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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Censorship on CBS Evening News' North Korean Missile Test Story, minutes ago?
Written By: Johnny_D on 07/04/06 at 5:49 pm
Minutes ago, I was watching CBS Evening News on our local Boston affiliate, Channel 4, and CBS's lead story was North Korea's missile test today. Towards the end of the report, the anchorman asked the reporter covering the story about whether the U.S. was tracking and prepared to shoot down the missiles if necessary ... CBS switched the picture back to the reporter covering the story, who started to say, on-camera, (I paraphrase only slightly) "Yes, as we know, the triangulation of radars necessary to track this kind of launch need---" --- and at that moment, the audio cut-out and a slide promoting the Boston Pops' 4th of July event came on the screen --- then a few seconds later, the CBS reporter came back, both video & audio, as he was saying --- "--- seconds to be able to lock onto such missiles".
Who's watching network newscasts so closely that they can censor classified information about how many seconds it takes the U.S. military's anti-missile systems to lock on to incoming missiles? What ELSE are such spooks ready to pull-the-plug-on at a split-second's notice?
Subject: Re: Censorship on CBS Evening News' North Korean Missile Test Story, minutes ago?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/04/06 at 6:05 pm
I don't know, Johnny, all I know is I'm not celebrating this Independence Day. I have only black thoughts about every liberty our Founding Fathers envisioned being shredded under the fascist regime that has usurped our federal government.
Subject: Re: Censorship on CBS Evening News' North Korean Missile Test Story, minutes ago
Written By: Sister Morphine on 07/04/06 at 6:07 pm
Everything has to be a f*cking conspiracy. It can't be a mistake by some doofus in the A/V room. Nope.....must be a conspiracy.
Subject: Re: Censorship on CBS Evening News' North Korean Missile Test Story, minutes ago?
Written By: Davester on 07/04/06 at 6:16 pm
Here's a link to the story...
North Korea Launches The Big One
...To catch up on what you missed.
Subject: Re: Censorship on CBS Evening News' North Korean Missile Test Story, minutes ago
Written By: Johnny_D on 07/04/06 at 6:20 pm
Everything has to be a f*cking conspiracy. It can't be a mistake by some doofus in the A/V room. Nope.....must be a conspiracy.
Sister ● Morphine, I hope you're correct --- I hope that wasn't the result of any kind of conspiracy.
Perhaps if somebody here can watch CBS's West Coast re-broadcast of The Evening News tonight, they can check to see if the comments that were omitted in the Boston broadcast are not omitted in the West Coast re-broadcast.
Subject: Re: Censorship on CBS Evening News' North Korean Missile Test Story, minutes ago
Written By: Sister Morphine on 07/04/06 at 6:21 pm
Sister ● Morphine, I hope you're correct --- I hope that wasn't the result of any kind of conspiracy.
Perhaps if somebody here can watch CBS's West Coast re-broadcast of The Evening News tonight, they can check to see if the comments that were omitted in the Boston broadcast are not omitted in the West Coast re-broadcast.
Why would it be a conspiracy? I see no need to live life that paranoid.
Subject: Re: Censorship on CBS Evening News' North Korean Missile Test Story, minutes ago
Written By: Johnny_D on 07/04/06 at 6:28 pm
Why would it be a conspiracy? I see no need to live life that paranoid.
I can't imagine why it would be a conspiracy -- that's why I found it so strangely coincidental and that's why I posed those questions at the end of my initial posting on this thread -- I'm looking for answers -- and again, I hope you are right about this, I honestly do. You and I agree that there's nothing to be gained from indulging in paranoia.
Subject: Re: Censorship on CBS Evening News' North Korean Missile Test Story, minutes ago
Written By: Foo Bar on 07/04/06 at 7:02 pm
"Yes, as we know, the triangulation of radars necessary to track this kind of launch need---" --- and at that moment, the audio cut-out and a slide promoting the Boston Pops' 4th of July event came on the screen --- then a few seconds later, the CBS reporter came back, both video & audio, as he was saying --- "--- seconds to be able to lock onto such missiles".
Who's watching network newscasts so closely that they can censor classified information about how many seconds it takes the U.S. military's anti-missile systems to lock on to incoming missiles? What ELSE are such spooks ready to pull-the-plug-on at a split-second's notice?
Good eye for spotting it!
Unfortunately, the sort of folks with their fingers on the censor button at CBS are most certainly not the sort of folks who know how many seconds would be required for ~cough~ to defeat a missile in boost phase.
Consider the wide range of stuff that gets broadcast live to air, even with an 8-second "7 dirty words" censor button. If the guy with his finger over the real censor button (whether he's a network employee is a government worker) knows something that specific, either a lot of people have failed to do their jobs (especially if he's a network employee :), or there are several thousand folks with individual fingers on the censor button. There's enough classified stuff going on that no one person could (or should!) ever be entrusted with knowing it all, and such a know-it-all is pretty much what would be required to hover over such a censor button in order for the button to be useful.
