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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: you can take the man out of the KGB but...
Written By: Tia on 11/20/06 at 2:44 pm
critic of ex-KGB highup vlad putin mysteriously succumbs to poisoning in a coincidence that has nothing to do with vladimir putin at all.
and you wonder why i'm paranoid.
Subject: Re: you can take the man out of the KGB but...
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/20/06 at 3:11 pm
In 1978, a man at a London bus stop stabbed Bulgarian dissident journalist Georgi Markov in the thigh with the tip of an umbrella. Three days later Markov was dead, killed by a poisonous pellet injected by the umbrella.
Oh yeah, I forgot about that incident. Fleming & co. did not fabricate all things James Bond from thin air. Sinister spy brutality went on, it just wasn't flashy and sexy like the Bond flicks!
The KGB is in the catbird seat, right where they like to be. Of course they're denying it, but the unequivocal message is, "Maybe we poisoned comrade Litvinenko, and maybe we didn't. Now, do you too have a theory to expound about some bombings in Moscow?"
Subject: Re: you can take the man out of the KGB but...
Written By: Ashkicksass on 11/20/06 at 3:23 pm
critic of ex-KGB highup vlad putin mysteriously succumbs to poisoning in a coincidence that has nothing to do with vladimir putin at all.
and you wonder why i'm paranoid.
Are you sure he's not the crazy monk from The DaVinci Code?
I know...I'm such an ass...
Subject: Re: you can take the man out of the KGB but...
Written By: Tia on 11/20/06 at 3:24 pm
it'd be pretty amazing if they ended up having something analogous to the church committee hearings. (although, yeah, fat chance of that.) it's stunning to go back and read about those hearings -- mk-ultra, guns that fire untraceable darts coated with blowfish toxin, pretty amazing stuff.
Subject: Re: you can take the man out of the KGB but...
Written By: Mushroom on 11/21/06 at 5:46 pm
He was actually in London investigating the October 7th assassination of Anna Politkovskaya, a Russian journalist that was known for hard investigative reporting from Chechnya. However, she was also active in investigating facets of Organized Crime in the former Soviet union, including the spread of both drugs and porstitution in addition to corruption.
Her murder is widely considered to have been a "Contract Assassination", possibly by either the Chechen or the Russian Mafia.
Another wrench is thrown in, because around the time he was poisoned, he had a meeting with an Italian, and insinuated that the Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi was a former KGB operative, and was still working for Russian Intelligence.
This case is very murky, and we may never know what really happened, or why.
Subject: Re: you can take the man out of the KGB but...
Written By: Tia on 11/21/06 at 11:45 pm
on a somewhat related assassination-related note....
dude... whoa.
CIA role claim in Kennedy killing
New video and photographic evidence that puts three senior CIA operatives at the scene of Robert Kennedy's assassination has been brought to light.
Robert Kennedy
O'Sullivan's report
The evidence was shown in a report by Shane O'Sullivan, broadcast on BBC Newsnight.
It reveals that the operatives and four unidentified associates were at the Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles in the moments before and after the shooting on 5 June, 1968.
The CIA had no domestic jurisdiction and some of the officers were based in South-East Asia at the time, with no reason to be in Los Angeles.
Kennedy had just won the California Democratic primary on an anti-War ticket and was set to challenge Nixon for the White House when he was shot in a kitchen pantry.
Are you convinced by the evidence in the report?
A 24-year-old Palestinian, Sirhan Sirhan, was arrested as the lone assassin and notebooks at his house seemed to incriminate him.
However, even under hypnosis, he has never been able to remember the shooting and defence psychiatrists concluded he was in a trance at the time. "
Subject: Re: you can take the man out of the KGB but...
Written By: La Roche on 11/22/06 at 9:46 am
I think that fact that the CIA killed Kennedy is fairly obvious. As was pointed out in the link you posted, the shot came from behind him, not in front of him.
Subject: Re: you can take the man out of the KGB but...
