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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Government-owned places.
Written By: MrCleveland on 06/27/08 at 9:28 am
Okay, I'm going through BVR and they put me on a program where they would help me drive. That was 60 days ago!
Now I might as well ride the bus for the reat of my life because they won't help me! >:(
Subject: Re: Government-owned places.
Written By: Don Carlos on 06/27/08 at 10:37 am
Okay, I'm going through BVR and they put me on a program where they would help me drive. That was 60 days ago!
Now I might as well ride the bus for the reat of my life because they won't help me! >:(
Subject: Re: Government-owned places.
Written By: Jessica on 06/27/08 at 10:53 am
I second that.
Subject: Re: Government-owned places.
Written By: MrCleveland on 06/27/08 at 11:30 am
Okay, here's the link! http://www.rsc.ohio.gov/VR_Services/BVR/bvr.html
They were going to help me grt my drivers license, a job, and psychology. What do I have now?...Nothing! >:(
Subject: Re: Government-owned places.
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 06/27/08 at 1:11 pm
Maybe you should just be a little more patient...I'm sure they have lots of people that they tend to. Also, have you tried calling or contacting them again..maybe for some reason your paperwork was lost in the shuffle. Don't give up the ship yet...there just might be a very easy explanation as to why it is taking longer than usual. :)
Subject: Re: Government-owned places.
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 06/27/08 at 10:04 pm
The Office of Vocational Rehab here in PA is so backlogged it's gonna take them two years to catch up. You have my sympathy. It's a pain in the arse dealing with those people. :P
Subject: Re: Government-owned places.
Written By: Don Carlos on 06/28/08 at 9:59 am
They are probably under funded and under staffed. I'll bet $$$ to donuts that the federal portion of their budget has been cut to threads, like with all social services under this admin. Don't give up the ship
Subject: Re: Government-owned places.
Written By: CatwomanofV on 06/28/08 at 10:26 am
They are probably under funded and under staffed. I'll bet $$$ to donuts that the federal portion of their budget has been cut to threads, like with all social services under this admin. Don't give up the ship
Yup-they cut funding, employ incompetent people to head it and they MAKE it so it DOESN'T work so they they scream that government doesn't work so they can dismantle it.
Subject: Re: Government-owned places.
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/28/08 at 10:44 am
Yup-they cut funding, employ incompetent people to head it and they MAKE it so it DOESN'T work so they they scream that government doesn't work so they can dismantle it.
I second that!
Our governments state and federal tend to be stingy with social services (no palm-greasing reciprocity). I had similar frustrations with Mass Rehab when I was trying to get back on my feet after years of unemployment due to depression. I found it took persistence and getting a competent case worker.
Subject: Re: Government-owned places.
Written By: Macphisto on 06/29/08 at 1:15 pm
Yup-they cut funding, employ incompetent people to head it and they MAKE it so it DOESN'T work so they they scream that government doesn't work so they can dismantle it.
I think the Republicans have made "starving the government" quite clearly their agenda (except when it comes to corporate welfare and war), but... the fact that they can so effectively neuter our social programs seems to suggest that maybe the private sector really is our only choice.
Think about it. If we can logically assume that the Republicans will consistently screw up our social services through budget cuts and improper management and that they will periodically dominate Congress and the presidency, then doesn't it make more sense to just let the private sector handle social services, since they aren't dependent on government funding or political whims?
I used to be a strong advocate of things like welfare until I realized that the government's innate nature is one of schizophrenia and inefficiency. Socialized healthcare is about the only thing I do support, when it comes to social programs, but that's a different discussion altogether.
Subject: Re: Government-owned places.
Written By: MrCleveland on 06/29/08 at 2:05 pm
I think the Republicans have made "starving the government" quite clearly their agenda (except when it comes to corporate welfare and war), but... the fact that they can so effectively neuter our social programs seems to suggest that maybe the private sector really is our only choice.
Think about it. If we can logically assume that the Republicans will consistently screw up our social services through budget cuts and improper management and that they will periodically dominate Congress and the presidency, then doesn't it make more sense to just let the private sector handle social services, since they aren't dependent on government funding or political whims?
I used to be a strong advocate of things like welfare until I realized that the government's innate nature is one of schizophrenia and inefficiency. Socialized healthcare is about the only thing I do support, when it comes to social programs, but that's a different discussion altogether.
