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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: bush administration scandals
Written By: Tia on 04/25/07 at 10:37 am
i bet i forgot a few.
man, there's so many now!
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: CatwomanofV on 04/25/07 at 12:37 pm
Can I vote for all of the above?
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: spaceace on 04/25/07 at 1:27 pm
I know about all of them.
You missed Karl Rove's terrifying rap debut.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: CatwomanofV on 04/25/07 at 1:37 pm
I know about all of them.
You missed Karl Rove's terrifying rap debut.
That was pretty scary. Normally, I would say "Don't quit your day job" but in his case, I wish he would.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: spaceace on 04/25/07 at 2:16 pm
That was pretty scary. Normally, I would say "Don't quit your day job" but in his case, I wish he would.
I still have nightmares. :P
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Tia on 04/25/07 at 2:32 pm
ha! i saw that. didn't he say something about tearing the heads off kittens or something. it was rather tweaky.
okay, i forgot about the 24-year-old they put in charge of the iraqi stock market, and the expert doctor they replaced with a partisan hack in the iraqi health ministry.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: CatwomanofV on 04/25/07 at 2:44 pm
ha! i saw that. didn't he say something about tearing the heads off kittens or something. it was rather tweaky.
okay, i forgot about the 24-year-old they put in charge of the iraqi stock market, and the expert doctor they replaced with a partisan hack in the iraqi health ministry.
You forgot a lot. You forgot about Halliburton in Iraq, the Administration wanting to put some foriegn country (can't remember excatly right now) in charge of the ports, etc. etc. The list seems to be never ending.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Tia on 04/25/07 at 2:56 pm
You forgot a lot. You forgot about Halliburton in Iraq, the Administration wanting to put some foriegn country (can't remember excatly right now) in charge of the ports, etc. etc. The list seems to be never ending.
oh, yeah, wasn't that saudi arabia? or yemen?
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: CatwomanofV on 04/25/07 at 3:04 pm
oh, yeah, wasn't that saudi arabia? or yemen?
I can't remember but does it matter?
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Tia on 04/25/07 at 3:09 pm
i guess not, except in a wonky kinda way. although saudi arabia would be particularly ironic. i think it was yemen. don't quote me though.
it's funny, the republicans in the committees investigating these various brouhahas keep talking about "fishing expeditions." which, you know, with travelgate and monicagate and whitewater, they'd know.
but if it's fishing expeditions they want, man, the lake's about fully stocked, ain't it? ;D
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 04/25/07 at 6:18 pm
Can you refresh my memory about the the "use of public resources for partisan ends at GSA, in violation of the hatch act"? I'd look it up myself, but I've been burning the midnight oil catching up with work, and I'm a little burnt out. My boss gave me the cattle prod earlier this week, sometimes I need it for motivation, y'know!
Mebby a better question would be, "What decent, honest things has the Bush Administration done for the benefit of John & Jane Average?"
I think that's where you find the real short list!
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Tia on 04/25/07 at 8:15 pm
Can you refresh my memory about the the "use of public resources for partisan ends at GSA, in violation of the hatch act"? I'd look it up myself, but I've been burning the midnight oil catching up with work, and I'm a little burnt out. My boss gave me the cattle prod earlier this week, sometimes I need it for motivation, y'know!
yeah, it had to do with a powerpoint presentation. there's some real ornery chick they keep calling to testify who was really at the helm of that one, her name escapes me but she's a real cranky partisan hack. that's one of my favorite ones, actually, of bush administration malfeasances.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: La Roche on 04/25/07 at 8:54 pm
Mebby a better question would be, "What decent, honest things has the Bush Administration done for the benefit of John & Jane Average?"
I think that's where you find the real short list!
Don't you know?
We've been killin all'a dem A-Rabs that'a be blowing up the washington monument if we let em get ejucated enuff.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: lterhune on 04/25/07 at 9:22 pm
Love the uncertainties here!
Seems that the well paid Left wing marketers earned their pay.
gad. ::)
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Tia on 04/25/07 at 9:50 pm
Love the uncertainties here!
Seems that the well paid Left wing marketers earned their pay.
gad. ::)
i think the differences between the bush controversies and the clinton ones are instructive.
the right went after clinton for alleged financing scandals going back decades (a la whitewater) and personal picadilloes like when he chose to drop his pants. whereas the bush controversies go to the heart of how the right wing governs. and there are more of them than you can shake a stick at, because the right wing truly does govern by seizing power and trying to completely obliterate anything and anyone who stands in their way.
i notice you have no tangible retort to any of this except vague comments about "left wing marketers," whatever that's supposed to mean. :P
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Tia on 04/25/07 at 10:30 pm
how could i have forgotten jack abramoff? the granddaddy of bush scandals! dag.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: CatwomanofV on 04/26/07 at 10:42 am
i guess not, except in a wonky kinda way. although saudi arabia would be particularly ironic. i think it was yemen. don't quote me though.
it's funny, the republicans in the committees investigating these various brouhahas keep talking about "fishing expeditions." which, you know, with travelgate and monicagate and whitewater, they'd know.
but if it's fishing expeditions they want, man, the lake's about fully stocked, ain't it? ;D
I couldn't agree more. If Congress put half the time/$$$ that Ken Starr did, they wouldn't find a skeleton in Bush's closet, they would find a whole cemetery.
how could i have forgotten jack abramoff? the granddaddy of bush scandals! dag.
Yeah, it is easy to forget because there were/are so many of them that you need a score card to keep them all streight.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: EthanM on 04/26/07 at 1:24 pm
It was Dubai that almost bought the ports, although Saudi Arabia would have been a bit more ironic.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: lterhune on 04/27/07 at 7:06 pm
i think the differences between the bush controversies and the clinton ones are instructive.
You mean the differences between the bush and clinton ones as you understand them are instructive?
the right went after clinton for alleged financing scandals going back decades (a la whitewater) and personal picadilloes like when he chose to drop his pants. whereas the bush controversies go to the heart of how the right wing governs. and there are more of them than you can shake a stick at, because the right wing truly does govern by seizing power and trying to completely obliterate anything and anyone who stands in their way.
It was Clinton's wife and that whitewater scandal, (where her associates went down for her), still to this day
a big problem for her. She wasn't cleared, that's not how it went down.
And it had nothing to do with the "four times in public office affairs" (or as you call them, dropping his pants), is was his lying under oath and to the world, (but if your way makes you feel better, so be it)
The left wing governs horribly and is filled with huge scandals - in case you were not aware. The big difference is how the media treats the two sides - and they do treat them very differently.
i notice you have no tangible retort to any of this except vague comments about "left wing marketers," whatever that's supposed to mean. :P
If the comments that I read were specific, I would have. Left wing markerters are those who spin things to make people angry and outraged at things that haven't been proven or have no merit at all ---- for the purpose of winning elections. Suckers who do not care to know the reality or facts behind some "scandal" will suck up the left wing markerter's crap like it's their last meal on earth.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Tia on 04/27/07 at 10:20 pm
You mean the differences between the bush and clinton ones as you understand them are instructive?
yes. very. clinton's "scandals" were all about his personal life. bush's are all about what a disaster he's made of our country. they're about his leadership. what there is of it.
It was Clinton's wife and that whitewater scandal, (where her associates went down for her), still to this day
a big problem for her. She wasn't cleared, that's not how it went down. i guess your saying so makes it true.
whatever. after what's happened in the past few years it's REALLY hard to care about whitewater.
And it had nothing to do with the "four times in public office affairs" (or as you call them, dropping his pants), is was his lying under oath and to the world, (but if your way makes you feel better, so be it)if i'd been in his shoes, i would have lied too. it was so obvious ken starr was after anything he could find to ruin the man's life. i wouldn't have had the affair with monica in the first place -- i don't have affairs, and i don't approve of what he did -- but once he was in that situation and it was pretty obvious the right-wing machine would do anything in its power to destroy him, i would have lied. for sure. and it's not like the bushies haven't lied their faces off, and about things that MATTER, not about BJs. but they're smart and never go under oath. because they know damn well how sleazy they are.
The left wing governs horribly and is filled with huge scandals - in case you were not aware. The big difference is how the media treats the two sides - and they do treat them very differently.
i dunno what to say about this. if you've liked the last six years, and apparently you do, vote republican and the country will keep going in the same direction. i personally have learned a valuable lesson out of the bush administration and watching the radical right run every aspect of the federal government -- and that's that the right has NOTHING to offer this country. if you love america, then you have to hate the right and the way they rape america. because they really do. there's no other word for it.
i HATE the right. and i hate what they've done to my country.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: La Roche on 04/28/07 at 2:10 pm
yes. very. clinton's "scandals" were all about his personal life. bush's are all about what a disaster he's made of our country. they're about his leadership. what there is of it.
i guess your saying so makes it true.
whatever. after what's happened in the past few years it's REALLY hard to care about whitewater.
if i'd been in his shoes, i would have lied too. it was so obvious ken starr was after anything he could find to ruin the man's life. i wouldn't have had the affair with monica in the first place -- i don't have affairs, and i don't approve of what he did -- but once he was in that situation and it was pretty obvious the right-wing machine would do anything in its power to destroy him, i would have lied. for sure. and it's not like the bushies haven't lied their faces off, and about things that MATTER, not about BJs. but they're smart and never go under oath. because they know damn well how sleazy they are.
i dunno what to say about this. if you've liked the last six years, and apparently you do, vote republican and the country will keep going in the same direction. i personally have learned a valuable lesson out of the bush administration and watching the radical right run every aspect of the federal government -- and that's that the right has NOTHING to offer this country. if you love america, then you have to hate the right and the way they rape america. because they really do. there's no other word for it.
i HATE the right. and i hate what they've done to my country.
First of all, your exhibiting the typical Liberal delusion here - Like things would be any better under ANY of the democratic candidates of the last 2 elections. They've been useless and you KNOW I abhor the current administration, they're an embarresment to Conservatives worldwide.
However.. I'm about to agree with you.
If I was Clinton, damn straight I would have lied through my teeth.. cus Hilary is a nasty bitch and probably would have had his balls in a vice otherwise. He received oral sex.. big deal... most of us have had affairs, seriously, it's not a big deal.. two people give each other what they want and enjoy it. Marriage is a total sham anyway, no two people love each other that much that they don't WANT to nail somebody else..
Of course, the left made a huge deal about Bush snorting coke whilst skipping out oin Vietnam. Now.. should they have? I guess.. it was news.. was it a big deal.. no, not really, loads of people skipped the draft, on the left and right.. loads of people snorted coke as well, big deal.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: CatwomanofV on 04/28/07 at 2:47 pm
First of all, your exhibiting the typical Liberal delusion here - Like things would be any better under ANY of the democratic candidates of the last 2 elections. They've been useless and you KNOW I abhor the current administration, they're an embarresment to Conservatives worldwide.
I'm not too sure about Kerry but Gore would definately have been better than Dubya. Yeah, I held my nose and voted for Kerry. He wasn't my candidate of choice but he was "anyone but Bush".
However.. I'm about to agree with you.
If I was Clinton, damn straight I would have lied through my teeth.. cus Hilary is a nasty bitch and probably would have had his balls in a vice otherwise. He got his c**k sucked.. big deal... most of us have had affairs, seriously, it's not a big deal.. two people give each other what they want and enjoy it. Marriage is a total sham anyway, no two people love each other that much that they don't WANT to nail somebody else.. it's bulls**t.
Clinton should not have been asked questions about his personal life to begin with. Yeah, what he did was not exactly a good thing to do but that was between him, Hilary, and Monica-not the entire nation. However, I disagree with you about marriage. Speaking from personal experience, Carlos & I are totally much in love that we don't want anyone else. We are perfectly content with just each other.
Of course, the left made a huge deal about Bush snorting coke whilst skipping out oin Vietnam. Now.. should they have? I guess.. it was news.. was it a big deal.. no, not really, loads of people skipped the draft, on the left and right.. loads of people snorted coke as well, big deal.
You could make the same claim how the right railed on Clinton about "not inhaling", too. Personally, I think coke is far worse than a little grass. As for Vietnam, I understand how many felt about that war-whether going to fight in the jungles of South-east Asia or going to Canada. I don't have a problem with that. What I do have a problem with are people who skip out of duties (quote Cheney: "I had better things to do"), but are real quick to send others into harm's way. And then trying to play the "war hero" by donning a flight suit for a photo op to claim "Mission Accomplish" which was/is not.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: La Roche on 04/28/07 at 3:10 pm
I'm not too sure about Kerry but Gore would definately have been better than Dubya. Yeah, I held my nose and voted for Kerry. He wasn't my candidate of choice but he was "anyone but Bush".
Clinton should not have been asked questions about his personal life to begin with. Yeah, what he did was not exactly a good thing to do but that was between him, Hilary, and Monica-not the entire nation. However, I disagree with you about marriage. Speaking from personal experience, Carlos & I are totally much in love that we don't want anyone else. We are perfectly content with just each other.
You could make the same claim how the right railed on Clinton about "not inhaling", too. Personally, I think coke is far worse than a little grass. As for Vietnam, I understand how many felt about that war-whether going to fight in the jungles of South-east Asia or going to Canada. I don't have a problem with that. What I do have a problem with are people who skip out of duties (quote Cheney: "I had better things to do"), but are real quick to send others into harm's way. And then trying to play the "war hero" by donning a flight suit for a photo op to claim "Mission Accomplish" which was/is not.
Gore.. maybe. Gore talks a big game and is commited to what he believes in.. some of which I'm all for, I seriously doubt he'd have the political clout to get much of anything done. Yeah, Kerry was 'anybody' but Bush, personally I would have actually liked to see Edwards run as a candidate, seeing as he was liked across the board.
Yeah, the whole 'I did not inhale thing' who cares.
Well, fair enough, that's good that you's guys are totally commited to each other.
Makes me sick when anyone of those chicken-hawk sumbitches puts on a uniform and parades around like they have any goddam right to be wearing it.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: CatwomanofV on 04/28/07 at 3:39 pm
Gore.. maybe. Gore talks a big game and is commited to what he believes in.. some of which I'm all for, I seriously doubt he'd have the political clout to get much of anything done. Yeah, Kerry was 'anybody' but Bush, personally I would have actually liked to see Edwards run as a candidate, seeing as he was liked across the board.
I agree with you there. Edwards would have a great deal better than Kerry. So far the candidates who MAY get my support (haven't decided yet since the election is over a year away and anything can happen) are Barack Obama, John Edwards, & Dennis Kucinich. That is not to say that I am ruling out others, I just don't know too much about some others at this point in time. Of course if Gore decides to run, he would be added to my list. A few candidates who I have totally ruled out are Kerry & Hilary. However, if they win the primary, I just may have to hold my nose and vote them anyway. :-\\
Yeah, the whole 'I did not inhale thing' who cares.
Well, fair enough, that's good that you's guys are totally commited to each other.
