it's different then dating or living together even. lol You both gotta be committed (take that any way you want) and be a team, because it won't work otherwise. It's a lot of work, but also can be very rewarding.
lol Listen to me giving marriage advice and I've only been married almost 6 years. ;D
As for PDA, I guess maybe if I had kids, it'd be different, but PDA doesn't bother me any either, although having said that, I don't really like to participate in anything for then the most casual kiss or hold hands or hug. ;D
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: greenjello74 on 09/26/08 at 1:51 pm
I'm for it.
Doesn't affect me and I'm in support of helping one another. I gotta warn ya though, if you wanna get married, it's different then dating or living together even. lol You both gotta be committed (take that any way you want) and be a team, because it won't work otherwise. It's a lot of work, but also can be very rewarding.
lol Listen to me giving marriage advice and I've only been married almost 6 years. ;D
As for PDA, I guess maybe if I had kids, it'd be different, but PDA doesn't bother me any either, although having said that, I don't really like to participate in anything for then the most casual kiss or hold hands or hug. ;D
I don't like PDA either but sneaky,public sex is great...as long as you don't get caught and can't be seen that is. ;)
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: snozberries on 09/26/08 at 4:54 pm
Oh...i am a pervert then :(
I was going to say any PDA that requires wiping you mouth or washing your hands afterwards is TMPDA...too much public diplay of affection...
On the topic of gay marriage. I am all for it. As long as no one is forcing me to marry a man or a woman... its all good with me.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: snozberries on 09/26/08 at 4:58 pm
I don't like PDA either but sneaky,public sex is great...as long as you don't get caught and can't be seen that is. ;)
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/26/08 at 5:54 pm
I was going to say any PDA that requires wiping you mouth or washing your hands afterwards is TMPDA...too much public diplay of affection...
On the topic of gay marriage. I am all for it. As long as no one is forcing me to marry a man or a woman... its all good with me.
What? You don't like shotgun weddings? :D ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/26/08 at 6:30 pm
What? You don't like shotgun weddings? :D ;D ;D ;D
Double barrel?
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Macphisto on 09/26/08 at 9:18 pm
Am i the only one that doesn't mind pda from both straight and gay couples???
That makes me a perv,doesn't it? :-[
Nah... I can say with almost absolute certainty that most straight guys enjoy watching two hot lesbians make out. There's nothing wrong with a girl enjoying or at least not being bothered with watching two guys or two girls doing their thing (although personally, I'll pass on watching the two guys). And if you feel the same way about straight couples, the same applies.
I've never been to Brazil, but it does seem like Brazil is more open about sex. I think America should lighten up some about sex -- we'd probably be a lot more mentally healthy that way.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/27/08 at 1:52 am
Nah... I can say with almost absolute certainty that most straight guys enjoy watching two hot lesbians make out. There's nothing wrong with a girl enjoying or at least not being bothered with watching two guys or two girls doing their thing (although personally, I'll pass on watching the two guys). And if you feel the same way about straight couples, the same applies.
I've never been to Brazil, but it does seem like Brazil is more open about sex. I think America should lighten up some about sex -- we'd probably be a lot more mentally healthy that way.
From what I've seen, they're a lot more open about sex--literally!
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Shacks Train on 09/27/08 at 3:16 am
Why Not .Let them marry......At least they can't breed!!! ;D
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: snozberries on 09/27/08 at 12:34 pm
What? You don't like shotgun weddings? :D ;D ;D ;D
shotguns YES
weddings NO
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Gis on 09/27/08 at 2:47 pm
How interesting, religion wasn't really a part of marriage until midevil times, where it was blessed by God, ceremony presided by a priest, etc etc. This being a time when most of the advances that the Roman Empire had made in society were forgotten because they were evil and Christianity was good. Early Greeks and Romans had gay marriages. Go figure.
Is it for religious reasons only? Is marriage sacred? As far as I know, it was created for financial reasons .
Most ancient societies needed a secure environment for the perpetuation of the species,a system of rules to handle the granting of property rights, and the protection of bloodlines. The institution of marriage handled these needs. For instance, ancient Hebrew law required a man to become the husband of a deceased brother's widow.
Marriage is an institution in which interpersonal relationships (usually intimate and sexual) are acknowledged by the state or by religious authority. It is often viewed as a contract. Civil marriage is the legal concept of marriage as a governmental institution, in accordance with marriage laws of the jurisdiction. If recognized by the state, by the religion(s) to which the parties belong or by society in general, the act of marriage changes the personal and social status of the individuals who enter into it.
People marry for many reasons, but usually one or more of the following: legal, social, and economic stability; the formation of a family unit; procreation and the education and nurturing of children; legitimizing sexual relations; public declaration of love; or to obtain citizenship.
Marriage may take many forms: for example, a union between one man and one woman as husband and wife is a monogamous heterosexual marriage; polygamy – in which a person takes more than one spouse – is common in many societies. Recently, some jurisdictions and denominations have begun to recognize same-sex marriage, uniting people of the same sex.
The first recorded use of the word "marriage" for the union of same-sex couples also occurs during the Roman Empire. A number of marriages are recorded to have taken place during this period.In the year 342, the Christian emperors Constantius and Constans declared that same-sex marriage to be illegal
Marriage has evolved over time and continues to. Changes are not bad things. However, gay marriage is not new to human society. But the arguments and attacks against it have not changed.
I don't think homosexuality is a choice. I have seen that it is prevalent in the Animal Kingdom, especially amongst animals closely related to Humans, like the Bonobos. It is primarily a social bonding in the group.
If one of the reasons to deny gays the chance to marry is because it makes you want to hurl, can we do the same for heterosexual couples that kiss and make me want to hurl? Why do people think so much about what goes on in the bedroom or about the physical acts?
Would you deny marriage rights to people who won't/can't have children?
I don't think there is anything wrong with gay marriage. Tell me how it will affect the sanctity of marriage. Tell me how it will affect people and their marriages. If gay marriage as a term is what bothers people, fine, just have all government sanctioned marriages as civil unions, but the chance for gays to be happy with their partner and having having the same rights and benefits as straight couples should not be denied from them.
APPLAUSE from me too, very very well said sir!
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: danootaandme on 09/27/08 at 3:53 pm
Boston Marriage
"The term "Boston marriage" came to be used, apparently, after Henry James' book The Bostonians detailed a marriage-like relationship between two women—"New Women" in the language of the time, women who were independent, not married, self-supporting (which sometimes meant making a living as writers or other professional, educated careers). c.1886. Less common but nonetheless used was the term "Wellesley marriage.""
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: ladybug316 on 09/27/08 at 6:49 pm
Why Not .Let them marry......At least they can't breed!!! ;D
Wow! What if someone said that of your parents?
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: snozberries on 09/27/08 at 10:03 pm
Wow! What if someone said that of your parents?
I think I did...in some other thread ;)
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Mr Tumnus on 09/28/08 at 2:03 pm
What makes you think that Babooshka is afraid of homosexuals? ???
I do not like tomatos. I'm not a tomatophobe.
I am not a big fan of Obama, but I am not an Obamophobe.
I don't like Kia automobiles. I am not a Kiaphobe.
More PC claptrap. if somebody does not like something about the homosexual agenda, call them a "homophobe"...
No doubt there are some people who are afraid of homosexuals and that would make them homophobes. But I did not see anything in Baboosh's post that implied fear.
;D ;D
Thanks.. you're right i aint a homophobe just don't agree with 'marriage' rights for this group, one of my nicest friends at work is gay and i adore him..still wouldnt wanna see him snog a bloke tho' and the same goes for women kissing.. gets nauseous again
PS. i get slightly nauseated at seeing straight people kissing (full on and especially with tongues) in the street, even more so if they're ugly.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 09/28/08 at 2:10 pm
;D ;D
Thanks.. you're right i aint a homophobe just don't agree with 'marriage' rights for this group, one of my nicest friends at work is gay and i adore him..still wouldnt wanna see him snog a bloke tho' and the same goes for women kissing.. gets nauseous again
PS. i get slightly nauseated at seeing straight people kissing (full on and especially with tongues) in the street, even more so if they're ugly.
I stand corrected you're not afraid. Your mentality is ruled by the "Oh my gosh that's so icky" factor. ::)
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/28/08 at 2:24 pm
I stand corrected you're not afraid. Your mentality is ruled by the "Oh my gosh that's so icky" factor. ::)
I have found that people oppose it for 2 reasons. 1. Religion (which in my opinion doesn't have a place in making laws of the land) and 2. the "ick" factor.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: La Roche on 09/28/08 at 3:28 pm
Yes, because legislating against it is a waste of my money :P
Pretty much.
If it would cost nothing to legislate against it then I'd throw my support behind that. I am fairly homophobic, there are numerous aspects of gay culture that I dislike and frankly, the whole argument about "we should be able to get married and adopt because we're just like you." is a crock. You're not like me.. there are numerous reasons why.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: SemperYoda on 09/28/08 at 3:54 pm
I do not like tomatos. I'm not a tomatophobe.
I am not a big fan of Obama, but I am not an Obamophobe.
I don't like Kia automobiles. I am not a Kiaphobe.
Homophobia as a term has had its critics, but right now it is more than just a fear of homosexuals. It's taking the behavior you have against a certain group and discriminating against it. Not liking Obama and not voting for Obama is hardly being a "Obamaphobe." You just openly don't like him and don't want him to be President. If you didn't like him because he was black, then you might be a racist and thats a problem. However, those who openly attack homosexuals and try to deny them rights based on who they are is discriminatory.
Look at this definition:
An irrational fear or intolerance of homosexuality, or behaviour that is perceived to uphold and support traditional gender role expectations. The prevalent assumption in Western society is that heterosexuality is the only acceptable sexual orientation. In sport, homophobia is expressed in ways ranging from telling jokes directed against homosexual activity, through harassment to physical violence against homosexual sportspeople.
Homophobia is an irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuals
Whether it is a fear or not, I definitely think people have some underlying hostility to homosexuals. I understand being uncomfortable with them, but to take away their right to happiness and getting the same benefits as heterosexual couples because of the "ick" factor is not right.
Thanks.. you're right i aint a homophobe just don't agree with 'marriage' rights for this group, one of my nicest friends at work is gay and i adore him..still wouldnt wanna see him snog a bloke tho' and the same goes for women kissing.. gets nauseous again
Saying that you have a gay friend makes it so your argument should be more accepted? It sounds like those who say they aren't racist because they have a black friend or some bullcrap like that.
If it would cost nothing to legislate against it then I'd throw my support behind that. I am fairly homophobic, there are numerous aspects of gay culture that I dislike and frankly, the whole argument about "we should be able to get married and adopt because we're just like you." is a crock. You're not like me.. there are numerous reasons why.
Maybe it's not homophobia, but I think there is definitely something wrong when you will not allow something just because you think it is "ick." Why don't the anti gay marriage people come out with a stronger argument than I just don't like it? Why shouldn't they get marriage rights? Arguments with some substance can help your case, not because God doesn't accept it, homosexual sex is nasty, etc.
They are human right? They may not have the same sexual tendencies as you, but they are still human. They still can adopt just fine. They are capable of being in relationships. There is nothing wrong with it. Especially because gay's come from heterosexuals anyway. That is supposed to boost the chances of kids raised by gay parents turning out gay? Serious? Aren't American's granted the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? Tell me why their happiness can't include getting married like heterosexuals.
