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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: Tia on 12/08/07 at 9:02 pm
in case you needed it.
hope they fire this a-wipe and fire assault charges. so many times they play with these tasers like they're toy guns. >:(
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: Macphisto on 12/08/07 at 10:18 pm
I think tasers are a good alternative to guns, but the problem I see here is mostly the cop himself.
We need to pay cops better and screen candidates very well to make sure they aren't the powertripping a-hole types.
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: La Roche on 12/08/07 at 10:35 pm
Great thing about conceal - carry.
I could shoot him in his f**kin face.
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: Red Ant on 12/08/07 at 10:36 pm
in case you needed it.
hope they fire this a-wipe and fire assault charges. so many times they play with these tasers like they're toy guns. >:(
I watched the video to the end hoping a semi would make that cop into road pizza.
But, the video is incomplete. What happens when backup gets there? Is there a news story to go along with this video clip?
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: Jessica on 12/08/07 at 10:53 pm
I watched the video to the end hoping a semi would make that cop into road pizza.
But, the video is incomplete. What happens when backup gets there? Is there a news story to go along with this video clip?
This is a snippet I found:
A second traffic stop tasering video recently surfaced in Austin, Texas. It showed a November 23, 2006 incident where Corporal Thomas O'Connor both stopped and tasered a driver within less than a minute. In May, Acting Police Chief Cathy Ellison imposed a three-day suspension on O'Connor for his conduct during the stop of motorist Eugene Snelling, 32, who had been driving his mother to a Thanksgiving meal that afternoon.
O'Connor claims he had paced Snelling, who was driving behind O'Connor, at 70 MPH in a 65 MPH zone and decided to pull him over because he had placed his rear license plate in the back window of his vehicle. Fifteen seconds into the stop, the following exchange occurred.
O'Connor: Let me see your drivers license and insurance.
Snelling: Whoa, whoa, whoa, let me get it.
O'Connor: No! Not, 'whoa, whoa, whoa.' Drivers license and insurance or get out of the vehicle.
O'Connor then ordered Snelling to "step out of the vehicle" while the trooper pointed a taser at the motorist. Seconds later, he fired while Snelling's mother, in the passenger seat, watched, horrified. In a copy of an internal affairs interview redacted by police, O'Connor admitted to medical problems that suggest mental instability. (View interview, 470k PDF)
"Maybe I did come across as abrupt," O'Connor said. "It's 1:10 in the afternoon and I have so I hadn't eaten. And that is a problem when you get is you're, it makes you kind of edgy."
Despite the light sanction he received, O'Connor wrote a memo to Chief Ellison that stated, "I must respectfully disagree with your decision that I violated 'Use of Force' policy." O'Connor remains on active police duty.
I must respectfully disagree with his disagreeing. He's an ass on a power trip, and "being hungry" is no excuse for tasing someone twenty seconds into a traffic stop.
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: Rice_Cube on 12/08/07 at 11:16 pm
No doughnut = angry cop :(
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: Macphisto on 12/08/07 at 11:33 pm
Someone who's mentally unstable shouldn't be allowed to be a cop. Period.
It sounds to me like Austin is either desperate for people to be cops, or they just have halfassed management.
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: MrCleveland on 12/09/07 at 12:25 am
That was just as wrong as that boy getting tasered at the University of Florida when John Kerry was making a speech. Kerry was going tell the boy his questions and told the officers to stop, but Kerry didn't do any more. I'm proud that I didn't support Kerry, but if Dean was more in the lead I would've voted for him in 2004.
And It's only Fascist if it was a National Policeman. And don't forget, we have many Nationalist parties in this nation such as the KKK. (Yes, they're Fascist.)
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: Red Ant on 12/09/07 at 12:32 am
I'm trying to think of words to fit the parts. I think I pieced it together:
"Maybe I did come across as abrupt," O'Connor said. "It's 1:10 in the afternoon and I have been smoking a crapload of low grade crystal methamphetamine stolen from the evidence room, so I hadn't eaten. And that is a problem when you get higher than Mount Everest is you're..., it makes you kind of edgy."
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: Tia on 12/09/07 at 1:10 am
No doughnut = angry cop :(
well it turns out the couple had THAT on their rear bumper instead of their license plate. which maybe complicates things, i dunno.
i laugh but remember it was a couple and his girlfriend/wife/sister/whatever had to see him go through that. i actually think she mighta had it worse. you go through that, youre done, you spend a week going, 'did you believe that dick?' at bars and you get over it. but to see someone you feel close to go through that, i bet she had it worse.
