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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Jimmy Carter and Israeli Apartheid
Written By: danootaandme on 01/12/07 at 6:00 pm
I have seen Jimmy Carter on many talk shows speaking about his new book that has caused quite a to do. I have great respect for President Carter and even more so that he is willing to go on record with this issue and not back down.
Subject: Re: Jimmy Carter and Israeli Apartheid
Written By: Mushroom on 01/12/07 at 6:23 pm
This is the same book that has been under attack since it was release.
Among the first ones were claims that large sections of the book were plagiarized. And even worse, there were plagiarized from an anti-semitic hoax!
And considering that 14 members of President Carter's Carter Center advisory board just resigned because of the book, it casts even more doubt on the validity of his most recent book.
Subject: Re: Jimmy Carter and Israeli Apartheid
Written By: Foo Bar on 01/12/07 at 11:16 pm
Ah, Jimmy, whose in-office success was marked by bringing the word "malaise" into national prominence, whose solution to the energy crisis was to suggest, on national TV, that everyone wear sweaters while shivering in the dark, and whose post-presidential diplomatic successes include ensuring Yasser Arafat's winning of 1994 Nobel Peace Prize and the meddling that (1994 was a big year for Jimmy!) resulted in the "Agreed framework" that gave Kim Jong-Il enough time to run his reactors to the point that he could extract the plutonium thus generated and use 'em in the nuke he fired off last year, and the legitimization of the "election" of aspiring Venezuelan dictator (nationalizing the oil wells wasn't enough, last week it was telecommunications assets!) Cesar Chavez.
Ah, Jimmy, you stood strong against right-wing totalitarians, but the past 30 years have demonstrated that you've never met a left-wing totalitarian you didn't like.
A President named Carter.
A Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Yasser Arafat.
A car named Edsel.
A ship named Titanic.
Two artists named Hilton and Spears
Stick to building homes for the poor, Jimmy. It's taken Bush six years to approach the long-term damage you've done to the nation's strategic interests. And he still hasn't quite managed it.
Subject: Re: Jimmy Carter and Israeli Apartheid
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 01/13/07 at 1:11 am
I'm sure glad we we're safe now with a great president who we don't have to worry about reading a book, let alone writing one!
(JC has written over 20, Bush has read under 20, including "My Pet Goat.")
Yes, yes indeed let's Swift Boat every Tom Dick and Harry to the left of Tom De Lay until Mushroom can pick a new screen name:
"Mushroom Clouds Over theran and Tel Aviv"!
What is being used against President Carter now is a classic character assassination jihad. First, right wing media outlets "seed" the audio and TV airwaves with hyperbolic, unsubstantiated, inflammatory rhetoric in order to create the illusion of a "big story". Simultaneously, the conservative blogs spew their oveheated invective, allowing their readershp of "true believers" a chance to vent.
Even if later these outlets have to back off the original claims as too harsh or untrue, a certain percentage of their more trusting and gullible audience will not change its mind, even in light of facts that prove the original accusations to be false. Although vile to its core, this "shock and awe" tactic has a certain Machiavellian genius to it. And, let's face the facts - it is has worked in the past. Just ask John Kerry.
What I garner from my reading is that Carter improperly cited a couple of references in a 288 page book. FOX and the right-wing pundits and bloggers blew the whole affair out of proportion, used it to b!tch slap the former president and discredit the work in toto, all the while using the same squawkers they always use who earn lavish livings off of lying outright!
Dennis Ross? I wouldn't give that guy a job at McDonalds!
Stick to building homes for the poor, Jimmy. It's taken Bush six years to approach the long-term damage you've done to the nation's strategic interests. And he still hasn't quite managed it.
No, seriously, man, if this ain't hyperbole, you need either a library card or a psychiatric referral, maybe both!
Subject: Re: Jimmy Carter and Israeli Apartheid
Written By: danootaandme on 01/13/07 at 7:55 am
There has been an ongoing character assassination of Carter, and I find it inexcusable. I truly believe that in the future his legacy will be judged in much higher esteem than what his contemporaries are willing to allow.