Oh no, its going to be the end of the human race as we know it if gay marriage is allowed. ::)
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 09/28/08 at 8:13 pm
Homophobia as a term has had its critics, but right now it is more than just a fear of homosexuals. It's taking the behavior you have against a certain group and discriminating against it. Not liking Obama and not voting for Obama is hardly being a "Obamaphobe." You just openly don't like him and don't want him to be President. If you didn't like him because he was black, then you might be a racist and thats a problem. However, those who openly attack homosexuals and try to deny them rights based on who they are is discriminatory.
Look at this definition:
An irrational fear or intolerance of homosexuality, or behaviour that is perceived to uphold and support traditional gender role expectations. The prevalent assumption in Western society is that heterosexuality is the only acceptable sexual orientation. In sport, homophobia is expressed in ways ranging from telling jokes directed against homosexual activity, through harassment to physical violence against homosexual sportspeople.
Homophobia is an irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuals
Whether it is a fear or not, I definitely think people have some underlying hostility to homosexuals. I understand being uncomfortable with them, but to take away their right to happiness and getting the same benefits as heterosexual couples because of the "ick" factor is not right.
Saying that you have a gay friend makes it so your argument should be more accepted? It sounds like those who say they aren't racist because they have a black friend or some bullcrap like that.
Maybe it's not homophobia, but I think there is definitely something wrong when you will not allow something just because you think it is "ick." Why don't the anti gay marriage people come out with a stronger argument than I just don't like it? Why shouldn't they get marriage rights? Arguments with some substance can help your case, not because God doesn't accept it, homosexual sex is nasty, etc.
They are human right? They may not have the same sexual tendencies as you, but they are still human. They still can adopt just fine. They are capable of being in relationships. There is nothing wrong with it. Especially because gay's come from heterosexuals anyway. That is supposed to boost the chances of kids raised by gay parents turning out gay? Serious? Aren't American's granted the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? Tell me why their happiness can't include getting married like heterosexuals.
Oh no, its going to be the end of the human race as we know it if gay marriage is allowed. ::)
Karma +1 :)
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Gis on 09/29/08 at 3:03 am
Homophobia as a term has had its critics, but right now it is more than just a fear of homosexuals. It's taking the behavior you have against a certain group and discriminating against it. Not liking Obama and not voting for Obama is hardly being a "Obamaphobe." You just openly don't like him and don't want him to be President. If you didn't like him because he was black, then you might be a racist and thats a problem. However, those who openly attack homosexuals and try to deny them rights based on who they are is discriminatory.
Look at this definition:
An irrational fear or intolerance of homosexuality, or behaviour that is perceived to uphold and support traditional gender role expectations. The prevalent assumption in Western society is that heterosexuality is the only acceptable sexual orientation. In sport, homophobia is expressed in ways ranging from telling jokes directed against homosexual activity, through harassment to physical violence against homosexual sportspeople.
Homophobia is an irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuals
Whether it is a fear or not, I definitely think people have some underlying hostility to homosexuals. I understand being uncomfortable with them, but to take away their right to happiness and getting the same benefits as heterosexual couples because of the "ick" factor is not right.
Saying that you have a gay friend makes it so your argument should be more accepted? It sounds like those who say they aren't racist because they have a black friend or some bullcrap like that.
Maybe it's not homophobia, but I think there is definitely something wrong when you will not allow something just because you think it is "ick." Why don't the anti gay marriage people come out with a stronger argument than I just don't like it? Why shouldn't they get marriage rights? Arguments with some substance can help your case, not because God doesn't accept it, homosexual sex is nasty, etc.
They are human right? They may not have the same sexual tendencies as you, but they are still human. They still can adopt just fine. They are capable of being in relationships. There is nothing wrong with it. Especially because gay's come from heterosexuals anyway. That is supposed to boost the chances of kids raised by gay parents turning out gay? Serious? Aren't American's granted the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? Tell me why their happiness can't include getting married like heterosexuals.
Oh no, its going to be the end of the human race as we know it if gay marriage is allowed. ::)
Applause again from me, thanks for saying it all so I don't have too. ;D
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Shacks Train on 09/29/08 at 5:00 am
Wow! What if someone said that of your parents?
Well Bug I'm adopted so thats OUT OF THE EQUASION!...They only want to marry for spousale rights .
Personally it doesn't bother me as I'm comfortable with who I am..They might have a better longgevity rate than herto couples.never know?
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: La Roche on 09/29/08 at 8:39 am
Maybe it's not homophobia, but I think there is definitely something wrong when you will not allow something just because you think it is "ick." Why don't the anti gay marriage people come out with a stronger argument than I just don't like it? Why shouldn't they get marriage rights? Arguments with some substance can help your case, not because God doesn't accept it, homosexual sex is nasty, etc.
They are human right? They may not have the same sexual tendencies as you, but they are still human. They still can adopt just fine. They are capable of being in relationships. There is nothing wrong with it. Especially because gay's come from heterosexuals anyway. That is supposed to boost the chances of kids raised by gay parents turning out gay? Serious? Aren't American's granted the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? Tell me why their happiness can't include getting married like heterosexuals.
Now before I continue I will make the point that I do support civil unions (not because they love each other etc) but because of financial reasons. If one partner dies then the other one should have the same rights as any other partner in our society and that usually means continued health benefits for x period of time, life insurance etc.
They are still human, I don't debate that. I won't go down the "I have gay friends" route, because I don't think I do (of course, you never know) because there are a number of things and traits common in the gay community that I dislike.
It is a difficult one for me as I personally think the Government should stay out of people's personal lives, but at the same time, it's a matter of sense. It seems ridiculous to me that two men or two women could get married and have children.
I think my gripe is more with gay couples adopting children. I'm sorry, but you send a kid to school with two Daddy's.. he better be a hard ass because he's getting his ass beat. At 10 years old I would have found that hilarious and wailed on him and so would 99% of other children.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Shacks Train on 09/29/08 at 10:32 am
I think my gripe is more with gay couples adopting children. I'm sorry, but you send a kid to school with two Daddy's.. he better be a hard ass because he's getting his ass beat. At 10 years old I would have found that hilarious and wailed on him and so would 99% of other children.
Yup thats the problem allright!!!
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: SemperYoda on 09/29/08 at 11:22 am
I think my gripe is more with gay couples adopting children. I'm sorry, but you send a kid to school with two Daddy's.. he better be a hard ass because he's getting his ass beat. At 10 years old I would have found that hilarious and wailed on him and so would 99% of other children.
Yup thats the problem allright!!!
The problem is with people beating them and nothing being done about it. No different than beating up homosexuals for being who they are. It is a big problem. Finding it hilarious and beating them up for it? If children can't learn to have any respect for other people, then we are going nowhere as a society. Does anyone else fight this a bit disturbing besides me? I don't know, I guess I am just a bleeding heart liberal.
I would say we would need more people like these kids in the world. I am sure they grow up being more understanding, open minded, and learn how to deal with issues instead of resorting to bullying, fighting, and violence.
A loving, caring couple should have the chance to adopt children. Where are a lot of these kids going to go? To the foster system where at times they never have a chance to make it? How many people are willing to go out an adopt these kids? It kind of comes full circle with the argument against abortion as well.
For me to see that gay couples adopting is wrong, I will have to see concrete evidence that these children are harmed physically or mentally as a result. It's definitely not because they will turn out gay, because like I said before, gay's come from heterosexuals.
So, we are looking out for the children when we deny gay couples the chance to adopt them, afraid that kids will be more inclined to beat them up. However, I don't think that the ultimate motivation behind this is not to look out for the kids, but because of that underlying mistrust and hate of homosexuals.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Mr Tumnus on 09/29/08 at 1:48 pm
Pretty much.
If it would cost nothing to legislate against it then I'd throw my support behind that. I am fairly homophobic, there are numerous aspects of gay culture that I dislike and frankly, the whole argument about "we should be able to get married and adopt because we're just like you." is a crock. You're not like me.. there are numerous reasons why.
yeah what he sez in the last 2 sentences.
I don't like PDA either but sneaky,public sex is great...as long as you don't get caught and can't be seen that is. ;)
ooh I'm with you on that!
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Henk on 09/29/08 at 3:02 pm
Pretty much.
If it would cost nothing to legislate against it then I'd throw my support behind that. I am fairly homophobic, there are numerous aspects of gay culture that I dislike and frankly, the whole argument about "we should be able to get married and adopt because we're just like you." is a crock. You're not like me.. there are numerous reasons why.
Well, I'm not like you either...for numerous reasons. Does that mean I'm not entitled to get hitched? ???
Now before I continue I will make the point that I do support civil unions (not because they love each other etc) but because of financial reasons. If one partner dies then the other one should have the same rights as any other partner in our society and that usually means continued health benefits for x period of time, life insurance etc.
They are still human, I don't debate that. I won't go down the "I have gay friends" route, because I don't think I do (of course, you never know)
You'd be surprised...
because there are a number of things and traits common in the gay community that I dislike.
I'm not sure what you mean by "common in the gay community". Gays are just as diverse as straight people, and just as widespread.
It is a difficult one for me as I personally think the Government should stay out of people's personal lives, but at the same time, it's a matter of sense. It seems ridiculous to me that two men or two women could get married and have children.
I think my gripe is more with gay couples adopting children. I'm sorry, but you send a kid to school with two Daddy's.. he better be a hard ass because he's getting his ass beat. At 10 years old I would have found that hilarious and wailed on him and so would 99% of other children.
Assumptions. I'd like to see some facts to support this.
Besides, I don't think this is a really valid argument to deny gay people to get married and/or adopt children. By the same argument you could deny small or disabled people to reproduce/adopt, and I don't hear any discussion there.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Henk on 09/29/08 at 3:09 pm
;D ;D
Thanks.. you're right i aint a homophobe just don't agree with 'marriage' rights for this group, one of my nicest friends at work is gay and i adore him..still wouldnt wanna see him snog a bloke tho' and the same goes for women kissing.. gets nauseous again
PS. i get slightly nauseated at seeing straight people kissing (full on and especially with tongues) in the street, even more so if they're ugly.
I'm still not sure what your argument (if any) is to deny marriage rights to gay people. Is it really just because you don't like 'em snogging? If so: what's that got to do with marriage (rights)? :-\\ ???
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Henk on 09/29/08 at 3:11 pm
In case anyone's still wondering: I voted in favor.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Mr Tumnus on 09/29/08 at 3:41 pm
Well, I'm not like you either...for numerous reasons. Does that mean I'm not entitled to get hitched? ???
You'd be surprised...
I'm not sure what you mean by "common in the gay community". Gays are just as diverse as straight people, and just as widespread.
Assumptions. I'd like to see some facts to support this.
Besides, I don't think this is a really valid argument to deny gay people to get married and/or adopt children. By the same argument you could deny small or disabled people to reproduce/adopt, and I don't hear any discussion there.
I'm still not sure what your argument (if any) is to deny marriage rights to gay people. Is it really just because you don't like 'em snogging? If so: what's that got to do with marriage (rights)? :-\\ ???
In case anyone's still wondering: I voted in favor.
wow a lot to say on the subject eh..I had wondered about your sexual orientation and you've confirmed what I thought.
(call it intuition) ;)
great to see you still react well to a good wind up..remember that time you once said I'd contaminated a thread with a post..it's all starting to add up now.
;D ::) ;D
(feels nauseous all over again at the thought of men kissing - especially ugly ones)
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Henk on 09/29/08 at 3:51 pm
wow a lot to say on the subject eh..I had wondered about your sexual orientation and you've confirmed what I thought.
(call it intuition) ;)
great to see you still react well to a good wind up..remember that time you once said I'd contaminated a thread with a post..it's all starting to add up now.
