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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/07/06 at 11:01 pm
You've heard by now about right-wing doyenne Ann Coulter's latest crock, Godless: The Church of Liberalism.
The big to-do about the book is Coulter's blasting certain 9/11 widows-turned-activist. Coulter says the "left" uses the 9/11 widows as "human shields" who cannot be attacked. She goes on to rake the 9/11 widows, the so-called "Jersey Girls" over the coals, calling them "witches," and "harpies," and saying how they're millionaires reveling in their status as celebrities (sounds like somebody Ann might know, eh?), and how they're enjoying their husbands' deaths, and how their husbands were going to divorce them anyway, and other venom-spitting invective.
I like iconoclasts. I think it's a problem when you're not allowed to criticize a political stance because its adherents allied with victims. I said similar things about John Walsh and Mark Klass who lost their children to monstrous sex offenders and subsequently made careers out of advocacy for protection of children against predators. I would be hypocritical if I said Coulter should not criticize the liberal allegiance with these 9/11 widows. I don't agree with Coulter, but it's fine with me for her to argue the premise.
Where Coulter's iconoclastics go foul is in her personal attacks on the 9/11 widows. What I criticize in the right-wing's use of Walsh and Klass is what I see as the Right's political agenda. The worst I would say about those men is they may be allowing others to exploit their activism for disingenous purposes. I cannot imagine being heartless enough to say that Walsh and Klass are "reveling in their status as celebrities and enjoying the deaths of their children." WTF? I don't even have children (and note Coulter does not have a husband, wonder why!) so I can only imagine how life-shattering it must be to lose a child to the predations of a sex pervert. Likewise, how can Coulter presume what it is like to lose a spouse of forty years to a terrorist attack? I think it's baseless (and base) conjecture.
If a left-wing critic offered even the mildest criticisms of Walsh and Klass, he'd be lynched. Coulter is celebrated. Tonight I happened to catch Bill O'Reilly. He tsk-tsked Coulter's personal attacks, but agreed with her political premise. Sean Hannity joined Coulter and Coulter syncophants in the proverbial ribbon-cutting ceremony at whatever bookstore that was.
Speaking of conjecture, I conject Coulter is engaging in psychological projection as she describes these women profiting from the deaths of others and using it to further a political cause. I further conject that Coulter is a lonely, aging preppie who could not buy happiness with daddy's money, or her own money, or her blonde bombshell body, nor could she fill the giant void in her soul with all the Chardonnay and cocaine in the world. She is a pitiable person as mean as she is.
Of course, the 9/11 widows issue is just the tip of the cesspool, and the corporate media will court Coulter time and again so she may spout the rest of the kooky swill in her latest 300-page tome of hate.
Is it not ironic the auther of Slander engages in so much slander herself? Does it not defeat her "liberal media" harangue when Matt Lauer invites her on as his guest, but not, say, Greg Palast or Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., who have proven unequivocally that the Bushies stole the last two Presidental elections? I mean, what is a bigger story--the death of our democracy, or Ann Coulter hates a lot of people?
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: Tia on 06/07/06 at 11:07 pm
dag, i was gonna post on this but you beat me to it.
the real choice quote is, ""I've never seen people enjoying their husbands' deaths so much." absolutely rabid. she's a madwoman.
and i'll be honest, i actually thought her excoriation of hippy chicks back in the day was sorta funny. but this time she's gone too far.
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: Tanya1976 on 06/07/06 at 11:13 pm
Are you referring to Ann (I_am_a_loser_who_has_no_respect_for_women)er.
I hate her. She's a vile, miserable wench sprewing hate wherever she goes.
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/07/06 at 11:35 pm
dag, i was gonna post on this but you beat me to it.
the real choice quote is, ""I've never seen people enjoying their husbands' deaths so much." absolutely rabid. she's a madwoman.
and i'll be honest, i actually thought her excoriation of hippy chicks back in the day was sorta funny. but this time she's gone too far.
She excoriated "hippy chicks"? I hope she was referring to women with wide hips! Here's the kicker...Ann Coulter was a Deadhead! That's right, she went the way of so many spoiled prepsters with no need for a summer job, and followed The Grateful Dead on their interminable tours. Coulter does not dispute the fact that she went to over 100 "Dead shows." Now, what were the infamous activities peripheral to Dead shows? Reading The Wall Street Journal? Bible-talk breakfasts? Lemon-ade receptions? Ah, no, I'm afraid the correct answer is "pot smoking, acid-dropping, pill popping, booze-drinking, pagan rites, inebriated public disrobing, and group sex." But, hey, she was a different person in her youth, that was 1986. She and Dinesh D'Souza and Laura Ingraham were writing for that subversive commie-rag, The Dartmouth Review.
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: Tia on 06/07/06 at 11:44 pm
naw, it was something about latte liberals who drive suzukis and twirl around barefoot and something else... it's so over the top i have to admit i found it kinda funny but i can't find it now. actually if you try to google it you get all this stuff about her dead show escapades so oh well... i guess these days right wingers are so hypocritical, i hardly even notice it anymore.