Subject: Re: Jimmy Carter and Israeli Apartheid
Written By: esoxslayer on 01/13/07 at 8:31 am
What I garner from my reading is that Carter improperly cited a couple of references in a 288 page book. FOX and the right-wing pundits and bloggers blew the whole affair out of proportion, used it to b!tch slap the former president and discredit the work in toto, all the while using the same squawkers they always use who earn lavish livings off of lying outright!
Seems a bit odd that 14 members of his advisory board would resign because of a "couple" of improper references......
Subject: Re: Jimmy Carter and Israeli Apartheid
Written By: Davester on 01/13/07 at 9:22 am
I just bought the book, s-o-o-o-o-o...
Carter is a very mainstream liberal. His views are bread and butter liberalism, so this should not come as a surprise groove ;) on...
Subject: Re: Jimmy Carter and Israeli Apartheid
Written By: danootaandme on 01/13/07 at 9:39 am
Seems a bit odd that 14 members of his advisory board would resign because of a "couple" of improper references......
Seems odd that they waited so long....
Subject: Re: Jimmy Carter and Israeli Apartheid
Written By: Mushroom on 01/13/07 at 10:02 am
Yes, yes indeed let's Swift Boat every Tom Dick and Harry to the left of Tom De Lay until Mushroom can pick a new screen name:
"Mushroom Clouds Over theran and Tel Aviv"!
Actually, I first heard of this book several weeks ago on NPR! And the person that was being interviewed was a member of an Arab-Israeli friendship group. He had a lot of unkind things to say about the book, and went on at some length comparing the text of the book, and propaganda released from Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and other fanatical Arab groups. In many cases, the paragraphs were almost identicle.
The person interviewed (I foget his name), said that the book was highly distorted, and will only serve to inflame more hatred against Israel. I do not watch Fox News, so have no idea what they are saying about the book.
And considering the sudden resignation of 14 members of his own "Carter Center", that tells me a lot too. When such a large number of his own advisors resign, it means that even those he is supposed to work closely with on fostering internation peace no longer believe he is as neutral as he tries to claim.
Subject: Re: Jimmy Carter and Israeli Apartheid
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 01/13/07 at 11:29 am
The mainstream American press (especially NPR--National Proxy for Republicans) has an implicit contest:
"Who can say the nicest things about the state of Israel."
Anybody who criticizes the policies of Israel or America's funding of Israel is going to get flayed. If Jimmy Carter wrote a blood-curdling pro-Israeli battle cry, he could quintuple the number of errors in his book and the mainstream media would would throw him a ticker tape parade!
Carter barely criticized the state of Israel other than to say their treatment of the Palestinians is inhumane and will never succeed as policy. Anybody who doesn't repeat the same tired old mantras ad nauseam, such as "The Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity" is slaughtered in the American media and torn at relentlessly in search of any weak seem to rip apart. Criticize Israeli aggression in the slightest and right-wing activists (both Gentile and Jewish) will call you an anti-semite and a terrorist-appeaser. Hate to quote Buckley, but, "An anti-semite used to be somebody who didn't like Jews, now an anti-semite is somebody Jews don't like." I would specify right-wing Jews for the Israeli war machine. Most Jewish people in the world are reasonable folks.
Carter committed the ultimate crime as president of being a modest man who wasn't sexy, advocating human rights, and calling for conservation of resources. People who weren't even f**king born back then now make fun of Carter and his Mister Rogers cardigan. When Reagan rode into town on his white steed (after cutting his first dirty deal with the Iranians) he preach homilies about old fashioned values. Meanwhile, Time ran a ra-ra Reagan cover story, "Diamonds are back!" That's what America likes: Excess tempered by sanctimony.
JC has been the whipping boy for the mainstream media for 30 years. I don't see that changing. The Democrats, as I knew they would, are turning into cringing right-wing appeasers. Speaker Pelosi immediately said "Jimmy Carter doesn't represent the Democratic party on Israel." And that's no lie. He, Nan, why don't you just hand the reins over to Joe Lieberman and be done with it?
