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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Breaking: University of Colorado fires Ward Churchill
Written By: GWBush2004 on 07/24/07 at 8:07 pm
Vote was 8-1 in favor of dismissal.
Later Ward Churchill Chamberlain.
Subject: Re: Breaking: University of Colorado fires Ward Churchill
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/24/07 at 8:39 pm
Yep, old Ward got sh*tcanned fired! As a tip of the hat to all you joyous conservatives out there, I link to FOX News.
http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,290620,00.html http://www.inthe00s.com/smile/07/pfiade.gif
Now, let me lay a little Jedi wisdom on you: Because his adversaries used the dark side to strike him down, Ward shall only rise again with more fame and more power!
Subject: Re: Breaking: University of Colorado fires Ward Churchill
Written By: Mushroom on 08/08/07 at 10:17 pm
Goodbye, and to bad I can't give him a boot in the arse on the way out.
This is somebody who lied and cheated his way into being a college professor. He faked most of his research, and lied about his qualifications. Yet people say that because of this vague concept known as "Tenure", he should keep his job.
Bah, good riddance to bad rubbish.
And I do not give a damn what his political views are. People that lie and cheat like he does do not deserve to be on college campuses.
Of course, maybe I should not be so quick to judge. If I used Photoshop and faked a Diploma for myself (let's give myself a Masters in "Political Science" from UC-Berkley), I can finangle a job at some university. Then if I hang on to the job without being caught for long enough, I can gain that elusive "Tenure".
Then I can have a job for life, without having to do anything, and without having to prove anything.
Of course, doing that would be a gross insult to people who actually deserve it (like our esteemed Don Carlos if I am not mistaken), but who gives a damn? I get free money, and do not have to do anything for it. I can indoctrinate young students into thinking "my way", and use my power to give failing grades to those that dissagree with me, and perfect grades to those that agree with me.
And if I am caught some day in the future for being the liar and cheat that I am, I just scream "politics", and some mindless morons will support me.
Subject: Re: Breaking: University of Colorado fires Ward Churchill
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 08/08/07 at 11:53 pm
^ Heh heh! How'd you miss this thread for so long?
Subject: Re: Breaking: University of Colorado fires Ward Churchill
Written By: Mushroom on 08/09/07 at 2:26 am
^ Heh heh! How'd you miss this thread for so long?
Well, as you probably know, I am often involved in "real world" events/ However, if you look back, I have commented on Ward Churchill in the past, in the are aod "Why has nobody else commented on" such a topic.
Personally, I do not care what his views are. All I care is that it is proven that he is faked research, in addition to having lied about his credentials. And to me these are termination offenses all by themselves. I could not care less if he supports Ronald Reagan or George McGovern. None of that has anything to do with outright fraud and plagarism.
In recent weeks however, I have been involved in things that truely impact my life in a real world way. And this is even more obvious in how I am carefully re-reading what I type. I just got off the phone with a friend of mine for over 25 years, and she can't believe how "trashed" I am. Although to be honest, I have every reason to celebrate, and if I am hung over tomorrow, to hell with it.
Subject: Re: Breaking: University of Colorado fires Ward Churchill
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 08/09/07 at 6:33 pm
Well, as you probably know, I am often involved in "real world" events/
Zingo! I got told! Ssssmokin'!!!
Subject: Re: Breaking: University of Colorado fires Ward Churchill
Written By: Mushroom on 08/11/07 at 7:58 pm
Zingo! I got told! Ssssmokin'!!!
LOL, you know I did not mean it in that way Max.
It's just that I have been very busy, and am going to be very busy again for the indefinate future. But at least GW seems to be back, so maybe he can take up some of the slack as the board's "Raving Lunatic Conservative".
Subject: Re: Breaking: University of Colorado fires Ward Churchill
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 08/11/07 at 8:19 pm
LOL, you know I did not mean it in that way Max.
It's just that I have been very busy, and am going to be very busy again for the indefinate future. But at least GW seems to be back, so maybe he can take up some of the slack as the board's "Raving Lunatic Conservative".
GW popped up again and disappeared just as fast.
What's frustrating about you, sir, is that you're not a raving lunatic. You're well-informed, rational, and articulate. It's much easier to disagree with a ridiculous person.
I think Churchill's ouster is for the better. It seems he got the post more on noteriety than on merit. I do agree with many things Churchill says,* but that's not the issue. If he lied and cheated, then shame on him. I just don't know to what degree the charges were fact and to what degree the charges were hype. I said in another post that college is big business. Ward Churchill made quite a name for himself on the radical Left. College students love guys like Churchill. He could come to any campus in the country (maybe not Bob Jones or West Point) and draw a crowd of thousands. However, for every tenure track position at a major university there are 100 or more hard working scholars who want it. The University of Colorado could have and should have done much better than Churchill.
