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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Dick Morris - It's Over Hillary
Written By: ChuckyG on 03/09/08 at 7:20 pm
Considering the source of this one, um yeah, everyone knows at this point it's done. This part at the end is a great parting shot
Suggestion for Obama:
The next time Hillary uses the recycled red phone ad, counter with one of your own. When the phone rings in the middle of the night, have a woman’s voice, with a flat Midwestern accent, answer it and say, “Hold on” into the receiver. Then she should shout, “Bill! It’s for you!”
Because with Hillary’s complete lack of any meaningful experience in foreign affairs, and her lack of the “testing” that she boldly claims, she’ll be yelling for Bill.
Morris, a former adviser to Sen. Trent Lott (R-Miss.) and President Bill Clinton, is the author of Outrage
Subject: Re: Dick Morris - It's Over Hillary
Written By: McDonald on 03/09/08 at 8:28 pm
Wow, what a worthless opinion from someone nobody's ever heard of.
Call me when Donahue has something to say...
The Obama crowd can keep chanting that it's over until they're blue in the face, but last time I checked there were still plenty of primary delegates up for grabs. Everyone knows it will be up to the superdelegates anyway.
Clinton-Obama '08.
Subject: Re: Dick Morris - It's Over Hillary
Written By: McDonald on 03/09/08 at 9:47 pm
Tom Brokaw on America and the campaign. CBC Suday interview.
Subject: Re: Dick Morris - It's Over Hillary
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 03/10/08 at 12:11 am
Wow, what a worthless opinion from someone nobody's ever heard of.
Make that wish I hadn't heard of!
Dick Morris has made a cottage industry of hating Hillary for the past 10 years. Morris is the kind of man who would steal the quarters out of your kid's piggy bank. You don't walk away from Morris, you back away from Morris! If he pitched over dead from a heart attack tomorrow the only thing I'd feel sorry for is the yesterday he was still in!
Subject: Re: Dick Morris - It's Over Hillary
Written By: ChuckyG on 03/10/08 at 6:40 am
Wow, what a worthless opinion from someone nobody's ever heard of.
Call me when Donahue has something to say...
The Obama crowd can keep chanting that it's over until they're blue in the face, but last time I checked there were still plenty of primary delegates up for grabs. Everyone knows it will be up to the superdelegates anyway.
Clinton-Obama '08.
um you're kidding right? Dick Morris is one of the main the men behind Bill in 1992 that helped put him in the White House.
As for delegates up for grabs, the math has been done and she's never going to win a majority of candidates before the convention. The only way to win it now is back door deals. If she attempts to overturn the majority vote with a superdelegate deal, she's going to cause a lot of dissent in the party and end up losing the general election.
Subject: Re: Dick Morris - It's Over Hillary
Written By: Tia on 03/10/08 at 7:54 am
Wow, what a worthless opinion from someone nobody's ever heard of.
Call me when Donahue has something to say...
The Obama crowd can keep chanting that it's over until they're blue in the face, but last time I checked there were still plenty of primary delegates up for grabs. Everyone knows it will be up to the superdelegates anyway.
Clinton-Obama '08.
how about mccain-clinton '08? damn sight more likely. ;D
Subject: Re: Dick Morris - It's Over Hillary
Written By: ChuckyG on 03/10/08 at 8:08 am
how about mccain-clinton '08? damn sight more likely. ;D
I'm still laughing at Hillary for even suggesting to Obama that he be the VP, when she's been behind for months.
Subject: Re: Dick Morris - It's Over Hillary
Written By: Tia on 03/10/08 at 8:11 am
I'm still laughing at Hillary for even suggesting to Obama that he be the VP, when she's been behind for months.
yeah, i thought that was hilarious. i would say that it was a revealing moment but she's already had so many of those, she's pretty much revealed.
Subject: Re: Dick Morris - It's Over Hillary
Written By: McDonald on 03/10/08 at 8:55 am
um you're kidding right? Dick Morris is one of the main the men behind Bill in 1992 that helped put him in the White House.
As for delegates up for grabs, the math has been done and she's never going to win a majority of candidates before the convention. The only way to win it now is back door deals. If she attempts to overturn the majority vote with a superdelegate deal, she's going to cause a lot of dissent in the party and end up losing the general election.
That isn't even true. Have you looked at the delegate counts and done the math? I just did. Here's what I found.
