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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Iraq is not worth the sacrifice
Written By: SemperYoda on 05/14/07 at 7:53 am
Yep, anti war people are all just liberal freaks. ::)
Interesting article from my hometown paper.
Iraq is not worth the sacrifice of one more mother's child. I couldn't agree with this more. Maybe there are parents who are proud that their children died in this mess, but I think America needs to see more stories like this one. America needs to see the effects of War and what it does to families, civilians, countries, etc that are affected by it. It doesn't matter if they signed up for the military voluntarily, you cant deny the fact that this war is affecting families of lost military men and women very deeply. Ah, but alas, it is just liberal propaganda. Anyone in the military knows what they are getting into when they join. Oh ya, I joined the Marines thinking that I would have the great opportunity to fight in some sh!t war for no reason. I thought when I joined that it was to protect America and the ideals of our Constitution. I look back and im lucky I had a stateside intelligence job and didn't have to go. In fact, if I ever thought about going, it wasn't for the war, it was because fellow Marines were going and I wasn't doing my part to help them out. Now, im glad I didn't go. Im even happier that I served my time and cant get called back when they implement another draft. If I would have died over there, it would have crushed my family deeply, especially because my father has been against the War from the start. So, he must be a liberal freak as well.
Subject: Re: Iraq is not worth the sacrifice
Written By: Don Carlos on 05/14/07 at 1:36 pm
It wasn't worth the sacrifice from the begining!!! My hometown paper prints the # of deaths every day, a running total. More Vermonters, per capita, have died than from any other state, and unlike the gov, the paper covers the funerals. Also, the letters to the editor are almost all opposed to the war.
Subject: Re: Iraq is not worth the sacrifice
Written By: SemperYoda on 05/14/07 at 1:45 pm
It wasn't worth the sacrifice from the begining!!! My hometown paper prints the # of deaths every day, a running total. More Vermonters, per capita, have died than from any other state, and unlike the gov, the paper covers the funerals. Also, the letters to the editor are almost all opposed to the war.
Yes, I like papers that show names and faces of the people who have perished. I find myself at times reading and glossing over another article that shows another bombing, 2 more GI's dead. At least when I can see the faces it really its home what exactly is happening and what we have lost. I can imagine those deaths have affected Vermont very much.
Subject: Re: Iraq is not worth the sacrifice
Written By: Davester on 05/14/07 at 2:34 pm
Yep, anti war people are all just liberal freaks. ::)
Interesting article from my hometown paper.
Iraq is not worth the sacrifice of one more mother's child. I couldn't agree with this more. Maybe there are parents who are proud that their children died in this mess, but I think America needs to see more stories like this one. America needs to see the effects of War and what it does to families, civilians, countries, etc that are affected by it. It doesn't matter if they signed up for the military voluntarily, you cant deny the fact that this war is affecting families of lost military men and women very deeply. Ah, but alas, it is just liberal propaganda. Anyone in the military knows what they are getting into when they join. Oh ya, I joined the Marines thinking that I would have the great opportunity to fight in some sh!t war for no reason. I thought when I joined that it was to protect America and the ideals of our Constitution. I look back and im lucky I had a stateside intelligence job and didn't have to go. In fact, if I ever thought about going, it wasn't for the war, it was because fellow Marines were going and I wasn't doing my part to help them out. Now, im glad I didn't go. Im even happier that I served my time and cant get called back when they implement another draft. If I would have died over there, it would have crushed my family deeply, especially because my father has been against the War from the start. So, he must be a liberal freak as well.
Good article...
H-m-m...maybe if we were actually defending the country, you know...
Conspicuously, unjust war is counterproductive on so many national levels, including the mental readiness of our troops to actually defend the country and not an elite cabal...
(PS - Read the first verse of The Star-Spangled Banner, you know, the part everyone in this country is expected to know? I nod to Kurt Vonnegut when I wonder was there ever an empire that asked more useless questions of itself in its anthem? Every sentence, including the "home of the brave" ends in a question mark...) groove ;) on...
Subject: Re: Iraq is not worth the sacrifice
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/14/07 at 4:43 pm
Everybody else sacrifices money and blood, Halliburton rakes it in!
Subject: Re: Iraq is not worth the sacrifice
Written By: Brian06 on 05/14/07 at 6:18 pm
"Major combat operations in Iraq have ended" - George W. Bush, May 1, 2003. ::)
Iraq is a total disaster, I think they should pull everybody out NOW, it has gotten much worse in 2007. Bush is a disgrace and a liar, his record is forever tarnished by this war.