In the '90s Alternative Tentacles released a 2-CD spoken word album of Ward Churchill, which I enjoyed a lot. Alternative Tentacles is Jello Biafra's label. I love to listen to Jello Biafra, but I sure as hell wouldn't want him appointed to the Political Science dept. at UC Berkeley (shhhhh...don't give anybody ideas!)
* No, I don't agree that those who died in the WTC were "Little Eichmanns." If Churchill wants to talk like that, let him, it's a free country. But let him do it on the lecture circuit or on spoken word CDs. That's just incendiary spouting, not scholarship.
Subject: Re: Breaking: University of Colorado fires Ward Churchill
Written By: Mushroom on 08/13/07 at 7:36 pm
What's frustrating about you, sir, is that you're not a raving lunatic. You're well-informed, rational, and articulate. It's much easier to disagree with a ridiculous person.
Well, thanks for that. If anything, one of the biggest differences between myself and most on this board is that I can actually be rather dispassionate. With few exceptions, I do not base my beliefs on what is best for me or what I want, but what is better for society at large. That is in direct conflict with "causeheads", who want people to base all of their decisions on their own individual beliefs or passions.
I think Churchill's ouster is for the better. It seems he got the post more on noteriety than on merit. I do agree with many things Churchill says,* but that's not the issue. If he lied and cheated, then shame on him. I just don't know to what degree the charges were fact and to what degree the charges were hype.
* No, I don't agree that those who died in the WTC were "Little Eichmanns." If Churchill wants to talk like that, let him, it's a free country. But let him do it on the lecture circuit or on spoken word CDs. That's just incendiary spouting, not scholarship.
What got Churchill in trouble is that he tried to release documentation that claimed to support his beliefs. This "research" was largely faked, with the original source material being information he released himself under a false identity.
He then turned around and published more reports under assumed names, pointing right back at himself as the source. This gave the false opinion to others that his "research" was accurate and being taken seriously.
If this simple fraud, on multiple levels. And it is not much different then a police officer who falsifies evidence. To me, he brought all of this upon himself. I agree that he is free to say whatever he wants. But when he goes around creating evidence to support his claim, then teaching it to students as fact that is criminal. It is as "scholarly" as the "research" that Hitler was spreading in Germany that proved that some people were "subhuman".
I am glad he is gone, because he was a disgrace to the academic community.
Subject: Re: Breaking: University of Colorado fires Ward Churchill
Written By: Foo Bar on 08/15/07 at 12:17 am
I love to listen to Jello Biafra, but I sure as hell wouldn't want him appointed to the Political Science dept. at UC Berkeley (shhhhh...don't give anybody ideas!)
Don't worry. Biafra's far too right-wing to ever be considered for UC Berzerkeley, and far too sane (well, relative to Berzerkeley) to ever accept the position if it were offered him :)
Subject: Re: Breaking: University of Colorado fires Ward Churchill
Written By: JamieMcBain on 08/15/07 at 6:22 pm
First Rove quits, then Churchill is fired.
It's a miracle!
Let's alll celebrate!
Subject: Re: Breaking: University of Colorado fires Ward Churchill
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 08/15/07 at 8:09 pm
First Rove quits, then Churchill is fired.
It's a miracle!
Let's alll celebrate!
No, no, first Churchill got fired, and then Rove quit.
Big difference, y'know!
Subject: Re: Breaking: University of Colorado fires Ward Churchill
Written By: JamieMcBain on 08/16/07 at 10:41 am
No, no, first Churchill got fired, and then Rove quit.
Big difference, y'know!
But either way, this is best news, I heard all week!
