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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: obama's "down with whitey" speech
Written By: Tia on 03/18/08 at 3:06 pm
did anybody hear it, the speech he gave today about that pastor dude? i hear it was quite good but i cant listen to it at work. :( curious if someone heard it and what they thought.
Subject: Re: obama's "down with whitey" speech
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 03/18/08 at 6:20 pm
Obama has a sophisticated and nuanced understanding of the subject.
OMG! He's finished!
John "I'll chase you to the gates of hell" McCain is gonna take the Whitheouse! Heeeeellllp!!!!
Subject: Re: obama's "down with whitey" speech
Written By: MrCleveland on 03/18/08 at 11:10 pm
Didn't hear it.
BTW-Nice avatar.
Subject: Re: obama's "down with whitey" speech
Written By: Macphisto on 03/18/08 at 11:12 pm
Here is a transcript, and yes, it's from Drudge.... This is the full version, so no worries....
Subject: Re: obama's "down with whitey" speech
Written By: Tia on 03/19/08 at 8:12 am
reaction generally seems positive. i was listening to the post-game commentary on "the young turks" last night while re-editing "driller killer."
Subject: Re: obama's "down with whitey" speech
Written By: Rice_Cube on 03/19/08 at 11:43 am
Good speech.
Subject: Re: obama's "down with whitey" speech
Written By: Tia on 03/19/08 at 11:48 am
Good speech.
i was impressed with the bits i heard. good thinking of him to put it in a larger context. won't help him on foxnews, of course, but he could reveal himself as the new messiah tomorrow and foxnews would still be asking if he hates america. but with normal people i think it'll go far toward putting all this to rest.
Subject: Re: obama's "down with whitey" speech
Written By: ChuckyG on 03/19/08 at 12:22 pm
here's the video. it's nice to listen to someone who can speak, and writes his own speeches.
While Hillary is still whining that the states that violated DNC rules should still have their votes counted (in her favor), Obama is addressing actual issues that people want to hear.
Subject: Re: obama's "down with whitey" speech
Written By: danootaandme on 03/19/08 at 4:41 pm
Very good speech. Made great points.
Subject: Re: obama's "down with whitey" speech
Written By: Tia on 03/19/08 at 4:43 pm
unfortunately he's still dropping in the polls and has lost a significant lead over mccain to now be neck and neck with him. hillary's done her damage.
Subject: Re: obama's "down with whitey" speech
Written By: Rice_Cube on 03/19/08 at 4:53 pm
unfortunately he's still dropping in the polls and has lost a significant lead over mccain to now be neck and neck with him. hillary's done her damage.
...and that, folks, is why we play the game! :D
I hope Obama gets a lot of positive out of this.
Subject: Re: obama's "down with whitey" speech
Written By: Tia on 03/19/08 at 5:02 pm
...and that, folks, is why we play the game! :D
I hope Obama gets a lot of positive out of this.
he's also hitting mccain on his asinine getting the shiites and sunnis in iraq mixed up thing. hit him on his strengths! i have taught obama well. 8) that's the tiabucks at work!
Subject: Re: obama's "down with whitey" speech
Written By: Rice_Cube on 03/19/08 at 5:04 pm
The electoral-vote.com guy had a thing a couple days ago about how the most "experienced" Presidents weren't necessarily the best at their jobs. I think it might be good to have a greenhorn in office who has a lot of idealistic qualities.
Although we were discussing whether Obama's "hope and dreams" platform may not be very realistic, because idealist attitudes kind of get crushed by the real world...but I feel like he has a lot of practical knowledge as well. I think he's the guy I like most, much better than some evil succubus or an old guy who was only cool maybe four years ago.
Subject: Re: obama's "down with whitey" speech
Written By: saver on 03/19/08 at 7:47 pm
He associated with the guy for 20(?) years and NOW he figures he doesn't agree with him...isn't there years that need undoing?
Subject: Re: obama's "down with whitey" speech
Written By: Tia on 03/19/08 at 8:18 pm
He associated with the guy for 20(?) years and NOW he figures he doesn't agree with him...isn't there years that need undoing?
didnt hear the speech, didya?
Subject: Re: obama's "down with whitey" speech
Written By: ChuckyG on 03/19/08 at 8:47 pm
He associated with the guy for 20(?) years and NOW he figures he doesn't agree with him...isn't there years that need undoing?
how about the dozen or so radical preachers that have endorsed McCain? I guess with the Republican base it doesn't matter much
Subject: Re: obama's "down with whitey" speech
Written By: Tia on 03/19/08 at 8:52 pm
how about the dozen or so radical preachers that have endorsed McCain? I guess with the Republican base it doesn't matter much
well, they only have the one guy. if they found him wearing a white hood and sacrificing chickens i'm sure they'd just roll with it.
it IS funny how much less coverage that got, though, the lunatic priest who endorsed mccain? must be nice having an attack dog network with no scruples like foxnews in their corner.
Subject: Re: obama's "down with whitey" speech
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 03/19/08 at 9:25 pm
I'd like to hear Obama debate McCain about the Iranian Shia helping the Sunni in Iraq!