Obama: 1527 delegates (199 of which are super)
Hillary: 1428 delegates (238 of which are super)
Delegates still up fpr grabs: 1066 (the year William conquered England, I know that has nothing to do with anything... :-\\)
So with Obama only ahead of Hill by 101 points, and with over a thousand still up for grabs, the race is far from over, no matter how funny people want to do the math.
As far as Dick Morris, I guess I'm showing my age a bit, because I have no idea who that guy is, and in 1992 I was in Grade 2 colouring picture diagrams of the water cycle. You can't know everyone.
Subject: Re: Dick Morris - It's Over Hillary
Written By: ChuckyG on 03/10/08 at 10:41 am
That isn't even true. Have you looked at the delegate counts and done the math? I just did. Here's what I found.
Obama: 1527 delegates (199 of which are super)
Hillary: 1428 delegates (238 of which are super)
Delegates still up fpr grabs: 1066 (the year William conquered England, I know that has nothing to do with anything... :-\\)
So with Obama only ahead of Hill by 101 points, and with over a thousand still up for grabs, the race is far from over, no matter how funny people want to do the math.
it's not a matter of funny math at all. This isn't the final election, states are not "winner take all". If Hillary wins Pennsylvania with 60% of the vote, she only picks up 2/3 or the delegates. Even with her "wins" last week, she only grew 20 delegates closer to narrowing Obama's lead (she actually lost Texas, due to their wacky primary system). Obama would have to die in a plane crash tomorrow in order for her to even come close to narrowing the lead significantly.
Of the 1000 delegates up for grabs, you have 800 super delegates. They would have to overturn the popular decision and vote for Hillary, even though she clearly didn't win at the state level.
Subject: Re: Dick Morris - It's Over Hillary
Written By: Tia on 03/10/08 at 10:52 am
Obama would have to die in a plane crash tomorrow in order for her to even come close to narrowing the lead significantly.
don't give hil any ideas... :o
Subject: Re: Dick Morris - It's Over Hillary
Written By: Tia on 03/10/08 at 2:18 pm
I'm still laughing at Hillary for even suggesting to Obama that he be the VP, when she's been behind for months.
something else that occurred to me is that maybe hillary pulled this stunt to make her victory in the primaries seem preordained for those who arent paying terribly close attention and dont actually know she's behind. it sorta ties in with that smug sense of entitlement she's had about her during the whole primary season -- she seems to have felt that the nomination belongs to her by rights and seems quite taken aback someone has actually challenged her, let alone handed her her ass.
Subject: Re: Dick Morris - It's Over Hillary
Written By: ChuckyG on 03/10/08 at 2:38 pm
something else that occurred to me is that maybe hillary pulled this stunt to make her victory in the primaries seem preordained for those who arent paying terribly close attention and dont actually know she's behind. it sorta ties in with that smug sense of entitlement she's had about her during the whole primary season -- she seems to have felt that the nomination belongs to her by rights and seems quite taken aback someone has actually challenged her, let alone handed her her ass.
it does however weaken her argument about Obama's lack of experience. If he's so inexperienced, why would she pick him to be 2nd in command?
Subject: Re: Dick Morris - It's Over Hillary
Written By: Tia on 03/10/08 at 2:42 pm
it does however weaken her argument about Obama's lack of experience. If he's so inexperienced, why would she pick him to be 2nd in command?
yeah, i dont think she's saying it because she's serious, she's trying to create the false impression that she's winning. ;D
Subject: Re: Dick Morris - It's Over Hillary
Written By: Dagwood on 03/10/08 at 4:09 pm
I'm still laughing at Hillary for even suggesting to Obama that he be the VP, when she's been behind for months.
That totally cracked me up. Yeah, right Hil, Obama is going to step down from the lead to be your VP. ;D
Subject: Re: Dick Morris - It's Over Hillary
Written By: Rice_Cube on 03/10/08 at 4:29 pm
Obama: "Bitch, please."
Subject: Re: Dick Morris - It's Over Hillary
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 03/10/08 at 5:16 pm
Obama: "Bitch, please."
She's going to have a hard time trying to find a running mate. I've said it before, an Obama/Richardson ticket would beat the pants off of McCain and any running mate he could come up with.
