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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Terror plot foiled in South Jersey
Written By: loki 13 on 05/09/07 at 4:46 pm
Is this news anywhere else?
These guys weren't the brightest terrorist, They took a VHS tape to a store to be copied on DVD and didn't think
someone would notice their intensions?
Subject: Re: Terror plot foiled in South Jersey
Written By: danootaandme on 05/09/07 at 4:47 pm
They had a bit about it on the evening news.
Subject: Re: Terror plot foiled in South Jersey
Written By: CatwomanofV on 05/09/07 at 4:56 pm
It was in our local paper this morning.
Subject: Re: Terror plot foiled in South Jersey
Written By: loki 13 on 05/09/07 at 5:09 pm
This type of thing is what the country needs to worry about. Small groups of radicals can cause more
destruction and wreak more havoc than one plot on a grand scale. These guys were incredibly stupid,
otherwise we would be reading about another attack on American soil. We have to realize, there are
small groups of radicals all over the country, and the world, ready to kill as many people as they can.
Subject: Re: Terror plot foiled in South Jersey
Written By: Tia on 05/09/07 at 5:18 pm
and yet, these guys were so dumb and they were going to launch a frontal assault on a fortified army base. i'm tempted to think this is the sort of story that might have just ended up on news of the weird anyway, but i guess they might have managed to wreak some havoc. i'm almost more inclined to think they'd all just get mowed down instantly but maybe i overestimate the kind of firepower they have at army bases.
Subject: Re: Terror plot foiled in South Jersey
Written By: philbo on 05/09/07 at 6:26 pm
The video showed a group of men firing weapons at a firing range in the Poconos and shouting for jihad (holy war) and "Allah Akbar!" — "God is great" in Arabic.
...and they took this to the store to be burned to DVD? Something smells very fishy. But then again, in my book being prepared to blow yourself to smithereens is something that requires a huuuuge lack of brains in the first place.
And attacking an army base seems an unusual terror tactic: actually picking on someone with guns who'll shoot back may suggest that they're not fully compos mentis. Or they are fully compost mentis.
Subject: Re: Terror plot foiled in South Jersey
Written By: philbo on 05/09/07 at 6:28 pm
PS... reading the title just as I closed the window down made me go all Eric Clapton:
We dodged a bullet
But we could not dodge a hand grenade
(...to "I shot the Sheriff".. needs work, methinks)
Subject: Re: Terror plot foiled in South Jersey
Written By: CatwomanofV on 05/09/07 at 6:34 pm
PS... reading the title just as I closed the window down made me go all Eric Clapton:
We dodged a bullet
But we could not dodge a hand grenade
(...to "I shot the Sheriff".. needs work, methinks)
Do I hear a parody in the works?
Subject: Re: Terror plot foiled in South Jersey
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/09/07 at 7:23 pm
Thank God so many criminal minds have mile-wide stupid streak!
I know this bad element is out there, but I still hate the idea of the fascists in this country using this incident to gin up xenophobia, paranoia, and militarism. I mean, that's what fascistis do.
How dumb can you get, though? It reminds me of the frat boys years ago here in Amherst who took pictures of their big old marijuana plants...and sent them films to the drugstore for development! D'oh!
Now we have digicams. In fact, if these guys really had the technical prowess to pull of a terrorist assault on a military base, don't you think they would have had the brains to duplicate a videotape by themselves?
Subject: Re: Terror plot foiled in South Jersey
Written By: loki 13 on 05/09/07 at 8:46 pm
What I get a kick out of is when they interview the neighbors and family members. It not just these guys, it's
anyone who ever took out his family and then himself, anyone who ever has done anything of a vicious nature,
it's the same story. "He was such a good boy, I can't believe he was capable of such a thing," or "You must have
the wrong person, no way he could do that." Just once I want to hear someone say, "Man, he was a thug, a real
peace of S**T, it doesn't surprise me one bit."
Subject: Re: Terror plot foiled in South Jersey
Written By: LyricBoy on 05/09/07 at 9:23 pm
This type of thing is what the country needs to worry about. Small groups of radicals can cause more
destruction and wreak more havoc than one plot on a grand scale. These guys were incredibly stupid,
otherwise we would be reading about another attack on American soil. We have to realize, there are
small groups of radicals all over the country, and the world, ready to kill as many people as they can.
They are not radicals. They are Moslems. Let's not pussy-foot around it.
It is not the Methodists or the Lutherans blowing themselves up in crowded marketplaces. The Seventh Day Adventists are not hatching plots to wage Jihad.
