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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Dixie Chicks cancells 14 cities in concert tour
Written By: Mushroom on 08/08/06 at 4:37 pm
It seems that Country Music fans still are not ready to forgive "The Dixie Chicks". They have had to cancell 14 cities from their US tour, including Houston, Memphis, Knoxville and Kansas City (normally all hotbeds of Country Music).
Of course, they seem to be completely clueless as to what is causing a decline in their popularity. While most point their fingers to the remarks made in the UK concert, the problem is really deeper then that.
When the remarks of them being "ashamed" of the President broke in the US, a lot of people protested. However, even the President himself stated that they are free to say what they want, and it is their right to protest the war. But the biggest problem seems to be that they have totally alienated their fans.
SHortly after the remarks went public, they made several inflamitory remarks to TV and Magazine reporters. One of them claimed that their record sales were slipping because of the "Male Dominated Country Music Industry". They then made remarks that "We are not a Country group anyways, we have always been a Rock group". And finally, they stated that if their fans do not like their opinions, they should stop buying their records. And that is exactly what a lot of their fans have done.
No matter what they consider themselves, their fans have always been in the Country Music area. And that is a group that is demographically patriotic and conservative in military matters. When they make comments about the war being wrong, then appear on a magazine cover wearing slogans like "Saddam's Angels", they have to expect that their core fans are not going to be pleased.
Personally, I could not care less what happens to them. I am not a huge fan of country, other then when it crosses-over with rock (like Hank Williams Jr, Charlie Danniels, and Lynyrd Skynyrd). I do not listen to "traditional country", and no matter what they say, that is the type of music that the Dixie Chicks plays. TO me, them trying to claim they play Rock is like Ozzy Osborne trying to claim he plays "Easy Listening". He can claim whatever he wants, but he is not going to make fans of Ray Conniff come to one of his concerts.
Subject: Re: Dixie Chicks cancells 14 cities in concert tour
Written By: limblifter on 08/08/06 at 5:44 pm
Big deal! With their comments about Bush I think they made more new fans then the old fans they lost. Regardless, they are playing this Saturday in Montreal, and I will more than likely be there.
When they make comments about the war being wrong, then appear on a magazine cover wearing slogans like "Saddam's Angels", they have to expect that their core fans are not going to be pleased
"Saddam's Angels" wasn't the only slogan written on themselves. Also included were such gems as Traitor, Dixie Sluts, and Proud Americans. And the reason they were written was because these were some of the thngs they were being labeled as. So don't make it seem like they were somehow proudly saying that they support Saddam Hussein.
Subject: Re: Dixie Chicks cancells 14 cities in concert tour
Written By: Sister Morphine on 08/08/06 at 5:47 pm
Big f*cking deal. If they play Atlanta, I'm going. Some people need to grow the eff up.
Subject: Re: Dixie Chicks cancells 14 cities in concert tour
Written By: limblifter on 08/08/06 at 5:50 pm
Big f*cking deal. If they play Atlanta, I'm going. Some people need to grow the eff up.
I do believe Atlanta was added after the other cancelations.
Subject: Re: Dixie Chicks cancells 14 cities in concert tour
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 08/08/06 at 6:59 pm
Nah, it all goes back to Bush. The authoritarians have co-opted "Country" as their "state music." If you're gonna criticize Dubya, you better carry the kind of cache Willie Nelson does--unimpeachable Country credentials--or you're dead! Country used to rebel music, even outlaw music, now Sean Hannity appears on stage with Charlie Daniels. HEIL!
Nobody could touch the late Johnny Cash....because he was Johnny Cash. If Johnny Cash tried to start from the bottom in Country music today, he'd get raked over the coals for his politics. Same with Hank Williams and Willie Nelson!
It's not that the Dixie Chicks criticized Bush overseas, as the redneck lynch mob claimed. It's that they dared criticize Bush at all! The Dixies aren't the ones who look unpatrotic to me, all those clowns who flipped out about what the Dixies said are unpatriotic. They are anti-free speech and anti-First Amendment. It is just as much one's First Amendment right to rip on the Dixies as it is for the Dixies to rip on Bush. However, we don't have an even playing field. We have a partisan Republican media of unparalleled power. It is not about individual citizens hearing what the Dixies said and objecting, it is about the right-wing media machine spinning hatred for the Dixies and the authority-loving sheeple falling in line!
Subject: Re: Dixie Chicks cancells 14 cities in concert tour
Written By: Mushroom on 08/09/06 at 9:42 am
Nah, it all goes back to Bush.
This really shows how little you understand Country Music, or the people who listen to it.
And there are a lot of other Country musicians that have been openly critical of the President, including Steve Earl, Waylon Jennings, Kris Kristofferson (who is a very active peace activist), and many others. THe difference is that they do not alienate their fans.
Ms. Maines made several rather insulting remarks about Country Music, and stated that they are not a Country act, but a Rock act. And no matter what type of music you listen to, roughly half of your listeners will be of the other political party. When you state that half of your listeners are "idiots who blindly follow a moron", you are going to piss them off, if they agree with the President or not. And the claims that they "really" play rock because it is "more sophisticated" are pretty much guaranteed to piss off everybody else.