EDIT: i found it!
"As for the pretty girls, I can only guess that it's because liberal boys never try to make a move on you without the UN Security Council's approval. Plus, it's no fun riding around in those dinky little hybrid cars. My pretty-girl allies stick out like a sore thumb amongst the corn-fed, no make-up, natural fiber, no-bra needing, sandal-wearing, hirsute, somewhat fragrant hippie chick pie wagons they call "women" at the Democratic National Convention."
i invite you to cut loose, ann! jeez.
the real hell of it is, the woman looks like a horse. and i'm not saying that because she has a loathesome soul, she really is not attractive. take a long long look at that face sometime. really.
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/08/06 at 12:23 am
naw, it was something about latte liberals who drive suzukis and twirl around barefoot and something else... it's so over the top i have to admit i found it kinda funny but i can't find it now. actually if you try to google it you get all this stuff about her dead show escapades so oh well... i guess these days right wingers are so hypocritical, i hardly even notice it anymore.
EDIT: i found it!
"As for the pretty girls, I can only guess that it's because liberal boys never try to make a move on you without the UN Security Council's approval. Plus, it's no fun riding around in those dinky little hybrid cars. My pretty-girl allies stick out like a sore thumb amongst the corn-fed, no make-up, natural fiber, no-bra needing, sandal-wearing, hirsute, somewhat fragrant hippie chick pie wagons they call "women" at the Democratic National Convention."
i invite you to cut loose, ann! jeez.
the real hell of it is, the woman looks like a horse. and i'm not saying that because she has a loathesome soul, she really is not attractive. take a long long look at that face sometime. really.
Whatever pulchritude she may have had has been despoiled by her lifestyle. She looks like a cokehead and behaves like a wet-brained alcoholic. I cannot prove either, but I see behavioral patterns that make me suspect both. Furthermore, beauty is only skin deep, but true ugliness comes from deep within. It is not for cosmetic reasons I don't find Coulter "beautiful," it's hardly even her venomous rhetoric. No, it is deeper. There is something icy and sociopathic in her countenance. She's got eyes like a crocodile!
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: jackas on 06/08/06 at 6:39 am
Ann Coulter is a whore. She's got some anger issues and diarrhea of the mouth. I can't figure out why anyone pays attention to her. And this is coming from Mrs Conservative.... ;)
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: deadrockstar on 06/08/06 at 9:59 am
Whatever pulchritude she may have had has been despoiled by her lifestyle. She looks like a cokehead and behaves like a wet-brained alcoholic. I cannot prove either, but I see behavioral patterns that make me suspect both. Furthermore, beauty is only skin deep, but true ugliness comes from deep within. It is not for cosmetic reasons I don't find Coulter "beautiful," it's hardly even her venomous rhetoric. No, it is deeper. There is something icy and sociopathic in her countenance. She's got eyes like a crocodile!
What do you wanna bet shes real big into sadomasochism? :P
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: deadrockstar on 06/08/06 at 10:00 am
I've noticed the most venomous right-wing commentators are ex-Lefties. Apparently Ann Coulter from what Maxwell said, also there is the clown Michael Savage if anyone is familiar with him. I guess its a form of projection.
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/08/06 at 11:19 am
[quote author=
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 06/08/06 at 11:40 am
The problem with people like this they do get attention-like this thread. Rather than just ignoring her totally, she is given a venue for her hate (i.e. talk shows, books, etc.). And when she said something totally assine, everybody jumps on it-putting her in the limelight. If everyone just ignores her, maybe she will go away-then again, maybe not. ::) .
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: Johnny_D on 06/08/06 at 11:41 am
Yes, boys and girls, it's Political Anagram Time!
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/08/06 at 12:04 pm
Yes, boys and girls, it's Political Anagram Time!
But we know she has "NO REAL C*NT," she just is one figuratively!
;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: Tia on 06/08/06 at 12:17 pm
rat nucleon is my favorite by a mile.
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: jackas on 06/08/06 at 12:55 pm
I think I like UNCLEAN ROT the best. ;D
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 06/08/06 at 1:01 pm
NO CLUE RANT says it like it is.
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: Tia on 06/08/06 at 1:10 pm
well, "C*nt loner" is probably the best at summing her up.
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: Foo Bar on 06/08/06 at 7:29 pm
Ann Coulter: Like Michael Moore, but at least you can say "nice legs, shame about the face".
(I actually enjoy both of 'em. Slander and Canadian Bacon were both a fun read, and a fun movie respectively, and they made their political points pretty well. Alas, like most pundits, their respective bases have become so radicalized that they both come off as merely shrill whackjob partisans these days.)
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/08/06 at 9:52 pm
Ann Coulter: Like Michael Moore, but at least you can say "nice legs, shame about the face".
If Coulter's such an incisive analyst of current events, why does she need the miniskirts? I wonder if she could get the same amount of TV time if she went 'round in the kind of godawful pants suits Hillary likes!