Makes me sick when anyone of those chicken-hawk sumbitches puts on a uniform and parades around like they have any goddam right to be wearing it.
I agree with you there.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: La Roche on 04/28/07 at 4:29 pm
I agree with you there. Edwards would have a great deal better than Kerry. So far the candidates who MAY get my support (haven't decided yet since the election is over a year away and anything can happen) are Barack Obama, John Edwards, & Dennis Kucinich. That is not to say that I am ruling out others, I just don't know too much about some others at this point in time. Of course if Gore decides to run, he would be added to my list. A few candidates who I have totally ruled out are Kerry & Hilary. However, if they win the primary, I just may have to hold my nose and vote them anyway. :-\\
I agree with you there.
I'd do a write in for Bush before I'd vote for Hilary. If there's anybody who shouldn't hold office, it's her. She just flips flops around and spouts her populist nonsense whilst not actually commiting to anything. The only possible way I'd vote for her is if I knew Bill would be heavily involved, but it's already come out that he'd be off ambassadoring it up (meaning he'll be nailing foreign chicks ;D).
I'd certainly vote for Barak Obama. I'd probably vote for him before Chuck Hagel or Rudy Giuliani who are my two Republican picks.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: CatwomanofV on 04/28/07 at 4:57 pm
I'd do a write in for Bush before I'd vote for Hilary. If there's anybody who shouldn't hold office, it's her. She just flips flops around and spouts her populist nonsense whilst not actually commiting to anything. The only possible way I'd vote for her is if I knew Bill would be heavily involved, but it's already come out that he'd be off ambassadoring it up (meaning he'll be nailing foreign chicks ;D).
I'd certainly vote for Barak Obama. I'd probably vote for him before Chuck Hagel or Rudy Giuliani who are my two Republican picks.
I paint Hilary, Kerry, & McCain all in the same light. They blow whichever way the wind blows. I do want someone who is willing to stand up for their convictions even if it is against the popular belief. Of course that is where I have a bit a problem with Edwards, he did vote for the war like the majority did. But, like I said, it is really too early for me to throw my support to anyone. But, I am weighing my options.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 04/28/07 at 6:15 pm
i notice you have no tangible retort to any of this except vague comments about "left wing marketers," whatever that's supposed to mean. :P
It works for Ann Coulter, so why not me?
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: lterhune on 04/28/07 at 7:42 pm
If I was Clinton, damn straight I would have lied through my teeth.. cus Hilary is a nasty bitch and probably would have had his balls in a vice otherwise. He received oral sex.. big deal... most of us have had affairs, seriously, it's not a big deal.. two people give each other what they want and enjoy it. Marriage is a total sham anyway, no two people love each other that much that they don't WANT to nail somebody else..
I wouldn't say "most of us have had affairs" (and it IS a big deal). And it wasn't one affair w/Monica, it was four affairs in public office. (and if you recall, Hillary got on TV after 3 of them telling America that her husband did not cheat or have an affair, but that it was a right wing conspiracy - and she was very firm on that). (By the way: I hope you tell your prospects in the future your feelings about people in love wanting to nail somebody else - that would be the fair thing to do)
Of course, the left made a huge deal about Bush snorting coke whilst skipping out oin Vietnam. Now.. should they have? I guess..
Sure, all if fair. Then also we should make a big deal about Obama (admitting) to using pot and coke for "recreation" too, right? There has not been a lot of press about that - hardly any at all, (I wonder why?)
it was news.. was it a big deal.. no, not really, loads of people skipped the draft, on the left and right.. loads of people snorted coke as well, big deal.
True... although Bush really didn't skip the draft at all. That would be Clinton, who left the country to skip the draft for real.. that didn't get a lot of press either - must be the double standards working here again.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: La Roche on 04/28/07 at 8:02 pm
I wouldn't say "most of us have had affairs" (and it IS a big deal). And it wasn't one affair w/Monica, it was four affairs in public office. (and if you recall, Hillary got on TV after 3 of them telling America that her husband did not cheat or have an affair, but that it was a right wing conspiracy - and she was very firm on that). (By the way: I hope you tell your prospects in the future your feelings about people in love wanting to nail somebody else - that would be the fair thing to do)
Sure, all if fair. Then also we should make a big deal about Obama (admitting) to using pot and coke for "recreation" too, right? There has not been a lot of press about that - hardly any at all, (I wonder why?)
True... although Bush really didn't skip the draft at all. That would be Clinton, who left the country to skip the draft for real.. that didn't get a lot of press either - must be the double standards working here again.
Yeah, sorry, by most of us I meant Me and my friends.. but then again, we are a bunch of degenerate wasters.
Who was the other one.. Jenifer something? I'm trying to remember.
I do wonder why Obama's drug use hasn't come under such heavy scrutinty as Bush's AND Clinton's. I'm guessing because the left is holding him up on a pedestal.
I'm not quite sure how Bush didn't skip the draft.. fill me in here.
Wasn't Clinton a rhodes scholar? Admittedly if I was given that sort of opportunity, I would take it. That being said, he's in no position to rag on others who avoided it.
(By the way: I hope you tell your prospects in the future your feelings about people in love wanting to nail somebody else - that would be the fair thing to do)
Sex is just sex, when one can deal with things in an adult and mature manner, that's all it needs to be.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: lterhune on 04/28/07 at 8:17 pm
I do wonder why Obama's drug use hasn't come under such heavy scrutinty as Bush's AND Clinton's. I'm guessing because the left is holding him up on a pedestal.
I think you nailed it there!
I'm not quite sure how Bush didn't skip the draft.. fill me in here.
Wasn't Clinton a rhodes scholar? Admittedly if I was given that sort of opportunity, I would take it. That being said, he's in no position to rag on others who avoided it.
Bush enlisted. Clinton ran to Canada.
Sex is just sex, when one can deal with things in an adult and mature manner, that's all it needs to be.
Sometimes being an adult means you are 'adult enough' to stick to your promises and commitments.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: La Roche on 04/28/07 at 9:40 pm
I think you nailed it there!
Pretty much. I happen to like the guy but he's being made out to be something he's not.
Bush enlisted. Clinton ran to Canada.
Yeah.. in the Texas Air National Guard, not exactly the most demanding of callings.. and he didn't go.
Sometimes being an adult means you are 'adult enough' to stick to your promises and commitments.
Thankfully.. I've never made any commitments.. maybe if I did it would be different.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 04/28/07 at 10:14 pm
If Clinton joined and fought in combat it would have made NO difference. 1992 was pre-Karl Rove but not pre--Lee Atwater. They would have done to Clinton exactly what the did to Kerry.
Yeah, Bush enlisted, but he was drunk and AWOL.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: lterhune on 04/28/07 at 10:35 pm
Pretty much. I happen to like the guy but he's being made out to be something he's not.
Yeah.. in the Texas Air National Guard, not exactly the most demanding of callings.. and he didn't go.
Kerry joined the Swift Boats crew; who / which did not go into combat areas (the safe route), until after he joined. then, when they did, he faked his three purple hearts... well, one faked and two the products of whining on his part. ---- -- And Bush did go, demanding or not, he went. It was his discharge date that was in dispute.(which was cleared up) Kerry's discharge papers and medical records have still not be released.
Thankfully.. I've never made any commitments.. maybe if I did it would be different.
There ya go!
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: lterhune on 04/28/07 at 10:41 pm
If Clinton joined and fought in combat it would have made NO difference. 1992 was pre-Karl Rove but not pre--Lee Atwater. They would have done to Clinton exactly what the did to Kerry.
- Clinton was a total coward and ran clear out of the country like the total coward he was & it didn't make a difference, he was still elected. Bush did not, he was NOT AWOL, that has been cleared up - so your propaganda pushing is just that, propaganda pushing.
Now tell us about Obama's drunk, coke and pot-head life and tell me he's a great guy in the same breath that you tell me Bush is bad for it .... after all, Obama's was more recently and was his "recreation" not too long back.. let's hear your typical liberal double standards w/ clinton and obama (while you try and say it isn't!)
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 04/29/07 at 1:14 am
- Clinton was a total coward and ran clear out of the country like the total coward he was & it didn't make a difference, he was still elected. Bush did not, he was NOT AWOL, that has been cleared up - so your propaganda pushing is just that, propaganda pushing.
Now tell us about Obama's drunk, coke and pot-head life and tell me he's a great guy in the same breath that you tell me Bush is bad for it .... after all, Obama's was more recently and was his "recreation" not too long back.. let's hear your typical liberal double standards w/ clinton and obama (while you try and say it isn't!)
What makes you think I'm invested in Obama?
Clinton got himself out of going to Vietnam. A lot bright young men with their wits about them did, such as Dick Cheney. Vietnam was an atrocious mess and an unwinnable war, and it wasn't Jane Fonda's fault. Most of the men serving in combat were from poor backgrounds and could not get those college deferments.
Kerry did not suffer grievous injuries to get his purple heart medals. Thousands of soldiers got purple hearts under similar circumstances. They weren't that big a deal. Secretary Gordon England, U.S. Navy, concluded from their investigation that Kerry followed propert procedures to obtain his silver and bronze stars and his purple hearts. It does not appear they were "faked." You might not like Kerry, you might not like the way Kerry went about getting those awards, or what he did after he got them, but Kerry did not get them under false pretenses.
Don't suppose it might be able to expunge an AWOL from your record if your pop was a congressman, the ambassador to the U.N., and chairman of the RNC. Don't suppose, don't suppose...
But you're right, Bush didn't go AWOL. That's 30 days or less. Bush didn't show up for 17 months. That makes him a deserter.
The hardcore Bush haters (yes, there are people who hate Bush to the point of insanity) make Bush's, ahem, absenteeism sound like a much bigger deal than it was. However, when you become president (notice I didn't say elected) and your administration beats the drum for war, sends other people's sons and daughters into combat, and uses the military for its own PR machine, a goof-off service record looks pretty hypocritical. There are no records of the man even being in Alabama when he said he was for chrissakes.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: CatwomanofV on 04/29/07 at 2:30 pm
What makes you think I'm invested in Obama?
Clinton got himself out of going to Vietnam. A lot bright young men with their wits about them did, such as Dick Cheney. Vietnam was an atrocious mess and an unwinnable war, and it wasn't Jane Fonda's fault. Most of the men serving in combat were from poor backgrounds and could not get those college deferments.
Kerry did not suffer grievous injuries to get his purple heart medals. Thousands of soldiers got purple hearts under similar circumstances. They weren't that big a deal. Secretary Gordon England, U.S. Navy, concluded from their investigation that Kerry followed propert procedures to obtain his silver and bronze stars and his purple hearts. It does not appear they were "faked." You might not like Kerry, you might not like the way Kerry went about getting those awards, or what he did after he got them, but Kerry did not get them under false pretenses.
Don't suppose it might be able to expunge an AWOL from your record if your pop was a congressman, the ambassador to the U.N., and chairman of the RNC. Don't suppose, don't suppose...
But you're right, Bush didn't go AWOL. That's 30 days or less. Bush didn't show up for 17 months. That makes him a deserter.
The hardcore Bush haters (yes, there are people who hate Bush to the point of insanity) make Bush's, ahem, absenteeism sound like a much bigger deal than it was. However, when you become president (notice I didn't say elected) and your administration beats the drum for war, sends other people's sons and daughters into combat, and uses the military for its own PR machine, a goof-off service record looks pretty hypocritical. There are no records of the man even being in Alabama when he said he was for chrissakes.
Couldn't have said it better myself.
Carlos manage to get himself out of Vietnam. His daddy was not rich and did not have any pull to get him in front of the list for the Texas Air National Guard. When he was called up he basically starved himself for about 3 weeks prior. So, when he went in to take his physical, he was WAY below the weight he should have been for his height. (An added bonus, they set the scales lighter and the measurements higher because they dealt more with shorter, heavier people then tall and lighter people.) By their calculations, Carlos should have been dead. After being rejected from the Army, he left and went streight to McDonald's and got 3 Big Macs. ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Powerslave on 04/29/07 at 5:55 pm
Well I don't know about any of the others, but I'd say that "ordering the invasion of a sovereign nation and deposing its leader for no justifiable reason or for reasons that have since found to be fabricated" would be the biggest Bush scandal. When Clinton lied, he lied about having sex. When Bush and his cronies lied, they sent thousands of people to their deaths in a needless war that's still going on. That's a big difference.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: CatwomanofV on 04/29/07 at 6:10 pm
Well I don't know about any of the others, but I'd say that "ordering the invasion of a sovereign nation and deposing its leader for no justifiable reason or for reasons that have since found to be fabricated" would be the biggest Bush scandal. When Clinton lied, he lied about having sex. When Bush and his cronies lied, they sent thousands of people to their deaths in a needless war that's still going on. That's a big difference.
http://emoticons4u.com/happy/1074.gif To you, too.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: danootaandme on 04/30/07 at 4:32 am
Now tell us about Obama's drunk, coke and pot-head life and tell me he's a great guy in the same breath that you tell me Bush is bad for it .... after all, Obama's was more recently and was his "recreation" not too long back.. let's hear your typical liberal double standards w/ clinton and obama (while you try and say it isn't!)
bush had a coke, pot-head, drunken life, so if you cast aspersions on Obama for it you must do the same for bush. Big difference is that Obama is man enough to admit it whereas bush is not. That was YOUR typical rovian double standard.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Tia on 04/30/07 at 11:19 am
bush and clinton basically did the same thing, they opted out of going to vietnam. the particular ng stint bush went on was known among the leisure class as an easy way of getting out of going to the meat grinder.
the difference is, clinton opposed the war. the argument could at least be made that he was acting out of principle. if you don't think the war is just, don't go and fight for other people to not go either. you think i'd go fight for bush and the partisan republicans in congress and their corporate and radical religious financiers in iraq? hell no. they hate me, they hate my country (though they wrap themselves shamelessinly in the flag) and they hate everything i stand for. they can all grab a rifle and go fight for their OWN oil profits.
the difference between clinton and bush is, bush opted out cuz he was worried about his own ass. it's possible clinton did the same, but bush supported the war in vietnam... he just thought other people should go. that was a job for the wait staff and the poor people. that is the ultimate in cowardice.
and let's look at the VPs. gore served as a reporter, did he not? he's modest about his serving but at least his boots fell on vietnamese soil at one point. cheney rather famously had "other priorities."
i mean really, what's so good about these guys? they REALLY make my flesh crawl.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 04/30/07 at 5:00 pm
In conservative emotionalism:
The Republican Party is always the party of patriotism and bravery.
The "Democrat" party is always the party of treason and cowardice.
It does not matter what individuals in the parties do or don't do.
Dubya is a war hero, Jack Murtha is a cheese-eating surrender monkey.
Bill Clinton had a Rhodes Scholarship. Oxford University is not in Canada, BTW.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: lterhune on 04/30/07 at 11:33 pm
Well I don't know about any of the others,
Really? How could you not?
