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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Democrats Take Senate!
Written By: YWN on 11/08/06 at 9:02 pm
Democrats take control of the Senate
By LIZ SIDOTI and BOB LEWIS, Associated Press Writers 14 minutes ago
WASHINGTON - Democrats wrested control of the Senate from Republicans Wednesday with an upset victory in Virginia, giving the party complete domination of Capitol Hill for the first time since 1994.
Jim Webb's squeaker win over incumbent Sen. George Allen (news, bio, voting record) gave Democrats their 51st seat in the Senate, an astonishing turnabout at the hands of voters unhappy with Republican scandal and unabated violence in
Iraq. Allen was the sixth Republican incumbent senator defeated in Tuesday's elections.
The Senate had teetered at 50 Democrats, 49 Republicans for most of Wednesday, with Virginia hanging in the balance. Webb's victory ended Republican hopes of eking out a 50-50 split, with Vice President
Dick Cheney wielding tie-breaking authority.
The Associated Press contacted election officials in all 134 localities where voting occurred, obtaining updated numbers Wednesday. About half the localities said they had completed their postelection canvassing and nearly all had counted outstanding absentees. Most were expected to be finished by Friday.
The new AP count showed Webb with 1,172,538 votes and Allen with 1,165,302, a difference of 7,236. Virginia has had two statewide vote recounts in modern history, but both resulted in vote changes of no more than a few hundred votes.
An adviser to Allen, speaking on condition of anonymity because his boss had not formally decided to end the campaign, said the senator wanted to wait until most of canvassing was completed before announcing his decision, possibly as early as Thursday evening.
The adviser said that Allen was disinclined to request a recount if the final vote spread was similar to that of election night.
The victory puts Sen. Harry Reid (news, bio, voting record), D-Nev., in line to become Senate majority leader. He has led the Democrats since Tom Daschle, D-S.D., was defeated two years ago.
This is awesome, I was wondering whether they were going to take the House or the Senate, but the Dems went ahead and took both! ;D
I just worry how much of a difference it's really going to make considering the efforts of this administration to turn the legislative branch into a figurehead.
Subject: Re: Democrats Take Senate!
Written By: ChuckyG on 11/08/06 at 9:10 pm
I'll believe it when I hear there are no recount challenges. I just have a hard time believing they won't request one with such a small margin.
Subject: Re: Democrats Take Senate!
Written By: Tanya1976 on 11/08/06 at 9:22 pm
I'll believe it when I hear there are no recount challenges. I just have a hard time believing they won't request one with such a small margin.
I've seen it on both CNN and Fox News.
Subject: Re: Democrats Take Senate!
Written By: deadrockstar on 11/08/06 at 10:29 pm
Its over, Dems have taken the Senate.
I heard on MSNBC that Allen won't request a recount unless the gap closes more, and it this point its just not happening.
Subject: Re: Democrats Take Senate!
Written By: deadrockstar on 11/08/06 at 10:39 pm
Lieberman won as an Indepent but of course he'll switch back to Democrat fairly shortly, making the number of Democratic seats in the Senate 50. Also lets not forget that Vermont has elected a new Independent Senator who is a socialist, so needless to say he'll be voting with the Dems and not the Repubs. So effectively the Democrats will have 51 seats in the new Senate.
Subject: Re: Democrats Take Senate!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/08/06 at 11:04 pm
I wish I felt more celebratory. The Dems seem all set to be good little boys and girls and not even think about impeaching Mr. Wonderful. The remain nervous, cowering, flinching, and afraid of their own shadows.
This isn't about partisan politics. This about restoring our Constitution and repairing the damage done to our democratic republic. Know something, I wouldn't care if impeaching Dubya "cost the Democrats the White House in '08." The Democrats are obliged to do the job the job the Republicans will not do. They are obliged to investigate the crimes and abuses heaped upon the American people by the unilateral executive branch over the past six years. If they back off for partisan political maneuvering, they have just as much disresregard and disrespect for our Constitution and the American people as the Republicans.
