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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Mary Jane
Written By: Fred on 07/16/06 at 12:19 am
I started this thread because I want to hear people's opinions and views on Marijuana. I don't have any intentions to start talking about doing drugs or that sort of thing, I just want hear how it's viewed by other people and the laws against it in other areas.
In my town, Marijuana laws are extremely lax and virtually nobody gets busted for it. Pretty much the only time there every is a bust is when kids are caught with it. Our local head shop sells weed and mushrooms over the counter and everybody knows that, plus BC Bud is world renowned I hear 8). In fact, one of British Columbia's main industries is Marijuana.
In my opinion Marijauna should be treated as Tobacco is. I mean after all, it's just a plant.
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: Sister Morphine on 07/16/06 at 12:21 am
And here I thought this thread was about Peter Parker's love interest in Spiderman.
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: whistledog on 07/16/06 at 12:23 am
I thought it was about the Rick James song ;D
"I'll keep you happy and so satisfied in my house"
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: Sister Morphine on 07/16/06 at 12:26 am
I thought it was about the Rick James song ;D
"I'll keep you happy and so satisfied in my house"
It could have been about the shoes, too. I had about a dozen pairs of black patent leather mary janes when I was a kid.
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: Fred on 07/16/06 at 12:30 am
Hmm yeah I was debating what to name it. ???
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: Davester on 07/16/06 at 12:52 am
I began smoking in high school. I'm better off for it. There is nothing wrong with me, having smoked for, OMG!! 21 years?! that wasn't wrong with me already. My manner of perceiving the world has changed so drastically that my former self would barely recognize the current manifestation. Of course, the former would be incapable of perceiving how little has actually changed: my basic moral framework is the same, while what it means has undertaken radical changes...
Funny thing is that the parts of me, my family, and closest friends didn't like about me, e.g. my temper, etc., have melted away. (In all fairness, it is soon to come back. My existence in mundane society is not as smooth as I would have hoped; at some point, the creeping darkness will have its say. At which point, of course, I will whisk it away in a haze of smoke...)
Girlfriend is so very tolerant. The "peacenik" who bought me a S&W 9mm for my birthdy while I was going through the police academy... She actually used to smoke in college, herself...
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: Fred on 07/16/06 at 1:13 am
Yeah I really dislike people who bash Marijuana who have never tried it. Honestly, if myself from a year ago saw myself from today, he would not like what he saw. Because he was a straight-edge tightass. And like you mentioned Davester, I perceive the world much differently (for the better) since I started smoking.
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: Davester on 07/16/06 at 1:28 am
Lordy, my connection is bad tonight...
Legalize it.. Take money away from crime bosses and, maybe, help refocus the attention of the police...
It could be good for Mr. President Bush and his cronies to smoke a joint once in a while...
Groove on... :)
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: Fred on 07/16/06 at 1:32 am
It could be good for Mr. President Bush and his cronies to smoke a joint once in a while...
I would love to see old Bush chilling with a big cone in his hand. ;D
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: Davester on 07/16/06 at 1:38 am
Let it be known, though, I have not/do not/will not advocate the consumption of mind altering substances to minors...
Just to nip that one in the bud... ;) (no pun intended...)
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: Sister Morphine on 07/16/06 at 2:42 am
Yeah I really dislike people who bash Marijuana who have never tried it.
If doing drugs of any nature is your thing, then go for it. I can't tell you not to do them nor would I think to do so , but this statement (bolded text) bothers me. People have their reasons, whatever they may be, for not doing drugs, drinking, having sex, eating meat, etc. I don't think it's fair to bash someone for not liking something YOU like. I ate meat for a while and then quit, but I never told other vegetarians that I didn't like them for bashing meat without having eaten it before. They had their reasons and I respected them for it.
I personally have never done drugs and never will and I hate to think someone would dislike me based on that alone. That seems like a very suspect reason to hate someone.
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: Red Ant on 07/16/06 at 3:48 am
I started this thread because I want to hear people's opinions and views on Marijuana. I don't have any intentions to start talking about doing drugs or that sort of thing, I just want hear how it's viewed by other people and the laws against it in other areas.
My views on pot are that it should be not just decriminalized, but fully legalized. I have nothing against people who smoke pot, but it isn't my thing anymore - I gave it up a long time ago.
In my town, Marijuana laws are extremely lax and virtually nobody gets busted for it. Pretty much the only time there every is a bust is when kids are caught with it. Our local head shop sells weed and mushrooms over the counter and everybody knows that, plus BC Bud is world renowned I hear 8). In fact, one of British Columbia's main industries is Marijuana.
I find that odd considering everywhere I know of that has laws against possession has stricter laws against sale. I suppose you are talking about those less than 18 years old.
Marijuana is still Schedule 1 in the USA, which is the strictest DEA scheduling. Locally, getting caught with a small amount and having a clean record will more than likely result in a small fine and no felony conviction.
In my opinion Marijauna should be treated as Tobacco is. I mean after all, it's just a plant.
Well, I'd have to disagree with you there. First of all, tobacco kills more people a year than every other drug combined. The more important thing is that some of the nastiest drugs out there start life off as plants, including heroin and cocaine. Granted the plants are processed and refined extensively before one arrives with smack or crack. However, last time I picked up a High Times magazine, the THC in some varieties of pot was exceeding 30%. I can tell you those "kinds" of numbers aren't ever reached in nature.
I've found other ways (non-chemical) to deal with all the things that, at one time, I thought pot would solve.
....and at ~50$ a 1/4 oz, it's pretty damned expensive too.
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: Lifesunfair on 07/16/06 at 10:20 am
My feelings on Mary Jane
A- Don't threaten, kill or hurt no one to get it
B- Don't steal from someone to get it
C- Don't sell items that mean a lot to you or someone else to get it
D- Don't drive a vehicle after using it
E- You follwed A-D...Have fun.
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: Tia on 07/16/06 at 10:25 am
everyone who posted on this thread is coming with me for questioning.
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/16/06 at 10:38 am
Pot should be legal, no question. It has nothing to do with whether you smoke it, or whether you approve or not of other people smoking it. I'm with Willie Nelson on this one--marijuana prohibition is an enormous waste of law enforcement resources and tax dollars, and is horribly unfair to adults who smoke marijuana responsibily.
I do not believe it is a good idea for children and adolescents to smoke pot. Children for obvious reasons. Adolescents are generally much more vulnerable to negative consequences of consuming marijuana. You are still developing physically, mentally, emotionally, and psychologically in your teenage years. You are struggling with your identity, you are struggling with the authoritarian strictures society imposes on you as a minor. Social struggles, issues of emotional well-being, and issues of self-motivation are much more difficult than when you are older. I saw a lot of kids get hurt by pot. I was one of them. Smoking marijuana did not cause our problems, but it did exacerbate them.
The law does not stop people from using or buying pot. It just makes pot users more discreet. Our government still pushes this Joe Friday anti-pot message, which is full of lies. Kids don't buy the message. They do buy pot. I got busted for simple posession when I was 18. I went to court and got six months probation. Didn't stop me! The next weekend I went to a party and got high! What did stop me was the adverse effects of pot on my mental health. I had severe depression. Whatever the illness did to my brain chemistry made the marijuana experience much more psycnedelic and intense than it was for most. That's good? No, that's bad! About every third high produced unbearable paranoia and panic anxiety. One time I paced zig-zag fashion up and down a field for over an hour. I did it just to stay focused so I wouldn't thrash about and scream!
I quit until my early thirties. I resumed with no adverse affects, but only smoked sporadically. The only useful function pot has for me is in music appreciation. It helps me hear the music better--whether it's the Beatles, Arnold Schoenberg, John Cage, African drumming, or whatever. I retain the new perceptions subsequently in the absence of the marijuana influence. So that is, in fact, useful to me. The more I understand the music, the better I can produce my radio programs.
