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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Deputy Charged For Dumping Disabled Man Out Of Wheelchair.
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 02/16/08 at 12:24 am
This is down right disgusting behavior.
OK, start the ranting...
Subject: Re: Deputy Charged For Dumping Disabled Man Out Of Wheelchair.
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 02/16/08 at 1:13 am
what a total Bitch! How could anyone do that? Ugh. 8-P >:(
Subject: Re: Deputy Charged For Dumping Disabled Man Out Of Wheelchair.
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 02/16/08 at 1:18 am
what a total Bitch! How could anyone do that? Ugh. 8-P >:(
I know!!! She told him to stand up. WTF, he's in a wheelchair. When he can't she dumps him. Then when she realizes what she did she's being charged for she takes off. People like that should not work with people. Wonder if she thought he was faking it, but still. That's just wrong.
Subject: Re: Deputy Charged For Dumping Disabled Man Out Of Wheelchair.
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 02/16/08 at 1:19 am
I know!!! She told him to stand up. WTF, he's in a wheelchair. When he can't she dumps him. Then when she realizes what she did she's being charged for she takes off. People like that should not work with people. Wonder if she thought he was faking it, but still. That's just wrong.
someone should break her legs, and when she's sitting in a wheelchair...take her chair and give it a dump...see how she likes it. :(
Subject: Re: Deputy Charged For Dumping Disabled Man Out Of Wheelchair.
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 02/16/08 at 1:23 am
someone should break her legs, and when she's sitting in a wheelchair...take her chair and give it a dump...see how she likes it. :(
I agree. This ranks up there with people that abuse homeless people just because they're homeless. Hard to believe some members of society are still treated as if they're no better than dirt.
Subject: Re: Deputy Charged For Dumping Disabled Man Out Of Wheelchair.
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 02/16/08 at 1:32 am
I agree. This ranks up there with people that abuse homeless people just because they're homeless. Hard to believe some members of society are still treated as if they're no better than dirt.
yes, it totally sickens me.
Subject: Re: Deputy Charged For Dumping Disabled Man Out Of Wheelchair.
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 02/16/08 at 2:09 am
Video clip:
It was so inappropriate. Everyone knows that when dealing with potentially "fake" disabled people, the standard procedure is to set the chair on fire. If the person gets up and runs away, he's obviously faking it.
Kidding aside, I have to put this one in my ever growing "WTF is wrong with people?" file.
Wasn't it just a few months ago when police tased to death a person in a wheelchair?
Oh gads. Glad I'm not the only one that finds this stuff disturbing.
Subject: Re: Deputy Charged For Dumping Disabled Man Out Of Wheelchair.
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 02/16/08 at 2:38 am
Who does this cop think she is? Richard Widmark? :o :o :o
Subject: Re: Deputy Charged For Dumping Disabled Man Out Of Wheelchair.
Written By: snozberries on 02/16/08 at 11:19 am
I am not going to condone what this woman did...considering there was a large plainclothes cop standing in the doorway she could have asked for some assistance assisting the man to the floor however, just to give an insight on her mindset for a minute....
Yes the man was paralyzed but he could have had a weapon or drugs tucked behind him (or in places people sometimes hide these things) so for her safety and the safety of others he did need to be searched....
not dumped to the ground mind you.... I don't condone the dumping but I the search had to be done.
Just because someone is in a wheelchair doesn't mean he can't move at all and some of those guys are actually pretty quick. A lot officers get hurt when they let their guard and to be honest....now that I think about it....if they had bent down to lift him and he had access to a knife one of them could've gotten hurt.
I know..... but the truth is...cops never know so they have to take precautions...
again I say dumping him the way she did- wrong... but
The other thing is... as a woman, she is still, in 21st century, she is still being judged by the men. If she can't handle her prisoner then she can't do the job. So the men will still, in 2008, stand back and watch a woman struggle and then if she can't get it done then they'll feel justified in their opinion that women shouldn't be in law enforcement.
I work with cops I know their opinions on new female officers. They aren't accepted/trusted to have their backs until they prove themselves.
not condoning the action just contextualizing it.....
So before becoming a dispatcher I worked as a campus security at my university. There was a man there in a wheelchair (I'm not up on my debilitating diseases but whatever was wrong with him affected more than just his legs) and whenever any of the females I worked with...especially the cute ones....were around him he would *oops* fall out of his wheelchair.... He would then proceed to grope the girls who (like most women do) will sorry for him and try to come to his aid....