Neither scenario is plausible in my books. But thanks for making us think about it for a second, because these are precisely the sort of things everyone should be looking for, no matter who's in power.
The guy who trusts his instincts over what he sees on the news is wrong 95% of the time. The other 5% of the time, he's got a 5-10 minute head start on the competition. In finance and in civil defense, the guy with the best information wins.
Subject: Re: Censorship on CBS Evening News' North Korean Missile Test Story, minutes ago
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/04/06 at 7:23 pm
Why would it be a conspiracy? I see no need to live life that paranoid.
I do. Not prior to the present administration, but now, yes.
Subject: Re: Censorship on CBS Evening News' North Korean Missile Test Story, minutes ago
Written By: Sister Morphine on 07/04/06 at 7:35 pm
I do. Not prior to the present administration, but now, yes.
That's no way to live. I can't constantly look over my shoulder or wonder if aliens are sending subliminal messages in Steak and Shake commercials. I've never once felt the need to be scared ever......and I've been living through this administration just like you have.
Paranoia is an illness.
Subject: Re: Censorship on CBS Evening News' North Korean Missile Test Story, minutes ago?
Written By: Davester on 07/04/06 at 9:14 pm
I like a good conspiracy if it's well researched and has supporting evidence to a standard likely to promote discussion. But not if it involves Aliens, Nostradamus or the Bilderburgs...
Subject: Re: Censorship on CBS Evening News' North Korean Missile Test Story, minutes ago?
Written By: Tony20fan4ever on 07/04/06 at 9:18 pm
Hey, goof-ups do happen at TV stations...Audio/video engineers, nor the equipment, is perfect...
Subject: Re: Censorship on CBS Evening News' North Korean Missile Test Story, minutes ago?
Written By: Tony20fan4ever on 07/04/06 at 9:23 pm
I don't know, Johnny, all I know is I'm not celebrating this Independence Day. I have only black thoughts about every liberty our Founding Fathers envisioned being shredded under the fascist regime that has usurped our federal government.
Bush the Second and Dips*it Cheney are worse than any other Republican President and Vice President....
Subject: Re: Censorship on CBS Evening News' North Korean Missile Test Story, minutes ago
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/04/06 at 9:32 pm
This reminds me of a classic SNL skit during the first Gulf War, with the Dana Carvey/Phil Hartman/Kevin Nealon cast, when they were spoofing the questions that reporters would ask the military press secretaries, like, "Can you tell us about the numbers and armaments of your troop movements through XYZ?" ( <-- paraphrased ) and the press guy would be like, "Sorry, that's classified" and then the reporters would ask another similar question. Then, in Gulf War II: The Revenge (btw, if you haven't seen this article in the Onion a few years back, you owe it to yourself to go check it out in the archives :) Good stuff), you have Geraldo basically telling the entire world where the troops are and the numbers etc., then getting his smug porn-stache punkass booted out of his embedded assignment.
To bring it to topic, the reason I mention this is that sometimes, though disturbing, it might be prudent to ask the press not to divulge certain military strategies/secrets, because that puts the troops, the civilians they are protecting, and indirectly, this entire country, in danger. Okay, so let's say the reporter was allowed to go ahead and say that it takes "thirteen seconds" or whatever to have anti-missile lock-on. It may seem innocuous, but sometimes the little details can be enough to cause more than a minor nuisance to the military. Very unlikely that North Korea would see this and be like, "Oh, great, now we have a shot because all we have to do is get a missile to smack the West Coast in TWELVE seconds or less." But are you willing to take the chance?
That said, while it's good that the authorities might be able to censor sensitive material from news casts, it's also scary that they have the ability to do that to potentially ANYTHING. I highly doubt that that will come to pass, but it's still something we should all have at the back of our heads.
Of course, it is entirely possible that the reporter had a brain fart and the now-implemented seven-second delay gave the production team enough time to self-censor. Maybe you should contact your local news affiliate and find out.
Subject: Re: Censorship on CBS Evening News' North Korean Missile Test Story, minutes ago?
Written By: Red Ant on 07/05/06 at 1:38 am
I have to agree with Rice Cube and Foo Bar.
Our missle guidance system and radar tracking specs are not something that Joe Average needs to know, and certainly the North Koreans don't either. The more important question to me is "will our missles reliably defeat theirs?". It really doesn't matter if that time is 2 seconds or 2 minutes.
Who's watching network newscasts so closely that they can censor classified information about how many seconds it takes the U.S. military's anti-missile systems to lock on to incoming missiles? What ELSE are such spooks ready to pull-the-plug-on at a split-second's notice?
