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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Elizabeth Edward's Cancer Returns
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 03/22/07 at 12:53 pm
This is so sad. :\'( Coming from a family that has dealt with many types of cancers, I can relate to how scary this is for their family. I wish them all the best, and hope that Elizabeth's cancer goes away for good.
Subject: Re: Elizabeth Edward's Cancer Returns
Written By: Ashkicksass on 03/22/07 at 12:57 pm
:( They've just been through SO MUCH! I too, send good wishes her way.
Subject: Re: Elizabeth Edward's Cancer Returns
Written By: La Roche on 03/22/07 at 1:08 pm
Didn't their son die or something? Or was that somebody else?
It's almost like the Kennedy curse.
Subject: Re: Elizabeth Edward's Cancer Returns
Written By: Ashkicksass on 03/22/07 at 1:41 pm
Didn't their son die or something? Or was that somebody else?
It's almost like the Kennedy curse.
Yes, he died in a car accident when he was 16. :(
Subject: Re: Elizabeth Edward's Cancer Returns
Written By: danootaandme on 03/22/07 at 4:19 pm
This is so sad. They are all over the news about how he says he will continue his campaign, they should just back off. The man is probably in shock and denial. :(
Subject: Re: Elizabeth Edward's Cancer Returns
Written By: ultraviolet52 on 03/22/07 at 4:46 pm
She'll be in my prayers :\'(
Subject: Re: Elizabeth Edward's Cancer Returns
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 03/22/07 at 4:51 pm
Yes, I was sad to hear the news. I hope Mrs. Edwards makes a speedy recovery. I hope.
Subject: Re: Elizabeth Edward's Cancer Returns
Written By: Jessica on 03/22/07 at 6:35 pm
Yes, I was sad to hear the news. I hope Mrs. Edwards makes a speedy recovery. I hope.
Not likely. It's incurable.
She's a strong woman.
Subject: Re: Elizabeth Edward's Cancer Returns
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 03/23/07 at 6:17 pm
Not likely. It's incurable.
She's a strong woman.
Indeed. According to reports, it has metastasized into her bones. Once that happens, prognosis is grim. Senator and Mrs. Edwards looked so positive and resolute at the press conference yesterday. I think that's the kind of folks they have always been. I'm sure both of them are also frightened, but the definition of bravery is not lack of fear, but persevering in the face of fear.
Subject: Re: Elizabeth Edward's Cancer Returns
Written By: Marian on 04/05/07 at 11:14 am
Indeed. According to reports, it has metastasized into her bones. Once that happens, prognosis is grim. Senator and Mrs. Edwards looked so positive and resolute at the press conference yesterday. I think that's the kind of folks they have always been. I'm sure both of them are also frightened, but the definition of bravery is not lack of fear, but persevering in the face of fear.
She just got a report that she has a kind that IS treatable.so it's not as bad as she thought. :-\\
Subject: Re: Elizabeth Edward's Cancer Returns
Written By: lterhune on 04/06/07 at 2:29 pm
This is so sad. They are all over the news about how he says he will continue his campaign, they should just back off. The man is probably in shock and denial. :(
Didn't he have a press conference saying that she had cancer and he would still run for president? He still sends motivated email (and not so nice email), to raise money for his campaign, (I subscribe). OH... since he announced his wife's condition his poll numbers went up 3 points - hmmm......
Subject: Re: Elizabeth Edward's Cancer Returns
Written By: danootaandme on 04/06/07 at 2:33 pm
Didn't he have a press conference saying that she had cancer and he would still run for president? He still sends motivated email (and not so nice email), to raise money for his campaign, (I subscribe). OH... since he announced his wife's condition his poll numbers went up 3 points - hmmm......
Yes, my post was way back on March 22. They are going to keep on as they were before the diagnosis. I feel that in a case like this, the direction on takes is up to the person/people involved.