;D ::) ;D
(feels nauseous all over again at the thought of men kissing - especially ugly ones)
OK, so I was gonna give you the benefit of the doubt. Guess I should've known better.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Rice_Cube on 09/29/08 at 4:48 pm
I was not aware that Henk was gay.
Not that there's anything wrong with that :)
There's more important things to worry about than gays getting married, anyway.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Henk on 09/29/08 at 4:54 pm
I was not aware that Henk was gay.
Newsflash: Neither was I.
Not that there's anything wrong with that :)
There's more important things to worry about than gays getting married, anyway.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Rice_Cube on 09/29/08 at 4:58 pm
Ah, okay, I thought my Gaydar was broken for a while there :D
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Jessica on 09/29/08 at 5:03 pm
I couldn't resist.
Y'all are getting too serious. :D
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/29/08 at 5:07 pm
I practically grew up in theatre since my mother was very active in it. So, I had be around gays all my life and I think my mother summed it up best-she said that gay guys make the best girl friends. ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Tam on 09/29/08 at 5:18 pm
Newsflash: Neither was I.
Poor Henk!!!
Here is some karma to make it feel better!!! 8) ;)
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 09/29/08 at 5:56 pm
wow a lot to say on the subject eh..I had wondered about your sexual orientation and you've confirmed what I thought.
(call it intuition) ;)
great to see you still react well to a good wind up..remember that time you once said I'd contaminated a thread with a post..it's all starting to add up now.
;D ::) ;D
(feels nauseous all over again at the thought of men kissing - especially ugly ones)
I think you're confusing intuition with being LGBT friendly. In other words you intuition needs a tune up.
Better stock up on the Pepto Bismol because everything nauseates you.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 09/29/08 at 5:57 pm
Ah, okay, I thought my Gaydar was broken for a while there :D
:o Your Gaydar's never on da blink.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Macphisto on 09/29/08 at 8:09 pm
;D ;D
Thanks.. you're right i aint a homophobe just don't agree with 'marriage' rights for this group, one of my nicest friends at work is gay and i adore him..still wouldnt wanna see him snog a bloke tho' and the same goes for women kissing.. gets nauseous again
PS. i get slightly nauseated at seeing straight people kissing (full on and especially with tongues) in the street, even more so if they're ugly.
I'm assuming "Kashka from Baghdad" is not one of your favorite Kate Bush songs.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Shacks Train on 09/29/08 at 10:42 pm
Now heres an informed opinion :o
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Henk on 09/30/08 at 12:02 am
Poor Henk!!!
Here is some karma to make it feel better!!! 8) ;)
"it"...? ??? ::) ;)
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: McDonald on 09/30/08 at 12:22 am
In a supposed democratic state such as the U.S., a homosexual is an equal citizen who has the right to lead his or her private life as he or she sees fit, and in doing so should expect fully equal treatment from all state institutions. Like it or not, marriage is not just a religious institution, it is a legal one and always has been. It's just that nowadays it's the state that makes and enforces the law - not the church. For that matter, adoption is also a legal institution (which also used to be a church matter) and a same-sex couple should be allowed to adopt children. The more it is allowed, the more normal it will become, and then kids won't have to worry about getting pounded at school for something so trivial (not to mention personal...who said a kid had to share every aspect of his home life at school? I never did).
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Tam on 09/30/08 at 12:24 am
"it"...? ??? ::) ;)
Hahahaahah!!!! ;D
Love you man! 8)
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Henk on 09/30/08 at 12:26 am
Hahahaahah!!!! ;D
Love you man! 8)
Likewise. 8)
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Tam on 09/30/08 at 12:38 am
Would you support gay civil unions?
In a legal context, marriage and civil unions are the same thing..... no?
So then I would still have to say No.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Gis on 09/30/08 at 3:01 am
I find it sad that some people seem to think two gay people shouldn't have a child, be it adopted, via a turkey baster or via surrogacy JUST because they are gay.
Somehow being gay makes them unable to bring up a child correctly? They are probably a damn sight better parents than a great many of the population, think the Caylee Anthony thread on the 2000 boards.................
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 09/30/08 at 8:24 am
In a legal context, marriage and civil unions are the same thing..... no?
So then I would still have to say No.
Nope, marriage is a religious institution which is why it is called marriage. Civil Unions are non religious. Why should a religious ceremony have more clout than a civil? Also straight couple can have civil unions.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Mr Tumnus on 09/30/08 at 11:18 am
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: SemperYoda on 09/30/08 at 11:39 am
Nope, marriage is a religious institution which is why it is called marriage. Civil Unions are non religious. Why should a religious ceremony have more clout than a civil? Also straight couple can have civil unions.
In a legal context, marriage and civil unions are the same thing..... no?
So then I would still have to say No.
A marriage is not recognized unless you get a license from the state, hence it still is legalized by a government institution. Interesting. Also, as my post said before, marriage as a term is not necessarily religious. I haven't found anything where it is said that marriage is a religious term exclusively. I think civil unions and marriage are pretty much the same.
My brother and sister-in-law got MARRIED, but it was presided by a judge. So did they get married or civil unioned? ;D
I saw an interesting point. If marriage is indeed religious, then the government has no authority to ban it because of the first amendment. So, a certain religion may not allow homosexuals to marry within their church, but they don't have the authority to stop it altogether. Also, there seems to be two different uses of the term marriage: a religious one where marriage is a sacred union with a certain religious status, and a government one where a marriage is a legal union that comes with legal privileges and legal status. If this is the case then a religious marriage shouldn't have legal rights granted and a civil marriage should not have any religious aspects.
Either way, gays pay taxes, are part of the workforce, and are here legally. Then, from a legal standpoint, they should have the opportunity to be MARRIED.
Another argument that comes up is that if we allow gay marriage, then it will open up a whole new can of worms. We will have to allow incest marriages, marriage between an adult and child, polygamy, and being able to marry a dog, cat, truck, or other things. I guess that could be part of another thread.
A child can't legally make the decision to marry an adult, so why is that even an option?
I don't think I see any problem with polygamy. In a way it is already legal. It is shady, but nothing is really done about it. A polygamous marriage may not be legally recognized, but yet the wife and her kids can be eligible for welfare because she is considered a single mother. Wouldn't you rather the Dad have some responsibility rather than there be a free handout given? Polygamy in history hasn't always been about someone just being a pervert. Sometimes, a man would take on another wife if her husband had died and she was going through rough times. It would help support the family. Shouldn't be any reason that a woman can't marry more than one guy either.
You can't marry a dog, cat, or a truck because they can't consent. Don't really know what to say about incestuous relationships at this time.
However, I guess that can of worms will be opened when we get there. Gays should still be able to marry.
If the problem is about rewriting the rules on divorce, benefits, who gets what name, and others, then that shouldn't be an obstacle that can't be worked out. Many rules have evolved over time. I think its just part of society growing. Would you like to go back to more "traditional"l rules of marriage where a guy can pick a woman he wants to marry and the woman has no say in the matter? I have heard many times that we need to go back to a more traditional form of marriage. What part of traditional are we talking about?
I find it sad that some people seem to think two gay people shouldn't have a child, be it adopted, via a turkey baster or via surrogacy JUST because they are gay.
Somehow being gay makes them unable to bring up a child correctly? They are probably a damn sight better parents than a great many of the population, think the Caylee Anthony thread on the 2000 boards.................
Yep. :)
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: snozberries on 09/30/08 at 12:04 pm
there are so many kids needing to be adopted. It's stupid to deny them a loving environment because the couple wishing to adopt are of the same sex.
Two misconceptions anti-gay adoption people seem to have are
1) the couple wants to convert the kid.
You can't make someone gay. People are born gay. My grandmother had 6 daughters and 5 of them are straight. One of my straight aunts has 14 grandchildren and 3 of them are gay. She has several great grandchildren and a couple of them are gay.
2) gay couples adopt to have a *em* "toy"
Pedophilia and Homosexuality are NOT the same thing.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/30/08 at 12:34 pm
Not allowing gays to married because they can't have children is just an asinine argument. Carlos & I got married and we can't have children together. Does that make our marriage null and void?
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: snozberries on 09/30/08 at 12:35 pm
Not allowing gays to married because they can't have children is just an asinine argument. Carlos & I got married and we can't have children together. Does that make our marriage null and void?
Good Point!
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Tam on 09/30/08 at 12:37 pm
Nope, marriage is a religious institution which is why it is called marriage. Civil Unions are non religious. Why should a religious ceremony have more clout than a civil? Also straight couple can have civil unions.
Actually, as defined, they are the same thing.
http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/marriage ex.4 or
http://www.answers.com/marriage ex.1d
Civil union is just a different name to make it sound better and seperate from marriage for those parties involved IMHO.
Yet, if they want the same rights etc. then why do they need a seperate terminology? ???
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: karen on 09/30/08 at 12:48 pm
Nope, marriage is a religious institution which is why it is called marriage. Civil Unions are non religious. Why should a religious ceremony have more clout than a civil? Also straight couple can have civil unions.
So if someone marries someone else in a registry office rather than in church (as you can do in the UK) do you not consider them married then?
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: ladybug316 on 09/30/08 at 3:27 pm
I, (an agnostic catholic), married my husband, (a lapsed jew), in a civil ceremony. Neither church nor temple would've married us, if we had been so inclined to go that route. I am not less married than anyone whose marriage was blessed by that God guy (or girl).
Cat and Carlos are no less married because they haven't gone forth and procreated.
Some people think the races shouldn't mix, either. That "ick" thing Babooshka was speaking of, remember. Blended families are no less valid!
Whichever angle you look at it, most get married for the same reason; to share their life with someone (even if they have identical parts). With these intentions, it's hard to see how any of the above-mentioned couplings detract from someone's definition of marriage.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/30/08 at 3:42 pm
I, (an agnostic catholic), married my husband, (a lapsed jew), in a civil ceremony. Neither church nor temple would've married us, if we had been so inclined to go that route. I am not less married than anyone whose marriage was blessed by that God guy (or girl).
Cat and Carlos are no less married because they haven't gone forth and procreated.
Some people think the races shouldn't mix, either. That "ick" thing Babooshka was speaking of, remember. Blended families are no less valid!
Whichever angle you look at it, most get married for the same reason; to share their life with someone (even if they have identical parts). With these intentions, it's hard to see how any of the above-mentioned couplings detract from someone's definition of marriage.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: danootaandme on 09/30/08 at 3:53 pm
ditto that
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 09/30/08 at 4:45 pm
Actually, as defined, they are the same thing.
http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/marriage ex.4 or
http://www.answers.com/marriage ex.1d
Civil union is just a different name to make it sound better and seperate from marriage for those parties involved IMHO.
Yet, if they want the same rights etc. then why do they need a seperate terminology? ???
The laws in PA recognize marriage between straight couples however will not recognize Civil Unions among straight couples. Do tax forms state marriage? Civil Unions or both? You're also assuming that civil unions are a LGBT term.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 09/30/08 at 4:47 pm
So if someone marries someone else in a registry office rather than in church (as you can do in the UK) do you not consider them married then?
Depends on who preforms the ceremony. In PA marriages done only by clergy or a judge are recognized.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 09/30/08 at 4:49 pm
What is your point exactly, if I may ask.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Rice_Cube on 09/30/08 at 4:57 pm
^ I think the kitty saw her naked...?
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 09/30/08 at 4:59 pm
^ I think the kitty saw her naked...?
Kitten laugh for the sake of sanity. *sigh* :(
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: philbo on 09/30/08 at 5:38 pm
I can't stand seeing women/women and men/men 'tying the knot' - then snogging, it almost makes me want to retch
I have to admit that I find the sight makes me a bit queasy, too... but that would never make me want to stop them - what they want to get up to is their business, not mine.