...but I'd say that "ordering the invasion of a sovereign nation and deposing its leader for no justifiable reason or for reasons that have since found to be fabricated" would be the biggest Bush scandal. When Clinton lied, he lied about having sex. When Bush and his cronies lied, they sent thousands of people to their deaths in a needless war that's still going on. That's a big difference.
Pushing propaganda without any evidence is not very responsible, (but it is good for the demoncrat cause huy?)
By the way; Did Clinton lie when he attacked Baghdad for the very same reasons as Bush?
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: lterhune on 04/30/07 at 11:54 pm
bush and clinton basically did the same thing, they opted out of going to vietnam. the particular ng stint bush went on was known among the leisure class as an easy way of getting out of going to the meat grinder.
OMG! They hardly did the same thing; one enlisted in service and the other took off like the coward he is.. GAD!
the difference is, clinton opposed the war. the argument could at least be made that he was acting out of principle.
Principle: noun: a rule or standard especially of good behavior Example: "A man of principle"
Principle doesn't include skipping out on one's own country to hide from being drafted... (no matter how you spin it)
the difference between clinton and bush is, bush opted out cuz he was worried about his own ass. it's possible clinton did the same,
Bush enlisted... Possilbe Clinton did the same? How about probable he DID worry about his own ass. Bush enlisted, smart: clinton skipped the country like a yellow pinko - that's worry over his own ass hun.
but bush supported the war in vietnam... he just thought other people should go.
Oh, did he tell you that personally? How come Clinton didn't support the war in Nam, being that Kennedy sent the men there & all? HOGWASH - all of that you wrote! It's funny what people let themself believe because of their partisanship - even to the point of not making any sense at all.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Powerslave on 05/01/07 at 2:44 am
Really? How could you not?
Because I'm not an American.
Pushing propaganda without any evidence is not very responsible, (but it is good for the demoncrat cause huy?)
;D Hey kettle, you're black!
Bush said Saddam had WMDs. Saddam acquiesed to UN demands to give weapons inspectors unrestricted access, who found nothing. But Bush didn't believe them. NO WMDs HAVE EVER BEEN FOUND IN IRAQ. The claim that Iraq had bought uranium off Niger was an outright lie, perpetrated by a shonky Italian ex-intelligence officer. The CIA even told Rice it was untrue, but she continued to peddle it. IRAQ NEVER BOUGHT "YELLOWCAKE" OFF ANYONE. Bush said that Saddam was a supporter of Al Queada. He wasn't -- this was even denied by the CIA and recanted by Colin Powell. IRAQ HAD NO ALLEGIANCE WITH BIN LADEN. Bush claimed that Saddam had mobile biological warfare factories. This also turned out to be untrue, a lie peddled by a disgruntled Iraqi refugee in Germany. There is evidence that Saddam HAD chemical weapons in the 1980s (he bought them off America), and even used them, but the reason for the invasion wasn't about the chemical weapons he had back in the 80s to use against Iran, it was about the weapons he was going to use against America. WHICH HE DIDN'T HAVE. Nothing Bush told his allies about why Iraq was so dangerous it had to be brought to its knees was true. Not a single thing. This isn't propaganda. This is an example of propaganda:
"We know that Saddam Hussein is determined to keep his weapons of mass destruction; he's determined to make more. Given Saddam Hussein's history of aggression...given what we know of his terrorist associations and given his determination to exact revenge on those who oppose him, should we take the risk that he will not some day use these weapons at a time and the place and in the manner of his choosing at a time when the world is in a much weaker position to respond? The United States will not and cannot run that risk to the American people. Leaving Saddam Hussein in possession of weapons of mass destruction for a few more months or years is not an option, not in a post-September 11th world" -- Colin Powell, 5/2/03.
Let's look at that again:
We know that Saddam Hussein is determined to keep his weapons of mass destruction (none have ever been found, so he either destroyed them, or never had any, as the IAEA determined); he's determined to make more (how could he? He didn't have the technology, as the IAEA found). Given Saddam Hussein's history of aggression (no denying that)...given what we know of his terrorist associations (none, apparently, according to the CIA) and given his determination to exact revenge on those who oppose him, should we take the risk that he will not some day use these weapons at a time and the place and in the manner of his choosing at a time when the world is in a much weaker position to respond? The United States will not and cannot run that risk to the American people. Leaving Saddam Hussein in possession of weapons of mass destruction for a few more months or years is not an option (perhaps not, BUT HE DIDN'T HAVE ANY), not in a post-September 11th world"
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: danootaandme on 05/01/07 at 4:33 am
George W. Bush May 1, 2003 on board USS Lincoln (with a sock stuffed down his pants)
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Powerslave on 05/01/07 at 6:33 am
I would have mentioned that if I'd thought of it. BUt I thought of this: "embedding" journalists, even ones opposed to the war, with the US armed forces as they rolled across Iraq virtually unhindered, to show the world how much of a cakewalk it would be for the biggest and richest army in the history of mankind to invade another country. But then, when Americans started to die, NOT allowing journalists, even those who had supported the war, to show the coffins of servicemen.
BTW, didn't Clinton bomb Baghdad because Saddam kept sending planes over the No-Fly Zone?
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: lterhune on 05/01/07 at 1:32 pm
The "Democrat" party is always the party of treason and cowardice.
Now you're getting it!! Look at Harry Reid, he is totally treasonous and a total coward, and the list goes on too! Just look at what Reid just said, and you know Osama (if he is alive) is cheering him on!
Dubya is a war hero, Jack Murtha is a cheese-eating surrender monkey.
Jack Murtha is a slime ball who makes deals with his washington power... good example (and another example of a super defeatist too)
Bill Clinton had a Rhodes Scholarship. Oxford University is not in Canada, BTW.
No Canada is where the coward went to hide from the draft, try not to confuse the issues!
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: CatwomanofV on 05/01/07 at 2:56 pm
No Canada is where the coward went to hide from the draft, try not to confuse the issues!
I think you need to check your facts. Bill Clinton NEVER went to Canada. He went to the U.K. to study at Oxford. BTW, he had a college deferment like a lot of people did. If you don't believe me, read this:
Or how about this-strieght off the White House website:
Never once did it mention that he went to Canada.
Here is another interesting site that lists what many people did during Vietnam. Notice how a lot of Republicans ALSO had college deferments.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: danootaandme on 05/01/07 at 4:00 pm
No Canada is where the coward went to hide from the draft, try not to confuse the issues!
Oxford is in England and Bill Clinton went there as a Rhodes Scholar, something bushie II will never be mistaken for.
OMG! They hardly did the same thing; one enlisted in service and the other took off like the coward he is.. GAD!
Having your daddy pull strings to get you a stint with the National Guard, then getting you out again, is noble? He didn't even have to study.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/01/07 at 6:14 pm
Having your daddy pull strings to get you a stint with the National Guard, then getting you out again, is noble? He didn't even have to study.
It's not that he didn't want to study, it's that he couldn't because he was too bombed!
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: spaceace on 05/01/07 at 7:55 pm
It's not that he didn't want to study, it's that he couldn't because he was too bombed!
But I thought they sent him there for that reason. :)
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: La Roche on 05/01/07 at 10:08 pm
Jesse Ventura was a Navy SEAL if that counts for anything? He's also one of the finest humans on the face of the earth!
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: spaceace on 05/01/07 at 10:28 pm
Jesse Ventura was a Navy SEAL if that counts for anything? He's also one of the finest humans on the face of the earth!
Navy Seals kick serious butt. :)
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: La Roche on 05/01/07 at 11:08 pm
Navy Seals kick serious butt. :)
He was in Underwater Demolition.
Jesse is pretty Liberal in many ways, but he's VERY fiscally Conservative.
Kind of the opposite of the current administration and unlike most Democrats. America needs more people like Jesse The Body. Stop spending and start mending.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: spaceace on 05/02/07 at 8:01 am
He was in Underwater Demolition.
Jesse is pretty Liberal in many ways, but he's VERY fiscally Conservative.
Kind of the opposite of the current administration and unlike most Democrats. America needs more people like Jesse The Body. Stop spending and start mending.
I've also found him to be an unapologetic individualist. I like that in a politician. :)
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: La Roche on 05/02/07 at 12:52 pm
I've also found him to be an unapologetic individualist. I like that in a politician. :)
MMmHmmm. Well there's your difference, Jesse isn't so much a politician.. as he is.. a guy.. in politics/
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: spaceace on 05/02/07 at 4:52 pm
MMmHmmm. Well there's your difference, Jesse isn't so much a politician.. as he is.. a guy.. in politics/
Yep, the man's not brain dead!!! :)
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: lterhune on 05/02/07 at 8:36 pm
Oxford is in England and Bill Clinton went there as a Rhodes Scholar, something bushie II will never be mistaken for.
Before graduate deferments were eliminated in 1968, registrants could conceivably use this tactic until they reached the age of twenty-six, when they were much less likely to be drafted. Clinton came along too late to adopt a similar strategy; in the middle of his Rhodes scholarship at Oxford University, Congress eliminated graduate deferments. Despite the example of the draft resistance movement and his Rhodes scholar roommate, who chose to accept prison over induction, Clinton manipulated the system
Having your daddy pull strings to get you a stint with the National Guard, then getting you out again, is noble? He didn't even have to study.
Liberals are such whiners w/such double standards.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: lterhune on 05/02/07 at 8:39 pm
It's not that he didn't want to study, it's that he couldn't because he was too bombed!
That maturity is so impressive! Clinton was "not inhaling" while Obama was priming for his "entertainment era" of pot, coke and booze and you just can't get over it...
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/02/07 at 10:19 pm
Before graduate deferments were eliminated in 1968, registrants could conceivably use this tactic until they reached the age of twenty-six, when they were much less likely to be drafted. Clinton came along too late to adopt a similar strategy; in the middle of his Rhodes scholarship at Oxford University, Congress eliminated graduate deferments. Despite the example of the draft resistance movement and his Rhodes scholar roommate, who chose to accept prison over induction, Clinton manipulated the system
Liberals are such whiners w/such double standards.
Once again....
Clinton was an extremely bright young man who did not want to go to Vietnam. If he wanted to go, he most certainly could have. But he didn't. I don't have a problem with him not wanting to go. You might. Fair enough. But what drives Clinton critics crazy is he didn't really dodge the draft, he manipulated the system, as you say.
Clinton registered for selective service at Georgetown but got a student deferment. Legit.
Indeed, in 2/68 the government eliminated deferments for grad students.
Clinton then got himself a Navy Billet at the local naval reserve unit and temporary deferment from the draft via the Garland County draft board so he could go to Oxford. This was a bit of special treatment that took some string-pulling, but again, it was technically legit.
Clinton did report for his physical at the end of his first semester, 1/69.
Clinton missed his 4/69 induction date due to, ahem, delays in the international mailing system. He was thus allowed to finish his semester. Again, this reveals a young man more enthusiastic for the spires of Oxford than the explosion-riddled jungles of Southeast Asia. But it's still legit.
Bubba was then due for induction in 7/69, but that month he got accepted to the Arkansas ROTC, which "nullified" his draft notice. Thus, Big Bill would have to enroll after basic training the following year.
In 1969 Clinton decided not to go to law school but return to Oxford. Fortuitously, the government changed regulations again that year allowing grad students to complete their studies before reporting for dute. Bubba writes the Arkansas draft board and dumps his ROTC deferment. At that time, Slick Willie's number in the draft lottery was so high he could count on never getting called for dute, and he wasn't.
We all hate to see a guy we don't like play the system, technically break no rules, and get away with not doing something other guys without the brains and connections had to do. I can only image how it makes right-wing blood boil.
Heh heh! He got away with it!
As much as conservatives around here get the impression I was a staunch supporter of Clinton, they also get the idea Clinton was a rock-throwing red. Neither could be further from the truth.
Clinton was the most conservative and pro-big business among the slate of serious contenders in 1992. I wanted Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), and when Harkin dropped out, I stumped a bit for Jerry Brown. I voted for Clinton in '92 to spare the country four more years of Bush/Quayle, that's all. By '96 I was too disgusted to vote for him because of his lust for the so-called free trade agreements and for so-called "welfare reform." I can't stand a Republicrat, so I wrote in Nader.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/02/07 at 10:27 pm
That maturity is so impressive! Clinton was "not inhaling" while Obama was priming for his "entertainment era" of pot, coke and booze and you just can't get over it...
I regret that our country was not mature enough to hear Clinton say, "Yeah, I used to get high in college, so what?" Heck, JFK smoked the stuff in the White House! If Obama did some pot, coke, and booze, I'm not really concerned. It is a matter of degrees. It appears Dubya's substance abuse (mostly booze) did some neurological damage. That is rather concerning.
For the next several decades we are going to have Baby Boomers and Gen X-ers running the country. We had better get used to the idea that most people in these generations have smoked pot on numerous occasions, and many more have done harder drugs. I don't want a heroin addict in the Oval Office, mind you. However, I don't want some utterly straight-laced moralistic stiff who never even took a puff off a joint either.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: danootaandme on 05/03/07 at 4:35 am
Before graduate deferments were eliminated in 1968, registrants could conceivably use this tactic until they reached the age of twenty-six, when they were much less likely to be drafted. Clinton came along too late to adopt a similar strategy; in the middle of his Rhodes scholarship at Oxford University, Congress eliminated graduate deferments. Despite the example of the draft resistance movement and his Rhodes scholar roommate, who chose to accept prison over induction, Clinton manipulated the system
Liberals are such whiners w/such double standards.
The double standard was guys in my neighborhood dying in Viet Nam without deferments and bushie recieving special treatment because of his daddy. I don't think anyone should have gone to Viet Nam if the didn't want to, but guys who didn't want to were sent routinely and I know quite a few, and see quite a lot of them, who were damaged and in need of the very help that bushie denys them everyday with the cuts to Veterans benefits. The liberals like me who are pissed off at bush are pissed off because bushie was for the war, while he was against it. He didn't do his homework on it, if he had we wouldn't be where we are today, young men in my neighborhood dying in Iraq, while young men in his neighborhood power walk with their Ipods.
For the next several decades we are going to have Baby Boomers and Gen X-ers running the country. We had better get used to the idea that most people in these generations have smoked pot on numerous occasions, and many more have done harder drugs. I don't want a heroin addict in the Oval Office, mind you. However, I don't want some utterly straight-laced moralistic stiff who never even took a puff off a joint either.
