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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Cell Phone Usage While Driving
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 11/07/06 at 6:49 pm
Ok...over the past 2 months I have experienced numerous situations where I was very lucky and fortunate not to have been in an accident, due to the fact that someone was not paying attention to the road/driving due to the fact that they were kibitzing on their cell phones. This infuriates me to no end! >:( Today there was a guy driving in front of me, only doing about 25 mph in a 45 mph zone, weaving in and out of traffic, not even looking at where he was going...all the while, talking it up on his cell phone.
Have they made this a law in any state yet, that you cannot drive and talk on the phone at the same time? If not, I think they should.
Subject: Re: Cell Phone Usage While Driving
Written By: Tanya1976 on 11/07/06 at 6:54 pm
Wasn't Jersey getting into that? I don't know how it went though. California desperately needs a law against it. The idiots here can't drive and talk at the same time.
Subject: Re: Cell Phone Usage While Driving
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 11/07/06 at 6:56 pm
Wasn't Jersey getting into that? I don't know how it went though. California desperately needs a law against it. The idiots here can't drive and talk at the same time.
I think it would be a very wise decision to implement a law of some kind regarding cell phone usage while driving. It clearly takes the concentration off of driving...it's so very dangerous. :-\\
Subject: Re: Cell Phone Usage While Driving
Written By: nally on 11/07/06 at 7:07 pm
I think it would be a very wise decision to implement a law of some kind regarding cell phone usage while driving. It clearly takes the concentration off of driving...it's so very dangerous. :-\\
It sure does. In fact, it's gonna be banned in California beginning in mid-2008. I recently did an English paper about the situation, taking the side that supported it.
Subject: Re: Cell Phone Usage While Driving
Written By: Tanya1976 on 11/07/06 at 7:10 pm
I think it would be a very wise decision to implement a law of some kind regarding cell phone usage while driving. It clearly takes the concentration off of driving...it's so very dangerous. :-\\
There's no argument there. It has to be done.
Subject: Re: Cell Phone Usage While Driving
Written By: Jessica on 11/07/06 at 7:36 pm
It's illegal in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and DC. Some states have partial bans and some are still debating it.
I think it should be illegal everywhere. There is nothing more scarier than trying to drive and having some dipsh!t on a phone come tear assing out of nowhere, almost hitting you, because they're on the damned phone.
And with my big mouth, I've actually rolled down the window and stoplights and yelled at people who were on the phone. Probably not a good idea. :P
Subject: Re: Cell Phone Usage While Driving
Written By: Tanya1976 on 11/07/06 at 7:59 pm
It's illegal in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and DC. Some states have partial bans and some are still debating it.
I think it should be illegal everywhere. There is nothing more scarier than trying to drive and having some dipsh!t on a phone come tear assing out of nowhere, almost hitting you, because they're on the damned phone.
And with my big mouth, I've actually rolled down the window and stoplights and yelled at people who were on the phone. Probably not a good idea. :P
Then they give you the look as if you're the crazy one.
Subject: Re: Cell Phone Usage While Driving
Written By: 80s_cheerleader on 11/07/06 at 11:04 pm
It's illegal in the city of Chicago as well. I admit to doing it, but I usually use the speakerphone option. What drives me batty is when hubby will INSIST on driving, then keep checking his email :o
Subject: Re: Cell Phone Usage While Driving
Written By: karen on 11/08/06 at 5:18 am
Technically in this country you are only allowed to use hands-free phones. You can be fined if you are spotted by the police.
And with my big mouth, I've actually rolled down the window and stoplights and yelled at people who were on the phone. Probably not a good idea. :P
Just this morning I saw/heard a cyclist yell at a driver who was on the phone. As far as I could see the driver wasn't doing anything 'wrong' or endanger the cyclist who was going in the opposite direction.
Subject: Re: Cell Phone Usage While Driving
Written By: Jessica on 11/08/06 at 9:48 am
Just this morning I saw/heard a cyclist yell at a driver who was on the phone. As far as I could see the driver wasn't doing anything 'wrong' or endanger the cyclist who was going in the opposite direction.
I only do it if they've endangered my son and I in some way. I almost got hit walking home one day because some dipsh*t was on the phone. Then he had the nerve to get mad at ME, even though it was my turn to cross the street. So I gave him the bird. And I mean he was thisclose to hitting me. I could've reached out and touched his bumper.
