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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 01/29/08 at 8:26 pm
I knew it was coming, I was hoping it wouldn't. Hillary's about 20 points ahead with 33% in
McCain is slightly ahead of Romney; could go either way.
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: GWBush2004 on 01/29/08 at 9:16 pm
McCain beats Romney. Giuliani third, Huckabee fourth, Paul fifth, Keyes sixth, Hunter seventh and Tancredo last.
Rumors on Fox News and CNN have Giuliani dropping out no later than tomorrow and endorsing McCain. Goodbye Rudy, you shall not be missed.
Clinton slaughtered Obama. She beat him by like twenty points among hispanics voters.
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: KKay on 01/29/08 at 9:23 pm
McCain beats Romney. Giuliani third, Huckabee fourth, Paul fifth, Keyes sixth, Hunter seventh and Tancredo last.
Rumors on Fox News and CNN have Giuliani dropping out no later than tomorrow and endorsing McCain. Goodbye Rudy, you shall not be missed.
Clinton slaughtered Obama. She beat him by like twenty points among hispanics voters.
i heard about rudy quitting...sad about Paul, Huckabee and Obama.
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 01/29/08 at 9:34 pm
McCain beats Romney. Giuliani third, Huckabee fourth, Paul fifth, Keyes sixth, Hunter seventh and Tancredo last.
Rumors on Fox News and CNN have Giuliani dropping out no later than tomorrow and endorsing McCain. Goodbye Rudy, you shall not be missed.
Keyes, Tancredo, Hunter? Thought they went home. Florida's nice this time of year!
Say, I just had an idea, maybe Giuliani would do better if he talked about his heroism on 9/11. I know he's a modest, aw-shucks kinda guy, but he could just nudge our memories a bit! American politicians just sorta shrugged off 9/11 after a few weeks. How about it Rudy? Worth the old college try you think?
Clinton slaughtered Obama. She beat him by like twenty points among hispanics voters.
I think that's more of a grudge vote...sad to say.
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: ChuckyG on 01/29/08 at 9:40 pm
Sorry I just take it as a sign of her willingness to say one thing and do another. Obama didn't campaign in Florida just the like the other Democrats (aside from Hillary), so who knows if it was any kind of match up.
Ghoulani did however campaign in Florida and was betting heavily that he would win and get propelled highly in the super Tuesday round next week. Good riddance to bad trash.
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: Tia on 01/29/08 at 9:43 pm
gawd. am i crazy in that i've come to think of hillary clinton as the big pro-war democratic candidate? and so i guess it's not that big a surprise she's winning. because no matter what, to the powers that be, this war needs to keep going.
seriously, it's pretty obvious either clinton or mccain will win, and either way the war is going to keep going indefinitely because those are the two big pro-war cats, so whatever, vote for who you want. i don't give a fudge.
i'm so goddamn fudgeing sick of politics in this country, i swear to christ.
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: Tia on 01/29/08 at 9:50 pm
the previous message has been brought to you by the fudge council. fudge you!
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: GWBush2004 on 01/29/08 at 9:53 pm
Sorry I just take it as a sign of her willingness to say one thing and do another. Obama didn't campaign in Florida just the like the other Democrats (aside from Hillary)
She didn't go to Florida until just yesterday, and that was so she could have a "victory party" tonight and get positive media coverage. She ran no ads there. She would have beaten Obama either way in Florida.
Keyes, Tancredo, Hunter? Thought they went home. Florida's nice this time of year!
As sad as it is, Alan Keyes is still in it.
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 01/29/08 at 9:56 pm
Rudy was counting on Florida. He spent the most money there than anywhere. If he doesn't win it, which it looks like he won't he'll drop out. Huckabee doesn't have a chance. McCain will probably get it. He is the most secular.
As for Hillary, how the heck did she pull this one off? Obama is more politically aligned with Florida Dems than Clinton. Geez, that's depressing. :P
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: Tia on 01/29/08 at 10:00 pm
Rudy was counting on Florida. He spent the most money there than anywhere. If he doesn't win it, which it looks like he won't he'll drop out. Huckabee doesn't have a chance. McCain will probably get it. He is the most secular.
As for Hillary, how the heck did she pull this one off? Obama is more politically aligned with Florida Dems than Clinton. Geez, that's depressing. :P
who the hell are these pod people who are voting for hillary clinton? jesus.
although to be fair, she won't suck as bad as dubya. there's probably not a human being in recorded history who would suck as bad as dubya. somehow we, the american people, found the single human being of all the billions of human beings who have ever lived who would be the WORST conceivable president in every possible way. and then we elected him. (sorta.)
i guess it's our faulr. even if it turns out both elections were rigged, we plainly didn't smash enough windows in unbridled rage.