What I think is pathetic is that a person with a mild case of autism (Like me) gets denied, wheras a druggie gets Disability. (I mentioned this before, and I'll mention it again.) That bullsheesh! I think I might write to the Autism Rights campaign!
Subject: Re: Government-owned places.
Written By: CatwomanofV on 06/29/08 at 4:09 pm
I think the Republicans have made "starving the government" quite clearly their agenda (except when it comes to corporate welfare and war), but... the fact that they can so effectively neuter our social programs seems to suggest that maybe the private sector really is our only choice.
Think about it. If we can logically assume that the Republicans will consistently screw up our social services through budget cuts and improper management and that they will periodically dominate Congress and the presidency, then doesn't it make more sense to just let the private sector handle social services, since they aren't dependent on government funding or political whims?
I used to be a strong advocate of things like welfare until I realized that the government's innate nature is one of schizophrenia and inefficiency. Socialized healthcare is about the only thing I do support, when it comes to social programs, but that's a different discussion altogether.
That's what the Repubs want-the private sector to take over and the private sector shouldn't handle things like social welfare. You have mention about health care. Look what happens when it gets into the hands of the private sector-it becomes a for-profit industry which it shouldn't be. You have to have $$$ to have health care. We are the only nation in the western world without socialized health care. Many other social services will also become for-profit.
A few years back, I managed our local food shelf. Every penny, every drop of food we got was all donated. Before I managed it, there were times when the shelves were bare. They weren't when I was at the helm because I made sure that there was plenty-and if things started to go down, I would send out letters saying that the food shelf need assistance. What really bothered me about it was the fact that there is a need for a food shelf. Many of these people who came were families, and some had jobs. I think it is a travesty that someone who works full-time and maybe even at more than 1 job have to go to the food shelf. We did get our share of people who felt they were entitled-I'm denying that but there were more people who truly needed the help than people who abused the system.
Another thing that bothered me was some of the board members/volunteers. They had the attitude of "Oh, these people are not worthy of our help" for whatever reason. There was one time I went to the grocery store to pick up meat for the food shelf. Hamburg was outrageous at time but steak was fairly cheap-so I pick up a bunch of steak. People had a fit because I was handing out steak to people-they were only worth hamburg. I told them my reason-steak was cheaper. There was also another incident where the organization implemented a Summer Nutrition Program that would give kids who were on reduced or free lunch program would get breakfast/lunch in the summer. The playground already had a summer sports program so we combined both programs. The woman who did the sports program decided not to do the following year because the Summer Nutrition Program "attracted the wrong sorts of kids". WTF!!!?? These were the kids who needed something to keep them busy in the summer, who needed food. But, some people think that some people are worthy of help and some people aren't.
Subject: Re: Government-owned places.
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 06/29/08 at 4:34 pm
That's what the Repubs want-the private sector to take over and the private sector shouldn't handle things like social welfare. You have mention about health care. Look what happens when it gets into the hands of the private sector-it becomes a for-profit industry which it shouldn't be. You have to have $$$ to have health care. We are the only nation in the western world without socialized health care. Many other social services will also become for-profit.
A few years back, I managed our local food shelf. Every penny, every drop of food we got was all donated. Before I managed it, there were times when the shelves were bare. They weren't when I was at the helm because I made sure that there was plenty-and if things started to go down, I would send out letters saying that the food shelf need assistance. What really bothered me about it was the fact that there is a need for a food shelf. Many of these people who came were families, and some had jobs. I think it is a travesty that someone who works full-time and maybe even at more than 1 job have to go to the food shelf. We did get our share of people who felt they were entitled-I'm denying that but there were more people who truly needed the help than people who abused the system.
Another thing that bothered me was some of the board members/volunteers. They had the attitude of "Oh, these people are not worthy of our help" for whatever reason. There was one time I went to the grocery store to pick up meat for the food shelf. Hamburg was outrageous at time but steak was fairly cheap-so I pick up a bunch of steak. People had a fit because I was handing out steak to people-they were only worth hamburg. I told them my reason-steak was cheaper. There was also another incident where the organization implemented a Summer Nutrition Program that would give kids who were on reduced or free lunch program would get breakfast/lunch in the summer. The playground already had a summer sports program so we combined both programs. The woman who did the sports program decided not to do the following year because the Summer Nutrition Program "attracted the wrong sorts of kids". WTF!!!?? These were the kids who needed something to keep them busy in the summer, who needed food. But, some people think that some people are worthy of help and some people aren't.
