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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: 4-year old in trouble for "inappropriate touching"
Written By: Slater on 12/14/06 at 11:25 am
I dunno. Do they have pre-kindergarten sexual harassment seminars? ::)
Would a 4 year old even understand the concept?
Subject: Re: 4-year old in trouble for "inappropriate touching"
Written By: Ashkicksass on 12/14/06 at 11:43 am
I dunno. Do they have pre-kindergarten sexual harassment seminars? ::)
Would a 4 year old even understand the concept?
Good God, he's 4! What a joke.
Subject: Re: 4-year old in trouble for "inappropriate touching"
Written By: Dominic L. on 12/14/06 at 11:58 am
Psht, I was making out with other students when I was 4! Ok... It was really 5, but still...
Subject: Re: 4-year old in trouble for "inappropriate touching"
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 12/14/06 at 12:34 pm
This is so ridiculous! My mother is a school nurse and she tells me stories about some of the children in her school. Some of them have horrible upbringing and never get any affection shown to them by the people they are being raised by. Sometimes the only recognition they get..is in school. Perhaps this student was just so happy that someone was taking the time out to give him a hug, that he just didn't want it to end. Some children crave that kind of attention because they don't get it on a daily basis. Some of the stories my mom has told me...just break your heat. :-\\
Subject: Re: 4-year old in trouble for "inappropriate touching"
Written By: deadrockstar on 12/14/06 at 1:15 pm
Of course this happened in Texas, the chickensh*t capital of the world. ::)
2 more months and I'm gone. http://forums.offtopic.com/images/smilies/fingersx.gif
Subject: Re: 4-year old in trouble for "inappropriate touching"
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/14/06 at 2:38 pm
Sheesh! Life imitates "South Park." If Parker and Stone saw this story, they probably have the next episode in the can already!
::) ::) ::)
Subject: Re: 4-year old in trouble for "inappropriate touching"
Written By: danootaandme on 12/14/06 at 4:42 pm
Imagine the message this sends to the kid. Suspended from school for hugging...hugging is bad...he is bad for husgging. I'd like to slap everyone involved in this idiocy, but like you said ... Texas
Subject: Re: 4-year old in trouble for "inappropriate touching"
Written By: deadrockstar on 12/14/06 at 5:17 pm
Imagine the message this sends to the kid. Suspended from school for hugging...hugging is bad...he is bad for husgging. I'd like to slap everyone involved in this idiocy, but like you said ... Texas
One day I was sent out of class and to the principal's office because the teacher overheard me asking a couple of other kids if they wanted to form a club. She got all bent out of shape and told me "we don't have GANGS in our school!". I was in the 3rd grade. ::)
I was thinking more along the lines of He-man woman haters club(Little rascals, lol) and this lady thought I was trying to start the Tyler, Texas branch of the Crips. :D
Subject: Re: 4-year old in trouble for "inappropriate touching"
Written By: lorac61469 on 12/14/06 at 7:24 pm
What's wrong with the teacher's aide that she would think a child of 4 would be rubbibg her in a sexual way? I think she's got some mental problems.
Subject: Re: 4-year old in trouble for "inappropriate touching"
Written By: Sister Morphine on 12/14/06 at 7:45 pm
Some people are too stupid for their own good.
Subject: Re: 4-year old in trouble for "inappropriate touching"
Written By: KKay on 12/14/06 at 9:26 pm
I wonder if he's seeing anybody?
I know...I know...sorry.
Subject: Re: 4-year old in trouble for "inappropriate touching"
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/14/06 at 11:42 pm
One day I was sent out of class and to the principal's office because the teacher overheard me asking a couple of other kids if they wanted to form a club. She got all bent out of shape and told me "we don't have GANGS in our school!". I was in the 3rd grade. ::)
I was thinking more along the lines of He-man woman haters club(Little rascals, lol) and this lady thought I was trying to start the Tyler, Texas branch of the Crips. :D
Spanky and Our Gangbangers?
