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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: danootaandme on 01/27/07 at 6:54 pm
Fox news has reported a story that Barak Obama attended a madrassa(a school that teaches radical muslim tenets) as a child. The story has been debunked, but what if he had. So what. A child doesn't pick their school.
Updated:2007-01-27 15:18:32
CNN, Fox News Spar Over Obama Report
The New York Times
WASHINGTON (Jan. 24) - A disputed report on the Web site of a conservative magazine about Senator Barack Obama
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: Tia on 01/27/07 at 7:07 pm
man, the level of political discourse really needs to turn around. dinesh d'souza is going to go on c-span, i think tomorrow, to stump for his idiotic new book blaming "the left" for 9/11. again.
i just think if the smearing goes on much longer, it's really gonna destroy what's left of the political system in this country.
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: CatwomanofV on 01/27/07 at 7:22 pm
I heard about this. CNN debunked it but I know that doesn't matter to Fox. They will be running with this story until Election Day next year. ::)
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: Tia on 01/27/07 at 7:28 pm
after cbs's whole debacle with the national guard forgery you'd think the press on either side would be a little more careful to confirm their stories. but apparently it's so competitive now in the business if you take the time to get confirmations it puts you at a disadvantage.
i'm curious what the implication would be here. is fox of the opinion that obama is a terrorist sleeper agent? he's gonna win the presidency and then, once in the oval office, promptly blow himself up? or are they trying to insinuate that all democrats are secretly terrorists? (not that anne coulter and d'souza and those of that ilk dont basically say idiotic things like that outright...)
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: CatwomanofV on 01/27/07 at 7:34 pm
after cbs's whole debacle with the national guard forgery you'd think the press on either side would be a little more careful to confirm their stories. but apparently it's so competitive now in the business if you take the time to get confirmations it puts you at a disadvantage.
i'm curious what the implication would be here. is fox of the opinion that obama is a terrorist sleeper agent? he's gonna win the presidency and then, once in the oval office, promptly blow himself up? or are they trying to insinuate that all democrats are secretly terrorists? (not that anne coulter and d'souza and those of that ilk dont basically say idiotic things like that outright...)
Don't you know that all the ills in this country are caused by the "liberals"?
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 01/28/07 at 12:03 am
If Obama did indeed attend a madrasah in Indonesia, that only makes him a more attractive candidate. It would be beneficial to have a president who understands a thing or two about how the rest of the world works and has an insider's view of Islam.
Somehow I doubt that madrasah schools in Indonesia back in the '60s were teaching little kids how to bomb the infidels. You know, it's kind of ridiculous.
The point is moot if the story is bogus.
Obama's Wikipedia entry mentions he attended a Catholic school and a public school in Jakarta. The term "madrasah" or "madrassa" has been applied contemptuously in the Western press to certain Islamic schools run by militant clerics. However, the term "madrasah" basicaly just means "school." It is quite possible that the Indonesian public school Obama attended was referred to as a "madrasah," and since Indonesia is a Muslim country, there would have been religious instruction in the curriculum...but so what?
The facts don't matter to the Republicans. Every candidate is going to be "swift-boated" with the ample assistance of Time Russert and his sh*t-eating grin. All the Republicans have left in their arsenal is smear tactics. They bullied Clinton for eight years, then they had control of all three branches of government for six years. Their record is debt, war, death, idiotic diplomacy, destruction of our infrastructure, and the undermining of public civility. From Gingrich's Contract on America to Bush's New Way Forward in Iraq, their record screams of nothing--NOTHING--but abject failure. The GOP has nothing to boast about in the locker room.
man, the level of political discourse really needs to turn around. dinesh d'souza is going to go on c-span, i think tomorrow, to stump for his idiotic new book blaming "the left" for 9/11. again.
i just think if the smearing goes on much longer, it's really gonna destroy what's left of the political system in this country.
"In Depth with Dinish D'Souza" is an even bigger oxymoron than "In Depth with P.J. O'Rourke"! At least P.J. has a mind of his own.
Nobody believes me when I say C-SPAN has a right-leaning bias. We all just assume C-SPAN is neutral. They do indeed feature guests from the entire political spectrum, but their programming is weighted towards center right and ultra-right.
And Brian Lame's take on American History reminds me of my junior high school textbooks.
Glory, Glory, Hallelujah!
Glory, Glory, Hallelujah!
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: Tia on 01/28/07 at 3:38 am
i heard the in-depth with p.j. oroarke. i was rather underwhelmed, although i guess that's predictable. still, i thought he was suppsoed to be clever or funny or quick-witted or something, so i was a bit surprised when he was just sorta dimwitted and not very interesting.