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: GWBush2004 on 01/29/08 at 10:01 pm
Rudy was counting on Florida. He spent the most money there than anywhere. If he doesn't win it, which it looks like he won't he'll drop out. Huckabee doesn't have a chance. McCain will probably get it.
It's already over. 75% of the vote is counted, and McCain has over 80,000 more votes than the second place candidate, Romney (602,000+ for McCain, 520,000+ for Romney). Giuliani is gone tomorrow.
Huckabee has a chance....in Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas and Missouri. But that's obviously not enough.
I think McCain is the republican nominee. I don't like it, but I guess if nothing else it's nice to have a true fiscal conservative and anti-pork spending candidate on the top of the republican ticket again.
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: Tia on 01/29/08 at 10:04 pm
It's already over. 75% of the vote is counted, and McCain has over 80,000 more votes than the second place candidate, Romney (602,000+ for McCain, 520,000+ for Romney). Giuliani is gone tomorrow.
Huckabee has a chance....in Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas and Missouri. But that's obviously not enough.
I think McCain is the republican nominee. I don't like it, but I guess if nothing else it's nice to have a true fiscal conservative and anti-pork spending candidate on the top of the republican ticket again.
so the hardcore lefties (comme moi) and the hardcore righties (comme toi) are not happy with the nominees. go figure.
if you wanna be happy with the political nominees this season, your best bet is to have no political interest or convictions.
goddammit. i'm gonna go lie down for a while.
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 01/29/08 at 10:07 pm
who the hell are these pod people who are voting for hillary clinton? jesus.
although to be fair, she won't suck as bad as dubya. there's probably not a human being in recorded history who would suck as bad as dubya. somehow we, the american people, found the single human being of all the billions of human beings who have ever lived who would be the WORST conceivable president in every possible way. and then we elected him. (sorta.)
i guess it's our faulr. even if it turns out both elections were rigged, we plainly didn't smash enough windows in unbridled rage.
There's just something very wrong about Hillary Clinton. Yes, her Senate vote can be bought for a price. I'm just kind of wondering if she has any basic ethical principle. As for Bush, don't get me started.
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 01/29/08 at 10:08 pm
Everybody knows Rudy blows!
Let him go camping with Roger Ailes and toast some marshmallows or something.
I'm just kind of wondering if she has any basic ethical principle.
No, and no principled ethics either!
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 01/29/08 at 10:12 pm
Everybody knows Rudy blows!
Let him go camping with Roger Ailes and toast some marshmallows or something.
Yes, but it took him a while to realize that. The "Hero of 9-11" mentality didn't help him as much as he had hoped.
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 01/29/08 at 10:16 pm
As sad as it is, Alan Keyes is still in it.
Keyes is no surprise 'cos he's a basketcase; I mean he's OUT THERE, baby, like sending postcards from Pluto! The others I thought could take a hint!
the previous message has been brought to you by the fudge council. fudge you!
Quit being an airhead, you dumb melon farmer!
Sorry I just take it as a sign of her willingness to say one thing and do another. Obama didn't campaign in Florida just the like the other Democrats (aside from Hillary), so who knows if it was any kind of match up.
It's like the fake-out move in arm wrestling!
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: ChuckyG on 01/29/08 at 10:43 pm
She didn't go to Florida until just yesterday, and that was so she could have a "victory party" tonight and get positive media coverage. She ran no ads there. She would have beaten Obama either way in Florida.
As sad as it is, Alan Keyes is still in it.
She wasn't there physically, but she was making statements about making sure Florida got their delegates (which are being denied by the party). She has name recognition which doesn't need any appearances to build, as opposed to the other candidates. It's just not much of a win, no matter how the press wants to spin it.
Alan Keyes wasn't even it when he ran against Obama two years ago. He makes Jesse Jackson look like a sane candidate.
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: Dagwood on 01/29/08 at 10:44 pm
Rudy shot himself in the foot waiting for bigger states to start campaigning. Maybe this will show some of the other politicians that the little states matter, too.
If my dad were alive, he would be livid. He hated Hillary with every fiber of his being. He would be spitting nails.
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: Jessica on 01/29/08 at 10:47 pm
If my dad were alive, he would be livid. He hated Hillary with every fiber of his being. He would be spitting nails.
Sounds like my dad. He can't stand her.