I see no reason why homosexual couples shouldn't have the same rights as heterosexual ones.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Macphisto on 09/30/08 at 6:56 pm
In a legal context, marriage and civil unions are the same thing..... no?
So then I would still have to say No.
Case law sets a different precedent for civil unions. To put it simply, marriage is a religious issue, but civil unions are a civil rights issue.
So basically, if you're against gay civil unions, you're fighting against equal rights for gays.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: karen on 09/30/08 at 7:20 pm
Depends on who preforms the ceremony. In PA marriages done only by clergy or a judge are recognized.
So what would you call someone who was married by a judge? Would you say they were married or 'in a civil union'?
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: bookmistress4ever on 09/30/08 at 9:09 pm
So what would you call someone who was married by a judge? Would you say they were married or 'in a civil union'?
I was married by a judge in the little bitty traffic court room in Pennsylvania, I got a marriage license (which I had to apply and pay for at the big county courthouse a few miles away), so I guess I'm married. Hopefully anyway. ;D
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: snozberries on 09/30/08 at 10:37 pm
I was married by a judge in the little bitty traffic court room in Pennsylvania, I got a marriage license (which I had to apply and pay for at the big county courthouse a few miles away), so I guess I'm married. Hopefully anyway. ;D
nope... nope... you guys are living in sin... Fire and brimstone condemn you to damnation. burn in hell sinner BURN ;D
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: bookmistress4ever on 09/30/08 at 10:39 pm
nope... nope... you guys are living in sin... Fire and brimstone condemn you to damnation. burn in hell sinner BURN ;D
probably will. probably will. ;D
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/30/08 at 10:42 pm
I was married by a judge in the little bitty traffic court room in Pennsylvania, I got a marriage license (which I had to apply and pay for at the big county courthouse a few miles away), so I guess I'm married. Hopefully anyway. ;D
I know a couple who got married at home by the justice of the peace with their cat as the witness!
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: bookmistress4ever on 09/30/08 at 10:48 pm
I know a couple who got married at home by the justice of the peace with their cat as the witness!
How cool would THAT be!!!! Well...we're saving the cat as a witness experience for a SPECIAL anniversary. ;D Besides we didn't have a cat back then, it was sorta my "wedding present" from hubby.
We didn't have any witnesses other then the lady that worked as stenographer or whatever.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Green Lantern on 09/30/08 at 11:57 pm
http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff30/bookmistress4ever/tv.gif <---Patty & Q ---> http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff30/bookmistress4ever/tv.gif 'We're having a GAY old time !' 8) ;D (In the ORIGINAL (?) sense of the word ? ::)
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: snozberries on 09/30/08 at 11:59 pm
http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff30/bookmistress4ever/tv.gif <---Patty & Q ---> http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff30/bookmistress4ever/tv.gif 'We're having a GAY old time !' 8) ;D (In the ORIGINAL (?) sense of the word ? ::)
lol.... but she's my "sister"
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Green Lantern on 10/01/08 at 12:03 am
lol.... but she's my "sister"
Yeah ? Well that's cool too. Keeping yourselves amused. Aretha reckons 'Sister's are doing it for themselves' !
Whatever THAT might entail ... :-X ::) :P ;)
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: snozberries on 10/01/08 at 12:04 am
Yeah ? Well that's cool too. Keeping yourselves amused. Aretha reckons 'Sister's are doing it for themselves' !
Whatever THAT might entail ... :-X ::) :P ;)
welcome back you goof! ;D
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Green Lantern on 10/01/08 at 12:18 am
welcome back you goof! ;D
Thanks .... although .. well ... I'm back in body ... whether I'm back to my ('best/worst') ... depending on your point of view ;) .... it may take a while, and other things to think about ... yeah, I feel a bit subdued, lately. :-\\
By the way ... (back on topic ? ) ... I probably used to be a bit homophobic too, but meeting one way back in 74 in Chicago .... well ... he was my co-worker in components inspection ... so ... I sort of HAD to get along with him. Turned out to be a real good guy, good friend ... I even stayed over at his place (his boyfriend was there too). Also, I'm a member of a gay club over here, although really joined cos it used to be a good little earner, trivia wise. Anyhow, ... in my experience, a lot of these gay people are just fine / amusing etc; .... if they wanna get married ... why not ? We're all gonna die one day .... if a harmless ceremony makes their lives complete ... what's the prob ? 8)
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Red Ant on 10/01/08 at 12:44 am
lol.... but she's my "sister"
Reminds me of this song:
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 10/01/08 at 1:01 pm
Carlos & I were married by a witch in a Wiccan ceremony in a chapel on the college campus. Does that make us less married?
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: SemperYoda on 10/01/08 at 1:11 pm
Carlos & I were married by a witch in a Wiccan ceremony in a chapel on the college campus. Does that make us less married?
It shouldn't if marriage is a religious term. It shouldn't if it is recognized by the government. Oh wait, I bet they are all thinking its only legit if the marriage ceremony is presided by a Christian priest. I forgot.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Jessica on 10/01/08 at 1:23 pm
My friend is an ordained minister. Not sure which church she's affiliated with, but whatever. She had a "Reverend" in front of her name, so it works for our ceremony. ;D
So we said our, "I Do's" to each other, did the Apache blessing and the Cherokee prayer, and did the exchanging of roses ceremony (our first gifts to each other as man and wife). It was quite unique.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Green Lantern on 10/01/08 at 3:26 pm
Carlos & I were married by a witch in a Wiccan ceremony in a chapel on the college campus. Does that make us less married?
Is that witch married to Glen Campbell .........
the Witch-ita lineman ? ???
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Henk on 10/01/08 at 3:33 pm
Is that witch married to Glen Campbell .........
the Witch-ita lineman ? ???
;D Worst pun ever, probably. Karma +1 nevertheless. ;)
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Green Lantern on 10/01/08 at 3:35 pm
;D Worst pun ever, probably. Karma +1 nevertheless. ;)
I suspect I've done worse ? :-\\
But thanks, Henk. .......... and right back atcha ! 8)
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 10/01/08 at 4:00 pm
My friend is an ordained minister. Not sure which church she's affiliated with, but whatever. She had a "Reverend" in front of her name, so it works for our ceremony. ;D
So we said our, "I Do's" to each other, did the Apache blessing and the Cherokee prayer, and did the exchanging of roses ceremony (our first gifts to each other as man and wife). It was quite unique.
I think clergy need to have a license to preform marriages. Judges and JOTP can automatically do it.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Ashkicksass on 10/01/08 at 5:31 pm
I vote yes.
I never chose to like my husband. I just liked him. I can't imagine that it's any different if you're gay.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 10/01/08 at 5:33 pm
Carlos & I were married by a witch in a Wiccan ceremony in a chapel on the college campus. Does that make us less married?
It depends on state law. However I don't think the federal government looks too closely at it. Obviously whoever preformed the ceremony was licensed to do it. No it doesn't make you less married. However to a Conservative Christian not only might you not be married but some would say you're engaging in evil diabolical witchcraft. You know how twisted their thinking can become.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 10/01/08 at 5:36 pm
So what would you call someone who was married by a judge? Would you say they were married or 'in a civil union'?
In PA they are married. The legality of a civil union is different in each state.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Red Ant on 10/01/08 at 6:06 pm
Carlos & I were married by a witch in a Wiccan ceremony in a chapel on the college campus. Does that make us less married?
Less married than whom?
Nicole and I were married by a reverend (I think) in the basement of a VFW post. I'm atheist and she is lapsed Presbyterian. I have the same question as you... well, not really. I've never had anyone question the validity of our marriage.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 10/01/08 at 7:13 pm
It shouldn't if marriage is a religious term. It shouldn't if it is recognized by the government. Oh wait, I bet they are all thinking its only legit if the marriage ceremony is presided by a Christian priest. I forgot.
Christian ceremony in a church, under a crucifix. Blessed by God. Bride has to be wearing white, groom wears a look of defeat. Keeping the tradition of domestic stability alive. :P
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/01/08 at 9:21 pm
Is that witch married to Glen Campbell .........
the Witch-ita lineman ? ???
;D ;D ;D
One Karma to you, my good man!
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/01/08 at 9:25 pm
It depends on state law. However I don't think the federal government looks too closely at it. Obviously whoever preformed the ceremony was licensed to do it. No it doesn't make you less married. However to a Conservative Christian not only might you not be married but some would say you're engaging in evil diabolical witchcraft. You know how twisted their thinking can become.
If you're married to a self-proclaimed Christian Conservative, one might say you are preparing a carriage for the anti-christ!
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Green Lantern on 10/01/08 at 9:40 pm
;D ;D ;D
One Karma to you, my good man!
Thanks, 'Max' .... and ... likewise ! :)
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: karen on 10/02/08 at 8:00 am
In PA they are married. The legality of a civil union is different in each state.
I'm not asking about the legal status. I'm asking the people here who don't want civil unions for gay people how they refer to hetero friends who were not married in church. Does it bother them that these friends choose to be legally married but not 'under the sight of God'?
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: danootaandme on 10/02/08 at 9:05 am
I'm not asking about the legal status. I'm asking the people here who don't want civil unions for gay people how they refer to hetero friends who were not married in church. Does it bother them that these friends choose to be legally married but not 'under the sight of God'?
That is a very good question.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: SemperYoda on 10/02/08 at 10:30 am
Christian ceremony in a church, under a crucifix. Blessed by God. Bride has to be wearing white, groom wears a look of defeat. Keeping the tradition of domestic stability alive. :P
He He.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: greenjello74 on 10/02/08 at 11:30 am
It shouldn't if marriage is a religious term. It shouldn't if it is recognized by the government. Oh wait, I bet they are all thinking its only legit if the marriage ceremony is presided by a Christian priest. I forgot.
Did you do a hand fasting?
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 10/02/08 at 2:50 pm
If you're married to a self-proclaimed Christian Conservative, one might say you are preparing a carriage for the anti-christ!
I'm told the place you're most likely to find Satan is in a church. There's an obvious line of logic here.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 10/02/08 at 2:58 pm
I'm not asking about the legal status. I'm asking the people here who don't want civil unions for gay people how they refer to hetero friends who were not married in church. Does it bother them that these friends choose to be legally married but not 'under the sight of God'?
One word "hetero". Gay relationship are socially where unmarried people living together were perceived back in the 50's and 60's. Starting to be accepted however a lot of people were still cringing. IMO sometimes I think the religious reasoning is a crutch because people can't admit they're still jittery about the whole ideal.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 10/02/08 at 3:03 pm
Is that witch married to Glen Campbell .........
the Witch-ita lineman ? 8)???
That was just SOOOOOO BAD!!!!!
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: karen on 10/02/08 at 4:49 pm
One word "hetero". Gay relationship are socially where unmarried people living together were perceived back in the 50's and 60's. Starting to be accepted however a lot of people were still cringing. IMO sometimes I think the religious reasoning is a crutch because people can't admit they're still jittery about the whole ideal.
But would you still call them married?
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 10/02/08 at 5:12 pm
But would you still call them married?
Personally, I would. I think that a stable relationship self described as marriage is just as good as a marriage. To put relationships in the category of married or unmarried is absurd and unfair.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: MrCleveland on 10/02/08 at 6:27 pm
I would say "Not Sure".
I could say 'No' because of my beliefs, but this is the same situation we had 100 years ago with the Mormons.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 10/02/08 at 11:08 pm
I would say "Not Sure".
I could say 'No' because of my beliefs, but this is the same situation we had 100 years ago with the Mormons.