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 01/28/07 at 3:52 pm
i heard the in-depth with p.j. oroarke. i was rather underwhelmed, although i guess that's predictable. still, i thought he was suppsoed to be clever or funny or quick-witted or something, so i was a bit surprised when he was just sorta dimwitted and not very interesting.
P.J. hitched his wagon to the Republican Party when Reagan was our knight on the white steed. He wrote "Republican Party Reptile" in 1985. P.J. became exuberant about the GOP in the the Gulf War when GHW Bush was at 91% in the polls. I saw him in the spring of '91 at UNH. He was just gushing about his trip to Kuwait and how the Kuwaitis worshipped GHW Bush. He was practically orgasmic when he described his ride in a jet fighter. He spoke about the young "boys" who were flying the plane as if he had a crush on them. BTW, it was a few years later when my roommate read me the opening of an article he wrote for some race car magazine. He used the same teenage sex memoir style to write about test driving some Ferrari. Even there he managed to segue into a Clinton-bashing rant. I mean, in a car magazine for chrissakes! He went on about how this is not a car for a liberal, they prefer limousines, like Bill Clinton, the fat kid who played saxophone inthe school band and told on us when we made trouble...
I said to my roommate, "That sounds like P.J. O'Rourke."
His eyes bugged out, "It is P.J. O'Rourke! That's the guy's name! How did you guess?"
You've read one P.J. O. article, you've read 'em all!
The problem P.J. now has is the failure of the conservative movement that gripped the country starting with Reagan. I mean, those with half a brain and the will not to live in denial knew it was a failure by 1984, but they managed to keep the thing going for 26 years, even though it took two stolen Presidential elections to do it!
And what is it with right-wingers anyway? They love flashy, zoomy fast things and war, so long as they don't have to go!
So P.J. is now reaffirming his "libertarian" status. Sorry, P.J., that dog won't fight. You backed the worst thing to happen to this country since the days of J.P. Morgan: The Reagan revolution!
P.J. is sort of like Dennis Miller. Both men can be very clever and witty when they're discussing something other than state policy. That's what P.J. ended up doing on C-SPAN and that's why he seemed so lackluster.
Well, I have to get back to work, but do let me know how Dinish D'Souza faired this afternoon!
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: Tia on 01/28/07 at 4:16 pm
i WAS gonna listen but now i'm busy getting some memorable quotes out of the wonderful movie "a little romance." i hate it when there's a great movie but nobody's put any of the good quotes on imdb.
anyway, i read a little thing about d'souza and i sorta softened my stance. first of all, he's already getting lots of death threats, so thankfully someone's taking care of that, but he's saying something about the cultural decadence of the west being what's infuriating the terrorists, which is, yes, partly true. he totally whitewashes all of the reagan-era coddling of the baathists. but he's a conservative, so he has to.
it's interesting, a bunch of his critics are actually accusing him of being a terrorist sympathizer. if the left could acknowledge that the decadence of the western media getting exported around the world is a problem and the right could acknowledge that its repulsive foreign policy is also part of the problem, maybe we could all get somewhere. but i predict we'll have to have a few more years of fingerpointing first.
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 01/28/07 at 6:11 pm
i WAS gonna listen but now i'm busy getting some memorable quotes out of the wonderful movie "a little romance." i hate it when there's a great movie but nobody's put any of the good quotes on imdb.
anyway, i read a little thing about d'souza and i sorta softened my stance. first of all, he's already getting lots of death threats, so thankfully someone's taking care of that,
Oh dear. Could go either way. Best not to leave the pronoun hanging.
but he's saying something about the cultural decadence of the west being what's infuriating the terrorists, which is, yes, partly true. he totally whitewashes all of the reagan-era coddling of the baathists. but he's a conservative, so he has to.
Our popular culture is horribly decadent. It's so decadent I sometimes come across as the social conservative on this board! I also think Mr. D'Souza and his generation of right-wingers are part of the decadence. When those who hate us--especially Muslims who hate America--hear what D'Souza, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, and that lot have to say, they can smell the hypocrisy. They see a bunch of rich punks who declare America to be the greatest nation above all others, who advocate greed and materialism and a callus attitude towards the needy. They are anathema to all the teachings of Islam and would gain no respect from a radical Imam than Larry Flynt!
Just to make things clear, I would not want to live in an Islamic state. No thanks. I am also not crediting any moral authority to radical Imams, to terrorists or wannabe terrorists.
it's interesting, a bunch of his critics are actually accusing him of being a terrorist sympathizer. if the left could acknowledge that the decadence of the western media getting exported around the world is a problem and the right could acknowledge that its repulsive foreign policy is also part of the problem, maybe we could all get somewhere. but i predict we'll have to have a few more years of fingerpointing first.