On the hand--uh, on the other thigh--it doesn't last forever, so flaunt it while you got it, hon!
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: Sister Morphine on 06/10/06 at 12:18 am
Ann Coulter is a vile, miserable woman. I heard her comments and couldn't believe someone would say something that disgusting and hateful.
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/10/06 at 4:04 pm
I've said it before and I'll say it again Ann Coulter is the conscience of the American Right.
Interpret that as you like.
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: JamieMcBain on 06/12/06 at 8:48 am
Ann sends cold chills down my spine, when she open her mouth. ;D She's probally stuck her foot in her mouth , so many times, she must love the tatse of it by now! ;D
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: Watcher29 on 06/12/06 at 10:27 am
I don't know. I think maybe we should settle this whole "culture war" thing by letting Rush Limbaugh and Michael Moore sumo wrestle it out. Then the winner gets to *eat* Ann Coulter. Of course, this would probably kill them immediately. Problem solved.
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: Tanya1976 on 06/12/06 at 12:52 pm
I don't know. I think maybe we should settle this whole "culture war" thing by letting Rush Limbaugh and Michael Moore sumo wrestle it out. Then the winner gets to *eat* Ann Coulter. Of course, this would probably kill them immediately. Problem solved.
Who says Rush Limbaugh hasn't already? ;) :P :-X ;D
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/12/06 at 1:26 pm
Who says Rush Limbaugh hasn't already? ;) :P :-X ;D
Ha! Rush is so far in the closet he's in a shoebox on the top shelf! As for Coulter, she's the type who never derived any pleasure from the act, she just used whatever man could help her climb the social ladder.
The last person on the Left as strident as Coulter is on the Right was Huey Newton--and we remember what happened to him! It seems to me that aside from Bill Clinton hanging on a gibbet, Ann Coulter and the fascists have gotten everything they wanted. Fascists do better playing the victim, that's all.
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: Watcher29 on 06/12/06 at 4:42 pm
I wasn't talking about that kind of eating. I was talking about the Hannibal Lechter "with a nice fava bean salad" kind. Either Rush or Michael should be able to handle that I should think.
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: Tanya1976 on 06/12/06 at 5:33 pm
I wasn't talking about that kind of eating. I was talking about the Hannibal Lechter "with a nice fava bean salad" kind. Either Rush or Michael should be able to handle that I should think.
I know what you were referring to! No need to explain.
Ha! Rush is so far in the closet he's in a shoebox on the top shelf! As for Coulter, she's the type who never derived any pleasure from the act, she just used whatever man could help her climb the social ladder.
The last person on the Left as strident as Coulter is on the Right was Huey Newton--and we remember what happened to him! It seems to me that aside from Bill Clinton hanging on a gibbet, Ann Coulter and the fascists have gotten everything they wanted. Fascists do better playing the victim, that's all.
Huey's opinions were substantiated. Ann is just completely off.
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/12/06 at 5:43 pm
I know what you were referring to! No need to explain.
Huey's opinions were substantiated. Ann is just completely off.
Hey, I'm with Huey! I was not equating the two. It goes to a point about the real AmeriKKKa--Justice is denied, nazism is celebrated! That's why Huey Newton and Martin Luther King were shot dead and Limbaugh and Coulter haul in more money than they can count!
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: Tanya1976 on 06/13/06 at 12:22 am
Hey, I'm with Huey! I was not equating the two. It goes to a point about the real AmeriKKKa--Justice is denied, nazism is celebrated! That's why Huey Newton and Martin Luther King were shot dead and Limbaugh and Coulter haul in more money than they can count!
True, but Huey died out of drugs, which is quite sad.
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/13/06 at 9:02 am
True, but Huey died out of drugs, which is quite sad.
Oh...you're right. I was conflating Newton with Fred Hampton and Mark Clark. The consensus about Newton's murder is that a dope dealer shot him in Oakland, 1989, over a transaction gone bad.
Let's not kid ourselves. These were violent guys. I agree with those who say the Black Panthers don't get enough credit for the positive activist work they did, but I would never sanctify them either. Huey fought to better himself even after the Panthers broke up, but he let his inner demons drive him to drug abuse. You go dope shopping on the streets of Oakland, you come back in a body bag!
The BPs are a favorite target of Ms. Coulter's vitriol.
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: Tanya1976 on 06/13/06 at 5:58 pm
Oh...you're right. I was conflating Newton with Fred Hampton and Mark Clark. The consensus about Newton's murder is that a dope dealer shot him in Oakland, 1989, over a transaction gone bad.
Let's not kid ourselves. These were violent guys. I agree with those who say the Black Panthers don't get enough credit for the positive activist work they did, but I would never sanctify them either. Huey fought to better himself even after the Panthers broke up, but he let his inner demons drive him to drug abuse. You go dope shopping on the streets of Oakland, you come back in a body bag!
