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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: "How many houses do you own?" A: "Did I mention I was a POW?"
Written By: ChuckyG on 08/26/08 at 8:05 pm
Leno joked with the Republican nominee that, "for one million dollars, how many houses do you have?"
"Could I just mention to you Jay, that in a moment of seriousness, I spent five and a half years in a prison cell, I didn't have a house, I didn't have a kitchen table, I didn't have a table, I didn't have a chair..."
I bet he walked uphill both ways to school in a blizzard every day when he was growing up as well.
yesh... every time he's asked a question he can't or doesn't want to answer, it's time to pull the old POW card. Imagine if every time Obama was asked something he said "Hey, did you notice I'm black?" He'd be Jesse Jackson or Dave Chappelle. McCain doesn't even play the POW card well either, such as repeating that tired Christian urban legend thing about the cross as if it happened to him.
Subject: Re: "How many houses do you own?" A: "Did I mention I was a POW?"
Written By: Tia on 08/26/08 at 8:31 pm
there's another really hilarious moment when mccain's interrogated about liking abba because the theory is that his liking abba is a pander to hillary clinton voters. (which actually i think is malarky because i was hearing mccain liked abba long before hillary dropped out of the race, and also why would hillary voters like abba more than anyone else? abba has female front singers but i wouldnt describe them as feminist in any real way, i mean, if he wanted to make a cynical appeal to disaffected hillary voters he'd have been way better off saying he had a guilty love for joan baez or joni mitchell. honestly, i think mccain just likes abba. i actually like abba a lot too, that's why i believe him.)
but anyway, the point is, instead of answering with any of the above, mccain says, "well, after my jet impacted with a surface to air missile my musical taste got all messed up and it hasn't come back since." or something to that effect. he's obviously getting coached to turn everything around to POW, POW, POW. even when the question's a softball and could be very easily answered without resorting to it.
a couple good potential strategies i've seen -- they should hit him on his POW status, get some 527 to start circulating those theories that he actually ratted when he was in the hanoi hilton, there's a lot of people who will testify that he did. just get buzz going on about it, swiftboat him, basically. but do it financed through some rich weirdo with no bona fide connections to the democrats, the way the republicans did it. and on the other side, run ads geared toward the family values voter really underlining how mccain's iffy on immigration, iffy on being pro-life, appears in decant hollywood movies and liberal t.v. shows, how he cheated on his wife, really throttle him on the right wing's lack of faith in him.
Subject: Re: "How many houses do you own?" A: "Did I mention I was a POW?"
Written By: Tia on 08/26/08 at 8:36 pm
and there's rumors he actively opposed the POW-MIA movement, because he was afraid if they found any of the missing POWs one of them might actually spill the beans about how mccain really conducted himself in the VC camp. there's stuff on youtube of mccain totally dressing down the mother of a veteran who's deeply involved in the POW-MIA movement and i dont know the backstory behind it, it might have nothing to do with that, but any kind of doubt that could be cast on that would totally undercut mccain on the only leg he has to stand on. let's face it, without his POW vet thing he's got nothing at all, he's just a sad mfer with yellow teeth. imagine how the harley crowd would turn on him if some 527 could get people asking questions whether he actively opposed the POW-MIA movement.
i gotta be honest, just once i'd like to see the dems play hardball like that.
Subject: Re: "How many houses do you own?" A: "Did I mention I was a POW?"
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 08/26/08 at 10:48 pm
there's another really hilarious moment when mccain's interrogated about liking abba because the theory is that his liking abba
John Wayne was a feg...
Subject: Re: "How many houses do you own?" A: "Did I mention I was a POW?"
Written By: Red Ant on 08/27/08 at 12:48 am
POW card... that would be pretty bitchin' to have in a game like "Munchkin Bites", but it's really sad to see it played by McCage every other sentence, especially when he's about 160 cards short of a deck.
Subject: Re: "How many houses do you own?" A: "Did I mention I was a POW?"