The counter culture promoted pot as "liberating." The myth persists today. Pot can be liberating, but like anything else, your liberator can become your jailer.
One of the most hypocritical positions in American conservatism is drug policy. The same conservatives who say they hate big government still want the government to tell people what substances they can and cannot ingest. Furthermore, they want the federal government to override state governments. They didn't want the federal government to tell the states they had to let blacks use the same drinking fountains as whites, but they sure want it to forbid states from even decriminalizing pot. Heck, they don't even think a doctor should be able to prescribe it to treat glaucoma. They say, "Oh well, there's Marinol."* That's not the point. At the roots of conservatism was the belief government should tell people what to do as little as possible. The same conservatives who deliver sermons on "personal responsibility" still want the government to decide for everybody when it comes to drugs. True libertarians agree here, but most libertarians are phonies. They're what I call "business libertarians." Freedom for capital, authoritarianism for people. As John Dean points out in his new book "Conservatives Without Conscience," the Republican party has confused conservatism with authoritarianism.
A couple of other myths about pot--
1. Marijuana is not a "gateway drug" any more than alcohol is. Pot didn't make me say, "this is good, now let me try some of that crack!"
To be fair, pot did spawn an interest in stronger psychedelics. I eschewed them because of my psychiatric issues, one of the few intelligent choices I made in my youth!
2. Marijuana saps motivation. Again, young people are far more vulnerable to this than older people. However, there are some "adults" who would rather get high than work. There are some "adults" who would rather get drunk than work too! Either way, you either figure out you have a problem and deal with it, or your life goes to pieces. I've seen people ruin their lives with both substances, but it's the people no the substances. One of my best friends tokes huuuge bong hits every day...after he's busted his butt for fourteen hours running his graphics business! Everybody's different, they've got to work it out for themselves as to what they can and cannot do regarding drugs. The cops and the courts pushing everybody around doesn't help this.
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/16/06 at 1:21 pm
The reason why marijuana is illegal is because of racism. Back in the 20s and 30s, users were mainly poor Hispanics and African-Americans. It was criminalize in 1937 for fear that the white middle class would use it. As several people have already pointed out, too much $$$$, manpower, etc. has been used to try to combat this "ill on society" when they could be focused on petty stuff, like murderers, rapists, and the like. Also, there is much in the way of medicinal properties in marijuana. I have known a diabetic who used to smoke pot all the time and never had a trace of glaucoma (which is one of the side effects of diabetes). It also helps people going through chemo because it stimulates hunger (which the chemo decreases). It also helps AIDS patients. It is a muscle relaxer which helps with pain from headaches and womanly cramps. There has never been a marijuana-related death (unlike tobacco and alcohol).
Yes, I think it should be legal. But, like several have already pointed out, I don't think it should be given to kids and one should use it responsably-such as, not driving while using it.
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: Tia on 07/16/06 at 1:53 pm
The reason why marijuana is illegal is because of racism.
i also think that a big part of the reason it's illegal is because the establishment isn't big on anything catching on that sparks spiritual expansion or alters the way you perceive reality. there's so much in the modern economy that's predicated on the idea that getting a big family and a big house and an SUV is the only way to live your life and marijuana shows you there's all sorts of different ways to live your life. as jimi says, i'm the one to die when it's time for me to die...
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: Lifesunfair on 07/16/06 at 3:29 pm
Pot should be legal, no question. It has nothing to do with whether you smoke it, or whether you approve or not of other people smoking it. I'm with Willie Nelson on this one--marijuana prohibition is an enormous waste of law enforcement resources and tax dollars, and is horribly unfair to adults who smoke marijuana responsibily.
I do not believe it is a good idea for children and adolescents to smoke pot. Children for obvious reasons. Adolescents are generally much more vulnerable to negative consequences of consuming marijuana. You are still developing physically, mentally, emotionally, and psychologically in your teenage years. You are struggling with your identity, you are struggling with the authoritarian strictures society imposes on you as a minor. Social struggles, issues of emotional well-being, and issues of self-motivation are much more difficult than when you are older. I saw a lot of kids get hurt by pot. I was one of them. Smoking marijuana did not cause our problems, but it did exacerbate them.
The law does not stop people from using or buying pot. It just makes pot users more discreet. Our government still pushes this Joe Friday anti-pot message, which is full of lies. Kids don't buy the message. They do buy pot. I got busted for simple posession when I was 18. I went to court and got six months probation. Didn't stop me! The next weekend I went to a party and got high! What did stop me was the adverse effects of pot on my mental health. I had severe depression. Whatever the illness did to my brain chemistry made the marijuana experience much more psycnedelic and intense than it was for most. That's good? No, that's bad! About every third high produced unbearable paranoia and panic anxiety. One time I paced zig-zag fashion up and down a field for over an hour. I did it just to stay focused so I wouldn't thrash about and scream!
I quit until my early thirties. I resumed with no adverse affects, but only smoked sporadically. The only useful function pot has for me is in music appreciation. It helps me hear the music better--whether it's the Beatles, Arnold Schoenberg, John Cage, African drumming, or whatever. I retain the new perceptions subsequently in the absence of the marijuana influence. So that is, in fact, useful to me. The more I understand the music, the better I can produce my radio programs.
The counter culture promoted pot as "liberating." The myth persists today. Pot can be liberating, but like anything else, your liberator can become your jailer.
One of the most hypocritical positions in American conservatism is drug policy. The same conservatives who say they hate big government still want the government to tell people what substances they can and cannot ingest. Furthermore, they want the federal government to override state governments. They didn't want the federal government to tell the states they had to let blacks use the same drinking fountains as whites, but they sure want it to forbid states from even decriminalizing pot. Heck, they don't even think a doctor should be able to prescribe it to treat glaucoma. They say, "Oh well, there's Marinol."* That's not the point. At the roots of conservatism was the belief government should tell people what to do as little as possible. The same conservatives who deliver sermons on "personal responsibility" still want the government to decide for everybody when it comes to drugs. True libertarians agree here, but most libertarians are phonies. They're what I call "business libertarians." Freedom for capital, authoritarianism for people. As John Dean points out in his new book "Conservatives Without Conscience," the Republican party has confused conservatism with authoritarianism.
A couple of other myths about pot--
1. Marijuana is not a "gateway drug" any more than alcohol is. Pot didn't make me say, "this is good, now let me try some of that crack!"
To be fair, pot did spawn an interest in stronger psychedelics. I eschewed them because of my psychiatric issues, one of the few intelligent choices I made in my youth!
2. Marijuana saps motivation. Again, young people are far more vulnerable to this than older people. However, there are some "adults" who would rather get high than work. There are some "adults" who would rather get drunk than work too! Either way, you either figure out you have a problem and deal with it, or your life goes to pieces. I've seen people ruin their lives with both substances, but it's the people no the substances. One of my best friends tokes huuuge bong hits every day...after he's busted his butt for fourteen hours running his graphics business! Everybody's different, they've got to work it out for themselves as to what they can and cannot do regarding drugs. The cops and the courts pushing everybody around doesn't help this.
What do you think will happen with the possible legalization of Marijuana? Do you see anyone or any group fighting hard for more legalization. Say of Heroin or Crack Cocaine? Those too really don't hurt anyone but the people using it. I mean A bad stomach ache from Marijuana is a lot different than near death hospital stay from an overdosage of crack but the slippery slope is hard to climb up.