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: McDonald on 12/09/07 at 1:16 am
There have recently been two high profile deaths in Canada caused by tasers, the most known of which is the death of Robert Jacowski (sp?) or something like that, who waited in the customs area of Vancouver International Airport for 7 hours without receiving any assistance (he spoke only Polish) before getting into a confrontation with RCMP officers and being tasered. He died as a result. You can search that.
Ii think the other guy was in Halifax. Anyway, the use of tasers has recently become a hut-button issue here in Canada.
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: Davester on 12/09/07 at 4:05 am
Tasers, apparently, exist to make life easier for cops. No thinking required. As for the video, the Taser appeared unwarrented. Around the country, cops have used tasers against children, against suspects in handcuffs and because they can't deal with autistic people...
I think tasers are a good alternative to guns, but the problem I see here is mostly the cop himself.
We need to pay cops better and screen candidates very well to make sure they aren't the powertripping a-hole types.
I, too, prefer nonlethal solutions, but these require a certain amount of unique discretion, especially something like a Taser. The attitudes of law enforcement in this area presents a sticky compromise: they may be brutal idiots, so Tasers and gas are a godsend compared to just shooting people...
Police should be able to make certain distinctions regarding the people and suspects they encounter, but that makes the job harder and takes all the fun out of it...
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: danootaandme on 12/09/07 at 5:24 am
Anyone catch the one of the pregnant woman who was tasered? She was a bit unstable and distraught and decided to leave her younger child(about 1 or 2) at the police station. In many places police and fire stations are "safe havens" for people who are at the breaking point. The deal is that it is better to leave your child there rather than abandon him/her. So this woman went in and a cop there tried to talk her out of it, when she went to leave anyway, he tasered her. Safe Haven? How bizarre is that.
The problem with police is that while people are running around squawking like chickens with there heads cut off about affirmative action letting in those they seem to believe are unqualified minorities, the people unqualified people who have been in the family business of law enforcement(my father's cop, my grandfather's a cop, my uncle's cop, my brother's a cop, etc) have been passing in under the radar as being more able. The buys who have been given the answers to the questions on the test, and still not able to pass are usually the first to cry foul when they don't make the cut.
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 12/09/07 at 11:25 am
Is there a litmus test for excessive force by the police? I can remember when my Uncle was a cop in Washington DC, he said a lot of it was a judgement call. Of course that was back in 1982 before tazors were commonplace. Why do I think it's probably easier to taz someone than to actually deal with a person? Tazors should be a last resort, not a tool to end the situation quicker.
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: Macphisto on 12/09/07 at 1:04 pm
That was just as wrong as that boy getting tasered at the University of Florida when John Kerry was making a speech. Kerry was going tell the boy his questions and told the officers to stop, but Kerry didn't do any more. I'm proud that I didn't support Kerry, but if Dean was more in the lead I would've voted for him in 2004.
And It's only Fascist if it was a National Policeman. And don't forget, we have many Nationalist parties in this nation such as the KKK. (Yes, they're Fascist.)
Um... you do realize that Andrew Meyer was literally setting that situation up for publicity. He butted in line and hijacked the debate while getting someone to videotape him.
He was reported as saying to the cops in private that he approved of their handling of the situation, but he acted like an idiot while on camera to generate controversy.
In short, Andrew Meyer is an attention whore.
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: Macphisto on 12/09/07 at 1:10 pm
The problem with police is that while people are running around squawking like chickens with there heads cut off about affirmative action letting in those they seem to believe are unqualified minorities, the people unqualified people who have been in the family business of law enforcement(my father's cop, my grandfather's a cop, my uncle's cop, my brother's a cop, etc) have been passing in under the radar as being more able. The buys who have been given the answers to the questions on the test, and still not able to pass are usually the first to cry foul when they don't make the cut.
I get your point, and I agree with you. But here's my take on it...
Affirmative action is outdated, and police hiring practices should be better managed by the government. With the proper regulation, discrimination and nepotism can be minimized. Take note that none of this regulation would need to favor any particular race. If you want a colorblind system, you need colorblind laws.
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: danootaandme on 12/09/07 at 3:26 pm
I get your point, and I agree with you. But here's my take on it...
Affirmative action is outdated, and police hiring practices should be better managed by the government. With the proper regulation, discrimination and nepotism can be minimized. Take note that none of this regulation would need to favor any particular race. If you want a colorblind system, you need colorblind laws.