Subject: Re: Dick Morris - It's Over Hillary
Written By: CatwomanofV on 03/10/08 at 5:54 pm
She's going to have a hard time trying to find a running mate. I've said it before, an Obama/Richardson ticket would beat the pants off of McCain and any running mate he could come up with.
I would go for either Obama/Richardson or Obama/Edwards. Either one would be a good one in my book.
Subject: Re: Dick Morris - It's Over Hillary
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 03/10/08 at 6:01 pm
I would go for either Obama/Richardson or Obama/Edwards. Either one would be a good one in my book.
I could see an Obama/Edwards ticket. :)
Subject: Re: Dick Morris - It's Over Hillary
Written By: Dagwood on 03/10/08 at 6:39 pm
I would love an Obama/Edwards ticket.
Subject: Re: Dick Morris - It's Over Hillary
Written By: ChuckyG on 03/10/08 at 7:15 pm
Polimon! Political Monsters!
animates a little too fast, the words are more important than the pictures.
Subject: Re: Dick Morris - It's Over Hillary
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 03/10/08 at 7:29 pm
Polimon! Political Monsters!
animates a little too fast, the words are more important than the pictures.
That was great. :)
Subject: Re: Dick Morris - It's Over Hillary
Written By: ChuckyG on 03/10/08 at 7:34 pm
I would love an Obama/Edwards ticket.
Someone found a running mate for Obama with as much experience as Hillary
Amazed he's still alive after all these years..
Subject: Re: Dick Morris - It's Over Hillary
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 03/10/08 at 7:40 pm
Someone found a running mate for Obama with as much experience as Hillary
Amazed he's still alive after all these years..
Socks is smarter than Hillary, therefore Socks would be more of an advantage. Socks is also more cute and media friendly.http://www.comicguide.net/images/smilies/blackcat.gif
Subject: Re: Dick Morris - It's Over Hillary
Written By: LyricBoy on 03/10/08 at 8:06 pm
Hey, as a running mate Elliott Spitzer is looking for a job I hear.
It is called VICE president, eh? ;D
Subject: Re: Dick Morris - It's Over Hillary
Written By: Tia on 03/10/08 at 8:22 pm
cenk's gunnin' for hillary this week.
i dig the young turks. :P
Subject: Re: Dick Morris - It's Over Hillary
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 03/10/08 at 9:08 pm
My new bumper sticker:
Craig-Sptizer '08
Heard any good jokes lately?
Subject: Re: Dick Morris - It's Over Hillary
Written By: CatwomanofV on 03/11/08 at 12:22 pm
Someone found a running mate for Obama with as much experience as Hillary
Amazed he's still alive after all these years..
I just thought it was awful that they throw Socks away for Buddy the dog. As I always say, "Cats rule & dogs drool." :D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Dick Morris - It's Over Hillary
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 03/11/08 at 7:44 pm
Hey, as a running mate Elliott Spitzer is looking for a job I hear.
It is called VICE president, eh? ;D
You oughta mail that one to Jay Leno!
Subject: Re: Dick Morris - It's Over Hillary
Written By: Macphisto on 03/16/08 at 9:50 pm
I agree with what Dick has to say, but he's still best described by his first name alone.
Dick Morris is the kind of guy that even makes Rush Limbaugh nauseous.
Subject: Re: Dick Morris - It's Over Hillary
Written By: Macphisto on 03/16/08 at 10:00 pm
cenk's gunnin' for hillary this week.
i dig the young turks. :P
They make some good points, but why is that every American talking head has to be so animated? Glenn Beck sometimes gets so hyped up it makes me wonder if someone put speed in his capuccino.
I guess dour cynicism is more of a Brit thing.
Subject: Re: Dick Morris - It's Over Hillary
Written By: Tia on 03/31/08 at 8:16 am
On the campaign trail in Pennsylvania, Hillary Clinton stressed again today that she is a fighter, and recalled her successful jump of Snake River Canyon in a rocket-ship powered by a billion gigawatt flux capacitor that only she is is ready to pilot on day one:
Subject: Re: Dick Morris - It's Over Hillary
Written By: Tia on 03/31/08 at 8:18 am
Subject: Re: Dick Morris - It's Over Hillary
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 03/31/08 at 8:32 pm
and spinal tap
Subject: Re: Dick Morris - It's Over Hillary
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 03/31/08 at 8:41 pm
dick morris (sh)its all over hillary!