The corporate media celebrated mandates for Newt Gingrich in '94 and GWB in '00 and '04. They did not chasten the Republicans to be civil and conciliatory. Sheep! The Republicans are authoritarian at every level. When they win (or steal) an election, the come out like gangbusters. They tell the media how it's going to be, the media doesn't tell them how they should run things. It makes me sick. I have a satisfying image in my head of Howard Dean beating up Lanny Davis! Good grief! Nobody west of the Hudson even knew there was a Republican senator from Rhode Island named Lincoln Chafee, not until he lost! That's how the GOP treats their "moderates." I did not see Bernie Sanders on FOX News. He's the first socialist in congress in over 80 years. Is that not newsworthy or something? No, FOX News, in their undying contempt for the American people invite Tom DeLay and Oliver North to be commentators. Those two men were involved in crimes so horrific it boggles the mind!
Subject: Re: Democrats Take Senate!
Written By: Brian06 on 11/09/06 at 4:03 pm
It's official now, Allen has conceded in VA.
Subject: Re: Democrats Take Senate!
Written By: ChuckyG on 11/09/06 at 4:27 pm
It's official now, Allen has conceded in VA.
wow, definitely the classiest thing he's done (especially after a fairly dirty campaign)
what a coincidence that Bush now says he wants to approach things in a bi-partisan manner, after spending the past six years doing everything in a partisan as possible manner. I'm guessing his veto stamp will finally get used.
Subject: Re: Democrats Take Senate!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/09/06 at 5:21 pm
Why isn't Senator Macaca demanding a recount on that razor-thin margin?
Because Republicans aren't sore losers like the Dem-oc-RATS!
Where did all the conservatives go? I have to post my own rejoinders now!
Subject: Re: Democrats Take Senate!
Written By: Powerslave on 11/09/06 at 9:26 pm
Where did all the conservatives go?
Abandoning the ship, it would seem. I notice there haven't been any around here for a while. Where's Mushroom when you need him?
Subject: Re: Democrats Take Senate!
Written By: YWN on 11/09/06 at 9:35 pm
Abandoning the ship, it would seem. I notice there haven't been any around here for a while. Where's Mushroom when you need him?
I love reading Mushroom's posts. This is a liberally dominated board, so his ideas always come off fresh, plus he's good at articulating and defending his arguments.
Subject: Re: Democrats Take Senate!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/09/06 at 11:05 pm
I love reading Mushroom's posts. This is a liberally dominated board, so his ideas always come off fresh, plus he's good at articulating and defending his arguments.
Mushroom's posts are well-informed and thoughtful. I often disagree with him, but his perspectives on issues make me think. How much Mushroom self-identifies as "conservative" doesn't matter. The self-proclaimed conservatives who have since made themsevles scarce were not bona-fide conservatives, just "dittoheads." It's like the way I respect George Will even when I think he's dead wrong. Unlike Limbaugh's ilk, George Will is a conservative first and a Republican second.
Subject: Re: Democrats Take Senate!
Written By: CatwomanofV on 11/10/06 at 2:13 pm
Of course GWBush has disappeared a long time ago. I would love to see his response to the Dems winning the House AND the Senate.
Subject: Re: Democrats Take Senate!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/10/06 at 5:11 pm
Of course GWBush has disappeared a long time ago. I would love to see his response to the Dems winning the House AND the Senate.
Take a wild guess!
Subject: Re: Democrats Take Senate!
Written By: CatwomanofV on 11/10/06 at 5:23 pm
On Tuesday, when they were calling things in favor of the Dems, I had this image in my head of the Repubs doing Don Amache in Trading Places at the end where he said, "Turn those machines back on" and you hear the echo.
Subject: Re: Democrats Take Senate!
Written By: Brian06 on 11/10/06 at 5:34 pm
Of course GWBush has disappeared a long time ago. I would love to see his response to the Dems winning the House AND the Senate.
Same response as Fox News (ie A lot of them democrats are conservative democrats so we didn't lose anything, Bush will veto tax raises!).
Subject: Re: Democrats Take Senate!