That is all true, but it hasn't happened. Just a couple of months ago the Boston police were popped for giving the answers to the exam to "certain " recruits. When your family has been in the business for generations they write the tests, give the tests, and score the tests. Even though this was exposed the people involved still have there jobs.
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/09/07 at 3:46 pm
Anyone catch the one of the pregnant woman who was tasered? She was a bit unstable and distraught and decided to leave her younger child(about 1 or 2) at the police station. In many places police and fire stations are "safe havens" for people who are at the breaking point. The deal is that it is better to leave your child there rather than abandon him/her. So this woman went in and a cop there tried to talk her out of it, when she went to leave anyway, he tasered her. Safe Haven? How bizarre is that.
The problem with police is that while people are running around squawking like chickens with there heads cut off about affirmative action letting in those they seem to believe are unqualified minorities, the people unqualified people who have been in the family business of law enforcement(my father's cop, my grandfather's a cop, my uncle's cop, my brother's a cop, etc) have been passing in under the radar as being more able. The buys who have been given the answers to the questions on the test, and still not able to pass are usually the first to cry foul when they don't make the cut.
You said the "buys" who have been given the answers, there's something to that.
That's Boston 4ya, My name is O'Malley, I'm a cop. My brudder's a cop. My fahtha's a cop, and my son's a cop!
Lisssen, I just prefer to think of the man with firearms, the poisonous sprays, and mean dogs as an unstable loony-loos to begin with, stay on the safe side of trying rationalize with 'em. OK, I don't like fascist pigs to have more power, but what am I gonna do? File a complaint later, the guy who reads the complaint is the unstable loony-loos' unstable loony-loo faththa....
The guy in the video, he's got more bells than I; he continues to mouth off to the cop after the cop tazed him! It's like the sixties man!
Many it's a sorry sight when he starts going, "Why, Why?" like Mr. Bill.
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: Macphisto on 12/09/07 at 3:50 pm
That is all true, but it hasn't happened. Just a couple of months ago the Boston police were popped for giving the answers to the exam to "certain " recruits. When your family has been in the business for generations they write the tests, give the tests, and score the tests. Even though this was exposed the people involved still have there jobs.
Legacy is basically a societal form of affirmative action for the privileged. It is very unfortunate that this issue is rarely addressed, but it is a very valid one. I believe that it would be possible to regulate this kind of thing, but it would be difficult.
I'll put it this way. I'd gladly enact laws against legacy, if we could also end affirmative action. The trick is figuring out how to make such laws....
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: bookmistress4ever on 12/09/07 at 4:35 pm
Anyone catch the one of the pregnant woman who was tasered? She was a bit unstable and distraught and decided to leave her younger child(about 1 or 2) at the police station. In many places police and fire stations are "safe havens" for people who are at the breaking point. The deal is that it is better to leave your child there rather than abandon him/her. So this woman went in and a cop there tried to talk her out of it, when she went to leave anyway, he tasered her. Safe Haven? How bizarre is that.
That happened in a nearby city to me.
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/09/07 at 4:52 pm
That happened in a nearby city to me.
That's sick. He had a female suspect pinned to the ground and he used his tazer. Did he flunk the hand-to-hand combat course? But he wouldn't have done it if he'd known she was pregnant? Lazy, sloppy policework if you ask me!
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 12/09/07 at 5:02 pm
That happened in a nearby city to me.
It looked to me like the taz wasn't meant to subdue (she was already subdued) but as a method of psychical punishment. Question, how can you punish someone before a trial? Besides that still Human Rights groups maintain tazing is a form of torture.
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/09/07 at 5:17 pm
It looked to me like the taz wasn't meant to subdue (she was already subdued) but as a method of psychical punishment. Question, how can you punish someone before a trial? Besides that still Human Rights groups maintain tazing is a form of torture.
Well, the human rights groups love the criminals and the terrorists and hate Jesus, so there! (Says Ann Coulter).
It's like a few years ago that young man was being arrested, the cops had him cuffed and flat on the hood of the cruiser, and that one cop just belts him right across the face. Fascism has a lot of appeal to those who believe they gain from it. "Let the cops rough up the suspects we've got to be tough on crime! And I don't commit no crimes, so it ain't never gonna happen to me!"
Never say ain't. The trend I notice with fascist states is friends of the fascist state grow fewer while enemy numbers swell. This means foreign and domestic enemies to the point where the government gets so paranoid about enemies from within that they sanction incarceration without charges, torture, state enemy suspicion tips for the folks, government evesdropping programs....
Oh, I'm sorry I brought that up!
