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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Bolton unlikely to win senate approval
Written By: Brian06 on 11/09/06 at 4:35 pm
America is already seeing great benefits from the Democrat victory, another idiot appears to be on the way out.
Subject: Re: Bolton unlikely to win senate approval
Written By: CatwomanofV on 11/09/06 at 4:40 pm
Subject: Re: Bolton unlikely to win senate approval
Written By: Tanya1976 on 11/09/06 at 4:48 pm
I am raising my beautiful black leathered booted heels at this news! Whoo-hoo!
Subject: Re: Bolton unlikely to win senate approval
Written By: ChuckyG on 11/09/06 at 5:10 pm
America is already seeing great benefits from the Democrat victory, another idiot appears to be on the way out.
oh boy... I forgot all about him this week when this news came down of the Dems victory. more happy news.
Subject: Re: Bolton unlikely to win senate approval
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/09/06 at 5:15 pm
Hey, what about "bipartisanship"?
Subject: Re: Bolton unlikely to win senate approval
Written By: ChuckyG on 11/09/06 at 7:22 pm
Hey, what about "bipartisanship"?
the Republicans seem quite eager to embrace that which they had forgotten for the past six years.
Subject: Re: Bolton unlikely to win senate approval
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/09/06 at 8:28 pm
the Republicans seem quite eager to embrace that which they had forgotten for the past six years.
When the bully on the block says he wants to be your friend the day after you kicked his azz...BEWARE!!!
This former majority party has proven themselves to be a den of thieves and liars. If the Dems start wheeling and dealing with them, they're gonna end up with a knife in their back. Time for the Dems to take a cue from Ronald Reagan--"Trust but verify."
Keep an eye on Joe Lieberman 24/7!
Subject: Re: Bolton unlikely to win senate approval
Written By: ChuckyG on 11/09/06 at 8:39 pm
When the bully on the block says he wants to be your friend the day after you kicked his azz...BEWARE!!!
This former majority party has proven themselves to be a den of thieves and liars. If the Dems start wheeling and dealing with them, they're gonna end up with a knife in their back. Time for the Dems to take a cue from Ronald Reagan--"Trust but verify."
Keep an eye on Joe Lieberman 24/7!
I think they should keep him out of the party and out of the chairmanship of committees. I'm sure they won't though.
Subject: Re: Bolton unlikely to win senate approval
Written By: Foo Bar on 11/09/06 at 9:58 pm
Hey, what about "bipartisanship"?
Yeah! I mean, Mark Foley might have been single, but Ted Haggard had a wife!
Subject: Re: Bolton unlikely to win senate approval
Written By: CatwomanofV on 11/10/06 at 2:08 pm
I think the party should teach Lieberman his place. He needs a talking to. Pelosi needs to tell him, "OK, Joe, we have a lot of important work to do over the next two years. If you even think about playing kissy-face with the GOP, you're only duty will be getting my lunch! Get it? Got it? Good!"
Of course, being Dems, they'll probably let Lieberman throw little turdballs at them until Nutmeggers wise up and toss Joe out in '08.
Um...I hate to nitpick but I think you are confussing the fact that Joe is in the Senate, not the House. And he has a 6 year term, not 2.
Subject: Re: Bolton unlikely to win senate approval
Written By: Brian06 on 11/10/06 at 2:52 pm
Looks like another republican is out too, RNC chairman Ken Mehlman is leaving his position as well.
Subject: Re: Bolton unlikely to win senate approval
Written By: ChuckyG on 11/10/06 at 3:20 pm
Looks like another republican is out too, RNC chairman Ken Mehlman is leaving his position as well.
Al Franken "outted him" on Larry King the other night, which a few people think helped that along. Personally I think helping your party on it's way to a giant defeat might have been a little more relevant to his job status.
funny, I was reading this summer how awful Howard Dean was in his post this summer.
Subject: Re: Bolton unlikely to win senate approval
Written By: CatwomanofV on 11/10/06 at 4:46 pm
Al Franken "outted him" on Larry King the other night, which a few people think helped that along. Personally I think helping your party on it's way to a giant defeat might have been a little more relevant to his job status.
funny, I was reading this summer how awful Howard Dean was in his post this summer.
I have a lot of respect for Howard Dean. This little state did very well under his governorship. Met him a few times, too. One time Carlos wrote him about something to do with the State Colleges. He received a letter back from him (probably a form letter of some sorts) but there was a handwritten P.S. stating how Howard Dean likes Carlos' letters to the editor-even if he didn't always agree with them. It was kind of hard to read-you know about doctors and their handwriting. ;) Carlos still has that letter.
Subject: Re: Bolton unlikely to win senate approval
Written By: YWN on 11/11/06 at 12:53 am
Al Franken "outted him" on Larry King the other night, which a few people think helped that along. Personally I think helping your party on it's way to a giant defeat might have been a little more relevant to his job status.
funny, I was reading this summer how awful Howard Dean was in his post this summer.