The local station played them all through their controversy in 2003, but last year took them off the playlist after the comments made to French and German magazines. In fact, it was the comment that they are a "Rock group" that got them pulled. The local station gave a statement that they do not play Rock music.
Of course, it does not help that their newest album kinda stinks. It debued at #1 on the Country charts, and stayed there for only 2 weeks. It then rapidly declined, 3 weeks later falling off of the top 10 albums. None of the singles even broke the top 20, reaching a high point of #23. Their highest placement on the Country chart was #36.
In fact, it says something when they place higher in Pop charts then they do in Country charts. Their newest album was much more Rock then Country, and this is leaving their old fans cold. And since they are closely associated with Country, the Rock stations and fans are not really listening to them. It kinda reminds me of Garth Brooks when he tried to rewrite himself as "Chris Gaines". Nobody knew what to make of it, so nobody listened to it.
Subject: Re: Dixie Chicks cancells 14 cities in concert tour
Written By: 80s_cheerleader on 08/09/06 at 10:47 am
They then made remarks that "We are not a Country group anyways, we have always been a Rock group".
ummm.....have THEY actually listened to THEIR OWN music? Obviously NOT if they think they're a "rock group" ::)
"...wide open spaces..."
Personally, I like the DC music. And, just like any other group/musician/actor/actress/person*, I really don't care if I agree with their political views or not....If I like them, I'm going to listen to/watch/be friends with them.
* this list does not include politicians, but are they really considered "people" anyway? ;)
Subject: Re: Dixie Chicks cancells 14 cities in concert tour
Written By: Mushroom on 08/09/06 at 2:41 pm
ummm.....have THEY actually listened to THEIR OWN music? Obviously NOT if they think they're a "rock group" ::)
Personally, I like the DC music. And, just like any other group/musician/actor/actress/person*, I really don't care if I agree with their political views or not....If I like them, I'm going to listen to/watch/be friends with them.
Obviously they have not. Most people I talk to think that the comment was mostly inspired when they were snubbed by the CMA awards the next year. And it is very true that in the Country charts, the DC have dropped a lot in popularity. They were still able to do well in the Grammy's, but that is a general music award ceremony. The entire industry votes for those, not just the Country segment.
And I agree, I could not care less what somebody says most of the time. Richard Dreyfuss is an outspoken critic of the President and his policies, but I still love his movies. However, Richard also knows not to go out of his way and try to offend a large number of his fans.
The DC seem to have gone out of their way to alienate a lot of their fans, and it is showing in ticket sales and record sales. Their newest CD is the slowest moving CD they have had in the last 7 years. That can't be blamed on anything other then dissafection of fans, and confusion as to what kind of group they are.
And I find the idea that the President is behind poor record sales to be laughable. There seem to be people that seem to expect us to believe that George Bush is so incompetant that he can barely tie his own shoelaces. Then he is some kind of brilliant mastermind, that can cause the decline in sales and popularity of a musical group without anybody else knowing about it (other then the conspiracy theorists).
Subject: Re: Dixie Chicks cancells 14 cities in concert tour
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 08/09/06 at 3:56 pm
Meh, it all goes back to Bush.
Were Waylon Jennings, Steve Earle, and Kris Kristofferson invited to join any FOX News panels? Were they on Hannity/Daniels' "Freedom Concert" billing for exercising their "free speech"? Acutally, I don't know! Were they? I know I never saw 'em on FOX.
Incidentally, I know Mr. Earle's recent work, and it's right-f**king-on!!!
The Dixies were an easier target. I think there was also a bit of a male chauvinist shakedown here. And anyway, you don't want to suck up too much airtime running down every last songwriter who scorned Dubya. Takes too long, and it's distracting. Keep that hatred focused on one strawman (or strawchicks, as it was)!
Remember the flip-out over Linda Ronstadt? The media nazis let that story die, but kept the Dixies story going. Heck, I'm not even a fan of the Dixies' music. I just think what happened to them was disgusting.
I guess I haven't had to face the reverse. None of the artists I like came out flag-waving for Bush and ranting about how much they hated John Kerry! I just don't see Pauline Oliveiros, Mark Applebaum, or James Tenney forming an "Avant-Garde Composers for Bush" activist group. Has something to with the fact that nobody knows who the hell these guys are, and the paucity of creativity on the Right!
The last time one of my faves got into the media fray was when Karlheinz Stockhausen was misquoted as saying the 9/11 attacks were a great piece of music!
Subject: Re: Dixie Chicks cancells 14 cities in concert tour
Written By: LyricBoy on 08/09/06 at 5:15 pm
We have a partisan Republican media of unparalleled power. It is not about individual citizens hearing what the Dixies said and objecting, it is about the right-wing media machine spinning hatred for the Dixies and the authority-loving sheeple falling in line!
WTF? Republican media of unparallelled power? What do you call the "Dan Rather incident" that got him ultimately fired from fairly liberal CBS? It was clearly biased "reporting" of what turned out to be a fake story, and you would be hard pressed to find anybody, liberal or conservative, who cold make excuses for Dan's bias (or at least turing a blind eye to it). And it was not biased in favor of Bush.
There's PLENTY of biased media out there on both ends of the spectrum. I do not like repub-biased outlets any more than dem-biased ones.