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: Lifesunfair on 07/16/06 at 3:37 pm
The reason why marijuana is illegal is because of racism. Back in the 20s and 30s, users were mainly poor Hispanics and African-Americans. It was criminalize in 1937 for fear that the white middle class would use it. As several people have already pointed out, too much $$$$, manpower, etc. has been used to try to combat this "ill on society" when they could be focused on petty stuff, like murderers, rapists, and the like. Also, there is much in the way of medicinal properties in marijuana. I have known a diabetic who used to smoke pot all the time and never had a trace of glaucoma (which is one of the side effects of diabetes). It also helps people going through chemo because it stimulates hunger (which the chemo decreases). It also helps AIDS patients. It is a muscle relaxer which helps with pain from headaches and womanly cramps. There has never been a marijuana-related death (unlike tobacco and alcohol).
Yes, I think it should be legal. But, like several have already pointed out, I don't think it should be given to kids and one should use it responsably-such as, not driving while using it.
I too have seen Marijuana used for good reasons. I had a teacher back in high school that for very specific reasons was buddy buddy with the junkies around Stillwater. She had cancer and marijuana was used for a very good purpose.
Interesting you come back to discrimination as the source for Marijuana being illegal. I wonder if alcohol wasn't such a white supremecy symbolism if it too would be illegal. Drugs do seem to be in the hands of minorites more often than that of your everyday white suburbanite. It seems to me that drugs have also really changed in there marketing of age groups. Back when I was a kid, at least from where I paid attention it was mostly teenagers and young adults using the stuff. Nowadays I see older and older people doing it. Or maybe those are the same people still using it. I don't know.
Anyway I wonder if there was a vote on it, if blacks and latinos would in large numbers out vote in favor of legalizing marijuana. I know Woody Harrelson for sure would be at least one white guy voting infavor.
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: Davester on 07/16/06 at 5:59 pm
Well, I'd have to disagree with you there. First of all, tobacco kills more people a year than every other drug combined. The more important thing is that some of the nastiest drugs out there start life off as plants, including heroin and cocaine. Granted the plants are processed and refined extensively before one arrives with smack or crack.
You know, this is a sticking point with me on a couple of grounds:
* Only anti-drug groups make this claim...
* I have never seen the report demonstrating this claim...
* Online links referring to this report result in a dead link representing an anti-drug organization...
* The nearest thing to validation I've seen is a site at University of Indiana which mentions chemicals considered "potential" carcinogens...
And once we answer these questions, we have a few others to answer. For instance, if the report is demonstrated valid, we resolve nothing. I'm quite sure that smoking any number of foods would be bad for you...
....and at ~50$ a 1/4 oz, it's pretty damned expensive too.
As a friend pointed out to me a couple of weeks ago: "If pot was legal, I wouldn't smoke it; I could afford to eat it." :P Right now smoking pot is the most economic use of a plant that, often, costs more than gold...
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/16/06 at 7:16 pm
What do you think will happen with the possible legalization of Marijuana? Do you see anyone or any group fighting hard for more legalization. Say of Heroin or Crack Cocaine? Those too really don't hurt anyone but the people using it. I mean A bad stomach ache from Marijuana is a lot different than near death hospital stay from an overdosage of crack but the slippery slope is hard to climb up.
Marijuana does not give you a stomach ache. Quite the reverse. Marijuana is an anti-emetic and anti-nausea agent. One caveat, it is possible to get stomach ache from smoking pot secondarily to an adverse psychological reaction to the drug. I suppose you could also get a stomach ace if you got the munchies and a a whole half gallon of ice cream!
Cat is correct, Hearst the newspaper magnate wanted hemp banned because hemp was used to make paper products. Hearst wanted to sell his tracts of timber instead. Hemp makes far better paper than wood pulp, but when a rich man wants to get richer, America doesn't just say no! Only a few strands of cannibis possess psychoactive properties. If you smoked the hemp they used for paper, you'd sure cough, but you wouldn't get off. Thus the scare-mongers in the '30s blew the cannibis sativa problem out of proportion. You should see reefer madness, it's a scream! As usual, they used racism in the campaign, and at the core, the message was "Marihuana makes Negro and Mexican men horny for white woman." Rotten, but effective!
Tia may also have a point--the psychoactive effects of marijuana may contraindicate the psychactive effects of the ubiquitous soma known as advertising. We can't take that chance now, can we? You might get men and women in beads and Indian garb grooving to the hydrogen jukebox out in the woods instead of shopping a the mall!
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: Davester on 07/16/06 at 8:02 pm
Don't forget the health benefits, Max. Hempseed has an excellent omega-3 content, according to advocates... :P
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: Lifesunfair on 07/16/06 at 8:48 pm
Marijuana does not give you a stomach ache. Quite the reverse. Marijuana is an anti-emetic and anti-nausea agent. One caveat, it is possible to get stomach ache from smoking pot secondarily to an adverse psychological reaction to the drug. I suppose you could also get a stomach ace if you got the munchies and a a whole half gallon of ice cream!
Cat is correct, Hearst the newspaper magnate wanted hemp banned because hemp was used to make paper products. Hearst wanted to sell his tracts of timber instead. Hemp makes far better paper than wood pulp, but when a rich man wants to get richer, America doesn't just say no! Only a few strands of cannibis possess psychoactive properties. If you smoked the hemp they used for paper, you'd sure cough, but you wouldn't get off. Thus the scare-mongers in the '30s blew the cannibis sativa problem out of proportion. You should see reefer madness, it's a scream! As usual, they used racism in the campaign, and at the core, the message was "Marihuana makes Negro and Mexican men horny for white woman." Rotten, but effective!
Tia may also have a point--the psychoactive effects of marijuana may contraindicate the psychactive effects of the ubiquitous soma known as advertising. We can't take that chance now, can we? You might get men and women in beads and Indian garb grooving to the hydrogen jukebox out in the woods instead of shopping a the mall!
You know they don't allow Mongooses in the United States either. I like Mongooses and would vote in favor of them before I would Marijuana. I think if the voting ever does come about, or if it's something that is voted on. I personally wouldn't vote. I don't care either way. I'm happy with those that wanna get high and those who don't.
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/17/06 at 1:43 am
You know they don't allow Mongooses in the United States either. I like Mongooses and would vote in favor of them before I would Marijuana. I think if the voting ever does come about, or if it's something that is voted on. I personally wouldn't vote. I don't care either way. I'm happy with those that wanna get high and those who don't.
Ever tried to smoke a mongoose? Well, they don't particularly like it.
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: Red Ant on 07/17/06 at 3:19 am
You know, this is a sticking point with me on a couple of grounds:
* Only anti-drug groups make this claim...
I am not anti drug, but I do not endorse using them either. I don't make this claim because I'm part of some anti-drug group, it's because I have entirely too much real, first hand information about things which I'd rather not, and definitely rather not see others go through.
I suppose quoting myself is in order since you apparently missed or skipped this:
My views on pot are that it should be not just decriminalized, but fully legalized. I have nothing against people who smoke pot, but it isn't my thing anymore - I gave it up a long time ago.
Yep, that sounds anti-drug to me. ::)
* I have never seen the report demonstrating this claim...
* Online links referring to this report result in a dead link representing an anti-drug organization...
* The nearest thing to validation I've seen is a site at University of Indiana which mentions chemicals considered "potential" carcinogens...
As for my claim that tobacco kills more people than all other drugs combined, here's your report:
You'll notice it is from a pro-drug website. You might also notice that the numbers are dated a bit and don't include all drugs, but even factoring in deaths from OC, Xanax, etc. they still don't add up to tobacco's figures.
As for my claim that heroin and cocaine are extensively processed and refined plant matter, well, read up on a few syntheses for them.