Written By: Foo Bar on 11/10/06 at 9:27 pm
The self-proclaimed conservatives who have since made themsevles scarce were not bona-fide conservatives, just "dittoheads." It's like the way I respect George Will even when I think he's dead wrong. Unlike Limbaugh's ilk, George Will is a conservative first and a Republican second.
What he said.
Plenty of conservatives around. They just don't have a party to represent their interests.
AuH2O for the win one for the Gipper, but they turned me into a Newt. Unfortunately, everyone on the Hill "got better".
Subject: Re: Democrats Take Senate!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/10/06 at 10:09 pm
What he said.
Plenty of conservatives around. They just don't have a party to represent their interests.
AuH2O for the win one for the Gipper, but they turned me into a Newt. Unfortunately, everyone on the Hill "got better".
What about the Libertarian Party?
Subject: Re: Democrats Take Senate!
Written By: YWN on 11/11/06 at 3:38 pm
This is a parody article I wrote on the subject, which was later edited by another member to include hyperlinks, as well as a courteous mp3 file given in the format of a television news update.
Subject: Re: Democrats Take Senate!
Written By: ChuckyG on 11/11/06 at 8:40 pm
The conservatives have all pretty much disappeared. Mushroom gets upset because it seems like he's the only who's here (even though he isn't), which I think is rather silly. There's no petty name calling allowed here, so it's not like he has to worry about the personal attacks like he would some other board where he would also be in the minority.
as for GWB, his posts were always more like drive-bys. Harmonica was certainly hardcore righty, but not able to keep the death threats/name calling off the posts (took things way too personal) and was probably the only person I've banned on the politics forum in a couple years.
only thing I can think of, is that only something like 25% of the US supports the war at the moment, and even before the election the numerous scandals were not anything a conservative would want to talk about (hard to defend them). So basically, why go somewhere where you have to read the truth, better to hide out in some echo chamber like LGF or Red State.
Subject: Re: Democrats Take Senate!
Written By: YWN on 11/11/06 at 8:44 pm
The conservatives have all pretty much disappeared. Mushroom gets upset because it seems like he's the only who's here (even though he isn't), which I think is rather silly. There's no petty name calling allowed here, so it's not like he has to worry about the personal attacks like he would some other board where he would also be in the minority.
as for GWB, his posts were always more like drive-bys. Harmonica was certainly hardcore righty, but not able to keep the death threats/name calling off the posts (took things way too personal) and was probably the only person I've banned on the politics forum in a couple years.
only thing I can think of, is that only something like 25% of the US supports the war at the moment, and even before the election the numerous scandals were not anything a conservative would want to talk about (hard to defend them). So basically, why go somewhere where you have to read the truth, better to hide out in some echo chamber like LGF or Red State.
I remember Harmonica and his personal attacks and holier-than-thou diatribes, but death threats!? I never saw those! :o
Subject: Re: Democrats Take Senate!
Written By: freeridemt on 11/11/06 at 9:49 pm
As long as we don't get the same gridlock that was going on the last time the Dem's had the House and Senate. Plus a lot people think they may try to headhunt for this war or at least pay em back for what Gingrinch(Yes Misspelled) did when he led the hunt back then. Either way I hope not.. ???
Subject: Re: Democrats Take Senate!
Written By: CatwomanofV on 11/12/06 at 12:40 pm
The conservatives have all pretty much disappeared. Mushroom gets upset because it seems like he's the only who's here (even though he isn't), which I think is rather silly. There's no petty name calling allowed here, so it's not like he has to worry about the personal attacks like he would some other board where he would also be in the minority.
as for GWB, his posts were always more like drive-bys. Harmonica was certainly hardcore righty, but not able to keep the death threats/name calling off the posts (took things way too personal) and was probably the only person I've banned on the politics forum in a couple years.
only thing I can think of, is that only something like 25% of the US supports the war at the moment, and even before the election the numerous scandals were not anything a conservative would want to talk about (hard to defend them). So basically, why go somewhere where you have to read the truth, better to hide out in some echo chamber like LGF or Red State.