As for the Dixie Bims, the only thing that honked me off about their statements were that they made them OUTSIDE OF THE COUNTRY to OUTSIDERS. You got a beef, settle it in the family I say (within the USA).
There are PLENTY of recording stars who are virulently anti-Bush and they sell buttloads of records. Dixie Bims' problems run deeper.
Subject: Re: Dixie Chicks cancells 14 cities in concert tour
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 08/09/06 at 5:50 pm
WTF? Republican media of unparallelled power? What do you call the "Dan Rather incident" that got him ultimately fired from fairly liberal CBS?
I TELL U WTF. The "The Dan Rather Incident" was cowardice on the part of CBS, which is not liberal, but corporate with a mildly left-leaning social perspective. Mr. Rather reflected CBS's corporate line. Mr. Rather came closer to objectivity than anything you now see on cable news. If you are not a fire-breathing right-winger, you are liberally biased and must be destroyed. CBS bought into the lie L-I-E lie the right-wing media pushes that it is fine to be as right-wing as you want because the rest of the media is soooo liberal. It's a lot of BS. CBS should not have fired Rather, rather they should have declared war on his detractors, including that greaseball Bernie Goldberg.
It was clearly biased "reporting" of what turned out to be a fake story, and you would be hard pressed to find anybody, liberal or conservative, who cold make excuses for Dan's bias (or at least turing a blind eye to it). And it was not biased in favor of Bush.
Yawn. That particular piece of bullsh*t was masterminded by Karl Rove. CBS should have gone out and proved it, but they stabbed Dan in the back instead. Gotta keep corporate America happy!
There's PLENTY of biased media out there on both ends of the spectrum. I do not like repub-biased outlets any more than dem-biased ones.
If they're not partisan Republican, they are biased in favor of Wall Street, which is the same thing minus the gay-bashing. The real "liberal media" consists of Air America, the Nation magazine, Democracy Now, and stuff like that. Small potatoes compared to the Republican/Wall Street-biased media.
As for the Dixie Bims, the only thing that honked me off about their statements were that they made them OUTSIDE OF THE COUNTRY to OUTSIDERS. You got a beef, settle it in the family I say (within the USA).
Yeah, they said it in London! Take a poll of Londoners and see what they think of Dubya. Answers will range from boiling hatred to deep disgust. You might get thumbs up from a few senile Tories on the Cheapside. The Dixies were only preaching to the choir. Nobody outside the venue would have even heard about the incident if the partisan Republican American press didn't go on their stupid warpath. A month later Maines issued a totally undeserved apology, saying her remarks were "disrespectful." Yeah, well, apology NOT accepted. The right-wing is still pounding on the Dixies 3 1/2 years later. Get a fuggin' life you people!!!
There are PLENTY of recording stars who are virulently anti-Bush and they sell buttloads of records. Dixie Bims' problems run deeper.
Yeah, the Dixies' problems run deeper because the Right has made them a permanent scapegoat. That's all!
Subject: Re: Dixie Chicks cancells 14 cities in concert tour
Written By: freeridemt on 08/10/06 at 10:45 am
Nah, it all goes back to Bush. The authoritarians have co-opted "Country" as their "state music." If you're gonna criticize Dubya, you better carry the kind of cache Willie Nelson does--unimpeachable Country credentials--or you're dead! Country used to rebel music, even outlaw music, now Sean Hannity appears on stage with Charlie Daniels. HEIL!
Nobody could touch the late Johnny Cash....because he was Johnny Cash. If Johnny Cash tried to start from the bottom in Country music today, he'd get raked over the coals for his politics. Same with Hank Williams and Willie Nelson!
It's not that the Dixie Chicks criticized Bush overseas, as the redneck lynch mob claimed. It's that they dared criticize Bush at all! The Dixie's aren't the ones who look unpatriotic to me, all those clowns who flipped out about what the Dixie's said are unpatriotic. They are anti-free speech and anti-First Amendment. It is just as much one's First Amendment right to rip on the Dixie's as it is for the Dixie's to rip on Bush. However, we don't have an even playing field. We have a partisan Republican media of unparalleled power. It is not about individual citizens hearing what the Dixie's said and objecting, it is about the right-wing media machine spinning hatred for the Dixie's and the authority-loving sheeple falling in line!
Not quite a lot more then just Bush. It's goes back to their feud with Tobey Keith.. Which I think is B---S--t. And They are not just country. One of their biggest hits is a remake of a old Fleetwood Mac song Landslide. They have covered a few old pop songs.
But if you look at todays country every other song is a remake of a 70's or 80's song.
Subject: Re: Dixie Chicks cancells 14 cities in concert tour
Written By: Mushroom on 08/10/06 at 12:07 pm
There is one big difference between Linda and The Dixie Chicks: The DC keep reminding us of their politics, and rubbing our faces in it.
Since the remarks in London in 2003, they have time and time again come out and attacked various groups of fans. When they were snubbed at the CMA awards last year, they made an attack against "Male Domination". When they went back to the studio to make their newest CD, they gave interviews stating they were no longer Country, but Rock. It seems that every time they open their mouths, they alienate a different segment of their fans.
And then there is the antagonism against the "Male Artists". For the last 2 decades, it is the male Country singers that bring in the largest crowds. You have female groups like Dixie Chicks and Trick Pony, but they sell nowhere near as many CDs as Toby Keith or Big & Rich. And it is simply demographics.