This habit on the left lately of "outing" certain Republicans is disgraceful. No one deserves the position of forcing someone to come out of the closet; it's a private thing. It doesn't matter if said person is openly bigoted and hypocritical, because it's still their own business.
Subject: Re: Bolton unlikely to win senate approval
Written By: YWN on 11/11/06 at 12:57 am
Also, Chucky G, I believe the person you meant to refer to was not Al Franken, but Bill Maher. I watched the original broadcast on CNN, and I remember going "What!?" when Bill Maher suggested Mehlman was gay. It just seemed like a random accusation, like he was grasping for straws. Bill Maher is a smart guy, and I enjoy his humor and insight, but every now and then he does something that makes me respect him less. Obviously another example would be that Steve Irwin incident.
Subject: Re: Bolton unlikely to win senate approval
Written By: Tanya1976 on 11/11/06 at 2:14 am
Also, Chucky G, I believe the person you meant to refer to was not Al Franken, but Bill Maher. I watched the original broadcast on CNN, and I remember going "What!?" when Bill Maher suggested Mehlman was gay. It just seemed like a random accusation, like he was grasping for straws. Bill Maher is a smart guy, and I enjoy his humor and insight, but every now and then he does something that makes me respect him less. Obviously another example would be that Steve Irwin incident.
To be quite frank, Mr. Mehlman has outed himself. It's well known that he haunts many gay bars and "clubs". It doesn't seem that he really wanted to be so discreet after all.
Subject: Re: Bolton unlikely to win senate approval
Written By: YWN on 11/11/06 at 2:26 am
You know, this is kind of a rabbit trail subject, being that it has nothing to do with Bolton whatsoever, but did anyone else see the clip of Bush saying he was disappointed at the midterm election results, "being that I'm the leader of the Republican party" (paraphrase)? Funny, I thought Ken Mehlman was leader of the Republican Party, and George W. Bush was leader of the United States.
Subject: Re: Bolton unlikely to win senate approval
Written By: ChuckyG on 11/11/06 at 8:38 am
This habit on the left lately of "outing" certain Republicans is disgraceful. No one deserves the position of forcing someone to come out of the closet; it's a private thing. It doesn't matter if said person is openly bigoted and hypocritical, because it's still their own business.
Unfortunately he's in politics, and everything in this day and age is considered fair game. It doesn't sound like he's been in the closet in his personal life, only his public image. When you use your public image to debate the issue, it's a valid subject.
Subject: Re: Bolton unlikely to win senate approval
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/11/06 at 12:39 pm
You know, this is kind of a rabbit trail subject, being that it has nothing to do with Bolton whatsoever, but did anyone else see the clip of Bush saying he was disappointed at the midterm election results, "being that I'm the leader of the Republican party" (paraphrase)? Funny, I thought Ken Mehlman was leader of the Republican Party, and George W. Bush was leader of the United States.
It's telling. The Republican-dominated government acted as if it had only to please 51% of the population. Correction, they acted as if they had only to please Wall Street, big corporations, and the Christian Right. They had only to pay lip service to enough of red America to give the illusion of popular mandate.
The Rahm Emanuel side of the Democratic party thought the Dems should do the same. Just rally the base and don't wast resources on red America.
I agree with Howard Dean's 50-state strategy. Crazy Zell Miller entitled his anti-Democratic phillipic, "A National Party No More." If the Dems want to prove Zell right, they should go with the Rahm Imanuel plan. Just ignore Alabama, Texas, and Wyoming. They're not gonna vote for us anyway.
The best point Dean has is that the 50-state strategy is not a strategy. It's the right thing to do. The Democratic party, with all its probems, can actually represent both the middle class and the economically disenfranchised. The Republican party owes all its success to billionaires, big business, defense contractors, fundamentalist preachers, right-wing talkers, K Street lobbyists, and the operatives who steal elections from the people. The GOP is precluded from doing right by the people because it owes all its allegiance to forces that hurt the people. You gotta dance with them that brung ya!
By Dean's principals, even if that gun-toting, bible-thumping, liberal-hating redneck did not vote for you, he still has a say. Millions who voted against their economic interests are desperately poor, deeply in debt, cannot pay for healthcare for their families or themselves, live in substandard housing, cannot afford to send their kids to college, and are just a paycheck or two away from losing everything. The progressive side of the Democratic party, who will not cynically declare government doesn't work and get elected to prove it, wants to help ease the hardships endured by those who hate them. And isn't that what Jesus said to do?
Of course the senate should oust John Bolton. He is unsuitable for the job. Get rid of him, forget about him, and get on with the people's business.
Subject: Re: Bolton unlikely to win senate approval
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/14/06 at 12:38 am
I can laugh at his moustache all day, but the guy's an insufferable dirtball. I'd rather have Charlie Manson as U.N. ambassador!