They could be with Cheney in some "undisclosed location". :D
Subject: Re: Democrats Take Senate!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/12/06 at 3:52 pm
Mushroom and I arrived at a mutual respect, even if we get piqued at eachother at times. Other posters are surprised to see us chatting wihout contention on non-political subjects!
I tried to do the same with GWB, though it was more difficult since he was a Limbaugh disciple.
I did not see Harmonica's death threats myself. Mighty Christian of him, eh? I mostly found him too silly to maintain a reasonable discussion. I saw one or two members get booted for calling Harmonica names, which indicated the moderators wanted to see Harmy included in the community, but then Harmy went too far himself. The current member of simialr fundamentalist pursuasion, who will go unnamed, annoys me because he posts as fact political urban legends collected from the Internet. Oh, gawd, not this again!
(one of them, the canard that Iraq is safer than Washington D.C., I heard repeated by the Boston Rush, Howie Carr last week!)
I said it once, I'll say it again, this is not politics as usual. The constitutional and economic stakes are far too high. If the Dems pick Rahm Emanual to lead, rather than Howard Dean, the party will chase colllusion with Republican malfeasance under the delusion that it will make them more electable in 2008. Do what's right, not what's politically expedient. The argument is, "Well, if the Republicans take the White House and the Congress in '08, we will be back to being the minority party. So, you cave in to GOP agenda for two years, and get nothing done to fix the crises. If you don that, I'm retracting my Democratic registration, and voting a straight 3rd party ticket in '08. If there is no 3rd party for a particularly office, I will abstain. I am going to write letters to Deval Patrick and Ted Kennedy, and so on down the line saying so. Patrick and Kennedy won't see my letters. It's just the principle of the thing. Some of the more local officials will see the letters.
You see, if Dems win the Whitheouse and keep the Congress in '08 under DLC leadership, they'll offer the same rational for leaning right. "Well, we've gotta hold the congress in '10, or else we won't be able to pursue our agenda." Yeah, but your agenda is no d@mn good!
I already saw that goofball James Carville suggesting Dean step down in favor of a more "moderate" party chair. Carville still thinks he has credibility because he is under the delusion that his team got Clinton elected. No, Mr. Carville, Ross Perot got Clinton elected. Besides the scandals, what did we get under Clinton? NAFTA, GATT, and "welfare reform" (ie. kick them off of public aid and out of public housiing and then make like they don't exist). Americans paid scant attention to the horrors these policies would bring because the economy was so good in the '90s. Today the horrors are coming to light. We cannot afford another Clinton, and this means YOU, Hillary.
If Mr. Carville loves Louisiana so much, he ought to go assist in Katrina recovery and shut his yap about how we should run the Democratic party!
Subject: Re: Democrats Take Senate!
Written By: CatwomanofV on 11/12/06 at 5:33 pm
It just cracks me up how people think that Howard Dean is so far to left. He is more to the center. I guess people are so used to people to the far right that anything even close to the center seems far left.
Subject: Re: Democrats Take Senate!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/12/06 at 7:13 pm
It just cracks me up how people think that Howard Dean is so far to left. He is more to the center. I guess people are so used to people to the far right that anything even close to the center seems far left.
That shift of the frame of reference was deliberate.
Subject: Re: Democrats Take Senate!
Written By: Foo Bar on 11/12/06 at 7:26 pm
What about the Libertarian Party?
As irrelevant as ever.
If you're a (post-Reagan) Republican, they're a bunch of dope-smoking, babykilling, f*g-lofing liberals. If you're a (post-umm... anyone after the New Deal who isn't dead of old age yet) Democrat, they're a bunch of evil Randroid capitalist pig dogs.
Either way, the day they start winning elections is the day anyone who registered as one gets rounded up and shot by whichever wing (Elephant or Jackarse) of the Party happens to be in power.
Then again, the day they choose pragmatism (read: "We're OK with federal highway spending and education funding on the grounds that they're investments in infrastructure, and the more effective our infrastructure, the more profitable government can be, and the less it will have to rely on tax revenues") over ideology ("If Rand didn't write it, we can't put it in the platform") is the day they start winning elections, so they should be pretty safe for the forseeable future. :)
Subject: Re: Democrats Take Senate!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/13/06 at 1:35 am
As irrelevant as ever.