Subject: Re: Elizabeth Edward's Cancer Returns
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 04/06/07 at 4:34 pm
The right-wing spin on the Edwards campaign in re: Mrs. Edwards' cancer is just a lot of hot air from Rush Limbaugh. If Mitt Romney's wife came down with something terrible, the right-wing media would be applauding the Romneys for their bravery in the face of adversity. If a left-wing pundit dared to suggest Romney was using his wife's illness for political gain, the FOX News crowd would open a can of wup-azz on that pundit, who would deserve it.
People's spouses, parents, and children develop serious health problems. It's a fact of life. John Edwards is rich enough to retire because his wife is sick. His wife does not want him to. What's more, most people with a sick family member do not quit their jobs. In fact, because of our rotten healthcare system, most people have to work doubley hard just to keep up with the medical bills. Joe Shmo can't quit his job because his wife gets sick, so, on principle, why should Edwards?
Of course the Edwards made Elizabeth's illness public. They should. If the Edwards kept it a secret and then Drucking fudge got the story leaked to him, the right-wing media would rain curses on the Edwards name for being less than truthful to the people!
The job of FOX News, Limbaugh, Drudge, and that lot is to destroy liberals and Democrats by any means necessary.* Period. If it wasn't Mrs. Edwards' cancer, they'd be defaming him for something else.
Such as recruiting John O'Neill, that Nixon White House fink, to raise the Swift Boat defamation campaign against Kerry.
Subject: Re: Elizabeth Edward's Cancer Returns
Written By: spaceace on 04/06/07 at 4:36 pm
Didn't he have a press conference saying that she had cancer and he would still run for president? He still sends motivated email (and not so nice email), to raise money for his campaign, (I subscribe). OH... since he announced his wife's condition his poll numbers went up 3 points - hmmm......
Why do you (of all people ) subscribe? Just curious.
Subject: Re: Elizabeth Edward's Cancer Returns
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 04/06/07 at 4:44 pm
Why do you (of all people ) subscribe? Just curious.
Same reason I watch Bill O'Reilly, perhaps.
Subject: Re: Elizabeth Edward's Cancer Returns
Written By: spaceace on 04/06/07 at 4:45 pm
Same reason I watch Bill O'Reilly, perhaps.
You're a sick man Max.
Subject: Re: Elizabeth Edward's Cancer Returns
Written By: lterhune on 04/07/07 at 1:46 pm
Yes, my post was way back on March 22. They are going to keep on as they were before the diagnosis. I feel that in a case like this, the direction on takes is up to the person/people involved.
Okay, thanks! I went to the hospital on the 22nd & just got back - I didn't hear much about his announcement at all because he made it about an hour or two after I was already in.....
I agree, the direction is theres to take, hard as it is for them. I lost my mom to breast cancer and my dad to cancer as well - it's hell......
Subject: Re: Elizabeth Edward's Cancer Returns
Written By: lterhune on 04/07/07 at 1:49 pm
Why do you (of all people ) subscribe? Just curious.
Just so I can know what's going on. I get his, Hillary's & Obama's. I also get moveon org.... And what do you mean, me "of all people"?
I have my favorites on both sides, one just never knows.
Subject: Re: Elizabeth Edward's Cancer Returns
Written By: spaceace on 04/07/07 at 3:17 pm
Just so I can know what's going on. I get his, Hillary's & Obama's. I also get moveon org.... And what do you mean, me "of all people"?
I have my favorites on both sides, one just never knows.
Is this kind of like the fact that McCain kind of interest me? Or the fact that I would vote for Arlen Spector in a heartbeat.
Subject: Re: Elizabeth Edward's Cancer Returns
Written By: lterhune on 04/07/07 at 3:32 pm
Is this kind of like the fact that McCain kind of interest me? Or the fact that I would vote for Arlen Spector in a heartbeat.
Really both - depending on the person & circumstance
I don't hate all democrats, (but I am not fond of the far left liberals at all - they're nuts).