Ever get the feeling it caters to "social Darwinism"? If we don't help the people who we don't want, eventually they'll die off. We have an American caste system. Anyone who says we don't is in denial.
Subject: Re: Government-owned places.
Written By: CatwomanofV on 06/29/08 at 5:31 pm
Ever get the feeling it caters to "social Darwinism"? If we don't help the people who we don't want, eventually they'll die off. We have an American caste system. Anyone who says we don't is in denial.
Yup-so true. Another thing that really bothered me when I worked at the food shelf, I would go to the board of directors meetings (yes, I was on the board) and they would always start off the meeting with a Christian prayer. I didn't say anything about that because I'm not a Christian but that is beside the point. What annoyed me about their prayer was never ONCE did they pray for the services we provided would no longer be needed. Yeah, it made these people feel good that they would help the less fortunate (as long as they were "worthy" enough for the help) but never once they wonder WHY there were so many who needed help. And yeah, these were so-called Christians who complained about feeding people steak as opposed to feeding them hamburger. Of course if there was something called a livable wage & socialize health care, I'm sure there would not be a need for many of the social services we do have.
When I fed the poor, I was called a saint. When I asked why they are poor, I was called a communist.
-Dom Helder Camara (archbishop of São Paulo)
Subject: Re: Government-owned places.
Written By: Macphisto on 06/29/08 at 9:20 pm
That's what the Repubs want-the private sector to take over and the private sector shouldn't handle things like social welfare. You have mention about health care. Look what happens when it gets into the hands of the private sector-it becomes a for-profit industry which it shouldn't be. You have to have $$$ to have health care. We are the only nation in the western world without socialized health care. Many other social services will also become for-profit.
I think the difference here is in principles. I think healthcare, childcare, and insurance should be state run because they are all things that I believe should be based on the wellbeing of society. So we definitely agree on these things.
Welfare is a little different for me though. I see direct assistance outside of healthcare, childcare, and insurance as charity. Charity is something that I believe should be private. It may not be a perfect system, but it is more efficient.
I look at how well illegal aliens adapt to our system without much government assistance at all and with mostly hard work, and I think... why can't more of our own poor do the same? If people living on the fringes of our society can survive through perseverance, then why can't the rest of us?
It may be Darwinian to see it this way, but I have to admit that I've been favoring that more as of late. I see the direction the world is going in with the global fight for resources, and I can only see more struggles coming our way. The most flexible systems are generally the most Darwinian. Why not move in that direction, if it means we can survive better in the long run?
A few years back, I managed our local food shelf. Every penny, every drop of food we got was all donated. Before I managed it, there were times when the shelves were bare. They weren't when I was at the helm because I made sure that there was plenty-and if things started to go down, I would send out letters saying that the food shelf need assistance. What really bothered me about it was the fact that there is a need for a food shelf. Many of these people who came were families, and some had jobs. I think it is a travesty that someone who works full-time and maybe even at more than 1 job have to go to the food shelf. We did get our share of people who felt they were entitled-I'm denying that but there were more people who truly needed the help than people who abused the system.
Another thing that bothered me was some of the board members/volunteers. They had the attitude of "Oh, these people are not worthy of our help" for whatever reason. There was one time I went to the grocery store to pick up meat for the food shelf. Hamburg was outrageous at time but steak was fairly cheap-so I pick up a bunch of steak. People had a fit because I was handing out steak to people-they were only worth hamburg. I told them my reason-steak was cheaper. There was also another incident where the organization implemented a Summer Nutrition Program that would give kids who were on reduced or free lunch program would get breakfast/lunch in the summer. The playground already had a summer sports program so we combined both programs. The woman who did the sports program decided not to do the following year because the Summer Nutrition Program "attracted the wrong sorts of kids". WTF!!!?? These were the kids who needed something to keep them busy in the summer, who needed food. But, some people think that some people are worthy of help and some people aren't.
Those are all good points. Again, I'm not saying the private sector is a panacea to our problems. I think much of our situation is directly tied to the flaws in human nature that you observed. However, I'm also suggesting that they are inevitable.