You're going to mention the Mormon War next weren't you??? Same kind a battle happening today, only no one has resorted to guns . . .yet.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: greenjello74 on 10/02/08 at 11:45 pm
Well hubby#1 and I were married in the Methodist church, with all the pomp snd ceremony that went a long with it. We were divorced 10 years later.
Jim {#2} and I were married by the acting magistrate in Saugerties, N.Y. ZDoes that mean we are not morally married? Who cares? After 18 years np one else would put up with our crap!!!
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Green Lantern on 10/03/08 at 1:25 am
Yes, never mind about anything else ! 8)
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 10/03/08 at 8:51 am
Yes, never mind about anything else ! 8)
So about those priorities. We don't need no stinkin priorities. Economy, war, who cares we have to keep dykes and fags from marrying. ::)
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: danootaandme on 10/03/08 at 9:50 am
Last night Palin said marriage her idea of marriage was one man, one woman. Well, maybe she should stress that number ONE to her fellow family values, christian, republicans like McCain(2). Gingrich(3), and Rove(2).
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: snozberries on 10/03/08 at 12:53 pm
Last night Palin said marriage her idea of marriage was one man, one woman. Well, maybe she should stress that number ONE to her fellow family values, christian, republicans like McCain(2). Gingrich(3), and Rove(2).
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 10/03/08 at 2:18 pm
Last night Palin said marriage her idea of marriage was one man, one woman. Well, maybe she should stress that number ONE to her fellow family values, christian, republicans like McCain(2). Gingrich(3), and Rove(2).
I think she meant one at a time. Two at a time gets ya sent to a radical Mormon bunker.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: danootaandme on 10/03/08 at 3:58 pm
I think she meant one at a time. Two at a time gets ya sent to a radical Mormon bunker.
IknowIknow, just a bit of sarcasm.....
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 10/03/08 at 4:59 pm
IknowIknow, just a bit of sarcasm.....
But it raises a good point. Depending on perception the one man one woman can be thrown right out the window.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: snozberries on 10/04/08 at 4:55 pm
and....presuming those marriages took place in a church then didn't they "Promise before God" to stick together until death they did part?
Since all three men Danoota mentioned are still alive I wonder how many of the wives are still alive as well?
Hmmmm isn't divorce considered a sin too Sarah Palin?
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 10/04/08 at 5:55 pm
and....presuming those marriages took place in a church then didn't they "Promise before God" to stick together until death they did part?
Since all three men Danoota mentioned are still alive I wonder how many of the wives are still alive as well?
Hmmmm isn't divorce considered a sin too Sarah Palin?
That's traditonal "traditional " marriage. Dang those leftist free thinking hippie commies have to make a mockery of what we hold dear.
We look the other way when it comes to our leaders.
Yes, it is a sin. I guess it's better than murder.
The husband wants me to go get him another beer and change the channel for him. Gotta go.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: danootaandme on 10/04/08 at 6:22 pm
and....presuming those marriages took place in a church then didn't they "Promise before God" to stick together until death they did part?
Since all three men Danoota mentioned are still alive I wonder how many of the wives are still alive as well?
All of them. Gingrich served divorce papers to number one while she was in hospital having cancer treatments, told him he couldn't take the kids because he already had someone waiting outside, and didn't pay child support until he decided to run for office.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 10/04/08 at 10:06 pm
All of them. Gingrich served divorce papers to number one while she was in hospital having cancer treatments, told him he couldn't take the kids because he already had someone waiting outside, and didn't pay child support until he decided to run for office.
So what was the deal with Gingrich during the Clinton Impeachment Hearings? Wasn't he cheating? Boy talking about calling the kettle black. Great way to relieve guilt, go after someone else who's doing the same thing.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: danootaandme on 10/05/08 at 6:21 am
So what was the deal with Gingrich during the Clinton Impeachment Hearings? Wasn't he cheating? Boy talking about calling the kettle black. Great way to relieve guilt, go after someone else who's doing the same thing.
Yes, as a matter of fact during the Clinton Impeachment hearings Newt was having an affair and preparing the papers for his second divorce. Wife #3 was a staffer 23 years younger and this had been going on for a few years. You can't tell me the press didn't know about it.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: snozberries on 10/05/08 at 1:46 pm
All of them. Gingrich served divorce papers to number one while she was in hospital having cancer treatments, told him he couldn't take the kids because he already had someone waiting outside, and didn't pay child support until he decided to run for office.
what a jerk!
So what was the deal with Gingrich during the Clinton Impeachment Hearings? Wasn't he cheating? Boy talking about calling the kettle black. Great way to relieve guilt, go after someone else who's doing the same thing.
good point
Yes, as a matter of fact during the Clinton Impeachment hearings Newt was having an affair and preparing the papers for his second divorce. Wife #3 was a staffer 23 years younger and this had been going on for a few years. You can't tell me the press didn't know about it.
man you coulda been another woodward or bernstien ;D
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/06/08 at 12:18 am
Yes, as a matter of fact during the Clinton Impeachment hearings Newt was having an affair and preparing the papers for his second divorce. Wife #3 was a staffer 23 years younger and this had been going on for a few years. You can't tell me the press didn't know about it.
Newt and his ilk don't respond to "should" and "shouldn't"; only "can" and "cannot." It's not whether he should or should not try to nail Clinton for fooling around; it's a question of whether he still be Speaker of the House if he get's caughts doing the same thing. The answer was: No, you can't. "If Newt had said: "We're trying to nail Clinton 'coz we hate the sonofabitch!," he'd be President today!
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: philbo on 10/06/08 at 9:14 am
I think she meant one at a time. Two at a time gets ya sent to a radical Mormon bunker.
Reminds me of a limerick:
There was a young fellow from Lyme
Who married three brides at a time
When asked "why the third?"
He replied "One's absurd,
And bigamy, sir, is a crime"
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/06/08 at 8:46 pm
Reminds me of a limerick:
There was a young fellow from Lyme
Who married three brides at a time
When asked "why the third?"
He replied "One's absurd,
And bigamy, sir, is a crime"
Karma +1
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Kryllith on 10/09/08 at 1:17 pm
Absolutely I think gay marriage should be legal. If a specific church has a problem with it, then that church doesn't have to perform the ceremony. There are plenty of others that will. Government should keep their noses out of it, other than ensuring that gay couples aren't being denied the same rights that straight couples are.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: danootaandme on 10/09/08 at 5:54 pm
Absolutely I think gay marriage should be legal. If a specific church has a problem with it, then that church doesn't have to perform the ceremony. There are plenty of others that will. Government should keep their noses out of it, other than ensuring that gay couples aren't being denied the same rights that straight couples are.
You are confusing marriage with wedding. The wedding ceremony is up to the religions involved and not the issue. Marriage is the recognition of the legal rights of the 2 people involved.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/09/08 at 11:42 pm
You are confusing marriage with wedding. The wedding ceremony is up to the religions involved and not the issue. Marriage is the recognition of the legal rights of the 2 people involved.
People say it's a slippery slope, what about polygamy? No, no polygamy. One to one, that's the line. Gays have really worked on it over the past 25 years. One disadvantage is their visibility and activism vastly overstates their numbers. Look in any local-yokel newspaper from Bangor to La Jolla has at least three wedding announcemens every week. They're all one man and one woman. In most places the number of gay marriages, let along gay couples looking to have children, is statistically insignificant. It's not a threat to anything! Maybe they'd see three gay marriages in a whole year someplaces. It's not a big deal.
People say it "legitimizes" and "immoral" lifestyle. First, I don't think it's immoral, but perhaps there are imoral people in gay marriages; second, you want "immoral"? Look in the mirror, chances are you shouldn't cast the first stone.
I wouldn't go to bed with another guy just because the East Podunk Express announced Todd & Jared were getting hitched!
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Kryllith on 10/09/08 at 11:55 pm
You are confusing marriage with wedding. The wedding ceremony is up to the religions involved and not the issue. Marriage is the recognition of the legal rights of the 2 people involved.
Yes, but the primary reason that many people are against marriages is because of religious reasons. The point is that people who don't like the idea of gay marriage don't have to like it; it's their opinion, whatever the reason, and they're entitled to it. But that doesn't give them the right to deny gay people what is not denied to straight people, marriage. I simply use weddings because they are linked to marriage, as opposed to civil union ceremonies.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/10/08 at 12:01 am
Yes, but the primary reason that many people are against marriages is because of religious reasons. The point is that people who don't like the idea of gay marriage don't have to like it; it's their opinion, whatever the reason, and they're entitled to it. But that doesn't give them the right to deny gay people what is not denied to straight people, marriage. I simply use weddings because they are linked to marriage, as opposed to civil union ceremonies.
If they've got a problem with gay marriage, they've got a problem with gays. Period. Me, I don't judge a person on it either way, it's the other person's business. I have a gay friend whose been with the same partner for 35 years. I don't treat them any differently than a married heterosexual couple.
And if you don't like to think about how gays have sex, then doooooon't think about it! My guess is a lot of guys like to think about it and it tortures them!
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: whistledog on 10/10/08 at 12:19 am
Gay marriage should be legal everywhere. What makes "man + man" and "woman + woman" different than "man + woman"?
Banning gay marriage is no different than women's lib or racism. In this world, everyone is equal and should get the same fair chances as everyone else. Not always will that happen, but in a perfect world I guess
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Jessica on 10/10/08 at 5:55 pm
Connecticut has approved gay marriage. http://www.inthe00s.com/smile/07/multi.gif
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: snozberries on 10/11/08 at 11:26 am
Connecticut has approved gay marriage. http://www.inthe00s.com/smile/07/multi.gif
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Kryllith on 10/11/08 at 1:02 pm
Glad to hear it. I'm afraid it will be quite some time before it ever gets to Oklahoma (if ever), but it's nice to know that it's slowly making its way elsewhere in the states.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Marty McFly on 10/11/08 at 2:09 pm
Yes, why not. It's the person and how you live your life that matters, not who you're attracted to.
First of all too, I don't believe it's a choice you can be "cured" from, either you are or aren't, but you're born with your sexuality imo.
I had girl crushes almost as far back as I can remember (whether it was girls at school, babysitters, celebrities, you name it). ;) It didn't suddenly start when I was 12 or 13 (even if it kicks more into overdrive then, lol). I'm sure gay people have felt the same way as kids. They might've not yet fully understood it, but I'm sure those feelings existed early on. In fact, I've heard them say things to that effect before, like they never "felt like one of the boys".
There seems to still be about 10% anti-homosexuality. Like most people are cool with it, and it usually won't get you socially shunned or rejected by your family (like it probably would before, say the '70s), but it still doesn't have total acceptance by "the establishment" either.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: snozberries on 10/11/08 at 2:16 pm
Yes, why not. It's the person and how you live your life that matters, not who you're attracted to.
First of all too, I don't believe it's a choice you can be "cured" from, either you are or aren't, but you're born with your sexuality imo.
I had girl crushes almost as far back as I can remember (whether it was girls at school, babysitters, celebrities, you name it). ;) It didn't suddenly start when I was 12 or 13 (even if it kicks more into overdrive then, lol). I'm sure gay people have felt the same way as kids. They might've not yet fully understood it, but I'm sure those feelings existed early on. In fact, I've heard them say things to that effect before, like they never "felt like one of the boys".
There seems to still be about 10% anti-homosexuality. Like most people are cool with it, and it usually won't get you socially shunned or rejected by your family (like it probably would before, say the '70s), but it still doesn't have total acceptance by "the establishment" either.
actually I think the number is higher than 10% its just those of us who aren't against homosexuality are more vocal than we were in the past so it seems like acceptance is more widel spread than actually is. (If that makes sense) Although the acceptance of homosexuality is definitely higher than it used to be.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Marty McFly on 10/11/08 at 2:34 pm
actually I think the number is higher than 10% its just those of us who aren't against homosexuality are more vocal than we were in the past so it seems like acceptance is more widel spread than actually is. (If that makes sense) Although the acceptance of homosexuality is definitely higher than it used to be.