If you're a (post-Reagan) Republican, they're a bunch of dope-smoking, babykilling, f*g-lofing liberals. If you're a (post-umm... anyone after the New Deal who isn't dead of old age yet) Democrat, they're a bunch of evil Randroid capitalist pig dogs.
Either way, the day they start winning elections is the day anyone who registered as one gets rounded up and shot by whichever wing (Elephant or Jackarse) of the Party happens to be in power.
Then again, the day they choose pragmatism (read: "We're OK with federal highway spending and education funding on the grounds that they're investments in infrastructure, and the more effective our infrastructure, the more profitable government can be, and the less it will have to rely on tax revenues") over ideology ("If Rand didn't write it, we can't put it in the platform") is the day they start winning elections, so they should be pretty safe for the forseeable future. :)
Ever seen that talkshow host Neil Boortz from Atlanta? He spent a decade beating his chest for the Republican party. The only times they were wrong was when the weren't Right enough. The day after the GOP loses congress, he says, "I'm not a Republican. Never have been. I'm a Libertarian." Actually, he's neither. Judging by his rhetoric, he's a neo-nazi. The only nationally syndicated talker more radical than Boortz is Mike Savage. Savage is more like the hostile, paranoid deinstitutionalized mental patient who sits on the park bench and screams about the CIA planting microchips under his eyeballs!
Anyway, too bad about the Libertarian Party. I thought they might be a fresh start for conservatives fed up with the big-government, religious-crazy, hypocritical Republicans. I mean, you know the whole USA PATRIOT act crack-down started to look like the Bushies wouldn't respect your Second Amendment rights when push came to shove!
Subject: Re: Democrats Take Senate!
Written By: freeridemt on 11/13/06 at 11:15 am
Second Amendment rights ? You mean we have some? When? :o
Subject: Re: Democrats Take Senate!
Written By: ChuckyG on 11/13/06 at 11:35 am
I did not see Harmonica's death threats myself. Mighty Christian of him, eh? I mostly found him too silly to maintain a reasonable discussion. I saw one or two members get booted for calling Harmonica names, which indicated the moderators wanted to see Harmy included in the community, but then Harmy went too far himself.
I deleted most of them as they were made. They got reported pretty fast. I've always tried to encourage people to post no matter what their viewpoint, but it appears that once a certain viewpoint becomes dominate, everyone with the opposite viewpoint stop posting.
Subject: Re: Democrats Take Senate!
Written By: Foo Bar on 11/13/06 at 10:30 pm
Anyway, too bad about the Libertarian Party. I thought they might be a fresh start for conservatives fed up with the big-government, religious-crazy, hypocritical Republicans. I mean, you know the whole USA PATRIOT act crack-down started to look like the Bushies wouldn't respect your Second Amendment rights when push came to shove!
Or any of the others, for that matter. Of course, the Democratic alternative to Republicans bugging our bedrooms to keep tabs on people having sex... probably involves bugs in our kitchens to prevent us from eating foie gras or trans fats.
Colbert/Stewart 2008, under the banner of the "Sane People Party". Might do about as well as Perot and the Reform Party did against Clinton I, but it'd make the next two years of political ads worth watching.
As for Boortz, although I (personally) support the replacement of income taxes with consumption taxes, he's a perfect example of why it'll never happen. It's a pipe dream. Neither wing of the Party is interested in pursuing it, because a consumption tax would leave fewer opportunities to legislate loopholes.
Subject: Re: Democrats Take Senate!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/13/06 at 11:55 pm
Or any of the others, for that matter. Of course, the Democratic alternative to Republicans bugging our bedrooms to keep tabs on people having sex... probably involves bugs in our kitchens to prevent us from eating foie gras or trans fats.
Colbert/Stewart 2008, under the banner of the "Sane People Party". Might do about as well as Perot and the Reform Party did against Clinton I, but it'd make the next two years of political ads worth watching.