I was with a trainee one day and we saw this guy and he dumps himself from his chair...he would pretend to hit a crack in the sidewalk and then fall... I hadn't witnessed it before this but had heard all the stories...It looked quite convincing. Especially when he was lying there looking all helpless on the ground....
My trainee starts to go help the guy and I stop her....there were people standing around wondering why I wouldn't help him... I used his name and told him we weren't falling for it....
He hopped up to a sitting position and quick as lightning got himself back in his chair and rolled away.... I'm telling you...there was nothing helpless about this guy...sure he couldn't walk but he gets himself in and out of the chair so often he knew how to do it on his own...he just wanted booty....
So maybe the guy in the video was paralyzed but because he had some function in his arms they had to take some precaution....
Again.... dumping him in that fashion was wrong but I don't judge too harshly only because we don't know the whole story...
Subject: Re: Deputy Charged For Dumping Disabled Man Out Of Wheelchair.
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 02/16/08 at 11:41 am
I am not going to condone what this woman did...considering there was a large plainclothes cop standing in the doorway she could have asked for some assistance assisting the man to the floor however, just to give an insight on her mindset for a minute....
Yes the man was paralyzed but he could have had a weapon or drugs tucked behind him (or in places people sometimes hide these things) so for her safety and the safety of others he did need to be searched....
not dumped to the ground mind you.... I don't condone the dumping but I the search had to be done.
Just because someone is in a wheelchair doesn't mean he can't move at all and some of those guys are actually pretty quick. A lot officers get hurt when they let their guard and to be honest....now that I think about it....if they had bent down to lift him and he had access to a knife one of them could've gotten hurt.
I know..... but the truth is...cops never know so they have to take precautions...
again I say dumping him the way she did- wrong... but
The other thing is... as a woman, she is still, in 21st century, she is still being judged by the men. If she can't handle her prisoner then she can't do the job. So the men will still, in 2008, stand back and watch a woman struggle and then if she can't get it done then they'll feel justified in their opinion that women shouldn't be in law enforcement.
I work with cops I know their opinions on new female officers. They aren't accepted/trusted to have their backs until they prove themselves.
not condoning the action just contextualizing it.....
So before becoming a dispatcher I worked as a campus security at my university. There was a man there in a wheelchair (I'm not up on my debilitating diseases but whatever was wrong with him affected more than just his legs) and whenever any of the females I worked with...especially the cute ones....were around him he would *oops* fall out of his wheelchair.... He would then proceed to grope the girls who (like most women do) will sorry for him and try to come to his aid....
I was with a trainee one day and we saw this guy and he dumps himself from his chair...he would pretend to hit a crack in the sidewalk and then fall... I hadn't witnessed it before this but had heard all the stories...It looked quite convincing. Especially when he was lying there looking all helpless on the ground....
My trainee starts to go help the guy and I stop her....there were people standing around wondering why I wouldn't help him... I used his name and told him we weren't falling for it....
He hopped up to a sitting position and quick as lightning got himself back in his chair and rolled away.... I'm telling you...there was nothing helpless about this guy...sure he couldn't walk but he gets himself in and out of the chair so often he knew how to do it on his own...he just wanted booty....
So maybe the guy in the video was paralyzed but because he had some function in his arms they had to take some precaution....
Again.... dumping him in that fashion was wrong but I don't judge too harshly only because we don't know the whole story...
There is a way of searching an individual in a wheelchair. She did not need to dump him. If she had no ill intentions, why hasn't she turned herself in for questioning? Female cops have a tendency to over react from my experience dealing with them. I have really dark circles around my eyes because of my Mediterranean background. This female cop insisted that I tell her who punched me in the eyes. I told her no one, she called me a lier and said no one looks like that naturally. Needless to say she had to appear before a human relations board because of it.
Anyway I think if it were a male police officer sent to do the search this might not have happened. Just my opinion.
BTW, she just turned herself in.
Subject: Re: Deputy Charged For Dumping Disabled Man Out Of Wheelchair.