Subject: Re: obama's "down with whitey" speech
Written By: saver on 03/19/08 at 10:43 pm
how about the dozen or so radical preachers that have endorsed McCain? I guess with the Republican base it doesn't matter much
Not sure if McCain attended services regularly with each of his radical endorsers, had children baptized or services performed for him and his family by them either for 20 years and now when he is accuse of associating with them, he is obligated to save his position.
McCain may have even served in a war with racists and had to put up with them but to be fair..if any associates have been seen to be a part of his regular routine..he should answer as well.
Subject: Re: obama's "down with whitey" speech
Written By: Tia on 03/20/08 at 6:39 am
this dude's so awesome. :)
Subject: Re: obama's "down with whitey" speech
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 03/20/08 at 7:46 am
What Wright was stating has been said by various black ministers for decades. I'd be a bit worried if Obama hadn't been exposed to such religious rhetoric. (In that case he'd be accused of being "too white") Give Obama credit he tried to explain it in the best light possible. I thought his speech was brilliant. I'd love to see Hillary or McCain pull off an attempt at damage control like that.
Subject: Re: obama's "down with whitey" speech
Written By: Jessica on 03/20/08 at 10:01 am
I understood exactly what Obama was talking about when he said he didn't agree with everything the pastor said. I have that same problem with the Catholic Church. I was raised Catholic, but damned if you'll find me endorsing some of the crap they believe/practice.
Subject: Re: obama's "down with whitey" speech
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 03/20/08 at 10:10 am
I understood exactly what Obama was talking about when he said he didn't agree with everything the pastor said. I have that same problem with the Catholic Church. I was raised Catholic, but damned if you'll find me endorsing some of the crap they believe/practice.
Exactly, if you're raised in a certain Church even though you don't believe it, you still end up defending it. I'm not saying endorsing it, but you feel compelled to explain why they have a certain belief. My Uncle is a Priest and it ticks me off when people say all priest are pedophiles because I know for a fact it's not true.
Subject: Re: obama's "down with whitey" speech
Written By: Jessica on 03/20/08 at 10:31 am
Exactly, if you're raised in a certain Church even though you don't believe it, you still end up defending it. I'm not saying endorsing it, but you feel compelled to explain why they have a certain belief. My Uncle is a Priest and it ticks me off when people say all priest are pedophiles because I know for a fact it's not true.
I do that, too. I've always had wonderful (and progressive) priests at my old Church. Not a pedophile among them, and they were always preaching about God's love, not his supposed hatred for homosexuals, women, and whatever else they could think of to loathe.
Subject: Re: obama's "down with whitey" speech
Written By: Tia on 03/20/08 at 10:57 am
Subject: Re: obama's "down with whitey" speech
Written By: Rice_Cube on 03/20/08 at 11:11 am
Come on, laugh a little
Today's Gallup poll sez Clinton has a sizable lead over Obama among Democrats. Go fig.
Subject: Re: obama's "down with whitey" speech
Written By: Tia on 03/20/08 at 11:18 am
Come on, laugh a little
Today's Gallup poll sez Clinton has a sizable lead over Obama among Democrats. Go fig.
i was watching an interview with him last night and the point was made that he's still pretty young. if the country still has this alcoholic-style dependency on phony, craven politicians like clinton and mccain maybe they need to really hit bottom before we'll be ready to elect an actual human being again. in which case, he can come back in 4, 8, even 12 years and still not be anywhere near mccain's state of moses-like decrepitude.
i mean it would suck staring at the cold, stark reality of a clinton presidency but that's at least a silver lining, this wouldn't be obama's last chance. i still find people's taste for clinton completely incomprehensible, though. :(
Subject: Re: obama's "down with whitey" speech
Written By: danootaandme on 03/20/08 at 5:31 pm
I'd like to hear Obama debate McCain about the Iranian Shia helping the Sunni in Iraq!
Then there is that pesky problem named Keating
Subject: Re: obama's "down with whitey" speech
Written By: danootaandme on 03/20/08 at 5:35 pm
well, they only have the one guy. if they found him wearing a white hood and sacrificing chickens i'm sure they'd just roll with it.
The found a way around Robert Byrd being in the KKK, and Strom Thurmond raping his 15 year old housekeeper.
Subject: Re: obama's "down with whitey" speech
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 03/20/08 at 6:41 pm
i was watching an interview with him last night and the point was made that he's still pretty young. if the country still has this alcoholic-style dependency on phony, craven politicians like clinton and mccain maybe they need to really hit bottom before we'll be ready to elect an actual human being again. in which case, he can come back in 4, 8, even 12 years and still not be anywhere near mccain's state of moses-like decrepitude.
i mean it would suck staring at the cold, stark reality of a clinton presidency but that's at least a silver lining, this wouldn't be obama's last chance. i still find people's taste for clinton completely incomprehensible, though. :(
I still wouldn't want to get in a bar fight with McCain, he might be old, but he's got bigtime anger management issues!
Anyway, a lot of addicts hit bottom and don't realize it. We've got to call America bottomed out right now, otherwise...