And once we answer these questions, we have a few others to answer. For instance, if the report is demonstrated valid, we resolve nothing.
This isn't a question, but a statement. But, if you have more questions, by all means, ask away.
I'm quite sure that smoking any number of foods would be bad for you...
We are not talking about food here. My original reply to Fred was based on him saying "after all, it's just a plant". Lots of things are plants or natural, but that doesn't make them safe by any means. Statistically, tobacco is the most dangerous plant known to man.
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: Lifesunfair on 07/17/06 at 12:24 pm
Ever tried to smoke a mongoose? Well, they don't particularly like it.
No but I did once watch a Mongoose smoke a King Cobra, and I did very much particularly like seeing that.
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: witchain on 07/18/06 at 7:51 am
I have to pipe in on this one. ::)
When you compare the social ills of marijuana use to those of alcohol it is very apparent which is worse. Alcohol is not only physically addicting, it has been the downfall of many great lives and minds. It has almost killed me on a few occasions. How many of you have gone through hard-core alcohol withdrawal? I have- And let me tell you: It isn't pretty! Delirium Tremens is very real!
Marijuana is not physically addicting, and has never caused any deaths that I'm aware of. The opposite is true from my experience. When is the last time you heard of some guy getting really stoned and then beating his wife/girlfriend? Or getting into a bar fight?
In CA you can legally buy a bottle of whiskey at 5AM on a Sunday morning. In a grocery store!
Yet MJ remains a Class I drug according to the DEA.
It makes NO farking sense to me!?!
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/18/06 at 11:41 am
Marijuana is not physically addicting, and has never caused any deaths that I'm aware of. The opposite is true from my experience. When is the last time you heard of some guy getting really stoned and then beating his wife/girlfriend? Or getting into a bar fight?
Well, someone may die laughing under the influence. ;)
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: Lifesunfair on 07/18/06 at 12:32 pm
I have to pipe in on this one. ::)
When you compare the social ills of marijuana use to those of alcohol it is very apparent which is worse. Alcohol is not only physically addicting, it has been the downfall of many great lives and minds. It has almost killed me on a few occasions. How many of you have gone through hard-core alcohol withdrawal? I have- And let me tell you: It isn't pretty! Delirium Tremens is very real!
Marijuana is not physically addicting, and has never caused any deaths that I'm aware of. The opposite is true from my experience. When is the last time you heard of some guy getting really stoned and then beating his wife/girlfriend? Or getting into a bar fight?
In CA you can legally buy a bottle of whiskey at 5AM on a Sunday morning. In a grocery store!
Yet MJ remains a Class I drug according to the DEA.
It makes NO farking sense to me!?!
It may not be addicting as in the way nicotine is addicting but I know a lot of people who can't live without there weed. They always gotta have it, if they don't they're depressed and or pissed or something. So something about it must make them HAVE to have it.
I think when you get stoned it makes you too out of it to really put up much of a fight, it makes you feel good. I mean I've never gotten stoned but the pals I hanged with back in the day that did that stuff, I doubt they'd whip to many people doped up.
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: 80s_cheerleader on 07/18/06 at 1:33 pm
....and at ~50$ a 1/4 oz, it's pretty damned expensive too.
DAMN!!! Sounds like your dealers are cashing in.....it's only about $20/ounce here.
Personally, I've tried it and it does nothing for me so I don't do it anymore. I have (had) friends who do (have done) it and it doesn't bother me in the least.....then there are some that I'd rather see them do that than drink because they have (had) a tendency to get violent when they drink, but not when they were stoned. I say to each his own.....
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: 80s_cheerleader on 07/18/06 at 1:42 pm
Don't forget the health benefits, Max. Hempseed has an excellent omega-3 content, according to advocates... :P
It also makes awesome hand lotion....
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/18/06 at 1:46 pm
It also makes awesome hand lotion....
Really? I was unaware of that.
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/18/06 at 3:57 pm
Omega-3's? If hemp seed sales ever get legalized, the first guy who patents a hemp seed nutrition bar is gonna make a king's ransom! Everyone will buy your bar 'coz they think it will get 'em high, and they really believe it will...it will!
Marijuana is definitely habituating. It is hard to parse physical addiction from psychological addiction. I have seen pot-heads quit after several years, or decades! Some of them go through physiolgocal withdrawal symptoms. The symptoms are not as acute as those of opiate withdrawal, but they're no joke!
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/18/06 at 3:59 pm
^ Hey, I just hit the big ten thousand!
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: chaka on 07/18/06 at 4:00 pm
^ Hey, I just hit the big ten thousand!
Congrats! http://www.inthe00s.com/smile/15/toothy9.gif
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: Tia on 07/18/06 at 4:02 pm
^ Hey, I just hit the big ten thousand!
check you out, you're five digits.
with all that mary jane, it must have felt like it took FOREVER, dude...
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: nally on 07/18/06 at 4:04 pm
^ Hey, I just hit the big ten thousand!
Woaa... congratulations! :D 8) Welcome to the club! http://www.inthe00s.com/smile/02/beerchug.gif
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/18/06 at 4:32 pm
^ Hey, I just hit the big ten thousand!
Congrats and applause. I look forward to reading the next 10,000. :D ;D ;D
(BTW, I'm getting close myself.)
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: Lifesunfair on 07/18/06 at 7:39 pm
Just as long as the people doing it are like the Doobie brothers, I always liked them.
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/18/06 at 8:14 pm
Congrats and applause. I look forward to reading the next 10,000. :D ;D ;D
(BTW, I'm getting close myself.)
When you do, Chucky will cut you a check for $10 grand! OK, not really. It's sort of like when you hit 100,000 miles on your odometer. There's a moment of "Hey, look at that!" And then everything goes on exactly as before!
Actually, my true number of posts on "inthe00s" is about 12 thousand. My counter got set back to zero when Chucky switched the software a couple of years ago.
Just as long as the people doing it are like the Doobie brothers, I always liked them.
I assume you know doobie is an old slang word for a marijuana cigarette. They were all long-haired hippies in that band, they weren't brothers, and none of them were named Doobie...but they didn't think of the name when they were passing a joint around down at the studio! They just didn't. One of them said out of the blue, "Hey, how about the Doobie Brothers?"
Well, however they arrived at the name, it was better than their old one, "Pud."
If we ever called said green, leafy substance "Mary Jane," it's because it was listed as a euphemism on those Joe Friday drug awareness leaflets they passed out (uh, distributed) in the sixth grade!
Marijuana, also known as: pot, joint, reefer, grass, weed, stick, rope, tea, dope, spleef, squiff, spliff, bud, doobie, J, J-bar, jibber, bhang, hemp, herb, leaf, whacky tobacky, Mary Jane, Christopher Cannibus, columbine, smoke, incense, Puff-the-Magic-Dragon, hash, devil weed, white man's burden, garden of hedon, jazz salad, ring-around-the-rosie, Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds, Helter Skelter, Strawberry Fields Forever, Eleanor Rigby, Malcom X John Lennon, J. Edgar Hoover, Jim-Jimmie-and-Janis, Seasons in the Sun, Down-with-the-Establishment-man, our little secret, Nixon's Lovechild, whatever the hell else you wanna throw in there
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: witchain on 07/18/06 at 8:30 pm
I think when you get stoned it makes you too out of it to really put up much of a fight, it makes you feel good. I mean I've never gotten stoned...
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/18/06 at 8:39 pm
He said he's never gotten...uh, what did he say again, man? Oh, "stoned."
Got any for me and my old lady?
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: Lifesunfair on 07/18/06 at 10:37 pm
When you do, Chucky will cut you a check for $10 grand! OK, not really. It's sort of like when you hit 100,000 miles on your odometer. There's a moment of "Hey, look at that!" And then everything goes on exactly as before!