Yeah, I'd say the late '60s to now is sort of the middle ground, where it's generally okay to be gay in societal terms, but certain people themselves disapprove.
It seems like the resistance is just against marriage or unions, as opposed to people merely being gay. Like even if someone doesn't approve of homosexuality, they'll probably have the "Be what you are, but not around me" attitude. The "extremist" haters seems to have faded away, thank God.
I think people sometimes stereotype gays as all being the way the flamboyant ones are (actually most things are like that, the biggest 10% unfairly set the stereotypes for everyone else), which isn't true either. I'm guessing their disapproval comes from the way A FEW of them live their lives, like having casual/unprotected sex with lots of people, or just generally being wild and over the top.
Everyone is different, though. Like with me, I'm just a really feminine straight dude. ;D I've never been the "typical straight man" with most things.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/11/08 at 5:38 pm
Glad to hear it. I'm afraid it will be quite some time before it ever gets to Oklahoma (if ever), but it's nice to know that it's slowly making its way elsewhere in the states.
Sorry, couldn't resist.
The most vain of fears among heterosexual males is that every gay man wants to go to bed with them. Well, maybe if some of those gay men could walk around with wedding bands, the fellas wouldn't have to worry about getting hit on so much!
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Marty McFly on 10/11/08 at 6:14 pm
Sorry, couldn't resist.
The most vain of fears among heterosexual males is that every gay man wants to go to bed with them. Well, maybe if some of those gay men could walk around with wedding bands, the fellas wouldn't have to worry about getting hit on so much!
LOL yeah, I think some of the discrimination comes from straight guys who are overly worried about protecting their "manhood". Again, I think it fits my idea that people base ALL gays off of the extreme examples (i.e. the flayboyant ones with the distinct voice), even if it's only a small percentage. And having said that, there's nothing wrong with being overly flamboyant - it might be a little obnoxious, but as long as they're not breaking the law, why should it be any of our business what they do?
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: greenjello74 on 10/11/08 at 7:00 pm
Connecticut has approved gay marriage. http://www.inthe00s.com/smile/07/multi.gif
I heard that on the news yesterday and I was like yes... finally. Of course here in Fla it is on the ballot in Nov. Or something to do with same sex civil unions, I can't remember just now. Do I support it? Of course!!! Will it pass?? In Fla???? 8-P I don't really think so, this state is very backward in a lot of respects, also very racist. I have been working the phones for Obama and have never encountered such blatant racism in my life.
I'm sorry to anyone who lives in Fla, if I offend, but man o man. I guess I'm kinda spoiled from living up North where people are not so narrow minded about such issues as race and sexual orientation.
Another big myth is Orlando, a lot of people hear Orlando and conjure up these images of Mickey and funparks. But let me tell you Orange County is very violent. The tourists never see that part of the city. Almost every morning on the news there is a shooting or robbery.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/11/08 at 8:37 pm
I heard that on the news yesterday and I was like yes... finally. Of course here in Fla it is on the ballot in Nov. Or something to do with same sex civil unions, I can't remember just now. Do I support it? Of course!!! Will it pass?? In Fla???? 8-P I don't really think so, this state is very backward in a lot of respects, also very racist. I have been working the phones for Obama and have never encountered such blatant racism in my life.
I'm sorry to anyone who lives in Fla, if I offend, but man o man. I guess I'm kinda spoiled from living up North where people are not so narrow minded about such issues as race and sexual orientation.
Another big myth is Orlando, a lot of people hear Orlando and conjure up these images of Mickey and funparks. But let me tell you Orange County is very violent. The tourists never see that part of the city. Almost every morning on the news there is a shooting or robbery.
I remember riding on some godawful back roads in rural Florida, I think it was just north of the Everglades, don't quite remember I was only 12, but I remember thinking we could be in Haiti or something. Sure wasn't like what the other kids brought back from their vacations down in F-L-A!
Anyway...that's gone off topic.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: greenjello74 on 10/11/08 at 10:34 pm
I remember riding on some godawful back roads in rural Florida, I think it was just north of the Everglades, don't quite remember I was only 12, but I remember thinking we could be in Haiti or something. Sure wasn't like what the other kids brought back from their vacations down in F-L-A!
Anyway...that's gone off topic.
Yeah sorry, I kinda went off on a rant.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/12/08 at 1:39 pm
Yeah sorry, I kinda went off on a rant.
Oh, I was referring to myself...I had something to say about Florida, but not gay marriage!
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: philbo on 10/13/08 at 5:58 am
I can feel a "People will say we're in love" parody coming on.. or possibly even an "Oklahoma" one :)
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Kryllith on 10/13/08 at 8:22 am
LOL yeah, I think some of the discrimination comes from straight guys who are overly worried about protecting their "manhood".
Quite possibly, although Sally Kern certainly isn't helping things.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Haman on 10/13/08 at 9:30 am
We have already heard the arguments from both the Right and the Left ad nauseam.
Nevertheless, the second half of the following interview might offer some food for thought, which will most probably disgust Conservatives and Liberals alike:
By the way, my position: Marriage, no. Civil unions, yes.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Jessica on 10/13/08 at 10:08 am
Quite possibly, although Sally Kern certainly isn't helping things.
Oh yeah, THAT bitch. Is it true that one of her sons is gay? I heard about it a couple of months ago, but never heard if they confirmed he was.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Kryllith on 10/13/08 at 10:40 am
Oh yeah, THAT bitch. Is it true that one of her sons is gay? I heard about it a couple of months ago, but never heard if they confirmed he was.
Truthfully, I don't know, but if he were I imagine he'd probably keep it under wraps given who his mom is. He denies it, although he admits that he's celibate.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/13/08 at 3:12 pm
I can feel a "People will say we're in love" parody coming on.. or possibly even an "Oklahoma" one :)
You mean Rodgers & Hammerstein? I think it kinda is already!
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Marty McFly on 10/13/08 at 4:26 pm
Just to get another discussion rolling - I'm curious, for those that are opposed to gay marriage, why? BTW I'm not being smarta*s or anything.
Is it a fear that if being gay is totally mainstreamized by legalizing marriage, that it'll endanger the "typical family". Like two guys or girls raising a kid being on the same level as a man and a woman is still kinda feared by the establishment, maybe because they see it as homosexuality being forced on us. I don't think it'll be much different 'cause there's been nontraditional familes since the '70s (when the divorce rate started getting high), or just check out Full House. ;) My other guess would be that people associate gays with being promiscuous, flamboyant or total hornballs (hey, alot of sttraight guys are bad or worse that way too, lol...so it depends on the person) and they think it's a bad influence on little kids or safe Middle America. Maybe they think gay couples won't be as responsible with raising kids?
Having said all that, I DO think it's important for kids to have a good adult role model of both genders in their life (if it's a gay couple, maybe one of their sisters). And since kids can be mean, they'll probably be in for a tough ride in school, so it's really important to be sensitive about it and explain the situation to them (the best they can reasonably understand it).
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: SemperYoda on 10/13/08 at 5:51 pm
Interesting article
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/13/08 at 7:39 pm
Oh yeah, THAT bitch.
You're already half way there!
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: McDonald on 10/13/08 at 10:14 pm
We have already heard the arguments from both the Right and the Left ad nauseam.
Nevertheless, the second half of the following interview might offer some food for thought, which will most probably disgust Conservatives and Liberals alike:
By the way, my position: Marriage, no. Civil unions, yes.
Always appreciate a bit of CanCon. Very interesting.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/13/08 at 10:30 pm
Just to get another discussion rolling - I'm curious, for those that are opposed to gay marriage, why? BTW I'm not being smarta*s or anything.
Is it a fear that if being gay is totally mainstreamized by legalizing marriage, that it'll endanger the "typical family". Like two guys or girls raising a kid being on the same level as a man and a woman is still kinda feared by the establishment, maybe because they see it as homosexuality being forced on us. I don't think it'll be much different 'cause there's been nontraditional familes since the '70s (when the divorce rate started getting high), or just check out Full House. ;) My other guess would be that people associate gays with being promiscuous, flamboyant or total hornballs (hey, alot of sttraight guys are bad or worse that way too, lol...so it depends on the person) and they think it's a bad influence on little kids or safe Middle America. Maybe they think gay couples won't be as responsible with raising kids?
Having said all that, I DO think it's important for kids to have a good adult role model of both genders in their life (if it's a gay couple, maybe one of their sisters). And since kids can be mean, they'll probably be in for a tough ride in school, so it's really important to be sensitive about it and explain the situation to them (the best they can reasonably understand it).
Me and the missus are against it because marriage has been between one man and one woman since the beginning of time, even when it was between one slimy primordial green thing and one primordial green thing. If we start letting a few of these here gays get married, before you know it, the mice will chase the cats, the cats will chase, the dogs, the dogs will fly the spaceships and a big rent will open in the space time continuum.
D'ya understand now?
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Marty McFly on 10/13/08 at 11:07 pm
Me and the missus are against it because marriage has been between one man and one woman since the beginning of time, even when it was between one slimy primordial green thing and one primordial green thing. If we start letting a few of these here gays get married, before you know it, the mice will chase the cats, the cats will chase, the dogs, the dogs will fly the spaceships and a big rent will open in the space time continuum.
D'ya understand now?
"The space time continuum, whoa Doc, this is heavy!" ;D
Seriously though, I get what you're saying and you've probably got a point. DO you think it's cool for them to live together or have a civil union, but just not to be married in the traditional sense? I guess one reason I'm in favor of it is because it feels almost like people are inferiorized because of their sexual/romantic preference (which I believe you're born with and can't help).
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/13/08 at 11:11 pm
"The space time continuum, whoa Doc, this is heavy!" ;D
Seriously though, I get what you're saying and you've probably got a point. DO you think it's cool for them to live together or have a civil union, but just not to be married in the traditional sense? I guess one reason I'm in favor of it is because it feels almost like people are inferiorized because of their sexual/romantic preference (which I believe you're born with and can't help).
I dunno. Me and Ssssteeee-ven are going to see Rent at the end of the universe!
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Jessica on 10/14/08 at 10:00 am
^ ;D
The LOL sites always have something to suit the occasion:
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Satish on 10/14/08 at 11:46 am
Yes, I'm in favour of same-sex marriage. It's about tolerance and equal rights. If straight people have the right to get married, then gay people should, too.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 10/14/08 at 1:01 pm
Connecticut has approved gay marriage. http://www.inthe00s.com/smile/07/multi.gif
I heard that the people who lost that suit are now going to try to make a Constitution amendment so they can have that ruling overturned. ::) I don't get why people will go out of their way to prevent two people from getting married. Who does it hurt for two men or two women to get hitched? I just don't get it.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: karen on 10/14/08 at 1:23 pm
I heard that the people who lost that suit are now going to try to make a Constitution amendment so they can have that ruling overturned. ::) I don't get why people will go out of their way to prevent two people from getting married. Who does it hurt for two men or two women to get hitched? I just don't get it.
Not quite. They are trying to get a YES vote to there being a constitutional convention to rewrite the constitution. A long drawn-out process by all accounts.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: McDonald on 10/14/08 at 2:52 pm
People should be able to basically do what they want, as long as it doesn't infringe on others' rights.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Red Ant on 10/14/08 at 6:18 pm
People should be able to basically do what they want, as long as it doesn't infringe on others' rights.