What we have is a straight-laced moralistic stiff who, although it has been proven he is an alcoholic, and is not a stranger to cocaine,{won't confirm or deny) standing up on his hypocritical bully pulpit.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: lterhune on 05/03/07 at 12:02 pm
My POINT IS: You call Bush a boozer and say he went AWOL and it is not true! It is simply immature childish crap. So I bring up Clinton and his draft dodging and pot use (and Obama's), and you continue to call your names and put Bush down while defending your playboy icon! You don't get it, :o I get that already
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: CatwomanofV on 05/03/07 at 12:54 pm
The double standard was guys in my neighborhood dying in Viet Nam without deferments and bushie recieving special treatment because of his daddy. I don't think anyone should have gone to Viet Nam if the didn't want to, but guys who didn't want to were sent routinely and I know quite a few, and see quite a lot of them, who were damaged and in need of the very help that bushie denys them everyday with the cuts to Veterans benefits. The liberals like me who are pissed off at bush are pissed off because bushie was for the war, while he was against it. He didn't do his homework on it, if he had we wouldn't be where we are today, young men in my neighborhood dying in Iraq, while young men in his neighborhood power walk with their Ipods.
What we have is a straight-laced moralistic stiff who, although it has been proven he is an alcoholic, and is not a stranger to cocaine,{won't confirm or deny) standing up on his hypocritical bully pulpit.
My POINT IS: You call Bush a boozer and say he went AWOL and it is not true! It is simply immature childish crap. So I bring up Clinton and his draft dodging and pot use (and Obama's), and you continue to call your names and put Bush down while defending your playboy icon! You don't get it, :o I get that already
You seem to be blinded by your love for Bush and your hatred for Clinton that you just can't see the facts. The facts are that Bush did get a DUI. (Cheney happened to get 2 of them).
Ok, so it may have been a "youthful indiscretion" at the age of 30. ::) Using drugs or alcohol for recreational use is one thing but to use them irresponible is another.
As for him being AWOL, there is no proof that he actually was where he was suppose to be.
As for Clinton, no one here claims he is perfect-far from it. And as many times and we tell you that Clinton did not dodge the draft and offer you proof of that, you still refuse to see the facts through your hatred. And as the facts are presented to you, you say that we are being childish because YOU are the one who is refusing to see the facts.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: lterhune on 05/03/07 at 1:19 pm
You seem to be blinded by your love for Bush and your hatred for Clinton that you just can't see the facts. The facts are that Bush did get a DUI. (Cheney happened to get 2 of them).
I don't hate Clinton - not at all; I hate double standards and hypocrites
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: CatwomanofV on 05/03/07 at 1:34 pm
I don't hate Clinton - not at all; I hate double standards and hypocrites
You could have fooled me when you called him a coward.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: danootaandme on 05/03/07 at 4:07 pm
My POINT IS: You call Bush a boozer and say he went AWOL and it is not true! It is simply immature childish crap.
Bush, by his own admission, was a heavy drinker(and quite the party boy) until he sobered up in 1986. That would make him 40 years old, that would not make this behaviour qualified as childhood hijinks.
Oh, and how is this
Though he's done a decent job of hiding it in this election cycle, Bush has been known to use salty language. At the Republican National Convention in 1988, he was asked by a Hartford Courant reporter about what he and his father talked about when they weren't talking about politics.
"Pussy," Bush replied ::)
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/03/07 at 4:45 pm
Though he's done a decent job of hiding it in this election cycle, Bush has been known to use salty language. At the Republican National Convention in 1988, he was asked by a Hartford Courant reporter about what he and his father talked about when they weren't talking about politics.
"Pussy," Bush replied ::)
I believe that's the same reply Vernon Jordan gave when reporters asked him what he and Bill Clinton talked about on the golf course.
I wish they'd all stick to that topic, only so much trouble you can plot there. Sorry if it sounds totally sexist, but I'd rather them talk about screwing than screwing over!
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: spaceace on 05/03/07 at 4:49 pm
I believe that's the same reply Vernon Jordan gave when reporters asked him what he and Bill Clinton talked about on the golf course.
I wish they'd all stick to that topic, only so much trouble you can plot there. Sorry if it sounds totally sexist, but I'd rather them talk about screwing than screwing over!
http://www.inthe00s.com/smile/12/evil6.gif You have to love the way Clinton deals with the media.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: lterhune on 05/03/07 at 5:27 pm
You could have fooled me when you called him a coward.
It's the one-sided gang of haters here; they slam Bush, they deserve to hear the same for one of their icons. There is no productivity in slamming people left & right. There are A LOT of things Clinton did that I liked - some you may not even be aware of (for example, he was FOR prayer in school) (but there are other reasons too). There are A LOT of great things Bush has done, many of those you may be unaware of too! I look at this thread & see it's a slam thread & I try to even things out a bit... You do believe in freedom of speech for all, right?
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: CatwomanofV on 05/03/07 at 5:39 pm
It's the one-sided gang of haters here; they slam Bush, they deserve to hear the same for one of their icons. There is no productivity in slamming people left & right. There are A LOT of things Clinton did that I liked - some you may not even be aware of (for example, he was FOR prayer in school) (but there are other reasons too). There are A LOT of great things Bush has done, many of those you may be unaware of too! I look at this thread & see it's a slam thread & I try to even things out a bit... You do believe in freedom of speech for all, right?
You have not been here long enough to know how much I have argued for the First Admendent. I am saying that it appears that you hate Clinton and love Bush and that is making you blind. We have been through this long before you even joined the board. Whenever someone mentions about what Bush did/didn't do, the other side's response always seems to be "Clinton." This thread was intended to discuss the scandals of the Bush Administration. Whether you want to see it or not, this Administration is riddled with scandal after scandal. I really don't think that Clinton is part of any of these scandals of the Bush Administration. Why don't you put up a thread about the scandals of the Clinton Administration.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: lterhune on 05/03/07 at 5:40 pm
Bush, by his own admission, was a heavy drinker(and quite the party boy) until he sobered up in 1986. That would make him 40 years old, that would not make this behaviour qualified as childhood hijinks.
Oh, and how is this
Though he's done a decent job of hiding it in this election cycle, Bush has been known to use salty language. At the Republican National Convention in 1988, he was asked by a Hartford Courant reporter about what he and his father talked about when they weren't talking about politics......
Credible source, by the way, (not), is that really where you get your facts?
I have been wondering, by the way, how old are you? (you seem very young)
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: lterhune on 05/03/07 at 5:43 pm
You have not been here long enough to know how much I have argued for the First Admendent. I am saying that it appears that you hate Clinton and love Bush and that is making you blind. We have been through this long before you even joined the board. Whenever someone mentions about what Bush did/didn't do, the other side's response always seems to be "Clinton." This thread was intended to discuss the scandals of the Bush Administration. Whether you want to see it or not, this Administration is riddled with scandal after scandal. I really don't think that Clinton is part of any of these scandals of the Bush Administration. Why don't you put up a thread about the scandals of the Clinton Administration.
Some unfounded and more unproven "alleged scandals" ... It's a bash session made to feed egos of those who didn't vote for the winning man in the last elections. I don't hate anyone by the way, and good of you to address the whole post I just made to you.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Tia on 05/03/07 at 5:43 pm
My POINT IS: You call Bush a boozer and say he went AWOL and it is not true! It is simply immature childish crap. So I bring up Clinton and his draft dodging and pot use (and Obama's), and you continue to call your names and put Bush down while defending your playboy icon! You don't get it, :o I get that already
i know you are but what am i?
can we talk specifics? it sounds to me like clinton owned up to his offenses and bush didn't own up to his, and so you're pouncing on the very merest possibiliity of doubt to automatically absolve bush of all charges.
i mean, if he's the ONE guy out of all the rich kids who enlisted in that particular national guard job thinking he was gonna end up in vietnam fighting for his country, when all the rest of the kids were there fully aware that that was a way out of getting OUT of vietnam, then doesn't that make him... maybe not bright enough to be president? either way i smell a big-time rat.
and yeah, with all the rumors and the admitted fact he was a boozer till the age of 40, it does make me wonder about his slurry speech, pathologically poor diction and apparent inability to grasp basic facts. such as that africa is a continent rather than a country. ;D but whatever, linda, i guess we all have to pick our own heroes.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: CatwomanofV on 05/03/07 at 5:50 pm
Some unfounded and more unproven "alleged scandals" ... It's a bash session made to feed egos of those who didn't vote for the winning man in the last elections. I don't hate anyone by the way, and good of you to address the whole post I just made to you.
Whether or not these are so-call "alleged scandals", they are still current events which we are discussing here. If you think that this thread was started just to be a bash session, I am not going to try to convince you otherwise. You seem to be already convinced and nothing anyone can say will change that. But trust me, many things about Bush WILL come to light and many of these "unproven" scandals will be proven!
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Tia on 05/03/07 at 5:53 pm
Whether or not these are so-call "alleged scandals", they are still current events which we are discussing here. If you think that this thread was started just to be a bash session, I am not going to try to convince you otherwise. You seem to be already convinced and nothing anyone can say will change that. But trust me, many things about Bush WILL come to light and many of these "unproven" scandals will be proven!
well, think about how the clinton scandals were "proven" -- he admitted to them. bush will never admit to his malfeasance and in the absence of that some folks will never face up themselves to what kind of character we've let into the white house. if he was convicted in a court of law some folks would suddenly become activists talking about how many innocent people have been sent to prison -- just so they could defend bush! lol.
like you say, some folks are already convinced, despite any evidence to the contrary.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Tia on 05/03/07 at 5:55 pm
and P.S. -- i'm totally okay with this being a bush bash. man sucks, he's trashed the country in a way that'll take decades to fix. if we can't bash this character, i guess we need to go back and start thinking of nixon and mccarthy as great politicians and patriots?
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/03/07 at 6:04 pm
and P.S. -- i'm totally okay with this being a bush bash. man sucks, he's trashed the country in a way that'll take decades to fix. if we can't bash this character, i guess we need to go back and start thinking of nixon and mccarthy as great politicians and patriots?
Well, yeah, but the "trashing" really began after inauguration day in 1981. This is end stage Reagan disease!
i know you are but what am i?
We're getting there!
I don't hate Clinton - not at all; I hate double standards and hypocrites
But it wasn't Clinton pounding the podium about temperance and chastity. That's the Ted Haggarts and Tom DeLays of the world.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: La Roche on 05/03/07 at 7:16 pm
Well, yeah, but the "trashing" really began after inauguration day in 1981. This is end stage Reagan disease!
Reagan = Great!
I'm ashamed to admit that the Republican party has still not found a successor to Reagan.. and the main reason is the Christian Right becoming involved with the party.
I've said it before and I'll say it again - The current manifestation of the Republican party is not.. I repeat NOT! the Republican party. Reagan, Goldwater and Eisenhower roll in their graves every time 'tardo gets in front of a camera.
Spending money that isn't there is not a Republican policy.
Injecting religion in to every level of American society is not a Republican policy.
Pissing on the United States Constitution is not a Republican policy.
These are policy's of the current administration, an administration that is neither Democratic or Republican but Corporate.
I'm a huge advocate of letting big corporations do as they wish, free market competition is always beneficial and one must be blind not to see that.. that being said, I don't want any corporation involved in the day to day judicial, legislative and gubernatorial processes.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Tia on 05/03/07 at 7:21 pm
i'm not so big on reagan myself but most of the rest of that i can get with. i think it's funny how eisenhower and nixon were basically an arranged marriage, the party strategists put them together. my big complaint with eisenhower has always been that he brought us nixon. but it wasn't really his fault.
i'm also not a big goldwater fan... then again, hard to imagine how he coulda been worse than LBJ, short of that "daisy" commercial actually coming true. :D :o
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: La Roche on 05/03/07 at 7:51 pm
i'm not so big on reagan myself but most of the rest of that i can get with. i think it's funny how eisenhower and nixon were basically an arranged marriage, the party strategists put them together. my big complaint with eisenhower has always been that he brought us nixon. but it wasn't really his fault.
i'm also not a big goldwater fan... then again, hard to imagine how he coulda been worse than LBJ, short of that "daisy" commercial actually coming true. :D :o
Exactly. They were real Conservatives.. the whole concept of the Conservative idealogy is not to make ridiculous changes, that's called Reactionary, something the Republican party shouldn't be, but has in many areas become. It's a shame, as there are many millions of intelligent rational individuals on both coasts, it's just the christian coalition morons in between.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Tia on 05/03/07 at 8:21 pm
Exactly. They were real Conservatives.. the whole concept of the Conservative idealogy is not to make ridiculous changes, that's called Reactionary, something the Republican party shouldn't be, but has in many areas become. It's a shame, as there are many millions of intelligent rational individuals on both coasts, it's just the christian coalition morons in between.
to be fair, if a bunch of peta-headed granola patty-hearst-worshipping liberals rose to power i'd probably be just about as scared as i am now. their job is to sell me pot and tell me what my dreams mean, not run the country.
i personally think the country is in bad need of serious reform, but that really is the time for honestly trying to gain consensus, not playing this weird game bush is playing. and i think if far lefties were in office they'd probably be doing something very similar to what he's doing. yanno? if it weren't for all the chauvinist imperialist swine getting in our way, we'd'a had this country fixed a year ago!
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: La Roche on 05/03/07 at 8:40 pm
to be fair, if a bunch of peta-headed granola patty-hearst-worshipping liberals rose to power i'd probably be just about as scared as i am now. their job is to sell me pot and tell me what my dreams mean, not run the country.
i personally think the country is in bad need of serious reform, but that really is the time for honestly trying to gain consensus, not playing this weird game bush is playing. and i think if far lefties were in office they'd probably be doing something very similar to what he's doing. yanno? if it weren't for all the chauvinist imperialist swine getting in our way, we'd'a had this country fixed a year ago!
If a bunch of peta freak granola turds rose to power, I'd be amassing myself a small arsenal of weaponry and taking on Washington.
The country is in serious need of reform and americans on both sides of the aisle see this, we need to unite against our common enemy, the southern-christian ignorant fools. Billy Graham and Pat Robertson are the real terrorists, filling childrens minds with meaningless swill and crushing their inquisitive spirits.
The problem isn't in theran, it's in Oklahoma City, Little Rock and Montgomery.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Tia on 05/03/07 at 8:42 pm
If a bunch of peta freak granola turds rose to power, I'd be amassing myself a small arsenal of weaponry and taking on Washington.
The country is in serious need of reform and americans on both sides of the aisle see this, we need to unite against our common enemy, the southern-christian ignorant fools. Billy Graham and Pat Robertson are the real terrorists, filling childrens minds with meaningless swill and crushing their inquisitive spirits.
The problem isn't in theran, it's in Oklahoma City, Little Rock and Montgomery.
i'll unite for that.
i just visited my uncle last week, he's a bodybuilder with eight guns. you'd like him. i still wanna get a pistol. but i've got other priorities with my money, still thinking about it though.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: La Roche on 05/03/07 at 8:45 pm
i'll unite for that.
i just visited my uncle last week, he's a bodybuilder with eight guns. you'd like him. i still wanna get a pistol. but i've got other priorities with my money, still thinking about it though.