Subject: Re: Cell Phone Usage While Driving
Written By: Ashkicksass on 11/08/06 at 12:40 pm
There's no doubt it's dangerous as hell. One quote from the article says that "motorists who talk on cell phones are more impaired than drunken drivers with blood alcohol levels exceeding 0.08." Drunk drivers go to prison. I wonder if jail would deter some of these drivers from their all-important cell phone conversations...
Subject: Re: Cell Phone Usage While Driving
Written By: witchain on 11/09/06 at 7:19 am
It's illegal in New York...
Yes- It is illegal here. That doesn't stop people, though.
I saw the chief of police in our town driving down Main St. with a phone stuck in his ear.
Subject: Re: Cell Phone Usage While Driving
Written By: spaceace on 11/09/06 at 5:41 pm
I've seen some pretty freaky car manuvers while people are on cell phones.
Subject: Re: Cell Phone Usage While Driving
Written By: lorac61469 on 11/10/06 at 11:19 am
I hate cell-phones!! I have one, but it never rings and if I make a call I'm not driving (except for one time when I had to report a drunk driver).
I don't have a problem when people use a speaker or ear-piece thing, becuase it's not really any different from talking to a person sitting next to you.
What really gets me is when I see someone with a cigarette in one hand and the phone in the other, how in the heck are they steering the car?
Subject: Re: Cell Phone Usage While Driving
Written By: 80s_cheerleader on 11/10/06 at 11:32 am
I hate cell-phones!! I have one, but it never rings and if I make a call I'm not driving (except for one time when I had to report a drunk driver).
I don't have a problem when people use a speaker or ear-piece thing, becuase it's not really any different from talking to a person sitting next to you.
What really gets me is when I see someone with a cigarette in one hand and the phone in the other, how in the heck are they steering the car?
I also admit to dwd (dialing while driving), BUT I always wait until I'm stopped at a stoplight/sign before doing so. I have voice activated dialing on my phone so I've used that at times, but I don't have to be looking at the phone to do it...
BTW, I almost hit some chick today who was yapping away on a cell phone, slowed down, turned on her turn signal to turn onto the street I was on, then decided for some reason NOT to turn (as I was turning in front of her) >:(
Subject: Re: Cell Phone Usage While Driving
Written By: Red Ant on 11/12/06 at 2:03 am
What really gets me is when I see someone with a cigarette in one hand and the phone in the other, how in the heck are they steering the car?
With their knees, duh! ;)
Living smack dab in the middle of a huge tourist area, we get all kinds of horrible drivers here. The worst (second only to minivan drivers) are always on their cell phones. I hate the damn things, with the irritating ring tones (do people go out of their way to have the most annoyingly sh*tty ring tones possible?), and moreso the illusion that any one of us is important enough to need to be available 24/7, 365, to the entire world. Face it, you aren't. Emergencies are one thing, but talking to your good friend Gratilda about the next Chia Pet Fashion Show while driving 80mph obliviously straddling the dotted white lines is pissing off the dozen drivers near you. I wouldn't be surprised in the least if cell phone usage overtakes excessive speed and DUI as the number one cause of accidents.
The hands-free phones are only marginally better; they still distract the driver. Not to mention that if you are the only one in the vehicle, you look like a moron to passing motorists, talking to yourself and all...
While I'm on a good rant, I must say answering (or worse, calling out on) a cell phone while using a restroom, especially a public one, is seriously uncool too.
Subject: Re: Cell Phone Usage While Driving
Written By: Sister Morphine on 11/12/06 at 2:07 am
While I'm on a good rant, I must say answering (or worse, calling out on) a cell phone while using a restroom, especially a public one, is seriously uncool too.
Ooooh, this sucks in ways there aren't words yet to define.
Subject: Re: Cell Phone Usage While Driving
Written By: FaultyDog on 11/12/06 at 9:31 am
Ok...over the past 2 months I have experienced numerous situations where I was very lucky and fortunate not to have been in an accident, due to the fact that someone was not paying attention to the road/driving due to the fact that they were kibitzing on their cell phones. This infuriates me to no end! >:( Today there was a guy driving in front of me, only doing about 25 mph in a 45 mph zone, weaving in and out of traffic, not even looking at where he was going...all the while, talking it up on his cell phone.
Have they made this a law in any state yet, that you cannot drive and talk on the phone at the same time? If not, I think they should.
In this country it is illegal to use a mobile phone while driving, unless the phone is a handsfree one. Personally, I think it should be made illegal without exceptions. It's just too dangerous.
