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Subject: Lipstick on a pig

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/11/08 at 10:07 pm


You've undoubtedly heard by now.

I wasn't even going to post anything on this non-story, but even a cynic such as I am shocked by how much BS the right-wing spin machine managed to generate. 

BTW, I thought Obama was alluding to Palin, and I thought, "Good on him, but it's a bit denegrating to pigs....and lipstick!"

They've got nothing to run on, and nothing's plenty for them!

Subject: Re: Lipstick on a pig

Written By: Foo Bar on 09/11/08 at 10:49 pm

"The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity."

W.B. Yeats.

Nationalization of 75% of all mortgages?  Failure of Lehman and WaMu this weekend?  Why the USD's rallied (as commodities have de-leveraged) in spite of things that should be hyperinflationary, rather than deflationary?

Well, screw all of that.  It's all about whether Obama's a secret Muslim, versus what kind of eyeglasses Sarah's wearing.  It took us four years to take the entire Pacific from the Japanese, and half of Europe from the Germans.  Yet seven years after 9/11, the Freedom Hole remains a dusty pit surrounded by half-idle construction equipment.

At this point, Yeats' rough beast would be an improvement, but to borrow from Eliot, who was one of Yeats' contemporaries, this is the way the world ends.  Not with a bang, but a whimper.

Subject: Re: Lipstick on a pig

Written By: iquestion on 09/11/08 at 11:12 pm


I couldn't be the only one seeing the Dems squirming now!???

You have BIDEN even saying Hillary should have been picked, Obama must be breaking a sweat when his #2 guy admits he wasn't the better pick,You wouldn't see that in a successful company..Which it seems Obama wants to organize here(as he stated he wants the people he can feel good about going to to surround him when he isn't sure of how to handle things).
Then on Letterman, without a script he is floundering..c'mon what he would do if 9-11 happened under his watch...sorry, no speech writers here..Yeah, we don't need the nuclear and space satellite watching system...

All the attention on SARAH, and now they have to fight this off..it would have been better if when she was announced they just said 'Fine', then back to business..
Sorry..he revealed now he hasn't what it takes ..who's his next VP pick? 

Subject: Re: Lipstick on a pig

Written By: snozberries on 09/12/08 at 12:29 am

I don't think Obama was referring to Palin at all I mean he's smarter than that.

As you know I get all my political info from the View  *Shut up*  ;D

Anyway- they made a good point on this.  McCain used the exact same phrase a couple years ago. They pulled a clip and everything. So for the
Re-puke-licans to start slinging over a term their own candidate has used is ridiculous.

Found two examples of McCain saying it....



Subject: Re: Lipstick on a pig

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/12/08 at 1:03 am

"The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity."

W.B. Yeats.

Nationalization of 75% of all mortgages?  Failure of Lehman and WaMu this weekend?  Why the USD's rallied (as commodities have de-leveraged) in spite of things that should be hyperinflationary, rather than deflationary?

Well, screw all of that.  It's all about whether Obama's a secret Muslim, versus what kind of eyeglasses Sarah's wearing.  It took us four years to take the entire Pacific from the Japanese, and half of Europe from the Germans.  Yet seven years after 9/11, the Freedom Hole remains a dusty pit surrounded by half-idle construction equipment.

At this point, Yeats' rough beast would be an improvement, but to borrow from Eliot, who was one of Yeats' contemporaries, this is the way the world ends.  Not with a bang, but a whimper.

There were murmurings from the jungle of vomit
with the empty women, with hot wax children
with fermented trees and tireless waiters
who serve platters of salt beneath harps of saliva

There's no other way, my son, vomit!  There's no other way....

But the fat lady went first
and the crowds kept looking for the pharmacies
where bitter tropics could be found.

Only when a flag went up and first dogs arrived
did the entire city rush to the railings of the boardwalk

--F.G. Lorca
(excerpts from Landscape of a Vomiting Multitude)


Popular political discourse is squalling, incontinent, infantile.  The country is ready for sudden infant death.  The American male's infatuation with Sarah Palin is both oedipal and pornographic.  McCain is no more a great soldier, only an impotent King Lear with Sarah as his incestuous Cordelia.  This ticket was sent by the devil himself!!!!