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 12/09/07 at 5:26 pm
Well, the human rights groups love the criminals and the terrorists and hate Jesus, so there! (Says Ann Coulter).
It's like a few years ago that young man was being arrested, the cops had him cuffed and flat on the hood of the cruiser, and that one cop just belts him right across the face. Fascism has a lot of appeal to those who believe they gain from it. "Let the cops rough up the suspects we've got to be tough on crime! And I don't commit no crimes, so it ain't never gonna happen to me!"
Well, the trend I notice with fascist states is friends of the fascist state grow fewer while enemy numbers swell. This means foreign and domestic enemies to the point where the government gets so paranoid about enemies from within that they sanction incarceration without charges, torture, government evesdropping programs....
Oh, I'm sorry I brought that up!
I've always wondered how much pain tolerance Ann has, she'd be down and disabled in one taz. Coincidentally wasn't she yelling about Saddam torturing people? Being tough on crime is one thing but what happens when you can make up a charge on the spot and act accordingly. What happens when the person doesn't even know they've committed a crime. Slippery slope to say the least.http://www.comicguide.net/images/smilies/elektro.gif
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/09/07 at 5:40 pm
I've always wondered how much pain tolerance Ann has, she'd be down and disabled in one taz. Coincidentally wasn't she yelling about Saddam torturing people? Being tough on crime is one thing but what happens when you can make up a charge on the spot and act accordingly. What happens when the person doesn't even know they've committed a crime. Slippery slope to say the least.http://www.comicguide.net/images/smilies/elektro.gif
That's what I always say when people say, "I don't mind if the government searches my home without a warrant, I got nothing to hide." Maybe you do and you just don't know it yet!
Incidentally, the PATRIOT act doesn't just apply to cell phone transmissions and internet files, some abstractions the Framers wouldn't understand, it means the government can violate the Fourth Amendment in its very text, which says: "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."
It doesn't say "except if the government thinks you know something they don't."
All nine Supreme Court justices should be impeached for failing to overturn the PATRIOT act! ::)
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 12/09/07 at 5:50 pm
That's what I always say when people say, "I don't mind if the government searches my home without a warrant, I got nothing to hide." Maybe you do and you just don't know it yet!
Incidentally, the PATRIOT act doesn't just apply to cell phone transmissions and internet files, some abstractions the Framers wouldn't understand, it means the government can violate the Fourth Amendment in its very text, which says: "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."
It doesn't say "except if the government thinks you know something they don't."
All nine Supreme Court justices should be impeached for failing to overturn the PATRIOT act! ::)
With the Patriot Act authorities can search with "probable" cause. Probable cause with faulty evidence and witnesses. The Constitution means nothing to some people unless it can be used to justify a means. The thought is that everyone's civil liberties will suffer for the greater good which is security. I can predict Habeas Corpus being suspended in conjunction with the Patriot Act. Big Brother has control and is willing to use whatever means necessary, faulty information, scare tactics, suspension of personal liberties. Forget about the fact that it's deemed unamerican to question these tactics.
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: MrCleveland on 12/09/07 at 8:48 pm
Um... you do realize that Andrew Meyer was literally setting that situation up for publicity. He butted in line and hijacked the debate while getting someone to videotape him.
He was reported as saying to the cops in private that he approved of their handling of the situation, but he acted like an idiot while on camera to generate controversy.
In short, Andrew Meyer is an attention whore.
Okay, It's been awhile since I've seen it. That kid did deserve to be taken away...but not tasered.
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: La Roche on 12/09/07 at 9:35 pm
With the Patriot Act authorities can search with "probable" cause. Probable cause with faulty evidence and witnesses. The Constitution means nothing to some people unless it can be used to justify a means. The thought is that everyone's civil liberties will suffer for the greater good which is security. I can predict Habeas Corpus being suspended in conjunction with the Patriot Act. Big Brother has control and is willing to use whatever means necessary, faulty information, scare tactics, suspension of personal liberties. Forget about the fact that it's deemed unamerican to question these tactics.
I suppose this could be construed as a nod towards an armed society. When the government finally decides to remove our very last rights the population will be better armed than they are.. and there are millions of others like me who'd like nothing better for Christmas than to shoot some Fed Heads off their necks.
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 12/09/07 at 10:52 pm
I suppose this could be construed as a nod towards an armed society. When the government finally decides to remove our very last rights the population will be better armed than they are.. and there are millions of others like me who'd like nothing better for Christmas than to shoot some Fed Heads off their necks.