The BPs are a favorite target of Ms. Coulter's vitriol.
Of course, b.c to Ms. Coulter the notion of angry black men terrifies her (and excites her) at the same time.
Yes, Fred was murdered. Unfortunately, Eldridge Cleaver went on to become a republican in his last years. The travesty of such a treasonous act.
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/13/06 at 7:29 pm
Of course, b.c to Ms. Coulter the notion of angry black men terrifies her (and excites her) at the same time.
Yes, Fred was murdered. Unfortunately, Eldridge Cleaver went on to become a republican in his last years. The travesty of such a treasonous act.
Eldridge was more than just angry. I think he was sociopathic and kind of nuts. Makes him a good candidate for the GOP!
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: Meghan88 on 06/14/06 at 10:59 pm
I couldn't help it, all this talk about Ann Coulter, got my blood boiling......i absolutely despise her.
heres a quote from her book "How to Talk to A Liberal"
" And why does native African kinte cloth get a free pass ? It is a historical fact that American slaves were purchased from their slave masters in Africa, where slavery exists in some parts to this day. Indeed, slavery is the only African institution America has ever adopted. But while some Americans express pride in their slave-trading ancestors by calling themselves "African-Americans" and donning African garb, pride in Confederate ancestors is deemed a hate crime. Perhaps, in a bid for the Catholic vote, Democrats could demand that those Masonic symbols be removed from the Great Seal of the United States. And how about the American eagle? The eagle is a bird of prey and hence offensive to rodents, a key Democrat constituency. "
AAARgh! Everything she writes and says is absolutely ridiculous! does she get her books edited/proofread before they go to press? Because I find it hard to believe that people would actually let all her ludicrousness/BS slide.
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/14/06 at 11:35 pm
Three pages, no Coulter defenders....
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: Tia on 06/15/06 at 10:18 am
and yet i'm hearing her book is #1 on the bestseller list? it's like the dukes of hazzard phenomenon. (when i was a kid everyone talked about how stupid the dukes of hazzard was, yet it invariably got good ratings so SOMEbody was watching it...)
who are these people buying her books? do they actually agree with her? (although her ideology is so incoherent i'm not sure what "agreeing" with her would mean?) or do they buy it for the shock/entertainment value? i used to listen to rush limbaugh a lot because i sorta liked hating him. i wonder what ann coulter would do if she discovered the plurality of her readers actually got her book because they found her prespammersite in an amusing way?
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/15/06 at 10:40 am
and yet i'm hearing her book is #1 on the bestseller list? it's like the dukes of hazzard phenomenon. (when i was a kid everyone talked about how stupid the dukes of hazzard was, yet it invariably got good ratings so SOMEbody was watching it...)
who are these people buying her books? do they actually agree with her? (although her ideology is so incoherent i'm not sure what "agreeing" with her would mean?) or do they buy it for the shock/entertainment value? i used to listen to rush limbaugh a lot because i sorta liked hating him. i wonder what ann coulter would do if she discovered the plurality of her readers actually got her book because they found her prespammersite in an amusing way?
Perhaps it is time to investigate just who is buying all those Coulter books, and in what quantities.
Or maybe it really IS the Barry Manilow phenomenon. That is, you never knew anybody who liked Barry Manilow, yet his albums went platinum and his tours sold out!
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: Tanya1976 on 06/15/06 at 12:20 pm
Eldridge was more than just angry. I think he was sociopathic and kind of nuts. Makes him a good candidate for the GOP!
Most definitely. I think it was the coke that fueled him.
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: Tanya1976 on 06/15/06 at 12:22 pm
I couldn't help it, all this talk about Ann Coulter, got my blood boiling......i absolutely despise her.
heres a quote from her book "How to Talk to A Liberal"
" And why does native African kinte cloth get a free pass ? It is a historical fact that American slaves were purchased from their slave masters in Africa, where slavery exists in some parts to this day. Indeed, slavery is the only African institution America has ever adopted. But while some Americans express pride in their slave-trading ancestors by calling themselves "African-Americans" and donning African garb, pride in Confederate ancestors is deemed a hate crime. Perhaps, in a bid for the Catholic vote, Democrats could demand that those Masonic symbols be removed from the Great Seal of the United States. And how about the American eagle? The eagle is a bird of prey and hence offensive to rodents, a key Democrat constituency. "
AAARgh! Everything she writes and says is absolutely ridiculous! does she get her books edited/proofread before they go to press? Because I find it hard to believe that people would actually let all her ludicrousness/BS slide.
Stupid b!tch! So America hasn't adopted our music, dance, slang, and any other entities.
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/15/06 at 12:32 pm
Coulter is a niche in which she is able to say what the rest of the Right would like to say. She is the true voice of the Republican National Committee. When the New York Post published the headline Coulter the Cruel, they meant it as a compliment. When you call the Right mean, cruel, uncaring, inhumane, insenstive, greedy, vicious, or ruthless, they just get off on it. They think that's a great way to be in the world. Those "qualities" are what makes you succeed in business and politics, and get rich. If you're not rich, you're not one of them. You may think you are, but you're not!