Subject: Re: Lipstick on a pig

Written By: SemperYoda on 09/12/08 at 9:37 am

I saw this post on a forum about this subject and thought it was interesting.

Loosely on topic I would like to address the lipstick/pitbull/pig brouhaha.
  In chronological order:
  1. Both McMain and Cheney are recorded on news networks using the colloquism(sp?) about lipstick and pigs. Neither were referring to individuals. My take is, you really can't make a bad idea a good one with a bunch of fancy words.
  2. Then, Palin compares hockeymoms to dogs. Indicating lipstick is the only difference. I don't believe anyone to umbrage for comparing women to dogs. Then why is the 'B' word so inflammitory?
  3. Finally Obama parrots McCain and Cheney's reference and the national attention is dominated by condemnation of him.
    #1 is politics and ok.
    #2 projects an image. Unless a man says it!
    #3 is politics and isn't ok.
  Oh, we need to keep it in context with the rotten,(bad),fish remark Obama made. Well, McCain is pushing change,(paper), recently. He has also has told us that Govt. is broken,(bad)and needs to be fixed. Yet, the things he supports are pretty much the problem. Also, Palin has been represented as a barracuda,(fish).
    Obama says you can wrap a rotten,(bad) fish in paper,(change), and it still stinks, or something like that.
    My read: Obama was trying to convey that you can't change a broken,(bad), Govt. by wrapping it in change,(paper)and make it good,(not stink).
    In chess splits are powerful moves, guarantees a loss to the opponent. Did Obama challenge McCain by quoting him, was it an attack on Palin or was it a split? The insult can never be proven. A masterful split.
    That's the person I want dealing with foreign leaders and leading a two party Govt.

Subject: Re: Lipstick on a pig

Written By: thereshegoes on 09/12/08 at 10:27 am

Wouldn't be great if the candidates refuse to be part of this circus? A campaign with no insults, no dirt digging, no fait divers. Candidates who would act on their own and not with a marketing machine behind them.

When Obama and McCain were both nominated i had so much hope,neither of them seemed interested in playing this game so i really believed it would be about the big issues and their ideas. But i should've known better,even if they wanted to there's really no escape.

The "lipstick on a pig" was dead on,it's not even about Palin being a woman,Obama is right...it is about how the republican party wants to sell the voters more of the same but wrapped in shinny new wrap paper and a big bow to make it look pretty.

Subject: Re: Lipstick on a pig

Written By: Don Carlos on 09/12/08 at 11:16 am

Wouldn't be great if the candidates refuse to be part of this circus? A campaign with no insults, no dirt digging, no fait divers. Candidates who would act on their own and not with a marketing machine behind them.

When Obama and McCain were both nominated i had so much hope,neither of them seemed interested in playing this game so i really believed it would be about the big issues and their ideas. But i should've known better,even if they wanted to there's really no escape.

The "lipstick on a pig" was dead on,it's not even about Palin being a woman,Obama is right...it is about how the republican party wants to sell the voters more of the same but wrapped in shinny new wrap paper and a big bow to make it look pretty.

Such a campaign would have been nice, but since McBush and the Moose Slayer have nothing new to offer that could never happen.  After all, all the issues are against them, so what's a Repug to do?

Subject: Re: Lipstick on a pig

Written By: Reynolds1863 on 09/12/08 at 12:40 pm


I couldn't be the only one seeing the Dems squirming now!???

You have BIDEN even saying Hillary should have been picked, Obama must be breaking a sweat when his #2 guy admits he wasn't the better pick,You wouldn't see that in a successful company..Which it seems Obama wants to organize here(as he stated he wants the people he can feel good about going to to surround him when he isn't sure of how to handle things).
Then on Letterman, without a script he is floundering..c'mon what he would do if 9-11 happened under his watch...sorry, no speech writers here..Yeah, we don't need the nuclear and space satellite watching system...