Written By: Don Carlos on 08/27/08 at 10:30 am
There's an old saying in the legal profession, "When the facts are against you, pound the law, when the law is against you, pound the facts. When both are against you, pound the table." Same applies the MacPOW.
Subject: Re: "How many houses do you own?" A: "Did I mention I was a POW?"
Written By: Tia on 08/28/08 at 9:34 am
Subject: Re: "How many houses do you own?" A: "Did I mention I was a POW?"
Written By: greenjello74 on 08/29/08 at 8:05 am
I am so sick of hearing about McCains POW experience, I mean I respect him for his service don"t get me wrong, but he is beating it to death ala Rudy and his 911... Give it a rest and lets focus on the real problems facing our country.
Subject: Re: "How many houses do you own?" A: "Did I mention I was a POW?"
Written By: ChuckyG on 08/29/08 at 9:23 am
I am so sick of hearing about McCains POW experience, I mean I respect him for his service don"t get me wrong, but he is beating it to death ala Rudy and his 911... Give it a rest and lets focus on the real problems facing our country.
I hope he picks Rudy as VP... it would be like who could overuse their catch phrase the most
it would be like John McCain was a POW of 9/11 or something
Subject: Re: "How many houses do you own?" A: "Did I mention I was a POW?"
Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/29/08 at 11:56 am
I am so sick of hearing about McCains POW experience, I mean I respect him for his service don"t get me wrong, but he is beating it to death ala Rudy and his 911... Give it a rest and lets focus on the real problems facing our country.
I was thinking the same thing: Biden on Rudy: "A noun, a verb, & 9/11." McCain: "A noun, a verb, & I was a POW."
Subject: Re: "How many houses do you own?" A: "Did I mention I was a POW?"
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 08/29/08 at 11:19 pm
I've heard tell that McCain made 32 propaganda films for the Viet Cong in trade for favorable treatment.
Just what I've heard.
But what do I see?
I see nothing, nothing!
Subject: Re: "How many houses do you own?" A: "Did I mention I was a POW?"
Written By: Davester on 08/29/08 at 11:37 pm
I am so sick of hearing about McCains POW experience, I mean I respect him for his service don"t get me wrong, but he is beating it to death ala Rudy and his 911... Give it a rest and lets focus on the real problems facing our country.
Is it right for McCain to be telling his war stories as a victim when he is an enabler, when he is making it possible for the US government to make others scream as he screamed..?
There is an interesting question about a couple of McCain's stories, in that they have changed in recent years, and one or two appear to have acquired parallels in earlier accounts by others; his story of a guard drawing a cross in the dirt outside his cell is almost identical - down to the language - to one of Solzhenitsen's accounts from his Gulag incarceration, for example...
Subject: Re: "How many houses do you own?" A: "Did I mention I was a POW?"
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 08/30/08 at 1:45 am
Is it right for McCain to be telling his war stories as a victim when he is an enabler, when he is making it possible for the US government to make others scream as he screamed..?
There is an interesting question about a couple of McCain's stories, in that they have changed in recent years, and one or two appear to have acquired parallels in earlier accounts by others; his story of a guard drawing a cross in the dirt outside his cell is almost identical - down to the language - to one of Solzhenitsen's accounts from his Gulag incarceration, for example...
Ivan Denisovich for prez?
McCain makes me wonder if he didn't have a hookah lounge in cell!
Subject: Re: "How many houses do you own?" A: "Did I mention I was a POW?"
Written By: philbo on 08/30/08 at 4:18 am
I wonder what McCain's view of Guantanamo is - does he think (having been incarcerated as a POW for half a decade) that it's OK to be doing the same thing to others?
Subject: Re: "How many houses do you own?" A: "Did I mention I was a POW?"
Written By: Tia on 08/30/08 at 7:00 am
Ivan Denisovich for prez?