If that tabloid wanted to say something denigrating, they would have said "Coulter the Liberal."
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: CatwomanofV on 06/15/06 at 3:08 pm
Perhaps it is time to investigate just who is buying all those Coulter books, and in what quantities.
Or maybe it really IS the Barry Manilow phenomenon. That is, you never knew anybody who liked Barry Manilow, yet his albums went platinum and his tours sold out!
At least Barry has talent.
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/15/06 at 6:57 pm
At least Barry has talent.
And Barry doesn't make like he writes all his own material!
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: Meghan88 on 06/15/06 at 7:10 pm
Stupid b!tch! So America hasn't adopted our music, dance, slang, and any other entities.
i know, right?
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: Meghan88 on 06/15/06 at 7:11 pm
Coulter is a niche in which she is able to say what the rest of the Right would like to say. She is the true voice of the Republican National Committee. When the New York Post published the headline Coulter the Cruel, they meant it as a compliment. When you call the Right mean, cruel, uncaring, inhumane, insenstive, greedy, vicious, or ruthless, they just get off on it. They think that's a great way to be in the world. Those "qualities" are what makes you succeed in business and politics, and get rich. If you're not rich, you're not one of them. You may think you are, but you're not!
If that tabloid wanted to say something denigrating, they would have said "Coulter the Liberal."
lol. that's a good one.
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: deadrockstar on 06/16/06 at 11:19 am
Let's not kid ourselves. These were violent guys. I agree with those who say the Black Panthers don't get enough credit for the positive activist work they did, but I would never sanctify them either. Huey fought to better himself even after the Panthers broke up, but he let his inner demons drive him to drug abuse. You go dope shopping on the streets of Oakland, you come back in a body bag!
The BPs are a favorite target of Ms. Coulter's vitriol.
The Black Panthers may have done some positive activist work, but c'mon it was still a racist organisation. Hezbollah has helped to build hospitals and schools.
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/16/06 at 12:24 pm
[quote author=
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: Tanya1976 on 06/16/06 at 12:26 pm
[quote author=
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/16/06 at 12:41 pm
It wasn't a racist organization. Before you claim it as such, back it up with some proof. It was an organization that, albeit had strong methods of getting their point across, was necessarily created due to the racist behavior Oakland and other American cities had to face on a daily basis.
A lot of folks say the term "racist" is distinguished from "bigotry" in that it connotes political power over the object of racism. I tend to agree, but it's arguable either way.
Remember in the film Malcom X, when that white university student approaches Malcolm and says,
"I'm a nice person in spite of what my ancestors did, and I really believe in your cause, so what can I do to help?"
Malcolm pauses, looks down at her, and says,
I think the BPs were more like that. They had given up on white people, ALL white people (even white people like me), regardless of their intentions. They believed it was hopeless--and denigrating--to keep asking the white establishment for "justice." They believed they had to go out and make their own "justice" by any means necessary. Not the best attitude for the brotherhood of all mankind, but for chrissakes, I can't blame them for drawing the conclusion they did!
Racist? Possibly. What would have been the outcome for society at large if the Black Panthers got everything they wanted? Can't say. J. Edgar Hoover sure wasn't gonna take that risk!
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: deadrockstar on 06/16/06 at 12:44 pm
I'm sorry Tanya but the Black Panters were most definitely racist.
Oh wait, i forgot, blacks can't be racist. Only whites. We have it coming, just like we deserve it if our wages have stagnated due to illegal labor from South of the border. Thank you sir, may we have another? ::)
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: Tia on 06/16/06 at 12:48 pm
[quote author=
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: deadrockstar on 06/16/06 at 12:57 pm
You have to be pretty blind to see there isn't a double standard, Tia. Make fun of me by comparing me to Harmonica, i don't give a flying f*ck. The bottom line is I'm right and you know it, dude.
I get sick of people making condensending remarks about the jobs being taken not being ones Americans want to do anyway. They act like its okay for white Americans to get the shaft, and they're the same ones who scream and cry any time they even suspect a minority has been screwed over.
This is coming from a Liberal. Of course by some people's definition you aren't really liberal unless you put minorities ABOVE whites. But no, thats not racism, not at all. ::)
And the REAL kicker is somebody always chimes in to tell you YOU'RE racist if you point out this fallacy. Lifes grand, ain't it? :D
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: Tia on 06/16/06 at 1:02 pm
so it's your contention that society has up to now been equitable toward blacks and other minorities, and that this so-called "double standard" comes completely out of the blue?
if there weren't a history of anti-black and anti-minority racism you wouldn't be seeing any of this stuff now. and please do cite me some statistics about how much better off blacks and immigrants have it than whites, because i'd be curious to see them. just about everything i see says that there is a serious gap in income, quality of life and just about every other measurement separating blacks and other minorities from whites. either you believe that there is a certain degree of systemic racism in the system or you think blacks and minorities aren't as capable as whites. you basically have to pick one. but to say that society is equitable except for unprovoked anti-white racism is demonstrably wrong.