She just scares the living crackers out of me. I'm not sure why though.
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: Dagwood on 01/29/08 at 10:55 pm
I have that same problem with her.
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 01/29/08 at 10:57 pm
I have that same problem with her.
My Dad and I have concluded that Hillary Clinton has "no soul". You guys are right though, you can't really describe why she scare you.
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 01/29/08 at 10:59 pm
Sounds like my dad. He can't stand her.
She just scares the living crackers out of me. I'm not sure why though.
Hillary gets what Hillary wants and if Hillary doesn't get what Hillary wants.....
McCain is the one who spooks me the most. He seems like the sweet, soft-spoken ax murderer type!
The "no soul" award goes to Mitt Romney. He's got the personality of a Ken doll!
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 01/29/08 at 11:08 pm
Hillary gets what Hillary wants and if Hillary doesn't get what Hillary wants.....
McCain is the one who spooks me the most. He seems like the sweet, soft-spoken ax murderer type!
The "no soul" award goes to Mitt Romney. He's got the personality of a Ken doll!
Hillary does have that Mentality but I think it goes deeper. She's just creepy.
I hadn't heard McCain described that way. Sort of an Anthony Perkins in Psycho thing.
No that's not Romney's personality take away the obvious toupee and he's you're average Republican.
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: GWBush2004 on 01/30/08 at 12:08 am
Florida Exit Polls for Democrats
Vote by Gender
Male (41%)
Clinton 42%; Obama 35%; Edwards 20%
Female (59%)
Clinton 55%; Obama 29%; Edwards 13%
Vote by Age
18-29 (9%)
Clinton 45%; Obama 41%; Edwards 9%
30-44 (18%)
Clinton 43% Obama 39%; Edwards 16%
45-59 (34%)
Clinton 45%; Obama 33%; Edwards 19%
60 and Older (40%)
Clinton 58%; Obama 25%; Edwards 14%
--Oh well for that....
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 01/30/08 at 1:03 am
Florida Exit Polls for Democrats
Vote by Gender
Male (41%)
Clinton 42%; Obama 35%; Edwards 20%
Female (59%)
Clinton 55%; Obama 29%; Edwards 13%
Vote by Age
18-29 (9%)
Clinton 45%; Obama 41%; Edwards 9%
30-44 (18%)
Clinton 43% Obama 39%; Edwards 16%
45-59 (34%)
Clinton 45%; Obama 33%; Edwards 19%
60 and Older (40%)
Clinton 58%; Obama 25%; Edwards 14%
--Oh well for that....
Oh, so exit polls do count in the state of Florida! My how times change!
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: danootaandme on 01/30/08 at 6:10 am
With all the back and forth by the talk show hosts about the (unspoken)ignorance of African-Americans voting for Obama because he is African American, many white people will vote against him for the very same reason.
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: Tia on 01/30/08 at 7:48 am
With all the back and forth by the talk show hosts about the (unspoken)ignorance of African-Americans voting for Obama because he is African American, many white people will vote against him for the very same reason.
i thought this was interesting... from sam smith's undernews the other day.
"Obama is the strongest candidate among the Democrats according to our
rolling average and Edwards is in second place except against McCain.
Here's how Obama leads the other candidates:
Against McCain: 1 better than Clinton and 10 better than Edwards
Against Huckabee: 8 better than Clinton and 3 better than Edwards
Against Giuliani: 6 better than Clinton and tied with Edwards
Against Romney: 5 better than Clinton and 2 better than Edwards
All the Democrats would beat all the Republicans except for McCain, to
whom Edwards would lose but Clinton and Obama would tie. The Democrats
have picked up an average of 6 points over the last ten polls. "
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: Paul on 01/30/08 at 7:55 am
My Dad and I have concluded that Hillary Clinton has "no soul". You guys are right though, you can't really describe why she scare you.
She sounds remarkably like a reincarnation of Thatch...
If that turns out to be so, Gawd help you all! :P
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: ninny on 01/30/08 at 8:39 am
There's just something very wrong about Hillary Clinton. Yes, her Senate vote can be bought for a price. I'm just kind of wondering if she has any basic ethical principle. As for Bush, don't get me started.
As a resident of the fine state of New York,i have no problem with Hillary Clinton representing us,and thinks she has alot of passion for the job,hell who knows she was probably running the country when Bill was in office ;D
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 01/30/08 at 11:11 am
She sounds remarkably like a reincarnation of Thatch...