The foreign policy is the bigger problem. There's not much we can do about the "cultural decadence." There will always be ascetics who are not pleased with what they see. When it comes to the ascetics of Islam, they make my Puritan ancestors look like the Hellfire Club.
I don't think Mr. D'Souza is sincere in any of this. It looks like yet another excuse to bash liberals, Democrats, Hollywood, the baby-boomers, and the 1960s--his usual targets.
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: LyricBoy on 01/28/07 at 9:01 pm
Speaking of mudslinging, please note that Barak Obama would be standing on a street corner selling pencils right now if it had not been for the mudslinging performed in his campaign that got him into office as a senator in the first place.
He was a long shot candidate until his campaign managers and the press got his opponent's divorce records unsealed.
Mud slings from the left and from the right.
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: zcrito on 01/28/07 at 11:27 pm
Let's see, a quick check of the story and it looks like...
From Insight
"Hillary's team has questions about Obama's Muslim background"
From Fox News (The Big Story w/ John Gibson)
"Hillary Clinton Drops Madrassa Bomb on Barack
To me it sounds like Hillary Clinton's people are spreading rumors and then blaming it on someone else.
But why would Hillary Clinton say or encourage anything bad about Obama? I"m sure she's as in love with the guy as much as some news media have been for the past few months. And I'm sure she won't mind losing to "the better man" a year and a half from now ? (That'll be Denver's Pepsi Center, August 2008).
Maybe they'll run together? Obama for President and Hillary for VP? ;D
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: Tia on 01/28/07 at 11:33 pm
they were talking in the post editorial page today about how once the fox people got called on this, they tried to pin it on hillary clinton.
i dunno, that whole CBS thing was such a huge debacle, and yet the right's gonna get off with this scot-free? i detect yet another double standard.
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 01/29/07 at 4:42 pm
Speaking of mudslinging, please note that Barak Obama would be standing on a street corner selling pencils right now if it had not been for the mudslinging performed in his campaign that got him into office as a senator in the first place.
Selling pencils? I don't think so, pal. Take a look at his CV. Obama could write his own ticket. He could be pulling down far more money in private practice with much less hassle.
they were talking in the post editorial page today about how once the fox people got called on this, they tried to pin it on hillary clinton.
i dunno, that whole CBS thing was such a huge debacle, and yet the right's gonna get off with this scot-free? i detect yet another double standard.
The glory days for the FOX Nothing channel have come and gone. They do exactly what they charge everybody else with doing---nothing but smear. FOX will pin everything on Hillary, including acne and the clap.
What are the sins of Dan Rather versus the sins of Brit Hume? Of course, FOX Nothing is utter garbage.
If Hillary gets the nomination, they'll have Dick Morris (as scummy as scummy gets) on four times a week to bash her, and Morris will be just one in the pantheon of nightly Hillary-bashing!
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: Davester on 01/29/07 at 5:04 pm
Media War Translator:
:::Message Reads:::
Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal...
Who is starting the smear campaign? Is it the ever lovable Hillary Clinton? Is she sending some of her staff to Jakarta to interview the Imam who instructed Obama..?groove ;) on...
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: Tia on 01/29/07 at 5:22 pm
that tickertape thang is strangely hypnotic.
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 01/30/07 at 12:39 am
My '08 screensaver, my '08 ringtones, my '08 sublimanal audio recording:
Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal, Obama is a terrorist, Clinton was a criminal...
Courtesy of the Davester!
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: Davester on 01/30/07 at 1:38 am
Holy sh*t, I think I stared at it too long...
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 01/30/07 at 12:20 pm
Holy sh*t, I think I stared at it too long...
But not long enough to notice....not consciously at least!
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: Ashkicksass on 01/30/07 at 12:33 pm
My biggest fear is that Obama is too smart to get elected. He has too much common sense, he is too compassionate, he is too "normal." The presidency wouldn't know what hit it.
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: Tia on 01/30/07 at 12:38 pm
My biggest fear is that Obama is too smart to get elected. He has too much common sense, he is too compassionate, he is too "normal." The presidency wouldn't know what hit it.
sounds a lot like what happened to jimmy carter. way too smart and competent to be president. we can't have captains of nuclear submarines as president! we have to have b-movie actors! and... wait. did george w. bush ever have an actual job?
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: Ashkicksass on 01/30/07 at 12:40 pm
sounds a lot like what happened to jimmy carter. way too smart and competent to be president. we can't have captains of nuclear submarines as president! we have to have b-movie actors! and... wait. did george w. bush ever have an actual job?
Yes. He owned a baseball team. Duh.
But God forbid we elect someone with a degree from Harvard Law.
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: Tia on 01/30/07 at 1:09 pm
i'm writing in tia and tony for 2008.
