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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Students' homeroom assignments in paper and online- danger?
Written By: KKay on 08/29/07 at 2:09 pm
In the Vineland Daily Journal today was listed students' names and their homerooms under the titles of the schools they attend.
Does anyone find this strange? I don't think it's anyone's business where a kid's homeroom is, although I don't think this is a danger. I am sure there are some out there thinking that some child molester will use t his to get close to some kid...but I can see perhaps an astranged familiy member showing up at school and taking off with their son/daughter of whom they lost custody.
So what do you think? Could they not just put this up at school and let the kids find out on the first day? That's how we did it when I was in high school.
I think printing it in the paper and listing it online is a bit too public.
Subject: Re: Students' homeroom assignments in paper and online- danger?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/29/07 at 2:21 pm
In the Vineland Daily Journal today was listed students' names and their homerooms under the titles of the schools they attend.
Does anyone find this strange? I don't think it's anyone's business where a kid's homeroom is, although I don't think this is a danger. I am sure there are some out there thinking that some child molester will use t his to get close to some kid...but I can see perhaps an astranged familiy member showing up at school and taking off with their son/daughter of whom they lost custody.
So what do you think? Could they not just put this up at school and let the kids find out on the first day? That's how we did it when I was in high school.
I think printing it in the paper and listing it online is a bit too public.
I agree I think this could be a potential problem. I think the school really set themselves up for lawsuits. I for one, wouldn't want my kid's homeroom assignment posted in the paper.
Subject: Re: Students' homeroom assignments in paper and online- danger?
Written By: whistledog on 08/29/07 at 3:07 pm
This is a real danger yes. There are lots of sickos out there that could and/or would use this information to their advantage. Hopefully the parents will sue or something
Subject: Re: Students' homeroom assignments in paper and online- danger?
Written By: ladybug316 on 08/29/07 at 4:16 pm
They used to mail us all of our info a few weeks before school started with homeroom and class schedule. I see no reason for making this information public knowledge. I know I would cause a stink if this was my daughter's school.
Subject: Re: Students' homeroom assignments in paper and online- danger?
Written By: KKay on 08/29/07 at 4:36 pm
There is a guy talking about it on the radio; I can see why he'd bring the subject up- but people were calling him saying that it was no big deal....until he began reading students' names. he's allowed- it was in the newspaper...but then the phones were really ringing!
Subject: Re: Students' homeroom assignments in paper and online- danger?
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 08/29/07 at 6:38 pm
I think it's a big deal too. My child's school has it posted on their website, and they also posted it on the school doors.
Subject: Re: Students' homeroom assignments in paper and online- danger?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 08/29/07 at 7:24 pm
Most likely no harm will come of it. I think the dager is overstated.
Because you can't say DEFINITELY no harm will come of it, the school should have erred on on the side of caution.
Because I say the danger is overstated does not mean I think there is NO danger.
In today's nervous climate the school should have found a more discreet way to let the students and parents know about homerooms.
Subject: Re: Students' homeroom assignments in paper and online- danger?
Written By: KKay on 09/04/07 at 4:40 pm
the more i think about it, the less i like it. online is ok, with a password. anyway, although it will probably be nothing, i bet they take precautions next time, since so many peopole got upset....especially when the talk show host read the names on the radio..
Subject: Re: Students' homeroom assignments in paper and online- danger?
Written By: danootaandme on 09/04/07 at 5:03 pm
You have kids whose mothers have protection orders and their kids name and room number it posted for anyone to see :o Yeah, people may be getting overexcited, but it is totally unneccessary to post the information, and a problem could arise, so why do it?