Interesting questions since I too believe that missle intercept and radar lock times would be classified information. Again though, I'd have to agree with Foo Bar here.
I'm more curious as to whether or not the Taepodong-2 missle failed or was aborted.
Subject: Re: Censorship on CBS Evening News' North Korean Missile Test Story, minutes ago
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/05/06 at 10:02 am
That's no way to live. I can't constantly look over my shoulder or wonder if aliens are sending subliminal messages in Steak and Shake commercials. I've never once felt the need to be scared ever......and I've been living through this administration just like you have.
Paranoia is an illness.
a. When I want your opinion, I'll give it to you.
b. You are a making literalist and sophomoric assumptions about what I was saying.
Subject: Re: Censorship on CBS Evening News' North Korean Missile Test Story, minutes ago?
Written By: deadrockstar on 07/05/06 at 11:02 am
a. When I want your opinion, I'll give it to you.
b. You are a making literalist and sophomoric assumptions about what I was saying.
;D ;D
Karma +1
Subject: Re: Censorship on CBS Evening News' North Korean Missile Test Story, minutes ago?
Written By: Mushroom on 07/05/06 at 11:30 am
TO put is simply, there are things that should be kept a secret, and should not be given out to the public.
This is especially true when it comes to the capabilities of the US Military. After all, to much information given freely can compromise both the troops and their equipment, putting them in unnessicary danger. Some things simply need to be kept a secret.
And does it really matter if we all know how long it takes to prep an anti-missle system? Is that something that we absolutely need to know? The next thing I suppose that everybody will need to know is the maximum depth that our Nuclear Submarines can dive to, and how many people are involved in foreign espionage in what countries overseas.
It was not all that long ago where the news media would voluntarially turn their back on a news story, if they thought that making it public could do more harm then good. The Manhattan Project comes immediately to mind. That story had been discovered many times during the course of the Second World War, but it was suppressed many times voluntarilly.
Now do not get me wrong, I believe in a free press. And I believe that they have the right to investigate things they feel are in the public interest.
However, I also feel that with this right comes responsibility. If the "news" they discover can adversely affect people with it's release and do not good in the announcement (other then to sell newspapers), then I feel they have the responsibility to not release it. This to me covers things like a project of the scope of Manhattan, the details of our submarine fleet, and details of our anti-ballistic missle capabilities. In fact, I feel that the recent release of information about the tracking of terrorist funding should not have been released. The only thing it did was to tip off the terrorists to find another way of sending their money, and to sell newspapers.
Odds are, what happened at CBS was a form of "self-censorship". And does it harm anybody in this country if they do not know how long it takes? I know that I am not going to loose any sleep because I do not know the answer.
Subject: Re: Censorship on CBS Evening News' North Korean Missile Test Story, minutes ago?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/05/06 at 12:02 pm
You know, this secrecy-national security stuff is so much a f**king sham, ruse, and cover-up. At least it is 99% of the time. It's like the way the Nixon Administration used to bring up "national security" when they were criminally carpet bombing S.E. Asia. National security? As if the people getting bombs dropped on them don't know they're getting bombs dropped on them!
A lot of the same crooks who were in the Nixon government are the same crooks both Daddy Bush and Dubya appointed to their administrations! They've just got more gray hairs and bigger chips on their shoulders!
Subject: Re: Censorship on CBS Evening News' North Korean Missile Test Story, minutes ago
Written By: Sister Morphine on 07/05/06 at 3:46 pm
a. When I want your opinion, I'll give it to you.
Take your own advice next time I make a post here, okay Sparky?
Subject: Re: Censorship on CBS Evening News' North Korean Missile Test Story, minutes ago
Written By: lorac61469 on 07/05/06 at 3:54 pm
Everything has to be a f*cking conspiracy. It can't be a mistake by some doofus in the A/V room. Nope.....must be a conspiracy.
Just the other night I was watching "So you think you can Dance" and just as one couple was getting ready to dance they cut away and went to a commercial. ??? I was thinking, ah it's just some doofus in the A/V room but then it happened again. Can you believe that? What do you make of that? Are they trying to get me to vote for someone else? I just don't know. :o
Subject: Re: Censorship on CBS Evening News' North Korean Missile Test Story, minutes ago
Written By: Sister Morphine on 07/05/06 at 3:57 pm
Just the other night I was watching "So you think you can Dance" and just as one couple was getting ready to dance they cut away and went to a commercial. ??? I was thinking, ah it's just some doofus in the A/V room but then it happened again. Can you believe that? What do you make of that? Are they trying to get me to vote for someone else? I just don't know. :o
The aliens who control the TV networks were obviously trying to get you to vote for someone else. It's plain to see.