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 01/30/07 at 2:55 pm
sounds a lot like what happened to jimmy carter. way too smart and competent to be president. we can't have captains of nuclear submarines as president! we have to have b-movie actors! and... wait. did george w. bush ever have an actual job?
Like JC, Obama might say something about Israel Alan Dershowitz doesn't like, then let the sh*tstorm begin!
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: danootaandme on 01/30/07 at 4:34 pm
Yes. He owned a baseball team. Duh.
But God forbid we elect someone with a degree from Harvard Law.
Whoa, now. He was let in on the baseball team because they were able to get funding from the feds to build a stadium while his daddy was President. The same daddy who bought him into Harvard Law after he scraped through Yale and didn't have the qualifications to go to Texas Law. "C" students from Phillips Andover and Yale don't get into Harvard without some influence.  He got in on the AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PROGRAM that grants access to the well bred in what they call Legacies(sounds like an"entitlement" to me.) If he is a descendant of one of the founders of Harvard, considering the inbreeding of the New England aristos I would say he is, he can also go tuition free.Â
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: CatwomanofV on 01/30/07 at 4:56 pm
Whoa, now. He was let in on the baseball team because they were able to get funding from the feds to build a stadium while his daddy was President. The same daddy who bought him into Harvard Law after he scraped through Yale and didn't have the qualifications to go to Texas Law. "C" students from Phillips Andover and Yale don't get into Harvard without some influence. He got in on the AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PROGRAM that grants access to the well bred in what they call Legacies(sounds like an"entitlement" to me.) If he is a descendant of one of the founders of Harvard, considering the inbreeding of the New England aristos I would say he is, he can also go tuition free.
I read something somewhere that basically said, everything he touched went bad and he got off with a big bonus. Of course his tenure in the White House is no different.
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: Satish on 01/30/07 at 8:55 pm
The same daddy who bought him into Harvard Law after he scraped through Yale and didn't have the qualifications to go to Texas Law.
Sorry to nitpick, but George W. Bush went to Harvard Business School, not Harvard Law.
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: danootaandme on 01/31/07 at 5:27 am
Sorry to nitpick, but George W. Bush went to Harvard Business School, not Harvard Law.
Pic this nit. He couldn't get into Texas Law, so his father bought his way into Harvard. He stashed him into the Business School because it isn't quite as rigorous as the Law you don't have to pass a state test once you have finished Business School, but, can you imagine him trying to pass the bar?
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: Tia on 01/31/07 at 12:18 pm
i'm not sure how much point there is having the harvard, president-with-an-MBA debate. i mean, if the gist of it is that maybe, because bush has an MBA, he's something other than dense, let me clear this up: he's dense. it's obvious. how he managed to get an MBA, even with gentleman Cs, is beyond me. but i have a funny feeling maybe he sucked a few golf balls through a few garden hoses, if you catch my drift.
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: witchain on 02/06/07 at 4:44 am
let me clear this up: he's dense. it's obvious. how he managed to get an MBA, even with gentleman Cs, is beyond me. but i have a funny feeling maybe he sucked a few golf balls through a few garden hoses, if you catch my drift.
;D ;D ;D
I honestly hope that Obama will get his chance.
But I somehow doubt it...
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: Jessica on 02/06/07 at 10:27 am
;D ;D ;D
I honestly hope that Obama will get his chance.
But I somehow doubt it...
I agree. This guy is hella smart and at the top of his game. I adore him. But adoration and support doesn't get you into the White House. Money does, however. ::)
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 02/06/07 at 7:40 pm
Pic this nit. He couldn't get into Texas Law, so his father bought his way into Harvard. He stashed him into the Business School because it isn't quite as rigorous as the Law you don't have to pass a state test once you have finished Business School, but, can you imagine him trying to pass the bar?
He didn't try to pass any bars 'till he was 40!
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: Tia on 02/06/07 at 7:57 pm
is anybody else getting frustrated over this new thing where everybody smears joe biden for being talkative? i mean, heaven forbid someone in office should actually THINK about an issue! when they say bush is a straight talker, they mean he doesn't know whether africa's a country or a continent. ;D
here in washington we have two papers, the mainstream post and the right-wing washington times. and when the times came out their big selling point, we're one third smaller than the post, so you don't have to carry this bigazz paper around all the time. all that damn knowledge! it's so heavy and burdensome!
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 02/06/07 at 8:15 pm
is anybody else getting frustrated over this new thing where everybody smears joe biden for being talkative? i mean, heaven forbid someone in office should actually THINK about an issue! when they say bush is a straight talker, they mean he doesn't know whether africa's a country or a continent. ;D
here in washington we have two papers, the mainstream post and the right-wing washington times. and when the times came out their big selling point, we're one third smaller than the post, so you don't have to carry this bigazz paper around all the time. all that damn knowledge! it's so heavy and burdensome!