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: deadrockstar on 06/16/06 at 1:09 pm
so it's your contention that society has up to now been equitable toward blacks and other minorities, and that this so-called "double standard" comes completely out of the blue?
No, learn to f*cking read. Where did I say that? Tell me where I said that.
if there weren't a history of anti-black and anti-minority racism you wouldn't be seeing any of this stuff now.
So because our ancestors were butts its okay for us to be screwed over by policies that put us at a disadvantage?
and please do cite me some statistics about how much better off blacks and immigrants have it than whites, because i'd be curious to see them. just about everything i see says that there is a serious gap in income, quality of life and just about every other measurement separating blacks and other minorities from whites.
Thats the problem with your type of liberal. You want to assume there aren't poor whites. Because the majority are not poor its like those of us who are lower middle class or living in poverty don't exist or matter. We get shut out. We need help just like minorities do, but because of the color of our skin its denied to us. Do you realise how FRUSTRATING it is for a poor white kid who wants to go to college and can't to see blacks and Hispanics getting extra consideration because of their RACE when that white kid is in just as poor a socio-economic position as the black and Hispanic kids?
The problem I have is that Liberals have RACIALISED things when we should be focusing on the ECONOMICS involved. We should be helping people based on that, not race.
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: Tia on 06/16/06 at 1:12 pm
[quote author=
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: deadrockstar on 06/16/06 at 1:15 pm
You asshole, I made valid points and now you won't address them? You have no idea how insulting I find this.
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: Tia on 06/16/06 at 1:18 pm
[quote author=
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: Tia on 06/16/06 at 1:19 pm
oh, you're 18. i see now.
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: deadrockstar on 06/16/06 at 1:24 pm
"You want to assume there aren't poor whites. Because the majority are not poor its like those of us who are lower middle class or living in poverty don't exist or matter. We get shut out. We need help just like minorities do, but because of the color of our skin its denied to us. Do you realise how FRUSTRATING it is for a poor white kid who wants to go to college and can't to see blacks and Hispanics getting extra consideration because of their RACE when that white kid is in just as poor a socio-economic position as the black and Hispanic kids?
The problem I have is that Liberals have RACIALISED things when we should be focusing on the ECONOMICS involved. We should be helping people based on that, not race."
I made several points here. Just because you don't like the way I presented them does not mean they are valid points. Don't let my rudeness override my argument.
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: deadrockstar on 06/16/06 at 1:34 pm
and those valid points would be? i couldn't find them through the smug comments about "my kind of liberal" and comments about how i'm supposed to learn how to fcukign read and all-caps cries of "balony." you argue like a child in a schoolyard. you don't present any ideas to engage with or any concrete examples. you just insult and generalize.
I find it insulting when my personal problems are dismissed as if they don't even exist or matter.
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: deadrockstar on 06/16/06 at 1:39 pm
Well? I'm calm now. No cussing.
Awaiting a reply to my argument.
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/16/06 at 1:40 pm
The majority of whites are poor. The only time we matter to the politicians is when they need our votes. Thanks to the Diebold machines, even that is becoming outmoded.
College-level affirmative action is not enough. We need fundamental equality going back to pre-school, heck, going back to prenatal care! The racist power elites would much rather have jealous white students resent affirmative action for "minority" students than to identify with them economically.
If you come from a rich family, you can get a college education. If you can pay 30K a year, there is always some prep school that will hold the hand of even the most thick-headed, drug-addled rich kid...and if you you can pay 100K a year, you can get the same thing from a plummy private liberal arts college. The real color prejudice in favor of admissions is $$$GREEN!
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: deadrockstar on 06/16/06 at 1:44 pm
Max thats exactly what I was saying. :)
But Tia got butthurt because I was getting emotional. Sorry, its just that when an issue REALLY affects you personally, it can be easy to get emotional.
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: Tia on 06/16/06 at 1:59 pm
[quote author=
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: deadrockstar on 06/16/06 at 2:04 pm
Dude we just got crossways. I took what you were saying about the immigration thing the wrong way I suppose, and got too emotional. I'm sorry about it dude, I have mental health issues.
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: Tanya1976 on 06/16/06 at 4:19 pm
[quote author=
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: Mushroom on 06/16/06 at 5:22 pm
the real hell of it is, the woman looks like a horse. and i'm not saying that because she has a loathesome soul, she really is not attractive. take a long long look at that face sometime. really.
I actually do not find her bad looking, but she would probably look a lot better if she put some meat on her bones. Sheesh, she looks like a poster girl for the "Karen Carpenter Foundation".
I caught her on The Tonight Show this week, and I was actually shocked at how thin she was. When you can see the outline of the patella and individual bones in the wrist, you are far to thin.
And while I agree with a lot of what she says, I feel she goes about it in totally the wrong way. She needs some lessons in tact and diplomacy.