Written By: snozberries on 02/16/08 at 12:05 pm
There is a way of searching an individual in a wheelchair. She did not need to dump him. If she had no ill intentions, why hasn't she turned herself in for questioning? Female cops have a tendency to over react from my experience dealing with them. I have really dark circles around my eyes because of my Mediterranean background. This female cop insisted that I tell her who punched me in the eyes. I told her no one, she called me a lier and said no one looks like that naturally. Needless to say she had to appear before a human relations board because of it.
Anyway I think if it were a male police officer sent to do the search this might not have happened. Just my opinion.
I agree she didn't need to dump him....that's why I said it 5 or 6 times in my post ;)
I just want to play devil's advocate...
I agree with you female officers do sometimes go overboard but only because they have something to prove. I think its wrong in this day and age but unfortunately when you're life depends on another person you have to trust them and the only way to get the trust is to earn it...or prove yourself or something....
anyway... I have seen good women cops and women cops who piss me off...because they do the "girlie" thing. But I have seen some male cops that I know I could beat down and I know these guys have to prove that they can handle themselves because when you call for help you want to know that the help that is coming will be able to get the person off you not stand there and watch you get you're ass kicked.
Anyway... I guarantee you that there was a group of males standing off to the side...off camera watching the woman deal with the man in the wheelchair wondering how she was going to handle it. They could've stepped in to help but instead watched the whole thing unfold.
It wasn't the right way to handle the situation but she may not have felt she had any other option at that point.
I'm just saying it's easy to sit at the monitor and watch this unfold and say I would this and I wouldn't do that.
We know nothing about what happened before... was he argumentative on the drive in?
They had to get him in and out of the vehicle before arriving at booking so
maybe be was resistant before
maybe he called her a bitch or
maybe he called her that other word...I would've dumped him for that....
maybe she was having a bad day....
maybe she dealt with someone before in a wheelchair who attacked her or someone else
maybe she has absolutely no clue about dealing with people
maybe she is a sadistic bitch who enjoyed doing it
maybe she just didn't think
and maybe she hasn't turned herself in yet because her union rep and/or lawyers have told her to wait.
but I am sorry that the officer in your story refused to take you at your word.
Subject: Re: Deputy Charged For Dumping Disabled Man Out Of Wheelchair.
Written By: loki 13 on 02/16/08 at 12:07 pm
As disturbing as the dumping is, to me the fact that the video being released is more disturbing. If
I'm not mistaken it was a department surveillance tape and this matter should have been handled internally
first. Because the guy is in a wheelchair the public will now feel sorry for him and no one really knows if
any threatening behavior was done on his part. If an IA investigation revealed he did nothing to provoke
such actions then maybe release the tape. Now the whole world sees the Deputy as a vicious unfeeling
woman and already judged her actions without knowing the whole story.
Subject: Re: Deputy Charged For Dumping Disabled Man Out Of Wheelchair.
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 02/16/08 at 5:54 pm
As disturbing as the dumping is, to me the fact that the video being released is more disturbing. If
I'm not mistaken it was a department surveillance tape and this matter should have been handled internally
first. Because the guy is in a wheelchair the public will now feel sorry for him and no one really knows if
any threatening behavior was done on his part. If an IA investigation revealed he did nothing to provoke
such actions then maybe release the tape. Now the whole world sees the Deputy as a vicious unfeeling
woman and already judged her actions without knowing the whole story.
Tell that to the DA. Felony assault charges. You're right, there probably is more than meets the eye.
Subject: Re: Deputy Charged For Dumping Disabled Man Out Of Wheelchair.
Written By: Jessica on 02/16/08 at 7:09 pm
While I agree that there is probably more to the story and this probably shouldn't have been released, it still turns my stomach to see her just casually dump him out like that. Not only that part, but the other scene at the end where the male officer walking out of the room is chuckling about it. Real smooth, guys. ::)
Subject: Re: Deputy Charged For Dumping Disabled Man Out Of Wheelchair.
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 02/16/08 at 7:53 pm
While I agree that there is probably more to the story and this probably shouldn't have been released, it still turns my stomach to see her just casually dump him out like that. Not only that part, but the other scene at the end where the male officer walking out of the room is chuckling about it. Real smooth, guys. ::)
Yeah, I saw that too. Like I said there's a reason why the DA went for felony assault charges.
Subject: Re: Deputy Charged For Dumping Disabled Man Out Of Wheelchair.
