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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: According to the White House, Iraq is not his Vietnam, it's his Korea
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/05/07 at 4:15 pm
The following DNC email is from Howard Dean. Subject line: 4 down, 46 to go.
(Those of you who wish to pull a Bill O'Reilly and call this far left, liberal, loony, secular progressive, George Soros propaganda from the seditious DNC, feel free to do so. All others, consider the resentment from the pro-Bush camp whenever you have referred to the Iraq "war" as an "occupation." It seems now the White House is easing us into the occupation mindset.
I say get our troops out of there PRONTO! The longer they stay there, the more likely they'll be there for the next three generations. Former Def Sec Donald Rumsfeld gave six months as the upper estimate when these creeps were BS-ing us into the worst foreign policy since WWII. Yeah, I know, there will be hell to pay if we withdraw now. Well, what the hell do you call this, and what are we paying already?)
Here is Gov. Dean's letter:*
According to the White House, Iraq isn't George W. Bush's Vietnam -- it's his Korea.
Last week, Reuters reported that "President George W. Bush would like to see a lengthy U.S. troop presence in Iraq like the one in South Korea to provide stability but not in a frontline combat role. The United States has had thousands of U.S. troops in South Korea to guard against a North Korean invasion for 50 years."
The American people voted last November to end the war in Iraq -- not occupy a country engulfed in civil war for decades. A 50-year plan for Iraq is not a strategy and it's certainly not acceptable. But tonight, as the Republicans square off in their third big presidential debate, you can be sure you'll hear the Republican candidates fall in line with their Commander-in-Chief.
The 2008 presidential hopefuls are already offering their support for the "Korea plan." On Friday, John McCain said:
"We have had troops in South Korea for 60 years and nobody minds...If you stay a long, long time, but have the Iraqis doing the fighting, and your people are back in the bases and away from the firing line, I think Americans would be satisfied."
In the most recent CBS News/New York Times poll, 72 percent of Americans disapproved of President Bush's handling of Iraq. Looking back, 61 percent of Americans believe that the U.S. never should have taken military action against Iraq in the first place.
The American people opposed the escalation. They opposed President Bush's timetable veto. And they oppose a 50-year war.
Now the dozen or so Republican presidential candidates vying for his job want to continue this same failed strategy. We can't let that happen.
The Democratic Party agrees: it's time to end the war and refocus on fighting terrorism and strengthening our national security.
Those are our values, and those are America's values.
Gov. Howard Dean, M.D.
*calls to action purged
Subject: Re: According to the White House, Iraq is not his Vietnam, it's his Korea
Written By: philbo on 06/05/07 at 4:57 pm
Someone tell George that's not what they meant by a "Korea in politics"...
Subject: Re: According to the White House, Iraq is not his Vietnam, it's his Korea
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/05/07 at 9:40 pm
Someone tell George that's not what they meant by a "Korea in politics"...
Subject: Re: According to the White House, Iraq is not his Vietnam, it's his Korea
Written By: statsqueen on 06/06/07 at 9:34 am
Someone tell George that's not what they meant by a "Korea in politics"...
As if he'd listen....or care.
Subject: Re: According to the White House, Iraq is not his Vietnam, it's his Korea
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/06/07 at 1:13 pm
Georgie would sacrifice another 3500 American soldiers before he would even think of admitting he was wrong. Georgie has divine infallibility. Don't you know he can't be wrong?