The Washington Times is a Moonie rag. Never under estimate Sun Myung Moon!
If Joe Biden is bigoted, it is a residual and benign form of bigotry common in his generation. Yes, I'd say the same if a Republican his age said the same. Actually, Dubya also called Obama "articulate," and coming from a wordsmith such as Bush....
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: Tia on 02/06/07 at 8:25 pm
i've heard the thing saying that calling obama articulate, and how that's always a submerged expression of racism. i sorta buy it halfway. i mean, is it a guarantee that a politican is going to be articulate? most of them actually... aren't. so it's possible some of the people who are calling obama articulate mean he's not using obvious talking points. i might be more comfortable with "sincere," but then maybe people would come back with, oh, so you think most black people are liars?
is there soemthing going around about biden being bigoted? i hadn't heard that.
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: La Roche on 02/06/07 at 8:36 pm
The Washington Times is a Moonie rag. Never under estimate Sun Myung Moon!
Once, when I lost the phone and she couldn't get through for a week, one of the possible outcomes my Ma came up with was that I'd become a Moonie. :-\\
i've heard the thing saying that calling obama articulate, and how that's always a submerged expression of racism. i sorta buy it halfway. i mean, is it a guarantee that a politican is going to be articulate? most of them actually... aren't. so it's possible some of the people who are calling obama articulate mean he's not using obvious talking points. i might be more comfortable with "sincere," but then maybe people would come back with, oh, so you think most black people are liars?
is there soemthing going around about biden being bigoted? i hadn't heard that.
I'm really keen to see the Obama smears. You know for a fact they're going to tread along a fine line between "Do you really want your country in the hands of a black man!" and the usual Sexual/Monetary/Criminal Conduct slander that's usually thrown around.
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: Tia on 02/06/07 at 8:42 pm
that's true, they seem to come up with some handy one-word epithet and stick with it. john kerry's an elitist, biden rambles, kucinich is a paranoid. what will they come up with for obama that doesn't come off racist?
i notice the "muhammad" thing is really prompting a backlash. people are getting sick of the repubs calling it the "democrat party" too.
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: La Roche on 02/06/07 at 8:44 pm
that's true, they seem to come up with some handy one-word epithet and stick with it. john kerry's an elitist, biden rambles, kucinich is a paranoid. what will they come up with for obama that doesn't come off racist?
i notice the "muhammad" thing is really prompting a backlash. people are getting sick of the repubs calling it the "democrat party" too.
I thought for a while that they were gonna run with the 'extremeist' tag... but they proved me wrong. Damn.. I thought I'd worked out how Hannity worked!!!
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: 80s_cheerleader on 02/07/07 at 9:53 am
Personally, I like Obama and am going to try and ignore all the "bashing" like I do every election year. I'm sure people are going to jump all over the fact that he's admitted to tokin' a few in his lifetime. Heck, the man is trying to quit smoking and people are already griping about that. What's wrong with someone trying to quit? Why is it even an issue?
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: Jessica on 02/07/07 at 10:43 am
I think if they decide to bash Obama, the might just bash him into the White House. You're going to get people saying how bad it is that racism is so prevalent, and then everyone is going to vote for Obama, and he'll be our new President.
The smears might not be a bad thing after all. ;D
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: CatwomanofV on 02/07/07 at 2:00 pm
Personally, I like Obama and am going to try and ignore all the "bashing" like I do every election year. I'm sure people are going to jump all over the fact that he's admitted to tokin' a few in his lifetime. Heck, the man is trying to quit smoking and people are already griping about that. What's wrong with someone trying to quit? Why is it even an issue?
OMG!!! HE SMOKES??!!!! Well, I'm not going to vote for him because of that.
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: Sister Morphine on 02/07/07 at 2:02 pm
Who cares if he did drugs way back when? Unless he admitted to being part of the Medellin drug cartel in Columbia....what's the problem here?
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: Tia on 02/07/07 at 2:16 pm
dude, i WANT a president who's willing to say, "night night i convened my cabinet and we all sparked a FAT one and pondered the mideast crisis. then i ate a cap of peyote and communed with my spirit familiar on the white house grounds and i'm proud to say that together we've come up with a thirteen-point plan to find peace in the mideast."
i mean, you know, it couldn't be worse than what these straight-laced pinheads are coming up with now.
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 02/07/07 at 6:30 pm
John F. Kennedy smoked marijuana in the White House.
Big deal.
Every year that goes by it gets harder and harder to find anybody under 70 who has never smoked pot. Mind you, I'm not hankering for the Cheech & Chong Administration, but marijuana has been ubiquitous since the 1960s. Heck, my grandmother toked reefer with some "Negro jazz musicians" in 1935! (She preferred vodka, though.)