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/16/06 at 8:51 pm
I actually do not find her bad looking, but she would probably look a lot better if she put some meat on her bones. Sheesh, she looks like a poster girl for the "Karen Carpenter Foundation".
I caught her on The Tonight Show this week, and I was actually shocked at how thin she was. When you can see the outline of the patella and individual bones in the wrist, you are far to thin.
And while I agree with a lot of what she says, I feel she goes about it in totally the wrong way. She needs some lessons in tact and diplomacy.
I see it as a double bluff. What she says in such an obnoxious manner has a subtext of white supremecy and bougeois entitlement. However, when people boil away the ascerbic delivery, they only look at the manifest content of her statements.
"Oh, well, gee, that sounds fair enough," and that's as far as it goes in the mainstream media. They don't analyze what she's really really saying because of the top layer of mean rich girl rage!
I don't know what the "a lof of stuff she says" is that you agree with, and I don't think I want to.
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: Mushroom on 06/17/06 at 9:31 am
I see it as a double bluff. What she says in such an obnoxious manner has a subtext of white supremecy and bougeois entitlement. However, when people boil away the ascerbic delivery, they only look at the manifest content of her statements.
"Oh, well, gee, that sounds fair enough," and that's as far as it goes in the mainstream media. They don't analyze what she's really really saying because of the top layer of mean rich girl rage!
I don't know what the "a lof of stuff she says" is that you agree with, and I don't think I want to.
Maxwell, have you read any of her books? I find it fascinating that people will make judgements based solely on what other people say. That is not a good grounds to base a decision on. No more then making a decision on the junk Michael Moore says without watching his film.
And to be honest, she is not really any less inflamitory then Michael Moore or Al Franken is, other then she comes from the other side of the political spectrum. And yes, I have read books by Al Franken, Michael Moore, Bernard Goldberg, Rush Limbaugh, Anne Coulter, Tammy Bruce, and even Al Gore. I refuse to let my mind be made up by others, and instead make my own decisions based on reading the entire books in question, not simply taking snippets.
Of course, I would never expect you to see anything good from most of those I listed, other then Al Franken and Michael Moore. And they are just as offensive to Conservatives as Anne Coulter is to Liberals. But a lot of people on the left seem to enjoy making personal attacks when they are unable to make a counterpoint on the subject in question.
"Oh, she is so mean... I am going to go around and say she is ugly. I am also going to run around saying she is a racist, a trans-sexual, and anything else I can think of. That will get people to ignore her. Never mind that she has yet another #1 best selling book."
One way I have started to guage the childishness of how people react is to watch Wikipedia. It is amazing how people react on there when they feel their beliefs are under attack. I can bring up Michael Moore or Al Franken, and their pages are neat and open for modification. However, when you bring up the pages on Anne Coulter or Rush Limbaugh, they have had to be placed under protection because of all the vandalism. Then looking through what was removed and in the discussion page, it is all just outlandish attacks and slanders.
In fact, that is why I have increasingly tuned out this site. As time goes by, I see it is more and more becomming a place to bash all things Conservative, and for Liberals to pat each other on the back and tell each other how wonderful they are.
The fact that most of the comments in here are personal attacks and have no bearing on the actual discussion itself is a perfect example.
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/17/06 at 1:18 pm
^ I told you man, I don't wanna know!
(get me my crucifix and my clove of garilic)
Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh are not conservatives.
They are fascists. They are propagandists for the fascist-occupied Republican Party.
There is no such thing as the liberal media.
There is no such thing as the war on terror.
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: Tia on 06/17/06 at 6:27 pm
Maxwell, have you read any of her books? I find it fascinating that people will make judgements based solely on what other people say. That is not a good grounds to base a decision on. No more then making a decision on the junk Michael Moore says without watching his film.
as a self-identified liberal, i'm supposed to care what her book says? have you heard what she's been quoted as saying about people who disagree with her politically?
she's designed as a preacher to the choir. she would never listen to anything *I* say, why would i listen to her? she hates me and everything i stand for. i wouldn't psis on her to put her out.
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/17/06 at 7:20 pm
as a self-identified liberal, i'm supposed to care what her book says? have you heard what she's been quoted as saying about people who disagree with her politically?
she's designed as a preacher to the choir. she would never listen to anything *I* say, why would i listen to her? she hates me and everything i stand for. i wouldn't psis on her to put her out.
There are millions of great books out there I have not read yet. I have X number of hours left to live. Why should I spend any of them reading Ann Coulter, as opposed to say, Thomas Hobbes or Winston Churchill?
Furthermore, why should I buy her books and reward her and her publishers with royalties?
On the other hand, if I borrowed Coulter's books from the library, I could be up for a GOOD USA PATRIOT commendation from the NSA!
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: Tia on 06/17/06 at 7:27 pm
There are millions of great books out there I have not read yet. I have X number of hours left to live. Why should I spend any of them reading Ann Coulter, as opposed to say, Thomas Hobbes or Winston Churchill?