If that turns out to be so, Gawd help you all! :P
Neh, can't be Thatch is still living. I think the difference would be that Bill Clinton will have a say again. I think Thatch's husband didn't want any political input.
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: Paul on 01/30/08 at 2:40 pm
Neh, can't be Thatch is still living.
That's debatable!
I think Thatch's husband didn't want any political input.
Large Gin & Tonic input was a different story!
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 01/30/08 at 3:38 pm
That's debatable!
Large Gin & Tonic input was a different story!
Peg is starting to look like death warned over. Yikes!!!
*hic* I thought they both did that.
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: MrCleveland on 01/30/08 at 3:52 pm
Face it...Hillary is going to win because of Bill. >:(
America is sooooo stupid in both directions and we don't realize it until It's too late. :-\\
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 01/30/08 at 3:54 pm
Face it...Hillary is going to win because of Bill. >:(
America is sooooo stupid in both directions and we don't realize it until It's too late. :-\\
I think I should start learning the Canadian National Anthem.
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 01/30/08 at 6:09 pm
I hope McCain gets the nomination because he's got a hot temper. All the Clinton people have to do is push his buttons and he'll burst. Once the folks see McCain isn't playing with a full deck, enough of his potential voters will be too spooked to vote for him; they'll go with Hillary.
BTW, Dick Army referred to John McCain as "John Wayne" three times on MSNBC, speaking of not playing with a full deck!
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 01/30/08 at 6:16 pm
I hope McCain gets the nomination because he's got a hot temper. All the Clinton people have to do is push his buttons and he'll burst. Once the folks see McCain isn't playing with a full deck, enough of his potential voters will be too spooked to vote for him; they'll go with Hillary.
BTW, Dick Army referred to John McCain as "John Wayne" three times on MSNBC, speaking of not playing with a full deck!
Ah yes the shear entertainment value of it all. McCain was tortured in Nam and now he's in politics. That shows unbalance right there. PTSD, rage reactions and politics don't mix. Yes, McCain does have the John Wayne/Green Beret mentality. (I don't think that reference was made without a reason.)
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 01/30/08 at 6:38 pm
Ah yes the shear entertainment value of it all. McCain was tortured in Nam and now he's in politics. That shows unbalance right there. PTSD, rage reactions and politics don't mix. Yes, McCain does have the John Wayne/Green Beret mentality. (I don't think that reference was made without a reason.)
If John Wayne hadn't died of cancer '79, he could have beaten Ronald Reagan in '80!
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 01/30/08 at 6:44 pm
If John Wayne hadn't died of cancer '79, he could have beaten Ronald Reagan in '80!
Possibly. I asked a 75 year old Republican why he was campaigning for Thomson. He said Thomson reminded him of Reagan. Reagan lingers for possibly another 15 years or more.
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 01/30/08 at 6:47 pm
Possibly. I asked a 75 year old Republican why he was campaigning for Thomson. He said Thomson reminded him of Reagan. Reagan lingers for possibly another 15 years or more.
Thompson reminds me more of Fred Gwynne! Herman Munster for prez!
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 01/30/08 at 6:49 pm
Thompson reminds me more of Fred Gwynne! Herman Munster for prez!
Karma+1 ;D
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 01/30/08 at 7:26 pm
Karma+1 ;D
I dunno what it is, but everybody loves a Munsters reference!
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 01/30/08 at 7:29 pm
I dunno what it is, but everybody loves a Munsters reference!
It's all in the mental image. :)
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: GWBush2004 on 01/31/08 at 2:53 pm
seriously, it's pretty obvious either clinton or mccain will win, and either way the war is going to keep going indefinitely because those are the two big pro-war cats, so whatever, vote for who you want. i don't give a fudge.
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 01/31/08 at 5:03 pm
Wait what happened to "the aisle"? That is the freakiest . . . :o
My views on bipartisanship are tarnish.
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 01/31/08 at 7:24 pm
Your place or mine?
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 01/31/08 at 7:44 pm
Your place or mine?
Oh I can just hear Fox News now. Of course they'd get it wrong and say Hillary was with Edwards. Of course Anne would use that as proof that Edwards is gay. Sorry, imagination running wild there for a second. Could happen though.
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 01/31/08 at 8:04 pm
Oh I can just hear Fox News now. Of course they'd get it wrong and say Hillary was with Edwards. Of course Anne would use that as proof that Edwards is gay. Sorry, imagination running wild there for a second. Could happen though.
I'd vote for a gay president. Like, so what? These right-wingers can only think of the obnoxious fairies in the pride parades. They don't know any normal gay people.