All the attention on SARAH, and now they have to fight this off..it would have been better if when she was announced they just said 'Fine', then back to business..
Sorry..he revealed now he hasn't what it takes ..who's his next VP pick? 

Actually in my opinion dems should have chose Richardson and Republicans should have chose Tom Ridge.  You know . . . REAL politicians, no B.S.  All eyes are on Sarah, yep much like Britney Spears. ::)

Subject: Re: Lipstick on a pig

Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/12/08 at 1:20 pm

Wouldn't be great if the candidates refuse to be part of this circus? A campaign with no insults, no dirt digging, no fait divers. Candidates who would act on their own and not with a marketing machine behind them.

When Obama and McCain were both nominated i had so much hope,neither of them seemed interested in playing this game so i really believed it would be about the big issues and their ideas. But i should've known better,even if they wanted to there's really no escape.

The "lipstick on a pig" was dead on,it's not even about Palin being a woman,Obama is right...it is about how the republican party wants to sell the voters more of the same but wrapped in shinny new wrap paper and a big bow to make it look pretty.

I had hope, too. Unfortunately, the Repubs only move is to try to make the Dems look bad. Unfortunately, smear tactics has worked in the past and even have become a verb-"swift boating"-referring to the smear tactic used against John Kerry in 2004. I think Obama has been playing things cool. He hits back when he needs to. Now, McCain is saying how sorry he is that the campaign has taken a negative tone saying if Obama had accepted his offer of town hall meetings, this wouldn't have happened? WTF??!!?? He is claiming that the negativity is Obama fault? It reminds me of the kid who hits and hit and hits and when the other kid final hits back, the first one goes crying to his mother. This whole thing appears to me that McCain is being childish and Obama looks like the adult here.


Subject: Re: Lipstick on a pig

Written By: MrCleveland on 09/12/08 at 3:43 pm

I said this before and I'll say it again...

This is how I feel about both Candidates....http://www.freewebs.com/tomandjerrymgm/TomandJerryChase.jpg

Subject: Re: Lipstick on a pig

Written By: Rice_Cube on 09/12/08 at 4:03 pm

Obama HAS to hit back though...Kerry didn't start fighting back until it was too late, right?

Subject: Re: Lipstick on a pig

Written By: LyricBoy on 09/13/08 at 7:53 am

I agree the whole Lipschtick Controversy is much ado about nothing.

It is pretty much the same made-up indignation that we saw when Biden complimented O'bama by saying he was "articulate" and all of the sudden the O'bama people wanted to say Biden was racist.

I'm fairly sure that the vast majority of voters see past all this crap.  The sad part is we keep voting politicians into office (all parties) who keep creating this nonsense.

Subject: Re: Lipstick on a pig

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/13/08 at 3:40 pm

I was on the road last Wednesday scanning through the right-wing AM hate shows.  The way those radio dolts were talking about Lipstick on a Pig, you'd think they'd struck the Comstock lode.  Pathetic.

Subject: Re: Lipstick on a pig

Written By: snozberries on 09/14/08 at 4:33 pm

It is pretty much the same made-up indignation that we saw when Biden complimented O'bama by saying he was "articulate" and all of the sudden the O'bama people wanted to say Biden was racist.

Although, in the black community it is insulting to compliment someone about being articulate...as if you expected the total opposite. I once set up a meeting by phone with a woman who did a double take when I came in for the appointment.  She actually said to me "I didn't realize you were black. You speak so well."  >:(

Subject: Re: Lipstick on a pig

Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/14/08 at 4:44 pm



Subject: Re: Lipstick on a pig

Written By: snozberries on 09/14/08 at 5:09 pm



That's Awesome!!!

Subject: Re: Lipstick on a pig

Written By: Foo Bar on 09/15/08 at 12:23 am

I said this before and I'll say it again...