Actually, my true number of posts on "inthe00s" is about 12 thousand. My counter got set back to zero when Chucky switched the software a couple of years ago.
I assume you know doobie is an old slang word for a marijuana cigarette. They were all long-haired hippies in that band, they weren't brothers, and none of them were named Doobie...but they didn't think of the name when they were passing a joint around down at the studio! They just didn't. One of them said out of the blue, "Hey, how about the Doobie Brothers?"
Well, however they arrived at the name, it was better than their old one, "Pud."
If we ever called said green, leafy substance "Mary Jane," it's because it was listed as a euphemism on those Joe Friday drug awareness leaflets they passed out (uh, distributed) in the sixth grade!
Marijuana, also known as: pot, joint, reefer, grass, weed, stick, rope, tea, dope, spleef, squiff, spliff, bud, doobie, J, J-bar, jibber, bhang, hemp, herb, leaf, whacky tobacky, Mary Jane, Christopher Cannibus, columbine, smoke, incense, Puff-the-Magic-Dragon, hash, devil weed, white man's burden, garden of hedon, jazz salad, ring-around-the-rosie, Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds, Helter Skelter, Strawberry Fields Forever, Eleanor Rigby, Malcom X John Lennon, J. Edgar Hoover, Jim-Jimmie-and-Janis, Seasons in the Sun, Down-with-the-Establishment-man, our little secret, Nixon's Lovechild, whatever the hell else you wanna throw in there
Dude thanks for the little history story on the Doobie brothers, I sorta knew that like the back of my hand, but never the less I love listening to stories.
You know that it's rumored that Kris Kristopherson's "Bobby McGee" is really a joint as well, but I never confirmed that. Then again, other than Kristopherson who would know for sure?
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: 80s_cheerleader on 07/18/06 at 10:49 pm
Really? I was unaware of that.
Yep.....there's actually a whole line of skin/hair care products called "Hempz". It's AWESOME!!!!
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/19/06 at 12:56 am
Dude thanks for the little history story on the Doobie brothers, I sorta knew that like the back of my hand, but never the less I love listening to stories.
You know that it's rumored that Kris Kristopherson's "Bobby McGee" is really a joint as well, but I never confirmed that. Then again, other than Kristopherson who would know for sure?
That's why I threw in all those made-up slang words for marijuana with the ones I've actually heard. Nobody called it Mary Jane as a far as I know. I think there was a hipster in the office of drug control who put one over on the Joe Friday-types that worked there. In the late '60s/early '70s people were looking for clandestine drug references in every lyric. Seek and ye shall find!
Maybe Julian Lennon really did draw a picture of his schoolmate "Lucy" in the sky with diamonds. However, those lyrics are definitely descriptive of acid experience. John Lennon was dropping a lot of acid in 1967. Whether the acronym LSD was intentional is still questionable.
When Wagner and Ingber wrote the song "Don't Bogart that Joint,"(performed by Little Feat, Grateful Dead, etc), they were having a joke inserting a slang word into the pop culture as though it was actually something Greenwich Village Beatniks used to say. The "Bogart" theory says it referred to actor Humphrey Bogart who always kept a cigarette dangling from his lips. Thus, to "Bogart" a joint would be to keep it all to yourself.
Don't bogart that joint my friend
Pass it over to me
Don't bogart that joint my friend
Pass it over to me
Roll another one
Just like the other one
You've been holding on to it
And I sure will like a hit
Roll another one
Just like the other one
That one's burned to the end
Come on and be a real friend
The theory was not confirmed by the songwriters. Of course, "bogart" for "not sharing a joint" never caught on. If anybody used the term, it was a jest referring to the song itself.
One of the best examples of pop culture influence was Frank Zappa's "Valley Girl." Moon Zappa, fourteen at the time, hipped her father to some of the slang words some of the teens were using around the Los Angeles San Fernando Valley. Frank thought they were so funny, he wrote a song about these "Valley Girls," and Moon provided the recitation of the phraseology. Of note, it was just another one of Zappa's songs. It was withering parody, like a lot of Zappa's songs. He did not intend listeners to see the "Valley Girl" as anything you'd want to imitate. They were vapid, oversexed, materialistic, catty, and dumb. I guess they had a hunch the song could go places, so the record company released it as a single. You know the rest. All the slang in the song* was sought after and imitated by teenage girls nationwide. You even had things like "The Official Valley Girl Handbook." Even deeper was the extent to which the "Valley" accent and speech cadence became a universal in adolescent speech. Kids spoke that way absent conscious influence of the "Valley Girl" song. Sean Penn's Jeff Spiccoli chacarter in Fast Times at Ridgemont High and the later film Valley Girl contributed similarly.
*If you have "Valley Girl" on one of the "hits of the '80s" compilations, it's the radio edit, which leaves out much of Moon's Val rap. It is worth seeking out the full length version on Zappa's "Ship Arriving too Late to Save a Drowning Witch" album. I know the version on the Zappa collection "Specially Banded For Radio" is full length. The 12" single itself is a collectors item and will cost you more than either CD. For all its pop culture impact, "Valley Girl" only reached #32 on the Billboard Hot 100. On the other hand, a Zappa song making the Hot 100 at all was totally unexpected!
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: Tia on 07/19/06 at 1:05 am
we said "bogart" all the time. we used it as a verb. like as in, you're bogartin', pass it on. pretty much daily that got uttered, completely irony-free. :-[
i mean they said it. not me so much. i was pure as the driven snow.
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/19/06 at 1:11 am
we said "bogart" all the time. we used it as a verb. like as in, you're bogartin', pass it on. pretty much daily that got uttered, completely irony-free. :-[
i mean they said it. not me so much. i was pure as the driven snow.
You are saying they would have used the term "bogart" that way even if the song had never been popularized?
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: Tia on 07/19/06 at 1:33 am
You are saying they would have used the term "bogart" that way even if the song had never been popularized?
lol. i have no idea, we were too stoned to know about any song, or whatever. dude.
i mean they were.
we knew about the song, vaguely, but had totally forgotten about the connection. or if the song coined the term, we didn't know it.
funny, i just listened to lucy in the sky with diamonds. right now i'm listening to "fixing a hole," which is the most underrated damn song on that album. but that's an issue for another thread.
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: CeeKay on 07/19/06 at 9:25 am
we said "bogart" all the time. we used it as a verb. like as in, you're bogartin', pass it on. pretty much daily that got uttered, completely irony-free. :-[
i mean they said it. not me so much. i was pure as the driven snow.
Yep. Us too ..... I mean *them* too -- those people I hung around with, yup ;). (We used it as a verb. I knew the song but I never knew it had anything to do with Humphrey Bogart. Never even thought about it. Just accepted it as mj smokin' slang.)
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: La Roche on 07/19/06 at 9:37 am
Roll it, smoke it, light it, poke it.
Crumble, stumble, pass it to your room mate.
Pipe some, bong some, smoke a bit of homegrown.
Suck it, Love it, inhale to get stoned.
Need, Weed, Thai Stick, Ganja always does the trick.
Rope, Dope, Mary Jane, smoke the sh!t, get insane.
Bogart, eyes that smart, rolling has become an art.
Pass the J to the right and we'll all get stoned.
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: Lifesunfair on 07/19/06 at 12:24 pm
That's why I threw in all those made-up slang words for marijuana with the ones I've actually heard. Nobody called it Mary Jane as a far as I know. I think there was a hipster in the office of drug control who put one over on the Joe Friday-types that worked there. In the late '60s/early '70s people were looking for clandestine drug references in every lyric. Seek and ye shall find!