No.. no, you're not having a pistol. You're a pretty violent drunk, I've had dice, sandwiches and empty cans thrown at me, I'd hate to have to disarm you and put a slug in your forehead.
Wait, this isn't the nut job paris island uncle then?
More and more regular Americans are coming to realize that the problem lays not with the power mongers in Washington, they're just the elected puppets but with the moronic masses in the 'heartland'. 50 years ago these people were at the top of the food chain.. but society has evolved.. it's a shame they don't believe in evolution. ::)
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Tia on 05/03/07 at 8:49 pm
No.. no, you're not having a pistol. You're a pretty violent drunk, I've had dice, sandwiches and empty cans thrown at me, I'd hate to have to disarm you and put a slug in your forehead.
Wait, this isn't the nut job paris island uncle then?
that's him, yes. PTSD vietnam vet with lots of guns. wouldn't hurt a flea, though.
dude, what's the point of getting a handgun if you can't get drunk and brandish it? i'm thinking i pick up a .38 snubnose, a fifth of bacardi 151, and a state-of-the-art portable stereo blasting the themesong from "the rockford files."
it'll be payback time for evildoers!
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: La Roche on 05/03/07 at 8:51 pm
that's him, yes. PTSD vietnam vet with lots of guns. wouldn't hurt a flea, though.
dude, what's the point of getting a handgun if you can't get drunk and brandish it? i'm thinking i pick up a .38 snubnose, a fifth of bacardi 151, and a state-of-the-art portable stereo blasting the themesong from "the rockford files."
it'll be payback time for evildoers!
As long as I can hold the bullets.
We really need a better car for it though, the WTCHMTN mobile just dosen't cut it in a driveby.
I'm in the middle of bargaining for a BMW 323i. Dude wants $4000 with 90K+ on the clock, I'm offering $2700.. I think he'll take it. That'd be an awesome driveby-mobile.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Tia on 05/03/07 at 8:53 pm
As long as I can hold the bullets.
We really need a better car for it though, the WTCHMTN mobile just dosen't cut it in a driveby.
I'm in the middle of bargaining for a BMW 323i. Dude wants $4000 with 90K+ on the clock, I'm offering $2700.. I think he'll take it. That'd be an awesome driveby-mobile.
we'll just rent it. we won't need it long.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: La Roche on 05/03/07 at 8:54 pm
we'll just rent it. we won't need it long.
Better do it in your name.. actual, I think that could be a job for David A. Thrashmister ;) ;)
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Tia on 05/03/07 at 8:59 pm
i'll have to take the wtchmtn tags off and put them on the slick shark-like charger. which i think is short of legal. of course, so is driving down the road waving handguns around. unless you have a permit.
we better stop, this is not a good climate for such levity. we're joking! JOKING!
brian, keys player in the old band, had a huge long-barrel .357 and an automatic pistol of some kind, i think it was bigger than a 9mm, and an old-school dodge charger. that was my big joke, when you gonna let me drive around irreponsibly in your badass car and wave your guns around? you're totally not using any of that stuff man! but... no dice.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: La Roche on 05/03/07 at 9:03 pm
i'll have to take the wtchmtn tags off and put them on the slick shark-like charger. which i think is short of legal. of course, so is driving down the road waving handguns around. unless you have a permit.
we better stop, this is not a good climate for such levity. we're joking! JOKING!
brian, keys player in the old band, had a huge long-barrel .357 and an automatic pistol of some kind, i think it was bigger than a 9mm, and an old-school dodge charger. that was my big joke, when you gonna let me drive around irreponsibly in your badass car and wave your guns around? you're totally not using any of that stuff man! but... no dice.
Ya know.. if you weren't such a bum, we could have gone to California and stayed with my cousin Rick. He still has his Camaro, that'd be a perfect vehicle for waving guns out of windows.. and it's California, we coulda got AK's man.
That is irresponsible, to have cool toys and not play with them.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Tia on 05/03/07 at 11:01 pm
did you see "death proof" yet? with the vanishing point and 'dirty mary crazy larry" references?
what would be a sweet followup to that would be to do another kickass car chase movie with the dirty mary crazy larry dodge charger layout, but with the new dodge charger, thusly...
and give it a "wtchmtn" OR... OR!!!!! "hellhse"! for "legend of hell house" -- vanity tag. that's the same director, basically his other kickass movie. the hardcore midnight movie buffs would totally get that. one of the things that was really embarrassing about death proof, which i totally loved, is how he gouged the vanishing point/dirty mary references into your skull. i was like, dude, just bust out the white 70 challenger and let people get there on their own.
ok. anyway. bush scandals.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: La Roche on 05/03/07 at 11:04 pm
did you see "death proof" yet? with the vanishing point and 'dirty mary crazy larry" references?
what would be a sweet followup to that would be to do another kickass car chase movie with the dirty mary crazy larry dodge charger layout, but with the new dodge charger, thusly...
and give it a "wtchmtn" OR... OR!!!!! "hellhse"! for "legend of hell house" -- vanity tag. that's the same director, basically his other kickass movie. the hardcore midnight movie buffs would totally get that. one of the things that was really embarrassing about death proof, which i totally loved, is how he gouged the vanishing point/dirty mary references into your skull. i was like, dude, just bust out the white 70 challenger and let people get there on their own.
ok. anyway. bush scandals.
Ya know.. during that post, you inadvertently put words together that created the names of two close family members.. that's what you get for coming from a car name family.
You know something really scandalous about Dubyah, he dosen't have a kickass ride.
But seriously, yeah, war on the uneducated, ignorant, baptist southerners. Only way to save America.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Tia on 05/03/07 at 11:10 pm
You know something really scandalous about Dubyah, he dosen't have a kickass ride.
have you seen that little motherfudgeing pussy-ass dog he's got? that's a man who would get behind the wheel of a 2006 yellow-racing-striped dodge charger and just cry and wet his little self and cry out for his... poodle or whatever the fudge dog that is.
guess i'll just hope the filter takes care of my filthy ass fudgeing mouth there. oops.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Tia on 05/03/07 at 11:11 pm
oops, mixed performance from the filter, there. oh well. i'm sure everything will be fine.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Red Ant on 05/03/07 at 11:19 pm
oops, mixed performance from the filter, there. oh well. i'm sure everything will be fine.
It's cool now. ;) Unlike poodles, which totally suck ***.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Tia on 05/03/07 at 11:43 pm
can you tell i'm a fan of the new dodge charger?
i'm a hard sell too.
what's this thread about, anyway?
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: danootaandme on 05/04/07 at 4:43 am
I have been wondering, by the way, how old are you? (you seem very young)
Such bait You can PM me if you want to go head to head, I wouldn't want to embarrass you any more than you embarrass yourself.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: 80s_cheerleader on 05/04/07 at 7:12 am
Such bait You can PM me if you want to go head to head, I wouldn't want to embarrass you any more than you embarrass yourself.
An Error Has Occurred!
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Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: 80s_cheerleader on 05/04/07 at 7:14 am
can you tell i'm a fan of the new dodge charger?
i'm a hard sell too.
what's this thread about, anyway?
The charger's nice, but doesn't hold a candle to the challenger. My p's used to have both of them (they got rid of the charger the day I was born :() and the charger was sweet looking then, but not quite as much now. The new challenger looks more like the original.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: 80s_cheerleader on 05/04/07 at 7:17 am
Credible source, by the way, (not), is that really where you get your facts?
I have been wondering, by the way, how old are you? (you seem very young)
That maturity is so impressive!
Oh, and BTW, age is just a number. I know some people <21 who are much more mature (Davey for one) than some of the older people I know (I won't mention names).....
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Tia on 05/04/07 at 8:29 am
oo! oo! oo! there's a new challenger?!? i didn't even know.
to the internet! meanwhile, i'm puttering around in an acura. ;D davey knows me too well, i like guns and fast cars, and probably the last thing i'll ever actually do in my life is actually get either one.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: 80s_cheerleader on 05/04/07 at 8:36 am
If the comments that I read were specific, I would have. Left wing markerters are those who spin things to make people angry and outraged at things that haven't been proven or have no merit at all ---- for the purpose of winning elections. Suckers who do not care to know the reality or facts behind some "scandal" will suck up the left wing markerter's crap like it's their last meal on earth.
And, the right wing doesn't do the same? swiftboatveteransfortruth anyone?
Sure, all if fair. Then also we should make a big deal about Obama (admitting) to using pot and coke for "recreation" too, right? There has not been a lot of press about that - hardly any at all, (I wonder why?) Maybe because he admitted it. There's no fun in "exposing" a skeleton in the closet when they're not hiding it....
True... although Bush really didn't skip the draft at all. That would be Clinton, who left the country to skip the draft for real.. that didn't get a lot of press either - must be the double standards working here again.
I must've missed where Bush fulfilled his 6 year commitment (even by "official records, he enlisted in 1968 & was "honorably discharged" in 1973, last time I checked, 73-68=5) went into combat.....oh, that's right, he joined the National Guard because it was well known that they wouldn't be called to serve. If Kerry can get a purple heart just by "whining," surely Dubya can get an honorable discharge at the request of his politically connected daddy.....
It's the one-sided gang of haters here; they slam Bush, they deserve to hear the same for one of their icons. There is no productivity in slamming people left & right. There are A LOT of things Clinton did that I liked - some you may not even be aware of (for example, he was FOR prayer in school) (but there are other reasons too). There are A LOT of great things Bush has done, many of those you may be unaware of too! I look at this thread & see it's a slam thread & I try to even things out a bit... You do believe in freedom of speech for all, right?
You obviously haven't been reading everyone's posts because many of them state that they didn't care for Clinton. But wait, how could Clinton, a "liberal Christian hater/basher" be FOR something obviously Christian? Doesn't make sense ???
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: 80s_cheerleader on 05/04/07 at 8:40 am
oo! oo! oo! there's a new challenger?!? i didn't even know.
to the internet! meanwhile, i'm puttering around in an acura. ;D davey knows me too well, i like guns and fast cars, and probably the last thing i'll ever actually do in my life is actually get either one.
yup....coming out in 2008. I know a couple of people who have already "reserved" one and my brother would give his left testicle for one to match his 1970 Super Bee (or 71?)
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Tia on 05/04/07 at 8:45 am
well, anybody else could google it, i imagine, but here's what i found.
yeah, looks a little weird but basically cool. i wouldn't say i LIKE the new charger necessarily, but... you can tell it's fast. 8)
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: 80s_cheerleader on 05/04/07 at 9:07 am
well, anybody else could google it, i imagine, but here's what i found.
yeah, looks a little weird but basically cool. i wouldn't say i LIKE the new charger necessarily, but... you can tell it's fast. 8)
It does look a little squashed, but hubby saw it at the auto show and said it looks better in person than in a picture and it's supposed to be faster than the charger ???
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: La Roche on 05/04/07 at 1:09 pm
oo! oo! oo! there's a new challenger?!? i didn't even know.
to the internet! meanwhile, i'm puttering around in an acura. ;D davey knows me too well, i like guns and fast cars, and probably the last thing i'll ever actually do in my life is actually get either one.
I thought you still has the Camry?
I think I've owned the coolest cars out of us two.
The Camaro wasn't mine, but it was in my name for a while and then my Landrover was kickass. The bullbars and winch on the front are illegal now. ;D
Don't worry Mike, if the CIA decide I'm acceptable, I'll have somebody killed who owns one, then you can have your Charger.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Tia on 05/04/07 at 1:11 pm
dur. i meant camry. i'm always doing that.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: La Roche on 05/04/07 at 1:16 pm
dur. i meant camry. i'm always doing that.
Your car's ok. It's failling apart and don't yo have about 150K on the clock now.. last time I saw.. but it's ok.. it runs alright.. now. When the muffler fell off that was classic!
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Tia on 05/04/07 at 1:20 pm
Your car's ok. It's failling apart and don't yo have about 150K on the clock now.. last time I saw.. but it's ok.. it runs alright.. now. When the muffler fell off that was classic!
i blame bush.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: La Roche on 05/04/07 at 1:25 pm
i blame bush.
That's the newest scandal right, he's been useing secretly funded drug money to hire miscreant youths to knock mufflers off toyotas around the Leesburg area. ;D
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Tia on 05/04/07 at 1:26 pm
That's the newest scandal right, he's been useing secretly funded drug money to hire miscreant youths to knock mufflers off toyotas around the Leesburg area. ;D
i've seen no evidence to the contrary. i'm sure it's true.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: danootaandme on 05/04/07 at 3:28 pm
This weekend I will be knocking around in the 68 Plymouth Scamp. It ain't a Charger, or a Challenger, or a Cuda, but it does have a certain cache :)
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: La Roche on 05/04/07 at 4:24 pm
i've seen no evidence to the contrary. i'm sure it's true.
That's some good Liberal rationale.. and I mean Liberal in the true sense of the word, not the affiliated sense.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: lterhune on 05/04/07 at 7:31 pm
And, the right wing doesn't do the same? swiftboatveteransfortruth anyone?
The Swift Boat people are not the right wing. They are not even all Republicans, many many are not. They were not ‘for’ Bush, they were ‘against’ Kerry. They have solid evidence, they read his book, proved it was full of false information and they were appalled at how Kerry flaunted his service in Nam. Then they, and many others, were even more angry that his SELF ADMITTED war crimes were left unattended to. They have the right to their freedom of speech and they were in fact, right. Perhaps the left should have nominated someone that was not a coward while flaunting his greatness!
Maybe because he admitted it. There's no fun in "exposing" a skeleton in the closet when they're not hiding it....
Maybe, but not likely. My point wasn’t his horrible years of drugs and booze so much as the left in here bringing up bush’s past use every chance they get. I am making things more fair, see? As for the “no fun in “exposing” a skeleton….” I suppose that is true, humans are like that. But to put one person down for booze while supporting one coke, pot and booze using dude is just hypocritical and juvenile too!
If Kerry can get a purple heart just by "whining," surely Dubya can get an honorable discharge at the request of his politically connected daddy.....
Maybe, maybe not. You don’t really know the truth – who does? But at least we see Bush’s discharge papers and medical records. That is more than we can say about Kerry, his discharge papers and medical records are still hidden well.
You obviously haven't been reading everyone's posts because many of them state that they didn't care for Clinton. But wait, how could Clinton, a "liberal Christian hater/basher" be FOR something obviously Christian? Doesn't make sense ???
I never said that Clinton was a liberal Christian hater/basher, did I?
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/04/07 at 7:56 pm
"I think the ad is dishonest and dishonorable. As it is none of these individuals served on the boat (Kerry) commanded.
Many of his crewmates have testified to his courage under fire. I think John Kerry served honorably in Vietnam."
--John McCain
John O'Neill is a well-known GOP operative and former Nixon fink. He was anything but a politically disinterested party just trying to expose "the truth."
Media Matters is definitely a liberal organization. One of the problems with the country being so polarized is everybody has an agenda, even those who say they don't. I'm not expecting to change the minds of Kerry detractors today anymore than in '04.
