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This is a topic from the Current Politics and Religious Topics forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Hillary Clinton
Written By: Tia on 05/31/06 at 6:58 am
i'm sure there's another thread around here somewhere but i don't wanna go looking for it...
so there's a lot of buzz abuot hillary clinton these days, cuz the senate races are coming up and there's talk about her being the dem front-runner for 2008. anybody else think if hillary gets nominated it'll spell the doom of the demos in 2008? first, i think she's an amazingly cynical politican, vulnerable to the same thing her husband got accused of, taking whatever side on an issue she thinks will be the most popular. she's pro-war, which will isolate the left-wing base, but also pro-big spending, which will marginalize the right, and honestly, she's a decent orator for short periods of time, but i think with all the screen time she'll get as a presidential candidate she'll come off wooden and unlikable, because she never speaks from the gut.
so i say keep shopping, hil ain't the answer!
Subject: Re: Hillary Clinton
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 05/31/06 at 2:17 pm
a. Disgust with the Republicans rises exponentially over the next 18 months.
b. Because of the above, the Republicans cannot cheat because the electorate will not accept the results.
Let's face it, if Bill Clinton had done just one of any number of things Dubya had done, he would have been not only impeached, but removed from office and imprisoned.
I cannot recommend strongly enough David Brock's book Blinded by the Right.* Brock not only witnessed the right-wing hate machine assembled against Clinton, he was one of its prime architects. If you can stomach it, Brock will introduce you to a cabal of amoral operatives, cynical preppies, and bloodthirsty rednecks who coalesced to oust a popular president. When the Bill O'Reillys and Ann Coulters call the Left extremist and hateful, they are engaging in what psychologists call "projection." A George Soros is not a Richard Mellon-Scaife. A Katrina Vanden Heuvel is not a Laura Ingraham. A Center for American Progress is not a Heritage Foundation. The Left has not shown me they are capable of answering the Right with the same kind of soullessness, ruthlessness, viciousness, and mendacity the Right summoned against Bill Clinton. You must understand the Right put ungodly sums of money into the politics of personal destruction.** George Soros may have more money than Mellon-Scaife, but compared to Richard Mellon-Scaife, Soros is Mister Rogers! On the Right, libel is a perpetual motion machine and bullsh!t is a barrel with no bottom.
In 1994, Gingrich thundered and the Democrats cowered. Gingrich and co. could only claim there was a mandate for the Contract on America because Democrat politicians and liberal pundits grinned their sh!t-eating grins as the Right gound them under its boot-heel. In a phenomenon of mass Stockholm Syndrome the liberals nodded affirmative to every nonsensical invective with which the Right denounced them, and like the Omega pledges in Animal House, cried "Thank you sir, may I have another!" Boy, with all that, you'd think Clinton was toast!
Nope. As Robert Burns said "The best laid schemes o
Subject: Re: Hillary Clinton
Written By: CeeKay on 05/31/06 at 2:20 pm
i'm sure there's another thread around here somewhere but i don't wanna go looking for it...
so there's a lot of buzz abuot hillary clinton these days, cuz the senate races are coming up and there's talk about her being the dem front-runner for 2008. anybody else think if hillary gets nominated it'll spell the doom of the demos in 2008?
Absolutely. I can't imagine any strategist thinking she could win. The time for a woman pres might be approaching, but not Hilary and not now.
Subject: Re: Hillary Clinton
Written By: La Roche on 05/31/06 at 10:33 pm
i'm sure there's another thread around here somewhere but i don't wanna go looking for it...
so there's a lot of buzz abuot hillary clinton these days, cuz the senate races are coming up and there's talk about her being the dem front-runner for 2008. anybody else think if hillary gets nominated it'll spell the doom of the demos in 2008? first, i think she's an amazingly cynical politican, vulnerable to the same thing her husband got accused of, taking whatever side on an issue she thinks will be the most popular. she's pro-war, which will isolate the left-wing base, but also pro-big spending, which will marginalize the right, and honestly, she's a decent orator for short periods of time, but i think with all the screen time she'll get as a presidential candidate she'll come off wooden and unlikable, because she never speaks from the gut.
so i say keep shopping, hil ain't the answer!
You've hit numerous nails on the proverbial head on this one Mike.
She's a populist who is incapable of sticking with her decisions.
The only possible way I could ever even consider voting for her is if the Republicans ran Rice which of course will never happen.
Look at it this way..