Maybe Julian Lennon really did draw a picture of his schoolmate "Lucy" in the sky with diamonds. However, those lyrics are definitely descriptive of acid experience. John Lennon was dropping a lot of acid in 1967. Whether the acronym LSD was intentional is still questionable.
When Wagner and Ingber wrote the song "Don't Bogart that Joint,"(performed by Little Feat, Grateful Dead, etc), they were having a joke inserting a slang word into the pop culture as though it was actually something Greenwich Village Beatniks used to say. The "Bogart" theory says it referred to actor Humphrey Bogart who always kept a cigarette dangling from his lips. Thus, to "Bogart" a joint would be to keep it all to yourself.
Don't bogart that joint my friend
Pass it over to me
Don't bogart that joint my friend
Pass it over to me
Roll another one
Just like the other one
You've been holding on to it
And I sure will like a hit
Roll another one
Just like the other one
That one's burned to the end
Come on and be a real friend
The theory was not confirmed by the songwriters. Of course, "bogart" for "not sharing a joint" never caught on. If anybody used the term, it was a jest referring to the song itself.
One of the best examples of pop culture influence was Frank Zappa's "Valley Girl." Moon Zappa, fourteen at the time, hipped her father to some of the slang words some of the teens were using around the Los Angeles San Fernando Valley. Frank thought they were so funny, he wrote a song about these "Valley Girls," and Moon provided the recitation of the phraseology. Of note, it was just another one of Zappa's songs. It was withering parody, like a lot of Zappa's songs. He did not intend listeners to see the "Valley Girl" as anything you'd want to imitate. They were vapid, oversexed, materialistic, catty, and dumb. I guess they had a hunch the song could go places, so the record company released it as a single. You know the rest. All the slang in the song* was sought after and imitated by teenage girls nationwide. You even had things like "The Official Valley Girl Handbook." Even deeper was the extent to which the "Valley" accent and speech cadence became a universal in adolescent speech. Kids spoke that way absent conscious influence of the "Valley Girl" song. Sean Penn's Jeff Spiccoli chacarter in Fast Times at Ridgemont High and the later film Valley Girl contributed similarly.
*If you have "Valley Girl" on one of the "hits of the '80s" compilations, it's the radio edit, which leaves out much of Moon's Val rap. It is worth seeking out the full length version on Zappa's "Ship Arriving too Late to Save a Drowning Witch" album. I know the version on the Zappa collection "Specially Banded For Radio" is full length. The 12" single itself is a collectors item and will cost you more than either CD. For all its pop culture impact, "Valley Girl" only reached #32 on the Billboard Hot 100. On the other hand, a Zappa song making the Hot 100 at all was totally unexpected!
After all that, I still have a hard time picturing Michael McDonald with a joint.
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: Tia on 07/19/06 at 12:49 pm
After all that, I still have a hard time picturing Michael McDonald with a joint.
or ronald mcdonald, for that matter.
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: La Roche on 07/19/06 at 1:08 pm
or ronald mcdonald, for that matter.
"Quit Bogartin' my gear.. BOOOOONG!"
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/19/06 at 1:46 pm
(Sung to the tune of Row Your Boat)
Roll, roll, roll a joint
Pass it down the line (or Take a sip of wine)
Take a toke and hold the smoke
And blow your f***ing mind.
Or (this one is REALLY dated)
(Sung to the tune of Fr
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: chaka on 07/19/06 at 1:52 pm
(Sung to the tune of Fr
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/19/06 at 4:07 pm
(Sung to the tune of Fr
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: Lifesunfair on 07/19/06 at 5:19 pm
If I dressed up in Yellow overhalls with big red boots, with hair to match and a painted on smile...I think I'd try smoking a joint. When reality and out of it are that close together, why not?
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/19/06 at 6:57 pm
If I dressed up in Yellow overhalls with big red boots, with hair to match and a painted on smile...I think I'd try smoking a joint. When reality and out of it are that close together, why not?
I think Ronald McDonald is a pot-head because the 42-year-olds I've known who dressed like clowns and constantly craved fastfood have also been pot-heads!
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: Foo Bar on 07/19/06 at 8:54 pm
Dr. Timothy Leary led a great countercultural uproar as he made himself a martyr for LSD. Of course, the ideas of Hoffmann, Huxley, and Alpert, who advocated only the responsible use of psychedelics for scientific and spiritual purposes, were shoved aside. Leary was much more fun. By the end he did more harm than good for the cause of LSD and psychedelics in general.
And by the end even Leary repented.
I was lucky enough to hear him speak a few years before he died. His schtick in the late-80s/early-90s was that sufficiently-advanced virtual reality / cybernetics would eventually provide an experience to the brain indistinguishable from psychedelics. He didn't live to see it happen (neither the hardware nor, presumably, are the game designers, quite there yet), but he knew he was onto something.
A tip to the young'uns out there: If someone's selling you LSD today, it's almost certainly not LSD. If you can't synthesize it yourself (and by "synthesize it yourself", I mean "have at least an undergraduate degree in organic chemistry"), don't even think about consuming it.
I've never done anything harder than caffeine (my stimulant of choice) and alcohol (my depressant of choice). I've known some (ex-)hippie types who've done... more. After some talking about alternate-reality gaming and quantum physics (and one of the ex-hippies had a postdoc in math), we came to a consensus that I hadn't missed much, and recommended I wait for 20 years of computer/brain interfacing technology, or for the repeal of prohibition. Which was what they were doing: Hoping for the former, not holding their breath for the latter.
In brief:
For fun, stick to what's legal: alcohol. (if driving, 8 hours from bottle to throttle. if flying your own aircraft, 24 hours.)
For productivity, stick to what's cheap: coffee. (whenever, wherever! your boss will even buy it for you!)
For anything else, play lots of video games, because prohibition won't be repealed in our lifetimes.
And for what it's worth (which ain't much) -- I advocate full legalization. When I buy beer, wine, and whisky, I know exactly what I'm getting. When I use these compounds, if I'm dumb enough to get behind the wheel or yoke, I go to jail. Folks who choose to use other chemicals should have the same right. (And the government could make billions of dollars per year in taxes, while saving hundreds of billions of dollars per year in expenses, and we could have fewer prisoners per capita than the former USSR did, as fringe benefits. Consider that we have more people in prison per capita than the Soviet Union under Kruschev. Consider that we could pay for the entire Iraq war, for as many years as we're gonna be stuck there, if we only abolished the DEA and let a few thousand morons per year die, voluntarily, from things they consume by virtue of their own stupidity.)
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: Davester on 07/19/06 at 9:10 pm
I am not anti drug, but I do not endorse using them either. I don't make this claim because I'm part of some anti-drug group, it's because I have entirely too much real, first hand information about things which I'd rather not, and definitely rather not see others go through.
I suppose quoting myself is in order since you apparently missed or skipped this:
Yep, that sounds anti-drug to me. ::)
Red Ant, bro...
My reply wasn't an attempt to preach to the converted or question your stance on the subject, but merely to expand on your statement woth some thoughts of my own. That's all. You've smoked in the past and have since given it up. You're for legalization. The "tobacco vs. marijuana" is what caught my eye in your post...
As for my claim that tobacco kills more people than all other drugs combined, here's your report:
You'll notice it is from a pro-drug website. You might also notice that the numbers are dated a bit and don't include all drugs, but even factoring in deaths from OC, Xanax, etc. they still don't add up to tobacco's figures.
As for my claim that heroin and cocaine are extensively processed and refined plant matter, well, read up on a few syntheses for them.
I'm grateful for the link...
This isn't a question, but a statement. But, if you have more questions, by all means, ask away.
Rhetorical device. Some call it bulls**t...