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 01/31/08 at 8:13 pm
I'd vote for a gay president. Like, so what? These right-wingers can only think of the obnoxious fairies in the pride parades. They don't know any normal gay people.
You'll never work for Fox with that attitude!!! Yes, Right-wingers cling to stereotypes like their lives depended on it. They probably know normal gay people but because they're looking for the fairy aspect it goes unnoticed.
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 01/31/08 at 8:38 pm
You'll never work for Fox with that attitude!!! Yes, Right-wingers cling to stereotypes like their lives depended on it. They probably know normal gay people but because they're looking for the fairy aspect it goes unnoticed.
I should have said "all they would have us think of." I'm sure Ann Coulter hobnobs with rich swish guys at her Connecticut country club. She doesn't care and neither do they. Everyone in that scene knows the homophobia is only a red herring they throw the hayseeds.
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 01/31/08 at 8:46 pm
I should have said "all they would have us think of." I'm sure Ann Coulter hobnobs with rich swish guys at her Connecticut country club. She doesn't care and neither do they. Everyone in that scene knows the homophobia is only a red herring they throw the hayseeds.
Yes well being gay is not "status qua" material yet. Gay=San Fransisco, drag queens and lack of structure or social morals. Which explains why they get caught in Airport bathrooms. :-X
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 02/01/08 at 2:44 pm
Yes well being gay is not "status qua" material yet. Gay=San Fransisco, drag queens and lack of structure or social morals. Which explains why they get caught in Airport bathrooms. :-X
Youth ministry is a great place to pick up boys, just ask Ted Haggard!
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 02/01/08 at 6:33 pm
Youth ministry is a great place to pick up boys, just ask Ted Haggard!
Hey, the rich and religious are exempt from everything. Until they're caught and held accountable.
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 02/01/08 at 7:14 pm
Hey, the rich and religious are exempt from everything. Until they're caught and held accountable.
And even then. I don't care if the name's Bush or Kennedy, rich folks get off easy!
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 02/01/08 at 7:23 pm
And even then. I don't care if the name's Bush or Kennedy, rich folks get off easy!
Well yes, compared to normal society they get off easy. Noel Bush for example, busted HOW MANY times for drug possession? She got probation, and Daddy hoped that the public would "respect their privacy at this difficult time". In other words . . . our family has a reputation to uphold no matter how f*cked up we are. As for the Kennedy's what haven't they done illegal? It ticks me off when people say how wonderful JFK. He may have been a good president but many thought he was a pompous jerk.
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 02/01/08 at 7:53 pm
Well yes, compared to normal society they get off easy. Noel Bush for example, busted HOW MANY times for drug possession? She got probation, and Daddy hoped that the public would "respect their privacy at this difficult time". In other words . . . our family has a reputation to uphold no matter how f*cked up we are. As for the Kennedy's what haven't they done illegal? It ticks me off when people say how wonderful JFK. He may have been a good president but many thought he was a pompous jerk.
Dick Nixon seemed to think so! Nixon had a bigger beef with Bobby, though. Said he was a "little bastard." Tricky Dick wasn't lying.
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 02/01/08 at 7:56 pm
Dick Nixon seemed to think so! Nixon had a bigger beef with Bobby, though. Said he was a "little bastard." Tricky Dick wasn't lying.
Despite all of Nixon's faults he was a good judge of character.
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: danootaandme on 02/02/08 at 6:18 am
Despite all of Nixon's faults he was a good judge of character.
Well, I wouldn't give him too much credit. Mitchell, Haldemann, & Company?
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 02/02/08 at 7:23 pm
Well, I wouldn't give him too much credit. Mitchell, Haldemann, & Company?
I had forgotten about that. Besides "I am not a crook." Poor judge of his own character.
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: MrCleveland on 02/04/08 at 12:55 am
I had forgotten about that. Besides "I am not a crook." Poor judge of his own character.
That's why I think Nixon was the worst President ever. He made other Presidents after him look bad.
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 02/04/08 at 1:05 am
That's why I think Nixon was the worst President ever. He made other Presidents after him look bad.
Nope. Duya is worse. THE worst!
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: MrCleveland on 02/04/08 at 12:53 pm
Nope. Duya is worse. THE worst!
Duya? Don't you mean Duh-Bya? ;D
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 02/04/08 at 3:34 pm
Nope. Duya is worse. THE worst!
We won't know just how bad until he's out of office. Then a lot of crap he did will be analyzed. Republican's did it when Clinton left.