Everybody that didn't vote for Bill won't vote for her, and then everyone that dosen't want a woman in the White house won't vote for her. So before the issues have even been debated she's lost half the voters in the country.
Never mind Hillary.
Subject: Re: Hillary Clinton
Written By: LyricBoy on 06/03/06 at 8:49 pm
You've hit numerous nails on the proverbial head on this one Mike.
She's a populist who is incapable of sticking with her decisions.
The only possible way I could ever even consider voting for her is if the Republicans ran Rice which of course will never happen.
Condoleeza Rice has no spine and has proven to rarely take responsibility for her decisions when they do not work out. I'd never vote for her and I am a Republican. I doubt that very many Repubs would vote for her either. If I recall correctly she has never run for as much as a position as dog catcher.
Subject: Re: Hillary Clinton
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/03/06 at 10:34 pm
Condoleeza Rice has no spine and has proven to rarely take responsibility for her decisions when they do not work out. I'd never vote for her and I am a Republican. I doubt that very many Repubs would vote for her either. If I recall correctly she has never run for as much as a position as dog catcher.
Condi? Rumors may prove true that she's been in bed with Dubya--LITERALLY!
Subject: Re: Hillary Clinton
Written By: LyricBoy on 06/04/06 at 7:09 am
Condi? Rumors may prove true that she's been in bed with Dubya--LITERALLY!
eeew. Now how do I get that picture out of my mind?
Subject: Re: Hillary Clinton
Written By: Foo Bar on 06/04/06 at 4:24 pm
eeew. Now how do I get that picture out of my mind?
Four simple words: "Bea Arthur, Abe Vigoda."
You can thank me later.
Subject: Re: Hillary Clinton
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/04/06 at 4:35 pm
Four simple words: "Bea Arthur, Abe Vigoda."
You can thank me later.
Weeeelll, I wouldn't put too much stock in it. Methinks the same sparrow that whispers in Matt Drudge's ear told Air America that Laura Bush has taken up temporary residence at the Mayflower Hotel--her security detail has been there when she'd normally be in the White House conjugal bed--and the reason is she's sick of the hanky-panky between George and Condi!
"My husb...uh, President Bush..."
(remember that one?)
eeew. Now how do I get that picture out of my mind?
Just think of Hillary giving Vince Foster a big soul kiss in the park before the CIA operative blows his brains out!
Subject: Re: Hillary Clinton
Written By: Davester on 06/06/06 at 1:10 am
Four simple words: "Bea Arthur, Abe Vigoda."
You can thank me later.
Bahaha!! *wiping the milk out of my nose*
Okay, not only is she electable, she's delectable, and her fundamentalism is undetectable. Besides, didn't she already serve two terms as de facto President?
If the Pubs field McCain, he will carry a large amount of swing voters. Hillary appeals pretty much to only the Bush-hating left. There's not a single "moderate Republican" or right leaning independent that would vote for her...
Subject: Re: Hillary Clinton
Written By: MaxwellSmart on 06/06/06 at 5:01 am
Bahaha!! *wiping the milk out of my nose*
Okay, not only is she electable, she's delectable, and her fundamentalism is undetectable. Besides, didn't she already serve two terms as de facto President?
If the Pubs field McCain, he will carry a large amount of swing voters. Hillary appeals pretty much to only the Bush-hating left. There's not a single "moderate Republican" or right leaning independent that would vote for her...
And Hillary goes so far out of her way trying to convince everybody she's a right-winger (centrist = right-winger). She says she's got big faith, she says she's gung-ho about the war in Iraq, she weighs in on favoring the anti-flag-burning legislation and the Defense of Marriage act. Yet, people still credit her as being part of the Left. The accreditation is supposed to be denounciation when the right-wing goes on about it, but if Hillary really had Marxist leanings at least I would like her better. The health care plan she was working on? Not Marxist, just pragmatic. That was thirteen bloody years ago and the fascists still excoriate for "HillaryCare." Nobody who is truly Left likes Hillary, and everybody who does not want to see the Nazi-occupied Republican party running the show ought to know her "centrist" strategy will go over like beans on a bus trip!
McCain is in the same camp as Hillary, you see. He's still trying to appeal to people who will never like him. He's got Stockholm Syndrome hanging out with those Nazis and kissing up to the Bushies who libeled his good name. The public shares more of McCain's positions on social issues, but the christo-fascists running the GOP will never get behind him because he's not all "I pledge alliegience to the flag, Tinky-Winky is a f a g."