Subject: Re: 4-year old in trouble for "inappropriate touching"
Written By: 80s_cheerleader on 12/15/06 at 11:55 am
I've heard of some pretty stupid things, but this by far is the stupidest. To draw on what Erin said, it may be this child gets little affection at home or it may be that he gets hugs all the time and that's how he knows to express his feelings. I know I hug my kids all the time and have been hugged by other kids and had my kids hugged by other adults and it never would cross my mind that it was anything other than a hug. In fact, my son's 3rd grade teacher hugged him the other night after his holiday program when she told him what a good job he had done in his duet and how proud she was of him. Now, if the kid was 15 and hugging a teacher, THAT would be a different story ;)
Subject: Re: 4-year old in trouble for "inappropriate touching"
Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/15/06 at 3:37 pm
I guess these people don't understand kids at that age. Most kids at that age love hugs, want to give hugs and be hugged. It is a way of feeling secure. As for "rubbing his face on her chest", believe it or not, at that age, it is an instint-as in breast feeding. I have been around kids that age (and even older) who have been facinated by my breasts (putting there hands on them, etc.) Did I think it was sexual? Not at all. However, there parents (who were there at the time) said that it was not appropate and they learned. This happened with both of my best friends' kids at different times.
Subject: Re: 4-year old in trouble for "inappropriate touching"
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/15/06 at 4:31 pm
Well...sexuality is innate. You've got it from day one. a four-year-old experiences sexuality, but does not understand it. If it was the teacher stimulating the little boy, I would say throw the book at her. However, even if the little boy had some sexual feelings at moment in question, BIG DEAL! Sorry John Walsh/Bill O'Reilly, it's not the end of the world.
If this kid suffers psychological damage it will be because the grownups are sending the message he did something bad. Only if the boy is seeking out peers or adults to touch them sexually would the authorities need to intervene. Even then, at the age of four, shame is not the answer. In the old days when a child was caught masturbating, he or she was beaten and given a lecture about sin and hell. We don't do that anymore, and for good reasons!
Subject: Re: 4-year old in trouble for "inappropriate touching"
Written By: 80s_cheerleader on 12/18/06 at 10:14 am
If this kid suffers psychological damage it will be because the grownups are sending the message he did something bad. Only if the boy is seeking out peers or adults to touch them sexually would the authorities need to intervene. Even then, at the age of four, shame is not the answer. In the old days when a child was caught masturbating, he or she was beaten and given a lecture about sin and hell. We don't do that anymore, and for good reasons!
I agree 100%.
Subject: Re: 4-year old in trouble for "inappropriate touching"
Written By: La Roche on 12/18/06 at 10:44 am
But don't you all know?
It's evil to touch, women are sent by the devil. You'll burn in hell if you so much as have a sordid thought!
LOVE!!! AFFECTION!!! Be gone vile creations of Lucifer!
Subject: Re: 4-year old in trouble for "inappropriate touching"
Written By: GoodRedShirt on 12/18/06 at 11:03 pm
Ya know, I used to think political correctness & feminism were great ideologies, but now it seems both are going too far. Obviously this woman does not belong in the line of work she is currently doing. Silly.
Subject: Re: 4-year old in trouble for "inappropriate touching"
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/19/06 at 1:56 am
Ya know, I used to think political correctness & feminism were great ideologies, but now it seems both are going too far. Obviously this woman does not belong in the line of work she is currently doing. Silly.
"Feminism" has achieved great and necessary victories for women. However, in the past 20 years the emphasis of the struggle has been dominance, not equality. That is, women still have not achieved parity with men, but the leaders of the feminist movement are not populists. They're ivory tower academics who hate men, and corporatist go-getters who complain about a glass ceiling in the six and seven figure salary range. They pay lip service now and again to women under true oppression, but again and again they show they're interest is selfish.
I thought "political correctness" was an abomination when so-called "liberals" still used the term. The only people have used the term "PC" since the early '90s are right-wingers. However, political correctness still runs amok (mostly on college campuses). My problems with the term from the start:
1. Stalin used to use it and, indeed, it was very Stalinist in its strictures.
2. "Political correctness" says those who define the doctrine have factual answers to matters of opinion and if you disagree with them, you are wrong.
When I criticized PC in the early '90s, my big sister replied, in her typical insipid manner, "Well, the more you kow about people, the less likely you are to say something rude about them." My sister of course was and is woefully ignorant about the world and the people in it. She remains so because she classifies herself as an educated and enlightened person, no question about it. She only socializes with people who agree with her. That is the nature of "politically correct" people, as it is the nature of "conservative evangelicals."
Her definition of political correctness suggested it was all about fighting prejudice and being kind to others. The idea that it was a system of thought control that fostered its own bigotry was beyond her ken.
Subject: Re: 4-year old in trouble for "inappropriate touching"
Written By: danootaandme on 12/19/06 at 5:29 am
Ya know, I used to think political correctness & feminism were great ideologies, but now it seems both are going too far. Obviously this woman does not belong in the line of work she is currently doing. Silly.