Subject: Re: Censorship on CBS Evening News' North Korean Missile Test Story, minutes ago
Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/05/06 at 4:30 pm
What happened at CBS COULD have been an oops. Yes, they do happen. But, given this Administration's way of "handling" the press, it may have not have been. I didn't watch the show so I am not going to make assumptions about what happened.
On the same token, I love how it is ok for the Administration to "leak" info to the press when it serves their purpose (i.e. ousting Valerie Plame) but when they are caught doing something illegal like warrentless surveillances then they call the press unpatriotic. ::)
Subject: Re: Censorship on CBS Evening News' North Korean Missile Test Story, minutes ago?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/05/06 at 5:40 pm
"Conspiracy" is not a bad word. People in power conspire all the time. If we let the word "conspiracy" or the phrase "conspiracy theory" become synonymous with alien abductions and the circles of the Illuminati, then we forfeit our ability to discuss the collusion of power.
Not all conspiracy theory is created equal.
I don't believe extraterrestrials landed at Roswell, New Mexico.
I do believe the 9/11 massacres were an inside job.
One must examine probability, motivation, evidence, and questions the authorities refuse to address. I see enough of all of these in 9/11 conspiracy theory to convince me our own government had something to do with the bombings. On the other hand, while there are a bunch of strange things out there in the western desert, extraterrestrial visitation is such an extremely remote possibility, mathemetacally speaking, it is the very last thing I could ever believe to explain mysterious phenomena.
There is a long history of governments slaughtering their own people to further state power. There is no scientifically verifiable evidence extreterrestrials have ever visited this planet.
Subject: Re: Censorship on CBS Evening News' North Korean Missile Test Story, minutes ago
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/05/06 at 5:40 pm
Take your own advice next time I make a post here, okay Sparky?
OK, next time I want my opinion, I'll give it to me.
Subject: Re: Censorship on CBS Evening News' North Korean Missile Test Story, minutes ago
Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/05/06 at 5:42 pm
There is no scientifically verifiable evidence extreterrestrials have ever visited this planet.
Then how do you explain Ross Perot?
Subject: Re: Censorship on CBS Evening News' North Korean Missile Test Story, minutes ago
Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/05/06 at 7:56 pm
There is a long history of governments slaughtering their own people to further state power.
Yes, but like you said, it is a theory. There is a history of Latin American dictators slaughtering their own people to instill fear and augment their own power. There is a history of similar happenings in Southeast Asia, Africa, and prominently in North Korea. Until you can prove that W just ALLOWED 19+ terrorists to hop on planes and blow up a few buildings, it remains a theory...and continuing to toot the same horn over and over again makes you look like a lunatic in your own right.
No offense or anything.
Subject: Re: Censorship on CBS Evening News' North Korean Missile Test Story, minutes ago
Written By: Foo Bar on 07/05/06 at 9:00 pm
And does it really matter if we all know how long it takes to prep an anti-missle system? Is that something that we absolutely need to know? The next thing I suppose that everybody will need to know is the maximum depth that our Nuclear Submarines can dive to, and how many people are involved in foreign espionage in what countries overseas.
No argument here.
I personally think the example cited is a case of a random glitch. The manpower (from a compartmentalization standpoint) required to exercise that level of control over the media is too much to be reasonably believed. Any intel organization capable of bringing that much manpower to the table would be capable of more subtle ways of dealing with the problem, and we wouldn't be having this discussion, because nobody would have noticed anything.
My personal opinion is that the NYT is leaking precisely the sorts of things that the good guys want them to leak. And by "good guys", I really do mean the Joe Sixpack spooks at the various intelligence agencies who see it as a grand game of "America" vs. "The bad guys", and who put their allegiance to the country above their allegiance to any particular branch of the Demopublican party. Suffice it to say that whether the "R" or the "D" wings of the Party is in power, I trust our spies a hell of a lot more than I trust our politicians.
And we get to do it all over again in the next few days when Kim "Me So Ronery" Jong-Il lobs another one of his big missiles along with its requisite flurry of decoys.
Funniest part is, the more of us that speculate about whether the first one failed in boost or first-stage separateion, or whether the Yanks shot it down, the more ronery Kim feels.
Subject: Re: Censorship on CBS Evening News' North Korean Missile Test Story, minutes ago
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 07/05/06 at 10:09 pm
Yes, but like you said, it is a theory. There is a history of Latin American dictators slaughtering their own people to instill fear and augment their own power. There is a history of similar happenings in Southeast Asia, Africa, and prominently in North Korea. Until you can prove that W just ALLOWED 19+ terrorists to hop on planes and blow up a few buildings, it remains a theory...and continuing to toot the same horn over and over again makes you look like a lunatic in your own right.
No offense or anything.
Oh, none taken. Really. It's up to you. There is a lot of compelling evidence out there is you should choose to seek it out and examine it. Or you can choose to say that anyone who departs from the official version of 9/11 looks like a lunatic.