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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: John McCain: Government doesn't work
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/03/08 at 8:07 pm
So why does he want to be in charge of it?
He just gave his official acceptance speech now and he sounded exactly like Ronald Reagan in 1980. All the rock 'em sock 'em cliches aboard about government being the problem, not the solution. Simplistic government bad, free markets good mantras. It ain't gonna fly this time.
The difference is, unlike Reagan, you can see McCain's beady little eyes reading the teleprompters.
McCain's inane refrain:
"....and that's not change we can believe in!"
Sounds like he's reading a children's book.
On the board behind him is a slogan: "A Leader We Can Believe In!"
Ein Folk
Ein Reich
Ein Fuhrer
Subject: Re: John McCain: Government doesn't work
Written By: Tia on 06/03/08 at 8:52 pm
both him and hillary made their slogan modifications of obama's. kinda telling, that.
anyway, yeah, if mccain gets anywhere within 500 feet of the white house we're gonna be sunk. the system wont take any more of this abuse. the goose that laid the golden eggs isn't just dead, it's flayed and cooked and boned.
Subject: Re: John McCain: Government doesn't work
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/03/08 at 8:58 pm
I want Obama to dog McCain for as many debates as possible. The more the folks see the contrast, the better! It'll be like Sherriff Bart debating Governor Lepetomane!
Subject: Re: John McCain: Government doesn't work
Written By: Foo Bar on 06/03/08 at 10:36 pm
I want Obama to dog McCain for as many debates as possible. The more the folks see the contrast, the better! It'll be like Sherriff Bart debating Governor Lepetomane!
Are you suggesting that the presidency is NEAR?
Subject: Re: John McCain: Government doesn't work
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 06/03/08 at 10:56 pm
McCain can't debate worth a darn. Obama will chew him up and spit him out.
Military guys are great for war but really shouldn't debate a guy who's an attorney.
Subject: Re: John McCain: Government doesn't work
Written By: CatwomanofV on 06/04/08 at 11:48 am
I watched the speech and every time I watch McCain, this is how I feel: http://www.inthe00s.com/smile/09/sleep.gif
Subject: Re: John McCain: Government doesn't work
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/04/08 at 7:43 pm
I watched the speech and every time I watch McCain, this is how I feel: http://www.inthe00s.com/smile/09/sleep.gif
No matter how dull the rhetoric, I can't doze off when I'm looking at the man most likely to start World War III!
Well, now McCain is challenging Obama to a series of ten "town hall" style debates. The guy's nuts. That is, they guy is nuts!
Subject: Re: John McCain: Government doesn't work
Written By: GWBush2004 on 06/13/08 at 4:03 pm
McCain can't debate worth a darn. Obama will chew him up and spit him out.
If that is true, why does Obama refuse to do town hall debates with McCain? You know, debates without scripts, pre-selected questions and moderators...debates with normal people speaking their mind and asking their questions.
Subject: Re: John McCain: Government doesn't work
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 06/13/08 at 4:09 pm
If that is true, why does Obama refuse to do town hall debates with McCain? You know, debates without scripts, pre-selected questions and moderators...debates with normal people speaking their mind and asking their questions.
Town hall debates with McCain would be like doing townhall debates with Bush. I've been to townhall debates with during Senate campaigns, they are controlled to a degree depending on who's sponsoring the debate. The controlling of debates and townhall meetings is done by both Republicans and Democrats. Perhaps Obama thought it wouldn't be unbias.
Looks like he's going to.
Subject: Re: John McCain: Government doesn't work
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/13/08 at 6:19 pm
And why should Obama go ten rounds when he knows he can kick McCain's ass in five?
Subject: Re: John McCain: Government doesn't work
Written By: Macphisto on 06/15/08 at 11:01 am
If that is true, why does Obama refuse to do town hall debates with McCain? You know, debates without scripts, pre-selected questions and moderators...debates with normal people speaking their mind and asking their questions.
Obama accepting debates at this point benefits McCain more than Obama, because Obama currently enjoys a much greater amount of campaign funds than McCain has. The benefit to McCain is that it would allow McCain more publicity than his campaign would normally afford him at the moment. He's still trying to beat up Representatives for lunch money right now... ;)
I would suspect Obama is probably waiting until later in the campaign season, so that he can use his monetary advantage to advertise more thoroughly while McCain struggles with funds.
Besides... McCain might not even live long enough to reach the election...
Subject: Re: John McCain: Government doesn't work
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/16/08 at 1:00 am
McCain is a regressive, conservative moron. He belongs in the Old Folk's House, not the White House. 8)
Hey, Peaceful Dude, are you peaceful?
Oboama knows it will only make the public more accepting of McCain's lunacy if they got acclimitized to it. In 10 "townhall debates," they can do a whole "get-to-know McCain" McCain make over.
And he better pick Huckabee for the sake of the evangelics. McCain means Son of Cain!
No better to spring it all on them in late summer/early fall when people will be at the "WTF" moment with McCain, not the "oh-he's-just-like-that" savior job they did with Dubya!
Subject: Re: John McCain: Government doesn't work
Written By: greenjello74 on 06/16/08 at 9:49 pm
McCain is a regressive, conservative moron. He belongs in the Old Folk's House, not the White House. 8)
Subject: Re: John McCain: Government doesn't work
Written By: Don Carlos on 06/17/08 at 10:35 am
I think Obama is wise not to do debates with mccain right now. I also think he can outshine mccain in any debate formate, but this isnt the time. After all, neither is the official candidate at this point. After the conventions there will be time enough.
As to the original topic, this has been the conservative mantra for eons. Grover Norquist, FE weants to take things back to before the days of Teddy R. And, of course, the strategy has been to starve gov't so it can't do anything right, and lately of appointing hacks, siphicants, and cronies to head departments, like "Brownie" at FEMA, so they do fail.