Every individual for themselves, get your guns and ammo and head for the high grounds.http://www.comicguide.net/images/smilies/sniper.gif
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: La Roche on 12/09/07 at 10:59 pm
Every individual for themselves, get your guns and ammo and head for the high grounds.http://www.comicguide.net/images/smilies/sniper.gif
Pretty much.
Not to sound paranoid, but with this government, I wouldn't rule anything out.
Can you tell I really want an excuse to use my gun?
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: Rice_Cube on 12/09/07 at 11:04 pm
I love the right to bear arms. Chicago doesn't though :P
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 12/09/07 at 11:04 pm
Pretty much.
Not to sound paranoid, but with this government, I wouldn't rule anything out.
Can you tell I really want an excuse to use my gun?
Aim well my friend. Bullets are a terrible thing to waste.
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: Tia on 12/09/07 at 11:09 pm
Aim well my friend. Bullets are a terrible thing to waste.
or you could just get lots and lots of bullets.
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: La Roche on 12/09/07 at 11:09 pm
Aim well my friend. Bullets are a terrible thing to waste.
Have you ever been to a rural wal-mart? Bullets are really.. really.. really cheap.
I love the right to bear arms. Chicago doesn't though :P
Fight for your right dude.
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 12/09/07 at 11:13 pm
Have you ever been to a rural wal-mart? Bullets are really.. really.. really cheap.
Fight for your right dude.
Caste and mold your own bullets, at least you know it's done right.
Who deleted the youtube thing? I was about to throw my two cents in.
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: Davester on 12/09/07 at 11:21 pm
Pretty much.
Not to sound paranoid, but with this government, I wouldn't rule anything out.
Does make a person wonder...
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: Rice_Cube on 12/09/07 at 11:23 pm
Have you ever been to a rural wal-mart? Bullets are really.. really.. really cheap.
Fight for your right dude.
Indiana IS pretty close by... :)
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: La Roche on 12/09/07 at 11:35 pm
Does make a person wonder..
It makes me laugh when I say it aloud, but look at what they've done.. and got away with. There are numerous fascistic ideas that I support, but my view of Fascism retains and establishes order for the specific purpose of creating a prosperous society that functions cohesively because everybody understands the rules. However, the bizarre style of corporate non-ordered fascism that this government is propagating has nothing to do with promoting a prosperous society, nor is it to promote order, it seems.. simply to be in the guise of creating an establishment that allows basic rights to be trampled on, so as to ensure maximum profits for big business, whilst at the same time allowing rampant crime to inflict horrendous pain upon the general populace, whilst encouraging hatred and creating an ever increase propensity toward inadequacy... and everybody suffers but the filthy f**king rich!
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: Davester on 12/10/07 at 12:13 am
It makes me laugh when I say it aloud, but look at what they've done.. and got away with. There are numerous fascistic ideas that I support, but my view of Fascism retains and establishes order for the specific purpose of creating a prosperous society that functions cohesively because everybody understands the rules. However, the bizarre style of corporate non-ordered fascism that this government is propagating has nothing to do with promoting a prosperous society, nor is it to promote order, it seems.. simply to be in the guise of creating an establishment that allows basic rights to be trampled on, so as to ensure maximum profits for big business, whilst at the same time allowing rampant crime to inflict horrendous pain upon the general populace, whilst encouraging hatred and creating an ever increase propensity toward inadequacy... and everybody suffers but the filthy f**king rich!
So, you're saying that when everyone understands the rules, society can prosper. The informed consent of the governed, I agree...
Rebellion is not something I've given much thought to. Maybe I'll start a tax rebellion next year... ;)
Couldn't agree more on the corporate feaudalism issue. That's what I've been talking about. Here's something else to consider: The cost of overthrowing a government is chaos for an indeterminate period of time. What's the benefit? Can the group that's plotting the overthrow, with the support they assume they have from disenfranchised citizens, build a better government than the one in power..?
Another issue is patience. Can we be sure that the existing government will not improve over time? Franco and Salazar died, and Spain and Portugal are now democracies. The Soviet Union collapsed under the weight of its fairytale economic experiment...
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: La Roche on 12/10/07 at 12:19 am
So, you're saying that when everyone understands the rules, society can prosper. The informed consent of the governed, I agree...
Rebellion is not something I've given much thought to. Maybe I'll start a tax rebellion next year... ;)
Couldn't agree more on the corporate feaudalism issue. That's what I've been talking about. Here's something else to consider: The cost of overthrowing a government is chaos for an indeterminate period of time. What's the benefit? Can the group that's plotting the overthrow, with the support they assume they have from disenfranchised citizens, build a better government than the one in power..?
