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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: The "what's your biggest weakness?" question
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 01/18/08 at 8:24 pm
I can't believe they're asking the candidates this dumbest of dumb questions. Finally Obama had the cajones to give it the answer it deserves: "My biggest weakness? I like to help old ladies across the street!"
When you ask this question, you're asking people to LIE to you!
Why does it annoy me?
I have been asked this question several times in job interviews. My answer:
"I'm a perfectionist. Sometimes I work too hard."
If I anwered the question honestly, I'd say: "I'm not a morning person. I don't like to get to work before 11:00. I'm disorganized. I can't keep track of important stuff. I have a big chip on my shoulder for authority figures and whenever anybody uses the phrase 'team player' I wanna give him the finger! In fact, I hate job interviews, so here's one for you! I don't even want a job! F*ck you! F*ck ALL of you!"
Who knows? Maybe If I tried it, it would be like "Office Space," and they'd say, "Finally, an honest man. Here's one for upper management!"
Anyway, this is about the candidates. I can't figue out how the questioner wants the questioned to answer the question.
"I like to smoke pot."
"I like screw around with other women"
"If I can get away with it, I steal stuff."
It's just stupid.
Subject: Re: The "what's your biggest weakness?" question
Written By: Davester on 01/18/08 at 8:28 pm
Our souls are shackled to the lives we live. We can't live in a system of capitalism without selling ourselves...
More to the point, we support a system of greed and dishonesty by living in it...
Subject: Re: The "what's your biggest weakness?" question
Written By: Macphisto on 01/18/08 at 8:48 pm
If I were a candidate, I would have just said... "Well, my weakness is that I get reeeaaalllllyyyyy annoyed by stupid questions." Then, I would have just stared at the person in an eerie gaze.
Of course, that would be the end of my candidacy.
Subject: Re: The "what's your biggest weakness?" question
Written By: Davester on 01/19/08 at 1:49 am
I can't believe they're asking the candidates this dumbest of dumb questions. Finally Obama had the cajones to give it the answer it deserves: "My biggest weakness? I like to help old ladies across the street!"
When you ask this question, you're asking people to LIE to you!
It's an open ended question. I might have said chocolate truffles or something...
Stupid questions, or relevant questions phrased badly doesn't help us. I do think the press has the right, nay the responsibility, to ask unpleasant questions of canidates...
Look at Mitt Romney. He said he had no lobbyists leading his campaign. It turns out he does have lobbyists leading his campaign. However the person in charge of his campaign is not a lobbyist. Is it ok to spilt hairs like that? Is it ok to have the press bring this to our attention? The Romney campaign seems to be very upset with the AP reporter who corrnered Romney on the issue...
Subject: Re: The "what's your biggest weakness?" question
Written By: CatwomanofV on 01/19/08 at 12:40 pm
Now you've all heard foolish questions and no doubt you've wondered why
Some person will ask a foolish question and expect a sensible reply
Like when you take your girl some candy, say maybe just after tea
You notice how she'll grab it and then she'll say, "Is this for me?"
Foolish Questions! You can answer when you can
"No I bought this candy for your Ma or Pa, or for John the hired hand
"I just thought you'd like to see it. Now I'm gonna take it away"
Now wasn't that a foolish question? You'll hear `em ev'ry day
And then most every morning, there is someone `round the place
Who sees you take the shaving brush and lather up your face
And as you give the razor a preliminary wave
This fool will walk up and ask you, "Are you gonna take a shave?"
Foolish questions! Your answer is, I hope
"No! I ain't prepared for shavin', I just like the taste of soap!
I kinda like to take the shaving brush and paint myself this way"
Now wasn't that a foolish question? You'll hear `em ev'ry day!
Now then there's this fella who meets you on your way
And asks you why your all dressed up and listens while you say
That you just been returning from the funeral of poor old Uncle Ned
As soon as you have told him, he will say, "Is Ned dead?"
Foolish questions! You might as well reply
"No, he thought he'd have the funeral now. Then later on he'd die
You know Ned was always so original, he wanted it that way"
Now wasn't that a Foolish Question? You'll hear `em ev'ry day!
Now suppose the elevator guy should forget to close the door
And you should tumble down, oh say forty-seven floors
And when you reach the bottom and you're lying there inert
Some fool will stick his head down the shaft and holler, "Are you hurt?"
Foolish Questions! Your dying words are
"No! I was in an awful hurry and that elevator's just too slow
Usually saves a lot of time, you know, comin' down this way"
Now wasn't that a Foolish Question? You'll hear `em ev'ry day!
That was a Foolish Question! You'll hear `em ev'ry day!
Subject: Re: The "what's your biggest weakness?" question
Written By: La Roche on 01/19/08 at 1:29 pm
What was Huckabee's answer?
