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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Chris Matthews rips a right-winger a new one!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/16/08 at 8:22 pm
Back in the old neighborhood they used to day, "Don't let your mouth write checks your ass can't cash." This nasally dork Kevin James should have at least known who Neville Chamberlain was. Chris Matthews is not my favorite pundit, but sometimes he nails 'em!
It's worth watching the full version, it builds on itself:
An abbreviated version:
"Energized, legitimized," might have worked for Jesse Jackson, but this kid ain't got the pipes for it!
Subject: Re: Chris Matthews rips a right-winger a new one!
Written By: Red Ant on 05/16/08 at 8:44 pm
Kevin James:
Though in fairness, I had no idea who Neville Chamberlain was either.
Subject: Re: Chris Matthews rips a right-winger a new one!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/16/08 at 9:50 pm
Something gets used as a cultural meme, a code langauge (Neville Chamberlain = Appeasement) and you risk being asked t'wat the original thing referred, and it may be embarrassing!
Subject: Re: Chris Matthews rips a right-winger a new one!
Written By: ladybug316 on 05/16/08 at 11:39 pm
This is why I don't have a dog; I hate to watch anything chase its' own tail! ::)
Subject: Re: Chris Matthews rips a right-winger a new one!
Written By: LyricBoy on 05/17/08 at 7:55 am
Though in fairness, I had no idea who Neville Chamberlain was either.
Neville Chamberlain is the dud dude who negotiated the peace treaty with Hitler, to give Hitler control of the Sudetenland in return for everlasting peace with Europe. Of course, the government of Czechoslovakia, in which the Sudetenland was located, was not consulted. Amongst other details the "peace treaty" called for the evacuation of all non-ethnic-German Sudetens from the Sudentenland within 10 days.
Chamberlain then declared that he had achieved "peace in our time" and bragged to the press how 'Herr Hitler" saw the wisdom in not going to war. Hiter, of course, saw Chamberlain for the twit that he was, and wiped his butt with that treaty. The treaty got Hitler what he wanted, and bought him more time to increase his military power. The next year, Europe was in flames...
It is rather the same thing you see in Israel and the palestinian territories. Our US diplomats (from both parties) seem to think that if the Israelis and the {alestinians sign a paper that there will be peace. The reality is that those two warmonging groups will continue to murder each others' people until there is only one man standing. (I take no side in this issue, other than I say "let them fight it out and the winner takes all"). US "mediation" only costs we taxpayers money, and further entangles us in somebody else's problems. We should withdraw any financial support for either side in that conflict. In any event, with or without US mediation, no piece of paper is gonna cure what ails those people over there.
Subject: Re: Chris Matthews rips a right-winger a new one!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/17/08 at 4:50 pm
In any event, with or without US mediation, no piece of paper is gonna cure what ails those people over there.
Nor will the Dubya school of political diplomacy: Speak loudly and carry a little stick.
Subject: Re: Chris Matthews rips a right-winger a new one!
Written By: MrCleveland on 05/17/08 at 5:36 pm
It looks like the Republican Party probably will be aching for awhile.
Subject: Re: Chris Matthews rips a right-winger a new one!
Written By: Tia on 05/19/08 at 12:18 pm
Subject: Re: Chris Matthews rips a right-winger a new one!
Written By: Zeb on 05/20/08 at 10:01 pm
Mr. Smart, from the bottom of my heart, thank you! you've made my week :) :D
Subject: Re: Chris Matthews rips a right-winger a new one!
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 05/23/08 at 1:49 pm
Back in the old neighborhood they used to day, "Don't let your mouth write checks your ass can't cash." This nasally dork Kevin James should have at least known who Neville Chamberlain was. Chris Matthews is not my favorite pundit, but sometimes he nails 'em!
It's worth watching the full version, it builds on itself:
An abbreviated version:
"Energized, legitimized," might have worked for Jesse Jackson, but this kid ain't got the pipes for it!
(+1 karma to Max)