To quote Rick Santorum, the term "War on terror" is a misnomer and a dangerous distraction. The fact is that we are at war with Moslem Fundamentalism.
Subject: Re: Terror plot foiled in South Jersey
Written By: Tia on 05/09/07 at 9:34 pm
They are not radicals. They are Moslems. Let's not pussy-foot around it.
It is not the Methodists or the Lutherans blowing themselves up in crowded marketplaces. The Seventh Day Adventists are not hatching plots to wage Jihad.
naw, it's the branch davidians raping 12-year-olds, the right-wing militias blowing up daycare centers in oklahoma city, and the born-again in the admininstration killing 60,000 civilians in iraq. that's SO much better. ::) how many of the marines at haditha do you think went to church on sunday?
i still remember there was a big brouhaha when bush was at some war rally, back when that guff was still popular, and some blissed-out jesusninny starts ranting about how bush had been "put into the presidency by God." and does bush adopt the mantle of humility and say, no, i would never lay claim to anything like that? no, he just nods his head and says, "thank you." that says volumes about the man and his regionist attitudes, particularly now that the war has gone completely apes**t and he refuses to change a thing. he probably thinks he's doing God's work. Christian, muslim, church of Bob, i don't care what sky-pixie you worship -- if you become absolutely convinced you're doing god's work, you become dangerous to the rest of us.
Subject: Re: Terror plot foiled in South Jersey
Written By: philbo on 05/10/07 at 1:08 am
Do I hear a parody in the works?
If there were a bit more in the story as to why it was titled "we dodged a bullet", I may well have written one, but the link wasn't there.
How dumb can you get, though? It reminds me of the frat boys years ago here in Amherst who took pictures of their big old marijuana plants...and sent them films to the drugstore for development! D'oh!
To the drugstore? How appropriate ;)
They are not radicals. They are Moslems. Let's not pussy-foot around it.
They are also stupid - I would suggest a "war on stupidity", but that would probably claim your C-in-C as its first victim.
Yes, they're muslim, but yes they are radicals - but it's equally stupid from our side to use either the terminology of war or the actions of war to try and combat it... though it is probably too late to change that now.
Christian, muslim, church of Bob, i don't care what sky-pixie you worship -- if you become absolutely convinced you're doing god's work, you become dangerous to the rest of us.
Subject: Re: Terror plot foiled in South Jersey
Written By: SemperYoda on 05/10/07 at 7:14 am
They are not radicals. They are Moslems.
Interesting to call them Moslems. Not sure if it is meant as a joke, but I believe it is insulting to Muslems to call them that. I dont know though.
These guys were very stupid though. Not sure what they were trying to accomplish by this act. Why would they try to attack a military base? It doesn't really seem like it would do anything to help their cause. If they did pull off the attack, we would be pissed off, but it would be a different feeling than if they attacked massive amount of civilians within the country. In ways, I think we remember more about the twin towers than we do about the Pentagon being attacked as well.
The world is getting smaller with the population rising every year and we continue to try and influence the World with our own agendas. As scary as this seems, it might only be a matter of time till we can expect these type of attacks to happen throughout the U.S. We are very lucky we dont have to worry things that say Isreal or Iraq have to worry about on a daily basis. Im not sure we can stop everything, we proved that with the Virginia Tech shootings. I do think that the "War on Terror" is something that needs to be stopped, not in actions but in saying it. Its more of a police action. We fight them through intelligence and being vigilant. An army cant fight a target that really cannot be seen, unless its some sort of quick reaction special forces action to foil terrorist plots. It is the small acts that are the scariest though. The daily bombings in Iraq could very well turn into something just as deadly here. As easy as it is to access guns here or on the black market, and as well as our media portrayed the Virginia Tech shootings all over the world, im hoping these Islamic Fundamentalists didn't take any notes. I refuse to live in fear and have our government expect us to live our daily lives in fear. As was stated earlier, I think our government is borderline fascist in certain ways. Is it really so bad to not try to influence our agendas on the world and to be apart of it, rather than define it? I think that focusing more on our own well being and freedoms is not that bad, and in fact, something that we need to do.
Subject: Re: Terror plot foiled in South Jersey
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/10/07 at 4:54 pm
LB's reaction is the one I dread. It encourages bigotry and the quoting of Rick Santorum!
However, there is a simple fact I just cannot deny. In our era, It is the Muslim religion that is invoked in the name of violence more than any other.
People say Islam is a "peaceful" religion. It is only if its adherents decide to imbue its texts with peace.
Bloody murder, torture, and war have all been executed in the name of Christian rectitude. It all depends on what portions of the Bible adherents choose to emphasize.