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 02/16/08 at 7:57 pm
What do you expect from a pig but a grunt? It disgusted me, yes, but it did not surprise me. I have come to expect no better conduct from law enforcement, sad to say.
Certainly, a man in a wheelchair can be just as dangerous as any other, but you cannot go dumping a wheelchair-bound person to the floor. Not only is the act itself inhumane and humiliating, it might also aggravate the individual's debilitating condition. Giant lawsuit anybody?
Video clip:
It was so inappropriate. Everyone knows that when dealing with potentially "fake" disabled people, the standard procedure is to set the chair on fire. If the person gets up and runs away, he's obviously faking it.
Ha ha! Good one. Reminds me of that scene in the Big Lebowski!
Subject: Re: Deputy Charged For Dumping Disabled Man Out Of Wheelchair.
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 02/16/08 at 8:03 pm
What do you expect from a pig but a grunt? It disgusted me, yes, but it did not surprise me. I have come to expect no better conduct from law enforcement, sad to say.
Certainly, a man in a wheelchair can be just as dangerous as any other, but you cannot go dumping a wheelchair-bound person to the floor. Not only is the act itself inhuman and humiliating, it might also aggravate the individual's debilitating condition. Giant lawsuit anybody?
A lot of police have no concept of the individual, it's kind of a numbing that they experience. From what I saw in the tape there was no confrontation and no reason to dump him what so ever. The guy is suing from what I've heard.
Subject: Re: Deputy Charged For Dumping Disabled Man Out Of Wheelchair.
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 02/16/08 at 8:22 pm
A lot of police have no concept of the individual, it's kind of a numbing that they experience. From what I saw in the tape there was no confrontation and no reason to dump him what so ever. The guy is suing from what I've heard.
My perpetual frustration with cops is how mean they are no matter how polite you try to be. People say, "Oh, well, police have very high-stress jobs." Yeah, well, being hostile and angry all the time raises stress levels, so they're their own worst enemies. Cops have no sense of the individual because they treat every individual the same: Like crap.
Subject: Re: Deputy Charged For Dumping Disabled Man Out Of Wheelchair.
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 02/16/08 at 8:41 pm
My perpetual frustration with cops is how mean they are no matter how polite you try to be. People say, "Oh, well, police have very high-stress jobs." Yeah, well, being hostile and angry all the time raises stress levels, so they're their own worst enemies. Cops have no sense of the individual because they treat every individual the same: Like crap.
I don't think this makes them above the laws they are suppose to enforce. "To Serve and Protect". I guess that motto has been forgotten.
Subject: Re: Deputy Charged For Dumping Disabled Man Out Of Wheelchair.
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 02/16/08 at 8:54 pm
I don't think this makes them above the laws they are suppose to enforce. "To Serve and Protect". I guess that motto has been forgotten.
Of course not. And not all cops I've dealt with have been dicks, just the majority. One time in college this guy in the dorm was drunk and rowdy and threatening to assault me. I called the cops. The cops bawled that guy out...then they came over to me and gave me the same dressing-down! I was speechless. I was stone-cold sober and trying to study. I told the party next door to keep the noise down and this assclown follows me back to my room cussing me out. Had to lock the door, whereupon he proceeded to pound on it, hollaring, "I'mmo kick-it yer azz azzole!," and so forth. If I protested the cops' attitude, they would have arrested me! That's how the UMass cops worked then and it's how they work today!
Subject: Re: Deputy Charged For Dumping Disabled Man Out Of Wheelchair.
Written By: Jessica on 02/16/08 at 9:55 pm
Of course not. And not all cops I've dealt with have been dicks, just the majority. One time in college this guy in the dorm was drunk and rowdy and threatening to assault me. I called the cops. The cops bawled that guy out...then they came over to me and gave me the same dressing-down! I was speechless. I was stone-cold sober and trying to study. I told the party next door to keep the noise down and this assclown follows me back to my room cussing me out. Had to lock the door, whereupon he proceeded to pound on it, hollaring, "I'mmo kick-it yer azz azzole!," and so forth. If I protested the cops' attitude, they would have arrested me! That's how the UMass cops worked then and it's how they work today!