As for Boortz, although I (personally) support the replacement of income taxes with consumption taxes, he's a perfect example of why it'll never happen. It's a pipe dream. Neither wing of the Party is interested in pursuing it, because a consumption tax would leave fewer opportunities to legislate loopholes.
Ain't got no loopholes. I work for living. I cheat the taxman, I go to jail. Period, not comma!
If you instated a consumption tax and left the billionaires running the country, they'd still find a way to cheat. They would build new loopholes into the new code. Any lame excuse would do exempt a Lear jet, and the rest of us work-a-day slobs would take in the shorts pay 14.5% vat for a case of PBR!
As for the Dems and their trans-fatty spies, that reminds me of a quote from an unlikely source, Brian Eno, that I always remembered. About 1985, some interviewer asked him what he thought about white-power skinhead bands, Eno replied,
"If there is a new fascism, it won't come from skinheads and punks, it will come from people who eat granola and think they know how the world should be."
About that time Tipper Gore's PMRC was gearing up. Funny thing is, Tipper and co. didn't go after racist skinhead bands, such as Skrewdriver, they went after lame-o glam metal bands, such as Motley Crue and W.A.S.P.
There is an authoritarian streak a mile wide on the left. You've seen it, you know what I'm talking about it. If you've ever worked for a "progressive" company, they like to harangue you about your lifestyle. On application, they'll ask you if you eat meat, they'll demand to know what books you read, they will warn you that your hair must remain its natural color at all times. They're more authoritarian than Wal-Mart! One time I applied for a job at a Whole Foods bakery. The little broad conducting the interview had the temerity to ask me, "What books have you read lately?"* I told her where she could stick the application and walked out. Sure, it's just fine to be an overbearing elitist snob, so long as you do Yoga and wear tie-dyes! The frikkin' Yuppie lifestyle-liberals did more to hurt the Left than the RNC ever could!
*I had this question in another interview, but I was OK with it because I was applying to work in a bookstore.
Second Amendment rights ? You mean we have some? When? :o
One time, The Nuge said, "Yeah, I got a carrying permit, it's called the Second Amendment to the Constitution." Compelling argument there, Ted, but I wouldn't want to present it before a judge!
Subject: Re: Democrats Take Senate!
Written By: nally on 01/04/07 at 4:10 pm
And so the new House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, was sworn in today. I even saw part of it on CNN, MSNBC, and all the news channels.
Subject: Re: Democrats Take Senate!
Written By: deadrockstar on 01/04/07 at 4:22 pm
And so the new House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, was sworn in today. I even saw part of it on CNN, MSNBC, and all the news channels.
Dang, I missed it. That was historic ya know..the first woman Speaker of the House.
Subject: Re: Democrats Take Senate!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 01/04/07 at 4:46 pm
Dang, I missed it. That was historic ya know..the first woman Speaker of the House.
You'll catch it on the replay, which is just as good.
I don't care much about the swearing-in. I'm more concerned about performance. You got the job, now DO the job!
Subject: Re: Democrats Take Senate!
Written By: CatwomanofV on 01/04/07 at 6:04 pm
We had an invite to go to Washington to watch (complements of Bernie Sanders) but we declined. We watched it on t.v. instead.
Subject: Re: Democrats Take Senate!
Written By: Davester on 01/04/07 at 11:00 pm
You'll catch it on the replay, which is just as good.
I don't care much about the swearing-in. I'm more concerned about performance. You got the job, now DO the job!
Whether she falls on her face or takes the country by storm, I am interested in potential effects on the Clinton candidacy, as well as the possibility of her own future aspirations...
And what's up with the cameras not showing Dennis Hastert standing up with a dismissive look on his face..?
Subject: Re: Democrats Take Senate!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 01/05/07 at 12:40 am
Whether she falls on her face or takes the country by storm, I am interested in potential effects on the Clinton candidacy, as well as the possibility of her own future aspirations...
And what's up with the cameras not showing Dennis Hastert standing up with a dismissive look on his face..?