I look not to Islam but the politics behind Islam today in certain areas of the world. Indonesia is the biggest Muslim nation on the planet. Indonesia has the same Allah, the same Mohamed, and the same Koran as other predominantly Sunni nations, such as Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Syria. The difference isn't inherent in Islam, but in the political and cultural interpretation of Islam.
The Unites States does not use "Christianity"* to justify the violence and plunder it commits across the globe. Our ideology of deception is political, couched in buzzwords such as "democracy," "freedom," and "globalization."
*Though Christian funny-mentalists would dig it.
What I get a kick out of is when they interview the neighbors and family members. It not just these guys, it's
anyone who ever took out his family and then himself, anyone who ever has done anything of a vicious nature,
it's the same story. "He was such a good boy, I can't believe he was capable of such a thing," or "You must have
the wrong person, no way he could do that." Just once I want to hear someone say, "Man, he was a thug, a real
peace of S**T, it doesn't surprise me one bit."
It's like the line you always hear on the news when they bust the latest Jack the Ripper: "Neighbors described him as a quiet man who kept to himself."
Well, duh, if he ran around the neighborhood waving a felling axe and screaming, "I am God, I am God! Bow down and worship me!," he would find his serial killing ventures curtailed in a hurry!
Subject: Re: Terror plot foiled in South Jersey
Written By: Mushroom on 05/10/07 at 5:03 pm
and yet, these guys were so dumb and they were going to launch a frontal assault on a fortified army base.
"Fortified Army Base"?
Honestly, there is rarely anything "fortified" about a military base in the US. In reality, they have probably less security then your average College or State Capitol.
Military bases are remarkably soft targets. Once you get past the main gate (which has at most normally 1-2 people with 9mm pistols", you then largely have free reign. And on most bases, they do nothing more then a cursory ID check.
Fort Dix is largely a training base. That is where I am slated to go for training for the Quartermaster Corps. Other then MPs (which are no better armed or numerous then the police department of a 50-100,000 population city), there is nothing to stop them. Their plan was to rush the gate, then drive around causing as much death and destruction as possible before being killed.
And the death toll would have been high if they had done it. You often have platoons of 30-60 people marching from one location or another, or congregating at mess halls and outside of barracks. None of them are armed, and if they do have weapons (M-16 for training purposes) they have no bullets.
The idea of a "heavily fortified base" is largely a fantasy. Quite a few bases have almost no security, and civilians routinely drive through them. Edwards Airforce Base, Fort Rucker, Fort Benning, and Camp Lejeune all have major highways running right through them. It is only "High Security" bases like Seal Beach and Fort Knox that would have had any chance to stop an attack of this kind - and even then only after a lot of people had been killed.
Subject: Re: Terror plot foiled in South Jersey
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/10/07 at 5:08 pm
"Fortified Army Base"?
Honestly, there is rarely anything "fortified" about a military base in the US. In reality, they have probably less security then your average College or State Capitol.
Military bases are remarkably soft targets. Once you get past the main gate (which has at most normally 1-2 people with 9mm pistols", you then largely have free reign. And on most bases, they do nothing more then a cursory ID check.
Fort Dix is largely a training base. That is where I am slated to go for training for the Quartermaster Corps. Other then MPs (which are no better armed or numerous then the police department of a 50-100,000 population city), there is nothing to stop them. Their plan was to rush the gate, then drive around causing as much death and destruction as possible before being killed.
And the death toll would have been high if they had done it. You often have platoons of 30-60 people marching from one location or another, or congregating at mess halls and outside of barracks. None of them are armed, and if they do have weapons (M-16 for training purposes) they have no bullets.
The idea of a "heavily fortified base" is largely a fantasy. Quite a few bases have almost no security, and civilians routinely drive through them. Edwards Airforce Base, Fort Rucker, Fort Benning, and Camp Lejeune all have major highways running right through them. It is only "High Security" bases like Seal Beach and Fort Knox that would have had any chance to stop an attack of this kind - and even then only after a lot of people had been killed.
So if we really are in a "War on Terror," how can the government leave our military bases so vulnerable to terrorism? Just makes me think the "War on Terror" is a euphemism for something else!
Subject: Re: Terror plot foiled in South Jersey
Written By: CatwomanofV on 05/10/07 at 5:12 pm
So if we really are in a "War on Terror," how can the government leave our military bases so vulnerable to terrorism? Just makes me think the "War on Terror" is a euphemism for something else!
You think??