Written By: Mushroom on 11/22/06 at 10:14 am
Kennedy had just won the California Democratic primary on an anti-War ticket and was set to challenge Nixon for the White House when he was shot in a kitchen pantry.
Don't forget, Nixon himself was "Anti War". In 1968, LBJ had over 535,000 troops in Vietnam. Nixon every year greatly reduced the number of troops in Vietnam.
By the end of 1969, there were just over 475,000 troops in Vietnam.
By the end of 1970, there were just over 334,000 troops in Vietnam.
By the end of 1971, there were just over 156,000 troops in Vietnam.
By the end of 1972, there were just over 24,000 troops in Vietnam.
By the end of 1973, there were exactly 50 troops in Vietnam.
So if the CIA had killed anybody in order to keep the US involved in Vietnam, it would have been President Nixon. Even before he took office, he entered into secret talks withe the governments of both North and South Vietnam to scale down the conflict and send the troops home. And within a year and a half of taking office, US forces were almost half of the strength they were before he took office. In another year, South Korea actually had more troops in Vietnam then the US did.
Subject: Re: you can take the man out of the KGB but...
Written By: Tia on 11/22/06 at 10:19 am
i think by the time nixon took office, even the CIA was sick of vietnam. but in the early 60s the domino theory was still tranfixing everyone and it was still possible to imagine it was going to be a cakewalk. which should sound familiar.
nixon pulled out troops by engaging in essentially the most brutal wholesale bombing of vietnam cambodia and laos that, i believe this country had ever engaged in up to that point. massacred hundreds of thousands, if not millions. he was hardly a peacenik. he just wanted to pull the american troops out because that had become so unpopular but he was scarcely "anti-war."
Subject: Re: you can take the man out of the KGB but...
Written By: Mushroom on 11/24/06 at 12:14 pm
In more recent news, it turns out that Mr. Litvinenko was not poisoned by Thallium (a common poison), but instead with Polonium, a highly radioactive substance.
It seems that whoever did this wanted to be very sure that he died. And this is hardly the first time that poison has been used in recent years in Russian politics.
For those that remember, Ukranian President Viktor Yushchenko was poisoned by Dioxin (a common flame retardant in September 2004.
Of course the Russian Government is denying any connection to the assassination. Of course, they also denied any connection to the Katyn Forrest for 50 years.
Subject: Re: you can take the man out of the KGB but...
Written By: spaceace on 11/24/06 at 3:43 pm
Poor guy died last night. :\'(
Subject: Re: you can take the man out of the KGB but...
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/24/06 at 10:31 pm
Don't forget, Nixon himself was "Anti War". In 1968, LBJ had over 535,000 troops in Vietnam. Nixon every year greatly reduced the number of troops in Vietnam.
By the end of 1969, there were just over 475,000 troops in Vietnam.
By the end of 1970, there were just over 334,000 troops in Vietnam.
By the end of 1971, there were just over 156,000 troops in Vietnam.
By the end of 1972, there were just over 24,000 troops in Vietnam.
By the end of 1973, there were exactly 50 troops in Vietnam.
It's called "getting your azz kicked"!
If Tricky Dick came back to life in 2004 and campaigned on the same domestic policy he did in 1972, you know what they'd call him?
"Howard Dean"
Subject: Re: you can take the man out of the KGB but...
Written By: deadrockstar on 11/24/06 at 10:42 pm
I think that fact that the CIA killed Kennedy is fairly obvious. As was pointed out in the link you posted, the shot came from behind him, not in front of him.
You ever hear the joke about how theres supposedly a picture of Johnson from the exact moment Kennedy was shot, showing him holding his fingers in his ears? ;D
Subject: Re: you can take the man out of the KGB but...
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/24/06 at 10:50 pm
You ever hear the joke about how theres supposedly a picture of Johnson from the exact moment Kennedy was shot, showing him holding his fingers in his ears? ;D
LBJ wasn't behind the conspiracy, he just didn't interfere because LBJ always figured what was good for LBJ was...good for LBJ.