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 02/05/08 at 12:16 am
We won't know just how bad until he's out of office. Then a lot of crap he did will be analyzed. Republican's did it when Clinton left.
It's called rewriting history. I doubt they're teaching 12-year-olds just how bad Ronald Reagan effed up our economy and all the illegal sh*t he got away with!
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 02/05/08 at 4:08 pm
It's called rewriting history. I doubt they're teaching 12-year-olds just how bad Ronald Reagan effed up our economy and all the illegal sh*t he got away with!
Teaching children is one thing ripping apart a President from an opposing party is another. This is of course if the democrats win the White House and keep control of the House and Senate. Remember when Tim Johnson democratic senator from South Dakota feel ill right after the 2006 election? Had he not made it the Republican's would have had control of the Senate. I remember how they were laughing about the fact that the democrats would not be able to proceed with their inquiries into the Bush Administration. Funniest thing is that they sent Bill Frist into the hospital to check on Senator Johnson's condition. Frist came out and said absolutely nothing. I'm going to assume it because he figure out that Johnson was going to make it)
To make a long story short. Democrats get into control of the White House too, Bush's faults will not go unnoticed. They've got an axe to grind and grind it they will.
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: MrCleveland on 02/05/08 at 5:07 pm
Teaching children is one thing ripping apart a President from an opposing party is another. This is of course if the democrats win the White House and keep control of the House and Senate. Remember when Tim Johnson democratic senator from South Dakota feel ill right after the 2006 election? Had he not made it the Republican's would have had control of the Senate. I remember how they were laughing about the fact that the democrats would not be able to proceed with their inquiries into the Bush Administration. Funniest thing is that they sent Bill Frist into the hospital to check on Senator Johnson's condition. Frist came out and said absolutely nothing. I'm going to assume it because he figure out that Johnson was going to make it)
To make a long story short. Democrats get into control of the White House too, Bush's faults will not go unnoticed. They've got an axe to grind and grind it they will.
History DOES repeat itself.
And no one ever told us the things that Lincoln did negetavely. (Yes, he was very unpopular at his time!)
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 02/05/08 at 5:17 pm
History DOES repeat itself.
And no one ever told us the things that Lincoln did negatively. (Yes, he was very unpopular at his time!)
What they teach in school is pure "Americana". I don't know how many times I've been lamb basted for saying Lincoln was a bad president. As a Civil War buff, I am well aware of the political climate of 1860-1870's. By the way I didn't learn a damn thing about history in school. Everything I learned I learned from reading on my own. Oh and karma for not believing that Lincoln was a "Godlike" figure. :)
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: Macphisto on 02/05/08 at 8:18 pm
Nope. Duya is worse. THE worst!
Bush sucks, but Harding sucked more.
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: MrCleveland on 02/05/08 at 11:26 pm
What they teach in school is pure "Americana". I don't know how many times I've been lamb basted for saying Lincoln was a bad president. As a Civil War buff, I am well aware of the political climate of 1860-1870's. By the way I didn't learn a damn thing about history in school. Everything I learned I learned from reading on my own. Oh and karma for not believing that Lincoln was a "Godlike" figure. :)
As a matter of fact, when John Wilkes Booth shot Lincoln, Booth himself thought he would do good and be a hero. But he was wrong.
Bush sucks, but Harding sucked more.
You are right. If you take Dubya and Bill Clinton, you get Harding. (Harding was an oil mongrel and was for the rich, while he fooled around with not only women, but with booze.)
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: ultraviolet52 on 02/06/08 at 2:53 am
^ Didn't he also do the "front porch" campaign, basically sitting on his porch and letting ordinary folk come and talk to him? I can't remember if that was him or Coolidge, but that seemed to work just fine back in those days ;D
But, seriously, Who cares about Florida? We gotta wait for them to count their votes before we'll really know the number ;D
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: MrCleveland on 02/06/08 at 11:52 am
^ Didn't he also do the "front porch" campaign, basically sitting on his porch and letting ordinary folk come and talk to him? I can't remember if that was him or Coolidge, but that seemed to work just fine back in those days ;D
But, seriously, Who cares about Florida? We gotta wait for them to count their votes before we'll really know the number ;D
Another thing that Harding said was 'he regretted being President'. You don't say that when you are, not even Bush who may be ranked with Harding as 'worst president' didn't say that!
Subject: Re: Clinton creams Obama in Florida
Written By: SemperYoda on 02/08/08 at 4:22 pm
the previous message has been brought to you by the fudge council. fudge you!
That made my day Tia. ;D