We are not talking about food here. My original reply to Fred was based on him saying "after all, it's just a plant". Lots of things are plants or natural, but that doesn't make them safe by any means. Statistically, tobacco is the most dangerous plant known to man.
An attempt at levity. Stillborn, of course... :D
Edited: Typo...
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: Lifesunfair on 07/19/06 at 10:34 pm
I think Ronald McDonald is a pot-head because the 42-year-olds I've known who dressed like clowns and constantly craved fastfood have also been pot-heads!
Long live the late 60's!
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/20/06 at 2:54 am
And by the end even Leary repented.
I was lucky enough to hear him speak a few years before he died. His schtick in the late-80s/early-90s was that sufficiently-advanced virtual reality / cybernetics would eventually provide an experience to the brain indistinguishable from psychedelics. He didn't live to see it happen (neither the hardware nor, presumably, are the game designers, quite there yet), but he knew he was onto something.
A tip to the young'uns out there: If someone's selling you LSD today, it's almost certainly not LSD. If you can't synthesize it yourself (and by "synthesize it yourself", I mean "have at least an undergraduate degree in organic chemistry"), don't even think about consuming it.
I remember Leary in the late '80s. He had a computer research business called "Futique," a name later adopted by one of those crummy Trance music artists. The Rolling Stone interview with Leary circa 1989 started:
RS: Should kids 'Just say no'?
TL: Of course not. They should just say 'No thank you'!
Yeah, that's the level old Tim was working on.
He went on to say drugs should not be used by "children," but that most adults can use all drugs, including crack and heroin, prudently. I thought the guy was really kinda lame.
BTW, I totally agree with you about LSD. If I was going to drop acid today, I would have to hunt high and low for a source I could trust. I don't appeal to "just say no" if I have the opportunity to discuss drugs with kids, I say, "You don't know what the hell you're getting! Some punk sells you a tab or a pill and fades off into the crowd, why would you trust him?"
I had one kid tell me in the early '90s that strychnine was a natural biproduct of LSD. What?
Turns out cut-rate blotter-makers use rat poison as a fixative! Nice, huh? So you get a "tab of acid" nowadays, it could be rat poison and PCP! When you do get LSD--and this has been true for decades--unless you have a source straight from M.I.T. or something, it's likely to be a piddling 20 to 50 mcg dose and some kid's been hauling it around in his backpack in 90 degree whether! I used to hear the Deadheads at my school say, "Oh yeah, we all dropped like five hits of acid last weekend, man!" Uh, no you didn't. If you took 500 mcg of LSD the way Sandoz intended it, heck as Owsley intended it, you would have to cancel all your plans for a couple of weeks!
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: CeeKay on 07/20/06 at 9:22 am
BTW, I totally agree with you about LSD. If I was going to drop acid today, I would have to hunt high and low for a source I could trust. I don't appeal to "just say no" if I have the opportunity to discuss drugs with kids, I say, "You don't know what the hell you're getting! Some punk sells you a tab or a pill and fades off into the crowd, why would you trust him?"
I had one kid tell me in the early '90s that strychnine was a natural biproduct of LSD. What?
Turns out cut-rate blotter-makers use rat poison as a fixative! Nice, huh? So you get a "tab of acid" nowadays, it could be rat poison and PCP! When you do get LSD--and this has been true for decades--unless you have a source straight from M.I.T. or something, it's likely to be a piddling 20 to 50 mcg dose and some kid's been hauling it around in his backpack in 90 degree whether! I used to hear the Deadheads at my school say, "Oh yeah, we all dropped like five hits of acid last weekend, man!" Uh, no you didn't. If you took 500 mcg of LSD the way Sandoz intended it, heck as Owsley intended it, you would have to cancel all your plans for a couple of weeks!
Good points, all. I have the same strategy with kids. I tell them about how they don't ever know what they're getting if they take drugs (heck, as a kid, who thinks about how something is made. I think many kids just assume that a drug is whatever the dealer says it is). I also emphasize that just because person A had a good experience with something, doesn't guarantee that person B's brain will respond in the same way. Likewise, you can have a good experience with a drug the first time you take it, and a very bad experience the second time. Taking all of that into account, it's not worth the risk. Sanity in this life is hard enough to maintain without adding random chemicals to our brains. It's comparable to running your computer on high-speed internet with no virus protection.
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: Marian on 07/20/06 at 2:54 pm
it's the name of a song by the Everly brothers! :D ;) ;)
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/20/06 at 5:45 pm
it's the name of a song by the Everly brothers! :D ;) ;)
Mary Jane Truman
(Harry's sister)
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: Fred on 07/20/06 at 9:38 pm
If doing drugs of any nature is your thing, then go for it. I can't tell you not to do them nor would I think to do so , but this statement (bolded text) bothers me. People have their reasons, whatever they may be, for not doing drugs, drinking, having sex, eating meat, etc. I don't think it's fair to bash someone for not liking something YOU like. I ate meat for a while and then quit, but I never told other vegetarians that I didn't like them for bashing meat without having eaten it before. They had their reasons and I respected them for it.
I personally have never done drugs and never will and I hate to think someone would dislike me based on that alone. That seems like a very suspect reason to hate someone.
Hmm Sister Morphine I'm sorry I worded that improperly when I first posted that. That's not what I meant. Most of my friends are strongly against Marijuana btw. What I meant to say is that I dislike it when people who have never done the stuff, think they know everything about it, and look down upon people who do it, not knowing the effects etc. Sorry for the mixup.
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: Fred on 07/20/06 at 9:49 pm
Well, I'd have to disagree with you there. First of all, tobacco kills more people a year than every other drug combined. The more important thing is that some of the nastiest drugs out there start life off as plants, including heroin and cocaine. Granted the plants are processed and refined extensively before one arrives with smack or crack. However, last time I picked up a High Times magazine, the THC in some varieties of pot was exceeding 30%. I can tell you those "kinds" of numbers aren't ever reached in nature.
I've found other ways (non-chemical) to deal with all the things that, at one time, I thought pot would solve.
....and at ~50$ a 1/4 oz, it's pretty damned expensive too.
That's true, heroin and cocane start off as plants, but I'm not talking about refining or extracting, I was just talking about the plant itself. I believe you're talking about cigarettes being the number one killer, not pure natural tobacco. And yes I realize that modern pot almost all cross-bread and much more potent than before, 30% THC is pretty intense...
Lastly, wherever you are in the world $50+ for a 1/4 is WAY overpriced.
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: Fred on 07/20/06 at 10:04 pm
Interesting you come back to discrimination as the source for Marijuana being illegal. I wonder if alcohol wasn't such a white supremecy symbolism if it too would be illegal. Drugs do seem to be in the hands of minorites more often than that of your everyday white suburbanite. It seems to me that drugs have also really changed in there marketing of age groups. Back when I was a kid, at least from where I paid attention it was mostly teenagers and young adults using the stuff. Nowadays I see older and older people doing it. Or maybe those are the same people still using it. I don't know.
In Canada back in the early 20s alcohol was made ilegal. The reason for this is because authority figures and politicians thought that alcohol was the reason for wife beatings. Obviously we've come along way since then.
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: Fred on 07/20/06 at 10:27 pm
It may not be addicting as in the way nicotine is addicting but I know a lot of people who can't live without there weed. They always gotta have it, if they don't they're depressed and or pissed or something. So something about it must make them HAVE to have it.
That's because it's psycologically addictave just like anything really: chocolate, video games. It all depends on the person. No two people will be the same under the influence of any drug. For example: some guys are really fun and happy when they're drunk, some beat their wives. Sometimes I'm having amazing mind-expanding revalations when I'm high (those are the best), and other times I'm just zoned out watching TV and eating.