I better not hear Ann Coulter say boo about anybody smoking pot because she was a Deadhead!
Seriously, even the staunchest conservatives have smoked the stuff, and the ones who say they didn't are probably lying.
I wish Bill Clinton had the cajones to say, "I went to college in the '60s, of course I smoked marijuana. Got a groove on too!"
Oh nooooo!!! What about our children?
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: 80s_cheerleader on 02/07/07 at 7:01 pm
John F. Kennedy smoked marijuana in the White House.
Big deal.
Every year that goes by it gets harder and harder to find anybody under 70 who has never smoked pot. Mind you, I'm not hankering for the Cheech & Chong Administration, but marijuana has been ubiquitous since the 1960s. Heck, my grandmother toked reefer with some "Negro jazz musicians" in 1935! (She preferred vodka, though.)
I better not hear Ann Coulter say boo about anybody smoking pot because she was a Deadhead!
Seriously, even the staunchest conservatives have smoked the stuff, and the ones who say they didn't are probably lying.
I wish Bill Clinton had the cajones to say, "I went to college in the '60s, of course I smoked marijuana. Got a groove on too!"
Oh nooooo!!! What about our children?
BUT, hasn't GW said that HE never did ANY drugs in the day ::) <<<sarcasm
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: 80s_cheerleader on 02/07/07 at 7:02 pm
OMG!!! HE SMOKES??!!!! Well, I'm not going to vote for him because of that.
The scary thing is that there are some who actually WOULDN'T ::)
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: 80s_cheerleader on 02/07/07 at 7:03 pm
Who cares if he did drugs way back when? Unless he admitted to being part of the Medellin drug cartel in Columbia....what's the problem here?
I agree. I have more respect for people who stand up and admit they've done stuff like this than try to play the "holier than thou" card ::)
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: La Roche on 02/07/07 at 8:32 pm
dude, i WANT a president who's willing to say, "night night i convened my cabinet and we all sparked a FAT one and pondered the mideast crisis. then i ate a cap of peyote and communed with my spirit familiar on the white house grounds and i'm proud to say that together we've come up with a thirteen-point plan to find peace in the mideast."
i mean, you know, it couldn't be worse than what these straight-laced pinheads are coming up with now.
My urge to be in Politics has returned.
These people are for life its all back to his place at the end of the night. They could settle wars with this. If only they will imagine the worlds leaders on pills then imagine the mornin after. Wars causing disaster don't talk to me i don't know you, but this aint tommorow and for now i still love you
I agree. I have more respect for people who stand up and admit they've done stuff like this than try to play the "holier than thou" card ::)
It's not who you are it's who you know, Others lives are the basis of your own. Burn your bridges build them back with wealth, Judge not lest ye be judged yourself.
Holier than thou,
You are.
Holier than thou,
You are.
You know not, Yeah who the hell are you?
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: Sister Morphine on 02/07/07 at 8:32 pm
The scary thing is that there are some who actually WOULDN'T ::)
Yes, because when I vote for a president, I don't want one who pollutes their body with nicotine.
Because that's the most important thing to focus on, of course.
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 02/07/07 at 10:41 pm
BUT, hasn't GW said that HE never did ANY drugs in the day ::) <<<sarcasm
As we used to say back in the '80s:
"Are you stoned, or just stupid?"
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: 80s_cheerleader on 02/08/07 at 8:33 am
Yes, because when I vote for a president, I don't want one who pollutes their body with nicotine.
Because that's the most important thing to focus on, of course.
The truth would surprise you. I actually had a woman tell me she wouldn't let her kids play with someone who had a parent that smokes. I asked "But, what if they don't do it in the house or around the kids?" and she said "It wouldn't matter." :o
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: 80s_cheerleader on 02/08/07 at 12:46 pm
What about the comments that have been running rampant lately about how "black voters don't identify with Obama"? One of the editorials I read said something about how he's not "a real African-American" :o His dad is African and his mom is American....how much more "African-American" can you get?
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 02/08/07 at 2:18 pm
^ There are no depths to which campaigns/media will not sink during election seasons. Unfortunately, electoral politics are now perpetual. The real start of this particular viciousness goes back to Lee Atwater in 1988.
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: witchain on 02/08/07 at 4:26 pm
An interesting way to start off...
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: La Roche on 02/11/07 at 8:27 am
An interesting way to start off...
Well, let's be fair.. who'd wanna go to Nevada. ;D
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: danootaandme on 02/11/07 at 3:50 pm
The real start of this particular viciousness goes back to Lee Atwater in 1988.