I like Diane Fienstein, she does more what is best for us rather than voting democrat. She never whines or plays those poltical games, I like that & she has done a lot for us too... Pelosi, bitch. she is so into herself and the crap that comes out of her mouth can be vile and uncalled for..... she plays the games.... I would never support pelosi, I know too much about her, but Fienstein, yep, did it too!
Subject: Re: Elizabeth Edward's Cancer Returns
Written By: lterhune on 04/07/07 at 3:33 pm
I like Diane Fienstein, she does more what is best for us rather than voting democrat.
correction: "ONLY democrat, not democrat .... sorry
Subject: Re: Elizabeth Edward's Cancer Returns
Written By: spaceace on 04/07/07 at 3:36 pm
correction: "ONLY democrat, not democrat .... sorry
I know some Republicans who said they would vote for Obama if he wasn't so green.
Subject: Re: Elizabeth Edward's Cancer Returns
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 04/07/07 at 5:23 pm
I just wish Pelosi didn't try to fight aging by having a face lift. It gives her that stretched, bug-eyed look. Mother nature has a plan, and that's for you to look older when you get older. Defy the plan and look goofy instead of older. Mother nature always has the last laugh!
Subject: Re: Elizabeth Edward's Cancer Returns
Written By: LyricBoy on 04/08/07 at 5:22 pm
Is this kind of like the fact that McCain kind of interest me? Or the fact that I would vote for Arlen Spector in a heartbeat.
Remember that Arlen Spectre is a disciple of the "Single Bullet Theory", and has been for something like 44 years.
Reason enuf not to vote for him. And I am a repub from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Subject: Re: Elizabeth Edward's Cancer Returns
Written By: danootaandme on 04/08/07 at 5:27 pm
Remember that Arlen Spectre is a disciple of the "Single Bullet Theory", and has been for something like 44 years.
Reason enuf not to vote for him. And I am a repub from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
I gotta agree with that. ;)
Subject: Re: Elizabeth Edward's Cancer Returns
Written By: LyricBoy on 04/08/07 at 6:02 pm
I just wish Pelosi didn't try to fight aging by having a face lift. It gives her that stretched, bug-eyed look. Mother nature has a plan, and that's for you to look older when you get older. Defy the plan and look goofy instead of older. Mother nature always has the last laugh!
Hey she's from Kalifornia. What do you expect?
Besides, I bet she did not stop with just a simple face lift. ;)
Subject: Re: Elizabeth Edward's Cancer Returns
Written By: spaceace on 04/08/07 at 6:03 pm
Remember that Arlen Spectre is a disciple of the "Single Bullet Theory", and has been for something like 44 years.
Reason enuf not to vote for him. And I am a repub from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
The single bullet theory was pretty messed up. Did you vote for Little Ricky or Bobby Casey?
Subject: Re: Elizabeth Edward's Cancer Returns
Written By: LyricBoy on 04/08/07 at 6:22 pm
The single bullet theory was pretty messed up. Did you vote for Little Ricky or Bobby Casey?
Ricky .vs. Bobby was not much of a choice, I admit. But I went with Ricky.
Bobby comes off to me as a simpering, effeminate wuss and a pandering lightweight. He certainly does not have the presence that his father did, who was a pretty good politician in PA.
Interesting point in the election: Governor Ed Rendell, a consummate politician and a staunch Democrat, came out in public and said "I will not campaign against Rick Santorum. Why would I do that? He has been good for Pennsylvania". Of course he did not campaign FOR Santorum either, but it was a telltale comment. Although in Rendell-speak, "good" equals "brings in federal money".
That said, Mickey Mouse could have run against Santorum in the last election and woulda won.
Subject: Re: Elizabeth Edward's Cancer Returns
Written By: spaceace on 04/08/07 at 6:28 pm
Ricky .vs. Bobby was not much of a choice, I admit. But I went with Ricky.