But marijuana is in no way PHYSICALLY addictave (so it's not like cigarettes or alcohol). It just depends on people's personalities. For instance if some one has a previous history of emotional trauma or some sort of psycological problems, they should stay away hallucinigens. Actually they should probably stay away from all drugs. People like that can become dependant on a substance very easily or it can mess them up even more mentally.
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: Lifesunfair on 07/20/06 at 10:34 pm
In Canada back in the early 20s alcohol was made ilegal. The reason for this is because authority figures and politicians thought that alcohol was the reason for wife beatings. Obviously we've come along way since then.
Sometimes things just take time. (Hence I got some left over sarcasam from you)
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/20/06 at 10:36 pm
In Canada back in the early 20s alcohol was made ilegal. The reason for this is because authority figures and politicians thought that alcohol was the reason for wife beatings. Obviously we've come along way since then.
That's the problem with that sort of moralistic generalization. Not every man who gets roaring drunk beats his wife. Some do. Most do not. I dare say, some men get drunk so they will not beat their wives! I remember my grandparents. I don't mean to speak ill of the dead, but when she was alive, my grandmother was an insufferable shrew. My grandfaher didn't beat her. My grandfather didn't drink. He never leanred to deal with her either, so he did keep his b@lls in his sock drawer for fifty years!
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: Fred on 07/20/06 at 10:54 pm
Sometimes things just take time. (Hence I got some left over sarcasam from you)
Actually there was no sarcasm intended.
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: Davester on 07/25/06 at 2:20 am
That's because it's psycologically addictave just like anything really: chocolate, video games. It all depends on the person. No two people will be the same under the influence of any drug. For example: some guys are really fun and happy when they're drunk, some beat their wives. Sometimes I'm having amazing mind-expanding revalations when I'm high (those are the best), and other times I'm just zoned out watching TV and eating.
But marijuana is in no way PHYSICALLY addictave (so it's not like cigarettes or alcohol). It just depends on people's personalities. For instance if some one has a previous history of emotional trauma or some sort of psycological problems, they should stay away hallucinigens. Actually they should probably stay away from all drugs. People like that can become dependant on a substance very easily or it can mess them up even more mentally.
While some marijuana users do develop a psychological dependency, there is no physical component to it, unlike nicotine, ethanol, and opiates. Likewise, the LD50 of THC (that is, the dose which would be fatal to approximately fifty percent of healthy adults in a statistical sample) is astronomical. It would take something on the order of half a person's body weight in marijuana to achieve that dose. Oxygen deprivation would kill you first...
It's not harmless, like some advocates say, but by the standard used to justify keeping alcohol and tobacco legal, marijuana prohibition makes no sense, and the costs of enforcing it (social and monetary), IMO, far exceeds any possible benefit of prohibition...
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: Gis on 07/26/06 at 3:36 am
BTW, I totally agree with you about LSD. If I was going to drop acid today, I would have to hunt high and low for a source I could trust. I don't appeal to "just say no" if I have the opportunity to discuss drugs with kids, I say, "You don't know what the hell you're getting! Some punk sells you a tab or a pill and fades off into the crowd, why would you trust him?"
I had one kid tell me in the early '90s that strychnine was a natural biproduct of LSD. What?
Turns out cut-rate blotter-makers use rat poison as a fixative! Nice, huh? So you get a "tab of acid" nowadays, it could be rat poison and PCP! When you do get LSD--and this has been true for decades--unless you have a source straight from M.I.T. or something, it's likely to be a piddling 20 to 50 mcg dose and some kid's been hauling it around in his backpack in 90 degree whether! I used to hear the Deadheads at my school say, "Oh yeah, we all dropped like five hits of acid last weekend, man!" Uh, no you didn't. If you took 500 mcg of LSD the way Sandoz intended it, heck as Owsley intended it, you would have to cancel all your plans for a couple of weeks!
On that note 18 people died in 2004 in this area over the course of a couple of days from heroin overdoses.It turned out that a extremely pure batch got on to the market and because the addicts were so used to taking the stuff cut with who knows what this was way too strong for them.
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/26/06 at 6:03 pm
On that note 18 people died in 2004 in this area over the course of a couple of days from heroin overdoses.It turned out that a extremely pure batch got on to the market and because the addicts were so used to taking the stuff cut with who knows what this was way too strong for them.
Heroin is not LSD. LSD can't kill you, it can drive you temporarily psychotic, but it can't kill you.
There's a rash of heroin deaths like this every few years. That's biggest danger of opiates. If you overdose, you can die!
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: Tia on 07/26/06 at 10:26 pm
i heard on npr (i get all my good drinkin' and druggin' info on npm liberal media hounds take note) that they were mixing heroin with some kinda downer, a barbiturate deal. it gave it quite a kick but just a hair too much and bang! you were in a coma.
Subject: Re: Mary Jane
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/27/06 at 8:50 pm
i heard on npr (i get all my good drinkin' and druggin' info on npm liberal media hounds take note) that they were mixing heroin with some kinda downer, a barbiturate deal. it gave it quite a kick but just a hair too much and bang! you were in a coma.
That goes to my earlier point: Don't buy street drugs. You don't know what you're getting.
The most notorious heroin adulteration incidence was "China White". A couple of waves of "China White" deaths rolled through the dope-shooting population in the '70s and '80s. Prior to the drug cartels glutting the market in the late '80s and into the '90s with cheap good stuff, heroin wholesalers were trying to fob off overpriced skag. But then along came a gift from the pharma-gods, Fentanyl!
Morphine is the strongest natural opium derivative prescribed to patients in the U.S. It is still marketed under brand names such as "Kadian." Powerful stuff! "Fentanyl" is a synthetic opiod with a potency 80 times that of Morphine!!!
"Fentanyl" is used as an anesthetic and in extreme cases as an analgesic for opiod-tolerant patients. It had been on the medical market for about fifteen years before the dope dealers got their hands on it. It was like the "fortified wine" idea. Take the crappy stuff and boost the juice! I don't know who dubbed Fentanyl "China White," but when "China White" hit the streets, devastation followed. The danger is obvious. If you inject a substance 80 times more powerful than Morphine into your blood, you stand a good chance of lapsing into a coma and dying when the opiods depress your CNS into flat-line!
That's what happens when a person overdoses on opiates. The same thing happened to a lot of addicts who were accustomed to skag. When more potent heroin hit the streets in the late '80s, the dopers took their "skag" dose, and croaked. Another way addicts overdose is when they lapse while trying to kick the habit. When the addict withdraws, his opiate tolerance drops. When the addict lapses, he shoots the dose he left off with, but his system can no longer tolerate it. This is what happened to Dwayne Goettel of the band Skinny Puppy. He was a heroin addict. He tried to kick it. He went tried to get away from the "scene" by retreating to his family home in Edmonton. Tragically, the craving got the better of him. Goettel scored himself some dope, injected his old dose, and it killed him. Goettel died about eleven years ago. It was a sad loss for fans of Industrial music. Skinny Puppy without Dwayne Goettel is like the Beatles with Paul McCartney! Dwayne Goettel dies. Al Jourgensen survives. Life is unfair.
A heroin overdose is not necessarily fatal. The person just needs medical treatment in that crucial period between the overdose and the failure of the central nervous system. I knew a guy named David who died of a heroin overdose. He was not an addict, he just decided to "do" some at a party. Wasn't there, just what I heard. He retired to a guest room and nobody thought anything of it. They assumed he was just "sleeping." Nobody got concerned until they realized David was "just sleeping" fourteen hours later! DUH! During that time he lapsed into coma and died! All the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't bring David to life again. So be careful, kiddos!