This wasn't good enough for Kerry-haters then, and it won't be now:
This won't mean a thing either:
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: lterhune on 05/04/07 at 8:44 pm
personal opinions are just that - opinions, but facts don't lie sweeties!
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/04/07 at 9:23 pm
personal opinions are just that - opinions, but facts don't lie sweeties!
Whose facts are opinions and whose opinions are facts and how do you arrive at such a conclusion?
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Tia on 05/05/07 at 12:10 am
Whose facts are opinions and whose opinions are facts and how do you arrive at such a conclusion?
my personal opinion is that my opinions are facts, and the facts that contradict my facts are merely opinions.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: La Roche on 05/05/07 at 12:15 am
my personal opinion is that my opinions are facts, and the facts that contradict my facts are merely opinions.
Anything you can say, I can say better.. all my opinions are more factual than yours.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Tam on 05/05/07 at 12:23 am
o·pin·ion /əˈpɪnyən/
Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation
1. a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.
2. a personal view, attitude, or appraisal.
3. the formal expression of a professional judgment: to ask for a second medical opinion.
4. Law. the formal statement by a judge or court of the reasoning and the principles of law used in reaching a decision of a case.
5. a judgment or estimate of a person or thing with respect to character, merit, etc.: to forfeit someone's good opinion.
6. a favorable estimate; esteem: I haven't much of an opinion of him.
fact /fækt/
Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation
1. something that actually exists; reality; truth: Your fears have no basis in fact.
2. something known to exist or to have happened: Space travel is now a fact.
3. a truth known by actual experience or observation; something known to be true: Scientists gather facts about plant growth.
4. something said to be true or supposed to have happened: The facts given by the witness are highly questionable.
5. Law. Often, facts. an actual or alleged event or circumstance, as distinguished from its legal effect or consequence. Compare question of fact, question of law.
—Idioms6. after the fact, Law. after the commission of a crime: an accessory after the fact.
7. before the fact, Law. prior to the commission of a crime: an accessory before the fact.
8. in fact, actually; really; indeed: In fact, it was a wonder that anyone survived.
Had to do it! ;D
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Red Ant on 05/05/07 at 12:29 am
Whose facts are opinions and whose opinions are facts and how do you arrive at such a conclusion?
my personal opinion is that my opinions are facts, and the facts that contradict my facts are merely opinions.
Anything you can say, I can say better.. all my opinions are more factual than yours.
All you guys are WRONG (even your approved dictionary entries, Tam, you fascist! ;)) Let me give the the REAL meaning of the words as pertaining to Linda:
When it comes to Mrs. Terhune, "facts" are whatever she types. "Opinions" (and very WRONG ones at that) are what anyone else types, unless they agree 100.00000% with her, then they are "facts" as well.
"Lies" are "any and everything bad posted about the Republican party by the evil demoncrats".
Of course, all of that ^ is just my opinion...
Mrs. Terhune is correct one one point though: facts don't lie. Statistics, however, can be manipulated in a nearly infinitesimal number of ways...
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: La Roche on 05/05/07 at 12:33 am
Statistics, however, can be manipulated in a nearly infinitesimal number of ways...
112% of people know that.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: philbo on 05/05/07 at 4:19 am
Statistics, however, can be manipulated in a nearly infinitesimal number of ways...
Er... are you sure you meant infintesimal?
Obviously "facts don't lie" (ain't that a Shakira song or something?)... however, people can lie about facts or have opinions about whether facts are facts or opinions. And even deciding what constitutes a "fact" is often a matter of opinion. Ain't that a fact? (well, no, I think it's an opinion)
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Red Ant on 05/05/07 at 11:30 am
Er... are you sure you meant infintesimal?
That should have read "Statistics, however, can be manipulated in a nearly infinite number of ways..."
Obviously "facts don't lie" (ain't that a Shakira song or something?)...
I dunno - I never listen to her music. Might make a good "The Facts of Life" theme song parody though...
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/05/07 at 11:46 am
A thesis might require the statement of fifty facts in order to ascertain its full meaning. If the full meaning of the thesis might get you in trouble, you might state on twenty-five of the fifty facts and hope no one presses you on the other half.
You see this in politics all the time.
That's why in court you "swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth."
Of course, the difference between truth and fact is philosophical.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: spaceace on 05/05/07 at 4:08 pm
All you guys are WRONG (even your approved dictionary entries, Tam, you fascist! ;)) Let me give the the REAL meaning of the words as pertaining to Linda:
When it comes to Mrs. Terhune, "facts" are whatever she types. "Opinions" (and very WRONG ones at that) are what anyone else types, unless they agree 100.00000% with her, then they are "facts" as well.
"Lies" are "any and everything bad posted about the Republican party by the evil demoncrats".
Of course, all of that ^ is just my opinion...
Mrs. Terhune is correct one one point though: facts don't lie. Statistics, however, can be manipulated in a nearly infinitesimal number of ways...
Her name is Lerhune. She's as touchy about that as she is demoncrats.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/05/07 at 5:21 pm
Her name is Lerhune. She's as touchy about that as she is demoncrats.
I wanted to ask her about her screen name and her avatar, but everything she says comes with a shovelful of bile. No thanks.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: spaceace on 05/05/07 at 5:26 pm
I wanted to ask her about her screen name and her avatar, but everything she says comes with a shovelful of bile. No thanks.
Figured I take the bullet for ya Max. http://www.inthe00s.com/smile/02/camper.gif
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: lterhune on 05/06/07 at 10:10 pm
All you guys are WRONG (even your approved dictionary entries, Tam, you fascist! ;)) Let me give the the REAL meaning of the words as pertaining to Linda:
When it comes to Mrs. Terhune, "facts" are whatever she types. "Opinions" (and very WRONG ones at that) are what anyone else types, unless they agree 100.00000% with her, then they are "facts" as well.
"Lies" are "any and everything bad posted about the Republican party by the evil demoncrats".
Of course, all of that ^ is just my opinion...
Mrs. Terhune is correct one one point though: facts don't lie. Statistics, however, can be manipulated in a nearly infinitesimal number of ways...
Shame on you, that wasn't nice at all! You should give yourself a warning about that crap you posted here in message board and then threaten yourself with a ban!
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: lterhune on 05/06/07 at 10:14 pm
my personal opinion is that my opinions are facts, and the facts that contradict my facts are merely opinions.
Mine too! What a coincidence! (but in reverse, of course!) :o It's weird how the people in here are just like me that way; only, there are more of you to back each other’s opinions up as facts... (and the fact that many of you can't see that fact)
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: lterhune on 05/06/07 at 10:15 pm
Her name is Lerhune. She's as touchy about that as she is demoncrats.
You forgot the "t" paceace!
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: lterhune on 05/06/07 at 10:18 pm
I wanted to ask her about her screen name and her avatar, but everything she says comes with a shovelful of bile. No thanks.
Are you a thesaurus junkie or what?
(And that post sounded personal and just like a personal attack to me! Have you been warned and threatened to be banned for that? Bet ya you haven't - you are not on the right side!
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Bobo on 05/06/07 at 10:18 pm
What crap? Explain a single thing he has said that warrants a comment with such appalling grammar and false sentiment.
PS. Posts like this don't support your cause. Be very careful.
Shame on you, that wasn't nice at all! You should give yourself a warning about that crap you posted here in message board and then threaten yourself with a ban!
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: lterhune on 05/06/07 at 10:19 pm
Figured I take the bullet for ya Max. http://www.inthe00s.com/smile/02/camper.gif
Now now now, don't be a show off! You KNOW you have asked me personal questions and I have ansswered them straight up! Be real!
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: lterhune on 05/06/07 at 10:20 pm
What crap? Explain a single thing he has said that warrants a comment with such appalling grammar and false sentiment.
PS. Posts like this don't support your cause. Be very careful.
Hmmm. Did you actually read the posts in here?
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Bobo on 05/06/07 at 10:21 pm
Hmmm. Did you actually read the posts in here?
Is it not my job, one I entirely voluntarily brought upon myself as a moderator, to do so?
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: spaceace on 05/07/07 at 5:31 am
Now now now, don't be a show off! You KNOW you have asked me personal questions and I have ansswered them straight up! Be real!
O.k. it's just that most people are kind of afraid of you at times.
Max, I figured out the name it's "Later Hun". Nothing subliminal about it.
As for the Avatar, by the looks of it she one of those rare natural blond Californians.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/07/07 at 7:03 pm
O.k. it's just that most people are kind of afraid of you at times.
It's like I said, I'm afraid I cannot say what I really think for the sake of social grace and the guidelines of this forum.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: spaceace on 05/07/07 at 7:05 pm
It's like I said, I'm afraid I cannot say what I really think for the sake of social grace and the guidelines of this forum.
It's tough restraining ones political views at times.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Powerslave on 05/07/07 at 7:30 pm
Hmmm. Did you actually read the posts in here?
I have, and some of them are among the most disrespectful and vile personal attacks I've come across on this forum. Some of the one you didn't make were a little borderline as well.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: danootaandme on 05/08/07 at 4:36 am
O.k. it's just that most people are kind of afraid of you at times.
Not afraid, wary, or perhaps tired.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: philbo on 05/08/07 at 5:01 am
O.k. it's just that most people are kind of afraid of you at times.
Afraid? I sure as hell hope not... WTF is there to be afraid of?
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Powerslave on 05/08/07 at 6:48 am
I'm not afraid. I'll just keep rolling out the rope.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: spaceace on 05/08/07 at 11:08 am
O.K. so maybe afraid wasn't the correct term. :P
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Tia on 05/08/07 at 12:12 pm
As for the Avatar, by the looks of it she one of those rare natural blond Californians.
California! Commie central! That was one of the things that freaky CNN Headline News guy was saying, that god-fearing America should impose an embargo on San Francisco. Total nutjob.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Brian06 on 05/09/07 at 12:22 am
I just want to let everyone know that lterhune has recently been banned.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Powerslave on 05/09/07 at 12:51 am
Later, honey!
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: karen on 05/09/07 at 4:50 am
I just want to let everyone know that lterhune has recently been banned.
shouldn't her posts show up as guest?
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: spaceace on 05/09/07 at 8:14 am
I just want to let everyone know that lterhune has recently been banned.
I'll live, honest I will. ;)
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: La Roche on 05/09/07 at 10:11 am
I just want to let everyone know that lterhune has recently been banned.
Brian.. you realize what this means right?
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: spaceace on 05/09/07 at 10:23 am
Brian.. you realize what this means right?
One less rabid blond conservative for you to love. :-\\
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: La Roche on 05/09/07 at 10:28 am
One less rabid blond conservative for you to love. :-\\
I was kinda hoping that he'd reply all - :( :( :( Sorry Dave - and then I'd say WAR!!! >:( >:( ;D ;D :D :D slightly maniacally.. but alas, it wasn't to be.
But on a serious note, I liked her, not because she was in agreement with me (because she really wasn't) but because I actually like people like that.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Powerslave on 05/09/07 at 3:44 pm
You like argumentative aggressive zealots who can barely string a coherent thought together? Oh that's right, you're a Republican aren't you? :D
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: CatwomanofV on 05/09/07 at 4:00 pm
You like argumentative aggressive zealots who can barely string a coherent thought together? Oh that's right, you're a Republican aren't you? :D
OOOH, that's nasty.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Powerslave on 05/09/07 at 4:55 pm
I'm a bad person.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: La Roche on 05/09/07 at 4:55 pm
You like argumentative aggressive zealots who can barely string a coherent thought together? Oh that's right, you're a Republican aren't you? :D
::) Don't worry, we wont reinstate Transportation. ;)
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: thereshegoes on 05/09/07 at 5:07 pm
You like argumentative aggressive zealots who can barely string a coherent thought together? Oh that's right, you're a Republican aren't you? :D
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Tia on 05/09/07 at 5:12 pm
okay, devil's advocacy moment, here.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: La Roche on 05/09/07 at 5:18 pm
okay, devil's advocacy moment, here.
Democrats are ugly..ugly people.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: thereshegoes on 05/09/07 at 5:18 pm
okay, devil's advocacy moment, here.
But Laura Bush must be a closet democrat then ???
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: La Roche on 05/09/07 at 5:19 pm
But Laura Bush must be a closet democrat then ???
hahaha! Yeah, probably.
Now Jenna Bush on the other hand..
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: thereshegoes on 05/09/07 at 5:20 pm
hahaha! Yeah, probably.
Now Jenna Bush on the other hand..
Ain't that the FAT one? :D
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Tia on 05/09/07 at 5:29 pm
i just googled jenna and like, the second thing i found is a pantiless jenna upskirt.
paris, britney, jenna... what's up with all the upskirts? is it an innocent coincidence, or something far more sinister?
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: La Roche on 05/09/07 at 5:38 pm
Ain't that the FAT one? :D
I wouldn't call her fat.. she's certainly amply proportioned, but I don't like really skinny women.... with the exception of Ann Coulter who I'd take to all manner of different places and let her loose to see what would happen.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Tia on 05/09/07 at 5:39 pm
with the exception of Ann Coulter who I'd take to all manner of different places and let her loose to see what would happen.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: spaceace on 05/09/07 at 5:41 pm
:o That is truly vile.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: thereshegoes on 05/09/07 at 5:42 pm
I wouldn't call her fat.. she's certainly amply proportioned, but I don't like really skinny women.... with the exception of Ann Coulter who I'd take to all manner of different places and let her loose to see what would happen.
Yeah i can see the appeal :o
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: spaceace on 05/09/07 at 5:44 pm
He ya go one of my all time favorite pictures!!!!
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: La Roche on 05/09/07 at 5:45 pm
I've always preferred 'Ilsa-Ann'
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Tia on 05/09/07 at 5:45 pm
if you stare at it for a while, one of her eyes twitches.
i that's pretty much if what was on ann's inside was on her outside, that's what she would look like. but i personally always thought she had a funky face anyway. she just has the nice hair and cakes on the makeup but you take a good long look at that face... she's not that pretty. her proportions are all out of whack, i think she looks downright... equine.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: La Roche on 05/09/07 at 5:51 pm
if you stare at it for a while, one of her eyes twitches.
i that's pretty much if what was on ann's inside was on her outside, that's what she would look like. but i personally always thought she had a funky face anyway. she just has the nice hair and cakes on the makeup but you take a good long look at that face... she's not that pretty. her proportions are all out of whack, i think she looks downright... equine.
Her nose is huge.. I mean.. huge!
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: thereshegoes on 05/09/07 at 5:52 pm
He ya go one of my all time favorite pictures!!!!
Very kinky,Spacey ;)
if you stare at it for a while, one of her eyes twitches.
i that's pretty much if what was on ann's inside was on her outside, that's what she would look like. but i personally always thought she had a funky face anyway. she just has the nice hair and cakes on the makeup but you take a good long look at that face... she's not that pretty. her proportions are all out of whack, i think she looks downright... equine.