Subject: Re: Jimmy Carter and Israeli Apartheid
Written By: esoxslayer on 01/13/07 at 11:46 am
The Democrats, as I knew the would, are turning into cringing right-wing appeasers.
Now why do you suppose the Dems would do something like that??
Subject: Re: Jimmy Carter and Israeli Apartheid
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 01/13/07 at 3:01 pm
Now why do you suppose the Dems would do something like that??
Because they bow to the same paymasters as the the Republicans.
If we're going to have real ethics reform, we need radical campaign finance reform for a start. But you know, if we can ever turn politics from a dirty business into a clean business, the Garden of Eden will re-open and mankind will get to go home.
Subject: Re: Jimmy Carter and Israeli Apartheid
Written By: danootaandme on 01/13/07 at 6:29 pm
Actually, I first heard of this book several weeks ago on NPR! And the person that was being interviewed was a member of an Arab-Israeli friendship group. He had a lot of unkind things to say about the book, and went on at some length comparing the text of the book, and propaganda released from Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and other fanatical Arab groups. In many cases, the paragraphs were almost identicle.
The person interviewed (I foget his name), said that the book was highly distorted, and will only serve to inflame more hatred against Israel. I do not watch Fox News, so have no idea what they are saying about the book.
And considering the sudden resignation of 14 members of his own "Carter Center", that tells me a lot too. When such a large number of his own advisors resign, it means that even those he is supposed to work closely with on fostering internation peace no longer believe he is as neutral as he tries to claim.
Have you seen an interview with Carter himself? I suggest you hold your opinion until then. As for the Carter Center team, the book has been out since November, they probably knew about it and its contents months before that, so one must ask oneself why they waited until now, then left enmasse. I find their action disingenuous.
Subject: Re: Jimmy Carter and Israeli Apartheid
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 01/14/07 at 4:08 pm
Have you seen an interview with Carter himself? I suggest you hold your opinion until then. As for the Carter Center team, the book has been out since November, they probably knew about it and its contents months before that, so one must ask oneself why they waited until now, then left enmasse. I find their action disingenuous.
Jimmy Carter is a threat to the right-wing sales pitch. He is a liberal evangelical Christian. In his 2005 book Our Endangered Values: America's Moral Crisis, what was the "moral crisis"?
Gangsta rap? No. Secular progressivism? No. Roe v. Wade? No. The liberal media? No. The Christian Right? YES!
President Carter does not affirm as positive all that the Right calls negative, he merely says the rancor, divisiveness, and sanctimony with which the Christian Right frames all issues is part of the problem. Carter also believes the religious right is merging church with state when it is essential to our democracy that the two remain separate. Thus, Carter is a heretic.
Religious right court jester Bernie Goldberg ranks Carter 6th on his list of "110 People Who are Screwing Up America."
In case you were wondering, here you go, it's a hoot:
(I couldn't block and copy the numbers, but does it really matter? Does it make sense that "Michael Moore" is #1 on the list. I mean, whatever your political persuasion, if you were going to make a list of people who are "screwing up America," would Michael Moore be your #1? Four of them are not people but concepts, a large percentage of them are in the entertainment industry and have no real effect on public policy. In fact, only a few of these individuals have it within their personal power to do anything to "screw up" America. The only conservatives are the few right-wingers even FOX News doesn't like. I don't conclude Bernie Goldberg is an idiot, I conclude Bernie Goldberg thinks you're an idiot and you will buy his book!)