So he was like, "Oh durn, here we go!"
And then Jackie was all, "Hey, they got my husband's brains all over my dress! I paid two grand for it, and that's without the pillbox hat!"
Subject: Re: you can take the man out of the KGB but...
Written By: Tia on 11/24/06 at 11:02 pm
You ever hear the joke about how theres supposedly a picture of Johnson from the exact moment Kennedy was shot, showing him holding his fingers in his ears? ;D
i think that's the other kennedy. and it's a congressman, winking at lbj -- perversely, just as he's comforting jack's grieving widow jackie.
it's not like it didn't happen. but i'm sure it doesn't mean anything.
Subject: Re: you can take the man out of the KGB but...
Written By: Tia on 11/24/06 at 11:07 pm
jackie kennedy's expression in that picture really bums me out.
Subject: Re: you can take the man out of the KGB but...
Written By: Mushroom on 11/25/06 at 1:08 am
And just when I thought my opinion of people could not get any worse, I am proved wrong again.
Am I the only one who finds some of the previous comments not only tacky but crude and insensitive?
Oh wait, I am the crude and insensitive one. I will just back off now, and let the enlightened ones continue.
Subject: Re: you can take the man out of the KGB but...
Written By: Tia on 11/25/06 at 1:45 am
And just when I thought my opinion of people could not get any worse, I am proved wrong again.
Am I the only one who finds some of the previous comments not only tacky but crude and insensitive?
Oh wait, I am the crude and insensitive one. I will just back off now, and let the enlightened ones continue.
and which comments would these be, oh great morally superior one?
Subject: Re: you can take the man out of the KGB but...
Written By: Mushroom on 11/25/06 at 3:24 am
and which comments would these be, oh great morally superior one?
If you even have to ask, I am not even going to bother to answer.
"Other then that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?"
And I make no claim to "moral superiority". I am simply calling a spade a spade, and voicing my disapproval to where some people are taking things here. Is it not my right to indicate if I dissaprove of something? Or that I think something being said is tacky and tasteless?
Oh, wait. I think something said in here is crude. How can that be, I am an evil Conservative? After all, I only want to crush the "little people" and "minorities". Right?
Now let's hear some of you try and say some of the jokes said in here to Caroline Kennedy-Schlossberg. Or maybe you should tell them to Ed Kennedy. Oh, I am sure he would get a big kick out of the joke about his brother's brains. Harde-har-har. Yuck-yuck-yuck.
No, wait, I forget myself. JFK was one of the Presidents we ever had, and he was a Democrat. And everybody knows the Democrats are my mortal enemy. So never mind, go ahead and make jokes. Since he was a Democrat, I should find everything about his death hilarious.
Now I admit, I am just a little drunk, and the last few posts were made while I was intoxicated. But I still find no excuse for such behavior. Call it "moral superiorty", or call it a "sense of tact". I really do not care which. I simply can't find humor at the expense of others.
So fudge it, go ahead and shoot me for giving a sheesh about others.
Subject: Re: you can take the man out of the KGB but...
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/25/06 at 3:58 pm
And just when I thought my opinion of people could not get any worse, I am proved wrong again.
Am I the only one who finds some of the previous comments not only tacky but crude and insensitive?
Oh wait, I am the crude and insensitive one. I will just back off now, and let the enlightened ones continue.
:-why I made crude remarks about LBJ and Jackie Kennedy. Refrain from posting your guesswork. Your argumentative nature--the driving need to be right--might muddle your edification.
Subject: Re: you can take the man out of the KGB but...
Written By: Rice_Cube on 12/01/06 at 4:09 pm
Subject: Re: you can take the man out of the KGB but...
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 12/01/06 at 11:56 pm
Ladies and gentlemen,
Do not go to sushi bars with KGB agents.