You sounded so gay,right now ;D
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: spaceace on 05/09/07 at 5:54 pm
Very kinky,Spacey ;)
You sounded so gay,right now ;D
If they had used a different color of duct tape it would have let his eyes stand out a bit more. ::)
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Tia on 05/09/07 at 6:11 pm
You sounded so gay,right now ;D
pfft! talk to the tung.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: CatwomanofV on 05/09/07 at 6:34 pm
pfft! talk to the tung.
I could say something VERY facetious but this IS a family board and I'm sure Chucky wouldn't appriecate it.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/09/07 at 7:26 pm
Democrats are ugly..ugly people.
So long as I'm still registered, I can't exactly contradict that statement!
I'll say one thing of Lterhune, she kept the politics board hopping.
I'm sure she forgives us. We're all a bunch of heathens and sinners and we know not what we do! If she was going to get banned, she could have at least tied Harmonica for the most vicious Christian, and made some death threats...or some bomb threats!
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/09/07 at 7:30 pm
Thanks. I'm gonna have to sleep with the light on tonight!
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: SemperYoda on 05/10/07 at 2:19 pm
Did anyone mention Katrina?
I have really only started getting into Politics since the last election, so I am trying to learn more about both sides. However, I consider myself independent and alot of what I know, its just from my observation and what I have read so far.
I find it funny that if you mention anything about the scandals in this administration, right wingers are so quick to lash back about "Well Clinton did this, Clinton did that." Doesn't really matter to me. What Clinton did doesn't really make whats happening now any less important. The scandals are happening now, so thats what I care about.
The Political game, see who's name you can discredit by calling them flip flopper, digging up dirty laundry, etc, is a joke to me. Right wingers will accuse liberals of these things, but they never do them. Nope, not the pure conservative republican zealots who can do no wrong. Right wingers can be downright mean and nasty when they want to be. What a lovely way to run a country. Each side has their problems, maybe if we agree on that, this country can move forward. I dislike career politicians, and I think our government is moving away from a government of the people, to a government of how I can give myself a raise and keep this cushy job. Alot of us vote solely on party lines and that seems like a big problem. Voting without caring about what the other guy has to offer isn't very smart.
The hardest thing I have in agreeing with the Republican agenda and the party is, supposedly they see themselves as the Religious party in America, yet I haven't seen a whole lot in their platforms that reflect anything at all religious. Although, I guess you can classify their views on abortion rights, gay rights, and banning stem cell research is religious in nature. Big business and greed. Is that a Christian ideal? Judging people. Is that a Christian ideal? I am not religious in anyway, but I would think that programs helping people who are less fortunate, IE welfare, universal healthcare, are a good thing. There are also alot of religious Democrats as well. Which brings up a whole other debate, separating church and state. There are people who use their religion for good and those who use it as a status symbol in society. I would hope that they would use it for good. Of course I'm not trying to generalize anything. There are two sides to every story. Liberals definitely have their problems as well. A big one is their failure to find common ground within the party. They need to find a candidate that has more than a plan, but tells America what this plan is, backs up that plan, and show that they are competant enough to be President.
You cant blame everything on Bush? Well, I sure think I can. He is the President, America's voice and leader. He is ultimately responsible for his administration and what goes on. If our country is divided, its his job to bring us back together. If he fails there, it is not the fault of Americans.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Ashkicksass on 05/10/07 at 3:57 pm
Did anyone mention Katrina?
I have really only started getting into Politics since the last election, so I am trying to learn more about both sides. However, I consider myself independent and alot of what I know, its just from my observation and what I have read so far.
I find it funny that if you mention anything about the scandals in this administration, right wingers are so quick to lash back about "Well Clinton did this, Clinton did that." Doesn't really matter to me. What Clinton did doesn't really make whats happening now any less important. The scandals are happening now, so thats what I care about.
The Political game, see who's name you can discredit by calling them flip flopper, digging up dirty laundry, etc, is a joke to me. Right wingers will accuse liberals of these things, but they never do them. Nope, not the pure conservative republican zealots who can do no wrong. Right wingers can be downright mean and nasty when they want to be. What a lovely way to run a country. Each side has their problems, maybe if we agree on that, this country can move forward. I dislike career politicians, and I think our government is moving away from a government of the people, to a government of how I can give myself a raise and keep this cushy job. Alot of us vote solely on party lines and that seems like a big problem. Voting without caring about what the other guy has to offer isn't very smart.
The hardest thing I have in agreeing with the Republican agenda and the party is, supposedly they see themselves as the Religious party in America, yet I haven't seen a whole lot in their platforms that reflect anything at all religious. Although, I guess you can classify their views on abortion rights, gay rights, and banning stem cell research is religious in nature. Big business and greed. Is that a Christian ideal? Judging people. Is that a Christian ideal? I am not religious in anyway, but I would think that programs helping people who are less fortunate, IE welfare, universal healthcare, are a good thing. There are also alot of religious Democrats as well. Which brings up a whole other debate, separating church and state. There are people who use their religion for good and those who use it as a status symbol in society. I would hope that they would use it for good. Of course I'm not trying to generalize anything. There are two sides to every story. Liberals definitely have their problems as well. A big one is their failure to find common ground within the party. They need to find a candidate that has more than a plan, but tells America what this plan is, backs up that plan, and show that they are competant enough to be President.
You cant blame everything on Bush? Well, I sure think I can. He is the President, America's voice and leader. He is ultimately responsible for his administration and what goes on. If our country is divided, its his job to bring us back together. If he fails there, it is not the fault of Americans.
Wish I could give you Karma again...
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/10/07 at 4:06 pm
Wish I could give you Karma again...
Since you couldn't, I did!
What it boils down to regarding Katrina is the problem of having people running the government who don't believe in government.
They're interested in fattening their wallets and not much else. They made money where they could off of Katrina and left the rest to rot.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Tia on 05/10/07 at 4:10 pm
Since you couldn't, I did!
What it boils down to regarding Katrina is the problem of having people running the government who don't believe in government.
They're interested in fattening their wallets and not much else. They made money where they could off of Katrina and left the rest to rot.
yeah, katrina was pretty much the proverbial bathtub in which the neocons drowned our government.
this also explains the hinky political appointments also. since the loyal bushies don't believe in government anyway, why not staff government with their old college roommates and golf buddies, regardless of how much experience they actually have? after all, the duties they're going to pretend to perform are totally gonna be taken care of by the private sector, anyway.
this whole magical belief in the all-healing power of the free market is really getting the country all hosed up.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/10/07 at 4:20 pm
yeah, katrina was pretty much the proverbial bathtub in which the neocons drowned our government.
this also explains the hinky political appointments also. since the loyal bushies don't believe in government anyway, why not staff government with their old college roommates and golf buddies, regardless of how much experience they actually have? after all, the duties they're going to pretend to perform are totally gonna be taken care of by the private sector, anyway.
this whole magical belief in the all-healing power of the free market is really getting the country all hosed up.
The ironic thing is these clowns are much better off in government than in the private sector. When they run amok in the private sector, you get Enron. In government, they've discovered, they can be as corrupt and irresponsible as they want and the taxpayers will always pick up the tab (remember the Keating 5?). Now it doesn't even matter if the voters turn against them because they've figured out how to steal elections!
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: CatwomanofV on 05/10/07 at 4:25 pm
Since you couldn't, I did!
What it boils down to regarding Katrina is the problem of having people running the government who don't believe in government.
They're interested in fattening their wallets and not much else. They made money where they could off of Katrina and left the rest to rot.
yeah, katrina was pretty much the proverbial bathtub in which the neocons drowned our government.
this also explains the hinky political appointments also. since the loyal bushies don't believe in government anyway, why not staff government with their old college roommates and golf buddies, regardless of how much experience they actually have? after all, the duties they're going to pretend to perform are totally gonna be taken care of by the private sector, anyway.
this whole magical belief in the all-healing power of the free market is really getting the country all hosed up.
You both said it. So now they can all say, "See the government does not its job so let's turn all this stuff over to the private sector" and they preceed to hand contracts to their buddies. ::) Look at all the contractors who has been robbing this nation blindly-Halliburton anyone? And then there are the insurance companies-State Farm and many others who did NOT meet their obligation and no one says didly squat to them. The whole thing just really pisses me off.
There is a former collegue of Carlos' who has a statement on the door to his office which says, "If you are not outraged, then you are not paying attention!"
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/13/07 at 3:13 pm
You both said it. So now they can all say, "See the government does not its job so let's turn all this stuff over to the private sector" and they preceed to hand contracts to their buddies. ::) Look at all the contractors who has been robbing this nation blindly-Halliburton anyone? And then there are the insurance companies-State Farm and many others who did NOT meet their obligation and no one says didly squat to them. The whole thing just really pisses me off.
There is a former collegue of Carlos' who has a statement on the door to his office which says, "If you are not outraged, then you are not paying attention!"
The "free market" simply cannot meet human needs without government. However, the government cannot meet human needs without collaboration with the marketplace.
The "privatization" lie the Right keeps selling is the market will impose discipline on spendthrift politicians. From HMOs to military contractors, we see neither the guarantees of big government nor the vigor of the free market. We see instead the corruption of big government bureaucracy in league with the corruption of big business greed.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Davester on 05/14/07 at 12:08 am
Aware of all except the Wolfowitz-girlfriend-raise-world bank thing...
For the time being, keeping track of none of them...
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: danootaandme on 05/14/07 at 4:34 am
Aware of all except the Wolfowitz-girlfriend-raise-world bank thing...
For the time being, keeping track of none of them...
It is a so so scandal with major implications for him. He may be bouced out, the excuse they(the World Bank) were looking for.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: CatwomanofV on 05/14/07 at 11:48 am
It is a so so scandal with major implications for him. He may be bouced out, the excuse they(the World Bank) were looking for.
And WHEN he is bounced out, they will probably give him a nice severance package. ::)
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: spaceace on 05/14/07 at 12:56 pm
And WHEN he is bounced out, they will probably give him a nice severance package. ::)
And the girlfriend will get the book deal and so on, and so forth. :P
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/14/07 at 4:51 pm
Iraq was supposed to be the "free market" answer to the Marshall Plan.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Davester on 05/14/07 at 4:53 pm
It is a so so scandal with major implications for him. He may be bouced out, the excuse they(the World Bank) were looking for.
Thank ye... :)
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Tia on 05/14/07 at 5:02 pm
Iraq was supposed to be the "free market" answer to the Marshall Plan.
i remember reading that when it came out. who'd of thought the iraqis wouldn't want a taco bell on every street corner? isn't that what freedom IS?
there was a story in the washington post today about a dude in state who's getting called a "stalinist" because he wants to re-establish some of the state-owned industries that used to give people jobs in iraq.
its more of this wacky free-market-conquers-all ideology, ::)
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/14/07 at 5:21 pm
i remember reading that when it came out. who'd of thought the iraqis wouldn't want a taco bell on every street corner? isn't that what freedom IS?
there was a story in the washington post today about a dude in state who's getting called a "stalinist" because he wants to re-establish some of the state-owned industries that used to give people jobs in iraq.
its more of this wacky free-market-conquers-all ideology, ::)
Yeah, they were talking about Paul Brinkley on the Ed Schultz show today.
Let me get this straight...Brinkley is a "Stalinist" because he favors free enterprise and you can't start opening factories because the Sunnis and Shiites will fight?
What is "Stalinist" here is the absolutist attitude of the Rand Corp., et al., who will at any cost prevent "government" from contaminating "free market," even if it means neither works!
Now, you take a guy like Brinkley who predicts "Wal-Mart selling Made in Baghdad leather jackets by the end of the year," and he sounds just like one of those neo-con Kool-Aid drinkers...his mortal sin is thinking the state has any role in civilian life other than surveillance and punishment!
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: tokjct on 05/19/07 at 7:58 pm
The "free market" simply cannot meet human needs without government. However, the government cannot meet human needs without collaboration with the marketplace.
The "privatization" lie the Right keeps selling is the market will impose discipline on spendthrift politicians. From HMOs to military contractors, we see neither the guarantees of big government nor the vigor of the free market. We see instead the corruption of big government bureaucracy in league with the corruption of big business greed.
All the "scandals" of the Bush Administration aside...the failure of the "privatization" philosophy is one of the most glaring "errors" of the Big Government/Big Business conspiracy to milk the American economy to satisfy the immoral capitalist greed.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/19/07 at 8:26 pm
All the "scandals" of the Bush Administration aside...the failure of the "privatization" philosophy is one of the most glaring "errors" of the Big Government/Big Business conspiracy to milk the American economy to satisfy the immoral capitalist greed.
It's not "government" that the Right hates, it's collective ownership of anything...and poor folks, especially poor folks who ain't white, voting for their own leaders.
What is in question is distribution of wealth---who gets what. The idea that it's liberals who like "big government" is a canard. I never heard any hippie protesters chanting:
"What do we want?"
More government!
When do we want it?
Government got bloated in the 20th century because the private sector was not meeting the needs of the people and our democratic republic was in jeopardy because of this.
I always say, it's not the government's fault we need a welfare state!
By 1980 the horrors of the Gilded Age had receded into history. Nobody who bore witness to it was alive anymore. Thus, when Reagan declared, "The nine scariest words in the English language are 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help," the public saw little reason to disagree. Most folks associated "government" with onerous bureaucracy, meddlesome regulations, and taxes.
So we put our trust in the private sector once again...
Hey, pull my finger!
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Tia on 05/19/07 at 8:33 pm
is it collective ownership, or things that aren't owned -- i.e., public property? i think the distinction is instructive, since the former points toward a communist ideal whereas the latter is an essential prerequisite of a liberal democratic society. and the tricky part is the distinction isn't always that clear.
yanno what i mean? things like the WPA, the new deal, social security, the interstate highway system, these belonged to the people but weren't expressly meant to empower the poor against the big bosses. but collective ownership, to me, reminds me of things like imminent domain -- taking privately owned things, properly earned, for what's called the public good (but actually often boils down to empowerment and enrichment of corrupt government power). this DOES seem scarily like communism, but the right has managed to muddle the distinction between collective ownership and public property, and so are now able to defend the private ownership of things improperly earned.
does that make any sense?
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/19/07 at 8:57 pm
is it collective ownership, or things that aren't owned -- i.e., public property? i think the distinction is instructive, since the former points toward a communist ideal whereas the latter is an essential prerequisite of a liberal democratic society. and the tricky part is the distinction isn't always that clear.
yanno what i mean? things like the WPA, the new deal, social security, the interstate highway system, these belonged to the people but weren't expressly meant to empower the poor against the big bosses. but collective ownership, to me, reminds me of things like imminent domain -- taking privately owned things, properly earned, for what's called the public good (but actually often boils down to empowerment and enrichment of corrupt government power). this DOES seem scarily like communism, but the right has managed to muddle the distinction between collective ownership and public property, and so are now able to defend the private ownership of things improperly earned.
does that make any sense?