Why would you attribute the perceptions of this one whacko to the whole ideology? The action taken here is not one that should be attributed feminism. This could have easily happened in a sexually repressive religious atmosphere(while the same child was being b*mf*cked by some holy rolling preacher).
Subject: Re: 4-year old in trouble for "inappropriate touching"
Written By: deadrockstar on 12/19/06 at 1:28 pm
Why would you attribute the perceptions of this one whacko to the whole ideology? The action taken here is not one that should be attributed feminism. This could have easily happened in a sexually repressive religious atmosphere(while the same child was being b*mf*cked by some holy rolling preacher).
Yeah but come on we've seen feminism take on a fascist bent on many, many occasions. You can hardly say its an isolated thing.
"Feminism" has achieved great and necessary victories for women. However, in the past 20 years the emphasis of the struggle has been dominance, not equality. That is, women still have not achieved parity with men, but the leaders of the feminist movement are not populists. They're ivory tower academics who hate men, and corporatist go-getters who complain about a glass ceiling in the six and seven figure salary range. They pay lip service now and again to women under true oppression, but again and again they show they're interest is selfish.
I thought "political correctness" was an abomination when so-called "liberals" still used the term. The only people have used the term "PC" since the early '90s are right-wingers. However, political correctness still runs amok (mostly on college campuses). My problems with the term from the start:
1. Stalin used to use it and, indeed, it was very Stalinist in its strictures.
2. "Political correctness" says those who define the doctrine have factual answers to matters of opinion and if you disagree with them, you are wrong.
When I criticized PC in the early '90s, my big sister replied, in her typical insipid manner, "Well, the more you kow about people, the less likely you are to say something rude about them." My sister of course was and is woefully ignorant about the world and the people in it. She remains so because she classifies herself as an educated and enlightened person, no question about it. She only socializes with people who agree with her. That is the nature of "politically correct" people, as it is the nature of "conservative evangelicals."
Her definition of political correctness suggested it was all about fighting prejudice and being kind to others. The idea that it was a system of thought control that fostered its own bigotry was beyond her ken.
Very insightful post, Max. Karma+1
Subject: Re: 4-year old in trouble for "inappropriate touching"
Written By: spaceace on 12/19/06 at 1:36 pm
At the age of 4 I was playing naked in a kiddie pool with my cousins. One of my cousin playfully tackled. Nothing was thought of the situation because the adults who were watching weren't even remotely thinking that this was sexual and it wasn't. Maybe adult are sexualizing things too much. Why are kids needlessly being sexualized?
Subject: Re: 4-year old in trouble for "inappropriate touching"
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 12/19/06 at 1:52 pm
At the age of 4 I was playing naked in a kiddie pool with my cousins. One of my cousin playfully tackled. Nothing was thought of the situation because the adults who were watching weren't even remotely thinking that this was sexual and it wasn't. Maybe adult are sexualizing things too much. Why are kids needlessly being sexualized?
see, that's what I think too. I mean, my sister and I took baths together when we were younger (I'm not talking about as babies....but when we were kids)....it was merely to save water. Now, if people do that....they get frowned upon and horrible scenarios are thought up regarding the situation.
Subject: Re: 4-year old in trouble for "inappropriate touching"
Written By: danootaandme on 12/19/06 at 5:35 pm
Yeah but come on we've seen feminism take on a fascist bent on many, many occasions. You can hardly say its an isolated thing.
Yeah, but there are fanatics on both sides. I have had to deal with a lot of guys to the right of the Promise Keepers, but I understand their attitude for what it is, an abberation apart the more moderate, informed voices. I do think that this thing with the teacher cannot be attributed to the feminist movement. It can be attributed to a bunch if ignorant fools who are in positions for which they are not qualified.
Subject: Re: 4-year old in trouble for "inappropriate touching"
Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/19/06 at 5:49 pm
see, that's what I think too. I mean, my sister and I took baths together when we were younger (I'm not talking about as babies....but when we were kids)....it was merely to save water. Now, if people do that....they get frowned upon and horrible scenarios are thought up regarding the situation.
I used to take a bath with a girl friend of mine. We were about 6 or 7 at the time. The only thing that my/her mother would get upset about was that we would get water EVERYWHERE!!! ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: 4-year old in trouble for "inappropriate touching"
Written By: Sister Morphine on 12/19/06 at 6:09 pm
Is that a common thing.....taking a bath with a sibling/friend when you were younger? Because I know quite a few people (aside from people here) who did, and I never did that.