Female Country singers always tend to sing about the same things, heart break and love. Male Country singers tend to be more "rebels". They sing about hating their jobs, how tough their job is, and about partying. "Take This Job And Shove It", "Copperhead Road", "Save A Horse, Ride A Cowboy", "Beer For My Horses". The closest song like these I can think of by a female singer lately is Trick Pony's "I'm Not The Bride".
And this is not just a "Country Thing". Females in Rock music have the same problems. Other then maybe "Kiss Me Deadly" by Lita Ford, how many real "Rock Songs" are sung by women? This is not discrimination, it is simply a combination of the things that the women choose to sing about, and what kinds of songs they are popular singing. After all, how would it sound if Patsy Cline tried to sing "Boy Named Sue" or "Folsom Prison Blues"?
Subject: Re: Dixie Chicks cancells 14 cities in concert tour
Written By: freeridemt on 08/10/06 at 12:26 pm
There is one big difference between Linda and The Dixie Chicks:Â The DC keep reminding us of their politics, and rubbing our faces in it.
Since the remarks in London in 2003, they have time and time again come out and attacked various groups of fans. When they were snubbed at the CMA awards last year, they made an attack against "Male Domination". When they went back to the studio to make their newest CD, they gave interviews stating they were no longer Country, but Rock. It seems that every time they open their mouths, they alienate a different segment of their fans.
And then there is the antagonism against the "Male Artists". For the last 2 decades, it is the male Country singers that bring in the largest crowds. You have female groups like Dixie Chicks and Trick Pony, but they sell nowhere near as many CDs as Toby Keith or Big & Rich. And it is simply demographics.
Female Country singers always tend to sing about the same things, heart break and love. Male Country singers tend to be more "rebels". They sing about hating their jobs, how tough their job is, and about partying. "Take This Job And Shove It", "Copperhead Road", "Save A Horse, Ride A Cowboy", "Beer For My Horses". The closest song like these I can think of by a female singer lately is Trick Pony's "I'm Not The Bride".
And this is not just a "Country Thing". Females in Rock music have the same problems. Other then maybe "Kiss Me Deadly" by Lita Ford, how many real "Rock Songs" are sung by women? This is not discrimination, it is simply a combination of the things that the women choose to sing about, and what kinds of songs they are popular singing. After all, how would it sound if Patsy Cline tried to sing "Boy Named Sue" or "Folsom Prison Blues"?
That is not true anymore bud. Shania Twain is now the third best selling female artist of all time in any type of music...she is only behind Madonna and Mariah. But they say in the next year or so she will pass Mariah. Hey doesn't mean I like her. Jay Leno called her the little playmate that could sing. :P Oh and Faith Hill is now in the top 10 for best selling females of all time.. crap the country ladies are taking over the top...Does this mean I have to buy the next Mariah or Madonna cd? Just to keep it in the pop jaundra?
Subject: Re: Dixie Chicks cancells 14 cities in concert tour
Written By: Mushroom on 08/10/06 at 1:26 pm
That is not true anymore bud. Shania Twain is now the third best selling female artist of all time in any type of music...she is only behind Madonna and Mariah.
That may be, but traditionally women simply do not sell as many albums as men do. And this shows up time and time again. Think of any genre of music, and you can normally name 3 or 4 men for every woman that makes it big. And it has nothing to do with corporations, it goes back for decades.
Here is a compilation of the top 100 albums on Internet Radio:
The first woman comes in at 14-15, with Janis Joplin and Aretha Franklin. They then dissapear from the charts until 49, when Bonnie Raitt makes an appearance. And you can go through all kinds of music, from every era from Big Band and Jazz to Rap and Heavy Metal.
And this can't be placed at the feet of "Corporate Executives". Remember that Corporations want to make money. If they would make money shaving a monkey and having him fart to the music, they would do it. The only thing they care about is how many CDs they sell, and how much money they make. And quite often, they create a "Chick Band" to fill out a nitch they think exists, only to have it collapse after 2 or 3 CDs.
Personally, I think it may just be something in the genetic programming we all carry around in our bodies. It accepts women talking about home and family, because that is what our umpteen-great grandmothers did around the fire in the cave. Our umpteen-great grandfathers would then come in with the days kill, and he would then sing about the titanic battle with the rabbit that is now in the stew pot. And their umpteen-great grandparents did the same thing, but they only grunted about it since words had not been invented yet.
Subject: Re: Dixie Chicks cancells 14 cities in concert tour
Written By: Sister Morphine on 08/10/06 at 2:12 pm
Who cares if men sell more than women? What does this have to do with the Dixie Chicks cancelling dates? They're cancelling dates because some people don't agree with their politics and aren't buying tickets for the show in that area.