Yeah, that phrase smacks of communism. I didn't mean state ownership of industry so much as I meant "public property."
Of course, Ayn Rand's Objectivists chant "there's no such thing as public property." But those guys are a bunch of ree-tards!
If the Republicans could privatize the highway system, they would. You'd have highway robbery in the form of private turnpikes with with $50.00 tolls (you don't want to have to drive alongside the rabble, do you?), and the GOP would have no problem with that because it's not "the government"!
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Tia on 05/19/07 at 9:26 pm
there's actually something they're working on that's like that, where you get to play exorbitant fees to go through privileged lanes at rush hour. i think they're calling em "snob lanes" or something like that.
i think this collapse of public property and collective ownership is instructive, though. it's very infused into the culture at this point, and the failure of most people to make the distinction between the two has really enabled the right wing to push this far-right-wing market economy stuff. people have no sense of common enterprise -- which is where the idea of public property comes from, that if one of us suffers, we all suffer -- which probably has to do with the loss of community, the homogenization of the american geography (so that you can't tell one town from the next, and the people in a given town don't feel any sense of connectedness with their neighbors), i mean, i think there are very complicated reasons why such an extremist notion of the virtues of selfishness could get traction in a culture.
but that probably calls for smarter minds than me. :-[
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/21/07 at 6:16 pm
there's actually something they're working on that's like that, where you get to play exorbitant fees to go through privileged lanes at rush hour. i think they're calling em "snob lanes" or something like that.
That's when I start marketing spike strips you can throw into the snob lane while you're stuck in traffic. I'd call them "The Equalizer."
^ I wish lterhune was here to read that, she'd flip!
i think this collapse of public property and collective ownership is instructive, though. it's very infused into the culture at this point, and the failure of most people to make the distinction between the two has really enabled the right wing to push this far-right-wing market economy stuff. people have no sense of common enterprise -- which is where the idea of public property comes from, that if one of us suffers, we all suffer -- which probably has to do with the loss of community, the homogenization of the american geography (so that you can't tell one town from the next, and the people in a given town don't feel any sense of connectedness with their neighbors), i mean, i think there are very complicated reasons why such an extremist notion of the virtues of selfishness could get traction in a culture.
The proof of the pudding is in the eating. The problem with the Ayn Rand privatize everything hogwash is that it doesn't work.
Our country is less safe, less healthy, more vulnerable, and more ftup than it was in 1980.
but that probably calls for smarter minds than me. :-mine.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: tokjct on 05/21/07 at 9:32 pm
Underneath it all...lies the most fundamental challenge. How to prevent the constantly expanding gap in the social classes in American society. We have come to the point where there is no real MIDDLE class...just RICH and POOR. The divide lies in the ability to affect the evolution of society. Those who's actions do affect society (1%) and those who don't (99%).
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/22/07 at 6:29 pm
Underneath it all...lies the most fundamental challenge. How to prevent the constantly expanding gap in the social classes in American society. We have come to the point where there is no real MIDDLE class...just RICH and POOR. The divide lies in the ability to affect the evolution of society. Those who's actions do affect society (1%) and those who don't (99%).
HA! I know which one I am! I is po'
The political power elite--and I think you'll find Hillary Clinton among them--find this expanding gap personally and politically advantageous. Any politician who seriously objects to it, the media calls a fruitcake, ala Dennis Kucinich.
The gap was the intention of the right-wing in the '60s and '70s in response to a tax system that didn't let a Rockefeller be a Rockefeller and spawned a middle class that had time to participate in the political process. It took them a mere 16 years from Goldwater's nose diving to Reagan's skyrocketing. They Right got their way. The gap will continue to expand until there are hordes of starving white men tramping the countryside looking for work like back in 1932. That's what it took to get us the middle class we knew for 60 years, and that's what it will take to get it back, I'm afraid!
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Foo Bar on 05/24/07 at 2:47 am
is it collective ownership, or things that aren't owned -- i.e., public property? i think the distinction is instructive, since the former points toward a communist ideal whereas the latter is an essential prerequisite of a liberal democratic society. and the tricky part is the distinction isn't always that clear.
yanno what i mean? things like the WPA, the new deal, social security, the interstate highway system, these belonged to the people but weren't expressly meant to empower the poor against the big bosses. but collective ownership, to me, reminds me of things like imminent domain -- taking privately owned things, properly earned, for what's called the public good (but actually often boils down to empowerment and enrichment of corrupt government power). this DOES seem scarily like communism, but the right has managed to muddle the distinction between collective ownership and public property, and so are now able to defend the private ownership of things improperly earned.
does that make any sense?
Yeah, so stop, before you get yourself in trouble with the powers that be :)
With the exception of Socialist Insecurity (read the fine print in your SS "statement", and compare it to that of a bank or broker. If a mutual fund manager or banker did what SS does, he'd be jailed within hours), you get it. Interstate Highways, education systems, communications systems, all that sort of boring "infrastructure" stuff... is a good use of tax dollars because they reduce the costs of trading. If it cost you $100 and took three weeks by wagon trail to ship a widget from coast to coast, the guy with the better widget (even if he was in New York and you were in California) might not make the sale. We all win when we drop $1 into the pot and turn a $100 shipping charge into a $10 charge. (Even if the guy with the crappy widget goes out of business.) Educational systems increase the odds that the Next Cool Thing will be invented Here. Even the old-school workfare programs like WPA made some sense -- I'd rather pay a guy $20K/year to fix the roads (even if he stands idle for half the day) than $40K/year to go to prison, where the only skills he'll learn are how to commit more crime.
Unfortunately (and this is the part where we'll all wind up on someone's watch list), you've also figured out that a government big enough to give you everything you want... is also big enough to take everything you have.
"Many of you are well enough off that ... the tax cuts may have helped you. We're saying that for America to get back on track, we're probably going to cut that short and NOT give it to you. We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."
- Sen. H. Clinton, 06/29/04
Thanks for the warning, Senator.
The one good thing about the Bush administration is that anyone with a few bucks in their pocket can buy stock in defense contractors and oil services companies. How the hell is anyone other than a few politically-connected schmoozers able to buy into Jesse Jackson's little enterprise, or from whatever other sorts of "common good" organizations to whom Sen. Clinton will dispense her largesse? It scales all the way down to the municipal level -- the smaller the stakes, the more bitter the fight. When the Mayor's drinkin' buddy says he wants your house for his bar, you lose your house. End of story.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: statsqueen on 05/24/07 at 11:11 am
I can't remember but does it matter?
Doesn't matter, but if you are still curious, I am pretty sure it is/was Dubai
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/24/07 at 5:25 pm
Yeah, so stop, before you get yourself in trouble with the powers that be :)
With the exception of Socialist Insecurity (read the fine print in your SS "statement", and compare it to that of a bank or broker. If a mutual fund manager or banker did what SS does, he'd be jailed within hours), you get it. Interstate Highways, education systems, communications systems, all that sort of boring "infrastructure" stuff... is a good use of tax dollars because they reduce the costs of trading. If it cost you $100 and took three weeks by wagon trail to ship a widget from coast to coast, the guy with the better widget (even if he was in New York and you were in California) might not make the sale. We all win when we drop $1 into the pot and turn a $100 shipping charge into a $10 charge. (Even if the guy with the crappy widget goes out of business.) Educational systems increase the odds that the Next Cool Thing will be invented Here. Even the old-school workfare programs like WPA made some sense -- I'd rather pay a guy $20K/year to fix the roads (even if he stands idle for half the day) than $40K/year to go to prison, where the only skills he'll learn are how to commit more crime.
Unfortunately (and this is the part where we'll all wind up on someone's watch list), you've also figured out that a government big enough to give you everything you want... is also big enough to take everything you have.
"Many of you are well enough off that ... the tax cuts may have helped you. We're saying that for America to get back on track, we're probably going to cut that short and NOT give it to you. We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."
- Sen. H. Clinton, 06/29/04
Thanks for the warning, Senator.
The one good thing about the Bush administration is that anyone with a few bucks in their pocket can buy stock in defense contractors and oil services companies. How the hell is anyone other than a few politically-connected schmoozers able to buy into Jesse Jackson's little enterprise, or from whatever other sorts of "common good" organizations to whom Sen. Clinton will dispense her largesse? It scales all the way down to the municipal level -- the smaller the stakes, the more bitter the fight. When the Mayor's drinkin' buddy says he wants your house for his bar, you lose your house. End of story.
Let us not forget that it was Reagan under the tutilege of that Ayn Rand wingnut Alan Greenspan who started ripping off the Social Security trust fund to pay for tax cuts for the rich. That's where "conservatism" and "small government" parted ways.
You don't have anything to fear from Hillary Clinton. She and the rest of the mainstream Dems have proven themselves gutless turds who will capitulate to everything to big money interests. The "war" in Iraq? As Frank Zappa said, "We're only in it for the money!" If Hillary got to be president, all you would see is a more efficient kleptocracy. They have no intention of undoing the legacy of Ronald Reagan. Don't worry, though, Hillary will never get to be president. They're going to hand political power back to the Republicans in '08, whether the Republicans want it or not!
Jesse Jackson? Talk about "increasingly irrelevant"! Why bother to bring him up? He's just a strawman.
It costs $80 to $100 grand a year to keep a person in prison, $40 grand would be a bargain.
Newsflash: $20K per annum does not house, clothe, feed, and educate a family. I would start road workers at double that.
BTW, sometimes they are standing idle. Sometimes it only appears they're standing idle on construction/road work sites because there's a guy doing hazardous work who needs eyewitnesses if something terrible should happen. Workers Compensation will use any excuse they can to deny your claim if you are disabled on the job.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Foo Bar on 05/24/07 at 11:39 pm
Don't worry, though, Hillary will never get to be president. They're going to hand political power back to the Republicans in '08, whether the Republicans want it or not!
Huh? The whole point of today's little escapade in the House was to ensure that the war lasts until 2008 and remains a viable election issue for the Democratic candidate (and whether it's Hillary or Edwards, both of 'em are drooling to raise taxes on folks like me!) with which to batter the Republican candidate in 2008.
Now, if you replace '08 with '06, you'd be onto something. If the Dems wanted the Pubs to win in '08, they'd have sent the same bill back to Bush to veto. Again and again, until current funding ran out. An immediate cutoff of funding that prompts a hasty chaotic evacuation of US personnel from Iraq will be forgotten by the time of the election, and maybe even spun into a victory (hey, we knocked over Saddam, proved he didn't have any nasty toys, and set up a fledgling democracy! That's what we set out to do, so we must have won, even if those nasty Dems that cut off funding and made us leave the place to collapse into a civil war!) to the 'Pub voting base. The current Dem strategy, and it's a winner, is to let the Pubs keep feeding kids into the meat grinder for another two years. The past four years have cost the Pubs the house and cut their lead in the Senate down to the VP's tie-breaking vote. Two more years and another 1000 dead troops will guarantee that the Dems pick up seats in the House and the Senate, and also take the Presidency.
By backing down today (and gaining some pork for both sides, and they still have an immigration bill that can get plenty more riders attached to it!) and voting to continue the war as-is, the Dems have just guaranteed themselves the Presidency, and probably both houses, in 2008. The funny part is that both parties' most loyal partisans think the Pubs won today. It's political comedy at its grandest.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/25/07 at 10:21 am
Huh? The whole point of today's little escapade in the House was to ensure that the war lasts until 2008 and remains a viable election issue for the Democratic candidate (and whether it's Hillary or Edwards, both of 'em are drooling to raise taxes on folks like me!) with which to batter the Republican candidate in 2008.
Now, if you replace '08 with '06, you'd be onto something. If the Dems wanted the Pubs to win in '08, they'd have sent the same bill back to Bush to veto. Again and again, until current funding ran out. An immediate cutoff of funding that prompts a hasty chaotic evacuation of US personnel from Iraq will be forgotten by the time of the election, and maybe even spun into a victory (hey, we knocked over Saddam, proved he didn't have any nasty toys, and set up a fledgling democracy! That's what we set out to do, so we must have won, even if those nasty Dems that cut off funding and made us leave the place to collapse into a civil war!) to the 'Pub voting base. The current Dem strategy, and it's a winner, is to let the Pubs keep feeding kids into the meat grinder for another two years. The past four years have cost the Pubs the house and cut their lead in the Senate down to the VP's tie-breaking vote. Two more years and another 1000 dead troops will guarantee that the Dems pick up seats in the House and the Senate, and also take the Presidency.
By backing down today (and gaining some pork for both sides, and they still have an immigration bill that can get plenty more riders attached to it!) and voting to continue the war as-is, the Dems have just guaranteed themselves the Presidency, and probably both houses, in 2008. The funny part is that both parties' most loyal partisans think the Pubs won today. It's political comedy at its grandest.
Your taxes are going to go up because poor people don't have any money, and our country is BROKE!
Ronald Reagan is dead and the loony ideas he pitched are on their way out. They are simply unsustainable.
If I thought the Dems were even smart enough to calculate such a cynical plan, I still wouldn't re-register. To me, morality does not begin and end with what you like to do in bed, as it does with the right-wngers. It is immoral to say the least to let hundreds of people keep dying every month in an occupation for oil, which is selling as gasoline at record highs. Forget it!
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: danootaandme on 05/25/07 at 5:30 pm
So today at a press conference a bird sh*t on bushie, oooh the metaphors ::)
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/25/07 at 6:34 pm
So today at a press conference a bird sh*t on bushie, oooh the metaphors ::)
Well, if I was a bird....
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: La Roche on 05/25/07 at 6:59 pm
Well, if I was a bird....
If I had the wings of a sparrow, if I had the ass of a crow, I'd fly over Washington D.C and s**t on the wankers below.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/25/07 at 7:07 pm
If I had the wings of a sparrow, if I had the ass of a crow, I'd fly over Washington D.C and s**t on the wankers below.
Karma +1 for our poet-in-residence!
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Green Lantern on 05/25/07 at 7:08 pm
If I had the wings of a sparrow, if I had the ass of a crow, I'd fly over Washington D.C and s**t on the wankers below.
What's that in my eye? Oh Davey, wish I hadn't seen this atop the 'recent posts!'....
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: La Roche on 05/25/07 at 7:15 pm
What's that in my eye? Oh Davey, wish I hadn't seen this atop the 'recent posts!'....
You might want to get an umbrella.
Subject: Re: bush administration scandals
Written By: Green Lantern on 05/26/07 at 11:28 am
What's that in my eye? Oh Davey, wish I hadn't seen this atop the 'recent posts!'....
You might want to get an umbrella.
What a great suggestion. Duh. Why didn't I think of that?
Wondered what this ring was for .....
Ah, that's better. Thanks.