Bobby comes off to me as a simpering, effeminate wuss and a pandering lightweight. He certainly does not have the presence that his father did, who was a pretty good politician in PA.
Interesting point in the election: Governor Ed Rendell, a consummate politician and a staunch Democrat, came out in public and said "I will not campaign against Rick Santorum. Why would I do that? He has been good for Pennsylvania". Of course he did not campaign FOR Santorum either, but it was a telltale comment. Although in Rendell-speak, "good" equals "brings in federal money".
That said, Mickey Mouse could have run against Santorum in the last election and woulda won.
I did a write in. I can't stand either of them. I was campaigning for a state rep and was force to do some campaigning for Bobby. He wouldn't send us anything, no lawn signs, mo literature. We all thought that was pretty messed up. Rendell made sure Bob Casey won.
Subject: Re: Elizabeth Edward's Cancer Returns
Written By: lterhune on 04/12/07 at 6:30 pm
I know some Republicans who said they would vote for Obama if he wasn't so green.
That is his biggest problem - the green thing. If he wins the nom. for the dem party, I don't think he'd win the election when that "green" thing is drilled into folk's head. Truth is, it's true.
Subject: Re: Elizabeth Edward's Cancer Returns
Written By: lterhune on 04/12/07 at 6:33 pm
Hey she's from Kalifornia. What do you expect?
Hey! >:(
Subject: Re: Elizabeth Edward's Cancer Returns
Written By: spaceace on 04/12/07 at 6:39 pm
That is his biggest problem - the green thing. If he wins the nom. for the dem party, I don't think he'd win the election when that "green" thing is drilled into folk's head. Truth is, it's true.
Subject: Re: Elizabeth Edward's Cancer Returns
Written By: spaceace on 04/12/07 at 6:41 pm
Hey! >:(
She's from Northern California there a bit more in tuned politically than people from Southern California. BIG difference.
Subject: Re: Elizabeth Edward's Cancer Returns
Written By: lterhune on 04/12/07 at 6:43 pm
She's from Northern California there a bit more in tuned politically than people from Southern California. BIG difference.
I feel fairly tune in and I've lived in So Cal my whole life. I think that No Cal is filled with a bunch of nuts, (but it's a pretty place to visit!)
Subject: Re: Elizabeth Edward's Cancer Returns
Written By: spaceace on 04/12/07 at 6:49 pm
I feel fairly tune in and I've lived in So Cal my whole life. I think that No Cal is filled with a bunch of nuts, (but it's a pretty place to visit!)
So, there really are hard core republicans in that area. (Last time I watch anything out of Hollywood.) Are you talking about those really weird people who take things too far. Like eating vegan, so as to not harm any animal. Not even riding a bike because the tires are made of rubber (mustn't kill rubber plants) I'm from PA, so I'm pretty ignorant and impressionable when it comes to sunny Cal. :-[
Subject: Re: Elizabeth Edward's Cancer Returns
Written By: lterhune on 04/14/07 at 4:12 pm
So, there really are hard core republicans in that area. (Last time I watch anything out of Hollywood.) Are you talking about those really weird people who take things too far. Like eating vegan, so as to not harm any animal. Not even riding a bike because the tires are made of rubber (mustn't kill rubber plants) I'm from PA, so I'm pretty ignorant and impressionable when it comes to sunny Cal. :-[
I remember when I went to boot camp in Florida. All the girls who asked where I was from, had these strange ideas of California – bizarre stuff!
I’ve lived here my whole life, (except for time in the Navy), and I’ve never actually known anyone who ate vegan to save animals – but I suppose there are some around here since so many restraints offer it on their menus & weddings give choices of meat or vegie meals. I guess when you don’t live here, you only hear the stranger stories – the norm would bore you! I’ve never heard of the bike thing either. But you know, there are “weird” folk everywhere.