Subject: Re: Breaking: University of Colorado fires Ward Churchill
Written By: Tia on 08/16/07 at 10:55 am
Don't worry. Biafra's far too right-wing to ever be considered for UC Berzerkeley, and far too sane (well, relative to Berzerkeley) to ever accept the position if it were offered him :)
does it ever occur to the right that using alliterative epithets for appointed bad guys -- e.g., "berzerkley," "so damn insane," "iranian president akmadinner jacket," saying "democrat" rather than "democratic" party, i dunno, doesn't it ever strike you guys as a bit... grade school? i mean, isn't that the sort of thing we were doing in junior high? say what you want about berkeley, i doubt a paper would ever come out of its political or cultural departments referring to bush as "shrub" or making fun of cheney for his hunting accident. seems like we should elevate the discourse a bit. from where i sit this country's got a lot of problems and coming up with adorable pet names for each other probably isn't going to get us any closer to solving them. :P
Subject: Re: Breaking: University of Colorado fires Ward Churchill
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 08/16/07 at 6:28 pm
does it ever occur to the right that using alliterative epithets for appointed bad guys -- e.g., "berzerkley," "so damn insane," "iranian president akmadinner jacket," saying "democrat" rather than "democratic" party, i dunno, doesn't it ever strike you guys as a bit... grade school? i mean, isn't that the sort of thing we were doing in junior high? say what you want about berkeley, i doubt a paper would ever come out of its political or cultural departments referring to bush as "shrub" or making fun of cheney for his hunting accident. seems like we should elevate the discourse a bit. from where i sit this country's got a lot of problems and coming up with adorable pet names for each other probably isn't going to get us any closer to solving them. :P
The problem is alliterative epithets per se. The problem is with people who hear the epithets and write off the entire institution. It seeds prejudice and bigotry among the ignorant, and America has no shortage of ignorant people. This is the kind of mentality that made Ann Coulter think it was acceptable to say the 9/11 bombers should have blown up the New York Times building instead and made Bill O'Reilly think it was cool to say San Francisco deserves to get attacked by terrorists. Of course, those are two of the most vulgar examples.
The truth is, the Right is much better at Orwellian schemes than the Left. The "Democrat party" is a perfect example. Frank Luntz taught them that. You can see Frank Luntz on FOX News talking about how to trick the voters into thinking one way or the other....and the voters still get tricked.
Penn Gillette, the magician, loves to debunk "magic." He shows you exactly how he does all his tricks. Of course, you still can't replicate them because sleight of hand is a lifelong discipline. Frank Luntz is sort of the Penn Gillette of politics, but it's like thinking Penn Gillette has supernatural powers even after he shows you the mechanics of the trick.
One of the Right's greatest Orwellian ruses is to claim "liberals run on emotion" and "liberals are into feelings not logic."
Walter Mondale: Ronald Reagan's policies doubled the national debt in under four years.
Ronald Reagan: Well, I can't help it, there you go again! Heh heh! Now, where would this country be if it weren't for this great land of ours?
Think about it!
The looniest left-winger of them all, Dennis Kucinich talks in terms of how to rebuild our infrastructure and re-thinking our foreign policies so the rest of the world doesn't hate us. Jerry Brown, "Governor Moonbeam" did similarly. If Jerry Brown had been elected in '92, there would have been no 9/11 and that bridge in Minneapolis would still be standing.
Rudy Giuliani babbles about what a swell guy he was on 9/11 and how some bogey-man terrorists are under your bed, and our own president sputters about how much he loves Jesus and stubbornly insists on a policy of failure for the sake of national pride!
"This isn't the state of California, it's a state of insanity. "
--General Joseph W. Stillwell
Subject: Re: Breaking: University of Colorado fires Ward Churchill
Written By: Foo Bar on 08/16/07 at 10:33 pm
from where i sit this country's got a lot of problems and coming up with adorable pet names for each other probably isn't going to get us any closer to solving them. :P
It is, however, making the trip in the handbasket a little more amusing.
(I went with Berzerkeley because it's often used in affectionate/self-deprecating humor by people who got postgraduate degrees there and who still live there. You can't build world-class Computer Science and Physics programmes without being a safe space for crazy people, because the line between "brilliant" and "nuts" has always been a fuzzy thing at best. The wackiness that comes along with college towns is merely an amusing bonus that comes for free with the genius.)
Subject: Re: Breaking: University of Colorado fires Ward Churchill
Written By: Tia on 08/16/07 at 11:05 pm
not to change the subject but a couple recent day trips to cxambridge in the UK have reminded me how little i like college towns as a rule, particularly when the college is all world-class. everyone's all snooty and holier-than-thou. i mean, only in an ivy-league town or equivalent can you go up to somebody, cheerfully ask directions and have them literally ignore you like you don't exist.
Subject: Re: Breaking: University of Colorado fires Ward Churchill
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 08/17/07 at 5:01 pm
not to change the subject but a couple recent day trips to cxambridge in the UK have reminded me how little i like college towns as a rule, particularly when the college is all world-class. everyone's all snooty and holier-than-thou. i mean, only in an ivy-league town or equivalent can you go up to somebody, cheerfully ask directions and have them literally ignore you like you don't exist.
Come to Amherst. The "Happy Valley" here is ultra-liberal BUT if you walk down the main drag of Amherst on a Saturday night, you'd think you were surrounded by FOX News interns---and some of them are!