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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: FOX Noise--Brent Bozell say what?/Big D for Arlen Spector
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/24/07 at 9:31 pm
From HANNITY and colmes 7/24/07:
L. Brent Bozell III (founder and president of the Media Research Center) said, "How do they (liberal media) get at Rush Limbaugh?,
they doctor stories about him, that's how!"
It's like a couple of weeks ago the Oh Really Factor was doing a story about Indiana lowering the legal age of consent for teens. The video accompanying showed some schoolbuses.
The name of the bus company?
For Arlan Specter I have to credit Keith Olbermann. Spector was grilling Attorney General Gonzales today and he was not being very nice about it. The problem FOX News had was Spector is a Republican, an inconvenient truth easily solved by the boys in graphics in Brit Hume's "news" room:
Usually when one identifies a U.S. politician's party affiliation, one identifies the state he's from after it, but it's possible the scholars at FOX didn't bother to check.
Incidentally FOX pulled the same B.S. with Mark Foley!
And people wonder why I watch FOX News, the 24-Hour Comedy Hour!
Subject: Re: FOX Noise--Brent Bozell say what?/Big D for Arlen Spector
Written By: spaceace on 07/24/07 at 9:48 pm
Poor Arlen, most Right-Wing Republicans think he's a Democrat because he doesn't vote along their "party lines". Arlen's been a Republican ever since he's been in the Senate. Fox News will doctor anything to make Democrats look bad. Arlen's got more guts than most members of the Senate. They don't call him Snarlin' Arlen for nothing.
Subject: Re: FOX Noise--Brent Bozell say what?/Big D for Arlen Spector
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/24/07 at 10:02 pm
Poor Arlen, most Right-Wing Republicans think he's a Democrat because he doesn't vote along their "party lines". Arlen's been a Republican ever since he's been in the Senate. Fox News will doctor anything to make Democrats look bad. Arlen's got more guts than most members of the Senate. They don't call him Snarlin' Arlen for nothing.
D is for Desperate
D is for Denial
D is for Down, which is exactly where Gonzales is going.
D is for Domino, as in which domino is next to go down after Gonzales.
Check on YouTube for some of the clips if you didn't see them on the news today. I have scarcely in my life ever seen senators excoriate an individual like they did Gonzales, especially Sen. Specter and Sen. Whitheouse. I've got a premonition life is going to get a lot tougher for the Bushies
Subject: Re: FOX Noise--Brent Bozell say what?/Big D for Arlen Spector
Written By: spaceace on 07/24/07 at 10:06 pm
D is for Desperate
D is for Denial
D is for Down, which is exactly where Gonzales is going.
D is for Domino, as in which domino is next to go down after Gonzales.
Check on YouTube for some of the clips if you didn't see them on the news today. I have scarcely in my life ever seen senators excoriate an individual like they did Gonzales, especially Sen. Specter and Sen. Whitheouse. I've got a premonition life is going to get a lot tougher for the Bushies
Yea!!! I get to hear Arlen read Gonzales the riot act. I'll be back!!! *shuffles off to You Tube*
Subject: Re: FOX Noise--Brent Bozell say what?/Big D for Arlen Spector
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/24/07 at 10:14 pm
Yea!!! I get to hear Arlen read Gonzales the riot act. I'll be back!!! *shuffles off to You Tube*
I'll check back in the next 48 hours to see if the clip with my favorite line is on it:
Specter: (gruffly, after much B.S.-ing and circumlocution from Gonzo):
"Well, we don't seem to be making much progress here, on to the next topic!"
Just something you have to see!
I literally have not laughed so hard in two weeks watching Specter corner Gonzales! Not even watching the Daily Show!
BTW, Gonzales reminds me so much of Jerry Lundegaard (William H. Macy, "Fargo"), it's uncanny!
"Ma'am...I answered your question! I...I'm cooperating here....uhhh...."
Subject: Re: FOX Noise--Brent Bozell say what?/Big D for Arlen Spector
Written By: spaceace on 07/24/07 at 10:25 pm
I'll check back in the next 48 hours to see if the clip with my favorite line is on it:
Specter: (gruffly, after much B.S.-ing and circumlocution from Gonzo):
"Well, we don't seem to be making much progress here, on to the next topic!"