Subject: Re: Dixie Chicks cancells 14 cities in concert tour
Written By: freeridemt on 08/10/06 at 2:24 pm
Oh I agree that women don't get the airplay in the past, but I do think that has been changing the last 10 years or so.. When you look at the top 100 albums in the past ten years you are starting to see a new trend. And that was posted on Billboards. Maybe it is the computer age making it easier access, Or I think maybe cause the eye candy is better. For pure sound I go with what ever the mood is. But for Eye candy I would rather look at a Shakira, Beyonce or Shania for my screensaver without the sound mind you. :P Heck to be honest I have just about every Boris Vallejo, Julie Bell and Bowser screensaver I can get my greedy little fingers on. :) I know getting off track again. You can look online to see who is the most download artist for screensavers and video's and most of them are women. :):)
Subject: Re: Dixie Chicks cancells 14 cities in concert tour
Written By: freeridemt on 08/10/06 at 2:31 pm
Who cares if men sell more than women? What does this have to do with the Dixie Chicks cancelling dates? They're cancelling dates because some people don't agree with their politics and aren't buying tickets for the show in that area.
If you had read what we had talked about. Then you would know where this debate started. :P There mistake was taking on the Prez and the male country egos. I mean Toby Keith. Also remember the IQ of the thousands of beer and whiskey drinking red necks out there. Who they gonna stand up for A good ole boy like Dubya and Bubba Keith and the rest of the country jaundra or some chicks who opened their mouths..
Subject: Re: Dixie Chicks cancells 14 cities in concert tour
Written By: Sister Morphine on 08/10/06 at 2:57 pm
If you had read what we had talked about. Then you would know where this debate started. :P There mistake was taking on the Prez and the male country egos. I mean Toby Keith. Also remember the IQ of the thousands of beer and whiskey drinking red necks out there. Who they gonna stand up for A good ole boy like Dubya and Bubba Keith and the rest of the country jaundra or some chicks who opened their mouths..
Jaundra? Don't you mean "genre"?
And I read what started this. Doesn't mean it's not off-topic. They have poor ticket sales because of their politics and their continual expressing of those politics. I don't think it has to do with the fact they're women. If Toby Keith spoke out against the President the way they did, he'd be getting the same backlash. The country fanbase is very conservative and if you go against that, you get burned.
Subject: Re: Dixie Chicks cancells 14 cities in concert tour
Written By: freeridemt on 08/10/06 at 3:17 pm
Yes but don't forget that Mr Bubba Keith came right out with that song put a boot up there what? If you see disdain for them in my words.. Your right...:):)
Subject: Re: Dixie Chicks cancells 14 cities in concert tour
Written By: freeridemt on 08/10/06 at 3:31 pm
Jaundra? Don't you mean "genre"?Â
And I read what started this. Doesn't mean it's not off-topic. They have poor ticket sales because of their politics and their continual expressing of those politics. I don't think it has to do with the fact they're women. If Toby Keith spoke out against the President the way they did, he'd be getting the same backlash. The country fanbase is very conservative and if you go against that, you get burned.
Oh and your wrong Hank Williams Jr, Willie Nelson or any of the old timers in country say anything. You don't see them getting bashed.
I remember old good ole boy Charlie Daniels coming out with uneasy rider poking fun at the red necks. And remember all the flack he got for the song Still in Saigon. The flack he got was from the liberals not the country folk.. I just can stand all that double standard they push on folks. Remember that Hank Williams SR got fired from the grand ole opry for drugs,drinking and chasing too many skirts. But yet he is there on the plaques and he's a hero to them. what gives with that?
Subject: Re: Dixie Chicks cancells 14 cities in concert tour
Written By: Mushroom on 08/10/06 at 3:35 pm
They have poor ticket sales because of their politics and their continual expressing of those politics. I don't think it has to do with the fact they're women. If Toby Keith spoke out against the President the way they did, he'd be getting the same backlash. The country fanbase is very conservative and if you go against that, you get burned.
Actually, quite a few Country artists have spoken out against the war, and it has not harmed their careers.
However, the other singers do not go around telling their fans that they are idiots if the support the war, that they are idiots if they do not agree with them, and that they are really not Country singers, but Rock singers.
The Dixie Chicks lost popularity mostly because of their actions in the last two years, not because of a single comment they made almost 3 years ago. They alienated a lot of fans on both sides of the political spectrum, and their latest CD largely stinks. It kinda reminds me of the way Michael Jackson was complaining on how everybody was against him when his last CD bombed, never once realizing that it was the CD and his actions that caused the poor sales.
Subject: Re: Dixie Chicks cancells 14 cities in concert tour
Written By: freeridemt on 08/10/06 at 3:42 pm
Actually, quite a few Country artists have spoken out against the war, and it has not harmed their careers.
However, the other singers do not go around telling their fans that they are idiots if the support the war, that they are idiots if they do not agree with them, and that they are really not Country singers, but Rock singers.
The Dixie Chicks lost popularity mostly because of their actions in the last two years, not because of a single comment they made almost 3 years ago. They alienated a lot of fans on both sides of the political spectrum, and their latest CD largely stinks. It kinda reminds me of the way Michael Jackson was complaining on how everybody was against him when his last CD bombed, never once realizing that it was the CD and his actions that caused the poor sales.
your quite right. Coming out and saying yours fans are dumb for supporting the war.. They really must have a screwloose. To cut yer own throat like that. Does it take brains? Or just plain stupid? hey we need a poll lol
Subject: Re: Dixie Chicks cancells 14 cities in concert tour
Written By: Sister Morphine on 08/10/06 at 3:46 pm
Actually, quite a few Country artists have spoken out against the war, and it has not harmed their careers.