Ours is backwards. The University cops are way MORE cooler over here compared to the regular Chicago PD. There have been so many cases brought against the Chicago PD that it's ridiculous. I can bring up the 300 lb. off duty police officer who delivered a beat down to a tiny 120 lb. female Russian bartender because she refused to serve him anymore (he was drunk as hell) or the six officers who beat the crap out of the four businessmen "just because" and when extra police officers were called to break up the scene, the cops who started it said that it was "under control", so the other cops LEFT! Or the case of the cop who punched a guy in a wheelchair because he didn't cooperate fast enough. ::)
Chicago PD is just rotten, and it's really unfortunate.
Subject: Re: Deputy Charged For Dumping Disabled Man Out Of Wheelchair.
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 02/16/08 at 10:01 pm
Chicago PD is just rotten, and it's really unfortunate.
Racist as hell too! You said university cops were cooler than they Chicago PD. The problem is, worse than the Chicago PD would be the frikkin' Gestappo!
Subject: Re: Deputy Charged For Dumping Disabled Man Out Of Wheelchair.
Written By: Jessica on 02/16/08 at 10:25 pm
Racist as hell too! You said university cops were cooler than they Chicago PD. The problem is, worse than the Chicago PD would be the frikkin' Gestappo!
Oh yeah, the "special" unit of the police force that would do raids in the projects because of a "tip". I think they finally got rid of them and some asshat is up on a TON of charges for that BS. It only took them....forever. ::)
Subject: Re: Deputy Charged For Dumping Disabled Man Out Of Wheelchair.
Written By: snozberries on 02/17/08 at 11:36 am
Alright I have to defend my brothers in blue here... you are generalizing Maxwell...
I'm sorry you had some bad experiences but that doesn't mean all cops act this way.
There are good cops, ones who treat people with respect and dignity and there are bad cops. Ones on power trips, ones who have a bad attitude or are impatient... Its just like saying all priest are pedophiles, all waitresses spit in your food, all lawyers are sharks...
I live and work in an area that is serviced by 4 separate law enforcement agencies. I work for one of these agencies. I know many people in two of the other agencies and I know of a few in the third.
I have friends who are police officers in more than 6 different police departments across the state of CA.
For the record "to protect and to serve" is the official motto of LAPD but not every police department adopts this motto. It became famous mostly because a lot of film and TV shows have it painted on the police units...just like LAPD does. But look at your local law enforcement agency's vehicles... they don't all read "to protect and to serve"
Okay so Chicago's reads "We Serve and Protect" but NYPD reads Courtesy Professionalism Response
and Maxwell the pd from you area has "Community First" written on their units.
If you feel you were treated badly by a police officer then you should report it. The only way to take down a bad cop is to not let them get away with the behavior. The bad ones make the others look bad.
A some of the officers I work with treat people with respect, a few others...not always. I like a lot of the guys that I work with there are one or two I'd like to ship off elsewhere. I just wish we'd get recognized when we do the right thing as often as we do when others do the wrong thing...
and by the way... the man in question was "arrested on a traffic violation". They don't arrest someone for running a stop sign. They arrest you for outstanding warrants, dui, hit and run or evading an officer.... so at the very least he could've had an outstanding warrant for failure to pay a fine on a previous violation that might have been traffic related or might have been a warrant for outstanding criminal charges. We don't know.
I simply suggest...the way everyone was standing around and no one came to his aid when he was dumped implies that he was probably acting like a total prick before getting into booking. And again he would've had to have been lifted into the police car and out of it for them to get him to the jail....we don't have footage on how cooperative or uncooperative he was then...all that precipitated what we did see on camera.
I'm still not condoning it... I just see the picture a little wider than the rest of you do...
Subject: Re: Deputy Charged For Dumping Disabled Man Out Of Wheelchair.
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 02/17/08 at 3:30 pm
Alright I have to defend my brothers in blue here... you are generalizing Maxwell...
I'm sorry you had some bad experiences but that doesn't mean all cops act this way.
There are good cops, ones who treat people with respect and dignity and there are bad cops. Ones on power trips, ones who have a bad attitude or are impatient... Its just like saying all priest are pedophiles, all waitresses spit in your food, all lawyers are sharks...
I live and work in an area that is serviced by 4 separate law enforcement agencies. I work for one of these agencies. I know many people in two of the other agencies and I know of a few in the third.
I have friends who are police officers in more than 6 different police departments across the state of CA.