McCain makes me wonder if he didn't have a hookah lounge in cell!
did you ever check out the vietnam vets against mccain web site? it's pretty much swift-boat-style bottomfeeding, but still, there are a lot of things to consider about mccain's war record:
1. he flew a bomber against civilian targets in a war notorious for targeting villages to demoralize the vietnamese. it's important to remember he wasn't a fighter ace or anything like that, he bombed civilians in a country that didn't have an air force.
2. he crashed a number of planes, including having a missile misfire that killed more than a hundred american sailors. no one knows the story behind this, but to consider that he finished five from the bottom of his class and his father and grandfather both became four-star admirals but, with all his privilege, all he could do was become a pilot. why wasn't he able to become an admiral like his forefathers? could it be because of his problems with excessive partying and the loyalty issues we saw later when his wife suffered in a devastating accident and mccain decided she became too much of a load to carry and ditched her in favor of a younger, richer woman?
3. he calls himself john mccain III but he's actually john mccain IV, he has a great grandfather who was a slaveowner and fought as a colonel in the confederate army, this is actually the origin of mccain IV's military pedigree. obviously he cant be blamed for something his great grandfather did but i think it's interesting on a symbolic level, plus, why is mccain covering it up?
Subject: Re: "How many houses do you own?" A: "Did I mention I was a POW?"
Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/30/08 at 12:14 pm
did you ever check out the vietnam vets against mccain web site? it's pretty much swift-boat-style bottomfeeding, but still, there are a lot of things to consider about mccain's war record:
1. he flew a bomber against civilian targets in a war notorious for targeting villages to demoralize the vietnamese. it's important to remember he wasn't a fighter ace or anything like that, he bombed civilians in a country that didn't have an air force.
2. he crashed a number of planes, including having a missile misfire that killed more than a hundred american sailors. no one knows the story behind this, but to consider that he finished five from the bottom of his class and his father and grandfather both became four-star admirals but, with all his privilege, all he could do was become a pilot. why wasn't he able to become an admiral like his forefathers? could it be because of his problems with excessive partying and the loyalty issues we saw later when his wife suffered in a devastating accident and mccain decided she became too much of a load to carry and ditched her in favor of a younger, richer woman?
3. he calls himself john mccain III but he's actually john mccain IV, he has a great grandfather who was a slaveowner and fought as a colonel in the confederate army, this is actually the origin of mccain IV's military pedigree. obviously he cant be blamed for something his great grandfather did but i think it's interesting on a symbolic level, plus, why is mccain covering it up?
To be fair about the III or IV, one of my best friends' husband is technically the III but after his grandfather passed away, his father took on Sr. & gave his son Jr.-thus his son (and my best friend's son) goes by III when technically he is the IV.
Now, with him crashing his jets, I believe he crashed one during training and if I am not mistaken, if you crash a jet during training, you wash out-unless of course your father and grandfather are admirals.
Subject: Re: "How many houses do you own?" A: "Did I mention I was a POW?"
Written By: danootaandme on 08/31/08 at 6:20 am
did you ever check out the vietnam vets against mccain web site? it's pretty much swift-boat-style bottomfeeding, but still, there are a lot of things to consider about mccain's war record:
1. he flew a bomber against civilian targets in a war notorious for targeting villages to demoralize the vietnamese. it's important to remember he wasn't a fighter ace or anything like that, he bombed civilians in a country that didn't have an air force.
2. he crashed a number of planes, including having a missile misfire that killed more than a hundred american sailors. no one knows the story behind this, but to consider that he finished five from the bottom of his class and his father and grandfather both became four-star admirals but, with all his privilege, all he could do was become a pilot. why wasn't he able to become an admiral like his forefathers? could it be because of his problems with excessive partying and the loyalty issues we saw later when his wife suffered in a devastating accident and mccain decided she became too much of a load to carry and ditched her in favor of a younger, richer woman?
3. he calls himself john mccain III but he's actually john mccain IV, he has a great grandfather who was a slaveowner and fought as a colonel in the confederate army, this is actually the origin of mccain IV's military pedigree. obviously he cant be blamed for something his great grandfather did but i think it's interesting on a symbolic level, plus, why is mccain covering it up?