Well said.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/14/08 at 8:20 pm
People should be able to basically do what they want, as long as it doesn't infringe on others' rights.
What about my kid's rights not to be intraduced to Mr. and Mr. Honeybuns, his kindergarten teachers. You liberals ever though about OUR rights, huh?
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Step-chan on 10/14/08 at 9:43 pm
I'm for it. Gay people should have the right to be as miserable as the straight and married. ;D
Well put.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 10/15/08 at 3:08 am
I voted NO.
I could say why but if there's one thing I've learned, it's that unless I toe the liberal line here, it's best just to keep my mouth shut.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: karen on 10/15/08 at 7:31 am
I voted NO.
I could say why but if there's one thing I've learned, it's that unless I toe the liberal line here, it's best just to keep my mouth shut.
You can say why - it's just that some others might then get very very angry! ;)
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: philbo on 10/15/08 at 8:09 am
I don't get why people will go out of their way to prevent two people from getting married. Who does it hurt for two men or two women to get hitched? I just don't get it.
Me neither... though I'm currently reading Sam Harris' "End of Faith", and he does point out the faith-based logic that if you believe a) that God cares about whether people sin, and b) that homosexuality is a sin then the corollary is that it is up to you to do something about it.
I do wish these people would get some sense of perspective, though. However much you may dislike the thought of homosexuality, there are far worse sins to get ones knickers in a twist about.
I voted NO.
I could say why but if there's one thing I've learned, it's that unless I toe the liberal line here, it's best just to keep my mouth shut.
So instead you're not going to say why? True, on this topic especially it seems, there is a liberal (with a small "l") consensus - that is, it's not any of our business to stop two men or two women marrying if they so desire.. but I would love to hear some kind of argument put forward as to why you think this is wrong.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: thereshegoes on 10/15/08 at 2:17 pm
Actually i've always heard that the most ferocious homophobes are usually closet gays. Maybe you should adjust your gaydar towards you ;)
Everyone is free to express their opinion and that's what this thread was suppose to be about,who's for and against gay marriage and the reasons why. What happened is that none of those who oppose it came up with more than prejudice against gays. Cause let's face it...those who say no to gay marriage are basically saying homosexuality is wrong and should be kept in the closet. See we love the gay shows on TV and might even have gay friends but they can ever be seen as equal or given the same opportunities or rights.
I'm not sure what people are afraid of... is this new family concept worse than the past ones? Are gay couples less capable of raising a child? Of loving and caring? To me it's obvious the answer is no and until someone comes up with a strong valid argument that will make me think differently i won't be happy until laws are changed and everyone will be free to live and love as they please.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: wildcard on 10/15/08 at 2:54 pm
I'm going with no because people have the right. It may be a sin and God does care, but he also gives us a choice to follow Him or not. Children in the future? maybe they'll still be able to decide for themselves what they want to do when they grow up.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: thereshegoes on 10/15/08 at 3:32 pm
I'm going with no because people have the right. It may be a sin and God does care, but he also gives us a choice to follow Him or not. Children in the future? maybe they'll still be able to decide for themselves what they want to do when they grow up.
I understand your position if you're religious and your religion says homosexuality is wrong then you are against gay marriage. Fortunetly in some countries religious beliefs do not make state laws. In your Church those rules may apply outside in the real world they don't. In the eyes of the law we are all the same and that is what gay couples want,to be treated the same.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 10/15/08 at 3:46 pm
Actually i've always heard that the most ferocious homophobes are usually closet gays. Maybe you should adjust your gaydar towards you ;)
Everyone is free to express their opinion and that's what this thread was suppose to be about,who's for and against gay marriage and the reasons why. What happened is that none of those who oppose it came up with more than prejudice against gays. Cause let's face it...those who say no to gay marriage are basically saying homosexuality is wrong and should be kept in the closet. See we love the gay shows on TV and might even have gay friends but they can ever be seen as equal or given the same opportunities or rights.
I'm not sure what people are afraid of... is this new family concept worse than the past ones? Are gay couples less capable of raising a child? Of loving and caring? To me it's obvious the answer is no and until someone comes up with a strong valid argument that will make me think differently i won't be happy until laws are changed and everyone will be free to live and love as they please.
Are you suggesting what I think you're suggesting??? ;D I'm not going to say another word.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Step-chan on 10/15/08 at 4:51 pm
You don't have a proper gaydar. ::)
I don't know if most people do. :D
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: wildcard on 10/15/08 at 6:30 pm
I understand your position if you're religious and your religion says homosexuality is wrong then you are against gay marriage. Fortunetly in some countries religious beliefs do not make state laws. In your Church those rules may apply outside in the real world they don't. In the eyes of the law we are all the same and that is what gay couples want,to be treated the same.
I don't think it's wrong to want to stop what one believes is wrong. For myself it just seems that when I do try to correct someone or something God has His way of giving me a spanking. He's telling me He will do the judging and I need to mind my own business.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: greenjello74 on 10/15/08 at 7:37 pm
What about my kid's rights not to be intraduced to Mr. and Mr. Honeybuns, his kindergarten teachers. You liberals ever though about OUR rights, huh?
geeze they're not recruting :)
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Marty McFly on 10/15/08 at 7:41 pm
^ Speaking of that - did you notice that when it comes to stuff like PDA's, gays seem to get criticized for it alot harder than straight people do (even if both do it lol). Like I was saying in my other posts, I guess it's still remnants of old stereotypes some people have, or the extreme ones making it look like they're all the same way.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Dagwood on 10/15/08 at 8:05 pm
^ Speaking of that - did you notice that when it comes to stuff like PDA's, gays seem to get criticized for it alot harder than straight people do (even if both do it lol). Like I was saying in my other posts, I guess it's still remnants of old stereotypes some people have, or the extreme ones making it look like they're all the same way.
This is my opinion only, but I don't like PDA at all, whether gay or straight. The phrase, 'get a room' comes to mind.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Marty McFly on 10/15/08 at 8:09 pm
This is my opinion only, but I don't like PDA at all, whether gay or straight. The phrase, 'get a room' comes to mind.
True ;D Especially when they're all over each other.
I guess it's just that people almost expect/stereotype gays for being outwardly sexual more than straight people, when everyone does it. Heck some straight people are probably worse, LMAO.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Sweet Illest Baby on 10/15/08 at 8:36 pm
Yes, though I'm not sure if marriage should be a legal status at all. It's a religious thing.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: philbo on 10/16/08 at 4:55 am
I don't think it's wrong to want to stop what one believes is wrong.
Personally, I think it's wrong to go telling people not to do things that hurt nobody.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: danootaandme on 10/16/08 at 6:32 am
Yes, though I'm not sure if marriage should be a legal status at all. It's a religious thing.
No, weddings are the religious observance of a legal marriage. Marriage is the recognition by the government of two people in a legally binding relationship, religion doesn't have enter into a marriage.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/16/08 at 10:31 am
geeze they're not recruting :)
That's not what G. Gordon Liddy says!
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: greenjello74 on 10/16/08 at 10:45 am
That's not what G. Gordon Liddy says!
Who gives a flying Rats ass what he says???? ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/16/08 at 10:51 am
Who gives a flying Rats ass what he says???? ;D ;D ;D
I used to tune into his radio program. It was a scream! Listeners would call in and ask him for advice and counsel like he was Dr. Phil!
"Hello, Mr. Liddy, my kid's getting bullied in school, what should he do?"
"Gee, thanks, G!"
But that station went all-sports a few years ago so I don't get to hear Gordon no more!
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Gis on 10/16/08 at 4:21 pm
Actually i've always heard that the most ferocious homophobes are usually closet gays. Maybe you should adjust your gaydar towards you ;)
Just what I was thinking............the whole methinks she doeth protest too much. ;D
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/16/08 at 7:29 pm
Is that all you're concerned with is gay men? Here I thought you'd be a bit more inclusive.
Don't try 'n' tell me gay men didn't help Kate Bush's career neither!
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Sweet Illest Baby on 10/16/08 at 9:59 pm
Anyone who is against gay marriage is really just a bigot, sorry. It's like advocating slavery.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: snozberries on 10/16/08 at 11:59 pm
^ Speaking of that - did you notice that when it comes to stuff like PDA's, gays seem to get criticized for it alot harder than straight people do (even if both do it lol). Like I was saying in my other posts, I guess it's still remnants of old stereotypes some people have, or the extreme ones making it look like they're all the same way.
And I say it again...gay or straight if you have to wipe you mouth or wash something after your PDA it is TDM (Too Damn Much)
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 10/17/08 at 11:14 am
Don't try 'n' tell me gay men didn't help Kate Bush's career neither!
Of course not everyone knows they did. Still trying to figure out k.d. Lang though. :-\\
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Tia on 10/17/08 at 2:19 pm
I voted NO.
I could say why but if there's one thing I've learned, it's that unless I toe the liberal line here, it's best just to keep my mouth shut.
it's because al used the anti-gay-marriage thing as an excuse to turn me down. :\'(
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/17/08 at 4:11 pm
Of course not everyone knows they did. Still trying to figure out k.d. Lang though. :-\\
K.D. Lang is pretty cool, actually. Remember "Phranc" who toured with The Smiths?
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 10/18/08 at 2:23 pm
K.D. Lang is pretty cool, actually. Remember "Phranc" who toured with The Smiths?
Yes, I remember. I've gotta admit though some gender bending is really cool.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 10/18/08 at 2:24 pm
You just don't like her haircut. :(
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/19/08 at 2:23 pm
Saaaay, Babs, what's your hangup?
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Rice_Cube on 10/19/08 at 2:31 pm
That's a hell of a mullet.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 10/20/08 at 8:45 am
it's because al used the anti-gay-marriage thing as an excuse to turn me down. :\'(
Any man should be proud to have you as a husband. I would be. http://i200.photobucket.com/albums/aa87/kattofix/smilies/flirt2.gif
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/20/08 at 8:09 pm
it's because al used the anti-gay-marriage thing as an excuse to turn me down. :\'(
Oh you little bitch! You stay away from Al, he's mine. I'll eat your heart out, honey! Do you catch my drift?
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: McDonald on 10/20/08 at 9:33 pm
Oh you little bitch! You stay away from Al, he's mine. I'll eat your heart out, honey! Do you catch my drift?
I don't mean to pick on you Max, you know I'm like your biggest fan and everything. However, I want to use this post of yours to sort of shift the debate a little bit.
I wonder if many people realise how little the type of behaviour you are imitating resonates in the lives of most of the world's same-sex attracted individuals. What you've described is a specific, Occidental homosexual sub-culture (the dominant one). But we can't expect every same-sex attracted person to slap on a rainbow flag and start listening to Madonna. Unfortunately, many feel an enormous pressure to do just that. Men especially think that being attracted to other men automatically strips them of their masculinity, and that is the message that both the mainstream society and the dominant homosexual subculture (the Gay movement) sends them.
Few and far between are the role models who say to young people attracted to the same sex 'look, you're just like everyone else - no need to separate yourselves.'
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Marty McFly on 10/20/08 at 10:43 pm
I don't mean to pick on you Max, you know I'm like your biggest fan and everything. However, I want to use this post of yours to sort of shift the debate a little bit.
I wonder if many people realise how little the type of behaviour you are imitating resonates in the lives of most of the world's same-sex attracted individuals. What you've described is a specific, Occidental homosexual sub-culture (the dominant one). But we can't expect every same-sex attracted person to slap on a rainbow flag and start listening to Madonna. Unfortunately, many feel an enormous pressure to do just that. Men especially think that being attracted to other men automatically strips them of their masculinity, and that is the message that both the mainstream society and the dominant homosexual subculture (the Gay movement) sends them.