For the record "to protect and to serve" is the official motto of LAPD but not every police department adopts this motto. It became famous mostly because a lot of film and TV shows have it painted on the police units...just like LAPD does. But look at your local law enforcement agency's vehicles... they don't all read "to protect and to serve"
Okay so Chicago's reads "We Serve and Protect" but NYPD reads Courtesy Professionalism Response
and Maxwell the pd from you area has "Community First" written on their units.
If you feel you were treated badly by a police officer then you should report it. The only way to take down a bad cop is to not let them get away with the behavior. The bad ones make the others look bad.
A some of the officers I work with treat people with respect, a few others...not always. I like a lot of the guys that I work with there are one or two I'd like to ship off elsewhere. I just wish we'd get recognized when we do the right thing as often as we do when others do the wrong thing...
and by the way... the man in question was "arrested on a traffic violation". They don't arrest someone for running a stop sign. They arrest you for outstanding warrants, dui, hit and run or evading an officer.... so at the very least he could've had an outstanding warrant for failure to pay a fine on a previous violation that might have been traffic related or might have been a warrant for outstanding criminal charges. We don't know.
I simply suggest...the way everyone was standing around and no one came to his aid when he was dumped implies that he was probably acting like a total prick before getting into booking. And again he would've had to have been lifted into the police car and out of it for them to get him to the jail....we don't have footage on how cooperative or uncooperative he was then...all that precipitated what we did see on camera.
I'm still not condoning it... I just see the picture a little wider than the rest of you do...
Coincidentally my Uncle was a police officer in Washington DC back in the 1970's-1981. He was killed during a "routine drug bust". The guy who killed him was never brought to trial. Why? Because my Uncle's partner found the guy and killed him. I saw his partner at my Grandfather's funeral and asked him why his murdering someone is any less damaging then my Uncle's murder. His only answer was that the guy was scum and didn't deserve to live. I told him, he wasn't any better.
I do know quite a few decent cops. My Dad's friend was Police Chief for the local police force. I was 9 and ran away from home. He picked me up in his cruiser. His only words were . . . You forgot to tell you Mom where you were going. On the drive back home we made a side trip to get ice cream.
Good cops are good cops. Bad cops can traumatize a person for life. That is what it comes down to.
Subject: Re: Deputy Charged For Dumping Disabled Man Out Of Wheelchair.
Written By: snozberries on 02/17/08 at 5:00 pm
Coincidentally my Uncle was a police officer in Washington DC back in the 1970's-1981. He was killed during a "routine drug bust". The guy who killed him was never brought to trial. Why? Because my Uncle's partner found the guy and killed him. I saw his partner at my Grandfather's funeral and asked him why his murdering someone is any less damaging then my Uncle's murder. His only answer was that the guy was scum and didn't deserve to live. I told him, he wasn't any better.
I do know quite a few decent cops. My Dad's friend was Police Chief for the local police force. I was 9 and ran away from home. He picked me up in his cruiser. His only words were . . . You forgot to tell you Mom where you were going. On the drive back home we made a side trip to get ice cream.
Good cops are good cops. Bad cops can traumatize a person for life. That is what it comes down to.
yeah that was a bad move on your uncle's partners part. The law is the law and the officers have to follow it..acting out in revenge no matter how justified you feel is not right.
Subject: Re: Deputy Charged For Dumping Disabled Man Out Of Wheelchair.
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 02/17/08 at 5:53 pm
Oh yeah, the "special" unit of the police force that would do raids in the projects because of a "tip". I think they finally got rid of them and some asshat is up on a TON of charges for that BS. It only took them....forever. ::)
I have read many harrowing accounts of that Chicago PD unit in charge of patrolling the projects. Many officers were white supremicists who had no qualms about grabbing some dude walking out of a building and robbing him of his money. I suppose one reason they got rid of the unit was because they got rid of the Chicago housing projects, which were the worst in the country. Of course, they haven't dealt with the core of the problem: Multigenerational poverty; thus, the "ghettoes" will just re-emerge elsewhere...but that's a whole other topic, don't get me started!
Subject: Re: Deputy Charged For Dumping Disabled Man Out Of Wheelchair.
Written By: LyricBoy on 02/17/08 at 6:50 pm
yeah that was a bad move on your uncle's partners part. The law is the law and the officers have to follow it..acting out in revenge no matter how justified you feel is not right.