Just the other day someone was driving in front of me while using his mobile phone (not a handsfree), swerving left to right with oncoming traffic, one moment doing 25 mph and 35 the next...and of course not using the turn signal when turning right or left! This infuriates me!! >:(
Subject: Re: Cell Phone Usage While Driving
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/13/06 at 1:37 am
I don't wanna hear from most of the dil-does who call me at home. I sure as heck don't want 'em bothing me in my car!
Subject: Re: Cell Phone Usage While Driving
Written By: witchain on 11/13/06 at 7:44 am
I don't wanna here from most of the dil-does who call me at home. I sure as heck don't want 'em bothing me in my car!
I thought you might like to read that today, Max. ;D
Did you get into the liquor cabinet last night?
Subject: Re: Cell Phone Usage While Driving
Written By: Ashkicksass on 11/13/06 at 3:08 pm
The other night I was driving home, and they guy in front of me was driving like a lunatic. He would slow down, speed up, weave into other lanes, you name it. I couldn't pass him, so I thought I would inch up a little bit to see if he was on his cell phone. I thought for sure that he was. I finally got close enough to look, and he didn't appear to have one, so I figured he had to be drunk. All the while, I'm getting more and more annoyed. We finally stopped at a light, and all of the sudden, a woman's head pops up from his lap. :o ::) ;D
Subject: Re: Cell Phone Usage While Driving
Written By: Sister Morphine on 11/13/06 at 3:12 pm
The other night I was driving home, and they guy in front of me was driving like a lunatic. He would slow down, speed up, weave into other lanes, you name it. I couldn't pass him, so I thought I would inch up a little bit to see if he was on his cell phone. I thought for sure that he was. I finally got close enough to look, and he didn't appear to have one, so I figured he had to be drunk. All the while, I'm getting more and more annoyed. We finally stopped at a light, and all of the sudden, a woman's head pops up from his lap. :o ::) ;D
Road head......wow. ;D
Subject: Re: Cell Phone Usage While Driving
Written By: Ashkicksass on 11/13/06 at 3:40 pm
Road head......wow. ;D
And in Utah no less!
I guess there are some things that are more dangerous to do while driving then talking on the phone! ;)
Subject: Re: Cell Phone Usage While Driving
Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 11/13/06 at 3:52 pm
The other night I was driving home, and they guy in front of me was driving like a lunatic. He would slow down, speed up, weave into other lanes, you name it. I couldn't pass him, so I thought I would inch up a little bit to see if he was on his cell phone. I thought for sure that he was. I finally got close enough to look, and he didn't appear to have one, so I figured he had to be drunk. All the while, I'm getting more and more annoyed. We finally stopped at a light, and all of the sudden, a woman's head pops up from his lap. :o ::) ;D
hhaahaha...OMG!! :o :D ;D
Subject: Re: Cell Phone Usage While Driving
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/14/06 at 12:29 am
The other night I was driving home, and they guy in front of me was driving like a lunatic. He would slow down, speed up, weave into other lanes, you name it. I couldn't pass him, so I thought I would inch up a little bit to see if he was on his cell phone. I thought for sure that he was. I finally got close enough to look, and he didn't appear to have one, so I figured he had to be drunk. All the while, I'm getting more and more annoyed. We finally stopped at a light, and all of the sudden, a woman's head pops up from his lap. :o ::) ;D
Well, it's hard to get ahead with all that traffic on the roads!
Never do that. Very dangerous. Did you ever see "The World According to Garp"?
Subject: Re: Cell Phone Usage While Driving
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 11/14/06 at 12:32 am
I thought you might like to read that today, Max. ;D
Did you get into the liquor cabinet last night?
'Hain't been drinkin,' jest not spelin' too good!
Subject: Re: Cell Phone Usage While Driving
Written By: whistledog on 11/14/06 at 12:38 am
Just a few weeks ago, I was in a public washroom and heard someone in a stall talking on a cellphone, so just before I left the washroom, I made this loud moaning sound, then yelled out "Oh my god, my sh!t burns so f*cking hard" ;D
Subject: Re: Cell Phone Usage While Driving
Written By: Marian on 11/18/06 at 3:11 pm
It sure does. In fact, it's gonna be banned in California beginning in mid-2008. I recently did an English paper about the situation, taking the side that supported it.
I wish it was taking effect sooner.i see too many idiots as it is.