However, the other singers do not go around telling their fans that they are idiots if the support the war, that they are idiots if they do not agree with them, and that they are really not Country singers, but Rock singers.
The Dixie Chicks lost popularity mostly because of their actions in the last two years, not because of a single comment they made almost 3 years ago. They alienated a lot of fans on both sides of the political spectrum, and their latest CD largely stinks. It kinda reminds me of the way Michael Jackson was complaining on how everybody was against him when his last CD bombed, never once realizing that it was the CD and his actions that caused the poor sales.
Have you heard their new album? I have it, and I think it's really good.
Subject: Re: Dixie Chicks cancells 14 cities in concert tour
Written By: Mushroom on 08/10/06 at 3:47 pm
Oh and your wrong Hank Williams Jr, Willie Nelson or any of the old timers in country say anything. You don't see them getting bashed.
I remember old good ole boy Charlie Daniels coming out with uneasy rider poking fun at the red necks. And remember all the flack he got for the song Still in Saigon. The flack he got was from the liberals not the country folk.
Quite a few Country Songs are decidedly "Anti-Establishment". And they are not hard at all to find. Charlie Daniels wrote a lot of them, talking about drinking, smoking dope, and taking the law into his own hands. The same goes for Hank Jr, David Allen Coe, and a lot of others. And "Rednecks" often love self-depreciating humor. Almost every hick I know can recite the entire song "Uneasy Rider" by heart, and listens to Jeff Foxworthy.
To see how the problem The Dixie Chicks is having is not related to politics, look at Steve Earle. Copperhead Road is about a Vietnam Vet who returns, and takes over the family moonshine business, turning it into a marijuanna business. It was also about the futility of the countrie's "War On Drugs". Another song Snake Oil was openly critical of Ronald Reagan, comparing him to a traveling medicine show con man. In addition, he has his own weekly show on Air America.
So if you look at who would be a real target if this was all politics, it would be Steve Earle, not The Dixie Chicks. He is even more outspoken about his politics, and both has a weekly show to tell the world about them, and sings them in hit songs. However, he does not go around telling his fans to stop buying his CDs if they do not agree with him.
Subject: Re: Dixie Chicks cancells 14 cities in concert tour
Written By: freeridemt on 08/10/06 at 3:52 pm
Yes but do remember they got canceled in LA, one of the most liberal cities in the USA and is the second largest city.You would think they would sell out. So that has to say something. And the CD was not anything to write home about. Not if your trying to reach millions of country fans.
Subject: Re: Dixie Chicks cancells 14 cities in concert tour
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 08/10/06 at 6:03 pm
There is one big difference between Linda and The Dixie Chicks: The DC keep reminding us of their politics, and rubbing our faces in it.
I'm sure the Dixies keep talking about it. Maybe they would stop if Dubya's army of angry white male automatons would quit scapegoating them. I'm not even a fan of their music. I couldn't care less for their brand of country-pop, but I hate to see artists mistreated. It's like when Judas Priest got blamed for those two young men blowing their faces off. I don't care for JP, but I was sure on their side of the argument!
Since the remarks in London in 2003, they have time and time again come out and attacked various groups of fans. When they were snubbed at the CMA awards last year, they made an attack against "Male Domination".
Well that's good. Male domination has been accorded too much deference, especially in the past fifteen years.
When they went back to the studio to make their newest CD, they gave interviews stating they were no longer Country, but Rock. It seems that every time they open their mouths, they alienate a different segment of their fans.
Seems to have helped their career more than anything. No such thing as bad publicity! If the nationalist bigots bulldoze your records, come and play for reasonable people who actually believe in, you know, free speech! And that's what the Dixies have done!
And then there is the antagonism against the "Male Artists". For the last 2 decades, it is the male Country singers that bring in the largest crowds. You have female groups like Dixie Chicks and Trick Pony, but they sell nowhere near as many CDs as Toby Keith or Big & Rich. And it is simply demographics.
Female Country singers always tend to sing about the same things, heart break and love. Male Country singers tend to be more "rebels". They sing about hating their jobs, how tough their job is, and about partying. "Take This Job And Shove It", "Copperhead Road", "Save A Horse, Ride A Cowboy", "Beer For My Horses". The closest song like these I can think of by a female singer lately is Trick Pony's "I'm Not The Bride".
And this is not just a "Country Thing". Females in Rock music have the same problems. Other then maybe "Kiss Me Deadly" by Lita Ford, how many real "Rock Songs" are sung by women? This is not discrimination, it is simply a combination of the things that the women choose to sing about, and what kinds of songs they are popular singing. After all, how would it sound if Patsy Cline tried to sing "Boy Named Sue" or "Folsom Prison Blues"?
And I'm the one who doesn't understand country music? It seems to me you don't understand country OR rock music, my friend. Come on, Mushroom, give it some more thought, I really think you know better! Patsy Kline, Loretta Lynn, Dolly Parton, Tammy Wynette, Kitty Wells, June Carter Cash...these women were not just some Daisy Duke types who sang a few love songs and served beer to the fellas! Female rock singers? How about Janis Joplin, Joan Jett, Debbie Harry, Grace Slick, Chryssie Hynde, Pat Benatar...I mean gimme a fuggin' break!