Another issue is patience. Can we be sure that the existing government will not improve over time? Franco and Salazar died, and Spain and Portugal are now democracies. The Soviet Union collapsed under the weight of its fairytale economic experiment...
Right, sometimes it is important to enforce the rules in a way that everyone gets the message, but there has to be a point to it, not just blatant civil rights infringements without an overall benefit.
I try and stage a tax rebellion every year but I'm no good at maths! :(
Fair point, but has there ever be a rebellion in recent history in a society as advanced as ours? I'm not advocating or encouraging rebellion (yet) but do you think we as a people would be able to construct a stable society in a reasonably short period of time? I'm not sure, what I imagine would happen is the country splitting off in 2 or 3 different directions (which isn't necessarily a bad thing) over time.
I think we're reaching a critical point in the history of our country. Which direction do we take? If change is not forthcoming under a new administration it may be time to start considering our options.
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: Davester on 12/10/07 at 12:37 am
Right, sometimes it is important to enforce the rules in a way that everyone gets the message, but there has to be a point to it, not just blatant civil rights infringements without an overall benefit.
I try and stage a tax rebellion every year but I'm no good at maths! :(
Fair point, but has there ever be a rebellion in recent history in a society as advanced as ours? I'm not advocating or encouraging rebellion (yet) but do you think we as a people would be able to construct a stable society in a reasonably short period of time? I'm not sure, what I imagine would happen is the country splitting off in 2 or 3 different directions (which isn't necessarily a bad thing) over time.
I think we're reaching a critical point in the history of our country. Which direction do we take? If change is not forthcoming under a new administration it may be time to start considering our options.
Effective democracy requires fascism.?! I'm shocked..!
Only kidding. I understand what you're saying...
I just wonder how many bad presidents in a row should the American people tolerate before revolting. Especially since each one of them will have been the choice of a majority (ok, a near-majority) of the people who cared enough to vote. If the majority of the people don't vote, do they have a right to complain? To overthrow the government that was elected by the people who did vote..?
What do you do when there is a genuine dichotomy in the country, when the will of half of the people is diametrically opposed to the will of the other half? Despotic leader or not, that was more or less the state of Iraq under Saddam...
Here's hoping that the revolution begins in '08...
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: La Roche on 12/10/07 at 12:38 am
Effective democracy requires fascism.?! I'm shocked..!
Only kidding. I understand what you're saying...
I just wonder how many bad presidents in a row should the American people tolerate before revolting. Especially since each one of them will have been the choice of a majority (ok, a near-majority) of the people who cared enough to vote. If the majority of the people don't vote, do they have a right to complain? To overthrow the government that was elected by the people who did vote..?
What do you do when there is a genuine dichotomy in the country, when the will of half of the people is diametrically opposed to the will of the other half? Despotic leader or not, that was more or less the state of Iraq under Saddam...
Here's hoping that the revolution begins in '08...
Notice my point about the country eventually going in 2 different directions. You mention a diametrically opposed populace, well, you've hit the nail on the head there mate.
It's hard to really know what to say, when less than half the population votes.
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: Rice_Cube on 12/10/07 at 12:45 am
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: Rice_Cube on 12/10/07 at 12:47 am
...or, if we split 3 ways...
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/10/07 at 12:52 am
I love the right to bear arms. Chicago doesn't though :P
In Chicago, isn't it the right to arm Bears?
I suppose this could be construed as a nod towards an armed society. When the government finally decides to remove our very last rights the population will be better armed than they are.. and there are millions of others like me who'd like nothing better for Christmas than to shoot some Fed Heads off their necks.
As Professor Liddy says, if you're going to shoot a federal agent, got for a head shot 'cos they all wear flak jackets.
You can have all the guns you want, but remember what happened in Waco. Get the feds pissed at you and they'll toast you like a marshmallow. You'll be taking aim at their decoy when the bunker buster lands on your house. You won't even hear it coming 'cos you'll be a red spot in the rubble before the explosion concusses!
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/10/07 at 1:06 am
Out in my neck of the woods we don't understand Jesusland. Why, the Unitarian church on the north side of town here hangs a rainbow flag!
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: La Roche on 12/10/07 at 1:08 am
In Chicago, isn't it the right to arm Bears?
As Professor Liddy says, if you're going to shoot a federal agent, got for a head shot 'cos they all wear flak jackets.