Few and far between are the role models who say to young people attracted to the same sex 'look, you're just like everyone else - no need to separate yourselves.'
I agree. :)
People don't fit into stereotypes (that's a pet peeve of mine, whenever someone tries to pigeonhole or say a certain person "should" act or feel a certain way). Hey I'm a straight, girl-loving guy and I'm not "typically manly". ;D People probably could mistake ME as being gay if they didn't know, LMAO - so it just depends on the individual.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Gis on 10/21/08 at 3:09 am
I agree. :)
People don't fit into stereotypes (that's a pet peeve of mine, whenever someone tries to pigeonhole or say a certain person "should" act or feel a certain way). Hey I'm a straight, girl-loving guy and I'm not "typically manly". ;D People probably could mistake ME as being gay if they didn't know, LMAO - so it just depends on the individual.
Yes it's a bit like people who panic when they find out someone is gay because that means of course they will automatically make a pass at them because they are the same sex! The fact that they probably don't even fancy them doesn't even enter their head. ;D
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: La Roche on 10/21/08 at 11:09 am
so what's there to figure out then?
she's a gay singer who looks a bit like Elvis and has a lovely voice
And she has a GREAT road crew. We did her show the other week and whilst the show itself was dull as anything I've seen for a while her crew is great. In and out so fast, really well organized. Good folks.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Step-chan on 10/21/08 at 2:34 pm
I don't mean to pick on you Max, you know I'm like your biggest fan and everything. However, I want to use this post of yours to sort of shift the debate a little bit.
I wonder if many people realise how little the type of behaviour you are imitating resonates in the lives of most of the world's same-sex attracted individuals. What you've described is a specific, Occidental homosexual sub-culture (the dominant one). But we can't expect every same-sex attracted person to slap on a rainbow flag and start listening to Madonna. Unfortunately, many feel an enormous pressure to do just that. Men especially think that being attracted to other men automatically strips them of their masculinity, and that is the message that both the mainstream society and the dominant homosexual subculture (the Gay movement) sends them.
Few and far between are the role models who say to young people attracted to the same sex 'look, you're just like everyone else - no need to separate yourselves.'
I agree.
Most I've met didn't act like the typical gay stereotype.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: greenjello74 on 10/22/08 at 5:47 am
OKay enough I say break out the wesson oil, and huge rubber sheet everyone get naked and we will see what happens.. have to be at last 400 or 500 people... Party hearty oh of both sexes. ya know like studio 54 in the 70s' ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 10/22/08 at 9:16 am
OKay enough I say break out the wesson oil, and huge rubber sheet everyone get naked and we will see what happens.. have to be at last 400 or 500 people... Party hearty oh of both sexes. ya know like studio 54 in the 70s' ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Typical hippie. Can't handle tension. Besides what you're suggesting gets really really messy. Now we have to decide between tension and messy. ::)
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/22/08 at 10:35 pm
I don't mean to pick on you Max, you know I'm like your biggest fan and everything. However, I want to use this post of yours to sort of shift the debate a little bit.
I wonder if many people realise how little the type of behaviour you are imitating resonates in the lives of most of the world's same-sex attracted individuals. What you've described is a specific, Occidental homosexual sub-culture (the dominant one). But we can't expect every same-sex attracted person to slap on a rainbow flag and start listening to Madonna. Unfortunately, many feel an enormous pressure to do just that. Men especially think that being attracted to other men automatically strips them of their masculinity, and that is the message that both the mainstream society and the dominant homosexual subculture (the Gay movement) sends them.
Few and far between are the role models who say to young people attracted to the same sex 'look, you're just like everyone else - no need to separate yourselves.'
I suppose it won't help to say at this point some of my best friends are gay...
In other words, I meant only to poke fun at homophobes and the homophobes' stereotypes of gays. However, your point is indeed well taken. Karma +1 to you.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/22/08 at 10:38 pm
OKay enough I say break out the wesson oil, and huge rubber sheet everyone get naked and we will see what happens.. have to be at last 400 or 500 people... Party hearty oh of both sexes. ya know like studio 54 in the 70s' ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
If you bring the nose candy, I'll bring the 'Ludes, and may the ghosts of Andy Warhol and Truma Capote smile upon us!
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Gis on 10/23/08 at 3:40 am
If you bring the nose candy, I'll bring the 'Ludes, and may the ghosts of Andy Warhol and Truma Capote smile upon us!
As Boy George amongst others has said, I'd rather have a cup of tea. ;D
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/23/08 at 9:27 am
As Boy George amongst others has said, I'd rather have a cup of tea. ;D
...A cup of Jon Moss tea!
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Gis on 10/23/08 at 10:33 am
...A cup of Jon Moss tea!
Nah just a cup of your proper rosie lee. He said tea was better than sex.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: thereshegoes on 10/23/08 at 3:14 pm
I don't mean to pick on you Max, you know I'm like your biggest fan and everything. However, I want to use this post of yours to sort of shift the debate a little bit.
I wonder if many people realise how little the type of behaviour you are imitating resonates in the lives of most of the world's same-sex attracted individuals. What you've described is a specific, Occidental homosexual sub-culture (the dominant one). But we can't expect every same-sex attracted person to slap on a rainbow flag and start listening to Madonna. Unfortunately, many feel an enormous pressure to do just that. Men especially think that being attracted to other men automatically strips them of their masculinity, and that is the message that both the mainstream society and the dominant homosexual subculture (the Gay movement) sends them.
Few and far between are the role models who say to young people attracted to the same sex 'look, you're just like everyone else - no need to separate yourselves.'
You're right but isn't that true to every group? If you're a lesbian you must be butch, if you're a republican you must have a gun, if you're french you must be arrogant, if you're skinny you starve yourself, and so on.
We interact with all kinds of people and we have learned that stereotypes don't mean a thing, still here we are still doing it all the time and all of us are victims of it too. I don't believe that will ever change.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: McDonald on 10/23/08 at 8:18 pm
I think I have been misundestood. I am not railing against stereotypes, and I know that none of you are homophobes, least of all Maxwell.
What I meant was that people should stop and really think about sexual identities and political movements and how a lot of it is nothing but machination.
I've known tons of guys who declare themselves gay, and who one of the various stereotypes exactly. From your macho-men to your good old-fashioned fruitcakes, they all exist in droves (that's why they are stereotypes in the first place).
What I wanted to say is that the people who claim leadership in the 'gay community' are basically frauds and have made a career out of being queer. The only good example they set for young people is that of sexual openness. But all their other balony (the rainbows, the parades, the so-called 'gay culture', the materialism, the narcissism etc...) freaks out the mainstream youth, thereby forcing those youth who might be same-sex attracted to be ostracised and to instead adopt this vapid culture I have described. It also forces those who might otherwise test their sexual preferences in good faith, to 'play it safe' and just stick with the majority for fear of being labelled 'one of those people'.
Instead of encouraging people to safely explore their sexuality and to be open and acknowledge other people's right to do the same, they sell them a pre-packaged sexual identity, part and parcel, complete with how they should dress, the political views they should have, the sexual practices they should engage in etc... Gay Inc. is huge, and it is even marketable. Ever read a gay magazine like the Advocate? You will see ads just for gays, the way you would see them in Spanish for Hispanics, or the way Church's Chicken markets to blacks. It's appalling.
Worst of all is that this idea of a Gay Mafia, while it was meant to be a joke, is basically real. How else do you call a small, but vocal group of people who make it their sole mission in life to destroy anyone who dare question them? If a self-identified 'straight' public figure said what I have said here, the gay pressure-groups (an extension of the false leadership, the career queers) would stop at nothing to destroy his career. If a self-identified homosexual public figure said it, they would ruthlessly lampoon him or her as being a self-loather, a gay Uncle Tom etc...
So basically, this so-called 'leadership' is a mini-tyranny. It has an agenda. It shouldn't be representing the whole of same-sex attracted people, but sadly it does.
Everything in society must be questioned, especially those ideas we take for granted.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 10/23/08 at 9:34 pm
I think I have been misundestood. I am not railing against stereotypes, and I know that none of you are homophobes, least of all Maxwell.
What I meant was that people should stop and really think about sexual identities and political movements and how a lot of it is nothing but machination.
I've known tons of guys who declare themselves gay, and who one of the various stereotypes exactly. From your macho-men to your good old-fashioned fruitcakes, they all exist in droves (that's why they are stereotypes in the first place).
What I wanted to say is that the people who claim leadership in the 'gay community' are basically frauds and have made a career out of being queer. The only good example they set for young people is that of sexual openness. But all their other balony (the rainbows, the parades, the so-called 'gay culture', the materialism, the narcissism etc...) freaks out the mainstream youth, thereby forcing those youth who might be same-sex attracted to be ostracised and to instead adopt this vapid culture I have described. It also forces those who might otherwise test their sexual preferences in good faith, to 'play it safe' and just stick with the majority for fear of being labelled 'one of those people'.
Instead of encouraging people to safely explore their sexuality and to be open and acknowledge other people's right to do the same, they sell them a pre-packaged sexual identity, part and parcel, complete with how they should dress, the political views they should have, the sexual practices they should engage in etc... Gay Inc. is huge, and it is even marketable. Ever read a gay magazine like the Advocate? You will see ads just for gays, the way you would see them in Spanish for Hispanics, or the way Church's Chicken markets to blacks. It's appalling.
Worst of all is that this idea of a Gay Mafia, while it was meant to be a joke, is basically real. How else do you call a small, but vocal group of people who make it their sole mission in life to destroy anyone who dare question them? If a self-identified 'straight' public figure said what I have said here, the gay pressure-groups (an extension of the false leadership, the career queers) would stop at nothing to destroy his career. If a self-identified homosexual public figure said it, they would ruthlessly lampoon him or her as being a self-loather, a gay Uncle Tom etc...
So basically, this so-called 'leadership' is a mini-tyranny. It has an agenda. It shouldn't be representing the whole of same-sex attracted people, but sadly it does.
Everything in society must be questioned, especially those ideas we take for granted.
You forgot to mention the discrimination within the actual LGBTQ community. I've heard stories of outright hatred of lesbians toward transsexuals of both MTF and FTM. You're also looked down upon if you're bi curious. They want individualism and pride yet they can't handle what they "stand for".
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 10/23/08 at 9:48 pm
Nah just a cup of your proper rosie lee. He said tea was better than sex.
Yes, I remember that well...
You forgot to mention the discrimination within the actual LGBTQ community. I've heard stories of outright hatred of lesbians toward transsexuals of both MTF and FTM. You're also looked down upon if you're bi curious. They want individualism and pride yet they can't handle what they "stand for".
This reflects the insecurity and self-esteem issues that, unfortunately, still pervades "LGBTQ community." A lot of the activist-types have fragile egoes.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: McDonald on 10/24/08 at 2:24 pm
You forgot to mention the discrimination within the actual LGBTQ community. I've heard stories of outright hatred of lesbians toward transsexuals of both MTF and FTM. You're also looked down upon if you're bi curious. They want individualism and pride yet they can't handle what they "stand for".
Totally on the ball.
Subject: Re: Gay Marriage - Yes or No?
Written By: nally on 10/25/08 at 9:30 pm
In California, there is a proposition to ban gay marriage. Right now I am pretty neutral on the issue, but I have been reading some strong arguments against this proposition, as well as the names of those who oppose the proposition. So I can't make up my mind one way or the other yet. :-\\
Edit: I'm leaning towards a yes vote. If gay people want to marry, that's perfectly fine with me