I would imagine that the partner acted in self defense. After all, he was facing a guy who had already killed one cop and had nothing to lose. I'm assuming that the partner was exonerated in the shoot investigation.
Subject: Re: Deputy Charged For Dumping Disabled Man Out Of Wheelchair.
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 02/17/08 at 6:57 pm
Alright I have to defend my brothers in blue here... you are generalizing Maxwell...
I'm sorry you had some bad experiences but that doesn't mean all cops act this way.
What I said was not all cops I've dealt with have been nasty, just the the majority. I would be lying if I said otherwise. I can't help it if they choose to be vulgar and discourteous at will.
There are good cops, ones who treat people with respect and dignity and there are bad cops. Ones on power trips, ones who have a bad attitude or are impatient... Its just like saying all priest are pedophiles, all waitresses spit in your food, all lawyers are sharks...
Waitresses spit in your food? Maybe it's better not to know!
I have done a hell of a lot of driving in my life so I have been pulled over my share of times. I found state troopers to be more courteous than local yokels. Perhaps the state cops are more self-confident. The most obnoxious I've seen are rent-a-cops and security guards 'coz they're not even real cops and they know it!
and Maxwell the pd from you area has "Community First" written on their units.
"Community First" and "What the f**k do you think you're doing, buddy?"
If you feel you were treated badly by a police officer then you should report it. The only way to take down a bad cop is to not let them get away with the behavior. The bad ones make the others look bad.
If I'm going to make a citizen's complaint to the cops, I'd better be prepared to demonstrate something more serious than rude and arbitrary behavior. Everybody knows police department's don't really care if you think they were impertinent or unfair to you...unless you're a rich person or a politician. Now, a university police department is another matter. They're dealing with a population with no cop etiquette. They don't know better than to mouth off to the cops and say "I know my rights, my father's a lawyer!" even when they're caught breaking the law! A lot of the arrests concern underaged drinking, of course. A scene I witnessed outside my building one night revealed the cops catching a couple of minors with beer. The cops bawled them out and confiscated the beer and were about to let the kids go with a warning when one of them got all pissy and whined:
"Oh, you weren't anywhere last week when my bike got stolen, but now you're here to hassle us over a few lousy beers, yeah, some cops you are!"
Cop turned around with a little smirk and yelled, "Apologise!"
Kid's eyes bugged out, he looked nervously at his shoes and said, "I...I'm sorry."
"No! Not to me, to you're friend. You just got him arrested!"
And they took the kid's friend away in the cruiser!
I mean, how dumb do you have to be? Dumb enough to write a letter to the editor about how unfair the UMass cops are, which this whiny rich kid did!
I always say never be lippy to cops, even when you've done nothing wrong, but especially when you get caught doing something and they're about to let you go!
A some of the officers I work with treat people with respect, a few others...not always. I like a lot of the guys that I work with there are one or two I'd like to ship off elsewhere. I just wish we'd get recognized when we do the right thing as often as we do when others do the wrong thing...
Cops and laywers...everybody hates them until they need one. I'm not an anarchist. I would not want to live in a community with no cops. Those who say they could do without law enforcement would change their minds within 48 hours. It just seems to me the cops forget they're working for us and should act more like civil servants and less like prison guards.
and by the way... the man in question was "arrested on a traffic violation". They don't arrest someone for running a stop sign. They arrest you for outstanding warrants, dui, hit and run or evading an officer.... so at the very least he could've had an outstanding warrant for failure to pay a fine on a previous violation that might have been traffic related or might have been a warrant for outstanding criminal charges. We don't know.
He was in custody. He was in a wheelchair. He wasn't going anywhere. What that officer did demonstrates gross incompetence. I'm glad the video got out. In the old days this kind of outrageous misconduct often went unchecked.
I simply suggest...the way everyone was standing around and no one came to his aid when he was dumped implies that he was probably acting like a total prick before getting into booking. And again he would've had to have been lifted into the police car and out of it for them to get him to the jail....we don't have footage on how cooperative or uncooperative he was then...all that precipitated what we did see on camera.
Nice guy or total prick, they still can't dump a disabled man on the floor. If cops want to behave that way, they should go be bar bouncers. If you're getting paid 50K out of the public coffers, you should be held to a higher standard of conduct than the angry oaf you pulled off the street.
Subject: Re: Deputy Charged For Dumping Disabled Man Out Of Wheelchair.