Yes, hard core Republicans in Southern CA!!! I live just outside of LA County in the suburbs and the county I live in has more Republicans than Democrats. In fact, there are a lot of communities here that are made up of more Republican in So Cal. The reason we are a “democrat” state is because the population of the cities that have more democrats that is higher (like LA and San Francisco). Up north, around San Francisco, there are a lot of democrats – but the weird kind & extremists – it’s so off the norm there, it’s not even on the charts! *people would be shocked! :D
So you live in Pennsylvania? (That’s PA, right?) My absolute favorite football team is the Eagles – ya lucky thing!
Subject: Re: Elizabeth Edward's Cancer Returns
Written By: spaceace on 04/14/07 at 8:45 pm
I remember when I went to boot camp in Florida. All the girls who asked where I was from, had these strange ideas of California – bizarre stuff!
I’ve lived here my whole life, (except for time in the Navy), and I’ve never actually known anyone who ate vegan to save animals – but I suppose there are some around here since so many restraints offer it on their menus & weddings give choices of meat or vegie meals. I guess when you don’t live here, you only hear the stranger stories – the norm would bore you! I’ve never heard of the bike thing either. But you know, there are “weird” folk everywhere.
Yes, hard core Republicans in Southern CA!!! I live just outside of LA County in the suburbs and the county I live in has more Republicans than Democrats. In fact, there are a lot of communities here that are made up of more Republican in So Cal. The reason we are a “democrat” state is because the population of the cities that have more democrats that is higher (like LA and San Francisco). Up north, around San Francisco, there are a lot of democrats – but the weird kind & extremists – it’s so off the norm there, it’s not even on the charts! *people would be shocked! :D
So you live in Pennsylvania? (That’s PA, right?) My absolute favorite football team is the Eagles – ya lucky thing!
Yeah, I live in Lancaster Pennsylvania, most of the country is republican. (except for Lancaster City) I guess when I think of California, I do think of the strange stories. It's nice to know it's pretty balance. An Eagles fan, eh? Well, I hope some day you visit PA and get to see the Eagles play on home turf. :)
Subject: Re: Elizabeth Edward's Cancer Returns
Written By: lterhune on 04/15/07 at 8:37 pm
An Eagles fan, eh? Well, I hope some day you visit PA and get to see the Eagles play on home turf.
Thanks, me too!
Subject: Re: Elizabeth Edward's Cancer Returns
Written By: Marian on 04/18/07 at 3:31 pm
So, there really are hard core republicans in that area. (Last time I watch anything out of Hollywood.) Are you talking about those really weird people who take things too far. Like eating vegan, so as to not harm any animal. Not even riding a bike because the tires are made of rubber (mustn't kill rubber plants) I'm from PA, so I'm pretty ignorant and impressionable when it comes to sunny Cal. :-[
vegans aren't that weird.You probably wouldn't know one if you saw one.
Subject: Re: Elizabeth Edward's Cancer Returns
Written By: spaceace on 04/18/07 at 4:33 pm
vegans aren't that weird.You probably wouldn't know one if you saw one.
I would know one if I was holding a plate of scrapple. ::)
Subject: Re: Elizabeth Edward's Cancer Returns
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 04/18/07 at 5:25 pm
vegans aren't that weird.You probably wouldn't know one if you saw one.
Vegans come in all stripes. We've got tons of them around here. They do tend to be youthful, idealistic, and self-righteous...at least the ones who go making big thing about it. The weirdest vegan I ever met was a young Goth girl who also claimed she is immortal because she's a vampire. A vegan vampire? How does that work again?
California and Conservatives--two words:
Orange County
Subject: Re: Elizabeth Edward's Cancer Returns
Written By: lterhune on 04/18/07 at 10:56 pm
California and Conservatives--two words:
Orange County
The OC is known by a lot of people as being Conservative... But in my neighborhood we have San Bernardino county (where I am), San Gabriel Valley to the west and OC to the south - all Conservitive.