"Well sah, I keep an unwed teenage mother chained up in my basement and when I'm feeling down I shout at her for being a harlot, does that answer your question sah?"
Subject: Re: The "what's your biggest weakness?" question
Written By: Satish on 01/19/08 at 2:33 pm
I have been asked this question several times in job interviews. My answer:
"I'm a perfectionist. Sometimes I work too hard."
That's usually the most tempting thing to say when asked this question, that you're a perfectionist/work too hard. But a guide to job interviews I read once said you actually shouldn't say that, it makes you look like a liar. What it said you should do instead is come up with something that seems honest but still won't put you in too bad a light.
Subject: Re: The "what's your biggest weakness?" question
Written By: Foo Bar on 01/20/08 at 11:26 pm
That's usually the most tempting thing to say when asked this question, that you're a perfectionist/work too hard. But a guide to job interviews I read once said you actually shouldn't say that, it makes you look like a liar. What it said you should do instead is come up with something that seems honest but still won't put you in too bad a light.
I actually had pretty good luck with "I'm a perfectionist. But since everybody answers that question with the same cliche, I'd like to know what answer you were really looking for. What'd you really want to find out about me by asking that?"
An interview is a two-way street -- you're interviewing the company as much as they're interviewing you.
Funny thing about that answer is that it sets up a strange loop: You've demonstrated that you really are a perfectionist -- by wanting to know the optimal answer to a canned question. Any company dumb enough to hire you because they fell for that trap is worth working for... for just long enough to get a better job at a smart company. Conversely, any company whose interviewer smiles and acknowledges the Catch-22 you've created... probably has enough smart people to be worth working for. Paid off for me and my employer. We spent the rest of the interview talking about how bogus the typical recruitment process was and how it could be improved. Even though I (thankfully!) never have to deal with people as part of my day-to-day work, I got the job.
Subject: Re: The "what's your biggest weakness?" question
Written By: Davester on 01/20/08 at 11:44 pm
I actually had pretty good luck with "I'm a perfectionist. But since everybody answers that question with the same cliche, I'd like to know what answer you were really looking for. What'd you really want to find out about me by asking that?"
An interview is a two-way street -- you're interviewing the company as much as they're interviewing you.
Funny thing about that answer is that it sets up a strange loop: You've demonstrated that you really are a perfectionist -- by wanting to know the optimal answer to a canned question. Any company dumb enough to hire you because they fell for that trap is worth working for... for just long enough to get a better job at a smart company. Conversely, any company whose interviewer smiles and acknowledges the Catch-22 you've created... probably has enough smart people to be worth working for. Paid off for me and my employer. We spent the rest of the interview talking about how bogus the typical recruitment process was and how it could be improved. Even though I (thankfully!) never have to deal with people as part of my day-to-day work, I got the job.
Also depends on the industry...
Blue collar, white collar, service, etc. In your field you get, ahem..."recruited"...
My field, on the other hand, doesn't recruit. They hire. A strong back, two hands and a pulse gets you in the door. Check your brain on the way in - pick it up when you leave...
Subject: Re: The "what's your biggest weakness?" question
Written By: saver on 01/21/08 at 2:34 am
Aside from having a big ego, I wonder if any would really admit they like 'shiny red buttons' that when pushed make things go BOOOMMM! :D :D :D
Subject: Re: The "what's your biggest weakness?" question
Written By: danootaandme on 01/21/08 at 7:16 am
Aside from having a big ego, I wonder if any would really admit they like 'shiny red buttons' that when pushed make things go BOOOMMM! :D :D :D
Subject: Re: The "what's your biggest weakness?" question
Written By: Dagwood on 01/21/08 at 9:25 am
Aside from having a big ego, I wonder if any would really admit they like 'shiny red buttons' that when pushed make things go BOOOMMM! :D :D :D
That would be a great answer. ;D
Subject: Re: The "what's your biggest weakness?" question
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 01/22/08 at 9:15 pm
Also depends on the industry...
Blue collar, white collar, service, etc. In your field you get, ahem..."recruited"...
My field, on the other hand, doesn't recruit. They hire. A strong back, two hands and a pulse gets you in the door. Check your brain on the way in - pick it up when you leave...
I thought that supermarket manager was an overbearing hardass when he "interviewed" me for my first job at 15. Now I wish interviewers could be more like he was! Back then there was no conference room with little bottles of water and packets of paperwork with next to everybody's place name. There were feel-good human resources BS videos to watch. He just sat me down in his ramshackled little office and told me: "We run a tight ship here. Just remember a few things and everything will be fine. Get here on time, do what your supervisor tells you to do, always be courteous to our customers and the other people who work here, wear a shirt and tie with slacks, keep your shoes shined, hair above the collar, shave clean, you got a problem with another employee come to me and nobody else, don't ever lie to me, don't ever steal from me, paychecks are issued every Thursday at the courtesy booth. Any questions?"