Michael Moore
Arthur Sulzberger
Ted Kennedy
Jesse Jackson
Anthony Romero
Jimmy Carter
Margaret Marshall
Paul Krugman
Jonathan Kozol
Ralph Neas
Noam Chomsky
Dan Rather
Andrew Heyward
Mary Mapes
Ted Rall
John Edwards
Al Sharpton
Al Gore
George Soros
Howard Dean
Judge Roy Moore
Michael Newdow
The Unknown American Terrorist
Lee Bollinger
James Kopp
Dr. Martin Haskell
Paul Begala
Julian Bond
John Green
Latrell Sprewell
Maury Povich
Jerry Springer
Bob Shrum
Bill Moyers
Jeff Danziger
Nancy Hopkins
Al Franken
Jim McDermott
Peter Singer
Scott Harshbarger
Susan Beresford
Gloria Steinem
Paul Eibeler
Dennis Kozlowski
Ken Lay
Barbara Walters
Maxine Waters
Robert Byrd
Ingrid Newkirk
John Vasconellos
Ann Pelo
Markos Moulitsas
Anna Nicole Smith
Neal Shapiro
David Westin
Diane Sawyer
Ted Field
Shirley Franklin
Michael Savage
Howard Stern
Amy Richards
James Wolcott
Oliver Stone
David Duke
Randall Robinson
Katherine Hanson
Matt Kunitz
Jimmy Swaggart
Phil Donahue
Ward Churchill
Barbara Kingsolver
Katha Politt
Eric Foner
Barbara Foley
Linda Hirshman
Norman Mailer
Harry Belafonte
Kitty Kelley
Tim Robbins
Laurie David
The Dumb and Vicious Celebrity
The Vicious Celebrity
The Dumb Celebrity
Chris Ofili
Sheldon Hackney
Aaron McGruder
Jane Smiley
Michael Jackson
Barbara Streisand
Kerri Dunn
Richard Timmons
Guy Velella
Courtney Love
Eve Ensler
Todd Goldman
Sheila Jackson Lee
Matthew Lesko
Rick and Kathy Hilton
Subject: Re: Jimmy Carter and Israeli Apartheid
Written By: CatwomanofV on 01/14/07 at 4:19 pm
That list is too funny. So is Britney & Paris concidered "The Dumb Celebrity"? Of course Anna Nicole can be concidered that too. I am really surprised that Anderson Cooper didn't make the list.
Carlos said that he is offended that he didn't make the list.
Subject: Re: Jimmy Carter and Israeli Apartheid
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 01/14/07 at 4:25 pm
That list is too funny. So is Britney & Paris concidered "The Dumb Celebrity"? Of course Anna Nicole can be concidered that too. I am really surprised that Anderson Cooper didn't make the list.
Carlos said that he is offended that he didn't make the list.
I can't even remember who a whole slew of those people are! If Keith Olbermann continues to rise in the ratings, he'll make the list in the next edition "120 People Who Are Screwing Up America (#111: You!)" As a Vermonter, you must be amused Howard Dean made the cut, but Bernie Sanders didn't! Does anybody under forty (besides me) even know who Norman Mailer is? And Matthew Lesko? Come on! I would put him on a list called "110 People who are as Annoying as Fug-all" but that's about it!
Judge Roy Moore
Ken Lay
David Duke
Michael Savage
Have all been criticized by Bill O'Reilly. Is that the litmus test for "bad conservative"?
Harry Belafonte is "screwing up America" because he exercised his constitutional right to free speech a couple of times and Goldberg didn't like it? If the U.S. is that fragile, we've got bigger problems than aging calypso singers who don't care for the president!
Subject: Re: Jimmy Carter and Israeli Apartheid
Written By: CatwomanofV on 01/14/07 at 4:37 pm
I can't even remember who a whole slew of those people are! If Keith Olbermann continues to rise in the ratings, he'll make the list in the next edition "120 People Who Are Screwing Up America (#111: You!)" As a Vermonter, you must be amused Howard Dean made the cut, but Bernie Sanders didn't!
I didn't realize that Bernie didn't make the list. (Thanks for pointing that out). You do know he is a...a...dare I say it....a socialist
Subject: Re: Jimmy Carter and Israeli Apartheid
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 01/14/07 at 7:13 pm
I didn't realize that Bernie didn't make the list. (Thanks for pointing that out). You do know he is a...a...dare I say it....a socialist
A what? A socialist?
shhhh...don't make a scene!
Subject: Re: Jimmy Carter and Israeli Apartheid
Written By: CatwomanofV on 01/14/07 at 7:43 pm
A what? A socialist?
shhhh...don't make a scene!