There was at least one camera on the D-man, unless you were there!
I'm sure the Repugs were depressed when the power change hit them, but they'll huddle next week and come up with more dirty tricks to make sure it's only a temporary set back.
Even though my optimism is very guarded, when I saw on C-SPAN "Dick Durbin, D-Ill. majority whip," it was like the sun coming out after a long, dark winter!
Subject: Re: Democrats Take Senate!
Written By: Davester on 01/05/07 at 1:10 am
There was at least one camera on the D-man, unless you were there!
I'm sure the Repugs were depressed when the power change hit them, but they'll huddle next week and come up with more dirty tricks to make sure it's only a temporary set back.
Even though my optimism is very guarded, when I saw on C-SPAN "Dick Durbin, D-Ill. majority whip," it was like the sun coming out after a long, dark winter!
I know what you mean...
Tell you what we wont hear, though, are cries for "impeachment"...
If the Dems screw this up, we may just see the rise of our opposition third party...
Subject: Re: Democrats Take Senate!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 01/05/07 at 1:23 am
I know what you mean...
Tell you what we wont hear, though, are cries for "impeachment"...
If the Dems screw this up, we may just see the rise of our opposition third party...
I say it's a hundred to one chance, but investigations might show these guys to be the filthiest kind of low-life criminals and the American people might demand impeachment or else!
This administration is a cross between a fascist cabal and a pirate ship. When our grandchildren die of old age, the country still won't have repaired to pre-Bush levels!
Subject: Re: Democrats Take Senate!
Written By: Davester on 01/05/07 at 1:36 am
I say it's a hundred to one chance, but investigations might show these guys to be the filthiest kind of low-life criminals and the American people might demand impeachment or else!
This administration is a cross between a fascist cabal and a pirate ship. When our grandchildren die of old age, the country still won't have repaired to pre-Bush levels!
Problem is Americans have their head in the sand, so they don't recognize Bush's criminality. About 30% of Americans will vote for whomever is against abortion, regardless of any other policy. Trouble is that voters endorsed George W. Bush and his prior four years by awarding him a legitimate term in the Oval Office. We gave away our last appeal against absolute mayhem...
Connections + Criminal Activity may be proven if congress could corral him into depositions and then question him for days about his personal life until they spot a lie...*shrugs* groove ;) on...
Subject: Re: Democrats Take Senate!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 01/05/07 at 2:01 am
Problem is Americans have their head in the sand, so they don't recognize Bush's criminality. About 30% of Americans will vote for whomever is against abortion, regardless of any other policy. Trouble is that voters endorsed George W. Bush and his prior four years by awarding him a legitimate term in the Oval Office. We gave away our last appeal against absolute mayhem...
Connections + Criminal Activity may be proven if congress could corral him into depositions and then question him for days about his personal life until they spot a lie...*shrugs* groove ;) on...
Hey, remember what happened to the guy who lost money on a real estate deal and got an extramarital BJ at the office?
No, not Fred Smith, I mean Bill Clinton!
Subject: Re: Democrats Take Senate!
Written By: Davester on 01/05/07 at 2:15 am
Hey, remember what happened to the guy who lost money on a real estate deal and got an extramarital BJ at the office?
No, not Fred Smith, I mean Bill Clinton!
I expect Clinton to lie about a hummer; especially when his private conduct is brought to light through felony acts...
Such detailed information to which our perversity is not entitled...
Subject: Re: Democrats Take Senate!
Written By: velvetoneo on 01/05/07 at 6:48 am
Interest groups just need to go. They ruined politics in the 20th century, and they're one of the reasons for both the downfall of the Democratic Party and the rise of Bush.
Subject: Re: Democrats Take Senate!
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 01/05/07 at 6:52 pm
Interest groups just need to go. They ruined politics in the 20th century, and they're one of the reasons for both the downfall of the Democratic Party and the rise of Bush.
Well, I think interest groups public and private have a legit role in our society. However, thanks largely to Republicans, lobbying has become nothing but strong-arming and bribery. The Dems are making overtures to reform here. As always, my optimism remains guarded.