That would be for GW 1. Why anyone would vote for a bush at anytime, anyplace is still beyond me. They are all pure, adulterated trash.
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: zcrito on 02/11/07 at 9:52 pm
I heard about this on CNN today...
Australian Prime Minister John Howard says Barack Obama wrong on Iraq
"Howard said Obama's pledges on Iraq would only give hope to insurgents operating in the war-ravaged country."
"If I were running al-Qaeda in Iraq, I would put a circle around March 2008 and be praying as many times as possible for a victory not only for Obama but also for the Democrats".
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: Tia on 02/11/07 at 9:56 pm
and if i were iran, i'd be praying for republican administrations from now until doomsday.
which would be in about 6 months, i'm guessin'. ;D
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 02/12/07 at 6:18 pm
That would be for GW 1. Why anyone would vote for a bush at anytime, anyplace is still beyond me. They are all pure, adulterated trash.
Not enough people voted for Dubya in either election to allow them NOT to steal the election both times!
When they nominated Dukakis in '88, I thought they must have wanted to lose the election--a Massachusetts liberal with even less charisma than Walter Mondale! Nonetheless, the Duke was up on Bush by 18 points in that summer, and the press was calling Bush a "wimp." If Lee Atwater didn't exist, they'd have to invent him!
The Bushes were gearing up to be the next robber baron family when the New Deal hit. That's why they're so mean, like a dog without a bone! They wanted to be the Rockefellers, but thanks to FDR, they had to settle for second class multi-millioinaire status. The Bushes have been out to undo the New Deal legacy for forty years, ever since George HW got to congress. If they'd been able to kill Social Security, the could call it a success!
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: danootaandme on 02/14/07 at 4:01 pm
The Bushes have been out to undo the New Deal legacy for forty years, ever since George HW got to congress. If they'd been able to kill Social Security, the could call it a success!
They haven't been happy since they found out they aren't allowed to slap the servants
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 02/14/07 at 5:54 pm
They haven't been happy since they found out they aren't allowed to slap the servants
Karma +1
So there's still this faux-troversy going around about whether Obama is "black enough." Let's do a Back to the Future.
We send Barak back to 1955. He lands at Red's Roadhouse up the road from Mobile. He walks in and takes a seat at the bar. Does he get served?
"Git outta here, boy, we don't serve your kind!"
"Excuse me, sir, they call me Mr. Obama. My father is Kenyan and my mother is a white lady from Kansas."
Sorry, that wouldn't cut no ice with Red or the sheriff, and the statement that his mother is white would really get him in deep doo-doo!
I think some of these black folks acting all displeased with Obama's background are just a tad short-sighted!
Subject: Obama Tells the Truth...
Written By: Davester on 02/14/07 at 10:30 pm
Then quickly apologizes for it... ???
"We Can't Handle the Truth": The mantra of America's political zombie walk. He may as well criticize Israel now too, and get it over with...
There's no pitfall waiting out there. We're OK groove ;) on...
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: Tia on 02/14/07 at 10:33 pm
*slaps forehead*
gawd, another frickin' apology. stop apologizing, yall! if you really think the troops' lives in iraq are being wasted, say so! cuz otherwise, they'll just waste more.
man. i live for the day when a roomful of democrats manages to find a pair of testicles to cobble together among the lot of em. ::)
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: Davester on 02/14/07 at 10:34 pm
*slaps forehead*
gawd, another frickin' apology. stop apologizing, yall! if you really think the troops' lives in iraq are being wasted, say so! cuz otherwise, they'll just waste more.
man. i live for the day when a roomful of democrats manages to find a pair of testicles to cobble together among the lot of em. ::)
Slimey politicians...
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: JamieMcBain on 02/15/07 at 12:09 am
I thought for a while that they were gonna run with the 'extremeist' tag... but they proved me wrong. Damn.. I thought I'd worked out how Hannity worked!!!
I have his show, and I still can't figure how he works.
Nor do I want to! ;D
As for Fox News, how is it they get their news?
I am starting to think that they (Fox News), were trying to find ways, to derail Barak from winning, before he announced his candidacy.
And why do I get the feeling, that the mudslinging is going to get much worse? ::)
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: Ashkicksass on 02/15/07 at 1:19 pm
Whoa, now. He was let in on the baseball team because they were able to get funding from the feds to build a stadium while his daddy was President. The same daddy who bought him into Harvard Law after he scraped through Yale and didn't have the qualifications to go to Texas Law. "C" students from Phillips Andover and Yale don't get into Harvard without some influence. He got in on the AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PROGRAM that grants access to the well bred in what they call Legacies(sounds like an"entitlement" to me.) If he is a descendant of one of the founders of Harvard, considering the inbreeding of the New England aristos I would say he is, he can also go tuition free.