Subject: Re: Iraq is not worth the sacrifice
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/14/07 at 6:24 pm
"Major combat operations in Iraq have ended" - George W. Bush, May 1, 2003. ::)
It's the minor combat operations that's causing all the trouble, I guess!
Subject: Re: Iraq is not worth the sacrifice
Written By: La Roche on 05/14/07 at 7:51 pm
Not too long ago there was a segment on the news talking about a family here in St. Louis where both the father and son had died and there were these three women (wife and two daughters) sitting there saying how proud they were that these guys had died "Defending our country from Iraq." and I just shook my head and said "Goddam, you poor dumb bastards, they didn't die defending anybody, just one little man's big ego."
I stand by my earlier sentiments - This war is just old men talking and young men dieing.
Subject: Re: Iraq is not worth the sacrifice
Written By: Davester on 05/15/07 at 2:32 am
Iraq is a total disaster, I think they should pull everybody out NOW, it has gotten much worse in 2007. Bush is a disgrace and a liar, his record is forever tarnished by this war.
My first reaction is to agree - it's what I've been calling for since boo...
But what to do about the ensuing vacum is where I get stuck. Is it going to happen anyway? Maybe. Are we doing any good there? Depends how you look at it. Are we doing more harm by remaining there? Could be argued so. Can we really pull out next year? For lack of a better alternative, not yet. Can we stay indefinately? No. When can we exit? When the objective has been reached. What is the objective at this point? I don't know. Are we winning? I don't know. Are the Iraqi people winning? I don't know. Is the region better off? Time will tell...
Are the Iraqi people worth the sacrifice? Sure they are. It's kinda like me shooting someone and then calling an ambulance for them. But the well being of the Iraqi people was never, at any point, a motivation for this war groove ;) on...
Subject: Re: Iraq is not worth the sacrifice
Written By: Don Carlos on 05/15/07 at 1:59 pm
My first reaction is to agree - it's what I've been calling for since boo...
But what to do about the ensuing vacum is where I get stuck. Is it going to happen anyway? Maybe. Are we doing any good there? Depends how you look at it. Are we doing more harm by remaining there? Could be argued so. Can we really pull out next year? For lack of a better alternative, not yet. Can we stay indefinately? No. When can we exit? When the objective has been reached. What is the objective at this point? I don't know. Are we winning? I don't know. Are the Iraqi people winning? I don't know. Is the region better off? Time will tell...
Are the Iraqi people worth the sacrifice? Sure they are. It's kinda like me shooting someone and then calling an ambulance for them. But the well being of the Iraqi people was never, at any point, a motivation for this war groove ;) on...
Well, lets see. We have Shii'as, Sunnis, and Kurds all at each other's throats. We have Sunni Saudi Arabia and Syria adding to the mix, and of course Shii'a Iran. The Shii'a are in control of what gov't there is, with our backing. Iran is "evil" but supports our guys. Saudis are good, but support the other guys. What a kettle of fish.
It's the minor combat operations that's causing all the trouble, I guess!
This is just what I predicted before the invasion started. Some former members said I was nuts.
Subject: Re: Iraq is not worth the sacrifice
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/15/07 at 6:43 pm
Not too long ago there was a segment on the news talking about a family here in St. Louis where both the father and son had died and there were these three women (wife and two daughters) sitting there saying how proud they were that these guys had died "Defending our country from Iraq." and I just shook my head and said "Goddam, you poor dumb bastards, they didn't die defending anybody, just one little man's big ego."
I stand by my earlier sentiments - This war is just old men talking and young men dying.
You're not supposed to say that! Das ist vorboten!
No matter how much leftie pundits condemn the war, you're not gonna hear them say to the families of the slain: "Your loved ones died in vain, and you're fooling yourselves if you think otherwise!" It just might be true, though.
And speaking of "sacrifice" --
"Nixon's face filled the screen, but his speech was hopelessly garbled. The only word I could make out was 'sacrifice'. Over and over again: 'Sacrifice ... sacrifice ... sacrifice!'"
--Hunter S. Thompson
Subject: Re: Iraq is not worth the sacrifice
Written By: tokjct on 05/16/07 at 4:58 pm
"Major combat operations in Iraq have ended" - George W. Bush, May 1, 2003. ::)
Iraq is a total disaster, I think they should pull everybody out NOW, it has gotten much worse in 2007. Bush is a disgrace and a liar, his record is forever tarnished by this war.
Very beautifully stated, Brian...I agree completely! http://www.inthe00s.com/smile/06/lsvader.gif