If you search you will find a great many people have confederates in their family closet. I have gotten nerdy on the civil war and have seen more than a few surprises there. I am more concerned about the way he has conducted his adult life. It is pretty ugly and I don't believe he has changed all that much. He is an over privileged, under achieving, country club jock, and we have had quite enough of that already.
Subject: Re: "How many houses do you own?" A: "Did I mention I was a POW?"
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 08/31/08 at 10:36 am
If you search you will find a great many people have confederates in their family closet. I have gotten nerdy on the civil war and have seen more than a few surprises there. I am more concerned about the way he has conducted his adult life. It is pretty ugly and I don't believe he has changed all that much. He is an over privileged, under achieving, country club jock, and we have had quite enough of that already.
What's wrong with having a dirt poor farmer from Alabama as an ancestor? It's having one that was a slave owner that would make me cringe. (must not go on Civil War tangent . . . must resist.) You can't blame people for the stupid stuff that's on their family tree. If that's the case perhaps the fact that G.W. Bush's Grandfather financially backed the Nazis should be mentioned.
Yes, he's still an underachieving sloth now he's just a gold digging twit.
Subject: Re: "How many houses do you own?" A: "Did I mention I was a POW?"
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 08/31/08 at 6:57 pm
To be fair about the III or IV, one of my best friends' husband is technically the III but after his grandfather passed away, his father took on Sr. & gave his son Jr.-thus his son (and my best friend's son) goes by III when technically he is the IV.
Now, with him crashing his jets, I believe he crashed one during training and if I am not mistaken, if you crash a jet during training, you wash out-unless of course your father and grandfather are admirals.
You rarely see anybody go by IV outside of elite prep schools!
Subject: Re: "How many houses do you own?" A: "Did I mention I was a POW?"
Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/01/08 at 11:00 am
You rarely see anybody go by IV outside of elite prep schools!
Carlos is the IV and his son is the V.
Subject: Re: "How many houses do you own?" A: "Did I mention I was a POW?"
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/04/08 at 11:58 pm
OMG! You know what John McCain said in his speech tonight? He said he was shot down in Vietnam and was held as a prisoner of war! Boy, he really held that trump card to the end. I guess I gotta vote for him now!
Subject: Re: "How many houses do you own?" A: "Did I mention I was a POW?"
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 09/05/08 at 11:47 am
OMG! You know what John McCain said in his speech tonight? He said he was shot down in Vietnam and was held as a prisoner of war! Boy, he really held that trump card to the end. I guess I gotta vote for him now!
He sounds like he just short of being like one of those guys in a nursing home who wears his old Army uniform everyday. They also have a tendency to tell the same war story several times a day too.
Subject: Re: "How many houses do you own?" A: "Did I mention I was a POW?"
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/05/08 at 10:25 pm
He sounds like he just short of being like one of those guys in a nursing home who wears his old Army uniform everyday. They also have a tendency to tell the same war story several times a day too.
My gramps wasn't in the war, but he did tell the same war stories several times a day. Like, when I was trying to scrounge some more bread off the guy, he'd tell the story about him and my grandmother walking all the way across Boston to save a nickel carfare in the Depression!
Subject: Re: "How many houses do you own?" A: "Did I mention I was a POW?"
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 09/06/08 at 1:42 am
My gramps wasn't in the war, but he did tell the same war stories several times a day. Like, when I was trying to scrounge some more bread off the guy, he'd tell the story about him and my grandmother walking all the way across Boston to save a nickel carfare in the Depression!
Apparently it's a plausible tactic. Republicans eat that stuff up.
Subject: Re: "How many houses do you own?" A: "Did I mention I was a POW?"
Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/06/08 at 12:00 pm
My gramps wasn't in the war, but he did tell the same war stories several times a day. Like, when I was trying to scrounge some more bread off the guy, he'd tell the story about him and my grandmother walking all the way across Boston to save a nickel carfare in the Depression!
In 6 feet of snow barefoot-uphill BOTH WAYS!