Subject: Re: Terror plot foiled in South Jersey
Written By: philbo on 05/10/07 at 5:17 pm
So if we really are in a "War on Terror," how can the government leave our military bases so vulnerable to terrorism? Just makes me think the "War on Terror" is a euphemism for something else!
Nah, The War Against Terror isn't a euphemism - it's an acronym ;)
Subject: Re: Terror plot foiled in South Jersey
Written By: Mushroom on 05/10/07 at 5:25 pm
So if we really are in a "War on Terror," how can the government leave our military bases so vulnerable to terrorism? Just makes me think the "War on Terror" is a euphemism for something else!
Defense and protection of something as large as a 10 square mile Mliitary Base is largely about both prevention (like what happened here), or about the concept of protection. Since probably 60-90% of most military bases are little more then wide open space, there is nothing much to protect. Camp Lejeune is almost 250 square miles in area, yet the "populated" areas cover maybe 3-5 square miles. It is simply impossible to even try and keep everybody out that does not belong.
And a lot of bases also serve as facilities for other government agencies. Maxwell AFB in Alabama is also headquarters for the regional FAA, FAQMA, FEMA, and OSHA offices. It is simply impossible to try and convert all of the bases in the US to some kind of High Security facility like a prison. Most of them have more civilian employees then military personnel, and are simply to large to keep everybody out or do in-depth background checks.
Picture putting a parimiter up around Kansas City, and then expecting to keep out everybody that did not live there. That is basically what you are talking about. Like in any area of security, deterence and prevention is the key to preventing incidents, not brute force.
Subject: Re: Terror plot foiled in South Jersey
Written By: loki 13 on 05/14/07 at 5:15 pm
The media have given a name to these guys, they are calling them the "Fort Dix Six." The six had a bail
hearing Friday and not surprisingly, bail was denied. The lawyers for one defendant stated that the whole
case is based on entrapment and now that they've been arrested their families are being harassed.
The more I hear about this case the more it sounds like a criminal matter, not a terrorist plot. They had
plans to gain access to a military base a kill as many soldiers as they could, this is a conspiracy to committ
murder. Because the people who devised the plan were Islamic they're using the guise of "Terrorist Plot"
to prove Bush's Homeland Security plan is working.
Subject: Re: Terror plot foiled in South Jersey
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/14/07 at 5:37 pm
The media have given a name to these guys, they are calling them the "Fort Dix Six." The six had a bail
hearing Friday and not surprisingly, bail was denied. The lawyers for one defendant stated that the whole
case is based on entrapment and now that they've been arrested their families are being harassed.
The more I hear about this case the more it sounds like a criminal matter, not a terrorist plot. They had
plans to gain access to a military base a kill as many soldiers as they could, this is a conspiracy to committ
murder. Because the people who devised the plan were Islamic they're using the guise of "Terrorist Plot"
to prove Bush's Homeland Security plan is working.
What they're going to say is Homeland Security can't work if liberal bubbleheads are going to pissnmoan about "civil rights" all the time. Let's tap everybody's phone and prohibit people of Arab decent from delivering pizzas!
Subject: Re: Terror plot foiled in South Jersey
Written By: Mushroom on 05/15/07 at 4:46 pm
The media have given a name to these guys, they are calling them the "Fort Dix Six." The six had a bail
hearing Friday and not surprisingly, bail was denied. The lawyers for one defendant stated that the whole
case is based on entrapment and now that they've been arrested their families are being harassed.
I might accept entrapment, if not for the fact that the entire investigation started when they tried to get a training video converted to DVD. The company enlisted to make this copy then contacted law enforcement and the investigation got going from there.
In many ways, it is interesting to try and imagine what would have happened if this had happened before 9/11. Back then, nobody took the idea of terrorist attacks in the country seriously, and such requests for investigation were routinely ignored (or pur on low priority). There were reports made by the flight schools that trained the 9/11 hijackers, but nobody paid it much attention.
In fact, if the timelines had been reversed, things probably would have turned out much different. If Fort Dix had been attacked (and investigation revealed that tips has been ignored), then you probably would have had more in place - which would have acted on the tips of suspicious students attending flight schools.
Security is really about 2 things: perception and prevention. This covers everything from your house (keeping bushes clear, lighting, alarm systems) to a bank (dye packs, cameras, alarms), to Government Facilities (armed guards-military, FBI investigation, FBI-CIA-law enforcement investigation). The idea is to either look so impregnable that nobody tries anything, or to try and catch them before anything ever happens.
But if somebody really decides to attack someplace, and keeps it a close enough secret, there is nothing you can do to stop it.