Subject: Re: 4-year old in trouble for "inappropriate touching"
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/19/06 at 6:55 pm
Yeah, but there are fanatics on both sides. I have had to deal with a lot of guys to the right of the Promise Keepers, but I understand their attitude for what it is, an abberation apart the more moderate, informed voices. I do think that this thing with the teacher cannot be attributed to the feminist movement. It can be attributed to a bunch if ignorant fools who are in positions for which they are not qualified.
We are getting into dicey territory here, but "Promise Keepers" might as well be called "Promiscuity Keepers" for their track records. Furthermore, youths who take "virginity pledges" often keep the pledge by, erm, employing alternative orifices! Yup, so long as the hymen ain't broke, I'm still "pure." Oh, and if they do lose their "virginities," they often become profligates. If I'm going to hell anyway, might as well have some fun before I get there!
And as I said earlier, my experience with those who proclaim themselves "kinky," is they are even more hung-up on "rules," "boundaries," and "respect" than your average seminary prig!
I think one could attribute that teacher's hysterical reaction to feminism gone wrong. The beneficial feminism was and is about political action, , and casting off the Victorian "weaker sex" beliefs about feminity. The corrupted feminism involves cries for "sensitivity to vulnarable me and my dainty feelings," and the counterpart, "I'm empowering women by participating in pornographic videos! Hooray for ten guys (censored censored censored) on my face!" I don't think either of these are "feminism" at all. The former just reaffirms "the weaker sex." The latter is just taking ones "liberated sexuality" and handing it to Ron Jeremy. These examples are the extremes of course. However, I do the first thing I feel when I see a 15-year-old in a micro-mini with a thong sticking out and a "Porn Star" t-shirt is depression.
(Well, maybe that's the second thing I feel.)
In my experience, a lot of the prudishness in pseudo-feminism is just a feint for domination. One smut remark and I'll get you all fired!
Subject: Re: 4-year old in trouble for "inappropriate touching"
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 12/19/06 at 10:01 pm
I used to take a bath with a girl friend of mine. We were about 6 or 7 at the time. The only thing that my/her mother would get upset about was that we would get water EVERYWHERE!!! ;D ;D ;D
see...and it wasn't considered odd back then. :)
Is that a common thing.....taking a bath with a sibling/friend when you were younger? Because I know quite a few people (aside from people here) who did, and I never did that.
I'm not sure if it was common or not...my sister and I did it. Now today, I would allow my children (if the same sex) to maybe bathe together if they were really young...but probably not over the age of like 6.
Subject: Re: 4-year old in trouble for "inappropriate touching"
Written By: karen on 12/20/06 at 5:57 am
see...and it wasn't considered odd back then. :)
I used to share a bath with my brother until about the age of 4.
I'm not sure if it was common or not...my sister and I did it. Now today, I would allow my children (if the same sex) to maybe bathe together if they were really young...but probably not over the age of like 6.
My two still share a bath occasionally. I've been thinking about stopping it now my daughter's 8.
Subject: Re: 4-year old in trouble for "inappropriate touching"
Written By: 80s_cheerleader on 12/20/06 at 9:00 pm
see...and it wasn't considered odd back then. :)
I'm not sure if it was common or not...my sister and I did it. Now today, I would allow my children (if the same sex) to maybe bathe together if they were really young...but probably not over the age of like 6.
My 2 youngest still take baths together and they're 5 & 8....
Subject: Re: 4-year old in trouble for "inappropriate touching"
Written By: Tanya1976 on 12/21/06 at 9:16 am
Is that a common thing.....taking a bath with a sibling/friend when you were younger? Because I know quite a few people (aside from people here) who did, and I never did that.
I did. But then again, I grew up in a time where people weren't tripping over dumb sheeshe like this.
Subject: Re: 4-year old in trouble for "inappropriate touching"
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/21/06 at 5:14 pm
I did. But then again, I grew up in a time where people weren't tripping over dumb sheeshe like this.
Remember the days when your parents would snap pics of you when you were a cute l'il toddler splasing around in the tub? They don't do that anymore. If you get caught with those pictures, the state will throw you in the slammer on kiddie porn charges!
"B-b-but, that's my son!"
"You're only making it worse for yourself!!"
Subject: Re: 4-year old in trouble for "inappropriate touching"
Written By: Tanya1976 on 12/22/06 at 9:27 am
Remember the days when your parents would snap pics of you when you were a cute l'il toddler splasing around in the tub? They don't do that anymore. If you get caught with those pictures, the state will throw you in the slammer on kiddie porn charges!
"B-b-but, that's my son!"
"You're only making it worse for yourself!!"
I know. It's sad!!!