You can have all the guns you want, but remember what happened in Waco. Get the feds pissed at you and they'll toast you like a marshmallow. You'll be taking aim at their decoy when the bunker buster lands on your house. You won't even hear it coming 'cos you'll be a red spot in the rubble before the explosion concusses!
;D Pretty much. That's why I need 10 more to take my place. Take a page out of the al qaeda play book.
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: Davester on 12/10/07 at 1:09 am
As Professor Liddy says, if you're going to shoot a federal agent, got for a head shot 'cos they all wear flak jackets.
You can have all the guns you want, but remember what happened in Waco. Get the feds pissed at you and they'll toast you like a marshmallow. You'll be taking aim at their decoy when the bunker buster lands on your house. You won't even hear it coming 'cos you'll be a red spot in the rubble before the explosion concusses!
We take to bloody revolt only when our grievances are just, and rebellion is the only remaining means of expression. For some reason, people deify, or "heroify" folks like Randy Weaver and David Koresh. Mostly, I think, it's simply a means of demonizing the government. Seriously, I don't believe that many people looked at Koresh and said, "Polygamy with child brides? Where do I sign up..?"
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/10/07 at 1:37 am
We take to bloody revolt only when our grievances are just, and rebellion is the only remaining means of expression. For some reason, people deify, or "heroify" folks like Randy Weaver and David Koresh. Mostly, I think, it's simply a means of demonizing the government. Seriously, I don't believe that many people looked at Koresh and said, "Polygamy with child brides? Where do I sign up..?"
Yeah, typical "cult" behavior. Jim Jones, David Koresh, Bagwan Shri Rajneesh. You got a guy who's banging 12-year-olds and raising a racket about armageddon, don't draw ultimatums. Lure him out. Get him separated from his flock and arrest him there. The rest of the cult is easy to dissemble.
I thought Koresh deserved a major ass-kicking. The ATF charged in there like Rambo without a jockstrap, shook their fists at the place for two months, and had themselves a vernal bonfire & human sacrifice just like in the Pagan times. Koresh got to go out like a messianic martyr and 90 of his followers guilty of nothing but being a little confused died horrible deaths. A whole mess of government men should have been canned, starting with Janet Reno!
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 12/10/07 at 12:20 pm
The southern part of PA should be included in Jesusland also some parts of Maryland.
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 12/10/07 at 12:28 pm
Yeah, typical "cult" behavior. Jim Jones, David Koresh, Bagwan Shri Rajneesh. You got a guy who's banging 12-year-olds and raising a racket about armageddon, don't draw ultimatums. Lure him out. Get him separated from his flock and arrest him there. The rest of the cult is easy to dissemble.
I thought Koresh deserved a major ass-kicking. The ATF charged in there like Rambo without a jockstrap, shook their fists at the place for two months, and had themselves a vernal bonfire & human sacrifice just like in the Pagan times. Koresh got to go out like a messianic martyr and 90 of his followers guilty of nothing but being a little confused died horrible deaths. A whole mess of government men should have been canned, starting with Janet Reno!
The whole Koresh thing was handled wrong. I agree that they should have just gotten him. Timothy McVeighn stated that part of his reason for blowing up the Federal Building was because of how the Koresh thing was handled. All though it does not justify what he did, it does prove the extent of just how angry people can get when the Government messes up.
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: MrCleveland on 12/10/07 at 5:00 pm
The southern part of PA should be included in Jesusland also some parts of Maryland.
NE Ohio should be in the USLE. (The United States of Liberty and Education.)
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/10/07 at 6:34 pm
The whole Koresh thing was handled wrong. I agree that they should have just gotten him. Timothy McVeighn stated that part of his reason for blowing up the Federal Building was because of how the Koresh thing was handled. All though it does not justify what he did, it does prove the extent of just how angry people can get when the Government messes up.
Waco was McVeigh's rationalization for massacre. The right-wing media raised the "hate-the-feds" heat up to a fever pitch as soon as Clinton got sworn in. Of course, I'm not blaming G. Gordon Liddy or the Turner Diaries either. McVeigh and his pal Mr. Nichols set up the pins and knocked thme down. McVeigh paid with his life. I'm against the death penalty, even for a monster like McVeigh, but I wasn't too upset about it when he got the hot shot! Anyway, if it wasn't Waco, it would have been something else.
The southern part of PA should be included in Jesusland also some parts of Maryland.
Some Jesusland maps lump Alberta in with Jesusland.