I know it's late, but just to clairify, I was referring to the fact that Obama went to Harvard Law, and my "God Forbid" was talking about how he is "too" intelligent. I'm not sure how I didn't know that Bush went to Harvard too - there had to be a catch there because there is NO FREAKING WAY he could've gotten in on his own.
*slaps forehead*
gawd, another frickin' apology. stop apologizing, yall! if you really think the troops' lives in iraq are being wasted, say so! cuz otherwise, they'll just waste more.
man. i live for the day when a roomful of democrats manages to find a pair of testicles to cobble together among the lot of em. ::)
Their lives were wasted. I don't think he had anything to apologize for.
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: CatwomanofV on 02/15/07 at 2:34 pm
I have his show, and I still can't figure how he works.
Nor do I want to! ;D
As for Fox News, how is it they get their news?
I have been trying to figure out that question for years now. Still no closer to the answer.
I am starting to think that they (Fox News), were trying to find ways, to derail Barak from winning, before he announced his candidacy.
And why do I get the feeling, that the mudslinging is going to get much worse? ::)
You are right on both accounts.
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: danootaandme on 02/15/07 at 5:07 pm
Karma +1
So there's still this faux-troversy going around about whether Obama is "black enough."
I think some of these black folks acting all displeased with Obama's background are just a tad short-sighted!
You can be 1/2 white, but you are still all black ;) Anyone in the minority community who looks at his face and questions his street cred needs a smack upside their hairweave. ;D
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 02/15/07 at 7:07 pm
Their lives were wasted. I don't think he had anything to apologize for.
I agree...but those words are so easily twisted. Once you make that statement, that's all the press is going to hear. You don't get a chance to clarify:
a. That doesn't mean the troops' lives were a waste.
b. That doesn't mean serving in the military is wasteful.
c. That doesn't demean the characters or patriotism of the soldiers who have died.
The soldiers did their job. The military isn't a take-it-or-leave-it, pick-and-choose kind of career. Once you're in, you absolutely must do what you're told...or face courts-martial and prison. Thus, the soldiers did not waste their own lives. The U.S. military didn't waste the lives of the soldiers. This rotten administration--none of whom ever served in combat--wasted the lives of patriotic Americans, 3100 and counting. Their lives were wasted because this unwinnable occupation is a waste...and a waste in every sense of the word!!!
Try and explain that to Sean Hannity or Bill Orally and you'll just get shouted down. You might hear Keith Olbermann say something similar, though.
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: JamieMcBain on 02/16/07 at 12:42 am
I have been trying to figure out that question for years now. Still no closer to the answer.
You are right on both accounts.
I still have a really bad feeling, that Fox News, is going try "to dig up more info/THE TRUTH", again before the election offically starts.
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: Ashkicksass on 02/20/07 at 3:14 pm
I agree...but those words are so easily twisted. Once you make that statement, that's all the press is going to hear. You don't get a chance to clarify:
a. That doesn't mean the troops' lives were a waste.
b. That doesn't mean serving in the military is wasteful.
c. That doesn't demean the characters or patriotism of the soldiers who have died.
The soldiers did their job. The military isn't a take-it-or-leave-it, pick-and-choose kind of career. Once you're in, you absolutely must do what you're told...or face courts-martial and prison. Thus, the soldiers did not waste their own lives. The U.S. military didn't waste the lives of the soldiers. This rotten administration--none of whom ever served in combat--wasted the lives of patriotic Americans, 3100 and counting. Their lives were wasted because this unwinnable occupation is a waste...and a waste in every sense of the word!!!
Try and explain that to Sean Hannity or Bill Orally and you'll just get shouted down. You might hear Keith Olbermann say something similar, though.
True, but I know what he meant...and you know what he meant, and we both know that the media also knows what he meant, they're just being the jerks that they love to be.
Subject: Re: Barak Wars-The Games Begin
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 02/20/07 at 5:17 pm
I still have a really bad feeling, that Fox News, is going try "to dig up more info/THE TRUTH", again before the election offically starts.
Roger Ailes is a political operative and FOX is to the Right exactly what that wretched network accuses the rest of the media being to the Left. FOX is completely and utterly enthralled to the RNC and the Bush White House. Their coverage of the Iraq occupation is all the evidence you need! FOX was also the first to broadcast the vicious lie that Bush had won Florida. The rest of the media followed suit. In fact, the "mainstream media" is almost as far Right as FOX. If the rest of the media was really as Leftist as FOX whines that it is, it would have done to FOX what FOX did to Dan Rather.
It took years of 2/3 of the population deploring the Bush Administration, believing the country is headed in the wrong direction, and being totally against the war before timid MSNBC decided it was a good business decision to become the anti-FOX.