Just something you have to see!
I literally have not laughed so hard in two weeks watching Specter corner Gonzales! Not even watching the Daily Show!
BTW, Gonzales reminds me so much of Jerry Lundegaard (William H. Macy, "Fargo"), it's uncanny!
"Ma'am...I answered your question! I...I'm cooperating here....uhhh...."
Gonzales' attitude is more like . . . please don't yell at me, I'm a sensitive child. ;D
Subject: Re: FOX Noise--Brent Bozell say what?/Big D for Arlen Spector
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/24/07 at 10:28 pm
Gonzales' attitude is more like . . . please don't yell at me, I'm a sensitive child. ;D
More like a punk-azz teenager who got caught red-handed and now he's trying to lay a bunch of baloney on the principal and the principal's had it up to here with him!
"Young man, you've been in my office eight times this semester...."
"Well...see Mr. Specter, I didn't know Billy had the M-80s in his locker and...I was just...I....I....I...."
"Shut up, Albert, you will wait until I ask you question!"
Subject: Re: FOX Noise--Brent Bozell say what?/Big D for Arlen Spector
Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/25/07 at 11:03 am
I have a lot of respect for Arlen Spector. I think he & Pat Leahy (MY senator ;D ;D ) are doing a great job at trying to hold the Bush Administration accountable-something they hadn't had to do since getting into power. I wish there were more republicans like Spector-actually, I wish there were more democrats like Spector, too.
Subject: Re: FOX Noise--Brent Bozell say what?/Big D for Arlen Spector
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/25/07 at 8:08 pm
There's no excuse for perjury (that means you too, Bill!), but on the other hand Gonzo, like Brownie and Scooter before him (what is this? A Jim Henson creation?) he's being hung out to dry while the big boys sneak away scot free.
Like Brownie, Gonzo is completely and utterly unqualified for his job. He's a podunk real estate lawyer from South Peckerwood, Texas. If this guy looked totally out of his depth in front of the S.J.C, it's because he was. Now, Attorney General of the United States is a rather important job. So the S.J.C. was unerstandably dismayed by Gonzo's surreal incompetence!
Subject: Re: FOX Noise--Brent Bozell say what?/Big D for Arlen Spector
Written By: Foo Bar on 07/25/07 at 9:17 pm
"Well...see Mr. Specter, I didn't know Billy had the M-80s in his locker and...I was just...I....I....I...."
Gonzales is a lawyer. Unfortunately for him, so are more Senators.
Principal: Did you know about the fireworks in Billy's locker?
Student: I knew of no M-80s in Billy's locker.
Principal: How about things other than M-80s?
Student: I don't recall anything other than that there were no M-80s in Billy's locker.
Principal: Did you know of anything in Billy's locker at all? Even a ham sandwich?
Student: There was no ham sandwich in Billy's locker.
Principal: You're not answering the question. Was there anything in Billy's locker at all?
Student: I knew of no M-80s in Billy's locker.
Now, the student may have known about the stick of dynamite sitting under the roast beef sandwich in Billy's locker, but he hasn't really lied now, has he?
The real fun begins tomorrow:
Principal: You're in contempt of the high school's disciplinary code. I can't prove what you knew about Billy's locker, but I can give you a week's detention.
Student: My Dad sits on the school board and hired the teacher who monitors the detention room. Suck it.
Subject: Re: FOX Noise--Brent Bozell say what?/Big D for Arlen Spector
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/25/07 at 10:38 pm
Gonzales is a lawyer. Unfortunately for him, so are more Senators.
Principal: Did you know about the fireworks in Billy's locker?
Student: I knew of no M-80s in Billy's locker.
Principal: How about things other than M-80s?
Student: I don't recall anything other than that there were no M-80s in Billy's locker.
Principal: Did you know of anything in Billy's locker at all? Even a ham sandwich?
Student: There was no ham sandwich in Billy's locker.