Written By: snozberries on 02/17/08 at 7:03 pm
I would imagine that the partner acted in self defense. After all, he was facing a guy who had already killed one cop and had nothing to lose. I'm assuming that the partner was exonerated in the shoot investigation.
Naw, Kathie said
The guy who killed him was never brought to trial. Why? Because my Uncle's partner found the guy and killed him.
If you have to find the guy to kill him it can never be self defense... I mean even if he pulls a gun on you after he's found....you tracked him down that means he's acting in self defense.
and it was the 70's so I bet there was no real shooting investigation..... just a theory...
Subject: Re: Deputy Charged For Dumping Disabled Man Out Of Wheelchair.
Written By: loki 13 on 02/17/08 at 7:32 pm
I'm glad the video got out. In the old days this kind of outrageous misconduct often went unchecked.
Sorry Max, this is where we have to disagree because the only part of any video of this nature ever released is the part
that gets the most public outcry. The person responsible for the release of the video should also face a reprimand. Cases
of this matter should be handled in a court of law not on public TV. Should the matter be swept under the rug? Absolutely
not, but the deputy deserves her say in court but because of a leaked video tidbit a fair trial is impossible.
I really despise the fact that people release videos for the sole purpose of getting public sympathy just to add zeroes
to the end of their law suits.
Subject: Re: Deputy Charged For Dumping Disabled Man Out Of Wheelchair.
Written By: snozberries on 02/17/08 at 7:44 pm
Sorry Max, this is where we have to disagree because the only part of any video of this nature ever released is the part
that gets the most public outcry. The person responsible for the release of the video should also face a reprimand. Cases
of this matter should be handled in a court of law not on public TV. Should the matter be swept under the rug? Absolutely
not, but the deputy deserves her say in court but because of a leaked video tidbit a fair trial is impossible.
I really despise the fact that people release videos for the sole purpose of getting public sympathy just to add zeroes
to the end of their law suits.
I agree with this. My guess is- since the sheriff hadn't seen it nor was the jail supervisor aware there was a problem that rather than filing a formal complaint with the department it seems he went straight to the media not giving the officials a chance to investigate the charge.
It seems while what's her name was suspended without pay, three other are on paid leave following the investigation....there were more than three witness to the incident. I see four people in the video independent of the deputy who's being charged.
Subject: Re: Deputy Charged For Dumping Disabled Man Out Of Wheelchair.
Written By: Jessica on 02/17/08 at 7:47 pm
Sorry Max, this is where we have to disagree because the only part of any video of this nature ever released is the part
that gets the most public outcry. The person responsible for the release of the video should also face a reprimand. Cases
of this matter should be handled in a court of law not on public TV. Should the matter be swept under the rug? Absolutely
not, but the deputy deserves her say in court but because of a leaked video tidbit a fair trial is impossible.
I really despise the fact that people release videos for the sole purpose of getting public sympathy just to add zeroes
to the end of their law suits.
I agree with this. My guess is- since the sheriff hadn't seen it nor was the jail supervisor aware there was a problem that rather than filing a formal complaint with the department it seems he went straight to the media not giving the officials a chance to investigate the charge.
It seems while what's her name was suspended without pay, three other are on paid leave following the investigation....there were more than three witness to the incident. I see four people in the video independent of the deputy who's being charged.
But none of that makes sense. How would the victim get the tape if it was surveillance video from the jail? I heard nothing of this until the tape was released (by whom, I don't know), and then they interviewed the guy. So was it a leak from the police department or did they release it after the guy filed a complaint?
Subject: Re: Deputy Charged For Dumping Disabled Man Out Of Wheelchair.
Written By: snozberries on 02/17/08 at 8:12 pm
But none of that makes sense. How would the victim get the tape if it was surveillance video from the jail? I heard nothing of this until the tape was released (by whom, I don't know), and then they interviewed the guy. So was it a leak from the police department or did they release it after the guy filed a complaint?
he (probably) went to the media first and the media was able to get the tape.
Subject: Re: Deputy Charged For Dumping Disabled Man Out Of Wheelchair.
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 02/17/08 at 8:31 pm
I would imagine that the partner acted in self defense. After all, he was facing a guy who had already killed one cop and had nothing to lose. I'm assuming that the partner was exonerated in the shoot investigation.
No, it was sheer vigilante and he got away with it.