In the end, this really does come down to survival of the richest. It's an ugly thing, but I don't see it changing anytime soon. Our domestic poor are in direct competition with the illegals that come here. I used to be very adamant about border control until I discovered that these people only cost us $10 billion a year, which is a paltry sum compared to what we spend on Iraq or our various social programs -- even when measured per person.
Essentially, the conclusion I've come to is that illegals (primarily Mexicans) contribute more to our economy than a lot of our "native" poor do, and they do it without much in the way of social programs. So, why not just arrange things so that these people become citizens easier, pay a little more into the system, and leave the rest to charity and fate?
It is Darwinian, but I think there is much evidence to suggest this would be the most efficient and cost-effective approach to poverty here. A more armed populace will be necessary as well.
Subject: Re: Government-owned places.
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/30/08 at 12:04 am
Hmmm...more guns + more hungry/homeless people = http://www.inthe00s.com/smile/07/peepwall.gif
Subject: Re: Government-owned places.
Written By: MrCleveland on 06/30/08 at 2:09 pm
That's what the Repubs want-the private sector to take over and the private sector shouldn't handle things like social welfare. You have mention about health care. Look what happens when it gets into the hands of the private sector-it becomes a for-profit industry which it shouldn't be. You have to have $$$ to have health care. We are the only nation in the western world without socialized health care. Many other social services will also become for-profit.
A few years back, I managed our local food shelf. Every penny, every drop of food we got was all donated. Before I managed it, there were times when the shelves were bare. They weren't when I was at the helm because I made sure that there was plenty-and if things started to go down, I would send out letters saying that the food shelf need assistance. What really bothered me about it was the fact that there is a need for a food shelf. Many of these people who came were families, and some had jobs. I think it is a travesty that someone who works full-time and maybe even at more than 1 job have to go to the food shelf. We did get our share of people who felt they were entitled-I'm denying that but there were more people who truly needed the help than people who abused the system.
Another thing that bothered me was some of the board members/volunteers. They had the attitude of "Oh, these people are not worthy of our help" for whatever reason. There was one time I went to the grocery store to pick up meat for the food shelf. Hamburg was outrageous at time but steak was fairly cheap-so I pick up a bunch of steak. People had a fit because I was handing out steak to people-they were only worth hamburg. I told them my reason-steak was cheaper. There was also another incident where the organization implemented a Summer Nutrition Program that would give kids who were on reduced or free lunch program would get breakfast/lunch in the summer. The playground already had a summer sports program so we combined both programs. The woman who did the sports program decided not to do the following year because the Summer Nutrition Program "attracted the wrong sorts of kids". WTF!!!?? These were the kids who needed something to keep them busy in the summer, who needed food. But, some people think that some people are worthy of help and some people aren't.
Yes, we don't have Universal Health Care, but some countries like Canada want to eliminate it. Why? Because they put you on a waiting list.
Anyone here see "Sicko"?
I Volunteered at a Food Pantry that is Government-owned and we gave food to people. The only thing that bugged me was some of them would sell their food and come back in the same week. We only feed them every week or other week, I'm not sure.
Yup-so true. Another thing that really bothered me when I worked at the food shelf, I would go to the board of directors meetings (yes, I was on the board) and they would always start off the meeting with a Christian prayer. I didn't say anything about that because I'm not a Christian but that is beside the point. What annoyed me about their prayer was never ONCE did they pray for the services we provided would no longer be needed. Yeah, it made these people feel good that they would help the less fortunate (as long as they were "worthy" enough for the help) but never once they wonder WHY there were so many who needed help. And yeah, these were so-called Christians who complained about feeding people steak as opposed to feeding them hamburger. Of course if there was something called a livable wage & socialize health care, I'm sure there would not be a need for many of the social services we do have.
When I fed the poor, I was called a saint. When I asked why they are poor, I was called a communist.
-Dom Helder Camara (archbishop of São Paulo)
I can see how you are very cynical with God and Prayer. I've also been to Community Meals and we prayed...but our pastor was really never there. It was usually the workers.
Ever get the feeling it caters to "social Darwinism"? If we don't help the people who we don't want, eventually they'll die off. We have an American caste system. Anyone who says we don't is in denial.
Darwinism and Socialism came during the age of Enlightenment and Karl Marx accepted some of Darwinism.
If that's the case, they should just reintroduce the Mental Institution and I'll be in there. Then I'll really feel like Cleveland!