BTW, Joan Jett and Pat Benatar may be over 50, but either one could kick your ass in a New York minute!
Subject: Re: Dixie Chicks cancells 14 cities in concert tour
Written By: Satish on 08/10/06 at 7:05 pm
They then made remarks that "We are not a Country group anyways, we have always been a Rock group".
Their newest album was much more Rock then Country, and this is leaving their old fans cold.
Well, their claims that they're not a country act ought to have some validity if you, yourself admit that their new album is more rock than country.
And anyway, musicians have always resented having their music labelled. In the early 90s, all the "grunge" bands hated the term, and said things like "don't call us grunge, man". And in the 80s, a lot of bands disliked the term "new wave".
Subject: Re: Dixie Chicks cancells 14 cities in concert tour
Written By: LyricBoy on 08/11/06 at 5:16 am
Well, their claims that they're not a country act ought to have some validity if you, yourself admit that their new album is more rock than country.
And anyway, musicians have always resented having their music labelled. In the early 90s, all the "grunge" bands hated the term, and said things like "don't call us grunge, man". And in the 80s, a lot of bands disliked the term "new wave".
Some artists now bristle when you metion "Country Western Music". They don't like the "Western" association anymore. Not sure why, as it made a hilarious one-liner in the movie "The Blues Brothers"
Subject: Re: Dixie Chicks cancells 14 cities in concert tour
Written By: Mushroom on 08/11/06 at 9:43 am
Some artists now bristle when you metion "Country Western Music". They don't like the "Western" association anymore. Not sure why, as it made a hilarious one-liner in the movie "The Blues Brothers"
YOu have that in all areas of the music industry. A lot of groups prefer "Southern Rock", like Lynyrd Skynyrd, Hank Jr, and the like.
And the same thing happens in the R&B sector. I think it should be renamed "Rap & Blues", because for every "traditional" Blues style song, you have 10 Rap songs. The R&B of today is nothing like the R&B of 20 years ago.
Subject: Re: Dixie Chicks cancells 14 cities in concert tour
Written By: Lifesunfair on 08/11/06 at 12:43 pm
My problem with the Dixie Chicks is very simple. They bring out a song called "Earl had to die" and when the press along with fans questioned the quite liberal lyrics of the song they stood up for there first admendment rights and gave us an ear full of it. I personally agreed with the Dixie Chicks on this matter and on a personal note view music as one of the most powerful tools of communication about issues, whether they be fun and francy free or more along serious like physical abuse. The Dixie Chicks had a right to say whatever they wanted to say and they did.
Then Toby Keith comes out and wants to speak his mind about Terrorist in a song called "Curtosy of the Red White and Blue" and all of a sudden The Dixe Chicks want to put a restraint on the first amendment rights they waved so proudly and true only a short time ago. They didn't think it was right for Toby Keith to say the way he felt about 9-11-01 or about how we deal with those who pose a threat to the United States. In an overbaringly abundent way the Dixie Chicks were saying round about flat out that they were allowed to do something and the same something Toby Keith was not allowed to do. Not only did they bad mouth the ideas of Toby Keith but also bad mouthed him personally as well including a T-Shirt worn by the lead singer with the initials FYTK.
Never the less I still enjoy quite a few of the Dixie Chicks songs and don't hold something minor like this against them. I don't have to be blinded by someone's flaws in order to still consider them good artist.
Subject: Re: Dixie Chicks cancells 14 cities in concert tour
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 08/11/06 at 7:52 pm
My problem with the Dixie Chicks is very simple. They bring out a song called "Earl had to die" and when the press along with fans questioned the quite liberal lyrics of the song they stood up for there first admendment rights and gave us an ear full of it. I personally agreed with the Dixie Chicks on this matter and on a personal note view music as one of the most powerful tools of communication about issues, whether they be fun and francy free or more along serious like physical abuse. The Dixie Chicks had a right to say whatever they wanted to say and they did.
Then Toby Keith comes out and wants to speak his mind about Terrorist in a song called "Curtosy of the Red White and Blue" and all of a sudden The Dixe Chicks want to put a restraint on the first amendment rights they waved so proudly and true only a short time ago. They didn't think it was right for Toby Keith to say the way he felt about 9-11-01 or about how we deal with those who pose a threat to the United States. In an overbaringly abundent way the Dixie Chicks were saying round about flat out that they were allowed to do something and the same something Toby Keith was not allowed to do. Not only did they bad mouth the ideas of Toby Keith but also bad mouthed him personally as well including a T-Shirt worn by the lead singer with the initials FYTK.
Never the less I still enjoy quite a few of the Dixie Chicks songs and don't hold something minor like this against them. I don't have to be blinded by someone's flaws in order to still consider them good artist.
Did the Dixies say Toby Keith should be censored? I don't think Keith should be censored, and neither should Charlie Daniels. Do I think they are both opportunistic jerks taking advantage of bigotry and nationalism? Yes. But you know what, the Constitution says you can do that too!
What bugs me is it's always country acts on FOX News. They could at least bring on some Klezmer bands for Alan Colmes!
Subject: Re: Dixie Chicks cancells 14 cities in concert tour
Written By: velvetoneo on 08/11/06 at 9:48 pm
Did the Dixies say Toby Keith should be censored? I don't think Keith should be censored, and neither should Charlie Daniels. Do I think they are both opportunistic jerks taking advantage of bigotry and nationalism? Yes. But you know what, the Constitution says you can do that too!