Furthermore, why should I buy her books and reward her and her publishers with royalties?
On the other hand, if I borrowed Coulter's books from the library, I could be up for a GOOD USA PATRIOT commendation from the NSA!
troodat. they're all stick and no carrot, those library card sniffers. they should send us a gold star when we check out their little right wing books!
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: Mushroom on 06/18/06 at 8:38 pm
as a self-identified liberal, i'm supposed to care what her book says?
If you have not read what she says, how on Earth can you ever make an informed and intelligent reply to it? That is the ultimate in ignorance.
In other words, damn the facts and knowing what somebody says, simply attack-attack-attack!
I am a moderate Conservative, and I have read a lot of works by the "opposition". That is how I make knowledgeable decisions on what people say. I refuse to simply tune somebody out simply because they are on the other side of the political debate. And when I make arguements against them, it is with the full knowledge of what they themselves wrote (or said). I do not simply prattle on the statements made by others who I allow to do all my thinking for me.
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: Tia on 06/18/06 at 8:51 pm
If you have not read what she says, how on Earth can you ever make an informed and intelligent reply to it? That is the ultimate in ignorance.
In other words, damn the facts and knowing what somebody says, simply attack-attack-attack!
I am a moderate Conservative, and I have read a lot of works by the "opposition". That is how I make knowledgeable decisions on what people say. I refuse to simply tune somebody out simply because they are on the other side of the political debate. And when I make arguements against them, it is with the full knowledge of what they themselves wrote (or said). I do not simply prattle on the statements made by others who I allow to do all my thinking for me.
hello? is anybody home? i laughed out loud at that "attack-attack-attack" line. ann coulter is the most virulent, disgusting, vile attack dog the right has to offer. i don't have to read her. i only have to listen to her on talk shows etc. to know that she hates me and everything i stand for. i'd have to have low self-esteem to actually READ one of her books about how horrible i am. i mean, i don't have to read mein kampf to know hitler was an anti-semite.
and as max says, there are plenty of books out there written by sane and thoughtful human beings so i don't see any reason to give her any more attention than she's getting already. but talking about her like i'm attacking her unfairly by not reading her books is hilarious. attacking from a position of ignorance and bandying around facile generalizations is her stock in trade, dude.
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: Mushroom on 06/20/06 at 9:55 am
and as max says, there are plenty of books out there written by sane and thoughtful human beings so i don't see any reason to give her any more attention than she's getting already.
Oh yes, like Michael Moore, Al Franken, Joe Conason, David Corn, et-all.
I forgot, all of the people who write on the Left side of the political spectrum are 100% correct, and never resort to name calling. That is because everything they say is the pure unvarnished truth.
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: Tia on 06/20/06 at 10:03 am
Oh yes, like Michael Moore, Al Franken, Joe Conason, David Corn, et-all.
I forgot, all of the people who write on the Left side of the political spectrum are 100% correct, and never resort to name calling. That is because everything they say is the pure unvarnished truth.
if you'll review, i've been less than spirited in my defense of michael moore. i don't like him much.
al franken, though, is pretty funny. ann coulter also has funny moments, to be quite honest. but out of all these people, david corn is the only one i'd think to take seriously as a political observer.
Subject: Re: Ann Coulter: wrong...or more wrong?
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/20/06 at 3:09 pm
But did you ever notice how liberals/progressives such as Randi Rhodes, Joe Conason, or Katrina Vanden Heuval get put on the panel against three loud-mouth right-wingers who shout them down, but when Ann Coulter, David Horowitz, or James Dobson goes one of these cable shout shouws, they get to go on by themeselves!
When they DO put a so-called "liberal" up there against one of these screaming fascists, it's always an Alan Colmes type. There's a whole raft of DLC Democratic strategists who always apologise for any Dem to the left of Joe Lieberman and cringe in the face of these neo-nazis and go on about how the Dems "really need to be more moderate, more centrist, and less strident" in their positions.
And then you have the big media shills who appear to be neutral but are total shills for the rightwing spin machine. Last weekend Tim Russert was giving one of horrible cornball Big Russ and Me talks, and he kept going on about, oh if only we were morke like our dads there would be more civility, and how, oh, you can get your political message across without shouting and being hateful. This is the same Russert I saw sit there with his sh#t-eating grin while Bill O'Reilly hurled wrathful invective at Princeton economist and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman. You know what Russert said to O'Reilly about his behavior? NOTHING!
Russert's central Big Russ and Me message is, "my father drove a garbage truck and he didn't complain!" He never mentions the fact that the purchasing power of working class salaries was several times greater in the '50s and '60s than it is today. The real message is, "all you workers out the just quit whining, shut up, and don't unionize." Russert and his ilk are far more insidious than benzadrine puff adders like Ann Coulter.
Again, I did not read Big Russ and Me. Why should pay $30 bucks for Big Russ and Me when I can watch Andy Griffith for free?