This is how I feel about both Candidates....http://www.freewebs.com/tomandjerrymgm/TomandJerryChase.jpg

I'll see your Tom and Jerry and I'll raise you a... no, a Douche and Turd was the 2004 election, which isn't enough.  This one's a...


...yeah, I went there. 

Subject: Re: Lipstick on a pig

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/15/08 at 12:37 am

I'll see your Tom and Jerry and I'll raise you a... no, a Douche and Turd was the 2004 election, which isn't enough.  This one's a...

The douche went back to Massa-douche-etts!

Subject: Re: Lipstick on a pig

Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/15/08 at 11:13 am



Subject: Re: Lipstick on a pig

Written By: philbo on 09/16/08 at 6:49 am

Although, in the black community it is insulting to compliment someone about being articulate...as if you expected the total opposite. I once set up a meeting by phone with a woman who did a double take when I came in for the appointment.  She actually said to me "I didn't realize you were black. You speak so well."  >:(

Though in this case, it's probably more along the lines of "I didn't realize he was a presidential wannabe - he speaks so well"

Being articulate is definitely one of Obama's strong points, not because he's black (-ish) but because we've been used to GFWB for the last aeon.  It would be a shame if you couldn't compliment a guy on something in which he is not simply good but extremely good, simply because some other people might take it as that sort of "low expectation" insult.  Though it does look to me as though he's started taking lessons from the same delivery coach as Tony Blair: not sure whether this is representative, but the last few clips have been much shorter sentences.  Often without a verb.  With a pause between each one.  Very Blairesque.

(Apropos nothing much, I don't think of you as "black"... more as "Violet" ;))

Subject: Re: Lipstick on a pig

Written By: danootaandme on 09/16/08 at 4:02 pm

Although, in the black community it is insulting to compliment someone about being articulate...as if you expected the total opposite. I once set up a meeting by phone with a woman who did a double take when I came in for the appointment.  She actually said to me "I didn't realize you were black. You speak so well."  >:(

Been there   ::)  Don't you love it when they ask where you learned to talk like that?

Subject: !!

Written By: greenjello74 on 09/17/08 at 7:38 pm

Well ya know, like Obama said "She was the lipstick and thier policies were the pig.. So BFD who cares?? Another example of gross embelishment and over reaction!!! What else is new?

Subject: Re: Lipstick on a pig

Written By: snozberries on 09/27/08 at 1:15 pm

Been there   ::)  Don't you love it when they ask where you learned to talk like that?

Um yeah... and that double take like they're looking for the puppeteer supplying your voice.

Subject: Re: Lipstick on a pig

Written By: Don Carlos on 09/28/08 at 11:56 am

"Baze boll bean berry berry good to me"  :D  ;)

Subject: Re: Lipstick on a pig

Written By: greenjello74 on 09/28/08 at 12:08 pm

Although, in the black community it is insulting to compliment someone about being articulate...as if you expected the total opposite. I once set up a meeting by phone with a woman who did a double take when I came in for the appointment.  She actually said to me "I didn't realize you were black. You speak so well."  >:(

That sort of thing sickens me. How can you judge someone merely on appearance? Or mannerisms? Hello all you bigots out there we have to live together,breath the same air. And we all bleed red. That is one of the things I really dislike about living dow south is all the bigotry, I knew it existed up north but not to the extent it does down here. I have been working for Obamas  ;D and have never heard the N word so much in my life.Outside of rap music that is 8-P

It really p!ssed me off when The O.J. thing was made so racial. I agree it was about color but not black and white it was about green. It just went to prove with the right amount of money you can get away with anything in this world. Sorry I will climb down from my soapbox now.

Subject: Re: Lipstick on a pig

Written By: snozberries on 09/28/08 at 1:13 pm

And we all bleed red.

actually I bleed mountain dew  ;D

Subject: Re: Lipstick on a pig

Written By: Reynolds1863 on 09/28/08 at 2:57 pm

actually I bleed mountain dew  ;D

Which glows in the dark. http://i200.photobucket.com/albums/aa87/kattofix/smilies/green.gif

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