What bugs me is it's always country acts on FOX News. They could at least bring on some Klezmer bands for Alan Colmes!
Whenever any Jewish Republican comes on the air (particularly Michael Savage, that fake goy), they should strike up klezmer, or at least some Irving Berlin. Preferably "White Christmas." It symbolizes what they're doing!
Speaking of Jewish Republicans, there's Ronald Lauder, who recently purchased the Adele Bloch-Bauer portrait by Klimit for his Neue Galerie, which I think I'm going to see in a few days. However, I sort of like the guy a little, if just because the repurchasing of that painting is a symbol of the reclamation of the treasures the Nazis stole back to the Jews, and would make Hitler roll in his grave. It also illuminates the way white German/Austrian men viewed Jewish women back then, a viewpoint shown in the ethnographic pornography that Hitler promoted: sensuous, dark, and forbidden, much the way Arabs and Turks are portrayed in French and German pornography and Thais are in Japanese photography.
Subject: Re: Dixie Chicks cancells 14 cities in concert tour
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 08/12/06 at 12:09 am
Whenever any Jewish Republican comes on the air (particularly Michael Savage, that fake goy), they should strike up klezmer, or at least some Irving Berlin. Preferably "White Christmas." It symbolizes what they're doing!
Speaking of Jewish Republicans, there's Ronald Lauder, who recently purchased the Adele Bloch-Bauer portrait by Klimit for his Neue Galerie, which I think I'm going to see in a few days. However, I sort of like the guy a little, if just because the repurchasing of that painting is a symbol of the reclamation of the treasures the Nazis stole back to the Jews, and would make Hitler roll in his grave. It also illuminates the way white German/Austrian men viewed Jewish women back then, a viewpoint shown in the ethnographic pornography that Hitler promoted: sensuous, dark, and forbidden, much the way Arabs and Turks are portrayed in French and German pornography and Thais are in Japanese photography.
Well, I don't know about Klimit at the Neue Galerie, but I'd rather here any old Klezmer band anytime than Toby Keith!
Hitler was a notorious porno fan, and he also is alleged to like having his (censored censored censored) while his niece (censored censored censored) on his face!
Hitler was also a vegetarian and was big on paganism!
Subject: Re: Dixie Chicks cancells 14 cities in concert tour
Written By: LyricBoy on 08/12/06 at 1:08 am
Well, I don't know about Klimit at the Neue Galerie, but I'd rather here any old Klezmer band anytime than Toby Keith!
Hitler was a notorious porno fan, and he also is alleged to like having his (censored censored censored) while his niece (censored censored censored) on his face!
Hitler was also a vegetarian and was big on paganism!
The way I heard it Max, Hitler could not get his mojo workin', so to speak.
Subject: Re: Dixie Chicks cancells 14 cities in concert tour
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 08/12/06 at 11:07 am
The way I heard it Max, Hitler could not get his mojo workin', so to speak.
That's why Dr. Mengele had to conduct all those gruesome human experiments. He had to try to find a way for Hitler to get Mr. Mojo Risin.' If only they had Viagra in Nazi Germany, could have saved an awful lot of human suffering!
Subject: Re: Dixie Chicks cancells 14 cities in concert tour
Written By: Lifesunfair on 08/13/06 at 1:23 pm
Did the Dixies say Toby Keith should be censored? I don't think Keith should be censored, and neither should Charlie Daniels. Do I think they are both opportunistic jerks taking advantage of bigotry and nationalism? Yes. But you know what, the Constitution says you can do that too!
What bugs me is it's always country acts on FOX News. They could at least bring on some Klezmer bands for Alan Colmes!
You have a good point, however that's the majority of entertainment nowadays. Tell a joke about George W Bush to a crowd of young people today, you'll most likely get a laugh unless they're die hard Bush fans. Tell a joke about George W Bush to a crowd of young people 20 years from Today, they won't get it, it won't be funny to them. We'll I'm going by most likely guesses, I still laugh at Nixon jokes. However what I'm trying to say to you is that when something happens or someone is in, people can do something about it and it's popular. Saturday Night Live made it's fame off of doing it every single week.
Subject: Re: Dixie Chicks cancells 14 cities in concert tour
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 08/13/06 at 2:45 pm
You have a good point, however that's the majority of entertainment nowadays. Tell a joke about George W Bush to a crowd of young people today, you'll most likely get a laugh unless they're die hard Bush fans. Tell a joke about George W Bush to a crowd of young people 20 years from Today, they won't get it, it won't be funny to them. We'll I'm going by most likely guesses, I still laugh at Nixon jokes. However what I'm trying to say to you is that when something happens or someone is in, people can do something about it and it's popular. Saturday Night Live made it's fame off of doing it every single week.
I wonder how many Romanian comedians are cracking Ceaucescu jokes nowadays!
Subject: Re: Dixie Chicks cancells 14 cities in concert tour
Written By: Lifesunfair on 08/13/06 at 2:53 pm
I wonder how many Romanian comedians are cracking Ceaucescu jokes nowadays!
If they're in Romanian I'd say a few, if they're in English they'll probably just stare at you.