Principal: You're not answering the question. Was there anything in Billy's locker at all?
Student: I knew of no M-80s in Billy's locker.
Now, the student may have known about the stick of dynamite sitting under the roast beef sandwich in Billy's locker, but he hasn't really lied now, has he?
The real fun begins tomorrow:
Principal: You're in contempt of the high school's disciplinary code. I can't prove what you knew about Billy's locker, but I can give you a week's detention.
Student: My Dad sits on the school board and hired the teacher who monitors the detention room. Suck it.
See, that's what Cheney would have said from the get-go:
"Go **** yourselves!"
And sauntered out of the hearing room.
Or as Machiavelli said, "It is better to be feared than to be loved."
Bill Clinton was loved, but not feared.
Dick Cheney is feared, but not loved.
Alberto Gonzales is neither feared nor loved, which indicates he should have stayed shuffling papers in South Peckerwood.
Or maybe once he got in deep with the Bush family, "no" was did not qualify as an answer!
Subject: Re: FOX Noise--Brent Bozell say what?/Big D for Arlen Spector
Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/26/07 at 10:54 am
There's no excuse for perjury (that means you too, Bill!), but on the other hand Gonzo, like Brownie and Scooter before him (what is this? A Jim Henson creation?) he's being hung out to dry while the big boys sneak away scot free.
Nah. Jim Henson creations had character and integrity, not to mention INTELLIGENCE!!!!
Subject: Re: FOX Noise--Brent Bozell say what?/Big D for Arlen Spector
Written By: spaceace on 07/26/07 at 1:54 pm
Wasn't Alberto a lowly Real Estate attorney before Dubya got him to come to D.C?
Rumor has it Dubya also wanted to nominate him as his next Supreme Court Justice. :P
Subject: Re: FOX Noise--Brent Bozell say what?/Big D for Arlen Spector
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/26/07 at 5:22 pm
Wasn't Alberto a lowly Real Estate attorney before Dubya got him to come to D.C?
Rumor has it Dubya also wanted to nominate him as his next Supreme Court Justice. :P
Gonzales is a liar.
Rove is a liar.
Cheney is a liar
Bush is a liar.
Impeach the whole gaggle of clowns, I say!
Subject: Re: FOX Noise--Brent Bozell say what?/Big D for Arlen Spector
Written By: spaceace on 07/26/07 at 9:32 pm
Gonzales is a liar.
Rove is a liar.
Cheney is a liar
Bush is a liar.
Impeach the whole gaggle of clowns, I say!
Impeachment Party!!! That what this country needs in order to start the recovery.
Subject: Re: FOX Noise--Brent Bozell say what?/Big D for Arlen Spector
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/27/07 at 8:26 pm
HANNITY & colmes headline
1776? Sounds patriotic! Who could object to that?
Subject: Re: FOX Noise--Brent Bozell say what?/Big D for Arlen Spector
Written By: Foo Bar on 07/27/07 at 8:42 pm
Impeach the whole gaggle of clowns, I say!
Problem is, if being a liar was grounds for impeachment, there'd be nobody left in the House to bring charges, and nobody left in the Senate to adjudicate 'em.
Ya really gotta wonder what sort of programme was so far over the line that John Aschroft wouldn't sign off on it, and FBI Director Mueller contemplated resigning over it.
Subject: Re: FOX Noise--Brent Bozell say what?/Big D for Arlen Spector
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/27/07 at 9:06 pm
Problem is, if being a liar was grounds for impeachment, there'd be nobody left in the House to bring charges, and nobody left in the Senate to adjudicate 'em.
Ya really gotta wonder what sort of programme was so far over the line that John Aschroft wouldn't sign off on it, and FBI Director Mueller contemplated resigning over it.
You gotta start somewhere. Certainly, lying is an inextricable part of politics. It's a matter of degrees. If your lies lead to 3700 dead American soldiers and the worst foreign policy blunder in modern times, you should get axed. The more sick sh*t politicians think they can get away with, the more license they'll take. Evil deeds have been escalating since Watergate! How about that traitor Ronald Reagan making war without consent of congress....