Subject: Re: obama's "down with whitey" speech
Written By: Tia on 03/20/08 at 7:51 pm
the railroading of obama is coming in fast and furious.
these are both stories from the last couple of hours. the state department (presumably under bush administration orders) was improperly going through obama's personal information. and some mccain staffer put together an inflammatory movie meant to play off the fears of ignorant racist whites.
makes me sick. i'm so tired of these fudges in the right wing and their strongarm sheesh. funny they wouldnt wait until the general election but i guess they smell blood in the water.
Subject: Re: obama's "down with whitey" speech
Written By: ChuckyG on 03/21/08 at 8:27 am
Not sure if McCain attended services regularly with each of his radical endorsers, had children baptized or services performed for him and his family by them either for 20 years and now when he is accuse of associating with them, he is obligated to save his position.
McCain may have even served in a war with racists and had to put up with them but to be fair..if any associates have been seen to be a part of his regular routine..he should answer as well.
you've clearly not seen the speech in context, just the quotes out of context.
My comment about McCain has nothing to do with who he served with in the military. It refers to the evangelical right pastors he's trying to win approval from now that Huckabee is out of the running. Which is far different than attending church services where comments are made that you might disagree with.
Subject: Re: obama's "down with whitey" speech
Written By: loki 13 on 03/21/08 at 10:23 am
Obama was on Sports Talk radio 610 WIP yesterday morning when he made a comment that I thought would
would have everyone talking. To paraphrase, he said his Grandmother was; "A typical white person who, if she
sees somebody on the street that she doesn't know, there is a reaction that is bred into our experiences that
don't go away." I think I know what he is trying to say but still, as a Presidential Candidate, shouldn't he refrain
from such comments?
Hre's a link to the station, the whole interview is on there, Angelo Cataldi with Senator Barack Obama
Subject: Re: obama's "down with whitey" speech
Written By: Tia on 03/21/08 at 10:29 am
the right talks a lot about how obama's "throwing his grandmother under a bus." ;D
i dunno, the whole thing strikes me as a bit silly and i thought his speech was refreshing in its maturity and insight about race but it's true talking about "typical white people" is probably not wise on his part.
Subject: Re: obama's "down with whitey" speech
Written By: saver on 03/21/08 at 3:45 pm
you've clearly not seen the speech in context, just the quotes out of context.
My comment about McCain has nothing to do with who he served with in the military. It refers to the evangelical right pastors he's trying to win approval from now that Huckabee is out of the running. Which is far different than attending church services where comments are made that you might disagree with.
Todays rap is that they are both starting to waver and the glass that Obama had half full is cracking...
N,M. Gov. endorsement may sway some Latin votes but haven't heard any changes of minds yet.
Subject: Re: obama's "down with whitey" speech
Written By: Tia on 03/21/08 at 3:47 pm
Todays rap is that they are both starting to waver and the glass that Obama had half full is cracking...
N,M. Gov. endorsement may sway some Latin votes but haven't heard any changes of minds yet.
i think the repubs have written off the "latin" vote with their stance on illegal immigration, although mccain's a lot more moderate on that than his party so they might yet be able to salvage something of the south-of-the-border vote.
Subject: Re: obama's "down with whitey" speech
Written By: Jessica on 03/21/08 at 10:17 pm
I do that, too. I've always had wonderful (and progressive) priests at my old Church. Not a pedophile among them, and they were always preaching about God's love, not his supposed hatred for homosexuals, women, and whatever else they could think of to loathe.
Allow me to eat my words, although this guy wasn't a priest, but a lay minister.
Ai. I've known this guy forever. I'm honestly not surprised though. http://www.inthe00s.com/smile/11/BangHead.gif
Subject: Re: obama's "down with whitey" speech
Written By: Tia on 03/21/08 at 11:04 pm
this is fascinating, reverend wright without the foxnews ADD edits. all these comments he made fit into a larger, very patient and detailed sermon.
you will NEVER see this in the mainstream press. it just takes too long to figure out what he's really saying. people cant be bothered, and that's why they're gonna get the government they deserve.
Subject: Re: obama's "down with whitey" speech
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 03/22/08 at 3:29 pm
Allow me to eat my words, although this guy wasn't a priest, but a lay minister.
Ai. I've known this guy forever. I'm honestly not surprised though. http://www.inthe00s.com/smile/11/BangHead.gif
It's OK Jess. One of our lay ministers son is the first openly gay Judge in Philadelphia. :) It's understood that there are some Catholic who are downright cool.
Subject: Re: obama's "down with whitey" speech
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 03/22/08 at 3:33 pm
Todays rap is that they are both starting to waver and the glass that Obama had half full is cracking...
N,M. Gov. endorsement may sway some Latin votes but haven't heard any changes of minds yet.
Most people knew Richardson would endorse Obama. Having dealt with the Clinton's in the past I'm sure he had his own reasons for endorsing him. The Latino vote is very important, however not all Latinos are Mexican. Don't think Cubans down in Florida would vote for Richardson because he is Mexican.