Though they were inspired by the red state/blue state maps, they include Canada. If they include Canada they darn well oughta include Mexico--talk about Jesusland! Sure, it's Catholic, but they don't mess around down there when it comes to church-going! (Jesusland tends to refer to Protestant dogma)
You said it, man! Nobody f**ks with the Jesus!
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: Jessica on 12/10/07 at 7:03 pm
You said it, man! Nobody f**ks with the Jesus!
After threats from my friend, I finally saw that movie for the first time a couple of weeks ago. I'm still not sure if I liked it or not. :D
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/10/07 at 7:16 pm
After threats from my friend, I finally saw that movie for the first time a couple of weeks ago. I'm still not sure if I liked it or not. :D
It's one of the funniest movies of the past 20 years, IMO!
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: Jessica on 12/10/07 at 7:19 pm
It's one of the funniest movies of the past 20 years, IMO!
It was definitely a, "WTF?" movie. :D John Goodman had me rolling on the floor.
I need to watch it again.
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/10/07 at 7:55 pm
It was definitely a, "WTF?" movie. :D John Goodman had me rolling on the floor.
I need to watch it again.
BTW, the bit where the Dude is driving and he drops his joint in his lap and douses it with his beer is an homage to Cheech & Chong "Up in Smoke," in which the C&C do the same thing. Coen brothers didn't say, but I'll bet that's where they got it!
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: Jessica on 12/10/07 at 8:05 pm
BTW, the bit where the Dude is driving and he drops his joint in his lap and douses it with his beer is an homage to Cheech & Chong "Up in Smoke," in which the C&C do the same thing. Coen brothers didn't say, but I'll bet that's where they got it!
I know that's what I thought of when I saw it.
Man, I need to watch that movie now, too.
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: Tia on 12/23/07 at 6:51 am
tasing women. their mothers must be so proud.
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 12/23/07 at 10:16 am
tasing women. their mothers must be so proud.
It's too easy to taz someone. They're being used with the same mentality as guns in the late 1890's.
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: bookmistress4ever on 12/28/07 at 4:37 pm
That happened in a nearby city to me.
This was in the newspaper today.
Officer Fired, 4 Others Disciplined After Pregnant Woman Tasered
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/28/07 at 8:25 pm
This was in the newspaper today.
Officer Fired, 4 Others Disciplined After Pregnant Woman Tasered
The results of that pregnancy:
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: Reynolds1863 on 12/29/07 at 7:06 pm
The results of that pregnancy:
Try more like Cartman.
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: Davester on 12/30/07 at 12:13 am
He chose poorly...
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: danootaandme on 12/30/07 at 8:06 am
This was in the newspaper today.
Officer Fired, 4 Others Disciplined After Pregnant Woman Tasered
I am almost surprised they took action. I would bet they found the fired officer a position in another city before they fired him. The take care of their own.
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: bookmistress4ever on 12/30/07 at 4:55 pm
I am almost surprised they took action. I would bet they found the fired officer a position in another city before they fired him. The take care of their own.
What I understand, he wasn't even really disciplined for the taser thing, he was fired because he posted some pictures of an open investigation on his myspace page and because he was reported as driving at speeds over 100 mph in his cop car while not in pursuit. He was corrected about the taser thing because he used it on her neck while she was on the floor...corrected... ??? ::)
Anyways, yeah he probably won't have any trouble getting work again around here. News stories fade away when new ones come about. It's a damn shame really. I know I don't have the patience to be in law enforcement, that is why I never pursued that career in the first place. No one is saying it's easy, but you gotta have better judgement then that I would think or at least hope. :(
Subject: Re: one more sign america's becoming a fascist state
Written By: danootaandme on 12/31/07 at 7:07 am
This has, and always will, haunted me. The officer involved should have been scuttled, but they found him a job in a different city. How could he have not got this right.
Jeffrey Dahmer, 31, convinces them that 14-year-old Konerak Sinthasomphone is his homosexual lover. Dahmer happens to be a convicted child molester, but the police do not check him out. Instead of rescuing the young Laotian immigrant from Dahmer, who has since confessed to murdering and mutilating 17 men over the past 13 years, the cops seem to laugh off the incident as a gay love spat. They deliver the 14-year- old to Dahmer's apartment. And as soon as they leave, Dahmer reportedly proceeds to strangle the boy and dismember his body.
The police transcripts show that the officers involved apparently joked and laughed about the incident with the dispatcher. "Intoxicated Asian, naked male. Was returned to his sober boyfriend," said a policeman, who added that his partner "is going to get deloused."